Bruno to Ash “Eventually the 4 of you guys have to split.. I’m closer to you than them”

POV Holder: Kevin Next POV May 1st
POV Used No POV Ceremony May 3rd
HOH Winner Kevin Next HOH May 6th
Nominations: Bobby and Brittnee
Have Nots Zach, Bobby, Willow (Season slop pass)
POV Players Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili

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5:57pm Living Room conversations about the differences between Men and Women (It’s a 30 min conversation Godfrey and Sarah talk a lot)
Godfrey says the girls in Zimbabwe are no different than the girls here.
After the conversation is over they thank each other. They enjoy each others conversation.
Godfrey tells Sarah “You have a lot of ideas some the world’s not ready for

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6:00pm Storage room Kevin, Zach and Pili
Pili and Kevin are trying to eat healthy but every day is a cheat day so far. Zach is surprised they are trying to do that while being in the house.
Kevin – I’m up a lot of weight

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6:06pm Hammock The Goblins
Pili mentions Godfrey making it public that he’s targeting the couples. Now Godfrey is closer to them because they saved him. Ashleigh points out that Godfrey is only close to Kevin/Pil. Pili thinks they can convince Godfrey to target someone other than the couple. Pili wants Godfrey to go next week no more being a pawn.

They count the votes to Keep Bobby, unless Sarah/Willow flip they’ll get Bobby out.
AShleigh says Bruno and Bobby have lied to her, They never told her about the Jordan vote. “One of their alliance members was HOH and they went against them”
Willow rolls by to exchange batteries.

Ashleigh saying if it’s an instant they will get rid of Godfrey.
Willow – Gods go first.. bruno will be all alone.
Willow says she would put Sarah up as a pawn just so Brittnee isn’t so pissed.
Willow suggesting to try and get Brittnee and Sarah to turn on each other. Ashleigh doesn’t know how they would swing that. Willow says they would have to get Brittnee to turn on Sarah.
Ashleigh implies Sarah isn’t in her alliance.
They start talking about Bobby/Bruno turning on the chop shop first.

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6:29pm AShleihg and Bruno
Ashleigh I can’t believe it wasn’t real .. I can’t believe it, I almost pooped myself
Bruno – WOW WOW oh my god.. (Bruino just acting surprised about Bobby’s veto being fake)
Ashleigh says Bobby threw a piece of a hanger in the shape of a “J” AShleigh thought it was a baby Veto at first.
Ashleigh – It was shaped in a letter J for jokes.. wasn’t even in a V shape

Bruno is surprised Godfrey didn’t go up because he’s been so vocal about going against the couples.
Bruno says he’s also surprised Kevin took that Shot at Bobby, “It just didn’t make sense.. Bobby’s not coming after the couples”
Bruno makes it clear that he’s not coming after the couples he knows people are planting that but it’s not true.
Bruno – “I’m working with you guys.. Eventually the 4 of you guys (Diapers) have to split.. I’m closer to you than them.. there has to be a time where you guys have to turn on each other and it’ll be a lot sooner than you think.. Just letting you know Bud I’m with you”
Ashleigh – I know.. 100% right.. I know where you stand in this game.. Sarah and B they would never put a girl up.
Bruno tells her one of their allies is going home this week, Bobby is not going to target Ashleigh and Zach “I’m telling you it’s not smart getting Bobby out.. “
Bruno stresses BObby is not coming after Zach/AShleigh down the road he will go after Kevin and Piliar especially now after they put him up.
Ashleigh wonders if they have the votes, Bruno, Zach, Ashleigh “We need 4”
Bruno – Godfrey maybe..

