3:55am Brittany and Derrick are laying in the backyard lounger. She says she hasn’t slept in days. And says she can’t wait to eat. Derrick tells Brittany if there is something you want to ask me you can ask me! Brittany says I appreciate that.
In the kitchen Devin talks to Frankie about how he can’t be in an alliance with Caleb. He doesn’t know how to play this game. I just can’t be a part of the alliance. You do and so does Christine. Devin says that it would look horrible for me to be in an alliance with someone that talked bad about he and my daughter.
4:08am – 4:20am Derrick tells Caleb that you don’t f**k with a mans family! And you don’t f**k with a mans money! So I’m telling you right now, I’m not f**king dealing with him no more! If you’re cool with him that’s fine. I’m done with him dude! Because whatever he said f**ked with us! That’s it I’m done! I’m telling you straight up I’m done with him! Alright!?! If you want to roll with me, I’ll roll with you but he’s a SHADDY MOTHERF**KER! Derrick tells Caleb that Brittany was up there for hours. Derrick tells Caleb about how Brittany tells me everything and when she came down she didn’t say anything to me. I told her she can ask me anything and she had nothing to ask. They’re pissed! Pissed! Cabel says yeah from a one sided story. Caleb says well Brittany at the end of the day we know you’re working with Devin. She’s got to go! Derrick says Devin goes first, then Brittany. Caleb says Brittany is a liar. She said she didn’t make a deal for him to use the veto on her. And Devin said he told her last week he was going to use it on her. Derrick says we have to win HOH, if a girl wins HOH we’re in trouble. Caleb says even if a girl wins HOH they lose a vote. Derrick heads back out to the hot tub where Pow Pow, Frankie, Brittany and Zach are talking about random things…

4:35am – 4:45am In the kitchen Derrick goes up to Brittany and hugs her. He tells her I’ve had your back since day one. If you want to talk to me you know you can. I know you had a conversation with somebody because obviously we knew you were going to have that conversation before you had it. Derrick says I hoped you would come and have a talk with me about it. But you haven’t! I haven’t had a conversation about anything other than … Derrick says well I was told differently. I was told differently! So like I said I was hoping you would have come down and have a talk with me. Obviously you’re going to do what you’re going to do. Brittany says thank you, I appreciate it. Derrick says no, its all good.
4:50am – 5:05am In the bedroom – Derrick tells Cody and Caleb about his conversation with Brittany in the kitchen. Derrick says Devin has to go. Caleb says we have to protect Amber and Christine. If they win HOH they’ll put Amber and Christine up. We have to do damage control for them. Derrick says we need to get rid of Devin and then get rid of them (Jocasta & Brittany). Then we take back the house. Caleb says if all else fails we keep Amber and get rid of Christine. Derrick says I think if Brittany gets HOH she would go after you (Cody) and me. Derrick explains how Brittany and Jocasta were up there for 2 hours. He told them every little detail! You don’t f**k with a man’s family and money! Derrick says Brittany & Jocasta are going to tell everyone not in the alliance. We f**ked up, we should have sent Brittany home when we had the chance. We convinced him to use it. Derrick asks Cody to watch for Nicole if she starts being weird with you. Derrick looks at the camera and says that Devin is the worst Big Brother player in history. Derrick says we’ll back door Devin, Jocasta or Brittany. They won’t all be safe. Caleb says worst case we lose one person. Derrick says yeah I would rather get him out. AND you and him were tight! They end their conversation and go to sleep..

In the havenot room – Derrick talking to Victoria about how Devin needs to go. He tells her that Devin pulled up Brittany and Jocasta up there. Derrick asks if Brittany tells you anything about me don’t tell her. Victoria says oh I know that. We will talk later. Derrick says she can’t believe everything you hear ..this is big brother. Derrick says I am voting to keep Zach. Victoria says I am too.
Wheres the vote?
Zach is staying 7-5
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There is an opening in the bomb squad now that Devin is out, I’m in finally!!!
Did he tell the rest of the house I mean 11 person bomb squad he was out??
