POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | Sept 6th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Sept 8th |
HOH Winner | Frankie | Next HOH | Sept 10th |
Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? | ||
POV Players | ? |
2:25pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests again. When the live feeds return – The house guests are up in the HOH room. Victoria is listening to Frankie’s HOH cd of his sister. Derrick is in the bathroom getting ready. Cody is pulling up his dino suit and it looks like he was sleeping. Caleb heads downstairs. Frankie asks isn’t that a great song? Victoria says amazing. Victoria says she going downstairs to make coffee. Derrick tells Frankie that he is getting more paranoid than Caleb right now. I’m nervous about those two because they are beasts. Frankie asks did you say anything to Caleb last night? About Cody going on the block? Derrick says no I didn’t say anything to Caleb. Derrick says I didn’t say a word so if he said anything, he’s lying. Frankie says no its not about you. Caleb is also scared about Cody. Derrick says I love Caleb but if he wins I am scared to go home because of what Nicole said. They talk about Caleb being loved. Frankie says how many of those people in the jury will actually separate game from personal? Derrick says none of them. They (Caleb & Cody) are loved. Frankie says we’re the villains. I was close to Christine for a little bit. Derrick says we just got to get to the end. Derrick says he knows his path to win. IF he makes it to the end he wins. Derrick says all three of you have played the best games. Derrick says if you smoke me in the end I want a trip somewhere like Africa. Frankie says I’ll put some money in a college fund for your daughter.
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2:30pm Caleb starts yelling from downstairs that he pushed the button again and the clock stopped. They all start running to the Reset room. Victoria yells the clock stopped!! They ask him why he pressed it and Caleb says I don’t know because we talked about it!! Caleb says you were going to do it. They run into the room and Caleb laughs about how he tricked them. Frankie says I almost broke both my ankles so if your plan was to take me out before the next competition you almost did it. He says he just had to. Cody tells Caleb that he presses it every time he walks in there.
2:45pm – 3pmCaleb tells Frankie that he told Cody if he goes up on the block he just needs to trust that we will keep him here. Caleb says we just need to get to the final four. She doesn’t deserve to be here. Caleb says if you or I are up there.. one of us is going home. We’re the two biggest beasts in the house. Frankie agrees. If we’re both on the block and you win the veto I know you would choose to keep me. I don’t know about Cody or Derrick. Frankie says stick to the plan. Caleb says when we are all sitting around the table as the final 4 that’s when we talk about it. Caleb is in the kitchen telling stories.
In the living room the tv screen says Nominations Today.
3:05pm In the fire room – Derrick tells Victoria I don’t think he is going to put us up together. Victoria agrees. Derrick says as long as we don’t go up on the block together, we’re good. Derrick says he might put you up. You’re the only girl. He might say we’ve all won compettions but if you go up you’re okay. We all get to play in the veto so it doesn’t matter who goes on the block. And if you don’t win the veto you have no one to blame but yourself. I’m going to try and win it because if I don’t I could go up. We’re all going to try and win it. Derrick tells Victoria to keep her head up. Victoria says okay.
3:10pm – 3:20pm In the kitchen – Caleb says that if he doesn’t win he is banking on winning America’s Favorite. He tells Victoria if there is 10k or 20K in one of the competitions up for grabs he is going for it. Big Brother plays a Jocasta HOLLA. Caleb laughs at how soon they’ll get a Nicole and Christine Holla. Caleb says Christine will refuse to do it if they try to get her to do it. Big Brother plays a Donny HOLLA. All the house guests laugh at how cool it was. They talk about how they were asked in the diary room about why they thought Christine was boo’d when she was evicted. Cody says he said it didn’t have anything to do with him. Derrick says everything we do has a ripple effect. Big Brother keeps going in and out of blocking the feeds.
3:20pm The live feeds are showing the Jeff Schroeder live feed highlights .. The nomination ceremony could be happening now…
Feeds come back Jeff and Jordan get engaged. The house guests talking about it.. Apparently some county music star was there. the ring is supposed to be Humongous.
Jeff told them the house is disgusting
5:06pm Living Room Frankie, Derrick and Cody
They are talking about the drama of the season. they are under the impression that this season was good and entertaining. Frankie says they will have even more drama when the season ends. Derrick says he never watched the feeds near the end because it’s boring. Derrick says that near the end people have a better idea about who is going home.
(LOL imagine a whole season that felt like final 4)
5:24pm Living Room Caleb, Frankie, Cody and Victoria
They are joking around with their competition wins. Frankie says Caleb can’t count the BOB he won for himself. Caleb says that EVERYONE was on board for Caleb to throw the BOB. Frankie says he knows he knows everyone turned on them. Cody tells Caleb to pump the brakes. Caleb says no way pump the brakes everyone of them were supporting Caleb on that.
Frankie turns around at Cody says he knows they were trying to get him out that week.
(This was all done under the guise of laughs and semi jokes)
6:25pm Nominations Ceremony underway
What was said about the twist
UPDATE: All the Houseguests, who competed last Thursday, will play for HOH all over again
If That button is pushed in the coming days then next weeks live vote will stop live on the air The two nominees Will immediately come off the block The Game will rewind and the entire week will be replayed that means next week’s nominees could go from being on the block to becoming head of household. It’s a week you do not want to miss as we are full steam ahead to the finale. Tune in Sunday to see who is the new Head of Household To see this Big Brother Rewind twist unleashed on the houseguests and to witness the return of Big Brother legends Jeff and Jordan for a surprise announcement. Then to make way for the NFL we are changing our schedule for the rest of the season. POV back up for grabs Tuesday 8/7c then the Live Eviction will be Wednesday 8/7c will another house guest be evicted or will the game stop dead in it’s tracks.
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Simon – Dawg – who cannot play for the next HOH because of the reset – is it Derrick or Frankie – I’m assuming it is Derrick – I know I should be able to figure this out after all these BB years – but would like to hear from you. Thanks for your hard and often painful work!
It would be Derrick who would not be able to play in the HOH if it was reset because he won the first HOH during the double eviction.
Thank You! That has been driving me crazy! You Guys Are The BEST! Now having said that – I have to ponder what this means to Derrick’s game.
Derrick will figure this out – he knows what happened two seasons ago – Reset – Frank was saved and the game reset – Derrick will know he can’t play – so really – nothing much has changed. Hate him or not – Derrick will get it!
Hate him.
