POV Holder: | Victoria | Next POV | July 19th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 26th |
HOH Winner 1: | HOH Winner 2: | Cody | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Jocasta/Amber | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 24/July 25 |
Original Nominations: | Brittany/Victoria(Cody) |
Final Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? | ||
POV Players | Cody, Brittany, Victoria, Caleb, Nicole, Zach |
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8:15am – 9:50am Big Brother tells Brittany 12 hours to go! Brittany wakes up. Donny joins her and she asks him to get her boots. He can’t find them but gives her his shoes to wear. She starts kicking the ball again. She’s at 1010. She is kicking and missing lots. The whistle blows and Cody comes down to kick is butt. Donny tells Brittany that she shouldn’t be drop kicking the ball. Brittany says it’s the only way it feels okay, without it feeling like every bone is going to break. Cody asks if shes tried kicking with the bottom of her foot? Brittany says that she has tried every possible way and she only misses when she does that. Brittany kicks the ball and misses. Brittany says this is so F**king pointless for me to be doing this, I’m just so f**king stubborn! Cody asks did you hurt your ankle? Brittany says Dude, everything hurts! Everything from my hip to my ankle. Donny asks I know you said you tried everything but did you… Brittany says YUP! Donny asks kick it backwards? Brittany says Yup, backward tires me out because I miss. Brittany says can you believe my daughter is just as stubborn as me!? Cody heads back to bed. Donny says well now you can’t hold it against her. You are a competitor! Brittany says well that didn’t get me too far! Brittany is now at 1111. Donny says you did 100 in an hour. (Last night she was doing 100 in 20 minutes) Brittany says at this rate I’m not going to make it. I need to start running. Brittany says if I ever come back I am going to sleep and do nothing. Brittany says I can’t believe I’m not even half way. I’m not going to make it. Every time she misses she says F**k, God Damnit!, Oh my god! She says she wishes she had woken up earlier. She reaches 1200 and says half way! I just don’t understand the point of why I’m doing this!
9:50am Brittany asks what do you think Donny should I just stop?! Donny says well.. Brittany says I am going home any ways. Donny says its pride. Brittany says but I’m not going to be able to walk out the door. Brittany says if they planned to get rid of me next to Victoria..then there’s nobody else there that they would send home.
10am – 10:10am Brittany misses again and says that’s it I give up! Donny says take a little break and think about it. Brittany says If I go any more I am probably not going to make it and then come Thursday I am not going to be able to walk out in heels. Donny tells her that he can’t tell her what could help her stay but I can tell you quitting could hurt you. If people see you quit people will see you give up and they might send you home because of it. Your feet might hurt now but come Christmas none of this will matter. Just take a little rest and then try again. Pace yourself and maybe if you get the most you can in the time allotted maybe they will take that into consideration.

10:15am – 11:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Donny, Frankie and Amber are sitting out watching Brittany kick her goals. Christine joins them. Cody comes down and wonders if the whistle went off. He isn’t sure if he is just hearing things or what.. He does it anyway just to make sure. After he goes up to the HOH room and the whistle goes off. Cody says I don’t think it even went off before. He goes back down to do it again. Brittany says it would be different if I was doing this for money instead of for pride. She says I’m keeping the damn soccer ball, I don’t care what they say! I would take the net too if I could. Big Brother says Brittany 9 hours to go. She’s up to 1433 now.
11:35am – 12:35pm The whistle sounds and Cody heads down to kick his butt. He heads back up stairs and it happens again. And then one more time. Brittany laughs and then says sorry. Cody says No, I’m glad you’re laughing and smiling. At 1500 she stops to take a break. Donny asks which would you prefer your challenge or the Cody’s? Brittany says the butt kicking one would be easier but I enjoy the challenge of this one. Brittany says I have been up on the block 3 times now. Donny says well after tomorrow it might be 3 for me too. Brittany says she thinks they’ll put up one of their friends as a pawn to throw off suspicion because they know they have the votes. The whistle sounds again and Cody comes down again. Brittany laughs. He says he can’t believe she already at 1500. Donny tells her she can get the next 100 in less than 45 minutes. Cody says she got 250 in an hour last night. Donny says she was a lot younger last night. Cody says a day younger. Cody heads back to bed. Christine, Nicole and Victoria are now up for the day.
12:40pm – 1pm Victoria and Christine are in the kitchen making breakfast. Victoria says this kitchen is disgusting! I am done cleaning up after everyone! Christine agrees. Christine says especially the toilet seat in the bathroom! You have to wipe it down every time you use it. Victoria says Oh my god I know! Christine says Its disgusting. Tim would never do that! It’s repulsive! Victoria asks if Brittany is complaining. Christine says she is constantly complaining almost awkwardly so.
