Cam “If you want to talk about charisma, please trust and believe I have won by not winning at all.”

11:25pm – 12am Kitchen – Chelsie & Cam
Cam – Both of y’all deserve to be where y’all are at so do what ya got to do. Chelsie – if she wins I do believe she will take me. Cam – I think so too. Chelsie – If I do win, I do believe I’d have the ability to win no shade but either way if I win because I’m taking her. I just don’t want to make a dumb move and have 750k on the line. Cam – I don’t think its a dumb move, I don’t think its a dumb move either way. I think if you bring her, you get the comp beast out by winning a comp with more winning efficiencies than the comp beast. That is her whole strategy. Chelsie – her whole strategy has only been winning. That’s it. Cam – if you need to pull out a Pokémon card, you have it. Now if you take me.. Chelsie – I finessed my way all the way to the end. Cam – I finessed my way with just pure charm and social game I goodness gracious. I was laying in the bed and they were petting me. Chelsie laughs. Cam – and I literally got carried here. So if you want to talk about charisma, please trust and believe I have won by not winning at all. Either way, he just was. I was sitting in the HOH from eating all of their snacks and going. Damn well, they’re going to put up who I want to put up and that person is going to go home. Chelsie – oh my god. Cam – and all of you know that. All I had to do was kick back, take some naps and relax! I was not a threat. And that is why I think you should choose me. So just for the backlash. I just don’t want the backlash or that would be the speech/ Chelsie – that would be bad. Cam – The backlash would be great. Chelsie – Would be crazy, especially from fans. Cam – I know they would be like he doesn’t think it’s serious and never blah blah.. so no. But in all honesty though, both of y’all do deserve to win so I regardless, you don’t have to feel guilty if you make a decision or not. I’m not going to press you to do anything. I’m not going to campaign. I’m already at the point of I mean I haven’t really won to get myself here. So in a way it’ll be sweet but it won’t it won’t always sit right with me anyways this whole game so I truly am not. I truly will not hold
any grudge if that’s the decision that you do choose if you did.
If you if you do choose to bring me again. That’s a decision that
you’ll make to lose your money because there’s multiple ways to win this game. Chelsie – there sure are, there sure are! You just got lucky. Cam – I just got lucky? First of all don’t let me spell out my game. Chelsie – And then obviously that’s all contingent on That’s me being like you know forward thinking optimistic if I do win there’s always a chance she wins and makes her own decision.

Cam – I think if she wins, she’ll probably boot you. Chelsie – you think? Cam – I think so. Chelsie – Did she say tell you? Cam – no I just don’t know if she wants. Chelsie – try to fight that hard again. Cam – I don’t know if she wants to try to fight that hard or she wouldn’t have told you everything. Chelsie – she could just be giving me a whole bunch of BS honestly but in her goodbyes she’s alluded to still wanting two women to win and just not Rubina. She’s told me some things I haven’t fully taken into heart because anything could happen.. it depends. Cam – She is going to do what she’s going to do. That’s not which you can control, which you can control is if you win or not. Chelsie – I can’t control that the jury controls that. Cam – I said if you win. The jury will go from there. Chelsie – I’m so stressed out? Cam – what are you stressed out about? Win the game. If you don’t win the game focus on the speech. Chelsie – I’m stressed out about not winning and her saying bye. Cam – That’s something that you cannot control which you can control is winning the game. There’s only three scenarios, you win the game and you pick, you lose the game and she picks, you lose the game and she doesn’t pick you… that’s about it. And two out of the three, three out of the three the most important thing is talking to the jury, after that and spelling out. So control what you can control. Chelsie – yeah. I’m not like overly confident, like Makensy. You’re like she’s just like, no matter who is next to him winning. Basically and that’s her perspective. Like it doesn’t matter what she thinks it matters what the jury thinks, and I’m fully aware of that. But I’m not confident like that. I tried to think of all scenarios. We probably can play out just so I don’t get my hopes up and then be’s a little different to me because I’ve been watching this show since I was 13. And so it means more than just like a lot to me. Cam – Well, the mindset is just zooming out like I understand that this means like obviously like watching this since you’ve been 13 means a lot but it also like use that to your advantage like utilize the three super fans in the jury play.
Chelsie gets called the the diary room. Cam – you’re going to be in there till like 2 or 3am..

8:32am The final 3 are still sleeping on the final day..