Hopefully it’s screws his game. Mr. high and mighty needs to be knocked down a peg.
Julie Chen explained in an article that EVERYONE will be able to compete when the reset happens.
Okay – just checked – in BB14 the reset did allow all to play – guess my question was off – but then why bother – what a stupid – silly – uneventful – non-twist – nothing will change twist – just another week of the same old same… I think the twist would make more sense if Derrick could not compete – if not – fast forward and get this season over.
No Julie Chen said this as clarification:
From ET Weekly:
JULIE CHEN: “To clarify: All the Houseguests, who competed last night, will play for HOH all over again. Sorry for any confusion. Chenbot malfunction. What the bleep #%€?¥!?”]”
Key point is “who originally competed in the HOH”. That means Derrick doesn’t compete
See, no one really knows – AG is once again playing us!
Chenbot could not have been more clear. Derrick can’t compete after the reset.
a rewind means you go back to a starting point and stop then start again. so who ever couldn’t play then can’t play now…that’s derrick…it just gives everyone a 2nd chance to see what might have been and then they can make more informed decisions from a new perspective. my bet nothing really changes except cody now knows how important winning should be for him. if the impossible happens and victoria wins pov derricks game could get exposed…bottom line it has potential to change things but doubt it does. however if for some reason they allow derrick to play then thats not a rewind thats something totally different. rewatching bb10 what an awesome season that was….misss those days
What if Derrick is put on the block? Wouldn’t he then get to come down and get to compete for HOH. Julie said whoever was on the block could possible go from being on the block to being the next HOH. She didn’t say everyone except Derrick.
come on use your head its like whatever happens this week never happened time is set back to 5 minutes before the hoh comp so you can understand better same players in hoh and derrick is not able to play doesn’t matter who goes on the block who wins veto who gets backdoored it never happened its your imagination
Derrick won HOH during double eviction therefor Derrick was unable to compete in this last HOH. If the whole week this week is “erased” (so to speak) that means its like Frankie never even won and that entire comp has to be played again. Based upon BB game rules Derrick was not able to compete in that comp due to being outgoing HOH so if they stay true to thier rules he cannot compete in this next HOH.
i think we have to accept the fact that this twist is meant to provide Frankie with maximum opportunity, not anyone else. The fact it will reset in a way that all the HGs cannot play for HOH means that he can play again. It makes more sense that it resets in a way that this particular HOH cannot play, in this case Frankie, because the reset is designed to allow even the nominees another change to win HOH, another chance to win POV.
Right now it seems it ensures that Derrick isnt’ going to be able to compete in the next HOH, something he was expecting to be able to do at this stage in the game, plus won’t really change the nominees because it is still the same people who will be competing, Frankie still most likely to win any competition. I have some hope for Cody only because when there are very fast HOHs they tend to be question HOHs and he is very good at those I think.
I think everyone should get to play, but I could see them doing it either way.
I thought I read that EVERYONE gets to play in that HOH competition.
Okay I’m confused. (Big surprise.). Does this reset mean since they pushed it that everything that’s happening this week doesn’t really matter?
Derrick and his sidekick Cody are about to get crushed. I bet Cody calls them out on it.
LOL! Cody is going to crush it when he chickens out of calling them out.
Did anyone catch Frankie’s comments about wanting to eat slop to loose some weight? What a little b*#%ch. so like every other point of the game. All that comes out if his mouth is a lie. All the sudden the slop won’t effect his health now. We know the truth. He just doesn’t want to be out of the HOH room for longer then a night. He said he has only slept in another bed for 18 days this year. I kinda hope he does get on all stars so the real players can beat him down week after week like he did and laugh behind his back about how crappy he is at everything. Karma!!!
NO!! No more Fakie in any way shape or form EVER!!!
Hadn’t thought of that, but ITA. Frankie for bb all stars! Show em how its done!
I believe Frankie has circulation problems and cannot sleep in the cold room.
But he can participate in competitions with freezing water and slush? Frankie is such a privileged, spoiled brat! Go home Frankie!
In true Frankie form, he did that cuz Caleb said the same thing last week. He said he was going on slop to lose weight because he was getting too thick. Frankie is kissing ass yet again.
I now officially want Caleb to win over Derrick. I don’t really like either of them but Caleb has won a lot of comps and had played a pretty honest game. I have to admire that in him I also think that Frankie and Caleb are going to move against Derrick after the reset. Derrick lost me when he went off on Nicole before she got evicted. Looks like maybe Victoria will be packing Derricks bag for the last time soon.
Simon and Dawg thank you for all your hard work!!! I know it has not been easy this season, and it will be hard the next couple of weeks.
Thank you for all you do!!!
Thank you. We appreciate the kind words and support.
I just checked the latest poll. Looks like you are appreciated 2.39 times more than Simon. Poor Simon!!! lol
Derrick wants a trip to Africa now? His poor daughter has a future of starvation if so. 🙁
So this little twist is designed to show Frankie’s hand and make these guys stop playing Big Baby. Pretty weird that Nicole called them babies when she pretty much did the same thing all summer. OOOOH Deereeek! Wat Dooo I Dooo nowww? She’s right, but watch those casting of stones honey. Frankie just gets more disgusting everyday. No hope for that “person”. I think this is gonna be one bitter jury, especially when it comes out that Derrick’s a cop. Sorry folks, CBS can’t wait for that secret to pop up. The jury house was bomb until Christine showed up with her dark cloud. If Caleb makes it to the end, he’s winning it. But there’s a few weeks left and many dummies till the end of that road. Matt Hoffman was so right on RHAP, the show is a poor imitation of itself and it’s spiraling down the toilet at this point. The sad part is that MTV’s the challenge has more age range in it’s casting, the comps are way more brutal, top prize is like a 100k, but the people show up to play and and respect the game. C’mon BB, go back to casting people that had something to go home to. That’s all you have to do and the show becomes great again.
Except that Nicole did in fact put Caleb and Frankie on the block and tried to get Frankie evicted. People seem to forget that.
I don’t think she tried, if she did, she really is a dingbat. Putting those two up together when she knew how everybody was playing BOB, Donny told her not to trust Christine and watch out for Derrick and then what does she do? She runs and tells them? You guys give Nic way too much credit.
Yet, they were all afraid of her… hence the urgency to get her out!
