11:30am None of the houseguests are talking, they are all just laying around trying to sleep or staring at the wall. At 12:20pm Big Brother calls an end to the lock down. Everyone leaves the HOH room, some head to the kitchen to make lunch and others get into their beds to take a […]
Category: Big Brother 12
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan says I need some stimulation BADLY, BADLY!
Live EVICTION & we find out about who the Saboteur is tonight! 3 Day FREE Trial 9:30am – 10am In the kitchen, Ragan says I need some stimulation BADLY, BADLY!! Andrew asks you need what?! Brendon says stimulation, mental. Lane comes into the kitchen and Brendon says hey look what the saboteur did […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon moves the kitchen chairs and says they’ll think the saboteur did it…
8:40am – 9:20am Brendon is the only houseguest awake, he gets up and goes to the washroom. Andrew was up this morning at around 6:40am to do his religious prayers and then went back to bed. Brendon goes back the bedroom and makes a lot of noise when he grabs his mic and puts on […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney says that Andrew is bipolar, half the time he’s kosher Jew, and the other half he’s satan.
11:10pm Rachel and Brendon continue to talk their relationship and what they have in the house. Both Rachel and Brendon agree that while they’re in the house they won’t stage a fight and break up. They both agree that would not work even if they wanted to. They say that once they get out of […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brendon to Rachel “I’m Like Tiger Woods Baby… But I Don’t Cheat on My Wife”
10:30pm Cabana Room Hayden, Kath and Kristen are laying down chatting. Hayden and Kristen share stories about when they use to wrestle their siblings and Hayden hurt his sister once and every since she doesn’t wrestle him. Kristen busted her brothers chin open and it start to bleed everywhere. Hayden “Chin cuts bleed […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit: “Andrew is bipolar 1/2 Jewish 1/2 Satan”
8:45pm JULY 14th Hammock Ragan, Kristen and Rachel Ragan is talking about the goodbye messages he says he wants to go and record his soon he has things to say, good thing . Rachel wonders why they are taking so long to call them in to record them. Talk drifts to the noises […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Lane tells Annie to Stop Being a little Girl and Hit him
7:18pm July 14th Backyard Britney and Monet play badminton 7:20pm Kitchen Lane and Brendon. Lane is telling him about his house in texas he says he lives in a retirement community it was pretty cheap. Brendon asks if he has a Home Owner Association. Lane says of course I do it’s […]
Big Brother 12 – Lockdown is Over Houseguests Get Lawn Games
5:10pm Kitchen Rachel Brendon flirting.. They talk about girls that seek out men so that they will have the mans money. Rachel says she knows some girls like that, Brendon does to. He goes on to explain a ex girlfriend that was like that. they both agree that it was girls that were […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit to Lane “Time to Get Off Hayden’s Balls He’s Not HOH after Tomorrow”
4:28pm bedroom Brit and Ragan Brit: “Andrew has been meticulous listening to all these noises preparing for the HOH challenge “they said he sat here for 15minutes trying to calculate the sounds”. Ragan says that he needs to start studying for those and he leaves. Monet comes in and brit tells her that […]
Big Spoilers – EL SALVATORE talk in the Cabana Room while Brendon “Beats His Meat in the Kitchen”
3:05pm Cabana Room Kathy, Ragan, Kristen, Brendon, Rachel and Andrew. Brendon is telling them about the “el Salvatore” taping over Enzo’s and Brit’s pictures. Kathy says it’s probably a prank.. the rest of them agree. Kathy goes on to explain why it’s not the real saboteur a) there was people walking all around […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – HOH Picture Time and El Salvatore Strikes Again
1:30pm – 2:45pm July 14th Around the house the houseguests are taking pictures with the HOH Cam.. Everyone getting along having a fun time… Theres lots of talk about el “Salvatore” it’s driving them bananas. www.onlinebigbrother.com
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: The saboteur gives the houseguests another message!! “I escaped the block this week”
12pm Most of the houseguests are in the kitchen eating lunch. A lot of random talk. Enzo asks Should I sleep, or should I sleep today?? They all laugh. Britney, Lane and Monet all head for the bedroom to nap. Britney asks Monet what do you think the name of the girl that will […]