10:57am McCrea leaves Amanda says her suspicions about Howard are definitely true. Amanda: “I can’t say why.. I just know” Judd says he can’t even look at that f***er (Howard or spencer hard to tell because the water was running)
They move to the Backyard couch to chat, Spencer and Helen are still in the backyard exercising.. Amanda says she wants Elissa to stay so bad. Judd thinks that Helen is going to get MVP if Elissa leaves because her and Elissa are so close. Amanda disagrees says it’ll be Nick or McCrea maybe even Judd.
McCrea joins them.. Amanda tells McCrea that suspicions from yesterday are confirmed (Howard and Spencer are working together). Judd about Howard lifting weights “I hope you drop the weights on your face you mother f****”
Category: Big Brother 15
Amanda asks McCrae to swear on their future babies that he doesn’t know about a guys alliance.
1am Jeremy, Spencer, Helen, Candice, Elissa, Nick, Judd, Gina and Howard are sitting out on the backyard couch talking about the different cheap wines and other alcoholic drinks they like. Gina talks about how she doesn’t drink. She says that because she was in dancing school and pageants she never got peer pressured into drinking or $ex. Meanwhile in the bathroom – Judd, Amanda, Jessie, McCrae and Elissa are in the bathroom talking about how they are doing goodbye messages tonight. Elissa asks if anyone has figured out the sleeping arrangements. Andy says that he will have the havenot room to himself tonight. Elissa says that she can’t let him do that. Andy says no he wants to instead of sharing with someone. McCrae jokes that Andy could masturbate in havenot room because he will be all alone. Jessie and Candice head to bed. Jessie and Candice sit on the bed and Jessie does a prayer.
Big Brother Spoilers New 5 strong Sub Alliance is formed “genius plan”
10:49pm MC storage room Jeremy and Spencer
Jeremy has a new sub alliance for the Moving Company that will help get Spencer and Howard in good with his girls. “What if I bring you and Howard in with my three and make a five man alliance”
Spencer asks about the alliance they have with McCrea and Amanda.
Jeremy: “I was talking to Aaryn and she was like is this thing with Amanda real because I don’t want her here”
Jeremy: ‘I was that’s the name of the game..”
He told Aaryn they need to get some strength in numbers. Jeremy: ‘And before I said anything she said do you think spencer would be down”
Spencer likes this plan.
Big Brother Spoilers Judd: “Arkansasyou pieceofsh!t .. beatthefu**outof yourface”
8:31pm Cam 1-2 Cockpit Judd, Amanda and McCrea
Judd is telling them that Spencer has flipped the vote.
MCrea says if that is the case they should all vote out Elissa and try to secure themselves for the following week.
Amanda and Judd is pissed at spencer for all the whispering and lies.
Judd: ‘Spencer Is so f*** disgusting .. mother F**** .. “
Amanda brings up how spencer lied to her then denied it only to later admit to the lies.
Judd: ‘Why is he playing such a bizarre game
Big Brother Spoilers Jeremy: “I control my side.. I have made myself the principal”
6:33pm Cam 1-2 Hammock Spencer and McCrea
Spencer is saying he’s worried about going on the block right now before Jury. He tells him a jury house filled with MC means one of them are going to win it. Spencer knows for McCrea if he has MC’s vote and Amanda in the Jury he’s won Big Brother 15. McCrea tries to reassure him that he’s 100% MC and he’ll cut Amanda the second anything come up. Spencer: ‘Can I have your word on this dude.. If it gets down to a way to get her out and there is no blood on your hands or moving company.. would you consider cutting her loose before jury”
McCrea: “if we have to we have to.. “
Jeremy joins them.. Say that Aaryn is sketched out because she say Spencer and Helen playing chess thought they were making deals. Jeremy had to tell her it’s not about Elissa staying because she’s going.
Jeremy: ‘Aaryn is starting some rumor than aryan is a racist..”
Spencer: “ya I heard that.. Sh!t”
Big Brother Spoilers Amanda confronts Aaryn “I haven’t said anything racist”
Amanda fills McCrae in on the conversation they are having.. feeds go to fish..
Amanda keeps reiterating to be mindful. McCrea points out that they will use whatever ammunition they can, “Like even if it’s just the smallest comment they’ll use it against you”
5:00:30 Aaryn: “But I haven’t said anything racist they are just putting words into my mouth”
McCrea: “Exactly.. I wouldn’t worry about it too much”
Amanda: “Just don’t make any funny jokes especially around Candace because she’ll relay it as the most racist.. and be like WE have a Black President”
Aaryn :”We’ll I didn’t vote for him”
Amanda: “Because you are from Texas”
Aaryn: “Just saying”
Amanda: ‘I didn’t vote for him either”
Aaryn: “I appreciate you telling me that but that is the more immature thing EVER they call be barbie and all sorts of sh!t about me being blonde al;l the time.. whats the difference”
Amanda: ‘Because there is not… Feeds cut ****
Big Brother Spoilers Judd’s Plan “istovoteoutNickunlesstherearesomecrazy turnofevents”
3:24pm Cockpit Judd, Spencer, Howard
Judd saying that him and McCrea are going to be on Andy’s team for the Have nots Competition and they are going to throw it so Andy can go for the record of longest on slop.
