Watch it happen as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 5:15pm HOH Brit and Rachel Brit is telling her she wants Monet to stay because they are friends in the house but she has not gone around trying to get votes. She hasn’t thrown anyone under the bus or talked about people behind […]
Category: Big Brother 12
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Post Blow up is Kathy is MeanGirl circa 1975?
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 4:30pm Palm Room Matt, Monet, Brit and Rachel Brit is talking about how kathy has been screaming at her tells her that she’s fake, doesn’t talk to anyone and when she does she mean. Matt “WOW Kathy is getting mean” They agree that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Monet Campaigns for votes, Kristen Confronts Brit and Meow Meow is Bored
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 3:10pm Pool Brit, Monet and Lane The girls are teasing around with Lane trying to “get his vote” Monet says that Lane reminds her of her dad. because he’s always teasing the girls and trying to be mean when he really isn’t. Monet […]
BB12 – While Campaigning for Votes Monet tries the Truth “I’ve never said anything malicious about Rachel”
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 1:43PM Pool table Monet and Kathy Kathy is trying to be nice but still is coming on to be sincere. Monet apologizes for saying that Kathy is the reason she is on the block. Kathy knows this is a game and understand […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon says if Britney is trying to use Andrews religion against him then he is going to call Britney out in front of everyone. Rachel tells Brendon NO!
Ragan and Matt are talking while they workout. Matt talks about what his eviction speech would be, he says he won’t even acknowledge the fact that he’s on the block and will simply say, Natalie, you’re a horrible person. Thank you all for letting me be here. They joke about how Natalie only showered one […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney jokes and says UMmm..yeah if I ever want to know something about valtrex.
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 8:45am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests for the day. Ragan heads straight for the hammock and goes back to sleep. Monet goes to the backyard couches and lays down. Matt and Lane are in the bedroom talking. Matt sums up the […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Hayden says America is going to hate me, and call me a home wrecker.
11:35pm Kristen, Brendon, Kathy about what’s up with Andrew. Kristen wonders what’s wrong with Andrew. Brendon mentions that Andrew is wearing a white yarmulke and that he said it was some kind of religious thing. He says Andrew just needs space sometimes. Kristen says she can tell that something is different, and that Andrew wasn’t […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo Gas Strikes “It Smells like Wet Puppies Here Take a whiff”
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 9:40HOH Brendon and Rachel making out 9:51pm Hot tub Backyard Enxo, Brit and Monet Enzo: “Smells like 2 puppies running around.. I’m going to bed pretty soon” Brit: “Enzo you always say that and you go to bed at 2” Enzo: […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Mean girls Being Mean, Brendon being a Douche and Enzo Acting Crazy
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 8:30pm – 9:20 Hot tub Mean Girls They are complaining to each other about being in the house. Monet says she would of walked out but then she wouldn’t get her money. Monet points out how how “freaking” hard this game is. Brit […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachal says I’m getting ready to come. Ragan says god this stuff stings when it gets in my eyes.
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 7:30pm Backyard Brit, Lane, Ragan, Enzo Talking about Libra and how she left her 8 month old twins to go on Big Brother. Britney thinks it was horrible she asks them if Libra went to sequester. Ragan says she was… Hayden […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Farting, Burping,Dollar Bill Stockades and BB Gangsta rap
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 7:09pm backyard couch Monet and Brit Monet is telling her that whats driving her to stay now is the look on rachel’s face if she can stay in the house this week.. Monet says that she thinks if theres a pair left in […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kristen “All I want to do Is to Libate and Gyrate”
6:25pm Backyard Rachel telling Brendon how Original Ganatsa he is.. Feeds cut to the couch where Ragan and Kristen are talkign about how board they are.. Kristen keeps singing “all I wanna do is Libate and Gyrate.. Libate and Gyrate” Ragan really wants to go watch a movie he now knows why when previous […]