This is just crazy stuff.I don’t remember the last time the feeds were so interesting the first couple of weeks.
(I only sleep when Brittany sleeps,wich is never LOL)
I am getting whiplash from all this insanity!
Thank Devin for it!
WELCOME TO BIG BLENDER!!! Where one insane bro-dude will shred your brains faster than his alliance can keep up with him. It’s hysterical that in Devin’s head, he’s spontaneously abdicated from his alliance because his twirly, paranoid brain now wants to work exclusively with his old buddy Donny and his new girlfriend Brittany. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to throw in Jacosta – just so he’s got the numbers and Jesus on his side too. LOLOLOL (New BB Rule: Every season must include one bona-fide crazy person as a House Guest.)
these people need to get some sleep. They are acting crazy.
I hope I can go back far enough in the live feeds. So much happens when I’m asleep. D
Devin is a d$&che, wow! How can anyone beleive a word out of his mouth. Brittany must be stupid or the lack of sleep is not making her see straight. How many times has Devin out or thrown the BS under the bus? Seems like he is doing this daily. Insane.
Oh shut up! Zack was the one that blew it up first. I really don’t get the Devin hate. Yeah he made bad choices, but all this hate is not necessary. He is the only person in the house actually trying to play the game. Why would you want to keep a strong person in the house who going to come after you? Zack was coming after Devin way before Devin put him up. Everyone in this house just sit around and talk about each other, but the one person that is actually trying to make a big move is the one y’all hate. Who else in this house has tried to make a big move? Putting up the weak people and the girls does not equal big move!
WOW everytime i see your comment it usually starts with telling someone to shut up. So why dont you take your own advice and STFU!
Actually Cody was about to backdoor Devin when Devin was given HOH. Zach was at earliest the THIRD member of the bomb squad that wanted Devin out. Every member did at some point (even Caleb). Zach was speaking for Cody and Amber more than himself.
Are you Devin’s baby mother or something.. just stop we all know you hate Devin but you act as if you have a personal grudge with him..its okay to not like someone but the amount of hate you consistently post about devin is pathetic. Let it go
?????? Do most of all BB players not lie, including Derrick alliance. Deny, Deny, Deny. He has been wishy washy, more than lying. Other players have lied worse. PLEASE!!! Does anyone not see the hypocrisy of Derrick’s words? You don’t fuck with a man’s family or money? PLEASE!! So, he is saying that anyone that goes against him, or his alliance is messing with his/their money, and his/their family. PLEASE!! Like he’s not going against anybody. So, I guess he is fucking with peoples’ money and families. If it’s good for one side, it’s got to be good for the other. “Scare the shit out of Victoria.” It’s real funny how everyone jumps on Devin for being a bully, which he really hasn’t been. But they don’t say anything about Derrick, who btw hasn’t been a bully either. Point being, many people blow Devin’s words out of proportion, but not Derrick’s, which actually sound worse. Compare the so called bully Devin to actual bullies, like Amanda from last season, Evil Dick who got in peoples’ faces, screamed, cussed, threw tea on Jen, banged in peoples’ ears as they slept, always women or guys smaller than him. Devin hasn’t screamed, cussed, or gotten in anyone’s face. It’s real sad that so many people across America, just play :Follow the BB Players Blowup of Devin so We Can Look Like I Had No Choice Victims.”
?????? Do most of all BB players not lie, including Derrick alliance. Deny, Deny, Deny. He has been wishy washy, more than lying. Other players have lied worse. PLEASE!!! Does anyone not see the hypocrisy of Derrick’s words? You don’t fuck with a man’s family or money? PLEASE!! So, he is saying that anyone that goes against him, or his alliance is messing with his/their money, and his/their family. PLEASE!! Like he’s not going against anybody. So, I guess he is fucking with peoples’ money and families. If it’s good for one side, it’s got to be good for the other. “Scare the shit out of Victoria.” It’s real funny how everyone jumps on Devin for being a bully, which he really hasn’t been. But they don’t say anything about Derrick, who btw hasn’t been a bully either. Point being, many people blow Devin’s words out of proportion, but not Derrick’s, which actually sound worse. Compare the so called bully Devin to actual bullies, like Amanda from last season, Evil Dick who got in peoples’ faces, screamed, cussed, threw tea on Jen, banged in peoples’ ears as they slept, always women or guys smaller than him. Devin hasn’t screamed, cussed, or gotten in anyone’s face. It’s real sad that so many people across America, just play :Follow the BB Players Blowup of Devin so We Can Look Like I Had No Choice Victims.”