The same people that were afraid of Nic were the ones that thought Donny was CIA so uh……
Derrick appears good only because all the HOHs were won by his alliance
And the stupid BOB twist made sure that the other side couldn’t make a big move even when once or twice that they did win something..
Derrick won the HOH that got Devin out and now Christine and he supposedly threw the one when Frankie’s grandfather died according to him.
True about the BOB but Donny and Nicole could have gotten one of those guys or possibly Christine out if they were on the same page during their reign. At that time you couldn’t tell Nicole too much that would have actually landed that she wouldn’t make you regret telling her since she shared too much when she shouldn’t. And Nicole still trusted the other side then still and was too safe an her noms. Then Caleb messed up Nicole’s plan to get out Frankie because he chose to grandstand instead of just playing the BOB and throwing it while playing. So there was a little bit of hope here and there. But that BOB helped pigeon hole the ones not in an alliance for sure. Too bad they didn’t catch on sooner.
to anyone who hates derrick, respect his game. it’s a good one. very strategic. dan-esque. why has no one noticed/said anything about his photo though??! best case scenario for this week: cody/victoria go up, derrick wins pov, takes cody down then they control the votes to get caleb out! if that happens this week, those two will sail smoothly to the end.
Actually, best case scenario is that this season dies a natural death ASAP. 🙂
Don’t tell us what to do.
I agree team derrick. If you are a true B.B. fan, you have to at least respect that Derrick has by far played the best GAME. I really don’t understand all the hate for Derrick. Did everyone hate on Dan & Dr. Will like this? And I like your theory of backdooring Caleb – but I would rather they backdoored Frankie.
His game isn’t THAT great. It’s only playing to his advantage because the cast is full of cowards and scared b*tches that are too afraid to make a big move.
Put him in the same house with Danielle Reyes, Dan G, and even Neda and see if he’s that good of a player
It only matters who he is in the house with now.. of all the HG’s, he is the one with the best game, best brain. Regardless of who has played in the past, he is the one in control this season.
Exactly. I don’t get why people think Derrick’s game is so great? Wow, he lies really good to a bunch of morons. Put him in a house with some real players and see how long he lasts.
I don’t hate Derr the game player, I just strongly dislike Derr the person. I actually respected his game for most of the season until he blatantly lied in DRs and tried to “mist” live feeders into liking him… I have no respect for someone who cares more about what America thinks of them than taking OWNERSHIP of their game.
Also Derr is not that great of a player. He is good and I will admit that over this last week he has gained some of my respect for his game back, while at the same time making me dislike him more as a person. When Nic called him out on his game he knew Nic was an emotional person and used that to convince her she was the a** and not him. Great game move, but poor human being move. Also he tells Nic he wants his daughter to grow up to be like her but then tells Caleb Nic, Vic, and Chris are not very attractive (like he is one to talk) and makes fun of Nic’s voice earlier today (a lot of viewers find it annoying too but no need to bash someone you claim to look so highly upon).
But probably what makes me want to root against Derr more than anything is the blatantly lying CBS does to make him look like he is controlling the game. Derr spent 3hrs the night before noms to try and get Frankie put up and CBS edited it to make it look like Derr masterminded Frankie staying off the block… wrong, Derr doesn’t have as much pull as he or CBS think.
Where Derr is good is at using the hg’s weaknesses to his advantage to take heat off of himself and to get them to like and trust him. I don’t see him as being a target for the rest of the game… the problem is.. Is that enough to earn him first place?? I don’t know. Unless you are making the moves and making big plays or winning comps you are not an all around player and don’t deserve to win. To be honest I think Frankie has played a better all around game than Derr. With that being said, the only one left in the house I could be ok with winning is Derr,
Derrick is good – but not a Dan…. He’ll have to win this one without us – and we are really trying to cause him problems.
I disagree that his game is Dan-esque. It reminds me more of Hayden or Maggie’s game… and that’s not an insult, that kind of game is honestly tougher to keep up than Dan’s.
I didn’t see dans first season he won saw the second of coarse he was at a big disadvantage he was great but we all knew he had no chance to win he was playing for 50k and that was sealed half way thru because he never cared about the jury
Derrick hasn’t had to play a game because no one is playing in there. Donny was the only person who was but couldn’t get anyone to listen to him. All Derrick did was say if you talk to Donny, you go home and it was that easy to ostracize Donny.
Dan was not that great of a player. I’ve said it before: His first season he got LUCKY a fight broke out after Jessie’s eviction (in which Dan’s “America’s Vote” had him evicted) that drew a line in the house that any person with half a brain would play up. The house was blinded by the argument that happened afterwards and from then on it was Dan sliding under the radar to keep himself off. That’s what he did and got to the end. I liked Dan but this admiration of him I just don’t get.
Like Derrick he was good but not great.
I think Dan was a great player.. but I can understand people thinking he was overrated. However, I don’t understand how you can say Derr and Dan are at the same level. If you think Dan was only good then Derr is less than good. Dan was able to manipulate and influence others to benefit his game and change the direction of the game. Derr is only able to manipulate to the point of getting people to like him and not think of him as a threat. Anytime he has tried to change what was decided upon at the beginning of the week he has failed.. showing he is not influential only good at hiding in the background.
Dan’s “funeral” & his ability to get Danielle to put on Shane will never be forgotten. In my opinion – he & Dr. Will are two of the greats!
What a waist of a twist.
It would be funny if Frankie made a move and go after someone and then the reset hit.
It seems that they want to be known as the best alliance on this show rather then win 500k.
Since Christine is gone who in there right mind would vote for Frankie.
If Victoria makes it to the final 2 shes won. Nicole, Hadyen, Jocosta and Donny are all gonna vote for her because Nicole will push for it.
Christine wont vote for anyone of the boys. It seems that she not only ruined her game but Nicole & Donny’s games as well.
I think Vic winning would be hilarious – and Donny winning America’s Favorite would be (well deserved and such an ‘in your face’ to the BOYS)!
that why everyone hopes he tries to backdoor derrick game gets reset its on then
it amuses me that Derrick is trying to tell these guys that the jury will not vote on game, but on emotion. I have never once seen any Jury vote on emotion, because that really means that they would vote for whoever is nicest. maybe derrick should not shoot himself in the foot, since others know that the Jury members will tend to think he is the one who is the nicest. he’s trying to spin that they think Cody is, but why would they? Cody put up Donny after saying he wouldn’t, and he failed at least once to put up a strong player that would help himself and others in the game, and he turned on the Hayden/Nicole alliance as well. So why would anyone really believe the seed of Cody is well liked? More than Derrick? Oh, i don’t think so.