9:20am Living Room – Chelsie and Makensy
Chelsie – its gone, I finally promise! Makensy – It’s over! You know what’s great she’ll (Ainsley) will never pop up here again. Chelsie – We killed her. Makensy – She’s gone. Chelsie – screw you. Screw you. Chelsie fake cries going into the storage room and says big brother, I’m going to miss you!

9:25am Makensy starts vacuuming..

Makensy – Farewell. Goodbye forever. Enjoy your lives. Hope you enjoyed ours.
10am The live feeds switch to the following screen..

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Perhaps I’m setting myself up for a rain of downvotes but I must say it regardless: I enjoyed this season.

The cast was fun, no one really cared about pleasing other houseguests (in the sense that people were just using vetos and powers left and right, whichever way they saw fit, instead of trying to follow any previous playbook used in the BB universe and bow down to the week’s HOH), and for someone who just watched the TV edits, it was a good time. I understand that for the people following the feeds it was a completely different beast and perhaps it was dry as hell… but for me it was an interesting change of pacing and it had a different vibe. It was not a perfect season, but perhaps it serves as evidence that producers can change a show that has been recycling things nonstop, the same tired comps over and over, and find a twist that actually works and not just looks wonky and doesn’t accomplish or deliver anything remarkable (as twists we have frequently seen too often in previous seasons). The AI Arena actually worked and it was fun to see last minute changes shaking up the game.

If anyone had told me that those 3 would be finalists, I’d have had doubts (though I always thought that Chelsie was very knowledgeable about the game). It’s not lost on me that Tucker was dominating the game and whatever adversary alliance that was going on (especially ones with Quinn in it) seemed destined to end and have all of its members evicted. In the end, that didn’t happen! Let’s not forget that Angela was a lose cannon and seemed intent on spilling each and every secret/information she was privy to in order to remain in the game (plus she won competitions in some key moments). I still remember when people on here thought that she was gonna be the winner because – supposedly – production wanted that.

I’ve seen people discussing that watching BB for the comps is not the right way to go about the show. I’ve seen people stating that BB should not just be about manipulation and social game. I don’t agree with either. I think BB is a combination of both and that’s the way it needs to be. What we don’t need for sure is people that come into the show wanting to play it safe or just slide to the end. We also don’t need people that are not properly vetted and just give up and take away the chance of a real player to participate. Let’s keep in mind that this show exists in many other countries and each of them puts their own flavor into it. Some versions don’t even have HOHs, comps, etc. It still is BB. What I like about the American one is that it’s very about politics (the negotiating is nonstop even when its lowkey) and that people – overall – seem to have a good sense of sportsmanship (it’s all games, may the best person win).

All that considered, I must say I agree with y’all who have said that the only acceptable win is either Chelsie or Makensy. Clearly Chelsie is a more round player, but Makensy would fill me with pride if she didn’t pull a Cody and sent Chelsie out with the justification that “she needs her vote to be declared the winner.” That would be must see TV for sure. But I don’t think that will happen with Makensy talking that “loyal game” BS.

I find that some people watch this show hoping for the same thrill they once experienced in the past, when the show was still novelty to them. That’s an impossible aspiration at this point because even with adjustments, it’s still the same game. If you’ve seen a couple of seasons, it’s hard to be really that surprised by it. So we NEED that human factor that can make it not always be the very same. It can get boring when people just replicate what they saw before in the show. It’s good to see that society changes, things change, people change… that must reflect on the new seasons. A lot of people that are getting to play this now were babies when the show premiered, so it’s bound to be different. It has to! Also there’s that demo that always complain about predictability, so we should embrace a cast that has done so many irreverent moves, adopted the strategy “I’m playing this for myself,” and be happy that we just had one big floater.

The latest thing I wanted to add is that this season was so extra IMHO that even the Friday episode, the usual “finalists reminisce about the season” episode – something I usually tend to skip – was so random with some revelations (like WTF is wrong with Brooklyn and her bad takes about moon landing being a hoax, etc?), that I loved seeing production not making it easy for them and really showing it all. It was a joy to see Quinn, and some others, throwing caution through the window and just embracing the madness even if they would need to put up with some very cringe stuff they did on TV afterwards. Some lightheartedness is needed.