Bruno – I’m telling you i’m telling you Bobby is not coming after us.. I’m telling you ashleigh.. You know me and Bobby are close he is not coming after you.
Bruno – it wasn’t you guys that put him up it was kevin.. who do you think he’ll go or first it will be Kevin.. He’s a loyal guy i’m, telling you right now.
Ash- yeah yeah I believe it
Pili joins them

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6:44pm Bruno and Bobby Hot Tub
Bruno – I’m working for you buddy.. I’m working Ashleigh getting in her head.
Bruno -I’m telling right now Bro we can wedge this bro .. the wheels are turning(Wedge between the couples)
Bruno – hear me out think think the right now the two showmances are together.. they are starting to crack bro..
Bruni explains how he’s telling Ashleihg/Zach when the time comes and they have to turn on Kevin/Pili they will have Bruno’s vote. He’s also stressing that when the time comes Bobby is going after Kevin and Pili well before Zach and Ashleigh.
Bruno – I’m talking to them you don’t have to say Shit.. I’m puttin work in
Sarah comes in “B’s coming”
Bruno – I’m pumped now
Sarah – Ohh Fuck
Bruno – that lit a fire buddy they lit a fire..

Brittnee comes in

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7:00pm Sarah saying how difficult position she’s in being close to Bobby/Brittnee. Sarah thinks If it was Zach’s HOH Godfrey would be the target. Sarah says Godfrey must have told Kevin he’s going after Zach and Ashleigh instead of Kevin/Pili.
Bobby – I need to turn the showmance on each other some how.
Bobby leaves
Ashleigh – Going to try and pull Sindy eh..



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22 thoughts to “Bruno to Ash “Eventually the 4 of you guys have to split.. I’m closer to you than them””

    1. Jordan & Sindy are gonna loooove it when Bobby walks in the door, but only for a second cause Sindy is gonna have that boy curled up in fetal position for his stay at jury! They GOTTA get cams in sequester.

    2. Bobby’s brain is as big as the walnut: he offered himself to go up on the block (thinking this way he has 100% chances to play in the VETO as opposed to being backdoored ) and now he has to scramble big time for votes to stay. If he leaves, good riddance. He has been just a vote for Bruno

  1. Bobby is a bit of an airhead in this game but I’d rather see Brittnee be evicted this time :/
    I just can’t imagine her winning or being of any real use. Lovely woman, but I think her time is running out.

      1. Brittnee has already won an HOH and took out a big target, Graig… Why do people think she cannot win anything? She literally already has. Some of these comments against Britt are so mean, especially all the cow comments, how vile and unnecessary.

        1. Exactly! Out of SBW, she is the ONLY one who has won an HOH and she was NO slouch when she did it. Girl is NOT a wuss. I really liked Brit’s game play, WHEN SHE WAS IN POWER. Out of power, she is rather deflated though.

          On the other hand, Kevin promised us “show and shock”, but took two safe moves; 1) Brit on the block, 2) Didn’t use the POV. It seemed like a great setup that, once again, fell flat.

    1. i am also on the send Btitnee home camp. while everyone else’s hoh have sucked it is true compared to hers she was given that hoh by sarah and has basically imo given up even trying to get anywhere since. she barely even talks to ayone or make deals. she has never been in talks with anyone in regards to even fake alliaces. her one shot at getting further involved willow and she is adamantly against trusting or dealing with her at all. i am not sure why she thinks she is getting picked to be pawned but it is because she doe nothing all day but sulk and pout. she acts like she deservs or has rarned more but for doing what? showng up? at least Sabrina was entertaining lol

  2. As much as I havent liked Bobby for the majority of his time on the show, the last week or so, I’ve started to respect him at least a little bit. He isnt as dumb as he seems, yes hes still pretty dumb, but he is thinking and he atleast knows a bit about the game. He knows what to feed Asheligh to convince her hes still with her, he’s always pretty good at keeping Willow/Sarah/God comfortable, I dont know I just don’t want him to go yet, he would be a greater benefit to Sarah then having B stay. B is awesome and I think she deserves to stay, but I dont think she would add anything else to Sarah’s game, if Sarah was making the smart decision I think keeping Bobby would be smart, also since keeping him would show Bruno she is in fact working with him… but in the same sense keeping Bobby would be another number for Bruno and if these guys were to get the couples out it would be Sarah vs Bobby/Bruno/Godfrey with Willow basically picking whichever side wins… tough choice :/

  3. I have this big feeling that live feed will go down on wed night for the triple eviction until which sucks. I hope they make good edits so we can have the total triple eviction because how will they go in the diary room and pick two people out quickly. And count votes for the first evictee and do the hoh and pov. The sideshow will probably will have only the first evictee only. Its time godfrey, sarah, or bruno to win hoh this week or they will be gone for sure this time.

