Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker
POV Players: Kenny, Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Leah & Makensy (Rubina is the host)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots this week

7:20pm Bedroom – Kimo and Tkor
Tkor – Yeah, I feel like it sucks because I feel like a little bit more confident. Like if I felt that I was going to do better in the
competitions, you know what I mean? But like. me doing well depends on someone else doing bad. You know what I’m saying? Which is it my control isn’t my control so I’m just hoping there are like honestly like I do want the chance to play you know, I’m saying and I guess that’s why Tucker can keeps volunteering to put himself in the block because you know something else that kind of makes me angry a little is the fact that Angela has got the opportunity to play in pretty much every single game and that kind of makes me upset because it’s like because the way that’s why I don’t like putting people on the block back to back because if anything you’re giving them more than you’re taking away when you keep them safe. You know what I’m saying? Because then you could always argue like I played all these you know.
Kimo – That’s I guess that is a strategy and I would love to play just and play but yeah.
Tkor – in all three veto competitions a person nominated has pulled
themselves off the block every single one you know what I’m saying? And so keeping that in mind it’s like my strategy would be to pet people who probably won’t do as well in physical competitions because then the likelihood of the giving themselves off the block is low. Kimo – Yeah, true. Tkor – I believe in us though. I believe that we make it all the way to the end. I really just don’t feel safe with
Kenny and her .. earnestly I know we love Tucker but he needs to go.

730pm Bumper Pool Room – Cam and Cedric
Cedric – I was expecting to win. Cam – Yeah, the veto. Cedric – Yeah. And keeping noms the same or I was expecting Makensy to win and keep noms the same. Or Leah to win and keep noms the same. I’m kind of like right now. I’m worried about, like, risk mitigation. Like who?
What’s going to damage me? At least in the next week, I can’t play for the veto, even though essentially we have the votes for me to stay. It’s all in what everybody wants to do.
Cam – the thing is now Kenny wants to stay. Should the target now be Angela? Cedric – everyone wants Angela to go so its really just putting up a pawn to mitigate the blood that’s on my hands this week. I don’t really want to put up anybody in The Collective, and I really don’t want to put up anybody in the Pentagon. So, like, then it leaves just the people that were not working with people that were not working with are Leah and Rubina and yeah, MJ. MJ has the power. So if I put her up, then it’s unnecessary blood in a week that I don’t need. You know what I mean? Then it draws a line between MJ and I. And she’s a competitor too. So she wins.. If I get put on the block next week and I didn’t put her up, she will save me. I don’t even think she uses the power logically. I wouldn’t use it because I still have AI to compete in and the number one target in the house is Angela.
This is why this week is so hard because if it was a week where people were willing to send whoever home it’d be easy but everyone wanting to send Angela home is it starting to become more of an issue than a than a blessing because if I put Rubina up and she stays she’s starting to form the underdog alliance people like Tkor really rocks with Rubina. I don’t know where Joseph stands but he was invited to that so like then we start to lose numbers to the underdog alliance and The Collective loses it’s power numbers.
7:56pm Dinner time..
8:28pm Bedroom – Joseph and Cam
Cam – I was talking in the storage. You know, I think he’s going to use it on him. Joseph – So, yeah, I figured he might because I figured if you were willing to volunteer last week, maybe you would be willing to do it again. But I definitely understand. Big Brother switches the feeds. Joseph – dude we can’t keep everyone safe. We just have to stay loyal to what we said we were going to do. I don’t think it really matters between Angela and Kenny. My only worry is that Angela keeps sliding by because now people aren’t talking about her. But yeah I think RB (Rubina) is the move. Cam – Yeah cause. Joseph – I was telling Chelsie earlier I was like he’s crazy enough to volunteer last week maybe he’s crazy enough to not use it.
8:45pm Backyard – Kenny and Angela
Angela – I want to tell Cedric put somebody up that needs to go that’s big time in here, you know?! But he won’t do it. Kenny – I’m not really aligned with anybody. So that’s why my biggest thing is to get myself off. I’m so relieved and happy for you. Kenny – If we stay. Tucker is going to me and we’re going to blow things up. Angela – I’d like to be with you guys. Both of us know that we can win a veto. I would love to be in that with you two. I’m tired of feeling like I am a kid in high school who’s not in with the in crowd right now and it sucks.
Kenny – We’ll see how it plays out. If it does and we get something going. Angela – I’d love to. Kenny – Someone else could do something crazy this week. Let them do it. Don’t let it be you don’t let it be me. I’m not ruffling any feathers. I’m just sitting back you know, everybody’s slowly getting aggravated with people. Especially if whoever the replacement nominee is. If they lose their mind being up there and then stop getting paranoid. It’s going to have to turn just like they turn. Angela – I think they’re just going to put up MJ. I just hope somebody can get in his ear and say do something big and just say it’s because Angel can’t win nothing.
Kenny – We think MJ has the power. Angela shakes her head no. Kenny – She told people she does. Angela shakes her head no again – Yeah.
100%! I know who does, but I can’t say I have a deal going and I’m not saying nothing but my deal with this person is over after what I did with my freak out but I still want to keep my word in this game because that’s how I want to play and I think Quinn has it. Quinn got the power with our group. Kenny – MJ has the power. MJ said straight up. It’s it expires after week 5, I think she said 5 well maybe that one’s 5 but she might have pushed it after she said it to
try and extend it and then. She can pull herself down but America votes for what she only knows all this because Lisa had it. Babe I’m telling you Lisa pretty much told me she’s at the game house. I could just say it. She didn’t want me to put her on the block. Kenny – I don’t know if I would trust what Lisa said. It is a game. It could be either way, so I will leave it open.
