CAMERON WON The VETO!! ” I had a feeling that Cameron was going to do well.. some kind of military training.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Mecole and MOMMA FE
POV Players:Mecole, MOMMA FE, Cameron, America, Blue, Matt (Jag is hosting)
POV Winner: Cameron
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

12:16pm – 6:53pmThe live feeds were blocked for the Power of Veto competition. It was an individual timed comp where they each had 1 hour to complete it. It was in the basement in a pitch black house where they had to find different items.

CAMERON WON the Power of Veto Competition!!

They’re all talking about the veto comp. Cirie asks if they had a time out time? Blue – An hour. Cory – that’s why the basement was closed for like three weeks. America – they were building a house! Meme – it was pitch black! Felicia – I found the things in the first 2 rooms in 2 minutes. Meme – I was a FOOL in that!! Blue that was FUN! Meme – that was fun! America – that was not fun!

Bathroom – Meme and Blue.
Blue – You’re good! You’re good. The verdict is you’re safe. Meme – I know. I am so mad that I couldn’t win that. I wanted us to have a f**king movie night! Blue – I know. Meme – I didn’t waste one second. Blue – the moment I walked out of there I was like Meme got me beat! I know America and Matt did not do well! I had a feeling that Cameron was going to do well in this one.. some kind of military training. Meme – its crazy! Blue – you’re good, you’re good. I will tell you if I hear anything. Meme – I just really wish I could have taken myself down! Blue – but you did well!

Bedroom – Cameron, Matt and Jag.
Matt – GOOD JOB Bro! That was good. Matt and Jag shake Cameron’s hand. Cameron – that was fun! Cameron – there was a haunted house down there but I didn’t know it was going to be after scary week. Matt – yeah. Cameron – because that was sick! That was my favourite one. You (Jag) would have loved it. You would have smoked my time too! Jag – I don’t know. Cameron – you would have .. I f**Ked up. Lets see how her demeaner changes (Felicia). Matt – it already is.. it was really quiet and awkward out there. Cameron – we put on wet mics and sh*t shoes .. its about to get nasty! Matt – are you excited. That was exciting huh!? Cameron – Yeah… a piece of me was like don’t win this because you’re going to get .. you know!? But I already am! I am already that guy. Matt – I wanted to beat you so that you didn’t have to take the win. But f**k I did bad. But its good that you did because then you would have had to put someone up. I couldn’t let her win because then we would have pissed her off and put up Blue. BB switches the feeds.

7:19pm Big Brother opens up the backyard.

7:24pm Backyard – Meme and Jag.
Meme – well I havent started talking to people yet though. Jag – I know being on the block is scary and sucks but from everything that I know I truly think you’ll be good. Meme – Thank you. I am so damn mad that I didn’t win today. I legit could have .. if I had just found that f**king tunnel. Jag – I love having you in the house. You’re definitely someone that I want in the house for personal and game. I truly love having you here. I don’t want you to not know where my head is at. Meme – I appreciate that. Thank you jag. Cirie and Cameron join them.

7:49pm Backyard – Meme, Blue, Cirie, Cameron and Bowie are still talking about the veto. They talk about how there was a safe word if you didn’t want to finish the comp. They talk about how dark it was and how you couldn’t see anything but what was right in front of you. Meanwhile Felicia is sitting in silence. Felicia – Lies Lies Lies It wasn’t that damn dark! It was dark but it wasn’t where you couldn’t see .. you didn’t have to be all up on the wall to see sh*t. It wasn’t scary at all so all of these people are damn scaredy cats because that wasn’t scary at all. Why did I go into the same room twice. That was my downfall. That was my veto to win. Damnit Felicia! That was my veto to win and I lost. I guess it means it is my time to go.

8:05pm Backyard couches – America, Meme, Bowie and Cameron.
Meme comments on how the safe word in the comp to quit was “abracadabra”. America said the safe word during the comp and quit.

Meanwhile – Matt, Jag and Cory are playing pool.

8:12pm Kitchen – Cirie and Felicia. Felicia is ranting and raving about Cameron.
Felicia – he might be a fool and take damn Bowie Jane to then end with him. Cirie – MMmmhhmm. Felicia – and all he is going to do is talk about how he had to battle his way back and how everybody was against him. Cirie – yup! Felicia – He has NO personality. He is such a follower. I just sit back and I watch him and he wonders why he didn’t naturally connect. His only connection is being HOH. That’s what keeps people in the room with him. When he is not HOH they don’t stay in the room with him. And then as soon as he makes HOH, they get back in the room with him. I hope ya’ll are catching all this.. he ain’t no damn player. He is not a master player. He has no personality. He has no nothing. He doesn’t draw people to him. The only thing he has is the ability to win competitions and half these guys aren’t playing because they don’t want to win because they don’t want to have to show their hand because they don’t want to piss anybody off. BB switches the feeds.

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37 thoughts to “CAMERON WON The VETO!! ” I had a feeling that Cameron was going to do well.. some kind of military training.””

