“Can someone riddle me off why the f* me and him are scary now” .. “They like to find Public Enemy”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Jessica, Nicole and Sam
Nominations are: Sam & Nick
Power of Veto Players are – Holly, Sam, Nick, Cliff, Jessica and Tommy
Power of Veto holder –
Power of Veto Ceremony –

Powers in the game

Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.

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America votes for 3 houseguests to go on a field trip that will put one houseguest’s game on the line

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9:32 am Jessica tries to solve the Dixmier conjecture but fails. Decides to get ready instead.

listens in on Sam, Jack chatting .. sees Jack smiles
Jack – hey their sunshine

Jess – they woke us up at nine. Ohh you’re so warm
(Sweet she got a hug.. go jess)

Chats with Nick and Cliff. They talk about how Christie would have been a have not this week but she got the poison ivy punishment.
Nick – they didn’t want to give her two punishments
Jess – they’ve done it before
Nick – if she didn’t get poison Ivy she would have been back on slop
Cliff – I do too
(it just keeps getting better)
Jess – I wonder if I could go the whole week without slop.. I could just have protein shakes the whole time
Nick says it’s not enough calories Cliff agrees they think it’s not a good idea eat the slop.

Sam joins them says he can eat a bowl of slop “when I’m starving” He’ll starve until lunch eat slop then protein shakes.
They talk about how production doesn’t let them “jack” the beds up anymore they can’t alter anything in the have nots

10:04 am Nicole had a rough first night as a have not. Sounds like she was very enthusiastic about it yesterday not so much now
They talk about the double standards in the house. How the 6 can do anything they want but the rest of them get shit for everything.
Sam is thinking about picking Cliff if he gets houseguests choice. (power and fury)
Nick says he will “because you took him off the first week”
Nicole says she’s being bombarded by the other side “People are like, why would you do that. none of use will use it, why would we use it.. Nobody would use it. blah blah blah ” (She’s impersonating them in an annoying voice)
Nick says he’ll pick Nicole
Nicole warns him she won’t do well
Nick – I was thinking her or Jess but Jess might try to win it (DO NOT involve Jess)

Nick – can someone riddle me off why the f* me and him are scary now
Nicole – I told you they like to find public enemy
Nick – jack and sis are the best two in the game
Nicole – public enemy was Bella they got rid of her, then you, then you Nick, Sam)
Sam – how we can do nothing and they can do everything

10:09 am Cliff joins them says sis is in his room sleeping and he’s no good doing the towel shuffle “I’m not mobile enough to do that”
Sam – if I pick you for houseguests choice would you play
Cliff – let me think… I’ll be real honest with you if it came down to it I would rather you win than me
SAm – I want Nick to win POV pull himself off I throw a pity party Jess goes up next to me jess goes home
Cliff – let me think about it

Tommy joins them “Ohh yeah” (this is when I change the feeds)

10:25 pm jack and Jackson
Jack is pushing for Nick to go home. Jackson really wants to win the veto.

(My douche coverage will be light. I can only handle so much)

10:39 am Jess is back hanging out .. Still working on getting ready.

10:46 am Christie and Jack are talking about getting Nicole out next because she’s rallying “that side”
Jack about Nicole – Why did you try out for this show”
Christie – that’s how I feel
Jack – what was your inkling that made you want to sign up for this… shoot your shot make your move.. (I dislike him)
Jack says if Nicole wins he’s going up and so is Christie
Christie – I’m not going up.. she loves us she loves the girls. She won’t put me up
Christie – I don’t see her putting you up
Holly joins them says Jess and Nicole might win a luck comp but they will never win anything else.

11:08 am Tommy and Jess
Tommy tells her his parents house will be the location of their get to together and his house will be the “Centre hub for the east coasters”.. they have a pool and he’s a “planer” it’ll be great!

(The poison ivy punishment is a green shirt… so blatant this season.)

11:33 am Sam and Nicole
They go over Nicole’s performance in the upcoming POV (if she gets picked) should she throw it or keep it. What if the scenario arises where she wins the veto. Like if it comes down to the veto or wearing a leotard.
Sam – do what’s best for your game don’t screw yourself if there’s no way around it like that
Nicole – take the veto
Sam – you can take the veto you can talk to Holly right after and me like. I’m so sorry this was not the plan I don’t want to wear a leotard and I swore on everything I would use the veto on Nick we talked about it before. I swore on everything because I was not supposed to win and now that I won I can’t go back on my word (OMG yes throw it back at them)
Sam – she’ll be like OHH you did and you’ll be YEAH like this was not the plan I didn’t mean to do this I never lie to anybody I didn’t think I was going to win
Sam – do that

Nicole is worried they will screw her.
Sam – your name never comes up in a bad way, Even if you screw us I don’t think we will blow your game up
Sam brings up that Sis told him “when Ovi was evicted he hugged Jack and said I had ” Feeds cut…
When we’re back Nicol is saying how out of the loop she is.