The Jury always votes for a person who in their minds plays the ‘best’ game, who is the person the audience tends to think is the biggest D1ck head, the one who made the most enemies, not the most friends, That’s pretty much the way it has always gone. Maybe the exception is the Dan/Ian F2 combination, but that might be because Dan didn’t win comps and he alienated a lot of HGs, and he got taken there, like any other floater, in the eyes of some. Same thing can happen to Derrick, if no one sees you playing the game, no one knows you are winning the game. If no one knows the idea behind who goes up or down is yours, you can hardly sit there at the end and tell them different.
Actually BBCAN 1 jury was all about bitterness in the final vote but the right person won by Topaz’s moronic accident.
I think Frankie and derrick will take Victoria, I hope all the rest of those Goobers get boooood or silence, they all live for applause, don’t deserve it the way they have treated people!
I was going to make a comment about Stankie always being the HOH SLUT to whoever is HOH during most of past HOH reigns. Every time a player won HOH, Stankie was right there almost tripping over his own two feet to be the first to kiss as$ all week that did not stop until eviction night. I was wondering how he was going to do it this time as he is now HOH but I guess accepting compliments from everyone will suffice. UGH. *eye roll*
He sickens the crap out of me, I am so glad this season is almost over as I can’t take anymore of this narcissistic cockatoo.
The only good thing I can see coming from this reset is that hopefully Frankie won’t win the HOH again. I was so pissed that he won it but now am glad he did. Particularly since he was the main one wanting to push the button. Can’t wait to see his face when he realizes he dethroned himself! Of course, he obviously has a very good chance of winning it again, so nothing will probably change. If Derrick can’t play, then the only way I see anything changing is if Cody or Vic wins, cause Caleb would most likely put up the same ones as Frankie – Vic & Cody. If Cody wins HOH, I think he would put up Vic & Caleb, with the plan on backdooring Frankie. I believe Frankie & Cody will be the first to turn on each other. I really hope Derrick makes it at least to final 2. He has played the game from day 1 & deserves to win. Just because he’s a cop doesn’t give him an “unfair” advantage. That’s like saying Dan & Dr. Will had an unfair advantage because they were smarter than the others. Yes, Derrick has done some mean things – but so did Dan & Dr. Will. And Derrick’s meaness doesn’t even come close to Frankie’s & Christine’s. I believe Derrick is basically a good guy trying his best to help his family. I also think if he makes it to the finals, that the jury will not be bitter and reward him for indeed playing the best game. Also, it would be a travesty if Donny doesn’t win America’s Fav. He is by far the sweetest, kindest person to ever play in B.B. So Derrick for the win, Donny for America’s Favorite & Frankie for the most boos!
I think you are way into this show… i think you need to go for a walk outside or something.
To Muddy Squid: Normally, I would not even reply back to a comment like yours. But I’m going to for all the other people out there who get judged by someone who has no clue of the person they are judging. I lost my mom to lung cancer in April. She & I used to watch B.B. together every summer. She was an intelligent, witty woman, and I loved talking strategy with her about B.B. The last 6 mos, of her life, I spent taking care of her in my home. After her death, I have been so busy with taking care of her estate, etc. that I rarely have time for “a walk.” But yes, I have made time to keep up with B.B. (mostly through these updates) Because it does bring back fond memories of sharing it with my mom. And yes – I’ve spent too much time in replying to your comment – just wanted you to maybe think a bit before so casually judging others.
My deepest condolences. Losing a parent is so very difficult and when you are the one caring for that person until their death, it makes all the time shared very precious. I too cared for my Mum until her death and lost my job because of my decision to care for her. Was well worth it as I have wonderful memories of the time spent together before her passing. So pleased that you have fond memories of strategising over BB. It may be just a game but it does tend to bring people together even if opinions differ. Enjoy the remainder of this season ( tongue in cheek) post your opinions when you have time and keep all the memories of your Mum in your heart.
taylor, thank you so much for your kindness & compassion. And my sincere condolences to you also. I don’t think anyone can really understand, unless they have done it, how tremendously difficult it is to be a caregiver – especially to someone that you love so dearly. I respect you so much for giving up your job to take care of you mom. But you are right – that time spent together is priceless & precious – & certainly worth it. Also – just wanted to tell you – that even before you posted this to me – that you have been one of the people that I have most enjoyed reading their comments. I really like the way you express your opinions, & even if I’m a few days behind, I still give you a “thumbs up” LOL! You do have a talent for writing – maybe you could explore some opportunities to write for a magazine or newspaper, etc. I do some freelance work – doesn’t pay much – but it’s fun & fulfilling. Best of Luck – & thanks again!
To both V and Taylor, I knew I that I enjoyed both of you on this site from the beginning, and now I know why. I, too, left my full time job to care for my father in the final five years of his life in our home. It was a long, slow death…but having him with me was something I’d never change. Anyway, it’s nice when you can find people on here that are willing to talk real game, and also to have a “friendly laugh” without becoming so nasty to one another. It’s ended my enjoyment of the site for the most part, and unfortunately has renewed my dislike for chat sites in general. It’s very easy to sit behind a device and spew venom, especially under ever-changing aliases, and my resolve to not engage has been tested more than I want to admit. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you two how much I’ve enjoyed you this summer. Thank you!!
Oops! *Suze* Messed up my own name!!
LOL! No worries – I knew it was you!!
Suze, you have just reaffirmed my belief that there are no “coincidences.” For you also have been one of my fav commentators from the start. I actually gave you a “shout-out” as one of my favs early on in this season. I hadn’t “discovered” Taylor yet. But we three have a shared experience which obviously produced a natural empathy toward one another. Bless your heart – 5 yrs. is a long time – I’m not sure I would have had the strength. But God is Good – and He will surely Bless you. Don’t let the “haters” get you down. I still believe there are more Donnys in the world than Frankies! LOL! And thank YOU – for your wit & wisdom in your comments. You have definitely made this site more fun for me to read.
My deepest sympathy to you. Your mom is in heaven now watching and probably hoping ( ok my hope ) that Donny gets voted Americas favorite.
