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12:20am – 1am In the bathroom, Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are talking. Shelly complains about chicken wings being too hot. Shelly starts talking about having a surgical operation to take a muscle out of her starfish when she was younger. Shelly starts going in to way too much detail about this. Shelly and Kalia are getting ready for bed. Meanwhile out in the backyard, Jeff and Porsche are doing arts and crafts. Adam walking around smoking. Jordan then joins them out in the backyard. Adam and Jeff then go to play a game of pool. Jeff heads inside to go to the bathroom. Jeff runs into Kalia and tell her briefly that she can’t believe anything Dani says about his word or his character… and that if she has a question about something he said ..that she needs to come ask him talk to him about it. Jordan goes to sit with her feet in the hot tub. Kalia and Shelly join Porsche out on the couch. Kalia starts making things with arts and crafts. Shelly then joins Jordan by the hot tub. Shelly starts talking about thinking she could change the way people are …but you can’t . Jordan says that she felt the same way her season. Shelly says that when you have all these people looking at the same end prize you get the same thing. Jordan starts talking about her family and missing them. Jordan says she can’t stand all the cattiness. Shelly says yeah I know …I wake up and think here is another start to another BLANK four days.
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