Cam Vs Rubina Big Brother 26 Veto Ceremony and Eviction Results

Jury’s segment.

Makensy uses the Veto on herself. Rubina nominated in her place.

Cam and Rubina plead their case.

Makensy votes to Evict Rubina.

Rubina Evicted.

Julie tells them first part of final HOH will begin shortly tonight.

10:35 pm Feeds are on pound.
11L28 pm NO FEEDS

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Team Taylor

Chelsie for the win — just need to certify it by getting Makensy out the house as the last juror.

With the Final 3 set, here is my summary on the current jury members:

1. Quinn – an early favorite who downgraded into a Simp and a terrible strategist. Had he chosen T’kor over Joseph as a renom, we may have seen Chelsie evicted in Jankie World week. But I loved his loud confessionals.

2. T’kor – the Queen of “MmHmm’s”. She played the middle really well, but made a strategic error using Tucker as a pawn. Despite her likability, she couldn’t get past her passive gameplay and undying loyalty to Chelsie.

3. Leah – invisible until saving Angela with the Veto. She took information from others but never gave anything back. It cost her Joseph, Quinn, and eventually her time in the house.

4. Angela – the most notorious female HG since Rachel Reilly aka Boy George. She had zero chance of winning ever since her spat with Matt and then cemented it with her personal attacks on Lisa. No amount of gameplay would ever erase those moments. A perpetual pawn who I’m convinced is a producer plant sent to cause old school chaos.

5. Kimo – surprised me with a good resume to win the game: one Veto win, one A.I. Comp win, surviving eviction solely on a Final Speech, leader of Cedric’s blindside, and the jury’s most likable HG. He just couldn’t win more comps. “Big Brother” is proof you don’t need to be the best player to win, you just need to be the best option — Lisa (BB3), Jun (BB4), Jordan (BB11), Steve (BB17), Fruit Loop Dingus (BB18), Josh (BB19), Taylor (BB24).

6. Rubina – I adore Rubina and I wanted so bad for her to win more than one A.I. Comp. Sadly, she wasn’t able to get the power needed to control the game.

Team MJ(even if she is brainwashed)

zZzZ..zzzZz yawn

un autre nom

I don’t agree Leah was invisible until using veto to save Angela. That’s not how it was. She was the bane of Chelsie’s existence, and was pushed as a nom by Kimo and Chelsie at every opportunity. She was playing a social manipulation game, which threatened Chelsie because she was willing to flirt as her manipulation.

Moaning murtle

Yes, the remaining 4 are so predictable! I can see, after watching tonight’s episode, more than ever before, who gets a good tv edit and who gets a brief, almost forgettable edit. Chelsie will win for sure. I loved tonight in the DR Chelsie said ( about MJ maybe choosing Rubina) that she ” couldn’t have that and it was time to go work her magic!” Girlfriend knows how to keep her puppets in her pocket! Cam, I am now convinced, will indeed choose Chelsie if given the chance. He would NEVER cut her nor would MJ. Cam said tonight, ” I told MJ I would need to shake up.. I have been loyal to Chelsie. Would I cut Chelsie all that matters is that MJ believes it” I loved all the subtle comments from the jury, to Jag and in between all the references to MJ not making her own decisions.

Cam and MJ were both even easier to read, imo, after tonight’s episode. No wonder Chelsie keeps saying either one would take her. Great for Chelsie to position herself that no matter what happens she goes to F2. The jury is not bitter, especially not Quinn or T’kor so Chelsie has the 4 votes she needs from the jury. Rubina looked sad. Wow, if only Rubina gave as much energy to her game as she did in her talk with Julie she might not have been walking out the door tonight.


you’re far too kind to kimo, his resume sucked, and completely off on leah. everyone knew her strategy was to flirt so all the women save maybe makensy kinda hated her, cam was either talked out of falling for it by chelsie or actually smart enough to just ignore it so it only worked on joseph and quinn who weren’t very good allies.