    1. He should absolutely take America. I kinda like Cory but we need a new angry person on the screen!

  1. This is Cameron’s chance for a last second backdoor of Cirie. I know he has said he doesn’t want Felicia on the jury. But Cirie is certainly not voting for him anyway.

      1. I agree, I think if Cam makes it to Final 2, Cirie will respect his game play.

        That’s why it’s good to get rid of Felicia now, Felicia would be a bitter juror !!!

        Bye Felicia

    1. I think Felicia is a waste of a week but I also know Cameron has everyone wanting to get rid of him and perhaps he’d rather lay low a bit?

    2. He’s got a better chance of getting Cirie’s vote than he does of getting Felicia’s vote and that’s a fact. He may not get either one of their votes, but there is no way in Hell he ever gets Felicias’s vote, plus she WILL try to influence others to vote against him.

      The right move is to vote her out.

    1. Why is it dumb, she’s useless she won’t win a comp. Don’t matter who they take out there all gonna try and take out Cam including Matt and jag as there to dumb to see that Cam is there shield.

    1. He’s going to roll through these clowns. Unless most all of them have been severely holding back, it shouldn’t even matter if he is on the block every other week.

      How is Matt not killing it? He’s a highly competitive swimmer that’s in tip top physical condition. The guy should he winning at least some of the athletic challenges with very few others that have been in the game that all have appeared to be at his level, physically at least. Is the deafness really that much of a disadvantage?

      Anyways with Jared gone, I need a new alias…

  2. I do think that he needs to back door Cirie, but she has so many simps that Mecole may go. I can’t picture Jag, Crying Matt and Cory voting for her. I believe that Bowie will vote with the flock in true floater fashion and America will feel forced to follow suit. I don’t see any reason to get rid of Mama Fe as she doesn’t really win anything but is she any less of a threat than Blue, America, Meme and Cirie?

    Nonetheless, he told us that he is going for the cabinet and is doing what he said that he was going to do and that is taking out the President’s #1 and #2 and weakening them to the point to where they will have no cover!

    I hope that he runs through them all one by one and can convince the jury that he played the best game. Road to victory is taking our Aussie sister with him to the end. I don’t think that that even half of the jury will be objective.

    1. CAM’S big assumption is that JAG and MATT, and to some extent CORY, will hold true to their word (to help him get rid of CIRIE, FELICIA, and MEME). I DOUBT IT.

  3. I’m hoping that Jag & Matt don’t back stab Cameron next week. Cam could have put Jag & Matt up, I hope Jag & Matt do not go back to wanting to play the middle, and not give 100% in the HOH competition on Thursday night. Hope Jag, Matt & Cam stick together.

    Jag & Matt have a tendency to fold when it comes to making big moves, if they go back on their word, and they float to whoever has the power, I hope that EVERYONE notices how Jag & Matt are kind of flaky, and you can’t trust them after you protect them, they will toss you aside, and run to whoever has the power.

    On another subject, I had not really paid attention to Cirie’s name never being picked during any of the Veto Competitions, until someone posted that on this site. That never crossed my mind, now that you have me paying attention to Cirie never having her name picked during a Veto Comp, that’s very very Strange.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but now that I’m thinking about previous Veto players, hasn’t everyone’s name been picked out of the bag except for Cirie & Felicia ? Everyone has actually played in a Veto competition except Cirie.

    Felicia has played when she was HOH, and both times that Cam has nominated her, Cirie is the only person in the house who has never played in a Veto Competition, Cirie’s never won ANYTHING since she’s been in the house, and yet she’s never touched the block.

    I guess we have to give Cirie some credit, people said Cirie and her crew were running the house, for a long time, until Cam’s 2nd & 3rd HOH win, but she’s never been nominated for eviction, which drives Felicia Bat Shit Crazy !!

    Please someone tell Cirie how Felicia tried her best to get Cirie nominated instead of Felicia being nominated. Hopefully Felicia causes drama this week, since she knows that she is the target for being evicted on Thursday. I’d like to see her create some havoc this week, it will make it an interesting week.

    Next week, please send Blue packing, I’m so tired of hearing her “ Miss Girl this “ “Bitch”, Blue really does try to play it up as she’s playing the game, Blue is not to be trusted.

    Blue thinks she will be famous when she leaves the house, Hope Jared’s girlfriend does not come to the wrap party after the show, and kick Blue’s butt LOL… not that Jared is worth anyone fighting over, Brah, Bro, is an idiot. Hope he never comes back to BB.

    1. Sry for this stupid remark,
      Cirie and Jared are gonna be on the Amazing Race.
      As John Wick would say “Yeaaa!”

  4. The vitriol and hate that is spewing out of Felicia’s lips is awful to hear. She is a bitter, angry sore loser. Ain’t nobody wanting to hear that in the jury house…

  5. And this is exactly why Cameron is sending her out! She is petty, she is a bully, and she can’t separate game from personal.


  6. I’m so disgusted with momma f, the way she talks about Cam is horrible, when her side was in power all she did was bad mouth people, she’s a bad loser. I hope Cam wins it all just to see the look on her face.

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