9pm Bedroom – Kimo, Joseph, Quinn, Cedric, Tkor
Joseph about Makensy’s power – I don’t know what it is exactly but it’s so I don’t but I don’t think it would f**k it up. I don’t know what it is but so you might not want to mess with it in general but I feel like she. Cedric – it’s that she can come down but America puts somebody up in her place. Keep that here. Joseph – I don’t think we’re hated. Cedric – keep it within like the collective you
know what I mean. Joseph – that’s actually good to know if you do she
probably wouldn’t use that because she knows that its gonna be her Kenny or Angel.
Cedric – its whatever y’all want to do. I don’t want to play a selfish game especially like this is where we’re all at I want to take it as far as we can take it and go from there like I want to. I don’t want to be the one that’s like does something that jeopardizes somebody else’s game and like now of course it stays here always. Next week Brooklyn is the primary target and MJ. They all agree they don’t want Angela in jury.
Joseph – I think MJ’s the move but, you know, we got to talk to Cam and Chelsie. Cedric – Yeah, for sure. And then I’ll go with the majority. Like, I feel like that’s fair. Just as I can individual. So whatever the majority wants, I’ll figure out a way to make it happen. We’ll go from there now. Tkor, Quinn and Kimo leave. Joseph tells Cedric – I really don’t think they want RB (Rubina) to go up which is fine. Cedric agrees.
Joseph – I want to run with you. So just I’m never going to question anything. I trust you 100 percent? Cedric – Thank you.
9:10pm Bathroom – Kimo, Rubina and Tkor
Kimo – Tucker, am I? Being weird? Rubina – I don’t think you are. Kimo – perfect. I also feel like he is being different. Rubina – really? Kimo – yeah, a little bit. Maybe I’m tripping. Rubina – who am I to judge. You would know if he is being distant. Kimo – that is my fear that people get uncomfortable and get distant. Maybe I am just over thinking things. Rubina – was anything said? Kimo – I didn’t say or do anything. I think it is just paranoia. Rubina – why wouldn’t you be allowed to have a crush? I don’t see why that would be problematic. Anyway I think he would take it as a compliment to be honest. Kimo – probably but I don’t like it though. Rubina – I don’t like it either. Kimo – but yours is realistic. Rubina – Quinn needs to chill. Kimo – I noticed he is also gravitating to you more too. Rubina – who? Quinn? Kimo – no, oh my god. Can you imagine!? That’s obvious. Rubina – not obvious to other people.. just to you. Kimo – he told me that he is not interested in anything here. Rubina – yeah and I said the same thing. Kimo – anytime I develop any kind of like crush I get weird all of a sudden that’s what I’m trying stop especially if its not a gay man.
9:53pm Backyard – the house guests are hanging out playing cornhole, keep up the beach ball, etc.
The house guests playing an intense game of Keepy Uppy #bb26 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/WLIXKnxanU
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 4, 2024
10pm Backyard – Makensy and Cedric
Cedric – Whoever goes up this week is not a target like whoever I designate to be a pawn is strictly a pawn. Makensy – No, absolutely. Cedric – I don’t foresee there being any issues that arise. Like, I think the only real decision we have this week is if Kenny and Angela are next to each other. Who do we send? That’s the only real decision. The target this week is Angela or Kenny. So whoever goes up is a pawn. Kenny’s going home regardless if Angela wins. Makensy – I agree because I think people are getting scared that Kenny’s going to be a threat if he starts getting us out in the game because he’s been
like second in every competition. Except for the one that he’s won.
Cedric – I think that’s a common consensus too. So now it’s just finding a volunteer to be like, but again, no one has come up to talk. Makensy – because the hard part is do you put someone physical up? Do you put someone mental up? Cedric – I think it really doesn’t matter. I think put up a more competitive person to give an edge. I think you would be a good option if we can figure out a way to spin it you know what I mean? The biggest narrative that I want to push is like… The chances of you going home are very slim. I think that Brooklyn would be cool. Cedric – Another well rounded player would be Quinn. Makensy – I love Quinn. I love Quinn but I’ve been thinking Quinn too because he’s done well in every competition. Everybody loves him. Everybody would choose him like nobody’s ever going like against that.
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Worst trope on bbcan was the gay houseguest trying to showmance the straightguy and ruining his own and his allies games to suck up to his crush. Happened 4 or 5 times as a plot device (as we learned from season 9 when prodo approached the gay hg that had said repeatedly he didn’t want to be the stereotype has no strategic brain because he’s crushing on the straight…. reveals to his closest ally that he’d been approached in d/r to fall for the eventual winner straight guy).
Why am I bothering to bring this up:
Because he’s crushing on Tucker…. he’s blown up Quinn’s game.
He’s told T’kor and Rubina he’s crushing. He’s ACTIVELY argued to keep Tucker when anyone has said his name. It’s Tucker. shush.
Angela, Kimo, Tucker, Joseph, Cam, Cedric. Kenney as well I think.
Angela and Kimo.
Tell nobody.