Nicole – if you were to stay and Nick goes home
Sam – It wouldn’t be that bad for my game

Sam – it was dumb for Cliff’s game to get rid of Bella, He should have Broke his word
Nicole – or anything flush out the power I don’t understand you still put Bella up and the power still out there
Sam – he should have lied and broken the trust he would have all of us in his corner.

They agree Nick f*ed up telling kat about the plan during Cliffs HOH. (Lie to Christie)

Nicole – How come you guys can’t come up with a plan cause that’s like dishonest and disloyal but they’ve been doing that .. you know how many names Christie has dropped and it’s like Okay but if like me or you say a name it’s like AWWWHHHHH how dare you say our name
Sam – it’s a whole double standard.
Nicole – I’m happy I’m in this room

NOON Sam says he will put up Jack and Holly if he wins HOH “there could be hope at the end of the tunnel”

11:51 am Looks at these cool kids, Christie, Jackson, Holly, Sis et al bashing Sam and Nick (it’s so barf I can’t watch it)

12:23 pm Nicole, Nick and Sam
Nick – Nicole have you ever seen a season with only one side of the house
Sam – are we the other side is this a side
Nick is amazed that Nicole and all of them never built a floater alliance.
Nicole – I was on your side and you f*ed that up
Nick – I wasn’t fully switched
Nick – they won 4 outta 5 HOH’s

12:41 pm ohh look

1:24 pm
Veto players picked -Holly, Sam, Nick, Cliff, Jessica, >and Tommy

1:31 pm Prophets
Nick says he’s taking a big pay cut being on the show.

Cliff joins them Says he’s getting his leg “Super wrapped” because he’s bringing it

Cliff – the longer you all are here the more protected I feel. I feel like you are target number 1
Sam – I’ve been loyal to you since day one you know that
Cliff whispers “if one of y’all are in front of me go for it”
Cliff – I’ll do anything possible to make it as close as possible
Cliff – the last thing I want is for me to win this and have pressure from over there
Cliff – If I start weezing and slowing down

prepping for the POV

2:40pm Bedroom. Sis and Christie.
Christie – if Nick stays on the block I am voting him out. There is not one thing that can change my mind. If he stays on the block. I am voting him out if he stays on the block. And if he doesn’t that’s fine. I am over it, I am done being fake with him. Done with his lies. Done with his second and third chances. Done, let him go home to his girlfriend and get his cross back. I am done! Kat – did Nick call me his little b***h or did he tell people that he had me in the palm of his hand. I am fine with either I just want to know for my goodbye message. Sis – palm of his hand. Kat – back the the drawing board. Christie – you could say I know you thought you had me in the palm of your hand but buh bye!

2:46pm Bedroom. Tommy to Holly – I want to win this one for you so that you don’t have to put anyone else on the block. Holly – If one of them come off, I would put up Kat. Tommy – well she volunteered anyway. Holly – and I’m not dead set on either of them leaving. Its fine either way. Tommy agrees. The good thing is, one of them is going to leave this week.. so there’s no pressure.

3:40pm All the house guests are lazing around waiting for the POV to start…

3:55pm Bathroom. Cliff to Jess – Its pretty straight forward what I have to do. I don’t want you going on the block. I don’t want you, Nicole or Kat going on the block. Therefore, they need to stay on the block. Its that cut and dry. I think its a done deal unless he (Nick) wins it. Jess – yeah. Cliff – and I’m not representing him in this challenge so there is no obligation to pull him off or anything. And in a perfect world you or Tommy win it and its all out of my hands. And you do what you’re going to do and it buys you some trust and credit with everyone as well and we’re all better off as a result. I don’t take anything for granted until its there and its happened.

4pm – 4:15pm Sam and Sis.
Sam – even if I don’t get voted out before Nick.. it still sucks because I have nobody. Sis – when you’re alone I think it would benefit you to find a group. Sam – what group all you guys are taken. What did I ever do to anyone here? Sis – they just want to have at least one of you gone. I hope you win the veto. I really hope you don’t go back and tell Nick what I tell you. Sam – I won’t. Sis – it wouldn’t matter if you threw him under the bus.. he would be leaving anyways. Sam – everyone is shutting me out because they say the don’t trust me but what happens if I win HOH. Even if I put Jess and Nicole up.. and one of them go home. I would go up the next week regardless.