1:05pm – 1:15pm Out in the backyard – Jocasta comments on how she’s always been in the in crowd and its weird to not be. Brittany says me too. Brittany says but in here there are a lot of followers. Brittany says I would love to be safe this week after getting 2400 goals. America gets to choose who goes home this week. Or America chooses you to be safe this week Brittany.
Alliances (Some Of these are dead)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
The bottom Feeders = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and Hayden (still being built)
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
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This is the saddest thing I have seen on BB! She gets nothing if she does it,except go home! Give her the golden power of Veto!
Totally Agree.
This is way over the top, and really painful to watch.
Please don’t quit Brit.
Even if they do vote you out, you walk out with your head held high!
You did more physically in 24 hours,
than all the other houseguests combined have done this entire season…
Cruel, just plain cruel. Judging from her exhaustion and mental/physical deterioration, she’ll be leaving the House on crutches. This punishment is just wrong!
Would your opinion’s and post’s be the same if it were Devin struggling like Brittany?
Would Brittany be swearing up a storm had she got the trip or 5k? I doubt it. She had a 5 out of 6 chance of not getting this, so it’s not like the odds were against her.
Remember Julie mentioned something about the most active hgs get something? I mean this task will send Brits activity level through the roof so hopefully it’s all worth while in the end
I have mad props and will have more if Brittany completes this. Hang on to that stubborn pride. Her days are numbered regardless, I think. She’s not going to be controlled by Derrick in all ways, so she has to go for his game. But I hope she shows them they’re right to see her as a competitor and goes out in style, hobbling and all.
I’d finish the punishment, pack my shit and hobble out the door and let CBS figure out what kind of an edit to put on the show.
That would be great too, blowing up whatever she could as she went. I mean, really, why give them the “satisfaction” of evicting? Maybe wait to see who the replacement nominee is first (no sense cutting off one’s nose). I would think DR would be pulling for her to stay as a thorn in the other side’s side.
I think she’s been doing a really good job. She’s made a few mistakes, by not knowing who to talk to and who not to talk to, and fatal errors, by being unsociably bitchy and freezing people out, the same people who she should be sociable with. If it doesn’t matter to anyone, including HOH, if one versus the other nom goes home, then you don’t make it obvious that you are targeting the HOH and everyone else out there, and then further bitching at those not in the BS alliance (that everyone knows still exists because the HOHs are so damn obvious about it when picking noms )
On the other hand, all that makes is her continuing to be a target which helps other HGs avoid being targets. i think the BS guys are shortsighted in not trying to work with her, and use the fact that she would target a BS member to get either Amber or Caleb on the block and out of the house.
I agree BB find a way for Brittany to stay. The woman is a competitor and does not give up unlike lazy Zach and Frankie. Brittany deserves to stay and if those other stupid women in the house would bother to wake up and smell the roses they would know that the guys are picking them off one by one. I wish Cody would wake up and make a deal with Brittany and put Caleb/Zach, who does nothing but sleep, or Frankie, needs to go home, on the block with Brittany and others in the house would WAKE UP and send either Frankie, Caleb or Zach home!!!
It would be a great twist if BB had incremental prizes for Brittany to earn. Maybe at the 1000, 1500, 2000, and the ultimate 2400 goal milestones. That would be so eye-opening for a house full of petty whiners. But I realize this likely won’t happen unfortunately.
well… maybe that wristband thingy they got has something to do with her challenge. she may very well win something at the end of her punishment. hope so. maybe then she will quit her constant whining.
The producers think this is entertainment but it’s pure torture. In fact, I think most of the twists and the punishments from this POV comp is cruel. Nicole has to wear an uncomfortable costume two weeks in a row. Cody is getting his arse kicked (literally) every hour. WTH?
WE love you Brittany!
no. “we” don’t
this website amazes me. the comments, people and who they support. if someone gets picked on, all of a sudden its “GO VICTORIA!!!” brit, who has done nothing but be a wet rag all summer, is now worth saving? for what? her great social game? her great physical game? because she is a “trooper”? she is the complete opposite of that, she complains more than anyone in there
Send her home. PLEASE
It’s funny you say wet rag but and then “Go Victoria”. Sorry but what does the pot call the kettle?
The floaters are the ones that should go. Victoria, Christine, Hayden….Yes they are the floaters.
Clearly you do not understand the comment.
There was no cheering for Victoria by WOW
Why are you trolling and using my screen name?
Ummm… Not cool.