Jake, you most have known my mom, she is in heaven & most certainly would have been rooting for Donny! I really hate that she didn’t get to see him – she would have absolutely fell in love with him – like most all of us. And I know she would have had me on here wearing my fingers out voting for him for America’s Favorite! LOL!! Thank you for making me smile.
Greetings V,
Your mother was very blessed to have you by her side. She will be with you always. I will pray for you and your Mom, bless you.
Thank you so much Linda in Tx! That was so kind of you to take the time to post that to me. I really do appreciate it and may God bless you and your family too.
Ok sorry…
Thanks Muddy Squid, I do really appreciate it. Takes courage to say “i’m sorry.” No hard feelings.
Isn’t the point of this site to vent and give an opinion about this show? I really enjoy when people try to figure out what the players are doing or trash certain players. This place is way more interesting than the actual show. I think there are some really smart, and entertaining people on this site.
i agree, i love that this twist is going to take away his HOH and his noms and his Veto selection. It is pretty awesome. I dislike that he will also be able to replay for HOH, because he just might re win it. 🙁
Frankie cannot be backdoored. Nobody can anymore. There are only five people. They all get to play for the veto. They all know they’re basically going on the block and have a chance to be evicted if they don’t win a competition. Doesn’t count as a backdoor when you have an automatic chance to save yourself.
Hey Hawkeye, I know we can’t have a “true” backdoor now, but if Frankie doesn’t win HOH again – then someone could wait until after the veto comp to see if he wins it or not before showing their cards & put him on the block then.
But Frankie knows full well that’s exactly what will happen. He may be a despicable human being, but he isn’t an idiot. He’s fighting for his life and he knows it. It wouldn’t even be a “he didn’t really expect it, no, I swear you’re just a pawn” semi back door, let alone a true, Nakomis-style backdoor.
The only way this twist might matter is if victoria wins hoh after the twist. Or if they turn on a bs member before the evictions (say if victoria won veto). It would suck for victoria if she won the veto and pulled herself off. Not that i want her to win.
I heer Franky grabbed Caleb’s crotch, why deednt Calebs 3 degree black belt reflexes kick in? Yo think dat Caleb is un joto also but dusznt want hees family to know. Dat iz why heez relashunship with Amber waz so dysfuckshunal, becuz he try hard to seem like he iz macho, but iz not. If someone grab mi in my cajones, they weel visit da hospital in ambulances.
uh…can you repeat that?
I heer Franky grabbed Caleb’s crotch, why deednt Calebs 3 degree black belt reflexes kick in? Yo think dat Caleb is un joto also but dusznt want hees family to know. Dat iz why heez relashunship with Amber waz so dysfuckshunal, becuz he try hard to seem like he iz macho, but iz not. If someone grab mi in my cajones, they weel visit da hospital in ambulances.
I hear Skanky grabbed Caleb’s crotch, why didn’t Caleb’s 3rd degree black belt reflexes kick in? I think that Caleb is gay also but doesn’t want his family to know. That is why his relationship with Amber was so dysfunctional, because he tried very hard to appear hetero, but he isn’t. If someone were to grab my balls, they would be visiting the hospital on an ambulance.
EZ fa ya to Sae
Maybe Frankie will be cast again in another BB All Stars because he is the only HG in BB history who’s slept the most nights in the HOH room.What a feat, indeed.
I thought Frankie was going to build schools in Africa? After he pays his life coach, therapist, first class travel, he will put $$ away for Derick’s daughter now?
Rat face, please!
I’ll laugh my ass off if Derrick takes victorea to the end over his bros and somehow victorea wins because of a bitter jury. Lolll please let that happen!
“Caleb says that if he doesn’t win he is banking on winning America’s Favorite.” I don’t agree Caleb. I think America’s Favorite will go to Donny followed by Zach, Hayden, and Nicole. Caleb might be the least hated among the Bomb Squad, though.
Regarding Christine’s booooos………….
Dear Frankie, Derrick, Cody & Caleb: What goes around…..comes around! (I hope!)
Stupid twist unless Frankie loses. Then…bye, bye Frankie! Get ready for your fans to cheer for you (all 2 of them..Mom & Sis), but they’re going to be drowned out by the vile you spewed in the house coming back to you!
Victoria for the win!
What a great twisted outcome!
How many times and in how many contexts must I hear the word “beast” Can somebody with a drone send in a Thesaurus? Please, I am begging.
All house guests get to participate in the HOH on Wednesday night
UPDATE: All the Houseguests, who competed last Thursday, will play for HOH all over again
Yea!!! Glad Derrick gets to play! Thanks Simon!!
No Derrick dies not get to play. Chenbot clarified this today.
I know, I wrote that before Simon updated it.
Theoretically, to play devil’s advocate, Derrick competed yesterday also. It was a double eviction, so two HOH comps. Just sayin
Roh Ruh is Dawg in the Dog House? While I agree – Derrick is going to figure this one out.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Okay, Julie, that BB Rewind explanation was pretty quick last night. Give us a refresher on exactly how this will work and your thoughts on what it could do to the game.
According to an interview Julie did with Entertainment Weekly:
JULIE CHEN: Basically if the rewind button gets pushed, the two nominees next week come off the block and we immediately rewind the game one week. That means all house guests play for HOH all over again…. So there could likely be a new HOH, two new nominees, a new POV winner and then who knows who gets bounced from the house next. [UPDATE: Julie sent the following update for clarification on this point: “To clarify: All the Houseguests, who competed last night, will play for HOH all over again. Sorry for any confusion.
Derrik will NOT be able to play in the Rewind HOH!!! Couldn’t be happier!
thanks for the correction.. Ugh I wish BB would give us press releases on these twists..
I wish BB actually knew what they are doing.
Simon or Dawg I’m new to this site. How long do you still keep after the show is over. I think you have a great thing here and will miss it. Thank you for allowing me to vent my frustrations over Donny going home. Will miss this site.
Hi Maggie, Glad you found our site and like it enough to comment. We Cover BBCAN and BBUS the rest of the time we are pretty causal with the content and we try to focus on live feeds. i still check the site all the time though. The site is up year round unless I get the bright idea to change things on the server end.
I recommend BBCAN for everyone
I recommend BBCAN too. They have rules and they make sure they are enforced. And the missions are hilarious as well. Can’t wait for season 3. And just want to add – this is THE BEST site I’ve come across. Simon and Dawg, you guys are awesome. I’m a huge fan – of Big Brother……and you two. 🙂
How do watch Canada shows in the States?
