Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker
POV Players: Kenny, Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Leah & Makensy (Rubina is the host)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: Tucker used the veto on Angela. Cedric put up Makensy. She used her power. America votes on the replacement.
Havenots: No havenots this week
11:20pm Kitchen – Kenny, Brooklyn, Joseph, Leah
Brooklyn questions Kenny about saying Brooklyn was the head of a girls alliance.
Kenny – we were playing bumble pool we saw and we were like oh wow they just kicked Joseph out and the Makensy came in I’m like do you
is there a possibility that there’s a girls alliance and they all said yes so yeah did I pose the question but they were all thinking the same thing. Joseph – I want it to be clear that I wasn’t a part of that conversation I just walked downstairs afterwards by the way I didn’t I wasn’t in it on my covo. Kenny – The word snake wasn’t said by me and if it was implied if it was implied like whatever I thought we had a thing as far as knew. You (Brooklyn) probably would have went up if I was the HOH only because I wasn’t certain with. I was already close with Makensy, I was already close with you. It was gonna be Angela Angel put me up first.
Brooklyn – I think it’s a little demeaning to go just because a bunch of females are talking about how cute boys are they must be scheming that just means there’s a lot of insecurity and paranoia and which is fine in this game you have to have a lot to put it on me just because I’m the most one of the more mature ones and married and think that I can control women like that we all have our own brains so no it’s not true but yes multiple people said you said I was the head of the snake and that you were after me and I was a very strong player. Kenny – Those words never came out of my mouth ever. That’s lying, I said that I did say you were strong player. I did say if anybody was able to do it probably would be you. Brooklyn – I know this for days and I haven’t even brought it up to you because it didn’t matter. I would rather sort salt from sugar than have these conversations. Kenny – I wish you would have come to me and talked to me. Brooklyn – I’m was like Okay, great if that’s how he feels is how he feels and how it was brought to me you would maybe that’s where we’re I guess we differ on that because if the things that I heard allegedly wish that I’m like I don’t trust them so if it if he’s saying that that’s really crazy but that’s not like me just try to stir up I’m not going to have conversation I’d be curious I mean and I don’t really care to find out but I haven’t really talked to anybody. Kenny – I don’t like my character being called out on national TV so well I appreciate you coming to me Brooklyn – no hard feelings here for me clearing it up.
11:40pm Backyard – The house guests are chatting when Brooklyn comes out to tell them about the conversation she just had with Kenny.
Brooklyn – I just FYI. I can talk. I don’t know. We know I work in corporate America and know how to deal with older gentlemen speaking to me. He just denied that he has said that I was a target for him. So we all know that he did. And he said he never said my name in the past 48 hours. Tucker said differently. He was just like I thought it was a compliment when I said that there could be an all-girl thing and you could be the one that started it because you’re a strong player. It was a compliment. He said it’s a game of telephone and I said I get it. It’s fine. I was like honestly and so he’s checked out again and he is like I’m going home. I said Kenny no harm no foul and he’s like I wish you would come to me and I was like why would I. I said I would rather mop the ocean than have these conversations. Tkor – you did but you said you would rather sort sugar from salt.
12am Bathroom – Chelsie and Brooklyn
Brooklyn about Kenny – Then he said I’m really good with people and with my skill set …. with who?! As your truck … concession stand truck?! Your skill set you thought you would be able to have people trust you?! Now Im alone again.. this skill set of him sitting on the eviction all week tell me how that is? How it’s like you just said you came in here with a skill set as a concession stand for truck driver.
Chelsie – I don’t think I’ve seen stupider game play in this game! Genuinely it is the dumbest, the fact that Tucker did not use a veto on himself. I mean and I give it up for sweet little baby Cedric. Him even saying I don’t think you have the numbers to do this was his way of trying to not have today blow up like that and because he said it that way now Tucker’s fault did unnecessary things during his HOH rain.

12:32am Backyard & Bathroom Half of the house guests have gone to bed. The rest are chatting in the bathroom and the backyard.
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Kenney was given the quit saying you want to go home or you are pulled and unpaid talk according to Tucker…. AFTER it is introduced in the episodes.
