FREE Live Feed Trial! Try it FREE for 3 Days! 11:40pm Enzo, Hayden and Lane are up in the HOH room talking. Enzo says that if he doesn’t win the $25,000 he will punch somebody. Enzo says that he honestly thinks one of them will win the America’s choice. Enzo says that America wants […]
Category: Big Brother 12
Big Brother 12 – Brit Learns About the Brigade, Brit: “Uh so I’m going home is that what your telling me?” Hayden: “well I’m telling you I’m not using the veto”
TRY the 24/7 Feeds Life Feeds 3 DAYS FREE! 10:11pm HOH Enzo, LAne and Brit Enzo says he was in an alliance with matty Day 2. Lane asks who else was there. Enzo: “there was 2 other people”. Brit says “oh”. Lane: “thats why you always hear about the brains, Animal, The beast […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Hayden is telling Brit about the Brigade Tonight!
TRY the 24/7 Feeds Life Feeds 3 DAYS FREE! 8:39pm Kitchen Silence..
Big Brother 12 Spoilers Drinking Game Edition – STEAMBOAT!!!!! Hayden Wins POV
TRY the 24/7 Feeds Life Feeds 3 DAYS FREE! 5:15pm Kitchen Hayden, LAne and Brit Hayden: “STEAMBOAT” Simon: “DRINK” LAne: “SNOW FLAKE” . Hayden puts together a bunch of Snow flakes he says they remind him of SteamBoat Springs. THey are trying to build a plastic model there is a ball and […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney says she’s worried .. Hayden says just go out there and win it’ve already won 3 of them..
FREE Live Feed Trial! Try it FREE for 3 Days! 11:25am Hayden is up and down in the jumanji room. Lane gets called to the diary room. Hayden says that he has already been to the diary room four times this morning. Hayden tells them that they are building something crazy out […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: BB wake up call …Britney puts on a finger condom and goes back to sleep..
FREE Live Feed Trial! Try it FREE for 3 Days! 9:45am – 10:25am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the “We will be back” screen to wake up the house guests. Hayden is laying in the HOH bed staring off at the wall, then after a few minutes he rolls […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane tells a story about his car getting stolen.. he and four of his friends pulled the kid into a room and…
11:30pm In the jumanji room Lane, Britney and Enzo are talking. Enzo says that he lets his wife pay for every thing because he is so broke. Britney says that with her last boyfriend she always paid for things. She would always pay for groceries or at least half. Britney says that with Nick […]
*updated*Big Brother 12 Spoilers – lane: “this season would of been 10 times better if there was a 4 person alliance”
TRY the 24/7 Feeds Life Feeds 3 DAYS FREE! 8:38pm Kitchen Hayden, Lane and Brit They are talking about past Big Brother Alliances.. HAyden says this year there was no 4 horseman. Lane: “this year everyone was by themselves except for Rachel and Brendon”. Hayden asks her what the best alliance in […]
Big Brother Nomination Results Final 4
3:30pm Kitchen, Britney and Lane Britney has found Enzo’s coin in the flowers by the table. This leaves just her and Lane trying to find each others coins. Britney tells him she needs the money more then he does because unlike him she’s probably going home this week. Lane tells her that they can split it so she can tell him where it is, Lane wants to split it 80/20 for him. Britney says no way she wants half. Lane doesn’t think Big Brother production will let him do that he remembers reading in the rule book you can’t split the winnings. Britney: “How are they going to stop you from mailing a cheque”. Britney: “Cmon Lane I need some kind of consolation prize I haven’t won a thing”. Lane: “Me to”. Britney tells him she’s mad at him for him telling her that she’s never going to find his coin and that she’s dub. Lane says she misunderstood what he meant. More flirtatious banter.
* Updated * Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Big Brother switches the live feeds to TRIVIA .. somethings happening..
TRY the Live Feeds for FREESUPERPASS! 11:30am – 12pm Enzo talks about how he doesn’t want to go back to work right away after …and that he just can’t. Enzo says that he wants to just hide out with his family for a bit and maybe call his work in while. Enzo says […]
* Updated * Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enoz yells if Britney wins POV ..IM DONE MAN! I’m going home.
Watch the last 2 weeks of BB12! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 9am – 10:40am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the “We will be right back” screen. When they come back Enzo is coming down from the HOH room and heads into the bathroom. Britney, Lane and Hayden are still trying […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says about Lane’re making me not bring you to the final two, the way you’re acting bro.
$5 off Discount – Ends today at 10am PST!! ONLY $9.99! Plus – FREE for 3 Day TRIAL! 12am All the house guests are up in the HOH room. Hayden is talks about how he took a class in university on starting your own business and making a business plans. Hayden talks about how he […]