4:45pm Bathroom. The house guests are sitting around chatting about slop and other random things.

4:50pm Jackson is rolling Holly using the kitchen rolling pin.

5:10pm – 5:20pm Living Room. Sis talks to Christie and tells her that if Sam were to stay and win HOH he would rather put up Nicole. To prove that we can trust him and stuff. Then Nicole would go home and he couldn’t play in the double eviction which means we could win it again if we wanted to. Or if we won HOH he is willing to go up as a pawn. He said he would only go up as a pawn if it was against her and if we wouldn’t switch the votes and get her out. And then if he were to win HOH after that he would go after Jess and not us. Christie – no one is going to vote for her .. she isn’t going to win anything. Christie – I am not trying to win this next HOH, I would rather win the double eviction. Sis – I am certain he wouldn’t go for you or any of the 6. I think we should get Nicole out first. I really think that she would gun for us during the double eviction.

5:45pm HOH Room. Holly Jack and Jackson hanging out. Jack – they (Sis and Sam) were talking upstairs for awhile like he’s got some sort of plan. Holly – he keeps saying he does. I heard he is so confident that if Cliff won the veto he would be fine with Cliff taking Nick off. He wants Jess up there. He keeps wanting me to put Jess up which I am not going to do. I don’t see any point in doing that. Jack – she is such a great tag a long. Holly -fantastic tag a long. Nicole is too aside from being a frickin’ snake. She hasn’t proven to win anything and if she does in a luck thing then she is definitely coming after us. I just don’t know who. Jack – she does need to be expendable because we just bought Cliff 2 weeks. She’s got to go on the second week after this week. Holly – yeah. She is next out after the guys (Nick & Sam). Jack – and you want to keep Jess as long as possible. I don’t know I love Kat and Cliff. Jackson – hey guys no game talk please.

6:10pm Bedroom. Christie and Sis.
Christie – I’m not saying that nobody would vote me out but I don’t think I would go. And I literally will backdoor Michie if that’s the case next week if I’m in power. Sis – this is why I think we should keep Sam .. because lets say we do get down to it with us 6 and Cliff.. Kat and Sam. I think we could convince Sam to go for Michie. Christie – oh 100%! Sis – I really think its sticking with Michie the whole thing about Jack and us four. And I think he told that to Holly and its sticking with her too. Christie – she is acting weird. Sis – and she is so easily influenced. Michie is annoying me now too. He is being extra sweet to her now. Christie – I am all over him. Sis – you and me should talk to Sam. Christie – I don’t want to give him any information like we’re divided but just give him more attention. Sis – I don’t want to sound like a savage but I think we should go after then before it gets down to the six. Christie – that’s not being savage.

6:18pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the Power of Veto Competition..
8:09pm The live feeds return … Nick won the veto

66 thoughts to ““Can someone riddle me off why the f* me and him are scary now” .. “They like to find Public Enemy””

  1. I am going to donate right now because the work you’re doing on here is incredible… Being able to write about the six shooters and their pathetic gossip sessions is truly impressive. Well done Simon/Dawg!

    1. I am honestly not a 6 shooter supporter…or anyone else in the house for that matter….but it just has to be said…they have these pathetic gossip seshes in EVERY season. That’s just what these peeps in alliances do. I see it every season. Sometimes I agree…but usually I am feeling bad about how bad they dog the others. But then I see the others get power…and they do the same exact thing. P.S.— Nicole….quit whining and win something!

  2. You have to hand to the six: being outed has increased, not decreased their power.
    I can’t find a single one to like: and Christie’s position in the House is amazingly strong.

    It is hard to keep interest. I often lose interest once they get down to 4 or 5, but it will be earlier this year.

      1. I can’t stomach watching the feeds.. I appreciate everything Simon and Dawg do but…. now it’s hard to even read it:( waaaa

          1. Now watch Jessica wins the veto and says she won’t use it because “it’s not what the house wants” Buckle up for that reality

    1. yeah annoying watching it happen but truthfully 6s is plotting scheming deceiving and completely controlling the game (albeit with a little help from production) i cant stand a single one of them but their easily steamrolling while the misfits are curled up fetal on the floor whining and trying to take each other out??? is it even possible to be worse at this game why is sam saying “I want Nick to win POV pull himself off I throw a pity party Jess goes up next to me jess goes home” these losers don’t deserve any sympathy

  3. In the pic posted, I thought Sis was picking lice from Crustys hair? I really can’t stand the 2 jackholes, Jack says that Nicole is not relevant in the game at all. He went into the RV room and she was asleep at 9:15. She doesn’t talk game with anyone
    Christie says she feels bad for her. Jack says she brought it on herself.
    Says she was offered number 7 in their alliance but didn’t take it.
    They think Nicole applied for the show. Ummmm…weren’t they all supposed to “apply” for the show? Oh Grodner you b**ch

  4. Simon,you are generally spot on in your observations;however,your pic of Jess that shows her just getting up and attempting to solve the dixmier conjecture is not really correct. After she spoke with ,Kat,Holly and Bella,the conjecture that she is really contemplating is the “wynodixforme”.