Thank you Devin, thank you for unintentionally giving us one of the best weeks of Big Brother in recent memory.
Exactly what was I saying before! Derrick was getting too out of hand with trying to get in with so many people in the house. He thought he had Brittany in his pocket and BOOM the bomb squad blows his spot with her. Dude got too comfortable.
Wow, watching the “talk” at Brittany. Frankie again is the catalyst for shit! Damn!
I can’t grasp Devin’s thought process. Illogical. He knows his ship is sinking so might as well oust the alliance… I can try to get that… but the only person benefiting from all this knowledge is Jocasta. Both Britt & Devin are definite targets after this.
Float Jocasta, float… all the strong players will target each other first. I really don’t think the original plan of getting rid of all the floaters first will stick.
Devin did not oust the alliance, because there is not one as far as he is concerned. Think about it, they are all plotting to back door him. Lol we are watching it happen, but he can feel it happening. Why ignore that feeling? He is doing the same thing Zach did when he saw himself going out the door. Spilling his guts. So I’m not mad at Devin for doing the same thing. It’s called stir the Pot.
They should have listened to Joey. Each season the majority of the women always try to hitch a ride to what they perceive are strong men and in the end the men always band together. They are fans of the show by now but yet the women sit around talking about each other while being afraid to go against the men when they start out with an equal amount in the numbers. The women should band together and take out zach. Frankie will follow because he wants to flow with whoever the majority is. This season has all of the men thinking they are the head of an alliance and the women go along with them. Devin was right to blow up the BS only the initials stand for something else and it’s not bomb squad. From the beginning no one in the alliance trusted their own members. Each one of them had a group of people they didn’t like or talked about getting out. Yet when devin and Zachary does loudly what each of them had been saying quietly everyone in the alliance is mad. Everyone that wasn’t in the alliance should ban against them and get each one of them out one by one because they’re not interesting just cocky.
The men are such emotional players and so reactionary this year that it would have been the perfect season for an all-girl alliance. Poor Joey – she had balls. Too bad none of the other girls did.
Devin needs to stay in the house for a long time, He is the most entertaining house guest this year.
DO YOU WANT GOOD TV?! DOES EVERYBODY WANT FKING GOOD TV?! (Sorry I got passionate for a sec)
Also (he may do it for the wrong reasons but) getting zach out is a huge game move. He is at this moment in the best alliance of the house (zach,cody,derrick)
#SabrinaBBCAN2 reference 🙂
It’s so irrational that all of the butthurt fans hate Devin and want him to go, he most definitely shouldn’t go. Everyone was so upset when he won HoH but look at what him winning HoH did to the season… I’ve never been so excited to read BB drama possibly ever, hate or love Devin you should appreciate his unintentional entertainment and television gold. His horrendous strategic game is amazing to watch, he changes his mind multiple times and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even know what he’s going to do next and I like that, I like unpredictability not predictable nominations/vote offs. It’s really just irrational to love this season and hate Devin and deny that he isn’t a huge part of why it is as entertaining as it is. Once he goes, this season will hopefully still be consistently great but it will definitely be losing a huge character/antagonist. I’d love for Devin to stay for awhile, his game is an entertaining one to watch. I love the guys here who will say “I love good gameplay” if you REALLY love good gameplay then go watch Big Brother 15 and watch Andy Herren’s game, all of you hated him but you guys “love good gameplay”… Good gameplay doesn’t always make for entertaining television and an example of that is Andy’s gameplay. I’d rather watch Devin’s trainwreck of a game which is entertaining and unpredictable then just seeing one person absolutely strategically dominate with no challengers even coming close (Andy BB15). This season has a good mixture of entertainment (Devin, Caleb and Zach) and good gameplay (Derrick) so I’m really enjoying this season. But yeah, I just wanted to put it out there that you can’t love this season (or this week in particular) and hate or not appreciate Devin and his contributions to the show. Remember how mad you guys were when he won HoH, now how do you feel? Exactly my point. So keep saying that you want Devin to go, I’d rather the floaters like Nicole and Victoria who bring nothing to the table go. If Devin’s going to be as entertaining and unpredictable as he has been in the last 2 weeks throughout the game then I sincerely wishes that he makes it very far while I doubt that will happen I’d be somewhat content with him shockingly making jury or coming short of jury. Love him or hate him, you should appreciate Devin and maybe think a little more before you continuously bash him. (I expect a lot of butthurt morons to give me a lot of downvotes lol)
I hope Devin goes far. Let Nicole, Victoria and the floaters go. He’ll take out everybody one by one for his daughter.