May the best woman win. I dunno if this will ever be in my top 5 favorite seasons, but I sure will have a better chance at remembering people in this cast than people from other seasons. The other day I took a look at some past BB seasons and it was bewildering to see I couldn’t remember some people that lasted more than a few days in the game and their names. My usual criticism remains: CBS needs a new production company. This show has been stale for too long and the fact they skipped days and delivered “2 hour” episodes to compensate is a big tell. They are not making the most of what still works on broadcast TV. BB needs to feel ever changing, happening real time, and not just a collection of things that happened over a week ago. CBS is dropping the ball terribly in that respect.

Another Dixie

I won’t downvote you. Everyone has the right to their opinion. I do, however, disagree about the season. I am so happy it’s over. I really did not like this cast but, when BB starts up, I commit myself to watching it. After tonight, I am free of this group of idiots & hope to never hear of them again. None were “all star” material, in my opinion.

So, Cam doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning, no matter how he tries to twist things. He’s a loser. Has he ever revealed what sport he supposedly participated in at the D1 level? Tiddlywinks, maybe?

If Mak wins the 3rd comp & takes Chelsie, she has lost the game and Chelsie can seal it by pointing out that once more she convinced Mak to take her.

If Chelsie wins the 3rd, she is assured a win by taking Cam, which I think she will do. If she takes Mak, she’ll probably win but I’m not as sure of it as I am if Mak took Chelsie.

Guess we’ll find out tonight.

The Beef

When they introduced Cam in the first episode they said he played D-1 football. I’m not 100% sure, but about 90% that he played for Towson State in Maryland, which is a FCS (football championship series vs. FBS – football bowl series) level team in the Colonial Athletic Conference. I looked at their lettermens page to see if I could find his name, and couldn’t find it, which doesn’t mean he wasn’t on the team. He maybe only played for one season and didn’t play enough to letter, or got injured. I just don’t know.

Mean Jean

Penn State

The Beef

Yeah, I heard that on the show last night too. So I looked him up on Penn States letterman page (it’s actually in there media guide – not a separate page) and here’s what I found.

Cam Brown lettered from 2016-2019.

Cam Sullivan-Brown lettered in 2018 and 2021.

He’s listed on all of the Big Brother cast releases as Cam Sullivan-Brown, and I’m not sure how Penn State and the Big 10 handled the Covid year of 2020, but it’s pretty clear he played and lettered at least two seasons there, and maybe more, although I don’t know why he would have changed his name back and forth like that if he did it. That’s none of my business though.


Well, apart from your first paragraph, I guess we agree on everything else. Though not with the same words, I basically said the same thing. LOL.

I wish CBS would shorten the final portion of the game as it is really silly to drag it this much with episodes that end in a fabricated cliffhanger when all it takes is a quick stroll on social media to find out who won the comps.

I could see Makensy in an all star season. I don’t particularly find her super charismatic but she’s good with comps. But truth be told: I never really enjoyed any of the comebacks and all start seasons. So I’m more than okay with always having an influx of new players.


I have a feeling he is a fraud. I mean that, in the sense, he is supposed to be this athlete who is knowledgeable about this game. He can barely reason. He has no puzzle solving skills. No logic. Nothing. It’s seriously as if he is there on a false resume. The casting failed the viewers with him. I put him on a level with Victoria a bunch of years back. He’s always hyping how he will win when it counts. He cannot win in any scenario. I’m honestly curious how he was installed into the game. Him and Angela. Seems a lot of people are getting “installed” into positions this day and age. He’s an embarrassment that has not won anything.


yeah, i think this might be my second favorite season in the past 10 years behind only bb20. which isn’t saying much. bb17-bb26 have not been very good. but this is one of the least nasty casts (save angela), the winner actually worked for it instead of stumbling into the win (unless cam somehow wins, but imo both chelsie and makensy are worthy winners), and most of the agenda preaching has been confined to losing jurors.

i will disagree with you on the ai arena. didn’t care for it. but this is one of the better seasons for actually mixing comp performance and social game as i think a lot of seasons are far too social. even bb20 which i did love was largely enjoyable because the dominant social alliance kept losing competitions and then getting the other side of the house to screw up. watching people throw comps isn’t fun. voting someone out because they win comps isn’t fun. but using a comp beast to advance your social game is what i do like to see which is what chelsie did. i get she’s not as likeable as she preaches, but within this cast her game was solid.


