Brittnee – “I Don’t trust Kevin as far as I can throw him”

POV Holder: Godfrey Next POV May 29th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 26
HOH Winner Pili Next HOH April 29th
Nominations: Sindy and Brittnee Godfrey
Have Nots Brittnee, Sarah, Kevin, Godfrey
POV Players Godfrey, Pilar, Sindy, Willow, Bobby, Kevin.
Host is Sarah

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(Youtube is very slow tonight expect delays on when these videos are processed)

9:58pm HOH Willow and Pili

Pili is pissed from Sindy trying to make her feel bad about not putting Bobby up.
Willow tells her that Sindy’s mission is to make the time in the house interesting before she leaves.
Ashleigh joins them.
Ashleigh – I told Sindy if she wanted Bobby up so bad she should have won HOH herself.
Ashleigh thinks if The girls or Godfrey win HOH her and Zach are going up. She asks Willow where their heads are at.
Willow says she’s not so sure.
Willow tells Ashleigh Godfrey won’t put up Ashleigh he’ll put up Kevin and Zach. warns them both if the house is going after the showmance they are putting the boys up first
Pili- that is going to be crazy
AShleigh says he rtarget next week will be Godfrey is God wins Veto she’ll put up Brittnee or Sarah. Bobby is going to be the pawn.
Willow asks them if Brittnee and Sarah worth getting out right now. . She points out they can beat B and Sarah in a competitions they can’t beat the “rock Climber”
Willow tells Ashleigh she’s with them 100%
Ashleigh says Brittnee and Sarah are easier to beat in competitions than Bobby and Bruno .
Pilar wonders if she made the right choice not putting Bobby up.
Willow and Ashleigh tell her it’s too early to do that.
Willow leaves AShleigh and Pilar have a talk.. Pila is more scared of Godfrey than Bobby. Ashleigh complains that everyone is targeting the showmance but when you look at it everyone has a pair. Bunro/Bobby, Brittnee/Sarah
Ashleigh – Godfrey got’s to go”

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10:06pm Sarah asks him why he wasn’t too shock when Sindy spilled the beans about the chops shop Kevin says he didn’t know about the chop shop but it was 4 or 5 days ago.

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10:33pm Willow and Zach shift

Zach says if Brittnee, Sarah or Godfrey win they will put up Zach and Ashleigh. If the veto gets used they will put Kev or Pilar up. Zach says he only needs 4 votes to stay so he needs Bobby, Bruno, and Willow. Willow says he’s got her vote.
Zach says Bobby wants to keep the chop shop together so bad he will use his veto power to save Zach.
Willow says she asked Sarah who she would put up Zach or Bobby. Sarah told her both but Willow thinks she’s giving her the runaround.
Willow says that Brittnee and Sarah are closer to him than Kevin.
Willow Brings up Sindy going up to the HOH and Calling out Pili for not putting up Bobby.
Zach wants the next HOH to be physical.

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10:51pm have nots Brittnee and Sarah
Brittne bringing up Sindy reiterating why not putting up Bobby was a bad game move. It would flush out Bobby’s veto and sinfy would still go home.
Sarah says that Kevin was feeding her a bunch of Bullsh1t. kevin claimed to only learn about the chop shop 4 days ago.
Sarah – If Pili was smart she would have put up Bobby.
Sarah says Ashleigh has a personal vendetta against Sindy.
Sarah says that Pili and Ashleigh have each others back.
They hope Canada picks Godfrey to be the HOH.
Sarah – What I’m worried about is these people are so f***g chicken sh1t they are going to try and backdoor whoever they want and use us as the pawns first.
Brittnee – I’m the best pawn
Brittnee brings up Zach coming to her now and not talking game just sitting with her.
Sarah – cause he thinks he can just flirt.
Sarah about Zach – He’s been calling me Honey and stuff.. are you f***ed get a life
Sarah tells Brittnee to continue flirting with Zach.
Brittnee – I Don’t trust Kevin as far as I can throw him..
Sarah – F*** no
Sarah – He’s not trustworthy at all.
Brittnee says he’s letting his facade down a bit and they are starting to see the real Kevin.
Sarah wonders how they can be so stupid to have theses showmances and to think nobody is going to gun for them.
Brittnee says those 2 couples equal 4 vote sand they all have each others back.
Brittnee about Kevin – Gullible Slash Cowardly .. Like a gumble over everything you can’t depend in somebody you are playing a game with
Sarah – Bobby/bruno win they go after Zach/Kevin if Zach/Kevin win they go after BObby/bruno
Sarah – I keep forgetting Willow in all of this.. we have Willow she’s getting fed up
Sarah thinks if Willow wins the HOH she won’t have the courage, “I think she’ll throw it”

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11:30pm Willow and Brittnee

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11:34pm Brittnee and Sindy

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11:34pm Have nots Willow and Sarah

Willow gives Sarah the complete debrief of her conversations with Ashleigh/pilar, Bobby and Zach. Very hard to hear Willow and understand what she’s saying.
Willow says Zach “f** himself by being in four alliances”
Willow tells her Bobby doesn’t have a veto.
Sarah says Kevin told her he just heard about the chop shop
Feeds cut out when they come back Sarah and Willow are talking about naeha.
Sarah says she never trusted Zach never and Neaha did 100%

They both have noticed Kevin is super down that Jordan is gone.

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12:17am Sindy and Zach

Sindy says Johnny and Naeha both said not to trust Zach. All of a sudden the car starts smoking.

