Nick Uhas is the studly Pro Roller blade skater who also is a model actor and TV-Host. His Facebook profile says “Nick Uhas is an internationally known professional rollerblader, TV-Host and entrepreneur. He has traveled the world, attended an Ivy League University, and started several of his own businesses.” There is a lot of stuff […]
Category: Big Brother 15

Big Brother 15 Howard Overby: Model, Actor, Counselor and Defensive Back
The pieces are now in place for Big Brother 15: The Live Feeds, House and Cast are known. We have a decent Idea of what the first couple of twists are going to be like. Thank goodness there are no returnees this is a fresh bunch FINALLY. I’m still kinda expecting Elissa Slater to exhibit […]

Big Brother 15 Cast: Elissa Slater Sister of BB13 Winner Rachel Reilly
Prior to the Big Brother 15 Cast being revealed Julie Chen hinted at the fact that one of the new 16 house guests was a familiar face, but not who you might think. Well today we learned the identity of the house guest that she was hinting about, the sister of Big Brother 12 & Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Reilly. During seasons 12 & 13 you either loved Rachel or you hated her, there was no in-between. Only time will tell if Elissa Slater evokes the same reaction from the viewers.
Days before the reveal of the cast Elissa did a horrible job at trying to hide the fact that she was going into the house by tweeting she was going to Greece. She was immediately busted by the fans.

Big Brother 15 VIDEOS: Jeff Schroeder Interviews the NEW CAST!
The Big Brother 15 cast was finally released today and we now have 6 days to get to know the house guests before we can spy on them in the Big Brother House. In addition to the Big Brother 15 Cast Bios we also have short 2 minute Jeff Schreoder interviews of the entire cast. Take a good look at each of the videos and size up the competition because as part of the BB15 Twist you are being asked to vote on who is the Most Valuable Player each week. We also want to know what you think of this seasons cast, what are your first impressions?
These 16 new Big Brother House Guests will be living in the newly redesigned Big Brother House for what will be the LONGEST season of Big Brother!

Big Brother 15 Cast: Meet the NEW House Guests! AND The Familiar Face Is…
The long awaited Big Brother 15 Cast has now been released just 6 days before the June 26th première episode. Every season the release of the cast identities is one of the most anticipated as it is who we will be watching for the next few months as they compete, lie, and back-stab their way to the $500,000 grand prize. Today the cast of Big Brother 15 was released and as usual it’s a mixed bag of actors, models, old and young with a super fan mixed in there to win it.
We now have seen the house tours and some of the twists. The show starts June 26th so get your feeds and stock up your cave.
DON’T FORGET there are ONLY 5 DAYS left to subscribe to the Discounted Live Feeds!
Subscribe to the Big Brother Live Feeds

Big Brother 15 Spoilers MVP TWIST No Floaters Allowed and Three Nominees
As rumoured there will be 3 nominees this year “instead of two Houseguests being nominated each week for eviction, as in past seasons, contestants will nominate three in this summer’s edition.”
Twist Two
The Big Brother viewers will vote for the “Big Brother MVP” before the Houseguests even enter the game beginning with a pre-premiere vote starting Thursday, June 20 vote here .
“The Big Brother MVP will force the houseguests to rethink their strategies. With America rewarding good game play, it doesn’t pay to be a floater this summer,” The Houseguest who receives the most votes will be anointed that week’s, “Big Brother MVP.” The full scope of the MVP’s secret power will be revealed during the season premiere.

First Look at the Big Brother 15 House and New Twist information “ONE familiar face”
The Big Brother 15 House was released and we find out a bit more about this season twist. Earlier today dawg posted some shots of the house from the outside showed a modern decor which didn’t really carry on into the house.
The house tour shows off this years theme and reveals some twists which may or may not make you happy, Julie Chen calls the house “Mid century Modern” It appears that CBS is gearing up BB15 to have the most fan involvement yet. It’s kinda like what last years smash hit ABC The Glass House. Julie Chen points out that “America” Will have a more important roll in the game and it will effect nominations every week!!

Big Brother 15’s TWIST involves YOU! America Votes to Impact the GAME!
Today aired the newest Big Brother 15 commercial which gives us insight on what this seasons twist will be and how it will have a big impact on the game. From this most recent commercial it sounds like the fans will get to impact the game one way or another through a voting process. The voting process has been apart of Big Brother since season 6 called America’s Choice or America’s Vote where America has had the ability to impact the game in a number of ways. Having the viewers impact the game through voting is loved and hated by fans but ultimately it is done to get the viewers more involved in the show. Only time will tell what we will get to vote on but traditionally we have been able to vote on returning players, have not food choices, America’s Player Tasks, etc,.

Big Brother AFTER DARK TVGN Commercial!
GET READY Big Brother FANS! Big Brother 15 airs in just 9 DAYS on June 26th, 2013 and to get everyone excited about the première CBS has released a Big Brother After Dark commercial. This also means that you ONLY have 8 DAYS left to take advantage of the EARLY BIRD LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT OFFER for the BB15 Live Feeds. Get them NOW for only $23.99! That gives you access to watch the entire season of Big Brother 15 for only a few cents a day! After June 25th the offer will expire and the price of the live feeds will go back up to their regular pricing so what are you waiting for! SIGN-UP now through the link below and help support at NO EXTRA Cost!

Big Brother 15 News and Rumor Roundup Part 2 “More Floaters Please”
Can you believe it? Big Brother 15 is Starting in just 2 weeks!! As the Big Brother rumors run rampant we struggle to determine what’s real and what’s fake. 😉 I’ve been into Big Brother long enough to know whatever Julie Chen, CBS commercials, Grodner, twitter account z, twitter account q, blog A, Blog B etc etc.. say is borderline fiction so take everything with a grain of salt. With that said bring on the crazy rumors!! In case you missed it check out Big Brother 15 New and Rumor Roundup Part 1
Julie Chen tweets
Recently the host of Big Brother, Julie Chen was asked on twitter if there were any “juicy hints or teasers for the upcoming season” and her reply was that this seasons “twist makes it a no-floater summer!” So appears that the much hated floaters are going to have a difficult time “floating” to the end of the game this year. A couple ways to decipher this:

The Big Brother 15 LIVE FEEDS EXCLUSIVE Content is NOW LIVE!
The PREMIÈRE of Big Brother 15 is just 15 days away and today the Big Brother Live FEEDS are activated! Everyone that signs up for the Early Bird discount get access to the live feeds 2 weeks starting today before the première.
As of right now on the live feeds you get exclusive access which includes:
- Videos:
- Big Brother – Outrageous Moments
- Big Brother – Memorable Showmances
- Big Brother – Memorable Blindsides
- Big Brother – Crazy Costumes

How to Get Big Brother 15 Live Feeds in Canada
OK.. So CBS dropped a HUGE bomb on us Canadian Big Brother 15 fans today when they released the live feed information. CBS has decided to block the live feeds from Canadian fans for reason that are beyond me. Last time I checked Big Brother 15 is airing on Global this June. As a regular US viewer of the live feeds you should witness nothing different from previous years the service appears essentially is unchanged. It’s still the same great feeds but are now CHEAPER! so win win for US fans. As for the Canadian fans we need to jump through a couple hoops to enjoy our favourite summer entertainment.
How can I watch the Big Brother 15 Live Feeds in Canada?
You have to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) and purchase your Big Brother Live Feedssubscription