Brittany is an idiot to tell Devin anything. He’s just going to use this to screw her over. She should have taken the info and left.
Be honest, you guys were furious when Devin got HoH and wanted him to lose and get backdoored (which could’ve been a little entertaining, very predictable outcome tho after his house meeting the night be4) either way, you guys were furious at the outcome of Devin winning HoH. Looking back on it, is it safe to say that you all were wrong? I was very excited that Devin won HoH because I knew it would be an entertaining week, this man is television gold! I love Devin, he’s unintentionally entertaining. But now looking at it from what we know, are you guys pleased with Devin winning HoH and what it caused (this crazy entertaining week)? I’d like to hear some interesting responses to this question not “nooooo Devin sucks i cant wait 4 him to go home (but I do love this week). Let me know your guys opinions and try to make sense and despite most of your hatred for Devin, don’t allow that to base how you will answer the question.
I for respect Devin gameplay. Ihe did what he wanted to do with HIS HoH. He earned it he won it. I small for an alliance, but I draw the line when you win the HoH. Why? Because at the point you do what’s best for your game, and remember that everyone else wants to get in your head to get out the one best to advance their game. A true alliance should respect your final decision. The reason Zach is on the block is because openly told Devin he did not trust him. He for some reason at that point had No Respect for Devins position as HoH. Consider this: how many of us could working for company could openly in front of others walk up to the CEO/Owner and say , “i don’t trust you” ? As a person who owns a company, I would say its safe to say, Your on the Block”!
Sorry, but it was the other way round: Devin told Zach: “I don’t trust you!”
Zach replied: “Can we talk about it?”
Devin: “No, man, I don’t want to talk to you right now”.
Obviously, both didn’t like each other. But the STUPID move to tell the other “I don’t trust you!” wasn’t Zach’s. It was Devin’s.
True, but Devin was being honest. Zach had just admitted to saying things about Devin behind his back. Up to and including backdooring him. He then said, I was just going alone with “the others”. Devin said if that was your plan, you should have come to me and said…I said whatever…but, I’m just playing along.
He also told Devin to put him up.
Agreed!. Like I have said earlier, look what happened to Aaryn when she made nominations based on what Amanda/Mcrae wanted. She was winning HOH and being controlled by others.
So far, when Devin feels bad about something he has done or said to a person (Donny, Brittany), his conscience kicks in and he confesses to them and then they are his best friend. If he survives next week, let’s see if he has a conscience attack and does it again. I am calling Devin, Donny and Brittany the Conscience Crew! ha
Devin said he’s done compromising his integrity. Really?! You’ve been using and throwing everyone under the bus, granted anyone who still buys into your strategy at this point is dumb. Here’s hoping Brittany talks to the other house guests and she wakes the hell up!
Devin is using his manipulation skills. He preys on their weaknesses….
Derrick’s not??????
Devin makes TV Gold
caleb and frankie are just so FUCKING retarded i swear to god how stupid can u be to tell DEVIN of all people that u were going to keep zach!!!!!! what the hell where they thinking
The people in the house are very aware of how they shouldn’t use the r word. I hope watching them will rub off on us.
