“BUZZKILLED” Head of Household Competition on live feeds

Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Lookslike we get to watch the BUZZKILLED HOH on the feeds.

Kailyn appears to have been evicted. Kyra already out of the competition.

Before feeds get cut for the show. Mark, KIKI, Sam, Cory, Damien, Adam and Dane were still in the competition.

Double Eviction next Thursday.

Dane wins HOH

9:50pm Sam, Dane and Adam
Dane – you are not going home this week..
Sam – thank you DANE
Dane wants safety next week in the double.
DAne – I’m not stupid I’m a target now… if I can’t play in it both of you guys can play in it
Adam – I definitely would not put you up ..

9:57pm Sam, Chelsea and Adam
SAm wants Dane to put up KIKI and Esti
Chelsea doesn’t think he will
Sam thinks Dane will put up Kyra and Eddie
Chelsea says she doesn’t want KIKI to go but she’s going to point out to Dane that she’s playing both sides.
Sam – Kiera is playing both side.

10:00pm Dane and the Girls
The Girls – “WE gotta talk”
Dane – I’ll get my room pretty quick..
Dane tells them they are safe this week.

6 thoughts to ““BUZZKILLED” Head of Household Competition on live feeds”

  1. first temptation of 4 have to get in a shower stall or cold showers for 48 hours.
    (if i’m being mean: sam washed her hair a couple of days ago for the first time since entering the house… knew she wasn’t running for it).
    eddie out. gee. surprise. i get the distinct feeling his big moves talk was trying to get other people to make big moves, while he follows his usual routine of renting out a condo up the hoh’s butt until after the veto ceremony.

    1. just when you start to think hey, we can have nice things afterall…. feeds go out for episode.
      stef’s out. no matter who goes out during the interruption, i promise i’m not going to go tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. 🙂

  2. when the new hoh promises safety to sam, damien, mark, the twins, and cory in the first twenty minutes after winning…. and then jumps up and down with anthony…
    gee wonder who is going on the block.
    and why does my mind keep saying oh look… it’s a foutte membership drive?

  3. i think Sam and Adam have to go up on the block together because if they don’t i is like mama k said Adam will win it if someone does that the rest of that side of the house will be running scared and then put up Chelsea and put her out to game set match

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