The last two years we’ve been posting the feed videos on youtube..
I don’t know about y’all, but I’m still LOLing over Crustine’s eviction. That was the high light of the season so far. Praying for Frankie’s exit to top it!
I read earlier that Victoria said something along the lines of she has already won in her mind because she is the last girl?? WHAT???? Being the last girl has nothing to do with the game. Is she that blind that she doesn’t see them picking off the girls… if she doesn’t get it yet she never will.. SMH
Anyone else find it suspect that now, after the boo lashing Christine received, Derick is laying it on extra thick about his love for his wife?? Damage control perhaps?
Yep, but it’s too late. Damage is already done. It’s more to Derrick than a game. And it’s all on video for his wife to use later on if she do chooses. The fans see through it too. The way he treats Victoria is pretty sadistic
I thought that the homemade card with the handprint and the “I love you” statements was his wife’s way of reminding him that he has a wife.
I was re-watching a few episodes and found this little gem…..
On Tuesday Sept 2nd, around 9:15pm Cody and Frankie were playing pool and talking about Jeremy from last season. Frankie right away said he hated Jeremy because of the way Jeremy treated people. Wait for it………..Frankie then says “I ALWAYS treat people with Love and Respect and Kindness because I hate making enemies”.
Frankie, what did you just say??? Look behind you. Your pants are on fire!!!
Frankie is – simply put – a delusional – arrogant – awful – unpleasant – human being.
Why on earth doesn’t Cody have the brains or guts to question why HE has to go up next to Victoria? If it were me I would make sure someone else had a turn (Derrick) and would demand to know why that couldn’t happen!
He does not have a brain.
It’s not that Cody doesn’t have any brains, more like half a brain, it’s because he doesn’t have the balls, Derrick got it instead and he’s squeezing it hard (I’d get some anti-bacterical soap if I were you, Derrick).
What is the point in questioning it. They all know that one of them had to go up and Frankie already rationalized this by pointing out that of the three of them Cody has won the fewest HOH comps. Besides, it is obvious to Cody that the other two have better relationships with Frankie. So why wouldn’t he be the nom?
If through some awesome act Frankie is evicted before final two I agree meet him with total silence. No respect no nothing. Would be really cool if the audience stood and turned their backs to him in silence. A stage move he will understand.
Conversations in the Big Brother House:
Cody: Derrick, why do you have a police badge?
Derrick: It’s not a badge, it’s a tattoo.
Cody: But it’s made out of metal!
Derrick: It’s not metal, it’s one of those new holographic tattoos.
Cody: Why do you have it?
Derrick: It’s an award my local Police Dept. for being a great Parks & Rec guy.
Cody: (Scratches head) Oh, I guess that makes sense, thanks for explaining.
Frankie: Tells Caleb he is Beast Mode and grabs Caleb’s package.
Caleb: Stop that, people are going to think that I’m fruity.
Frankie: Caleb, you’re not fruity, I’m just a gay boy locked in the house with a bunch of hot guys.
Caleb: Oh, in that case grab it again, and while you’re at it, squeeze it…..and massage it.
Cody: Victoria, you are the last girl left, that makes you number one!
Victoria: Woohoooo, that means I’m better than Danielle Reyes, Janelle Pierzina, Jordan Lloyd & Rachel Reilly
Cody: Whatever!
LOL at including Jordan and Rachel in the same sentence as Danielle Reyes and Janelle.
Christine messed up her whole game by not playing for hersself and following behind Cody. I bet she wish she could hit that reset button.
Christine messed up her whole summer and game by not playing for hersself and following behind Cody. I bet she wish she could hit that reset button and start the whole game over.
Actually I just watched her Jeff interview and her only regret was getting so close to Frankie early on. Jeff asked her why she didn’t try and work with Nic and she said because Nic betrayed her first and Nic was always spreading things around the entire house… Just shows her stupidity. She actually betrayed Nic twice with the bomb squad and detonators… not to mention she threw out Nic’s name as a nomination early on in the game. Nic didn’t turn on Chris until after she found out how unloyal she was. I just don’t know how she could be so clueless being a superfan.
IF the stupid HGs can break away from Jedi Master Derrick’s mind tricks they could possibly put 2 brain cells together(Victoria not included), they could figure out his game and the show could get some excitement for the 1st time thus season, and maybe something different will happen other that Vacancy evicted.. I know wishful thinking,again. Too bad Vacancy will be leaving in the next 2 weeks.
having some issues with Spam these last two days. Might take a bit more time to moderate comments than normal/
Yes, me too with this website – good luck!
When Crusty Got Booed That Was The Greatest, Now When Frankie Gets Booed That Will Be The Greatest Thing On Big Brother Earth!!!!
Frankie will only get booed if he doesn’t make it to finale night.
Finale usually has friends and family in the audience because of who might win. There’s no way they would let the boo’s that happened to Christine happen on Finale Night…..although I would LOVE it if it did.
I’m sure Ariana fans have a gathering to get in to make sure that doesn’t happen. Hopefully Mr. Superloud Boo will be in THAT audience – he’ll trump all those fans. LOL
I hope Derrick gets it, he has played an excellent game. Manipulating them right under their noses and they’re not bright enough to see it happening.
Does anyone think Victoria could actually Win the game if she made it to final 2?
I Have Thought That For About 3 Weeks Now. Victoria Wining. They All Keep Her Around Because They Know They Can Beat Her In Comps. Well I Hope They F$&K Around And She Makes It To The Final Two And Beats Derrick(Who Obviously Will Be One Of The Two) I Would Love Every Second Of It. And It Is Big Brother, And Anything Is Possible!
There is no way Donny or Hayden will give Vic a vote – and we know that the 3 bomb squad members in the jury house will not vote for her.. I doubt Christine or Nicole would but Jacosta might send her a sympathy vote.
That would be great wouldn’t it? lol… ALL of them underestimating her and her taking home all that money. lol
I think Derrick is one of the best game players
peopleto play Big Brother.(Not a personal favorite cause I always like the more entertaining fun hosuegusets that mix business with pleasure but I cannot deny the fact he ctornols this house, the Jury and probably 3/4’s of the non feed fans. )
I am starting to really think he deserves to win.
Are you really Simon?
Yes because Simon and Dawg’s name is always written in blue.
Absolutely, couldn’t agree more!
