6:45pm Andrew tells Kathy he won’t be campaigning against her. kath tells him that the whole house is torn. She says that they didn’t expect for both of them to be up, “They wanted to backdoor someone” Andrew says thats what he’s hearing to and it’s stupid, “He wonders what would happen if […]
Category: Big Brother 12
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon talks about how everyone is probably saying that they should just do it already. Rachel says were not going to.. Brendon says not until we’re married.
Watch all drama on FLASHBACK! FREE3 Days TRIAL 5pm Rachel and Brendon are in the hammock talking. Rachel and Brendon talk about who they have on their side of the house. Brendon tells Rachel that she needs to get people to talk before the HOH competition. Brendon thinks Rachel needs to talk to […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – **updated** Matt’s opinion about Brendon “He’s a whiny B!tch and America must love them”
3:40pm HOH Hayden and Brit They are wondering if it’ll be a house decision or will it be left up to chance. Hayden says he’s on the fence he likes both of them.. he goes on about how it’s hard this year because theres not a single person that he hates. Hayden says […]
Big Brother 12 – **Updated ** A Million Conversations a Million alliance Combinations… But Rest Assured the Amazing Enzo will return
2:45pm Ragan telling Matt thinks that R/B will not comes after Matt he’s almost 100% sure. He’ll go after them if they try and take matt out and ragan is sure they now it. Ragan reminds Matt that in essence he saved B/R because he didn’t put both of them up. ragan says if […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon WON the Power of Veto!!
2:00pm HOH Matt , ragan and Kristen Talking about how it wasn’t suppose to go this way, Matt doesn’t want either Kathy or andrew to go. He asks Kristen if she thinks Kathy is closer to B/R then Andrew. Kristen says that Kathy think she’s closer than she really is. Matt keeps saying It’s […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: POV competition is happening right now!
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 10:45am Hayden comes downstairs and says to Kathy three pre-game yaks. Kathy asks what?.. three pre game what? Hayden says yaks, you yakked three times already. Hayden asks if Kathy had any breakfast yet. Kathy says yes. Hayden says so it’s […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says that bacon is like sex …when it’s bad, it’s good yo!
Try the Live Feeds For Free! Superpass3 Day FREE Trial 8am – 9am The houseguests are in the kitchen making breakfast and talking about random stuff. They are on an indoor lock down while Big Brother sets up for the POV competition that will be held later today. Rachel’s making omelettes and bacon […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Andrew tells Brendon that he or Rachel have to win the POV tomorrow and that he’s putting his trust in them. **Updated**
11:55pm Brendon and Andrew are talking in the Have Not room. Andrew says that he thinks he can get the votes. Andrew says that he wants to put on a show to make them think that he hates them (Rachel and Brendon). Brendon says that he has Enzo for him. Andrew asks Brendon if he […]
Big Brother 12 – America’s Doesn’t Love Rachel, Brit “She’s in the DR wasted 3 times a week What the F**k” **Updated**
10:05pm Taj Brendon and Rachel Standard B/R Flirting, snuggling, kissing, hugging, whispering lovely things to themselves. Ragan joins them says POV will be used unless one of them wins. Brendon knows that he’s glad he has a shot though. They start to discuss the previous years POV’s. B/R have a strategy for the POV […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan Figures out The POV Comp “Who can read Hebrew the Fastest”
9:00pm Palm Room Brendon, Ragan and Rachel. Brendon is complaining about being a have nots 2 weeks in a row. He says it’s especially hard because he knows theres people in the house that haven’t been HOH yet. Brit and Ragan agree that its tough being on slop. Brendon starts playing what if… “what […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – POV players are Picked, Lane: “Its 4 against 2 “
8:10pm HOH Matt and Lane Talking about the players in the POV. The both of them are amazed at there bad luck. Lane says they have to win it it’s 4 against 2. He thinks it might be a golf comp were you use a putter… Lane says that Brendon is clumsy and will […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kathy and Andrew are up, Kristen “Sh!t is going to start happening now”
6:33pm Taj Room Ragan, Kristen and Matt Talking about nominations, telling them if POV is used Brendon is going up because that is what the house wants. He adds that he’ll take Andrew down if he wins POV. Kristen tells him she doesn’t want Kathy or Andrew up there. Matt says GREAT i’ll pick […]