Watch the last few days of Big Brother 12 for FREE! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial! 11pm The house guests are on an indoor lock down. Hayden, Lane and Enzo are playing with the jenga blocks. At first they play jenga and then they use the blocks like building blocks to build […]
Category: Big Brother 12

Big Brother 12 – Getting real in the Big Brother house
5:35pm Pool nothing but pool talk and very little of that 5:40pm Enzo’s been sleeping most of the day. (Getting shunned is taking it’s toll on him) 5:45pm Hayden preparing the pork chops for dinner. Lane joins him outside. Hayden wonders how things would of been different if Brendon was the winner of that one […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Big Brother gave the BRA-GADE back their Pool Tournament Trophy…
10:20am – 10:30am Big Brother production tells Lane to change his batteries for his mic. Lane gets up and heads into the storage room. In the storage room Lane finds that Big Brother has given back their pool tournament trophy. Lane is pretty excited they finally get their trophy back, after spending the entire summer […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane says that this was the best day.. no one got evicted.. they got a football, steak & lobster, beer, and guaranteed $50,000
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 10:50pm In the backyard Hayden and Lane are sitting around the hot tub talking. Lane says that he will experience all three final HOH competitions. Hayden says that he doesn’t think that he’d do very well at the faces competition because he […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo: “I had a golden opportunity to win 500 thousand dollars…F*CK”
TRY the 24/7 Live Feeds – FREE for 3 DAYS!! 9:20pm Kitchen Enzo and HAyden. Enzo saying he doesn’t even feel like having his wife come to the finale on Wednesday.. Hayden ask him why, Enzo doesn’t want to burden her any more she’s been through a lot. (enzo is a broken man) Hayden […]
**UPDATED** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – 2nd Part of the Final HOH goes to LANE
2nd Part of the final HOH goes to LANE Wednesday is the finale 6:06pm Lane the big winner tonight . 6:15pm Kitchen, Enzo sitting at the counter by himself while Lane and Hayden sit at the table. 6:20pm Recapping the Comp 6:37pm HOH, The brigade are getting a lobster and steak […]
* Updated * Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane asks Hayden how to spell “liars” then spells it using the jenga blocks…
12:50pm Big Brother calls an end to the HOH lock down. They all head downstairs. Enzo says what the BLANK was up with the music up there… they wouldn’t let us sleep. Lane says that today probably isn’t even a live show. Enzo says that they will find out soon when they do the wrap. Enzo […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: This mornings wakeup songs were Say Goodbye to Hollywood & Bye Bye Bye..
10:25am- 10:50am Big Brother cuts the live feeds to the “we will be right back” screen. When they come back Enzo and Hayden yell damn!!! The feeds cut out again. Then Enzo, Lane and Hayden tell Big Brother to play Eminem – Cleaning out my Closet …. And then they will start cleaning up. Enzo […]
*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says that he thinks Big Brother is over budget and that they will end earlier than scheduled…
12am Enzo hasn’t been able to sleep, he gets up from bed goes to the washroom, then returns to bed. At 1am Enzo is up again and heads into the bathroom flosses his teeth, then goes to the kitchen to get a drink and then goes back to bed. At 2am both Enzo and Hayden […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo: “c’mon yo… it’s just frustrating yo… not knowing shit yo…I hate thinking it hurts”
TRY the 24/7 Live Feeds – FREE for 3 DAYS!! 10:47pm Brigade in Jumanji They’re trying to figure out when the next comp will be.. Enzo thinks that tomorrow is the finale. Lane: “just imagine tomorrow night we could be drinking cerveza in some bar”. Hayden doesn’t think it is the finale because parts need […]
Big Brother 12 Spoiler – Final HOH Results, Hayden wins 1/3
9:03pm Feeds are back Enzo is losing some serious hair yo 9:32pm Enzo while Lane cuts his hair “Be confident yo bang that shit out.. be confident”. Sounds like they play for the second HOH comp tomorrow. (From what I am seeing it looks like HAyden won the endurance comp) 9:50pm Lane studying with cards […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit is evicted, Brigade BATTLE IT OUT
Surprise of the Season Brit is evicted from the Big BRother house. The brigade are fighting it out in the endurance comp. What to know were the feed updates are? Read this post Click Here for PollOnline SurveyConjoint Analysis | Polls | Email Marketing | Crowdsourcing SoftwareView MicroPoll Click […]