Dawg/Simon please flag down this impostor
Sorry didn’t see you on here as such I will post as TH my bad.
As for Trolling? just because you don’t like what i say does not make me a troll. I love BB and find it very interesting what people say and how they feel and what they post and I am still (for a while anyway) free to post what i like provided i am not calling anybody names or making attacks on people.
I did not realize you own the world or had control over what Simon and Dawg censor.
enjoy the season.
get off my bridge 😉
Thanks for your insightful comment. Now troll off!
couldn’t agree more! it seems like ari’s fans who watch the show for the first time get a game of BB more lol
Being a good person has absolutely zero to do with Big Brother. You deserve to win based on gameplay, not character
Right! I’ve come to the realization that most BB viewers are full of bs. If this was Amber doing 2400 kicks, everyone would be laughing and enjoying her pain/suffering. People in our society are so bias and quick to judge someone for their physical differences.
I frikken love how supportive Donny is being . Uggghhhhh my blood is still boiling from Nicole bitching about how her punishment is much worse and that Brittany is crying for attention
i cant believe nicole would even say something as stupid as that. she probably couldnt even make one goal. brittany is out there suffering, and this girl is just wearing a unitard. nicole i used to like her, but her and christine are so awful. it disgusts me if brittany walks out the door on thursday even if she makes all 2400 goals. these people are disgusting they have no pity and are taking selfish to a point well beyond the game level, they are making it very personal.
I cant believe that dumb twit nicole saying that her punishment is worse than Brit’s. Are you kidding me? Cant believe this dumb bit¢h didnt know wisconsin is right next to her home state. Then she thought New Orleans was a state. You cant fix stupid. Goes to show how sheltered she is. Hasnt even made out with hayden yet. Shes probly a v. Lol. I wish to GOD nicole wouldve gotten Brit’s punishment. She wouldnt have even attempted to complete it. F-ing over seeing her in this house. GO BRIT!!!! YOU GOT THIS 2400! Show all these low lifes what your made of!!!!!!
I really don’t think Nicole’s comment was that far off… Brittany’s punishment wouldn’t be as bad if she knew how to kick a soccer ball correctly (don’t get me wrong, it wouldn’t be fun, but it wouldn’t be this torturous either). It is not the unitard that is so bad, it is having to carry around that sausage and beerstein that sucks. Brittany’s punishment is a really rough 24hrs (a lot less if she did it correctly), while Nicole’s is uncomfortable but really drawn out… I personally would rather have something really tough and get it over with than have something not as tough that lasts a long time.
Nicole thinks hers is worse cause she is young and stupid. She think looking silly is the worst thing that can ever happen. We know she is wrong, and unfortunately for her, she will learn that in time.
I wish Derrick would have played in the POV and got a punishment that we should stay in solitary confinement until the POV ceremony. He could not even talk with anymore, like no talking under the door ( Like Danielle Donato and Shelly did )
I wonder what could do. I mean we all know we could screw up his game with no Derrick telling him what to do.
Oh, that’s a good one! That WOULD be interesting. The guy, as much as I’ve liked him for the win from the outset, needs to feel some heat. It will be fun to watch.
Donny is a DEAR DEAR man! Nicole is just a vacuous blond. Last night Hayden asked her if she knew where Wisconsin was and she didn’t know that it was right next to her home state!!! She’s not even a bimbo — just a pointless but mean floater.
Donny is awesome. He’s sitting outside and giving Brittany encouragement and someone to talk to. He asks her if she needs anything and will get her chips and ice. His character as a person shines through in this game, esteically since the rest are such self-centered a-holes.
2400 “goal” kicks in a 24-hour period is ridiculous! I thought she just had to kick 2400 times, which itself would have been more than enough challenge.
Brit is a trooper and I hope she stays.
Dont Quit!!!
This whole season is going down the tubes fast! Nothing but a bunch of whiners and rats. No real gameplay going on.Just a bunch of boring BULLSHIT!!!!!
The year of the jellyfish. A bunch of spineless boring broads (Frankie rat face included) who Don”t have a clue of whats going down! Where is JANELLE!!!!!! BB better do something drastic or this season is going down the SHITTER!!!!!!
I have never been a fan of Janelle, but if she were in the house, she would shake things up
Then don’t watch…
It was just someone stating an opinion. Relax there and amen to that!!!!! Underwear too tight or something?
And my opinion was to tell them not to watch then. I’m relaxed, so maybe you should calm down.
we have a right to give our opinions, you have the right to not read our comments
I must have missed it and don’t see anything in the recaps.
What happens to Brittany if she doesn’t hit 2400 goals in 24 hours?
