7:11pm Cam 1-4 Ian, Danielle and Dan Talking about it being a good idea that whoever wins takes all the quack packers on a vacation. Danielle mentions her brother has a “Speed Bike” Dan: “You mean crotch rocket” Danielle: “Yeah a crotch Rocket”. Danielle mentions that if JOe ever found out she was in a Harley Davidson calendar he would have been all over her. Apparently Joe really liked that type of motor cycle. Danielle adds that when her father was going through his mid life crisis he bought himself and her brother motor bikes.
Category: Big Brother 14

The Best page in the Universe, Bernoulli equations and Shout outs to Ian’s Girls Hayden and Taylor
3:10pm Cam 1-4 Danielle is busy sucking in her gut while Dan and Ian talk about Bernoulli equation and how it’s used to calculate inside velocity in a pipe. Danielle is being fairly cordial with Ian. He asked her what she was thinking about having for dinner and her response was normal.
They start talking about Websites, Dan mentions liking the Drudge Report. Ian likes The Best page in the universe. Ian: “It’s that Maddox guy who wrote that book I’m better than your kids”. Dan thinks there is at least 5 parody images done up about Ian and Taylor. Ian doesn’t think they will find a clear picture of her. (Taylor is a girl that Ian likes) Ian does a shout out to 2 girls he knows Hayden jones and Taylor. Say they are hot and he likes their personalities.
Dan thinks the worst season was Big Brother 9. Ian says the worst season was 13. Dan laughs wants to know why. Ian: “everyone likable left early.. I ended up rooting for Shelly” Ian says he would rather Porsche won than Rachel”
Dan: “Who did you want to win Big Brother 12”
Ian: “Matt then Britney.. then Enzo and Lane.. Hayden I was lukewarm to but he played a solid game”
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Danielle says # 1 you can’t talk s**t about Dan, only I can & I don’t mean it, # 2 I f**king hate you, # 3 I f**king hate you!
12:50pm – 1:10pm Ian grabs some juice and asks Danielle if she is alright. Danielle doesn’t respond. Ian says okay I am going to head back outside. Dan asks you didn’t say anything? Danielle says nope. I can be a b***h if I want. Dan says I’ve never seen you like that. Dan says I am not doing his dishes any more. Danielle says it would make me smile to go off on him about it. Danielle asks if Dan will throw that last comp. Dan says no, I didn’t come 72 days to throw it just in the hopes of him taking me.. especially when I know I can beat him. Dan says he hopes Ian does throw it to me. Danielle says what would you say to him. Dan says I would say I have been working with someone since day one and it’s not you. Danielle starts talking about the competition and how she can’t believe she didn’t beat him. Dan says that he is going to tell Ian that you are super pissed at him and nice to me. Danielle says good, tell him that. Danielle says that she is pissed at him. Danielle says number 1 you can’t talk shit about Dan only I can and I don’t mean it. Number 2 I f**king hate you. Number 3 I f**king hate you!
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11:10am – 11:50am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return, Dan is out in the backyard and already in the pool. Ian gets up and changes his battery. He heads into the living room and puts on his shorts in the living room. Out in the backyard Big Brother asks them to lower the awnings. Ian comes out into the backyard and says good morning guys. Ian immediately starts swinging on the hammock. Danielle is lying out on the backyard couch in silence. Dan is back in the pool. He is trying to clean it. Danielle is lying out on the backyard couch in silence. Dan is back in the pool. Everyone is silent now, no talking.
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Dan Mists himself “Pure Insanity to throw the Final HOH. so insane it just might work”
10:33pm Cam 3-4 Danielle and Dan Dan asks her what is wrong.. She says she feels alone and she knows Ian will not take her to the end. Danielle starts crying, Dan gives her a hug. Tells her not to worry.
Dan goes back to the kitchen.. Says to himself “Wasn’t this hard the first time around”.. He sites and looks at the memory wall… “What the heck do I do”
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Big Brother 14 Final HOH Part 2 results
Ian Wins HOh Part 2
9:05pm Cam 1-2 Feeds Back kitchen Dan Ian and Danielle
Danielle is freaking out on Ian saying if he takes Dan she will taint the jury and nobody will vote for him. Dan takes Ian into the Arcade room asks him how does Danielle know Ian says she heard him say final 2.
Ian says he feels sick he goes into the toilet and throwsup. Dan is in the Arcade Room, Danielle marchs into the Bathroom starts Screaming at Ian (FEEDS ARE NUTS RIGHT NOW and I’m not joking this time.. lol)

