Cam “I think we got some good moves. Stuff like we were talking about in the scare room.. blowing some sh*t up!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Jag & Blue
POV Players: Jag, Cameron, Blue, MEME, Jared, Red
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  Izzy, Corey & Bowie

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation Right now Cam is saying If veto is used something big is going to happen. He hints at Izzy. If Veto isn’t used Jag goes.
Blue picked Jared for Veto, Jag drew MEME,

12:45pm Bathroom – Jag and Cam.
Jag – how are you feeling? Cam – slugish. Jag – I feel that. Cam – but you know when the lights turn on… (snaps his fingers). Jag – just the adrenaline. Cam – yeah it will be game on. It will be fun. Jag – yeah so, I am just going to… I mean I have to give it my all I’m on the block. I am hoping for the best. But you have a solid chance too, I feel like. A lot of us do. Cam – it will be a lot of fun. Tough though. If it is timed though, I am grabbing a blanket and going night night! If it is timed, I am going to my lock down spot and going to sleep. Even if it is on the floor in the diary room. I don’t care. Jag – yeah same. I went to sleep early last night but I still need a lot of sleep to catch up on. Yeah we will talk more after veto depending on how it goes. Cam – yeah we will. Jag – to continue conversations. Cam – yeah I think we got some good moves. Jag – yeah. Cam – Yeah all kinds of good options man. Of all kinds of stuff we could really do. If we really wanted to (makes a blowing things up noise). Jag – yeah. Cam – Stuff like we were talking about in the scare room the other day. Jag – yeah. Cam – blowing some sh*t up! You never know. Jag – I am assuming you don’t want to talk about that until after veto? Cam – yeah, I respect you that much that I don’t want to put stuff in your head. There are a lot of things that could happen. I feel like Meme would leave it the same. Jag – I am not sure. Is that your ideal thing too.. leave it the same? Or are you still working out what you would. Cam – Let it play (out). I mean I got an idea but what happens will dictate what direction I should go. You know what I mean. Jag – yeah yeah that is true. I am trying not to think about it. Im getting nervous just thinking about it. Cam – regardless you’re going to do great. Jag – yeah I am going to give it my all.

12:54pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.

1:09pm The live feeds switch to the kitten cams. The Veto Competition is happening now..

Still blocked..

4:35pm Nothing yet..

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20 thoughts to “Cam “I think we got some good moves. Stuff like we were talking about in the scare room.. blowing some sh*t up!””

  1. I am so confused as to who’s with who right now. I don’t watch live feeds but read this site daily. My fam only watches shows and I usually am able to fill in the blanks but I feel like so much happened that wasn’t shown this week. Two questions:
    1. What are the true alliances as of today
    2. What was on each numbered card from pressure cooker comp?

    1. This helped me (thank you
      un autre nom for graphic) . This is the BEST Big Brother Spoilers place to go to get all of the deets.

    2. The cards: Jared got the snakes, Cerie got 6-pack of beer, Izzy got “concert” which was the death metal music that played, Bowie got an actual pressure cooker lol, Matt got a box of flies which were meant to be released into the room but were mostly dead from the cold, Blue got $1000 (which she was complaining was “ONLY $1000”- then again she told Jared she spent $6K on a handbag once which she then lost), Jag got “perfume” which meant they released a bad odor into the room, Meme got a dinner for her and three others, Cory got have-nots and had to pick two others, Red got a home theater and Paramount Plus for a year.

      For Real For Real Alliance is Meme, Cerie, Jared, Izzy, Felicia, Cory and America. They SAY that’s real but Cerie and Izzy now last night talking about boot order being Jag, Red, Cameron, then CORY (I couldn’t believe Cory is supposed to now go before America, Blue and BOWIE- they see him playing both sides). Seems like everyone else they’d keep to 6, or definitely jury. Possibly America goes before Blue and Bowie from comments Thursday. But they change it constantly. (A few days ago America was supposed to be next). Then Cameron is trying to start an opposing alliance to the Cerie part of Legends 25 (I think it’s called), with him, Red, Bowie, Cory, America and Matt. But Matt ran and told Cerie right away. (He made her SWEAR she wouldn’t tell anyone, and so far she hasn’t told anyone including Jared and Izzy) Cory might also be in trouble with Cerie because he didn’t tell her about the Cameron thing.