I hate Victoria’s comments about Devin
Victoria to Frankie/Christine- “We get locked up in the HoH room (Thursday). Oh shit. Shit. I’ll be scared. What if Devin has a knife?!”
Say what you want to about his gameplay but Devin’s a teddybear, everything that he says or does is dramatically maximized I haven’t seen him “bully” anyone. Have we all forgot the nightmare that is BB15, if you want bullying watch that season. Devin isn’t BB15 level vile, I don’t get the sense that he’s a bad guy at all or insane or psychopathic like most of you claim he is, yes I’m speaking to you moral superiors. I saw people making fun of the guy for having ADD… Now why would you do that? …
But back to what I was saying about what he says and does and how it’s dramatically maximized. In my honest and humble opinion, there may be racial undertones when people are claiming things about Devin.
You guys hate Devin yet glorify Zach who has said way worse things about people, e.g Victoria. The Victoria girl who has made at least a couple of comments claiming that Devin could “kill” a few days ago (I think it was Saturday) Zach was bashing her and Devin asked him not to say such disrespectful things about a girl (or something like that). So that’s just some food for thought.
Nobody can ever dislike a black person without there being racist under tones right? What if I went out there and said everyone like Caleb, Hayden, derrick and Donny were the worst players I wouldn’t be called racist because their all white. There are shifty people of every race we see bad white people with the majority of last season and Caleb this season. Maybe if bb would put more than one black guy in the house the other one wouldn’t be crazy. That and what he says is not genuine ever. He insulted Brittany many times and now he’s in love yeah he’s kinda psycho. And I made a comment on his adderall addiction not his add. There are plenty of people who go through life with add without adderall
I basically said what you saying days ago and got thump downs. Some were even calling him OJ. I truly disliked that comment about him. It was a low blow for guy who is just playing a game. I really feel that the girls knew exactly what they were doing by telling the guys they were afraid of Devin. I don’t believe any of the people saw BB sites, if they did they learn nothing. If this is a experiment including the race factor, Check! It’s alive an kicking. And we are watching how it subtlety rises it’s ugly head.
Pulling “The Race Card”…
Deedeemaha is right, Devin hasn’t said anything disrespectful compare to Zach regarding the women but yet Zach is getting a pass to stay. The little things that Devin has done has cause majority of the house to hate him I mean for what? He’s playing a game just like everyone else, Devin has never raised a hand but yet some of the girls claim they are scared of him. It is complete B.S. if you think race has nothing to do with it. Of course people are gonna get voted off, But their reason is based on not liking the dude for things that the other guys have done also. game wise or just being in the house.
He’s intense, overbearing, and completely unpredictable.
His race has nothing to do with it. If it was a 240 lb white guy with the exact same personality, people would be just as intimidated.
Devin has said just as bad of stuff about women as Zach (which by the way, Zach says stuff about Victoria and Devin… So it is nothing about women). Devin said stuff awful directly about Britney before he had a crush on her. Zach’s nomination had NOTHING to do with how he treats women. Frankie and Devin have played up his dislike of Victoria (which is not unique to Zach) as him being disrespectful to women. Devin actually IS disrespectful to women.
something a racist would say
It’s always race. Cannot dislike someone’s behavior if they are of color. This guy started inviting people into his alliance, never speaking to other members, in the middle of the night. He is sure Donnie is special forces because his calf has no hair on it. One minute he hates Brittany, the next he is in love. I could go one and on. I don’t hate him. I find his behavior odd at best. Why on earth does it have to be racial hate? Good Grief maybe if we all just stopped trying to find blame or any little reason to hate, we could all just live with each other. I’m not saying it’s not out there, but this ain’t it.
If you are a freak, you are a freak no matter the color.
devin vs derrick is gonna be a very interesting couple of weeks..
can not WAIT for thursday to see who wins hoh man…
I hope that Brittany is just extremely sleep deprived…because if she really believes anything that comes out of that psychos mouth then she is going home right along side him!
And she talked about him going from one extreme to another (wanting to “decapitate” her then suddenly falling in love with her). SHE is doing the same thing! She has been talking shit about him to EVERYONE all week and now she is going to believe him just because he said so?!?!? This is crazy.
