6:35pm Backyard HOH comp Ragan, Brendon, Meow Meow, Matt and Andrew are left up on the flesh boards 6:39 Meow Meow OUT 6:41pm Matt, Ragan, Brendon and Andrew 6:46pm Matt “whats up Live feed nerds”!! BRENDON OFF
Category: Big Brother 12
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Second Eviction and HOH comp, Lane: “We need to get HARDCORE” **Updated**
HOH Endurance Lane off first Kathy second Kristen Third Hayden Fouth Brit Fifth 6:20pm Just guys left Ragan: “I want a flesh surf board I want to screw it” Ragan, Brendon, Meow Meow, Matt and Andrew are left up on the flesh boards
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane jokes for Monet to flash Andrew for his vote, he says use your assets!
12:40pm Lane is joking around talking to Ragan. Lane asks Ragan if you win HOH, do you want me to pick you up and hug you or pick you up and spin you, or hug and slam? Ragan says no slamming. Lane asks if he should run to him or should Ragan run […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Monet’s Going home and The Calm Before Endurance STORM
1:25pm Bathroom Meow Meow, Lane, Hayden, Monet and Brit Mostly just chit chat, Meow Meow is slurping down a protein shake. The boys talk about a news story were a person was running around with a dirty needle and poking people. Brit is getting grossed out by their conversation she tells them to stop it’s […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney jokes that Natalie’s garter belt for her wedding was Jessie’s gym shorts.
11:40am All the houseguests are still on HOH lock down. They laugh and joke about Natalie. Britney says that she is probably the most hated houseguest ever. Britney says the comments under her wedding photos were all really mean. She says the messages where like who would spend their life with her. And how her […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney say amen, just kill them.. if she was in prison for killing a whole family.. she would want them to kill her.
8:30am Enzo is up and waking around the house with his black blanket draped over his shoulders. He wonders into the bathroom, goes to the washroom then heads to the kitchen to make a drink. He grabs the fish sticks box and looks at whats in them, then goes to lay down in the lounge […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon tells Rachel that his parents would not approve. Kathy thinks its because of the boob job..
11:40pm Up in the HOH room Rachel is talking to Kathy. Rachel says she is upset because Brendon said his parents probably won’t like her. Rachel says that she doesn’t understand why they would not want someone like her to love their son. Kathy wonders if it’s about her boob job. Rachel doesn’t […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Meow Meow still shaving, Charades and the Brigade is still Standing
9:25pm Charades HOH Matt, KRisten, Andrew, Rachel, Brendon, Ragan are playing charades using the spy cam. The mime goes outside and does it in front of the HOH cam while the others inside HOH try to guess what it is. 9:26pm bathroom Lane and Enzo Enzo Found hair on his face, if you caught him […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Let Enzo make up the Next HOH “you have to take sleeping pills then try to F*** someone”
Check bitchybigbrotherout its funny and awesome. 8:50pm HOH Ragan, Brendon, Rachel Ragan tells them that he’s going to be fighting as hard as he can to win hoh.. Ragan tells them that no matter what happens if ragan wins HOH this coming week that he will not put B/R up not even as a pawn […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kathy ” you know you know I’ve lost 10 000 Brain Cells in here you know you know”
8:30pm Palm Room Kathy and Monet Kahty: “yo know you know…. its petty stuff…. you know you know… I have to consider what they’re going to do to me ….you know you know… it’s so messed up you know you know…” . Kathy is worried that people will go after her next week. Monet starts […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Matt Plays with himself, Dresses in Drag and spends the evening with Ragan in the Palm Room
7:00pm -8:00pm Kristen, Lane, Hayden, Enzo, Brit and Andrew on the floor All Chatting
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo will Win HOH If it’s Based on the Lack of Body Hair, “I’m shaving my P*b*s”
6:20pm Kitchen Enzo is getting ready to do some major eating tonight since at midnight he’s off the slop. check out this picture of TOmorrows HOH COMP 6:35pm Enzo Shaving his boy… talking about shaving his pubes and how much weight he’s put on since being on slop. Brit walks in and they […]