“Bro.. We need to get these showmances out man.. Yo they’re too dangerous Yo Bro”

POV Holder: ? Next POV April 24
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 26
HOH Winner Pili Next HOH April 29th
Nominations: Sindy and Godfrey
Have Nots Brittnee, Sarah, Kevin, Godfrey
POV Players ?

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12:38am All the houseguests are wearing new PJ’s with their names on the front.

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12:50am Hammock Sarah and Brittnee
Sarah – I’m sorry if you can’t handle someone saying I’m disappointed in you probably shouldn’t be here..
Brittnee – She shouldn’t have won HOH if she couldn’t handle it
Sarah – when these people put me up I’m going to go F*** balistic.. I hope they realize that
Sarah brings up Pilar laughing at Sindy when she was going up on the block.
Sarah – I left like saying just pretend you’re putting AShleigh up.. two people you care about then you won’t laugh
Brittnee thinks it’s because she was nervous.
Sarah – Bobby wasn’t nervous.
Sarah doesn’t think Pilar should be in the game, “She can’t handle this”
Sarah – where was Bobby when Graig was calling me a manipulator and screaming at me
Sarah – I feel distance from Bobby but not from Bruno
Brittnee mentions how Zach is acting funny.
Sarah mentions the entire house is working together right now. (Minus Sarah, Sindy and Brittnee)
Sarah – I F*****g hate them all right now.. except for Willow.. shockingly enough
They agree Willow can be trusts for now
Brittnee asks if they should campaign for Siny
Sarah – no we can’t there’s no f***g way
Sindy joins them her and Brittnee play fight (See images)

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1:00am Sindy and Brittnee
Trying to decide who Sindy should pick to play in the HOH.
They start talking about Bobby, They think he’s funny with great abs. Brittnee sys there is no way Bobby is 5’9” he’s more like 5’7”
Brittnee and Sindy agree that Ashleigh has more of a hold on Pilar than Kevin.
Sindy says Bruno and Bobby want Zach and Asheligh out, “he says it all the time”
Brittnee says she always notices Zach and Bruno whispering and when she walks by they stop
Cindy says Bobby doesn’t have a secret POV because with those powers you can’t tell people.

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1:05am HOH Pili and Kevin
Kevin tells her she made a good decision today.
They bring up last weeks vote Kevin still thinks it’s strange that Bobby voted with Sindy yet now he hates Sindy so much.

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21 thoughts to ““Bro.. We need to get these showmances out man.. Yo they’re too dangerous Yo Bro””

  1. said I was giving up on feeds and updates for the night. insomnia after working nights for 8 years. forgive me if i’m confused. what the heck is going on? I thought the game was down to two alliances basically…. so is everybody back to playing the middle again? i’m going to list who I think is real and fake in alliances. someone please set me straight:
    diaper shop: real: Ashleigh Zach kevin pilar/ fake: bobby, Bruno / not a member told she’s member: willow
    chickenfeet chop 2.0: real: bobby Bruno godfrey
    Zach’s threesome: fake Ashleigh willow zach
    ssb: real: britt sarah cindy associates: willow godfrey (unknown to each other)
    it may be the Benadryl talking but it feels like there is a possibility that kevin is distrusting bobby. replacement nominee? kevin hasn’t forgotten he was bobby’s target for three weeks has he?
    someone please explain…. i’m having a pilar moment.

  2. I’d PAY to slap her in that shit-filled head and then evict that pasty pos boyfriend.

  3. Looks like Godfrey is the only logical player right now he can see through a lot of people which is great. if he does stay and wins HOH next week I’m expecting him to cause mayhem throughout the house. I just want drama ahaha I hope there will be fights soon looks like some people are getting mad. Ashleigh should no where near get angry at people telling her the truth, if she doesn’t like being told that she’s playing Zach’s game maybe she should change that, you have a brain for a reason girl.

  4. If Canada gets the HOH with the triple nomination, which three people should be nominated?????
    I would vote for Zach, Bobby, and Ashleigh.

    (I’m not trying to debate whether or not Canada should get the HOH, I’m just asking who everyone would like to see nominated.)

    1. Pilar Kevin Zach with Ashleigh as the replacement nom. Sure way to break up couples alliance: The backstabbing gametalk would be awesome! Ashleigh would go nuts!

      Pilar might lose whatever little amount of brain matter she has, Kevin (Pilar) would try going through Godfrey, Zach & Ash would go to the Chop Shop members. They would all be one big mess!

  5. okay. ignore what I said before. the diapershop without willow is real. for all of them. Bruno is hedging his bet with godfrey and the girls. playing the Newport strategy on them. sorry for my previous confusion.

    1. Another Name, the diapers are real, for the moment. With this weeks events I see the diapers weaker as a core group. Both Ash and Zach would have no trouble dumping pillar if the Chop shop wanted it,

  6. Looks like Godfrey has lost a lot of trust with Bruno and Bobby. I would love to see a Godfrey-Britt-Sarah Alliance form. I would like it even more if they could manage to hold on to Sindy this week.

  7. if pilar really laughedvat sindy while she out her up then i hate her even more, thats just plain ignorant

    1. When Sindy talked to Pillar for 30 minutes, Kevin interrupted and Sindy had to leave the HOH room, Pillar said “Oh my god thank you for saving me Sindy kept going and going oh my god like you know what I mean like she was talking for hours non stop oh my god thank you like you know what I mean”. Pillar is as dumb as rocks and has a brain of a 4 year old.

  8. Best case scenario is that Sindy or God wins veto, Pilar who doesn’t trust willow, finally makes a decision for herself and put her up and then the SSB and Bruno and Bobby teams up to send her packing. Now that would make up for great entertainment for a painful day of listening to Pilar.

  9. oh and..kevin feeding pilar mayonnaise?. first of all what the hell is that. second of all that would be both disgusting and unhealthy. Those 2 disgust me more by the day

    1. Stop trying to impersonate me. You make ridiculous comments that nobody finds remotely funny. The difference between my comments, and yours is that I bring substance. Who are you? Zach, Ash, Pilar, Kevin, Bobby or Bruno’s relative. If so I can see the connection between you and them.

  10. I’d really like to see something lasting form with Godfrey, Sarah, and Britt. If Sindy leaves this week they need to stay together and pull Willow in. Godfrey must realize that Bruno is lying to him about the Chop Shop. He trusted Sarah and Britt enough to tell them.

    I pray that Zach and Bobby or Ash, Pilar, Kevin leave in the round 2 of triple eviction week.

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