Everything that Devin told Britanny is TRUE>
and why would Britanny believe in Derrick… Derrick wants Britanny out now..
Britanny just got win HOH next week
What? Devin was the only one who wanted Brittany out. Everyone else was opposed. Derrick was never voting for Brittany.
Question didn’t Christine already tell Nicole about the BS and if so who knows that Nicole knows?
Hey Dawg & Simon, is there anything known of what Team America’s missions are going to be? Like a possibility for the live feeders to vote between different options? I’m afraid they’ll be told to “save Devin from being evicted” soon, given how entertaining the feeds are because of his crazyness…
They still haven’t aired that Frankie and Derrick are the other two members yet. After they show the 2 other members on tonights episode they’ll start putting up missions / tasks to vote on.
OK, thanks!
I thought they had advertised that the live feeders specifically would have the possibility to influence the game, and so maybe they would let the live feeders only vote, not the general audience. The live feeders would already know that Frankie and Derrick are Team America too.
But I guess CBS wants all of America to vote, not just the live feeders.
Anyway, I hope those missions won’t be too harmful to someone specific’s game in there. That would be unfair imo.
Derrick two face is going to be exposed for trying to play everyone in the house.Tried to screw Brittany and it backfired!
Derrick will explode just like Devin did.
He was doing great while he was floating, now that things are not going on his way he is showing his weakness.
frankie just did one of the stupidest moves all time by telling devin zach was safe
Caleb told Frankie to tell Devin! It definitely makes for more drama!!
Oh hell nah! In Devins words its on like donkey kong! Haha…what a clusterfluck! Majorly good tv! Thanks Simonand Dawg! I appreciate your hard work with this site!
At the end of the day… At the end of the day…. At the end of the day… Ugh, I wish Caleb would learn a new phrase!
no doubt
Oh, sorry, wrong BB…
Does the guys still kind trust Caleb? Because seams clear Caleb is and will only protect Amber.
i thought derrick would be better than this but it is he that is trying to be andy run around get in everyones group stirring up the pot to get strong players out because he can’t win anything with them in there.it is good game play but being a cop you would like to see some integrity from someone who’s job is supposed to have integrity the problem with him is why keep zach you have to baby sit this guy he outed the bs and is hating on girls in the house.this guy you would probably putting in jail outside the house but you protect him instead.it is a game but you should at least get out the scum this guy is lazy loud mouth little punk who is way more unstable than devin.
I’m not a Devin fan by any means but I think Caleb is way worse. Right after Caleb switched to voting out Pao instead of Zach, he had his errand boy, Frankie go tell Devin about it. He knew Devin would go nuts and put every one on Blast.
What information does Cody and Hayden have against Amber?
sorry… meant to post as a reply… What info to guarantee to change Caleb’s mind about Amber: condom count?… Condoms were discovered missing…
Derrick is a hypocrite, its not ok for Brittany to make a deal with Devin but its ok for him (Derrick) to make deals and play everyone else.
Also Derrick said “you don’t f**k with a mans family! And you don’t f**k with a mans money!” when talking about Devin yet Zack brought up Devin’s daughter and thats ok with him, hypocrite much?
LOL Derrick pissed that Brittany won’t say anything to him now that she came down from the HOH room.
Condom count… condoms were discovered missing when Brittany made the water filled condoms
I’m just glad the players “that are actually playing” have grown some balls and are making this a REAL compitition !!! Its starting to get interesting..
So wait Derrick wants Brittney out now? When did he say this? And why? I though they were allies. And how does Devin know about it? Is he lying or what sorry I haven’t got caught up yet.
there is NO WAY to catch up, believe me!
This season reminds me of my high school year when I was on PCP.
Ha Ha! I think we went to the same High School!
bullshit,,,caleb in love he forgive amber,,she jump in his bed if hes hoh and he say yea baby …i dont care on that stuff we was getting to know each other,,things are said like when i and devine got mad we made up….baby you my queen i going take you all the way with devine and frankie