10:10pm Big Brother gave them some alcohol. Hayden and Lane play pool as Enzo works out. Britney brings the beer and one bottle of wine out into the backyard fridge. They got 4 cans of beer and a bottle of red wine. Lane, Britney, Hayden and Ragan are now all sitting around the hot tub […]
Category: Big Brother 12
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan says that he has more meat than there is in the fajita package.
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! PLUS try it FREE for 3 Days! 8:40pm Britney and Lane head out of the HOH room Britney asks Lane who he is going to put up. Lane says that he already told Hayden that he was going up on the block. Lane goes […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Debbie downer Hinting to Suzie sensitive to Send Hayden home.
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! FREE for 3 Days! 6:33pm hot tub Lane and Hayden lane ask hayden if he’s OK with going up.. Lane isn’t sure were enzo’s vote is if Ragan is up against Brit, he thinks it’s best to put up Hayden. Hayden agrees, he […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel’s boobs are still being discussed and Lane/Hayden didn’t come from monkeys
2:50pm Ragan playing dominos by himself 2:52pm Backyard Everyone but Ragan They’re talking about the pool vacuum, Brit wants to know how it works. Hayden explains the one they have at there house is different then this one because theres doesn’t climb up the walls. Brit says she would never marry a guy with a […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Hayden suggests they Blindside Brit this week and Lane warns Brit she’s acting like a Princess
10am – 10:30am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the “We’ll be right back” screen. When the feeds come back up at 10:12am all four cameras are on the taj bedroom where Britney and Ragan are still sleeping. 10:51pm Kitchen Lane and Enzo They are talking about being motivated and getting things done […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney asks if they can imagine what Brendon’s sex face is like and says that she sees it all the time…
10:45pm – 12:30am The house guests are in the living room talking and joking around. Ragan says that it would be funny if a midget comes in with a sign that says I am yours to kill. Enzo says that he would want to BBQ little people. The conversations changes to talking about and […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers: It’s Sesame Street on Big Brother! Their second punishment is to use sock puppets to talk ..if they fail they’re HAVE NOTS!
7:50pm – 8:05pm After the pool game with Hayden, Lane goes over and sits by the hot tub with Enzo and tells him about getting money in Pandora’s Box. Lane says that he grabbed envelopes from the back because he thought the big money was in the back…and that he ended up with only $91.17. […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane asks Britney if she has her speech ready? Britney asks Lane if that’s him being nice & telling her she’s going up?
These Big Brother Spoilers talk about Britney trying to make sure she is not nominate this week while Lane is the head of house hold. Lane tells her not to worry Ragan is the target this week. Britney isn’t feeling so confident that if she gets nominated she’ll be safe. 6:40pm Ragan is Enzo is […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo Wins POV
3:00pm HOH Enzo and Lane. Enzo is talkign about the POV and apparently he did something to Ragan that Ragan thought was too aggressive. Enzo: “We’re fighting yo if that POV was in a pit bulls mouth i’m punching it in the face to get it”. LAne: “The brigade is winning everything now yo” […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit wants to know Whose the Pee Bandit, Enzo: “I sit like a B!tch wasn’t me” Hayden “Sorry”
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! TRY IT FREE for 3 Days! Big BRother 12 Poll Whose the hottest BB chick 9:40pm Kitchen – Lane, Brit, Enzo and HAyden Everyone just getting up, Enzo is saying he’s going to eat some toast then go back to bed. They talk about the blackout […]
Big Brother 12 – Hottest BB HG ever
As Requested by QAZ Here the Hottest BB HG ever. Send me a message if you want a poll put up. Click Here for PollOnline SurveyConjoint Analysis | Polls | Email Marketing | Crowdsourcing SoftwareView MicroPoll
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney jokes and says when ever someone asks her to do something after the show she is gonna say “No, I’m a reality TV Star!
$5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! PLUS try it FREE for 3 Days! 12am Up in the HOH room Lane is listening to his Eminem CD. Britney, Enzo, and Hayden are hanging out in and around the hot tub talking about random things. Britney talks about the how she […]