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Their car has broken down Sindy and Zach must camp out until it’s fixed. Houseguests mentions it’s all night. Cut to the havenots Brittnee, Sarah adn Godfrey. Brittnees is worried that Sindy is going to flip the house. Sarah tells her not to worry Sindy is just spilling the beans like she’s been doing these last few days. Brittnee is freaking out in the have nots she thinks Sindy and Zach are making deals.
Sarah reiterates over and over the more time Zach stays out in the backyard with Sindy the more he wants to evict her.

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12:51am Sindy and Zach
(The car broke down so Sindy adn Zach have toe spend the night outside. She did a lot of talking/campaigning holy cow)

Big-Brother-Canada-3- Sindy and Zach.mp4


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21 thoughts to “Brittnee – “I Don’t trust Kevin as far as I can throw him””

    1. oh she will, don’t worry, that is all she is good for, is to rat and float from one person to the next. I can’t wait until she has to pick a side because she is going to cry like a little baby.

  1. I love Britnee, think she’s a great person, but if Sarah was smart she would realize that keeping Sindy would be her better option. Sindy will always be a bigger target then her, she’ll actually be able to win competitions, and it will be an ally she can use when she needs to make moves to get Bobby/Bruno out. Keeping Britnee is the safe option for sure, but Britnee isn’t gonna be winning anymore competitions. Sarah tries her best, she’s just not very good at comps either. I hope Sindy finds that dang secret veto and is safe another week.

    1. Sarah can’t work with Sindy because she doesn’t think before she does things. Sindy/Sarah together would mean that every time Sindy says she’s coming after someone it means Sarah is too.

      I think Britt/Sarah have done their work. Sindy is amazing for dramatic purposes but the fights are about to begin anyways. I do see production helping Sindy get alone time with Zach, so Brit might be leaving.

      1. Hard to see it working because:

        1) Britt has Bruno, Bobby, Godfrey and Willows vote to stay which is the 5 she needs.

        2) Plus Ash and Pilee both dislike Sindy and PROMISED Britt she’s staying

        3) Zach knows she can’t be trusted not to turn on them right away (he’ll look at her like a Johnny… i.e. desperate to stay, will say anything and throw ANYONE under bus to stay, which also means she’ll still come after him).

        4) Kevin doesn’t like her so wont be convinced to keep her

        5) Bruno/Bobby don’t trust her so they’ll never be swayed

        I’ll be surprised if Sindy even gets one vote to stay to be honest

    2. I agree, the tough part is getting Bruno and Bobby to keep her. She is a legitimate threat to them and Britt isn’t.

  2. Really diggin Willow now that she has seen the light and is going spy mode. The goblins loose lips will sink their ships. B)

    1. I hate how they are referring to themselves as the Goblins
      Real original … Might as well keep it real and classic…
      How about “The Handmaids”
      much more fitting imho
      I’m glad Willow is on a new path and the Handmaids are clueless

  3. I love love love Britnee and Sarah, and after Sindy goes they’re the only two people I like.. but they need to fricking step up their damn competition performances. They are literally terrible- that’s why I love Sindy the competition goddess!

  4. I hope either Kevin, Pillar, Bruno, Bobby or Godfrey will win this season. I hate other houseguests too much. I am in pain to listen to them talking game and scheming everyday. But when it came to comp, they did not win. They spend more time fucking bitching each other than to study for comps. Everything BB shows them will be asked from now on. I hope they pay more attention on their weekly tasks then bitching each other.

    1. Um T, Big Brother is NOT all about winning comps. The only players who think so are probably Janelle and Rachel. Janelle never won in 3 seasons, and Rachel only won in her second season because of production assistance (unleashing duos back on the house with six people? Really production? Kalia or Shelly should have won that season. Sorry Porsche you were asleep for 50 days).

      Winning comps at the right time or if you are on the block can be very beneficial. However, I would argue that social game, when done well, can trump all else. Dr. Will- all social game, Jun Song- social game, Drew- social game, etc. I mean Rachel may be the only winner I can think of who played an extremely bad social game (though not alone).

  5. Willow finally has a role on the show! She can be Sarah’s mole. Its already established that she talks to everyone, so they won’t think anything of it. I love that the soiled diapers alliance think they have Willow in their back pocket, but she’s selling them down the river.

  6. Ashleigh is very annoying. She hates all the girls. She doesn’t strategize at all she’s so insecure. She needs to go

    1. yeah she hates the girls except pili because pili has a brain of a 4 year old and she looks smart and beautiful compared to oatmeal brained pili lol

  7. Willow game I really hate in this game only thing she is doing is tell the three sides about their stuff to each other. And she is trying to be not a target or pawn in the game. She has not win any comps. I compare her game to bb 11 natalie which she did nothing but bs about others. And i hope she doesn’t win.

  8. if the boys want to throw comps, let them and vote out all the girls. Then we can see who really has the balls.

  9. Can someone update on Ash/Pilar strategy b/c the first video won’t play just keeps buffering and in the video where Willow tells Sarah the sound cuts out a couple minutes in. Therefore you can’t hear either convo which covers these details.


  10. I am REALLY disappointed in Kevin. Not that I was much of a fan to begin with but I have swung over to the “I want him GONE NOW” camp.

    I lose all respect for someone who wants to humiliate people through failure. That isn’t what a competition is about, especially a have-not comp. Losing is bad enough, (punished for a week), without “making sure they lose so baldy they are humiliated” in their loss. There was zero BB gain in doing that but it does show his character. That sentiment was televised and he can’t hide from that. Not many people I know would find that remotely admirable.

    That’s despicable and definitely NOT a Canadian value. How embarrassing for all of us!

  11. It feels like there’s something not right with Kevin. It’s one thing to enjoy manipulating “strong” people and making moves in the game but he’s just preying on weak people. There’s no sport or joy in that.

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