Spencer says he’s heading to bed “aint no point staying up I’ll be up all night”
Judd saying that Nick has gone to everyone and offered the same thing that he has there backs 100%
Judd: “Has he said that to all of us?”
Howard: “Ya”
Judd: “Not very creative”
Judd says he likes Nick but is loyal to their group
Howard: “I don’t think we are targets even if Elissa stays.. plus we’re still on this side even with the numbers”
Aaryn says CAUGHT YOU SKETCHY F**KS! Smile you’re going HOME!
1:50pm Nick is in the lounge room talking to McCrae about his conversation with Amanda. He says that she asked him about being related to someone like Dan Gheesling. Nick says that he said no but somewhat avoided the question to leave the question in peoples minds to use the fear to his advantage later in the game. McCrae tells Nick that he thinks he is good for votes. Nick says that he thinks so too. Nick comments on how its good that Jeremy and Kaitlin are fighting.. just give it some time. Aaryn comes into the room with the HOH camera and jokingly says that she caught them, sketchy fu*ks. Aaryn says smile .. you’re going home! They laugh. Aaryn leaves. McCrae tells Nick that him talking game with Amanda will make her feel more safe with him because it will mean you trust her enough to talk to her. Nick agrees.
Aaryn says I swear to god if I am sleeping on yours and Jeremy’s $ex juice I am going to freak!
11:35pm Aaryn is making the bed and finds a stain on the sheets. Aaryn asks Kaitlin why there is a stain on the sheets. Kaitlin says we haven’t done anything! Kaitlin takes a look at the sheets and says there’s nothing there and then says EWWW!! What is that?!! Aaryn says I swear to god if I am sleeping on yours and Jeremy’s $ex juice I am going to freak! Kaitlin says we haven’t done anything though! Kaitlin says that she doesn’t know what that is. The conversation turns to talking about Nick and Gina. Kaitlin says I really hope that Gina and Nick fooled around. Aaryn says that she doesn’t believe it for a second. Aaryn says that she is getting a weird vibe that everyone in the outside world is getting the impression that he is ignoring her. Kaitlin says that she has told her that too. Aaryn says that she doesn’t like it and I don’t know how to change it now.
Spencer says that all the racial stuff doesn’t sit well with him.
9:30am Andy and Spencer are out in the backyard hammock talking. Andy says that he will vote how the house wants. Andy tells Spencer that he wants to go far with him and Helen … I want to go far with everyone. Andy says why get rid of Helen who is a guaranteed vote? Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. When the feeds come back – Judd is now talking to Spencer and Andy. Spencer says that there is a lot of in fighting in our group. Judd says that he doesn’t like how the others are treating Elissa. They talk about how Jeremy rubbed Elissa’s had on his a$$. Spencer says that he didn’t know about that until yesterday. Judd comments that Jeremy told me I am safe. Andy says that Jeremy is saying that to everyone. Andy says that it shouldn’t matter if the other side of the house is mad at us because we would have Elissa and be able to nominate one of them and get them out. Judd says that he is worried about if they do that Ginamarie is liable to punch him.
Spencer Clawson is in HOT WATER with his Employer over his Comments in the BB House!
If you have been watching the Big Brother 15 live feeds over the last 2 weeks it is not surprising that a number of the house guests are going to get a rude awakening when they leave the big brother house. In particular GinaMarie was fired from her pageant job, Aaryn Gries was Dropped by her modeling agency and now Spencer is finding himself in hot water over his comments.
Spencer Clawson is employed by the Union Pacific railroad and they are speaking out about the comments he has made on the Big Brother 24/7 live feeds. He has made a number of offensive comments that have undoubtedly land him in hot water with his employer as seen from their official statement below. He has spoken about how he knows a high level manager at his employment which was how he got the job in the first place so it will be interesting to see if that person also has the same pull to help Spencer keep his job.
Gina asks how can you not kiss me. Nick says the slower the better, cement doesn’t dry in a day, it takes months for it to dry correctly!
2am In the lounge room Nick is still talking to Spencer. Nick says that if he were to win HOH he would put up a small and a large target because then neither of them would win POV. Spencer talks about how Amanda is poison and will be the death of the moving company. Spencer says that Amanda is getting off the reservation. He says that the girls would drop them like that if they got wind of the moving company. Spencer says that they reason they need to get out Elissa this week is because she is going to go after Kaitlin and then Jeremy will be alone. She is not going to stop going after ya’ll. Spencer says that Kaitlin is fine as long as Jeremy doesn’t do something stupid and piss her off.
The camera view switches to the backyard where Andy, Howard, McCrae, Judd, Amanda, Candice and Helen are talking about the derogatory comments said in the house. Candice is going off about Gina saying her middle name was Shaniqua. Howard says that when you add the element of dislike to it, its not joking anymore. Amanda brings up she doesn’t like how some others have commented that they got Jewed out of something. She says that they weren’t saying it in a funny way, it was in a derogatory way.