Is Tucker bullshitting?
I know Tucker says he doesn’t lie…. but he’s been lying since week one to paint targets so drop the pearls chuckles.
Was Kenney warned to drop it? Probably. Was he warned to drop it a couple of days ago? Dunno. I’d say he was warned when the veto happened last week. Edit only included it because he’d done it so many times and prodo was covering ass in case he quit.
So Grod didn’t tell her cop story to play dead? I’m surprised.
There’s some thought that there was a threat to take away his stipend but I swear he said something similar today. KENNY Must Go!!
It’s a strategy to win a game. Just like all girl strategy. All boy strategy. The Wurtenberger strategy. The bully strategy. The floater strategy. The blah-blah-blah strategy. The mmHmmm mmmHmmm strategy. The I don’t play the game I am just trying to get out the fuking contract for money strategy.
Let’s go Angela BBHOUSE26 game fix is on. Non-script scripted strategy has her winning the game. So viewers you can win by eating 2 portions of food not saving any for others in the house (she did it with Rubina’s portion of bacon and again tonight with food picking it up and ripping with her nasty hands) or imitating a walk or calling a person a twit/crazy eyes or gaslighting them saying you never did that but the playback clearly shows you did then the shocked indignation when name calling started between Tucker/Cedric. Promote bullying. Win big. (I wrote FULL snark bs on this. I hate bullying and Angela is queen in that department and the set up for her to win is so apparent.)
And just like that, no have nots this week just after Angela said she would never be able to do it… Any bets she’ll be able to avoid it all together?
I hope they DO Hisam Tucker.
I hope they DON”T Felicia Angela.
I usually don’t get what I want.
This has been the opposite experience for me this season. I got to see Matt and Lisa out when I wanted it.
This week is a win whether Tucker or Kenney gets evicted. Both are threats in different ways and I think Kenney is slightly more threatening. He’s not flashy but he’s consistently performing well in nearly all the comps.
Not a dig, not a personal attack, just looking at our perspectives on the game as I understand them, and please feel free to disagree, I bear no animus or malice in the statement:
Our perspectives differ in that the view of the game you possess is based on what is best for the players you like, while mine is what is worst for the players i dislike.
This is why our experiences are different. cheers.
I thought the same thing Hisam Tucker and Felicia Angela. Same cast lines different clothes… wouldn’t be shocked if T’kor related to Cirie… I know Quinn has connections to Corey and Zach Wurtenberger from Quinn’s first vote he quickly said to camera “Beat you too Zach!” This show lost it’s originality. Just give the money to the players they want and save time. Personally I wish Paramount Global would save the tv program EVIL now THATS a show!!!
That Brooklyn in the shower pic is my sleep paralysis demon
haha right!? It sure made me laugh!
The british accents. Anyone? Take a shot when someone uses a british accent. Take two when they do it in front of Tkor. Personally I think it will be awhile before I try to be cute with accents after watching this.
Tucker being loud and aggressive does not get his points across any harder. He’s contradicting himself constantly.
Cedric needs to be a man and tell me hes HOH and to take myself down!
Cedric tried to come up to me all man to man, youre just a little bitch!
Cedric is telling everyone he told me to take myself down but I told him I don’t give a f!
Why didn’t Cedric just come up and tell me to take myself down?
Which is it?!?!?!?
Brook isn’t the head of the snake…..she IS the snake!
I am so glad I decided not to watch this season. So many unlikables and not really any I want to win. Let grod have her way…just dont care. COME ON SURVIVOR!
I find this big brother boring, no talking about slop, no showing of living quarters, we are seeing only the kitchen, living room and when they are in the back yard they are talking about nothing really. Where is the pool or outside area where they go smoke? We used to see the fights and now we don’t and in past seasons there were fights! This season we see non of that we only seen one and that was Angela in the first day and that back fired you have to get into the season a bit before you start a fight.in this season they changed the format and it’s kinda stupid, making to long and dragging it out with AL comp. I’m rather bored.i don’t even like how they are picking people to play in comps.
If they have a brain between them they will get rid of Tucker if they have the chance. He’s running the show.