Her whining and complaining was bad enough before, she is intolerable now.
I read somewhere that if she doesn’t finish it she can’t compete in the POV next week which is why she keeps saying it doesn’t mean anything because she’s going home but she’s still doing it because she’s stubborn.
Ah yes you’re right! Thanks
Please, do you have the link to watch the show tonight.
Im in Oregon, so I hate that I need to wait until 8pm to watch the show, while you guys can see at 5pm my time.
You had the link here last Thursday.
Thank you
Does not go full screen, but it works. Ignore all ads that say update media player, shockwave crash ect. ripsink.com/cbs.html
She can’t play in next veto comp (assumes she’s here & picked)
I thought one of the recaps said she couldn’t compete in next weeks pov if she was selected.
I remember reading that she can’t compete in the POV competition the following week.
IF she doesn’t complete the task, she can’t compete in the next POV comp.
there’s not much chance of that happening anyway… 🙂
IDK that punishment seems over-the-top. That’s too many goals to make IMHO.
Some punishments are over the top, and potentially may result in physical injury or long term damage. Slop is one of those things. It is damaging to the body to be on liquids or with no real food over a long period of time. i think they think they are being funny, but it isn’t if they end up with kidney damage or health issues down the road.
Get real!
Fortified oatmeal for less than a week is NOT dangerous. LOTS of condiments are allowed to make it easier to eat. Wholly crap spend some time in some areas around the country. MANY would beg for the chance to have unlimited oatmeal for a year!
Nobody knows what a hard days work is anymore.
Punishment BUHAHAHA
A for effort girl. But my Brittany flame dies on Thursday :/
Brittney, you suck at the game of big brother, but girl, you do have heart!
Donnie, you really are too nice to play with these jackasses.
Brit and Donny are the only ones keeping game in the house. King Der-prick has the house by the b@lls except for Brit/Donny/BowTie.
Well they can not say that the sent her home because she is not a competitor or a weak person… Now they just have to admit they sent her home because they are afraid of a girl.
Please don’t quit Brittany!!!
what a surprise brittany complaining…. she is the biggest biatch of the season by far! i don’t get why u people like her so much
Nobody is saying they like her. We are giving props where they are due. Why do you like Nicole so much? She seems pretty lazy and shallow to me. But a least I give her the benefit of the doubt.
You like Nicole some one who claims to know the game but is so horrible at it? She just sits around with her even worse of a player boyfriend and complain about everybody. All she does is whine cant wait till shes gone
Thank you! I’m still trying to figure out what Hayden is doing in this game. So he was on slop two weeks, so what? This week there are no have-nots, so what’s his ‘thing’ this week? He won a POV where all he did was sit, eat jello shots and watch a TV screen, nothing he doesn’t at home all day anyway. Yet he as all kinds of hate for Amber for giving him that one opportunity to prove himself? He needs to be gone soon too. Can’t stand when they cast these dirty little hippy dudes (i.e., Hayden, McCrae, Frank) and people make them out to be great players when they’re not.
OMG! I think I like you. lol
Yes, Hayden is sooo overrated and liked for the wrong reasons. I have always been very intuitive about others and I knew from week one that Heydan, Nicole, Vic, and Christine were mean spirited worthless floaters. Everyone kept telling me it’s too soon to say that but I knew right away.
Also, why does everyone turn a blind eye to his stalking of Nicole??? But Caleb has been crucified for liking Amber?
because they want a new Jeff and Jordan, they aren’t even close
Get a job.
All you want is for nicole to syd. So, obviously, you wouldnt understand the heart Brit has.
Uh…Nicole is complaining about wearing a unitard! Said it was worse than what Brit is doing?? And you actually think that Brit is the whiny one??!!
Unlike KnowNothing Nicole who thinks wearing a unitard is a worse punishment then kicking 2400 goals in 24 hours for a woman who last year had foot surgery. Yeah right.
2400 goals is severe, especially when you have to go home when it’s done. that said, let’s face it, brittany brought her fate on herself – she didn’t make friends in the house, complained constantly, acted superior (until she was in trouble, then she’s all charm) – she learned nothing from her first time on the block. this, combined with not doing any research on a 16yo established and well documented competition for half a million – what an idiot move! did she think no one else would know how to play the game? sounds like joey and victoria…
Excellent comment. I don’t know how you don’t research a show like this when it has been on as long as it has. She has done nothing but whine.
and if brittany can’t even do this she does not deserve to be in the house at all….. i would kick 5000 in a day to get into that house
Ok, yeah, right, sure ya would Caleb Jr.