You will get a lot of down votes because he is unpopular but I have to agree with you as a big time Big Brother fan that have seen the likes of Dr.Will, Dan Gheesling, Danielle (BB3), Mike Boogie, Dick. Derrick is the closest to those guys, I would say he is on a Mike Boogie and Danielle level in terms of greatness but he is one boring ass individual.
He’s not a personal favorite of mine but I’ll give him credit for what he’s accomplished. He’s boring as F*** but owns this game like few before.
If anyone claims to be a fan of the show, they have to give Derrick’s game the credit it deserves. His social game is outstanding. The player I liken him to the most is Enzo, who I thought was also a great player. Derrick is going to have the same problem as Enzo, however. Without any glaring, “bloods on his hands” moves, Enzo had to try to convince the jury that he controlled the strings and basically orchestrated every eviction by the power of subtle persuasion. For the most part, Enzo did. Same with Derrick. Problem is, Enzo was so good at his social manipulation that it was hard for most people in the jury to really see how much of an effect he had on controlling the game.
I am not the biggest Derrick fan, but from day one I liked him for the win simply because he is a cop and I thought it could give him the edge. However after weeks of his tediously boring manipulations I was ready to see him go just to see a little excitement in the house. But after going back a re-watching his pregame interviews, I believe that Derrick had a solid strategy laid out going into the house and there is no denying that he has played it out masterfully.
Frankie is getting special treatment, on Wednesday he was all excited he received a new box of hair dye. I remember last year Gina Marie wanted to win hoh so bad every week to get hair dye for her roots and was so excited when she finally won and got the hair dye in her basket, I am tired of him getting his way all the time and no one stands up to him! He is disgusting, I really hope he doesn’t win or his head will swell bigger than his balls that he likes to show everyone
Derrick may not be likeable, and he may not have done as well if he were mixed in with any of the casts of other seasons, but that doesn’t matter for this season – he’s only got to deal with this group. And for the hand he was dealt, he’s doing a great job … never put on the block, people he’s backstabbed (like Nicole) go out vowing to campaign for him, everyone thinks he/she is in a final 2 with him, no one thinks he’s too strong, but he hasn’t been accused of being a floater either, etc.
He’s not a complete asshole, he doesn’t degrade anyone, honestly I think he really deserves to win at this point. We’re mad at him because of Donny – Donny WILL win AF, I guarantee. Derrick will win BB, at least 2/3 of Team America aren’t terrible people. Trying to think positive about it.
Simon and Dawg you two have been running one of the best fan sites for many years. You guys don’t get the recognition you deserve.
Cody knew he’d be the one on the block when it came to ‘final four’ if Francis was HoH, and has been making feeble noises about maybe getting out Francis for weeks, but every time he’s had the opportunity to make a move he’s let himself be dissuaded by Derrick. So now he has only himself to blame if he’s the first of the Defecators to go.
I love that Jeff told them the house was disgusting. Not that it will prompt any of the to actually DO something about it.
simon I don’t think he is here why do you think he chould of say off the block
if he was on allstar season players like Rachel Brandon jeff Jordan shane frank boogie in janeille dan danielle
in ian terry do you think they whould let him just got to the end like that I think he whould being on the block a lot
they gave him the right cast they did but on allstars dan will mastermind him dan to me is the best that ever play the game it should be a book after him
on what it could do to the game.
JULIE CHEN: Basically if the rewind button gets pushed, the two nominees next week come off the block and we immediately rewind the game one week. That means all house guests play for HOH all over again…. So there could likely be a new HOH, two new nominees, a new POV winner and then who knows who gets bounced from the house next. [UPDATE: Julie sent the following update for clarification on this point: “To clarify: All the Houseguests, who competed last night, will play for HOH all over again. Sorry for any confusion. Chenbot malfunction. What the bleep #%€?¥!?”]
I know lots if people hate the remaining guests. But come on. I know it wasn’t a smart cast but if Victoria is in f2 with Derrick and wins then it would make the evicted house guests even more of a joke. Sure she made it and it could be considered strategy. But if she won it would forsure make this the most dumb season ever!
Why did Derrick ask to switch his picture? Did it actually give it away that he was a cop?
Cody held Derricks picture and surely knows what it was. Feeds cut ASAP for a reason.
“They talk about how they were asked in the diary room about why they thought Christine was boo’d when she was evicted. Cody says he said it didn’t have anything to do with him.”
WHAT!?!?! Who are you kidding?
Hi – I took the poll about who is playing the best game. Can anyone tell me here why Frankie would be so low on the list? The question was not who is your favorite or who do you like. It was who is playing the best game. Frankie had won the most competitions by far. He doesn’t get rattled. He can tell when he needs to win – and then he does. How could he not be closer to the top for playing the best game? Victoria – a better game? Cody – a better game? Seriously!? Love him or hate him – you have to admit he is a competitor. Thoughts?
Game play also isn’t about how many comps an individual wins. It’s the entire package, comps, social aspects and personality.. it’s more than just one area that makes one a great game player..in my opinion.
The game isn’t always about winning comps, it is true he is good at winning them but he has played a terrible social game and most of the time that is the most important part of BB. Which is why Derrick is the best player left because he is and was on everyone’s good side(except Donny) and he was behind the scenes making moves and was usually never caught and when he was, he would trick the players into not believing it, he has really controlled this game and the people in it (which isn’t that impressive) and if comps are that important to you he’s won his fare share and has had multiple chances to win but threw it because he knew he was safe but didn’t want blood on his hands
ok everyone, we ALL know the ending, Skankie and Derdick final 2, Skankie wins (CBS had this planed since day one) just look at all the attention Frankie and Derrick gets in all the commercials for the show, dr room sessions, tv and bbad they get, CBS is looking for the “18-49” age frame to up the ratings (hence Ariana Grande brother and her being a guest in the adence ), productions interference and them not addressing frankies rape of Victoria, Jacosta killing herself, and grabbing of Cotex private parts, kind of tells it all. Lets not forget the picture Derdick got of him in a police uniform which was a plant to blow up Derdick to make sure Skankie wins it. CBS, just Kill it now, im so done
Derrick said being an undercover cop would be good training for big brother. It helps too if you are playing with dinguses.
Just when I thought I couldn’t be more disgusted with Frankie.
Now he’s trying to buy people off? How is this not a violation of the rules?
Has anyone in BB history won without ever being nominated? Does anyone know the record for least amount of times on the Block?