BB 20 was fun and iconic in its own way.

I won’t ever forget Scottie’s killer veto meeting speech – when he denied to use the veto on Brett or Winston.

And I won’t ever forget Blockstar telling Bayleigh that “she was eloquent, but she just had blood COMING OUT OF HER MOUTH!” Bwahahahahahaha – unforgettable season.

Not to mention the robot gimmick that was silly and the fact that Zingbot delivered its most uninspired zings. Sometimes when they fail can also be entertaining.

It’s okay you disliked AI Arena. I thought it brought a level of real unexpectedness to the game though it all felt rushed as it’s always the case with days they air live.

Gan ainm

Well said. If I had avoided the feeds like I had in earlier season I too would have enjoyed this season much more and it did have some great moments. Going down the Feedster Rabbit Hole splits my perception on what I am watching and this year that divide was wide. I agree a new production company could possibly, hopefully provide a fresh perspective or at least be free of all their baggage. Sadly, I think when that production company goes down, they will take the show with it.

Team Taylor

If Chelsie wins Final HOH and evicts Makensy, she’s gonna pull the biggest Final 3 blindside since BB5 when Drew evicted Diane over Cowboy.

Another Dixie

In Mak’s eyes. The rest of us see it coming from miles away. Chelsie has never really wanted Mak to go to the end. She was stuck with her due to Mak’s winning comps, so she just chose to control her instead of eliminating her. Mak will believe anything Chelise tells her. Hopefully, she has realized how she is being played if she has any chance of winning.
I really don’t care which of the 2 win. I guess someone has to win.


ehh, chelsie was fine going to the end with makensy, she’s been her number 3 for months, cam’s just her number 2. chelsie would rather be at the end with makensy than any member of the jury.

Not sure

If Chealsea does that she is not practicing what she preached and should put down the Bible.
Just saying, don’t care if it’s Big brother.


pretty much anyone who appears on this show should put down the bible. vanity is one of the 7 deadly sins, and i don’t know how much more vain you can be that to appear on this show.

More Whine, please

She’s already hit all the deadly sins except for sloth. Girl’s prayers have been rerouting south and she still has no idea.

The Beef

She actually allied with Cam and Cedric during week 1, so if loyalty is the goal, she should take Cam. If winning is the goal, she should also take Cam.

The only reason to take Mak is because Mak played the 2nd best game and deserves to finish 2nd, but when you’re trying to win the big prize, that’s a dumb reason for taking somebody to final 2 with you.


another reason to take mak is girl power, but thankfully that non-game reason isn’t a reason that chelsie believes all that much in. she’ll use it to needle makensy, but the only one who really valued agenda over game this season was t’kor which chelsie happily used and kimo/rubina kinda went along with cuz t’kor was a number but it wasn’t the main strategy for any of them except t’kor.


Steve evicting Vanessa in BB17 was a huge F3 blindside too.



People rarely talk about that iconic moment or about how Steve was a great winner.

Team Taylor

Not really — Johnny Mac and Steve both knew Vanessa needed to be evicted to have a shot at winning. They just didn’t have the numbers to pull it off at Final 6.

The only people who didn’t see that were Julia (who got evicted on Steve’s HOH), Austin (who was ultimately evicted by Vanessa herself), and Liz (who would never take the shot due to her blind loyalty to Vanessa).

Sometimes you need to play the long game to get the one person evicted who can beat everyone — BB2 Monica, BB6 and BB7 Janelle, BB8 Zach, BB12 Enzo, BB14 Shane, BB15 McCrae, BB18 Victor, BB21 Nicole, BB24 Michael.


It was a huge blindside because VANESSA didn’t see it coming. Thus the definition….


yeah, this has been the situation with chelsie for most of the season as well. maybe leah could have taken the shot her final hoh, but i don’t think anyone else would have been able to successfully nominate and evict chelsie. the only way you were getting her out was at final 4 or final 3. unfortunately it looks like makensy won’t take the shot, but if she was going to, i don’t think she can do it at 7 or 5 as people wanted her to cuz even if she pulled it off she’d just be following chelsie out the door the following eviction.