That’s a good one Whatever! SMD Nicole goes all “beastmode” – easy to be brave on the computer isn’t it? LOL!!
Caleb Jr! LOL
you sound like a clueless, small-minded moron just like Nicole – are you related?
I figured out who Donny reminds me of, Forrest Gump.
Donny’s voice reminds me of the Tootsie character portrayed by D. Hoffman
Gomer Pyle
Like Gomer Pyle and Gilligan had a baby.
Don’t let the southern drawl fool you. He maybe simple, but he is wise in his advice and kind in action. I’d rather a Forrest Gump to a Caleb or Cody any day!
Amen bbfangrl!! Donny is one the most refreshing, unique players I’ve seen on B.B. And I still think he is smarter than people realize. He’s got some game plays up his sleeves – I just hope we get a chance to see them!
I don’t know how many people on here are familiar with the Andy Griffiths show, but he sounds like Gomer Pyle to me.
They said if she don’t finish, she won’t be able to play in next weeks POV, but like she said she isn’t going to be there anyway no matter if she finishes or not.
But she’s not giving up. The woman had foot surgery last year and is doing physical damage to her body. She may be bitching but she’s hanging in there. RESPECT!
Foot surgery has nothing to do with it.
Many people have surgery and come out of it stronger.
however she is complaining a lot and the surgery part is just an excuse.
Had back surgery cpl times and lift heavy stuff for a living. funny what people can do whn they have to.
But like i said she has NOT quit so good for her. no need to add the crutch is all im saying
Pandora’s Box!
Come on, we didn’t get one last season. Wish something could save Britt.
simon and dawg ding caleb and hayden truing giving her tips that would help her finish the task easier last night and keep her from feeling as much pain and she just completely ignored them?
i meant cody not caleb
Once you’ve had surgery on a foot it isn’t ever the same. What works for someone without foot issues most likely won’t work for someone who has had surgery.
that just isn’t true!
POSSIBLY for her…
Many people have surgery and come out stronger than before.
Well documented for decades across all sports.
Yes they all did! Derrick’s advice was more about not bending over so much & ways to retrieve the ball, etc. that would keep her from feeling it in her hips. I noticed in this post, even Donny tried to help & she kept saying how stubborn she is. By now the damage has been done & no amount of advice is gonna make it hurt less.
2400 kicks in 24 hours. Let’s see…that’s 100 kicks an hour, so you’d have to make around 2 kicks per minute. Doesn’t seem possible if you consider sleep and break times. Not sure whose idea it was to make this punishment, but it’s a little cruel and unusual. Especially considering the person at hand may be sent home on Thursday. In my opinion, she should get immunity just for trying.
Correction. It’s 2400 “GOALS” that Brittany has to make…
And therein lies the difference. Brittany has to make 2400 goals, but how many times does she have to kick the ball in order to achieve that goal. Add to that hunger, fatigue, retrieving the ball, and bending. It’s all very taxing on the body. If she misses 20-30 kicks for every 100 goals that means she has kicked the ball approx. 2800-3100 times. This is easily the dumbest punishment ever given to a contestant.
I’m no fan of Brittany but this is way overboard.
Brittany seems like the only one who’s busting her ass to compete while people like Nicole and Christine lie around all day and talk shit about people. She’s pretty sure she’ll be evicted but she keeps going with her punishment because she refuses to be seen as a quitter or a pushover. Props to Brittany for staying true to herself in a house full of spineless backstabbing lazy-ass people. And Donny just reassured America why he’s their favourite houseguest. Respectful, kind and genuine.
You couldn’t have called it out any better…
Its very unfortunate that brit got this punishment, they could have at least gave the girl the 5k or the trip since they have made their mind up about evicting her. It would do me no good I would take that soccer ball smear it in shit and kick it in a couple of those selfish pricks faces, also y does BB seem to every year go heavy on the young people, u know mix it up with age or something. This shit is becoming very random with this gang mentallity play every year. I love BB and consider myself a superfan but damn, its getting hard watching this garbage….
If she does completer this task(2400 goals) CBS should let her remove herself and put up a replacement like say Zach! Now that would be a twist Donny or Zach who would be voted out?
Donny is way to nice and mature to be playing this game!
so not only does she become safe for completing a PUNISHMENT, but she gets to nom someone?
wow. just wow
The one upside of Brittany doing this and suffering and hopefully still keep on going… It is eating Cody alive, he feels like s**t. He has the blood on his hands and his boys got a vacation and money. The guilt is showing and he is looking for an excuse to nominate Frankie, Zach or Caleb… You can see it in his eyes… it is killing him. I hope they give him one before the veto ceremony. Keep on kicking Brittany you are doing more than you realize.