Big Brother Spoilers – Danielle’s Joker face returns
3:38pm Cam 1-4 Ian and Dan
Dan says he thinks he’s quicker than Danielle.. He has a good chance to beat her tonight. Ian: “I stomped her a$$ on Shamrock”
Dan asks Ian what he is going to do when he wins the 2nd HOH. Ian won’t rub it in or act too excited just to not upset her.
Ian says that Danielle doesn’t think if he wins he will Dan. She’s under the impression that he might Take him bit will probably take her.
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Danielle says Ian said what a dumba$$ for you to listen to Jenn & Joe the two biggest floaters in the house to get rid of a couple.
11:10am – 11:45am Danielle wakes up and joins Dan in the bathroom. Danielle says that she is ready for this to be over. Dan says yeah, I will never be back. Danielle asks never? Dan says it would have to have teams of three. Dan says that he has a lot of memories in this house. Dan remembers when he and Danielle were whispering and Kara walked by. They start talking about Britney. Dan comments on how he feels bad for her husband because she probably leads him around on a leash. Dan says that he’s a nice guy too. They talk about Ian and how she is only two years older than he is and she is so much more mature. Dan goes to the washroom. Danielle asks why are they still building? What is this? Dan tells her that he has seen elaborate morph competition sets before.
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Dan says that Ian thinks he has made a bunch of big moves but he hasn’t done s**t!
1:30am Danielle and Dan are playing a game of chess. Danielle tells Dan that she thinks her dad might have been so hard on her when she was growing up because she was destined to do something difficult like this. Dan starts talking to Danielle about the face morph competition. Dan tells her about the face morph competition during his season. Danielle tells him that she has been studying the memory wall photos. She tells him that she has a photographic memory. Dan starts giving her pointers on how to complete it within the time limit as it is a timed competition. Danielle says that she always did really good at the face morph competitions when she was watching them on TV. Dan tells Danielle that if Ian knew what was up he wouldn’t have dropped during the first part of the HOH. Dan ends up beating Danielle at the chess game. Danielle mentions that Dan has beaten everybody in the house at chess this summer. They both head downstairs to the bathroom.
Watch it ALL on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – FREE 3 Day Trial!

Big Brother Spoilers – Dan’s topics, Acid Highs, Molly, Blow and Breast Implants on Ian
10:20pm Cam 1-4 Dan, Danielle and Ian
Dan says that once Frank came up to him and gave him the tickle monster and it felt really uncomfortable.
Ian: “I felt really uncomfortable a lot of times in this house and tickle monster is one of them.
Dan: “would anyone be opposed to me drinking tonight”
Ian: “Your beer.. no go ahead”
Dan asks Big Brother if they can have some pokemon cards. Danielle Says they won’t do that because it only involves 2 people, they have to include everyone.
Dan: “You can be the prize girl..
Danielle: “What the hell is the prize girl”
Dan: “You flip over the prize cards when I beat Ian’s Charizard”

Big Brother Spoilers – Ian tells Danielle her Fan Base is Old Men and Cat Ladies
7:10pm Cards
Dan gets out Ian’s volcano set and starts taking it out. Pulls out the instructions and throws them into the kitchen says “Instructions Who needs them”. Ian tells him they should keep the instructions otherwise they will not know the correct amount of water to add to the paper mache.
Dan asks Ian if he wants to build it and Dan will ignite it. Ian wants them to build it together and they can start the eruption together. Ian just doesn’t want Dan to break it. Ian asks Dan if During Big Brother 10 on the first night was Jerry going to sleep in the lounge because he didn’t know where the HOH was suppose to sleep. Dan doesn’t remember all he recalls is Jerry was super worried about where to sleep the first night.
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Danielle goes looney : ‘What makes me the maddest about Dan is I carried him the entire way”
4:00pm Cam 3-4 Danielle and Dan
Ian says it feel like eons ago when Frank left. When looking back at that veto he won it’s “Scary Sh!t”
Danielle wonders if what Dan did last night brought in a lot of ratings. Ian thinks a lot of people watched it. He thinks it will affect how viewers like Dan but it won’t affect the ratings.
Ian: “You want him gone don’t ya”
Danielle: “you have no idea”
Ian: “Holy Sh!T”
Danielle: “You have no idea… you (Dan) just took out my best friend.. my romance.. whatever.. and it wasn’t that you took him out it’s how you took him out”
Ian: “What did he swear on”
Danielle: “Nothing.. he just swore he would keep Shane safe”
Ian: “Cold Blooded”