Team Angela

Indeed, if MJ eliminates Chelsea, it makes sense for that blindside, but Chelsea seems more likely to take Cam to the final. However, since MJ has been brainwashed by Chelsea, he would never take Cam to the final. Chelsea has really played the game well. Just because she won the game so easily doesn’t mean the season or her should be belittled. While it can be said that it was boring because she played so well, it can’t be said that she isn’t a worthy winner.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

She’s just not a worthy human being. She just OOZES hatred.


i don’t read her as hateful. i read her as dishonest, exploitative, and opportunistic. she’s the one person that won’t get invited to bb26 reunions when this is over. they’d probably rather have kenney and angela there than her.


I know! Cam doesn’t deserve a nickel


I think if it’s Nak against Chelsie in the end Mak wins because Rubins will vote for Mak (she already said she was closer to Mal and would’ve brought her to final 2)… if Chelsie wins part 3 the smart thing to do is evict Mak… same goes for Mak to evict Chelsie but I don’t think Mak will


However Chelsie bringing Makensy to the final would cement her victory as a true BB BOSS. Just the fact she planned to tell the jury she manipulated and overtook Makensy’s HOHs goes to show that she got this in the bag. This is the real Batman VS Superman that that stupid boy Kyland wished he could have pulled along with Derek (when neither of them were super players to begin with).

Tucker For AFP

Thank you Simon and Dawg for everything during this season, it was a great one!


You’re welcome!



And as I always say: click on links, buy from affiliates, send tips, do whatever you can to support Simon and Dawg!

More Whine, please

No wonder this world’s in such deep turmoil and decline these past few years.

god’s been wasting focus and powers on his equivalent of video games, where the paths of two devout followers pursuing the vices of fame, glory and riches, are making him feel productive and righteous.

Screw the genocide, too hard to solve.

Gan ainm

Well, at least He’s a fan.

More Whine, please

Seems I’ve upset the zealots, lol.

Moaning murtle

A ps: Chelsie will have a cakewalk to the end and props to her for that. The jury( I suspect a clean sweep for Chelsie) will vote for her because they will be guided to respect good game play ( Chelsie had that) so I don’t need to watch until the last 30 minutes because the only surprise may be AFP, which Julie said in an interview that it’s a ” dark horse” but ..that could just be Julie dangling a carrot to viewers. The only other thing I hope for is someone to help them get their history right and let them know about past female final 2’s

Moaning murtle

Couldn’t help but add this: did you catch Chelsie telling MJ that she and MJ were the next Matt and Jag( guess which one of them is Jag?)
Chelsie also told MJ that that she didn’t know what she would say to the jury other than glory to God ( meanwhile Chelsie has been practicing her jury speech along) Chelsie then gave Mj a pep talk and said your record speaks for itself etc…Mj said you are right and has not practiced since. Wow, MJ and Cam are good students of Chelsology! I wish the ending, at least for me,wasn’t so clear and predictable.

Greyson Stoehr

…A part of me wants to watch close ups of the faces of the Jury if Cam was Final 2 and he was sitting there, claiming how charismatic he is and how he’s so deserving of the win, but I really hope those two women kick his lazy arse to the curb.


Thanks for making this a great season. All the regular commenters have been amazing this year. Makes this little BB blog so much more entertaining.

You are all awesome thanks again.


Thank YOU, Simon. I’ve been coming here since BB 15! Time flies!

un autre nom

a – Chelsie’s speech prep says Mak won 11 comps. She’s won 10. This would lead to the proposition that Chelsie is planning to throw HOH part III.
b – Chelsie has told Cam that Mak would literally kill her if she cut her at F2.
c – Chelsie is telling Cam her game. If she’s planning to take him why would she do that?

Does this, in conjunction with the 2 women finals she’s pushed as something that has never happened (wrong) mean Chelsie and Mak final 2? not necessarily.
Does the d/r count make it seem that is the play.

I’m not saying hundo. I’m saying this is what the edit would suggest.