(Please note: I really am not a Brittany fan. I just love thinking of ways for the guaranteed nominee eviction to stay. There are only a handful I disliked to not think of a way for them to stay. It isn’t even an underdog thing… I juts hate guaranteed evictions.)
If she doesn’t make it, it could help her. It gives Cody an excuse to keep her and nominate Caleb. She can’t compete in the BOTB or the POV next week, so she’s even less of a threat.
Is anyone else’s feeds not working?
I am a HUGE fan of punishments in big brother. I think they get it way too good to be honest. you are supposed to make them a bit uncomfortable.
that said, this is waaaaay too much. I am glad to see brit go because she sank herself with her HG choice for veto, but 2400 goals? I used to play basketball as a kid and would shoot the ball 500 times every day. when its just you, having to get get every rebound whether it goes in or not….man that can get really tiring. to have to do it 2400 times in 1 day, cmon!
I agree that its over the top and counting all the misses she has to kick, walk and bend down to get the ball More than 2400 times : (
seeing comments about “Saving brit”
really people? are you freaking kidding me here? she has no influence in the house. she is HATED by more than anyone, and she is NOT Rachel reilly some sort of strange challenge beast who can win anything.
send brit home, I am tired of her attitude. had she just gone w/ Zach and cody when they stood up for her, but she didn’t. that was her mistake, or she could be in the bigger house alliances right now.
To be honest… she really did not know they stuck up for her. She was told by Derrick and some other people that people where after her and mentioned her as a nomination. The HoH’s told here everybody brought her name up. How can everybody bring your name up and know the stuck up for her. she was not in the room when they did and even you are in the room it is suspect.
You’re right EricCa. Because Brit trusted master manipulator Derrick of all people, she got on the defense almost from the start. And noone really makes good decisions when they are defensive all the time. Therefore she stayed pissed off & mad at everyone, when she should have be aligning herself with the outsiders. I really admire her for not sucking up to the HOH’s & for her valiant effort in this punishment. However, she really did bring a lot of this stuff on herself buy alienating those who could have been her allies.
On top of being a trooper it’ll have the bonus of making sure Brittany isn’t a have not this week cuz she’ll have so many steps and activity on her bracelet.
Does anyone remember what Julie said about the activity tracker? Is it possible that Brittany’s punishment will actually end up being an advantage because this should absolutely put her in first place for activity?
Next week the havenots will be the 4 house guests with the lowest activity registered on their activity bracelets. So the 4 that sleep the most in the house will be punished.
when jc mentioned the monitor involvement, that was my first thought, too. next i thought, what if bb selects the *most* active as have nots instead! :O
Actually if you check the CBS website it looks like Donny is one the houseguest moves the least in the house. Christine, Nicole, Jocosta and Victoria are also low in the ranks. Zach sleeps all day, but is up all night. HIs probably going up and down the HOH steps more than Donny and the 4 girls mentioned above. Playing pool is likely giving Zach a lot of extra steps as well. I would ignore the “Active Minutes” catergory, I think there is a FitBit glicht and that stat is not very accurate. BTW, Devin gained 13 pounds while in the house. Maybe he’s pregnate with another daughter? 😀 http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/fitness/
Holy Moses! 13 pounds!?! That’s a lot, even for someone his size. He really was (stress) eating too much.
CBS hasn’t updated the houseguests’ activity levels since Thursday, so you really can’t tell where anyone ranks, except Brittany, obviously, should be far outpacing everyone else.
Which is odd because on Thursday I checked it and Donny was smack in the middle. I don’t know how all of the sudden he’s down so low. He walks the yard w/both Jacosta and Amber, plus he rides the elliptical. Weird.
true but she has to find a way to not get voted out for the activity to work in her favor. Cody’s punishment is helping him as well with as many times as BB calls him down to kick his butt.
Wishful thinking perhaps but every time Brittany kicks/retrieves the ball, I would imagine it reflects on her activity bracelet which would most likely put her at the top. BB has said that the lowest 3 will be on slop so maybe a twist will be that the highest is safe from eviction for one week. BB already knows that she is a sure fire candidate to be evicted yet they told her if she doesn’t complete the punishment, she cannot participate in the next POV. Maybe there is more to what BB is NOT saying.
Wow that would be cool
The toe poke is the most difficult kick in football. Especially for someone that doesn’t play. I’m confused as to, if Cody plays, why he didn’t show her how to kick side footed from the beginning. Maybe he did, and she was just stubborn. She’s wasting far too much time and energy retrieving misses… Is anyone allowed to assist in any way? Seems like someone sitting in goal who could kick, throw, or roll the ball back to her is the smartest thing to do. Or at least someone sitting behind the net to grab her misses. The inefficiency is killin me. Again, far too much time and energy wasted.