Jon won BBCAN last season and was never nominated
I take that back he was nominated second to last nomination and won veto so didnt stay on the block
1 Hundo percent right
Regarding BBCAN…..it’s a great program! My question is, there are numerous differences but many similarities between BBCAN & BBUS……..does not Allician Grodner & her staff make up the vast production of BBCAN???? So why the difference? Casting is diverse, challenges are interesting, there is booze/parties/guests, it’s HUNDO….even at the last couple of weeks, the winner won during finale.
Simon any thoughts about the two programs?
I’m pretty sure BBcan is not influenced but grounder ..
I still really like BBUS a lot of people are pissing on it right now but to me it’s still the more strategic of the two. With that said BBCAn2 was a lot more fun blogging than BBUS16. I watch zillions of hours of feeds and rarely watch the TV shows so my perspective is different than the majority.
Pretty soon you and Dawg will have some much needed and greatly earned downtime. Why not snuggle with some of your rescue kitties and watch BB AU? It is a much gentler version of BB US but still lots to enjoy. Rules are enforced and any infraction results in immediate penalties, the house must be kept clean — I believe they have a rota and the comps are planned to ensure housemates do not sleep during the day. In the DR, Big Brother actually questions them about events so that you are receiving both sides of the convo.
I’ve been thinking of giving BBAU a try also utopia looks good.
I thought Utopia was looking promising, too. I thought there was a similar concept show to it a few years back, but I think it was on a less popular network and didn’t take off like it should.
Thanks for the answer guys. I’m not cheering for anyone at this point, just curious because I don’t remember seeing it happen in BB US.
This is a slam dunk for Derrick….it’s over
hey simon-
why do you think they waited until now for this twist? The four guys are saying final four and nobody really cares cody is next to Victoria… next week all that might change is who sits next to Victoria… but nothing big changes..
This twist could have been good if it happened when Nicole/Donny were on the block… what do you think?
Great question.. I think the ratings were dipping so they needed something to keep them up for the next couple weeks. It looks like their are in maintenance mode with the show. I feel it’s been this way since seasons 13 that is when the franchise started going down hill.
Who ever is making the calls over there needs some help.
So before Frankie admits who his sister is they only give him pictures with her as a baby. But Derrick hasn’t admitted what he does and they give him a picture of him in uniform… So stupid. If I was Derrick id be pissed.
This twist makes no sense at this stage in the game! The nominations are gonna be nearly identical each time no matter who wins HOH with Victoria the main target!! Frankie, Caleb & Derrick(assuming he can play?) will all put up Cody/Victoria and Cody will put up Frankie/Victoria. The best possible scenario is if my some miracle Victoria wins the there may be some hope Skankie will go home cause she’ll put up Cody/Frankie which I think EVERYONE wants at this point but are too afraid to go against the alliance still -_-
So Donny got evicted because he wouldn’t let Frankie sleep in his bed?
Last night Derrick came out (suspiciously) with something from his wife in his HOH basket. It was a while after he first brought his basket out then an odd extra thing was her ‘handprint’ with wonderful things written about him. That handprint looks oddly the same size as Derrick’s hand and ‘she’ says how wonderful a listener and friend he is,,blah, blah, blah. I actually think he made it and came back out. They said where did you get that?
There was paint in the house so…… Derrick is really sneaky and underhanded and he does not want anyone taking food out of his daughter’s mouth..
Has the investigation begun to determine the quid pro quo between Frankie and Big Brother / CBS?
Payola is illegal for radio (look up “payola” on Wikipedia ). BB is broadcast over the air. Something is fishy here and it’s not only what Frankie’s been forcing down the other HG’s throats.
Is CBS invested in Ariana Grande? Do they benefit from promoting her? Is that what you are saying?
Wonder what the psych profiles for Zach, Caleb and Cody indicated.
Frankie’s agents probably requested a certain type with the promise of unscripted Twists.
As boring as Derrick is and even though the cast were and are idiots the way he can control all of them and has literally been the reason for almost every eviction and controlled this entire season is beyond impressive. So strictly on game alone which is the only thing to really go off with the people that are left he deserves to win hands down and he isn’t that bad…. I think he just tries a little too hard because he doesn’t want America to hate him but we see him trying hard so it doesn’t work well but still he’s not the worst
I can’t decide which is worst; this season vs. BB season 9. I’m going to say this season has to be the most boring. At this point, I just want it to end. The only redeeming thing left in this season is for someone to take Victoria to the end and Bitter Jury vote for her to win, it would be the biggest F**K You ever. I’m not saying Victoria deserves to win, good god jesus christ she does NOT, she’s been in her own world since the beginning, but it would be funny to see. Also DONT FORGET TO VOTE FOR DONNY AS AMERICAS FAV PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simon and dawg. Wasn’t this twist meant to hurt Frankie? They were thinking after he won hoh he would turn on his alliance and then they’d see who he really wanted out. Then they could go after him after the rewind and have good reason? But instead it looks like he really does want Victoria out so the twist really doesn’t do anything at all?
I think the twist was tossed in to spice things up a bit not that it helped..
As things stand now, I think that the only one that it can really hurt is Derrick. With his hopes of taking Vic to F2, this might be the week that he makes a move given the chance, and that is a card he can only play once.On top of that he doesn’t get to play in the next HOH. But even that would depend on what happens with the POV. It could all be for naught.
What I find really disgusting is Derrick telling Victoria that she is the #1 girl for BB16 because she won over the other girls, she beat them all therefore she is the top girl of BB16. He keeps repeating it over and over that she is the top girl and Victoria is grinning like a Cheshire cat saying that she played with respect and that she must have done something right. She’s even comparing herself to Britney who was the fourth person left in the Brigade. She’s completely forgotten all her nasty remarks about the other girls. Derrick is unbelievable and I really think that some of the missing condoms in the house were used by both Victoria and Christine. I hope all of them walk out to “boos”.
How does the rewind work. Will there be no eviction on wed. Or will they play a hoh pov and have an eviction all in one night.
I think it will probably be played like a double eviction night.
It would have been much more eventful if they did this rewind last week when Nicole was still in the house. That would have been exciting. I don’t think much is going to change with this group. So it will pretty much be a waste of an hour. We all know Victoria will not win so she will be out the door.
The word Beast has lost all meaning to me. Ugh, find a new work to describe everyone and quit thinking you all qualify as a beast in anything except for maybe being ugly people on the inside.