Moaning murtle

Chelsie is playing smart. She knows and we know MJ will take her to the end if MJ is in position to do that. If MZ evicts Cam it leaves no blood on Chelsie’s hand. Chelsie has this in the bag no matter who she did next to. MJ will be happy. She gets a nice size amount of money plus the trip to Hawaii she won earlier in the season and her comp win history will be part of BB history ( something that matters to MJ) What MJ doesn’t have is the social game ( maintaining friendships) that Chelsie has. In Chelsie’s own words: ” I finessed my way to the end” Well she has a good comp record as well but she was behind getting out Tucker, Joseph and Quinn ( all of whom have made respect for her game play). Cam is okay, ate the snacks and is pleased he made it to F3 without doing anything. Everybody in the F3 gets what they wanted. All’s well that ends well!

un autre nom

Here is the main thing i hem and haw with:
The Tucker move…. Mak asked Leah, who said everyone wanted to make that move. Cam is the one that went around to gauge the sentiment of the women and ran it back to Chelsie. Chelsie consolidated last minute with Quinn. We forget that it was three people pushing that because of edit. I’m not saying Chelsie doesn’t deserve credit… just saying not 100% credit because it wasn’t a vacuum situation.
Joseph was an equal move between Chels and Mak. Joseph had been a goof to both of them, both of them realized Joseph would target them.
The Quinn move… It was more a Mak push than a Chelsie push. Just being fact based there. Remember Mak changed Cam’s mind. He pushed Kimo and Chelsie agreed… then Cam is the one that wouldn’t change his mind back after Chels and Mak felt guitly. Again, not saying Chelsie doesn’t deserve credit, just saying not 100% credit AGAIN.
These three moves were a group effort.
It’s the Leah move she deserves credit for getting Mak to make.

More Whine, please

There was also some subliminal stuff at play with Tkor, who never respected or wanted to work with Tucker, but felt she owed Kimo and Rubina bc of their connection to him.

On one hand she knew Tucker was a shield for her alliance, but on the other hand she knew Tucker was a wild card and didn’t feel he had the moral fiber to deserve continuing in the game.

So she let his eviction happen, and then acted like it was happenstance from Tucker volunteering to go on the block. Even though clearly Tucker didn’t want his offer accepted, and ultimately his self-directed social dejection made him give up.

There was SO MUCH psychological nuance this season rather than one person controlling everything, which is why I enjoyed it up until the Chelsie/MK train took over at end game.

Yet Chelsie’s folklore myth will live on to haunt us for the eternity of BB confirmation bias/cherry-picking fallacy of revisionist history.

My name is Rich, but I'm not

un autre nom, you by FAR write the best posts. Second place is so far down, not sure who even comes close.

I don’t always agree with all your words, like calling Mak a blindfolded giraffe. From day 1, she was one of my favorites (I like legs!). I hope she wins the next comp and comes to realize that if she wants the $750k, her BF Chelsie has to go.

Since I’m old, I hope I’m still here to read your posts during BB27.

Bless you young lady(?).


Tucker move doesn’t happen without Mak beating Tucker’s ass in the AI arena. If I’m Mak, I take credit for the biggest move in the game.

Gan ainm

Is she planning 2 speeches? One for each option. She makes it sound like she would take Mak but I always got the impression she’d take Cam. She has been focused on convincing Mak to take her if she wins. With Chelsie everything looks like a work so it’s hard to tell what is real.

un autre nom

I don’t know who she takes. I can only project what the edit is suggesting.
The point with telling Cam about her game… it sounded to me like what a person would do to make sure that person votes for her. Otherwise she gives him opportunity to make his speech to combat hers.
I so don’t care about who goes to final 2…. I just want this season to end.

un autre nom

We have to wait for the edit.
After the Kimo Rubina bullshit where prodo pushed a flip that wasn’t going to happen because game had stopped on feeds for two days….
I fear they are pushing this no descision but both decisions bullshit so that viewers of feeds don’t know.

Team Angela

Simon, thank you always. Was I a good commenter too? Thanks to you, I had the best summer.

Barney Rubble

Cam drops after no apparent stress in the first Final HOH round. Seriously, I can’t believe how useless this dingleberry is and how easy winning this season is being made for Chelsie.

Utterly pathetic.


Joseph was correct. This was one boring cast. Funny how Chelsie stopped with her loud mouth at the end. Only entertaining cast members were Tucker and Joseph. Stopped watching after Tucker and Joseph were evicted. BB is going downhill fast. No one was interesting and funny. Probably why Dr. WILL WILL NO LONGER BE INTERVIEWING THE JURY. VERY VERY BORING. THE SUBMIT IS 100 TIMES MORE ENTERTAINING. BB HAS GONE DOWNHILL FAST.


Compared to past seasons. This one was strictly about the game. There were hardly any showmances, drama, or arguments. Usually you see articles about bullying, racism or someone quitting. Hardly any of that this season.