To answer your questions Babe:
Cody, Derrick, Hayden, n Caleb were giving Brit advice last night on how to just pass the ball with the side of her foot, but it wasnt working out for her, she kept missing, so she reverted back to the way she kicks it.
Also, no one is allowed to assist her. In fact, Hayden said he originally planned to sit in the net all night and just pass the ball back to Brit. But, no one is allowed to help her : (
I feel so bad for her family watching her!!!!
Brit had foot surgery last year so she has to kick however she can.
“Victoria asks if Brittany is complaining. Christine says she is constantly complaining almost awkwardly so. ”
2 despicable biatches… GO BRITTANY!
Ratine has nothing nice to say about anybody.
Can you imagine the whinge-fest either of them would produce?
I find it ironic tha Victoria and Christine are wondering if Britney is complaining about her punishment, while complaining about cleaning up after the guys.
Also, just a thought, a thought brought on by something one of my fellow posters wrote on the previous thread. The activity bracelets monitor their steps. How many steps do you suppose Brit has made in the last day. We know Christine is the laziest, I wonder how she will like the have not room?
I can’t wait till Christine-the-rat-whisperer starves to death in the Have Not room. Maybe BB will give this gluten- free rat some cheese instead of oatmeal.
What is Christine’s problem with Brittany? I don’t even have live feeds but seems like every time I read anything about Christine she’s got something nasty to say about Brit or some other female. Did something happen or is she just blatantly jealous? Bitter, party of 1….
CHristiane wants not only Brittany gone but all the other girls. She wants to be the only girl left. For the first time in her life she is getting male attention. And she things all the guys really like her, and that`s why she chooses to be a member of the Bomb Squad.
Like in the movies, The nerd, stupid, lazy girl that nobody cares for, then she gets a makeover and becomes a bticheee
Bitter, Party of one…
That is HILARIOUS!!!!!!
Wouldn’t it be interesting if after Brit finishes this punishment she gets to safe herself and then she gets replaced with the TA nomination, Amber?
What I am trying to figure out is why production hasn’t told “Team America” that Amber doesn’t qualify as a physical threat?!?!? Am I the only one that thinks Amber was a cop out?
Amber is NOT a physical threat!!! It only shows how manipulative Derrick is. My point is not to show Derrick in a bad light, but he is very good at manipulating this house. I actually applaud him for his game play, but he absolutely has BB ‘played’ as well on this one. They already clearly planned to put up Amber, and chose to describe her as a ‘female’ physical threat. Compared to the house, Amber is not a physical threat. She is in the bottom half of the physical threat side of the entire house. By describing her as a ‘female’ physical threat, you automatically eliminate 7 people as if they don’t count. Of course they do. I call BS on this one. Nothing changed for 1 second, and definitely not worthy of a $5000 prize.
Hate to burst your bubble, but Amber is in the lead on the Activity tracker. Also, she was in second place during the first HOH comp where Frankie won and she beat out Devin and Cody (two strong men), She has proven to be the most physical female when she won that Frat house HOH comp by beating all the girls in the house.
Funny how viewers choose to remember and forget strategically.
Yeah, but the first four are never the final four and if Caleb (yes!), or Donny (Noooooo), go up as replacement nom, they are both physical threats (Caleb, maybe not; Donny for sure). What I want to know is if they’d still get the money for putting one of the TA up.
Don’t forget about the braclets. Maybe that will be an out for her. Remember Julie Said something about a twist as it relates to them. I agree she is a complainer but no more than Frankie the snitch, Zach the blabber mouth, Amber the snake, Caleb the dangerously obsessed, Christine the ignorant spy (who really thinks she’s playing a great game), Jacosta the absent, Cody the comically clueless, Victoria the embarrassingly loud, loud, loud eater, Hayden the half-wit, or Nicole the not-wit!! Britney deserves a boon and this punishment goes way above what should have been acceptable.
I believe that at the end of Thursday’s episode Julie announced to the audience that the HG’s were not aware that the HG’s with the lowest totals on the Fit Bits would be have not’s the next week.
Its funny to me how christine and victoria are complaining about shit and then talk shit about britt complaining when they havent done shit in this game
Either way Britney is not at advantage.
Imagine if this week is endurance and some how Britney doesn’t go home, she will have to hang or stand on something for a long period to ensure her safety but with an aching back and legs. Or its physical she may as well skip HOH comp and prepare for the BOB comp.