Team Taylor


BB24 Winner Taylor Hale is the new moderator for the Jury Roundtable! It’s a great day!!

Facts Only

are you shocked? its same reason she won. woke times.



Game show lover

I love it, go Taylor

un autre nom

FINAL 4 Becomes FINAL 3…. The Season of whimper not a scream Game but both whimpering AND screaming for strategy fans… Is ALMOST OVER!!!!
Preamble: Anyone else notice that every recent season the superfans all seem to not understand how the final 4 and final HOH works? Will I make it through this episode… or will I pull the plug? Expect bullshit edit because they have to make the last week look like something other than circling the drain.
Even Chenbot looks like she’s regretting her life choices.
Cam / Mak are still noms as we begin.
Final 4. Chelsie wom another compare contrast booth comp. The 4th of the season.
Chelsie bsing Mak. Cam targeting Mak. Acting like Chelsie didn’t ever push that agenda. Showdown for veto. in a one question do or die.
Jury visit. Jag is here…. and nobody cares.
Day 87. Chelsie tied bb record for HOH’s…all booth comps…. not sus at all.

Veto showdown:
Cam gets the d/r explanation. Cam wants to target Mak the compbeast.
Mak is the big target. Buckle up bitch.
Round 11.
Leah in JANKIEVETO day 63. Cam does 61. Mak does 63. Cam hits the wall. they covered up his swearing.
Mak considers cutting Cam. But d/r hasn’t told her what to do next.
Chelsie wants bloodless line. SOOOO…. what if she wins final HOH…. and gets bloody.
Rubina wants that female final 3 NOW.
Cam is sore losering.
Mak and Chelsie in backyard
So Cam doing so well in this comp… doesn’t give her any thoughts. Echochamber in her skull.
Chelsie takes credit for d/r calls telling Makensy what to do with Vetoes. Before you argue me on this remember the final 4 veto 3.5 hour d/r call that saved Cam last week. Remember the 2.5 hour d/r call that got Mak to use the veto to save Angela. Chelsie takes credit for both. Yes, Mak is gullible and Chelsie is her brain… but d/r has been deciding these things.

Quinn and Leah are… not a mance just open ended.
Angela still ANTI CHELSIE.
Mak is an option… anyone but Kimo they say…. WHY???? His game doesn’t support this assertion, I’d never watch again if Kimo were the winner.
Kimo wasn’t surprised. He didn’t campaign.
Mak HOH and predictable noms. Same winners, same noms.
Cam Chels Mak are working together. d’uh.
Jury learns bbcomics and sees their images.
They are thinking Mak is the threat. They don’t want that loyalty of the trio…. but they were about loyalty when they were in the house. Hypocrisy Hill and T’kor is the head of the Neighborhood Home Owners Association. In one sentence bitches about Mak being loyal to trio while complaining about how hard it is to campaign against your own bff’s. What?
The jurors are pushing Chelsie mastermind and Mak longevity player.

he calls them chaotic and insane… um. He lauds the arena that meant nobody campaigned or gamed before eviction. Worst move of season. Makensy evicting Leah was biggest game error. Leah was loyal? Leah bused her EVERY WEEK.
Chelsie manipulating Mak that same week is the best move.
Final Veto was there flipflopping for Jag? no. He pushed loyalty. HE IS REVISING HISTORY. 100% That swimming douche was NEVER in danger of leaving at final 4… even suggesting this is COMPLETE BULLSHIT.
Rubina: has jury support. Cam: enigma. Convince jury of things they never saw. Chelsie: strong game. Social relationships. Strategically ahead. Makensy: tumultuous journey.. they think she doesn’t know Chelsie wins. She does. They think she has to cut Chelsie if she wins final HOH.
He says Chelsie will win.
Jag, who pushed honor and loyalty is pushing for Mak to play differently than Jag did and cut her final 2. THIS is how you KNOW Jag is pushing the company line.