  5. Does anybody think it’s odd that meddlesome production is letting this stinkiest fester rather that interfere like they usually do when things get too lopsided…….it’s time to throw a ridiculously powerful twist to try and make this turd watchable. C’mon Grod throw us a bone if you can find one that you haven’t picked clean…..if that’s possible lol……also ( I hate to say it) but Cliff ruined the only chance to make this season palatable…..no excuses.

    1. The bones they throw are to the HGs they want to protect.

      The reality is: Grod and Kass gave JHoles the initial STI and now it has spread through the house. JHoles are protected in the game by Grod and Kass to keep the truth a secret!

      1. I know someone who was a semi finalist in BBCan…..Kass joined the 1v1 interview and asked him to take his pants off because he was nervous being in front of the camera…. let’s just say the impression was this request wasn’t in jest, it wasn’t responded to and pants were left on making the interview more awkward. This person who has applied multiple times since has been ignored….. maybe not compatable for the show or not compatable for Kass cause he ain’t no whore…..

    2. It’s like they want to cancel it and replace it with love island. They are making it look like big brother is just a watered down version of it.

      CBS kind of sucks. They screw with all of my favorite shows right before they give them the ax and then blame it on bad ratings.

      BB is what I look forward to every summer so I am going to keep supporting it even if the last two seasons have hardcore sucked.

  6. Are Tommy and Christie going to receive any punishments? Seriously, “here, wear this green shirt”….what a punishment!

  7. Thanks Simon & Dawg for watching this and reporting back … it can’t be easy watching these obnoxious idiots.

    I don’t know how Sam and Nick can stand to be around dumb ol’ Cliff … he betrayed everyone but the cool kids! He looks like such a fool.

    I wonder what the ratings are like this season? I haven’t watched the last two or three episodes because it’s too infuriating.

    1. I’m worried he will screw himself. I bet his wife is freaking out over his dumb idea to use the veto on Nick. It sounds like Sam really needs the money for his family. I like to see someone that needs the money play a good game and win.

      1. I hope he doesn’t throw it to Nick. He needs to think of himself. Yes, he will be losing a number in Nick if he leaves, but he can’t save everyone. Cliff screwed them when it came to #’s, so now Sam just needs to win Veto, HOH and another Veto so Christie’s power can’t hurt him.

    2. He better watch out for Jessica, brilliant strategist and comp beast that she is. Hahahahahahaha!

  8. After watching season 18 where people left the diary room complaining that they were told not to nominate Nicole.
    After watching season 19 where production didn’t really intervene in the whole mob rule, and then pulled josh into d/r to give him helpful hints about what was really going on in the season… and giving Paul safety for was it four weeks? five?
    After watching bbcan season 6 where other house guests were informed they were not to speak to the cameras but the eventual winner was given a designated cam every day, and feeds cut any time someone mentioned her showmance because she didn’t want it to be a public talking point.
    After watching bbcan season 7 where the casting had no less than six cases of house guests being a maximum of 2 degrees separation (it’s cast by the same company). and plot development that happened every weekend (when staff was limited) was quickly dropped as of monday morning as if realizing there was a four man alliance and planning to target it never happened at all. weekly.
    Are we really suprised at all about the blatant stupidity we are seeing this season? It’s a natural progression. They’ve gotten lazy. They don’t want to have to storyline on the fly at all. They want to create a season long story arc on week one, and stick as closely to that arc as they can.
    Cliff Jessica Tommy are veto picks. okay. did they deliver the costumes for the veto comp last night? (don’t laugh, they accidentally showed the costumes being delivered the night before veto picks, with name tags, in bbcan7 week 2 ? eddie the beaver that thought he was a bear comp host).

    1. You’re making a good argument to abandon ship. Maybe if ppl boycotted this show, they’d be forced to come up with a REAL reality show. The stuff that is going on with the edits and not punishing cheaters … it’s ruining it!

