4:55pm Kitchen Brendon and Matt. Brendon was certain he was going home this week, he says it was obvious because of the way everyone acted. They go back and forth about how everyone treats Brendon Differently because now he’s safe. Brendon says he has a degree in Physics and Rachel has a degree in Chemistry… […]
Category: Big Brother 12
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says that Lane wants to saboteur Annie’s body.
2:10pm In the lounge room Kathy, Britney and Annie are talking about the competition. Brittany saying we HAVE to get Rachel out. Annie saying it was all luck for Brendan to win. They are talking about how after Brendon won he said education pays off. Brittany is making fun of him. See what […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon WON the Power of Veto!!
130pm The feeds come back from the POV competition, and Brendon WON the Power of VETO!! Brendon has the POV around his neck. It was a spelling competition, like last year when Jeff tried to use the word “technotronics”. Hayden, Britney, Kathy, and Kristen are talking about the order of the results from the competiton. […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney tells Hayden she will vote whatever way he wants..
Try the LIVE FEEDS for Free with the 3 Day FREE Trial 10:50am Britney heads up to the head of household room to talk to Hayden. Britney starts by telling Hayden that Brendon is planning to come after him (Hayden) next week. Britney says that Brendon said what’s good for the house isn’t […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon is freaking out… He calls Hayden “Young, dumb”
The guys are in the kitchen talking about movies. Ragan talks about the movie “Crash” and how he didnt like it. They then start talking about Broke Back Mountain and Ragan says he loved that movie … (go figure…) Watch whats going on right now in the house:3 DAY FREE TRIAL 9:40am […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: The houseguests are up for the day! Kristen walks in on Britney on the toilet…
Watch the first few days of the Big Brother house on the LIVE FEEDS for Free with the 3 Day FREE Trial 8:30am The feeds cut out and when they come back Big Brother has woken up the houseguests for the day. Britney is sitting on the bathroom couch saying good morning the […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Andrew wakes up Hayden in the HOH room to tell him hes NOT the Saboteur.. he wants to make a deal..
Watch the first few days of the Big Brother house for Free with the 3 Day FREE Trial 6am – 6:15am Andrew has woken up and is walking around the kitchen and then off to the bathroom. He then goes up to the HoH balcony and starts doing his Jewish ritual. He’s […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon and Rachel make out session…
Watch the first few days of the Big Brother house for Free with the 3 Day FREE Trial 1:50am – 2:15am In the Have Not Room is Ragan, Matt, Brendon, and Rachel. They are talking about the room. Brendon jumps into bed with Rachel. Ragan says that he really wants to pee […]
Big Brother Spoilage – Backyard Shenanigans in the BB house
12:20am Backyard Most the houseguests are sitting around chatting. The start talking about the “internet people” and how their glued to their screen 24/7 watching the live feeds. Hayden seem to know a lot about the feeds and tells them a bit about it. He explains that people get a subscription for the feeds through […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo “Wwwwhat the f*ck you talking about i’m not in a gang… f**k*n dankey.”
10:55pm Pool Table The Mafia – Enzo’s talking about getting rid of “ANDY/Annie”(andy WTF is he saying) He goes over when “Andy” was saying that Enzo is in a gang implying that he’s tight with hayden, matt and Lane. Enzo’s getting pretty animated about it saying “Wwwwwhat the f**k you talking about i’m not in […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Feeds are Active Brandon and Rachel Nominated
Big Brother 12 Begins… the Live Feeds are active and things are looking good. First week Big Brother Nominations and Head of Household are already known. Hayden is the HOH winner and Brendon and Rachel are the nominations. It’s 9:00pm in the Big Brother House and all the players are in the or around the hot tub engaged in random conversations.
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Episode 1, Parts 1-5 The Premiere of Big Brother 12! **UPDATED**
The Big Brother 12 UNCENSORED, UNEDITED 24/7 Live feeds will be turned on tonight after the premiere episode !! The live feeds begin at 9 PM Pacific Time! Try the Live Feeds for Free and watch the first 3 days of Big Brother 12 with the: 3 Day FREE Trial! […]