Uncle Sam

Not sus at all haha that is great commentary and spot on. Feel free to elaborate on that as well as d/r calls deciding the vetos.

un autre nom

FINAL 4 Becomes FINAL 3…. The Season of whimper not a scream Game but both whimpering AND screaming for strategy fans… Is ALMOST OVER!!!!
Veto and 9 comps makes Makensy the Beast of 26.
Cam is a bad cook fluff.
OH GOD I DON’T GIVE A SHIT. One of us needs to be shot. I choose HIM.
woman push (it was transitory all season). Chelsie and Cam take each other. Rubina would choose Mak. Rubina would vote Mak.
D/R is making it look like Rubina would stay. EYEROLL LET’S INCLUDE THE OUT OF ORDER MANIPULATION NOW.
Chelsie acknowledges Cam is best to stay for Chelsie.
Chelsie pushing showmance agenda and keep Cam agenda. Rubina? She has 2 votes… she’d have to win final HOH because Mak and Chels have a final 2…. come on. THIS NEVER MADE SENSE. WHAT 2 COMPS WAS RUBINA WINNING VS WHAT 2 COMPS COULD CAM WIN. ENDURANCE PART ONE? Juror Knowledgte? HE’D DO BETTER THAN RUBINA IN BOTH.
Makensy not totally convinced. That’s cus that d/r call didn’t happen for days.
Mak will use veto on herself. Difficult decision.
Cam pushes he’d cut Chelsie.
CAM IN D/R WOULD HE DO IT? Let’s get real… only if he did it live without prodo knowing in advance.
Mak knows Cam is lying. But um…. In d/r she sorta buys it. Because it is the justify the bad move d/r push to benefit Chelsie bs we’ve been seeing for weeks.
Mak doesn’t know what she will do. Oh PUH-LEASE. SHE GOT THE D/R CALL VERIFYING WHAT CHOICE SHE WILL MAKE. d’uh.

Cam and Rubina
Cam if I’m a benefit, keep me.
No shout out to the dogs in the crib reminder. He shouts out his dogs.
Rubina shouts out her dogs at the crib.
Mak you are impressive. 3 women at end… if not now when?
MAKENSY VOTES: Thanks both noms. loves both. Loyalty.
Mak knew before the people told her she said. what was that?

They had a final 3 so she’s not surpised. Rubina WOULD have taken Mak to final 2. THIS IS WHY SHE’S GONE. Closer to Mak than Chelsie? Um. only when it was to her advantage.
GBM’s Mak had the best gbm? she owned game… Chels and Cam just stroked ego.
um are we in bizarro land????

America’s vote. Can we vote for Jankie… at least Jankie dragged them through shit like they deserved.
Sgt Porkchop returns.
Taylor round table? I feel this is an error. And I WILL NOT ARGUE. Strategically she was A DISASTER 90% of the game. So is she going to push who has the best story or who played the best game?????

Team Taylor

Matt for AFP!!

un autre nom

I actually don’t vote for afp. EVER. oh, wait, in order to report how the voting was working for the last can season I had to cast one vote. I wanted to see if they were doing captcha or if they were going to pull the ‘production reserves the right to remove votes during or after the voting period’ bullshit form can6 voting rules and regulations.

Uncle Sam

Why is Taylor the new host ? She was an abysmal player with all time horrible HOH’s. Having Taylor as the host is a massive blender by CBS. What is it with this seasons edit? !

un autre nom

The edit is a fictionalized sanitizing edit.
I’ve complained about it since week one episode 3.
THE ONLY edit I EVER found WORSE was…. bbcan6 and bbcan11, and US Season 21.
Sanitizing is the worst.

un autre nom

I’m going to be completely honest here.
Why is Taylor the jury moderator?
THIS group doesn’t even KNOW there has been 2 women in the final 2.
THIS group has multiple supposed superfans that didn’t know how feeds work.
THIS group has multiple recruits that only watched parts of 2 seasons.
Why would Taylor do it?
Because she’s part of the newschool method. THAT IS NOT an implication of bias in the the term newschool method. Just… since the court decision that reality entertainment programming is not held to the standards and rules of a gameshow… things have changed.

