Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker
POV Players: Kenny, Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Leah & Makensy (Rubina is the host)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots this week
10:40am Bumper Pool Room. Brooklyn and Rubina
Rubina – he is so confident he is going to win something and then he’ll f**king win it. Brooklyn – I know. Rubina – he would have won HOH. He is good to have on our team. Brooklyn – I know and we’re safe with him. Rubina – I know. Brooklyn – for now. How was your talk with Cedric? Rubina – good, really really good. Last I heard, possibly Makensy (as the remon). You heard that too? Brooklyn – yeah. Rubina – where are you at with everything? Brooklyn – I mean for me because he mentioned he was like I don’t know what I want to do and I said listen I like Leah but less blood .. she played in the veto so you could say you at least got to play in the veto. So I wanted to give you that respect. Rubina – yeah. Brooklyn – now you’re a replacement or Makensy has a power. Rubina – right. Brooklyn – and everyone knows. Rubina – EVERYBODY know! Brooklyn – not everyone knows what it is. Or you can expose it or you could make a trade and say I will keep you in case its one more week maybe in case she retaliated. I feel like I am good with him (Cedric) but I don’t feel good with Kenny. Rubina – that’s what I am saying. Brooklyn – I think we have the numbers too. Rubina – you would almost want a better competitor up there. Brooklyn – but who else would you put other than Makensy? Leah isn’t winning anything. Makensy can pull herself off. Rubina – it still doesn’t feel good being up there so I get it. Brooklyn – Kimo will beat him. Rubina – yeah I know! True! I love that. Who would your idea jury be? Brooklyn – (she whispers someone), Kimo, Chelsie, Leah because she likes us, Joe, Quinn… that’s seven. If its a nine, Tucker. I still don’t know where Cam’s head is. MJ. That’s nine. Next week we would be fine with anybody but Kenny and potentially Cam. Rubina – that’s the one that I would be worried about because he is the one that talks the least game to like everyone. Brooklyn – we would be great with Quinn, even Angela. If Kenny goes home, then next week it would be Angela. If he stayed then next week he would be up again. It’s like you’re (Kenny) a life killer. Yeah you just sitting around. I think now it’s like a part of like this threat how he’s manipulating girls. Rubina – Yep. Brooklyn – yeah he came up to me yesterday and touched my shoulder and said I want to stay. I feel good. I was like good. And I was like I’m so proud of you. But oh now that you said you want my head on a platter!? Tell me more! Sorry Rene! Your husband’s a skeet. Who has a food truck and says my stuff is sh*t anyways.. its all premade! LIES! Rubina – he needs to go! Love ya!
11:49am Bathroom – Angela and Tucker
Angela – Just checking in with you again. We’re good? Tucker – Yeah, definitely sounds for sure. And keep showing up. Angela – Ok, I’m gonna keep doing that. Tucker – I’m gonna put a good word in his ear. Angela – Thank you. Yeah, I thought you would. Thank you. Tucker – yeah.
12:20pm Bedroom – Kenny and Cam.
Kenny – I’m trying to do whatever you guys want to do. I’m just saying I kind of just threw that out. Yes, just to see where it goes. We both know the game, but it seems like a lot of people don’t. Cam – Yeah. Kenny – I was like, why is like, how is there not an alliance? And then I mentioned the underdogs and he goes, yeah, that the
underdog thing. It’s like no one solidified anything. He pretty much agree that he has a thing with Joseph, but he’s willing to f**king dump that to come work with me. I want to see what he says to you. So I just had to wait for him to come up to me.

12:30pm Kitchen – Angela and Leah
Angela – I am seriously afraid of who he is going to put up. Leah – I’m afraid too. Angela – I don’t think its you for sure but I would tell you if I felt that way. I think he is going to put up someone easy. I just don’t want to go home.
1:15pm Bedroom – Rubina, Cedric and Tucker
Tucker – when do you want to spit game? Cedric – we can talk individually or whatever. But yeah, just whenever y’all get a
chance to come find me.
1:40pm Kitchen – Kimo and Leah are cleaning trying to get rid of the ants.
2pm Backyard – Kenn, Tucker, Chelsie and Cam play cornhole.
2:30pm Unicorn Bedroom – Quinn and Leah.
Leah – I trust you, I trust Brooklyn, I trust Chelsie. I don’t know how you feel about Chelsie? Quinn – I like Chelsie, I like Brooklyn. Leah – all I am saying about him is, I know he would vote with me whatever I wanted.. Quinn – I didn’t bring it up to push you in either direction. I promise. Leah – I know. Quinn – and also with the like you going up thing Cedric explicitly said that you would not be comfortable with that. Leah – I don’t like when someone is acting like they’re doing me a favour. And I understand the Cory and America thing. That’s not the case. Quinn – I brought that up to show you that I am a safe space. Leah – I get a long with him like I think he is a nice guy or whatever but that’s not going to affect my game. I can tell that he likes me but like who can blame him. Like I am used to that. Quinn – oh my god. Leah – not like that. Quinn – that’s still a cool thing to say. Big Brother switches the feeds.
3:30pm Bikini suntanning..
4:10pm Makensy is making dinner in the kitchen with the others are relaxing.
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Preseason bio’s regarding how they plan to play the game.
Don’t buy that.
Trust people to be who they are by how they actually play.
Case in point:
Cedric. Plans to play a loyal game.
He has been in alliances with EVERY SINGLE houseguest.
Loyal to who?
Last season and apparently THIS season,
one of the research seasons the cast was given…
sideye. headdesk. ugottabekiddingme. exorcist headspin.
Of ALL seasons. THAT ONE?
All these houseguests should get in an alliance together and call it …The Confederacy Of The Dunces……Angela can be in charge.
IF i voted on anything in bb.
IF Mak were nommed and used her power.
IF Tucker uses veto to save ANGELA.
As a voter who would I nom?
make the three guys battle it out if they are going to be so egomaniacal to say the women can’t win anything. It breaks up that brolliance.
Tucker, Cam, Kenney all on the block going into AI.
They want to put on a show….
Let’s put on a show.
I AGREE! Also, WTF with the ant problem, EVERY. SINGLE.YEAR?!
I live in the middle of a forest and can “control” an insect issue. Seriously?!? ?
why does Tucker even like angela?