      1. I’m not trying to get anyone to abandon ship. lol. I’m just saying we have to consider the shift in focus.
        The shift is further away from a gameshow in a reality format of the earliest seasons and more greatly towards a reality show in a gameshow format that they are providing for the sake of convenience. Adaptation would suggest that we take what we are given and get the most from it that we can when the season is ongoing. Feeders could boycott, but the result would likely be an even greater focus on the episode only audience.

  9. I am saying this ONLY for the fun feed factor… not because i believe it could ever happen.
    okay. i couldn’t even type it without laughing.

    1. I hate when people win one comp and they talk about others who can’t win anything! Holly you won 1 comp!

  10. Dawg getting more love for the POV than Jess – I love it! He has been a better player this season….

  11. Ah..the typical game gossip from the six shooters. I love how jack is shaming nicole for applying for the show when most of y’all are f*****g recruits and on top of that most of the six shooters are being protected by production . Anyways Sam for veto.

  12. They don’t even play real big brother game yet. Most played for idiots the weak petty thing then evicted. Come on man! im bored!!

  13. Wait… hold up… NOW they cant alter the beds…? Last week when Jackson was a HN they could? ugh…. I know there is favoritism every year but do they have to be so blatant about it… they know how petty us super fans are..

    1. The cheats from production is so obvious! Can we get CBS to fire these cheaters and find some quality people who can pick BB players! ?? WT ACTUAL F#C<!!

  14. Oh shut up Cliff. You’re a coward and an idiot. Go hide in a corner. Big Dummy
    Had to get that off my chest!

      1. can we just give them each the name of an std and be done with it?
        captain chlamydia. the human herpe. the wart.
        the pillowcase, and invisi-beth can be their sidekicks.

  15. I would love to see the following: Sam gets in Christie’s ear and tells her that Jackson was pushing Holly to put up Christie and Tommy. He tells her that if Jackson wins HOH next week he will put Christie & Tommy on block. He can further tell her that Jackson is planting seeds around the house to get people to vote Christie out. Now Christie starts freaking out (nothing new) and tries to think of a way to get Jackson out quick. Say Sam wins veto, he can tell Christie to use the power this week and he will put Jackson up. Christie, afraid that Jackson will win next week agrees to use power this week. She gives Sam the Diamond power and when he says I must put someone on the block in my place, he says Christie take a seat. Now I know you all want Jackson out but that will happen soon enough. Christie is running the show and repeatedly telling everyone that they can’t put her up because of her power. It would be just a GREAT blindside to her, using HER power to get HER out.

  16. CBS stacks the BB cast with meatheads, all while doing their “We Are The World” network messaging as a corp.
    Every season is meatheads v outcasts, outcasts trying to join the meatheads, outcasts deferring to meatheads, & meatheads whining in the end. All a bunch of dumba_

      1. Been fine. I’m here everyday, just haven’t commented yet. You guys a doing a good job with this terrible season!

  17. The blatant hypocrisy this season is jaw dropping. One small sample is what’s going on with Jackson (two completely different sets of rules for the Have Nots on every single punishment with him being the enforcer no less). Plus suddenly the ladies are all gushing over the Jack the Pee- Boy Ripper being the nicest, sweetest guy in the world.

    Not long ago they were going to cancel the BBCan show but a petition stopped it. I’m thinking the real fans (those who do watch live feeds) should start a petition about Production fixing the show and include all the evidence from this season. Things like

    1. Timed comps where Jackson had one shoe off at 1:30 (or whatever the accurate time is) and suddenly got all his clothes off in less than 2 mins but others had half their clothes off at the same point. FIXED
    2. Cliff’s sudden change of heart – DR influenced
    3. Ditto for the brain surgeon Jess
    4. Two sets of rules for J-Holes/Christie than the rest of the house.
    5. All the comments noted in the chat below where TPTB switch to fish b/c it’s outing they are being TOLD how to play/who to nominate
    6. Show all the derogatory/racists comments made which aren’t getting aired on national show
    7. Highlight how Jackson treats women (which also never get aired)

    (And sadly, the side note takeaway here – just look at the bar of 4 POC who were targeted first and gone — meaning if production is running the show they are the ones who are dictating they want a predominant white cast for the majority of the season).

    Seriously, if we want to watch a scripted serial we would but this is supposed to be a reality (key word REAL) show tied to competitions. Instead we’re watching bad examples of humans get championed by production as winners. What happened to my favorite reality show?


  18. I think Christie is the biggest snake in the house. If it were up to me I’d get Christie our. Then Jackson Someone needs to shake it up and break the six up. Seriously dull season

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