12:30am Dan and Boogie continue to talk. Boogie says that he thinks they need to keep Shane around as a target for a few more weeks. They talk about how they can get one more HOH out of him. Boogie says that he wonders what Ashley would do if she won. Dan says that he isn’t sure. Boogie says that he doesn’t think anyone will be targeting Dan or Boogie. They talk about the banging coming from the HoH room and wonder if it’s Pandora’s box. Ian joins them. They ask him about the towels and ice packs under his armpits. Ian tells them that he had to go to see the medic because he got a chemical burn from the waxing. Ian asks about tomorrow. They talk about the possibility of a double eviction tomorrow and how it would work with the POV. Ian tells Boogie how it worked when Danielle and Jeff went in the same night. Ian says that he would be fine with that instead of an endurance competition. Boogie agrees and says that he isn’t in the mood for another endurance competition. Ian talks about what happened with the Nair. Ian says that Britney did it wrong and says that you should not rub it off. Ian says that he is now pink with hives from it.
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