I have a love/hate relationship with Brit. There are times when I get frustrated with her sometimes poor gameplay because she hasn’t seen the show to know that something as simple as not hugging someone can get you on the block. This week I’m rooting for her, she picks up on the guys “discreet” ways of trying to pretend that they are not an alliance. If she ever wins HOH her stubbornness will prevent herself from being manipulated. Also I think she is the only one that is strong enough in personality to convince the girls to rise up against the guys.
I was sooo happy britamtany got off the block the first time anddd i think this challenge is going to change some peoples minds about her. It is frustrating her bad attitude and outspokeness is hard to watch sometimes in the real world that is a strength to have but in a confind house where people are super touchy, paranoid, and around each other with nothing else to do but gossip it is a weakness. I do not think she should give up.
It sucks that nicole has to wear anothr outfit for a weak but that is nothing compard to the physical challenge brittany is doing.
I sometimes with that there was a Bitch-O-Meter in the House… I just don’t see Brittany Bitching more than almost everybody else. If she is bitching about this… hell I would to… On your feet all night, doing physical activity… more than likely in extreme pain… little sleep, fatigue.
but how many times did Nicole bitch about the frog suit?
How many times a day does Victoria and Christine bitch and they have NO PUNISHMENT?
How many times a day does Caleb, bitch about Amber?
How many times a day does Amber Bitch?
Hell Frankie and Zach Bitch non stop all day long. Cody even bitches.
I asked this before… but to me… doesn’t Brittany actually bitch the least in the house? next to Donny, Jocasta and Derrick… I think they bitch the least
I have no sympathy for Brittany. Devin took her off and offered to work with her. Instead, when Devin was in the ring performing like a Gladiator, she was one of the idiots cheering when he lost. I cried that night as I hate to see people being kicked when they’re down and they sure gave it good to Devin. Everyone chose him to go up against, even that man dressed in drag (Christine). Karma is a biatch Brittany! The others have their day coming too! Hallelujiah!!
Yes, Karma is a bitch….Exactly why Devin was sent home unanimously, and why they cheered so great when he lost. He had it coming to him in a big way. He wasn’t gone until that very moment. They were tormented by him for weeks. Don’t forget how he went around that house demanding everyone’s actions. Anyone who ‘stepped out of line’ (Zach) was put on the block. The whole alliance was afraid to speak. Nothing mattered, but Devin and his power. Karma came to him, and he will be a better human being because of it. He needed to feel all of it, and I am glad for his sake.
At some point the activity monitor they were given will come into play. Brittany is burning that up.
leave it to Christine to say Britney is complaining to much. how would u feel if u had to do 2400 goals in 24hours knowing yo fellow house guest go send u home regardless u wouldn’t have to much motivation either to get it done.
Suck it up Brittany! What’s good for the Gander is good for the Goose! You were very vocal when it was Devin! Cheers!!!
So anxious for an update on them. 😉
Simon & Dawg, How many goals does Brittany has right now?
there could be a chance BB is going to save Brittaney. remember last week Julie said they were going to track activity on the houseguests? so lets say since Brittney is doing hours and hours of trying to kick the ball into the goal…she wins this secret challenge…and is protected against eviction.
last week the activity bracelet twist is that those with the lowest amount of activity would be have nots the following week – which means after this weeks eviction. this will only benefit Brittany if she manages to not go home.
No. That tracking calories is for the Have Nots.
The 4 on bottom that have lost the least amount will be the have nots.
Donny is talking to Cody about backdooring Caleb. Cody’s feeling guilty watching what Brit has to go through. Donny is talking about how if Caleb had just done what he was supposed to do he would have the veto and Vic would be going home. But he took the money instead. That pissed Cody off when it happened and Donny is just working it.
We Love Donny!!!
He needs to talk with Derrick. Cody has no power. Derrick is making the decicions
Brittany says it’s pointless for her to kick a ball into a net, well yeah…….BB probably never expected anyone to actually kick 2400 goals. They probably figured whoever gets that challenge would give up or forfeit and let the house know that they would be powerless, therefore no need to get rid of them.
I think some of you are forgetting that this is a psychological game.
Brittany DOES NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! she is choosing to be stubborn about it.
The GREAT DR Will would have said lick my B@LL$ BB I’m not lifting a finger or toe as the case may be.
She doesn’t get to compete in the next Veto? So what? a better smarter player would have weighed that and figured out that IS her path to STAYING! hey everyone why not backdoor a threat I can’t even take myself off the block…
Brittany is the only one putting Brittany through this nonsense.
She should have studied the game better and used her brain. Dan would have figured this out also.