11:30am In the kitchen Britney is talking about her fiance and how he comes into a room naked pretending to look for something and make a small talk just to announce his nudity. She says that he does it to try and suggest they do it. Then she says that if shes in the shower […]
Category: Big Brother 12
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Andrew walked around with a boner this morning and its the talk of the house..
10:20am Matt and Lane are working out on the bench. Enzo and Annie are running in the yard. Then Annie goes over to Lane and he asks her if she can spot him. Annie says how can I spot you, you’re lifting 100lbs! Lane says no spot me down there. Annie yells gross!! Annie […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Big Brother tells Annie to put on her mic. Matt says Uh OH GAME TALKER!
Try the Live Feeds on Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 9am Big Brother cuts the feeds to wake up the houseguests. When they come back Brendon and Ragan are in the bathroom getting ready. Ragan is singing the Snoop Dog sippin’ on gin and juice song. Brendon says Snoop Doggs’s ‘Doggie-Style’ was […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says that Andrew’s wall photo makes him look like a registered sex offender..
12:10am The houseguests are all digging into the food and wine. Ragan pours the wine. The Have Nots are really loving the taste of real food again. Rachel says that the food tastes like an orgasm in her mouth. Ragan says he feels like his taste buds are like little ballet dancers doing pirouettes […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Have Nots Getting Ready For Midnight **Update**
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV!! 3 Day FREE Trial 10:35pm July 11th Storage Room Britney, Kathy and Monet. Monet is telling Brit that Annie is going to want to talk to her and she’s going to apologies for things. Brit was thinking she’d do that, Brit has gone over the votes […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel and Brendon “Them 2 gonna Bang I Just Know it”
9:30pm July 11th Cabana Room Monet and Annie. Standard conversation about how difficult the game is and how they weren’t prepared for the challenges they are facing. Monet tells her she was “literly shaking” during the POV ceremony because she thought she was going up. Annie knew she was going up.. Annie tells […]
Big Brother 12 – Rachel’s chest are Gummy Bears
8:30pm July 11th Living Room Matt, Brit, Enzo, and Annie talking about chests. Rachel telling them all about the serial numbers on fake chests. Matt and enzo wonder why they need serials. Brit explains to them that if there is a recall they need to know exactly your boob type. Rachel then says if […]
Big Brother Spoilers – Dinner time in the BB House
8:00pm July 11th Houseguests Getting ready for dinner, The Have Nots are counting down to midnight Hayden “Four hours to go Kathy hang in there” Watch Big Brother 12 on SuperPass – see what they can’t show you on TV.
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Annie breaks down and Brendon tells her he will try and fight for her..
4pm Annie is up in the HOH room trying to plead her case with Hayden to see if there isn’t some way she can stay in the house. Annie says that people have been coming to her for information, and that she openly gave it. Annie says we need to get rid of Brendon. […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel asks America if they like watching her tie knotty knots??
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV!! 3 Day FREE Trial 2:50pm The girls are still making their slip’n slide. Rachel is knelling on the ground and Matt makes the comment that her ass is pointed straight for the camera. Rachel looks back then says maybe I’ll just give them a little […]
Big Brother Line of the Day – ENZO: “If i get HOH people are kissing my fingers and smelling my nut musk”
1:50pm July 11th HOH Brendon, Matt, Lane, Rachel and Hayden. They are talking about how Annie is acting because she’s the replacement nomination. Hayden tries to stick up for Annie a bit reminding the group that she is on the block and she knows she doesn’t have the votes. Lane tells him its just […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Annie says she can’t believe she dyed her hair for this shit!
1:25pm Annie is in the kitchen going off and acting all defeated. Lane is trying to convince her to stop acting like that and to start paying the game. Lane tells her to go talk to Hayden and start throwing scenarios around like what will happen in this situation and that situation. Annie says this […]