Brittany “The majority of what I heard was from Joseph.” Alyssa “Bullsh*t!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Brochella HOH (Inside the House): 
POV Players: 
POV Winner: 
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

7:07pm Bathroom – Turner and Kyle.
Kyle – we never spilled the beans about the Leftovers… Joseph might have but we haven’t heard anything. Kyle heads to the kitchen. Taylor – I’m glad you’re still alive. Kyle – alive in the game and alive in real life.

Bedroom – Brittany and Alyssa.
Alyssa – if you have things that you have questions on just ask me because I will give you an honest answer. Brittany – I mean the majority of what I heard was from Joseph. Alyssa – Bullsh*t! And Joseph also said that he had talked to Kyle and was like oh I would vote him out or some big brother savage. He just made me feel like some persona. And he was like sorry Alyssa I kind of just thought you were the savage that was going to go against people. But I played this game like I care about you. And maybe I should strategize more now that we’re at the halfway point. Like I am open to conversations but that’s not who I am. So I think Joseph kind of stretched the truth on a lot of things. Brittany – yeah I think so too.. and that ultimately was the thing .. like okay we’re trying to check out as much as we could and I could just sense and even the week 3 I never quite earned back Jasmine’s trust. She and I talked it through and we’re good. She separates personal and game and so do I but I think that was just something for me. I feel like I got somewhat closer to Monte but its just that he hadn’t broken my trust and she had. So that is ultimately what it came down to. And I know Taylor feels somewhat similarly with the Girls Girls. It was just one of those things like this was closing a chapter one and now we start a chapter two. Alyssa – yeah that’s how we feel about it. And seriously if you ever have any questions about the game, just please ask me and I will give you my honest answer because I am here and I am on my own. I am happy that Kyle and Turner are still here because I care about them a lot. Brittany – I do too. We just need to win HOH. Alyssa – I want to win so badly! Brittany – I know and Michael can’t play. Terrance can’t play. Alyssa – there’s just 6 of us. It was a hard, hard twist. We have to make it to the end. We have to. Its going to be hard to win HOH. Brittany – and this would be the week to do it too. Michael joins them. Michael talks about how he Jasmine because she wasn’t trustworthy.

7:45pm – 8pm Kitchen – Turner and Monte
Monte – I think for now I would want to put up Terrance and Allyssa just because they’re not left over members. Turner – Terrance was going gorilla warfare out there.. it was tough! It was scary! Monte laughs – it was scary. Tuner – hopefully we can HOH and then we can just talk up there. Brittany joins them. Turner – oh my god I missed you guys so much. Dude! It was crazy. I was like where are my people!?

Michael – so she (Alyssa) said it was Turner and Joseph and then Kyle went up? Taylor – yup. Michael – I am guess he (Terrance) wanted Kyle? Taylor – yeah. Which makes sense. Whatever?! Kyle would have played the veto no matter what. So whatever the case… at least I do feel good about what I heard. At least it can just be Alyssa / Terrance. (noms) Michael – yeah. Taylor -I have a preference but we’ll just let the cards fall where they may. Hell I can go after Terrance but I would prefer not to. At least I have a direct reason. You put him up and you left him up. We just have to win! Michael – yeah.

8:06pm The live feeds switch to the kitten cams… The Head of Household competition is starting now…

9:46pm Still blocked

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45 thoughts to “Brittany “The majority of what I heard was from Joseph.” Alyssa “Bullsh*t!””

  1. Come on after party, let’s win that veto!

    Crazy how Brittney and Michael are just lying right to Alyssa’s face and now she knows about it. Strange how easy it is for them. I just hope Alyssa can keep her mouth shut.

    1. The After-Party are trash and bullies that target people that don’t have their phenotype. Terrence is at the bottom of their alliance.

    2. ha….Alyssa keep her mouth shut? Who are you kidding? She even mentioned that her parents never told her anything when she was a kid because she had a BIG mouth!

  2. Okay so they are not saying who revealed the Leftovers yet but at some point the BS meter will go off; it is just a matter of when

  3. I really don’t like Kyle and his After’thoughts’ alliance’s game play. It’s so weak and basic…just lie and pin everything on Joseph. I hope the Leftovers aren’t buying their bull. I’m Team Leftovers 100%!!!

    1. Will, I am with you. I am so upset that Kyle & Turner turned on the alliance and sent Joseph home. I hope Monte, Taylor, Michael and Brittany see right through them. I hope Allyssa, Kyle, Terrance and Turner all go home one by one. Kyle blew up the leftovers alliance for no reason, I hope one of the remaining leftovers win HOH next week & get him out!

  4. HOH comp will be the Tiny Veto comp from BB22. With both Michael and Terrance ineligible to play, we have just six HGs competing. I’ll be cheering for Monte or Taylor to win solely because they will use a scorched earth approach toward the returning Dyrefest HGs and that could make for great feeds.

    1. Part of me is rooting for Brittany to win it only because she hasn’t won that competition yet and, if the rumors are true as to what the HoH comp is, Brittany and Alyssa would be the 2 people who show the most patience for that comp

  5. Either set of 4 don’t trust ANYTHING said from the other 4 that can’t be verified. Basically any statements about Jasmine or Joseph what they said or did is just pure BS . Don’t drink the kool aid.