Martin Tanley

Taylor is insufferable and you can’t trust her to not be biased in a jury segment when she has clearly exposed herself to cheering making decisions for representing while being petty and snarky. Taylor couldn’t even recognize that hisam devin’d himself for crying out loud and would have voted felicia to win with a cirie afp. What has big brother become? This was an awful decision by BB and they completely dropped the ball here for a women who tried to seduce Daniel and acted like the bb gospel trying to establish the meta that you are justified to backdoor a woman for a petty trip. Taylor hasn’t even watched the show for more than three years.

Greyson Stoehr

…Taylor was the largest SNORE.

Gan ainm

Hopefully tonight will be the last time I ever have to see Jag, what a waste of airtime, but fitting for this season.


eh, not a fan of jag, but far less of a fan of taylor. very worried we’ll never be rid of her.

Gan ainm

So, for America’s Least Non-Favorite Houseguest….this is a struggle. Most of them I can’t even consider voting for, I considered Quinn, then thought Cedric, then a fleeting thought of could I consider Brooklyn…no, so I said what the hell and voted Quinn…his game was terrible but he at least tried to play and was likeable enough…in comparison. Does it matter, no.

un autre nom

If they’d actually made Jankie an option i would have voted. And i don’t give a flying fig about afp.


i actually hope jankie 2.0 returns next season.

Greyson Stoehr

Oooh! Evil Zombie Jankie could rise from the dead and put them through a week of Jankie’s Horror World!!! I WOULD LOVE TO WATCH THAT!!!

Jankie: “Do you LOVE me?!? Then I’m eating YOUR BRAINS!”

Gan ainm

Hell, I’d have voted Ainsley if that were an option, the AI or the actress who played her.

Team Taylor

Personally, my AFP vote is for Matt only because I want to see Angela’s head explode in rage.

Other options for me are Joseph only to mess with Chelsie a little, and Cedric because of how universally liked he was in the house.

But I think Tucker will win AFP and he should win it.

un autre nom

I’ll open myself up to the slings arrows and hate.
I Don’t think Tucker should win AFP.
There I said it.
He was a nope. I don’t wish anything good for a nope in the game.
If people dislike this too bad, a nope is a nope is a nope.

Tucker For AFP

Y’all better vote Tucker for AFP

Gan ainm


Facts Only

Very happy to hear FLOATbina is evicted. Now please some how a Cam vs Mak final 2. I can deal with either winning. Just not Chelsie please. Then I can go back to when I stopped watching after Tucker’s eviction. If not it is still positive because I will save a lot of time by not watching if Chelsie wins. So I guess wee need Mak to win final HOH? Or is she dumb enough to take Chelsie? Let me know because I have no clue on vibe due to not watching. Just been checking in on results without back story.

Gan ainm

Keep not watching, Mak will take Chelsie.

Facts Only

and will take an L

un autre nom

sort of looks like a sky kraken.

Gan ainm

Finally something to watch.

un autre nom

Remember pre-newschool when we used to watch part one of final HOH on feeds?
I mean…. that’s just another one of the changes that has me thinking we’ve stopped even trying to pretend there’s no prodomanipulation.
Alteration to accepted pattern is Conspiracy Triggering to a Tinfoil Hatted Mind.

un autre nom

It really does feel like it’s coming doesn’t it?

un autre nom

No, i missed that one.

un autre nom

wait…. my weird memory pinged when looking at a cast photo. I think I had it on in the background a couple times because some of those faces are known to me…. but i DON’T remember ANYthing about the season.

Tucker For AFP

Paulie has one