      1. Cory got bumped up on the eviction list bc Cam’s HOH is making them feel vulnerable, and Cory was the one who told them to stick with Hissam as the target last week. I think it was Felicia and Izzy who complained about that.

        Once that threat passes if Jag does get evicted this week, they will likely switch orders again, depending on where the paranoia is leading them.

        If Izzy goes they may hold Cory somewhat accountable, but there will be so many paths to paranoia that he may get bumped down.

  2. I think Cam needs to shut his mouth, he is running around saying he has big plans, why can’t he just be quiet. I’m really confused about who is really working with him, I know Red is, as for all of the other houseguests, I am totally confused about who really likes him, and will work with him.

    My Complaint(s):
    I really do not like the way Felicia threatens people, “If you lie to me, your Ass is the next one out”, really !!! She got lucky and won an HOH by chance. She is no physical threat, she thinks that her and Cirie are running the entire house. Felicia thinks she has some power, all she is doing is what she is lead to do, or told to do by Cirie.

    Jared, he is another annoying person as far as I’m concerned. He brings nothing to the show, he is all talk when it comes to actually winning anything.

    Cirie, I loved her on Survivor, not so much on Big Brother. Not impressed with her game play, she flip flops, she gets paranoid, she really is not bringing much to the season. I would love to see her and Jared on the block together.

    Izzy, where do I start, all I can say is she annoys the hell out of me. She is a flunky for Cirie, she really does not have any game play, she talks too much, and I love how she said Cam was a loser if he does a “Backdoor” this week. Why was it ok for Felicia, Her and Cirie to backdoor Hisam, but if Cam does a Backdoor, this week, he’s a loser.

    I’m pulling for Cam, I hope he is able to put Izzy on the block. I hope Izzy freaks out, and feels that Cirie & Felicia are not going to vote to keep her. I want Izzy to blow up Cirie & Jared, tell everyone Cirie is Jared’s Mother.

    Then the fire works will begin, Cirie will become enemy #1 & #2. Then we might actually see some great game play this season, and get away for letting Cirie, Izzy, Felicia and Jared think that they are running the house.

    OPEN YOUR EYES Houseguests, Look at Cirie and look at Jared, can’t you see they look alike ?

    Cam thought Felicia is Denzel Washington’s sister LMAO, Fool, look at Cirie and Jared, do they not look very much alike to you ??

    I’m not really a fan of Felicia, Cirie, Izzy or Jared, I really don’t have a favorite in this entire cast. But I’m ready for some drama to break out, mix up the people who are so comfortable, show them they need to start wining some comps.

    Cam, please keep your mouth shut, stop talking in riddles about making big moves, read the room, pay attention, try to figure out who’s really working with you.

  3. So this is likely a totally stupid question I have no doubt of the rigging and prodo story lines and the d/r kool aid drinking. But is the reason the former houseguest don’t ever say anything is because it’s under contract that that can’t even after the show ? And if so what kind of length does that have effect ? Forever ? As in icky doesn’t say anything about cirie and Jared, and will continue to shield them…are they planted from the get going knowing they’ll never win and never will tell the truth of Chen driving what she wants in the end. I’m assuming all the answers to these questions is a resounding yes. Just had to put it out there to get the confirmation.

    I also miss old BB where there was more drama and the house didn’t all just do what the hoh wanted. Votes weren’t unanimous etc. And not as many crazy twists. Thanks Simon and Dawg for all your work, and un Autre Nom for all your thoughts !!!

  4. you know who wouldn’t have won hoh or veto this week? Reilly.
    know who certainly wouldn’t be a strategic threat? yup. her.
    and both my nopes would be gone.

    just saying as my way of saying Cameron won veto.

    Who’s on first of who do you want out circlejerk
    Bowie on spot says lets take out Jag, then Blue, then America.
    no mention of Cam/Red.
    well she’s going to be shittalked.

    Red thinks he can become a spy in the chaoscoven. bless his dimwitted heart.

    talk in house sounds like Cam won veto. Red is wearing Veto.
    are they interchangeable now? i dunno.
    Jag lost by 21 seconds.

    America trying to get Jag / Blue to run numbers on Cam to both stay. 2 soldiers or 1 enemy.
    Jag / Blue instead of fighting for themseles, want Cirie Izzyand Felicia to fight for them. lost cause. these two are cowardly lion and lust sloth strategy.

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