A Big Brother 15 Wedding “love thy wife that loves thee and that’s you baby”

Andy: “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the marriage between Amanda and McCrae”
Andy: ‘Amanda I would like to give you the chance to speak your vows to McCrae”
Amanda’s vows to McCrae
MCcrea I vow to Stand by you and align next to you through have and have nots through sickness and through health. Through showers cold and hot and through nipple slips and nut slips I vow to be your BB wife in this house and eventually maybe one day outside I Love you

McCrea’s vows to Amanda
Amanda who would think this Crazy pizza boy from Minnesota .. don’t have much going for him and a crazy Jewish girl from Florida who would ever think.. umm .. I mean theres been up and downs i’m always going to be there for ya.. and trust you always .. Love you always.. my friends at my house always tell me you gotta go with your heart that’s what i’m doing.. love thy wife that loves thee and that’s you baby.

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McCrae says Elissa is sure win for anyone “No one respects her She’ll use the money like toilet paper”

8:48pm Backyard McCrae and Spencer
Spencer: “Hey.. do you have Aaryn under control”
McCrea: “Yup.. should be”
Spencer says he’s worried about Aaryn and Helen, “Get Helen in the have nots with her for a week and she’ll poison her brain”
MC: ‘Her talking to helen worries me but I dunno I have no idea.. I think Amanda is pretty close to Aaryn.. I don’t really talk to Aaryn”
S: “Well kick that sh!t into high gear for next week.. I think Helen will use Aaryn to do any dirty work that she can”
MC: I think helen is also worried about Aaryn.. I dunno”
S: “Aaryn is a safety wh***e she wants safety and she’ll do whatever for safety”
MC: ‘Even if Aaryn got it and you went up.. we still have the numbers it would be you me and andy and we only need three next week”

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Big Brother Spoilers “We have a 2 week window to get rid of Helen” -Amanda

6:02pm Bedroom Amanda and McCrae
Amanda mentions that Helen came up to her and told her Spencer is the target next week.
Amanda says if Aaryn gets power she will put up Spencer and Elissa if one of them come down they will backdoor Helen. McCrae adds if one of them gets power it will be the same plan but if Helen wins Veto they will put up Elissa.

McCrae says he wants to tell Aaryn they are going to have a fake plan to Backdoor her with Helen, Elisa, Andy, McCrae and Amanda. They are doing this just in case Helen or Elissa wins HOH this will keep Amanda and McCrae off the block.

McCrae doesn’t want Elissa/Helen to be thinking about going after him and Amanda she wants them to be preoccupied with Aaryn and Spencer.
Amanda doesn’t think Helen will put up two members of the 3am alliance especially her and McCrae, ‘Helen is in the three person alliance she won’t do that”

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“Helen’s a ruthless warrior mom waiting with a samurai sword to chop your head off” -Andy

4:14pm HOH Aaryn, Spencer and Andy

Aaryn says stuff of hers is getting moved. Andy is worried Jessie will fling the door open when he’s in the shower. Andy gets called into the Diary Room.

Aaryn says her and GM have made up they are fine now. Spencer says it seems like She didn’t want Aaryn talking to Jessie and stirring up trouble for herself. “Neither of you wanted to be told what to do.. I was like Ladies.. woman just chill out”
Aaryn: “We are girls because women don’t act like that”
Aaryn says she legitimately felt bad for Jessie but now I don’t.
Spencer: “she’s very sweet .. she leans to the sweet side.. but she’s so incredibly overwhelmed she doesn’t know what to do”
Spencer brings up how JEssie was listening in on the have nots room last night and when they opened the door she jumped on him like “Fu***ing Style” he told her “you gotta get out of my f***ing bed”

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Jessie says well I am going to go get ready for my day of TERRORIZING! Hi Rachel’s Shadow!

1:45pm Out on the backyard – Jessie, Amanda and McCrae. Jessie says cockroaches all of them! Amanda asks what about Spencer anything about him? Jessie says just that when Candice left she said to get with him because he has been playing dumb and that he is still wanting to get you out. Amanda says yeah I already knew that. Jessie says great game Amanda, you haven’t won anything and somehow you are the most powerful player in the game. Jessie says and apparently according to Aaryn I haven’t won anything either. Amanda and McCrae list off past players that never won anything and made it to the end. It’s almost better if you don’t win anything. Jessie says if you already knew my mission then maybe I need a new game plan for the week. Jessie says I never wanted to make out with Judd but I did it anyways. He was the worst kisser ever! So sloppy and gross! And the worst part was that that he said I was a great kisser and was like yeah so are you ..yuck! Sorry Judd. Jessie then says she wants to go get all done up for her day of terrorizing.

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Aaryn says if Ginamarie would chest bump me and I am her best friend, what would she do to others?

11:55am – 12:15pm Out in the backyard Helen heads out to the backyard to start her work out. Aaryn tells her that she thought about it and she isn’t going to give any of her energy to Jessie any more. If she wakes up and tries to start sh*t I will just pretend she doesn’t exist. Helen agrees that is the best move. Helen thinks that once Jessie leaves the show and sees she gets a little perspective maybe she will see that she was wrong. That maybe other people were wrong too but that she has blame in that too. Helen says that there are some people that we have in common that we cannot beat so maybe we can work together to get some of those people out. In the final two or three there are definitely some people that we cannot beat. Andy is in the same boat with us too. Helen says I have never made a final two deal with Elissa and it’s amazing that she has made it this far after how she started out in the game. We just have an understanding that we will take each other as far as we can go. With 9 people still left in the house it is just too early to make that deal. Aaryn agrees.