  4. Lol…Karma’s coming for you Bobby, A day in Sindy’s shoes has arrived : D
    “Bobby – I need to turn the showmance on each other some how.
    Bobby leaves
    Ashleigh(Sarah actually said this) – Going to try and pull Sindy eh.”
    Nice one Sarah!
    My note to Bobby a few pages back…. is in the mailbox lol

  5. I don’t see Sarah voting against Britnee. For her game she needed that number. Bobby’s chance of staying is dependent on Zashliegh and because that pair is clueless in the game i don’t think bobby is a hundred percent going home.

  6. Before the show, I really wanted the smiling Latina to win but she has been really doing nothing. Her HOH was the worst of the season because it was predictable and because I wanted Sindy to stay. Sindy was so much fun. I think they made a mistake letting Sindy go. She was the only one against the couples that can win the challenges. Bruno won his HOH only because Godfrey helped him and the rest are not competition threats either. I think Zach has a good chance to win HOH next week which would be a disaster for the viewers at least. I want to see him out but realistically his chances are really high for winning the HOH and getting evicted too. I really want him to be evicted by Bruno which would be entertainment.

    I think Ashleigh is not a bad player. She is at least smarter than Zach game wise because her concerns has been legit but Zach has too much ego to listen to her. Ashleigh’s only problem is that she lacks boldness to make moves and work independently which makes it boring and dumb given that if both Zach and her are sitting together in the end the jury will reward Zach. I would hate Zach winning next HOH let alone the game. If he gets the power, he will put up Sarah which I don’t want because Sarah is my favourite and I would love it if she wins the game. Bruno in my opinion is unconsciously sexist. He thinks women in the house are useless to give the money in the end and yet he calls Sarah poison when she is working the game. Kevin, I started to get a liking for him yesterday when he wanted to play the game but he decided not to use the veto which is a downer.

    I think everyone is playing the game except for Pillar, Bobby and Brittneé. At least Britnee made the best use of her HOH, Her HOH was the best HOH. Pillar and Bobby were useless as HOH.

  7. on the bobby/sarah conversation
    “SARAH” says “gonna try to pull “A” sindy eh…”

  8. Bobby isn’t most likeable but can’t say he isn’t trying to play…as he fooled lots with fake veto but also could be his demise…Ya jury cams would be cool

  9. right now it’s 60:40 split in my head for who will go home with bobby having the lesser odds of staying.
    because of Bruno’s campaigning, sarah is going to stick with britt.
    willow could potentially go either way (not a pun) since she has no love for britt but is loyal to sarah. and she’s playing the middle between everyone right now, so doesn’t specifically harm her to feed info.
    the one to watch for the potential flip is still Zach in my head. to me this is a possiblility because he’s no longer the grand poobah of the diapers. I think he was sure that kevin’s hoh was his hoh. it wasn’t. he’s been waxing and waning about flipping to bobby and Bruno for a while. possible chop shop reunion, with Zach being the fool that doesn’t realize he’s a target this time? after all, it was too early to make a big move.
    until I hear a diaper chat that actually dispels this… i’m going to think Zach could flip.

  10. It is unfortunate Pili cannot keep anything straight, especially when relating her day to Kevin. Ashleigh’s talk with her, reiterated and more clearly stated when Willow joined, re the Chop Shop alliance. Ash and Zach have maintained that the alliance dissipated once Graig was evicted. Now Ash is saying it was still in effect when Zach was HOH. Red flag Pili…wake up.

    1. Well, don’t forget her conversation with Godfrey on the backyard couch:
      Godfrey: “do you want to be a number, or do you want to be a player?”
      Pilar: “umm…” (thiiink for 5 seconds…)
      Godfrey: “a player. you want to be a player.”

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