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Aaryn says to Ginamarie – You f**king followed me into the hall and chest bumped me like a F**KING PSYCHO!

1:25am – 1:40am Jessie heads out to the backyard where Spencer and Gina are sitting on the couch. Jessie says that she just heard the plan to evict me through a wall, so it is really good for ya’ll because if ya’ll make it far then I will be votes for either you or GM. Ginamarie asks wait what?! Jessie says because no one told me anything, Jess. Jessie says yeah. Spencer asks so what happened? Jessie says oh I just listened through a door way and I heard everybody saying everything. It was really easy. Gina asks who was talking? Jessie says Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissia, Aaryn. Gina asks Andy? Jessie says he wasn’t in there but they all basically outted him that I was the target all week and he has been lying to me saying I wasn’t the target that Spencer was going to go. Jessie says I am actually glad this happened because now I can go to the jury with a clear conscience and that I have been right about everything that I’ve been suspecting that people have been lying to me and treating me like dirt, ya know. I am cool with it, that I heard it come out of everyone’s mouths. Spencer says I am sorry bro. Gina says I didn’t even know. Jessie says well if either of you make it to the end they you have my vote. Spencer and Gina say thank you.

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Helen to Aaryn “I have surprisingly grown to like you a lot”

10:08pm HOH Aaryn and Helen
Aaryn says if Spencer is left in the house he will be her target because she knows Spencer will put her up. Helen: “Well then that is who we take out next week”
Aaryn adds she thinks Spencer would put her up as a pawn but she doesn’t think Spencer will want her out. She thinks Spencer isn’t scared of her so if he gets HOH he’ll make a big move.
Helen: ‘He should be scared of you”
Helen thinks Spencer will try to take Amanda out because of their bad blood. Helen: “He’s wanted her out Week one with the moving company”
Helen says spencer would never go against McCrae or Andy she’s thinking the boys have an alliance.
Helen: ‘If JUDD had stayed he would have been the glue for the 4 of them .. Taking out JUDD was really key”

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“I still firmly believe Spencer is going home I’ll be completely blindsided if he’s not”

8:04pm HOH Aaryn and Jessie
Jessie says Elissa is dumb as a rock. Jessie: ‘She tries to use all these words to make her look ‘Prestigious’..”
Aaryn laughs mention how elissa talks with long pauses between thoughts.
Jessie: “I see her being one of those really dumb wives that doesn’t know what the f**** is going on”
Jessie: “Elissa is nice.. she’s not a vindictive she’s just dumb”
Aaryn wonders if they had stuck to their side week 2 if they would be in a better spot now. (Jessie was one of the people that flipped to vote Nick out)
Jessie says Helen flirts with Spencer and it’s getting on her nerves, “It’s so obvious.. they (Elissa/Helen) have all been overly happy today because they know they are in the final 8.. not one of them has said anything to me today. you know you’re safe… we have your back.. NOTHING”
Aaryn: “If you are going home then I’m in the not know and i’m going next”

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“I’m finally one of the top 3 attractive guys in the Big Brother 15 House” -Spencer

5:15pm Backyard Andy and Spencer

Spencer: “The one thing about Amanda and McCrae is if they are coming after you you’ll know it.” He adds if Helen and Elissa are coming after you you won’t know until cut your throat.
Andy says most of the time Helen is a sweet mom but sometimes she says the craziest things to him, “She’ll pull me into the storage room saying ANDY … Amanda’s got to go she’s gunning for me”
Andy adds that he just has to talk her down and everything is fine. Andy brings up when Helen marched up to the HOH and asked him if he was going to backdoor her. Andy wishes he had said yes just for fun and to see what she would do.

The one thing Spencer misses about Howard now that he’s gone is the naps. When Howard was in the house Spencer could nap and if anything happened he would wake him up. Now that it’s just Spencer he feels he’ll miss something if he falls asleep.
Andy: ‘You don’t need to worry this week.. If people voted you out Oh my god there would be hell to pay”
Spencer: ‘As much as I appreciate that it doesn’t make me feel any better”
Andy says people have his back and it’s the people that he’s been loyal to for a long time.

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“There’s pretty much no scenario that is bad for us” -Spencer

5:00pm Andy and Spencer Backyard
Spencer: “There’s pretty much no scenario that is bad for us”
Spencer: “If Helen and Elissa won HOH what do you think of Swaying them to put up Aaryn and GM.. Aaryn is such a competitor”
Andy says yes but they would have to see who wins the HOH before they make plans.
Spencer: “Next week will be the first week i’m not on the block”
Andy says he feels terrible because Jessie thinks she’s staying. Spencer doesn’t care as much he’s heard Jessie say many times that she didn’t want to be in the game.

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Aaryn says Elissa is going to come after me like a spider monkey if I’m HOH and send Helen home.

1pm Amanda heads upstairs to the HOH room to talk to Andy. Amanda says you have probably heard this a lot about how if McCrae and I are on the block we would play separate games. Amanda says that she told Helen that too and she relayed it to Helen in a way that didn’t make me sound too good. Andy says I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Andy says yeah I think that is a good thing for both of your games. McCrae joins them. They talk about how its best they are keeping Jessie in the dark. They talk about what they will say to Jessie to get her jury vote. McCrae says that he will tell her that she was too good. Amanda asks what too good? Why would you say that? I would just be honest. McCrae says that he would be honest she is a vote that anyone could pick up. Aaryn joins them. Andy tells poopy (Aaryn) that he thinks she is in a good place. Aaryn doesn’t think so because she lied to me. Andy says that Helen just told me today she wants to keep you around. Amanda says that Helen changes her mind all the time. She needs to go in the next couple weeks.

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