  6. Well, this is the week we will see who the adults are and who are the kids are… Brochella people were discussing over and over what some possible scenarios would mean for them and they that Joseph was evicted. They should have the ability to read when people are lying at this point. Too many weeks to not know when some of their “roommates” are lying…

  7. I wonder if Terrance is going to tell everyone the truth about Kyle exposing left overs if he ends up on the block with Alyssa. Praying Alyssa or Kyle win this hoh so I won’t find out though.

  8. If I have to guess:
    Monte will be willing to buy what the boys say, especially Turner, because… sorry, Monte is a guy’s guy. Even if he knows the boys turned, he’ll still think all corrected if they get out Terrance or Alyssa.
    Taylor? Already saying I guess Terrance is my target.
    Michael and Britt? Will pretend they don’t know what they know.
    Turner’s gone in pretty heavy on the lying and attempt to expose Joseph without saying it directly. Why would he do that if he’s trying to win HOH? Hmm.
    Alyssa was more subtle to Michael and Britt, but it was pretty obvious she was bullshitting. I don’t know if Michael and Britt will pick it up though, because they were too worried about their own bullshitting. Did they have enough wherewithall to actually pick up she was so fake in that talk?
    If everyone didn’t pick up all of Kyle’s energy… wow they are stupid. I could practically smell it through the screen. I thought he’d do better. He has in the past.

    1. I’m really sad that Turner is working with Kyle & Alyssa. Kyle will throw him under the bus in a heartbeat.

      I’m pulling for Monte, Michael, Taylor & Brittany.

    2. Well, now Turner is going to have to sell that Joseph revealed the Leftovers… so…. screw the leftovers? Turner won the miniature HOH comp.

      1. LOL – Now he truly has to pick a side! Guess we’ll see which way he goes.

        Interesting to see all the hate here for the so called “snitching” and “lying” in a game that calls for lying and deception, especially when every single person left in the house has lied to the face of almost every other person still there.

        I don’t think Kyle wanted to expose the LO’s, I think he felt he had to, in order to survive and play on. If he didn’t, he would likely have been voted out this week and in jury right now. Even if he had survived, he was still on the bottom of the LO alliance, and the first one of them to be voted out, once Terrance and Alyssa are gone, which means at best he finishes 6th, unless he wins, turns on them and attacks himself, with absolutely no one to support him in doing so. Therefore the timing was right to do it this week, when the numbers where still possible to make it at least a fair fight – 4-4 – and that’s what he tried to do.

        It’s Big Brother. There’s nothing evil about switching things up and trying to improve your position – especially when production inserts itself by changing the entire game as it did with this house split twist. You have to take advantage of a situation like that, and that’s what Kyle did. It’s just good game play, whether people like it or not.

        1. I agree. Why so much hate on him? They’ve all lied for their own good and there’s not one other person in there who would have done anything any differently than he did if they were in a bromance or showmance too. Eventually the LO have to start attacking each other from within anyway! And every one of them have their own side alliance, Kyle’s just happened to be his showmance.

    1. I am so looking forward to seeing Zingbot. I hope that he really roasts Kyle with the 10 seconds! lol. Somebody on Twitter asked Chaddha BB23 how long would Kyle had lasted if he was on her season, Chaddha said he would have lasted on 10 seconds lol

      1. I wonder how long Chaddha would have lasted had she not had the protection of the majority alliance with a moral mission? The answer to that is nobody truly knows because she did have that protection, and because of that she needs to temper her response on anybody else’s performance in comparison to hers. The fact is NO non-black person had a chance in BB23 after the first few evictions because they then had the numbers via their own alliance and side alliances, so they cruised to the final 6, at which point the men summarily dumped the brains of the outfit (Tiffany) and then Chaddha, carrying the dead weight (Azah and Couch) to the end. If those two can make it to the Final 3 in your season, what’s that say about how great your season was?

  9. Ding Dong the Witch is finally dead. TG the turtled cockroach (jasmean) is gone and yes she totally sucks as a person. BTW from the DR messages I has no idea Kyle was in a showmance (sarcasm).

  10. I can’t believe I’m saying this, I was rooting for Turner to win HOH, but I wanted him to win HOH and be working with the Leftovers.

    I don’t want Turner to go against the Leftovers, I know it’s a game, but I want Kyle gone,

    Well one good thing, the leftovers will know now that Turner is not with them anymore. I believe he said that he would put Monte & Taylor on the block.

    I really don’t see Monte as a comp threat, he has won HOH once, he has never won anything else. Michael is the threat in the house.

    if they lose Michael, then Taylor, Monte & Brittany will be working against Kyle & Turner. Alyssa and Terrance are dead weight, I don’t really think Kyle is a comp beast, I’m not sure about Turner, I really wish he was still with the leftovers.

    Turner being on the other side, he will not be safe and able to move forward until Alyssa is out of the game. Kyle will not keep Turner over Alyssa, and Alyssa will not take Turner over Kyle, and what the hell will Terrance win. His HOH win didn’t count in my book, he won HOH by default. The veto he won, that was pure luck, I’m not a fan of any of the After Party Alliance, other than Turner, I like him.

  11. How interesting that the pretty plate of cornbread that was Jasmean seemingly tip toed out of the house with nary a trace of a LIMP and her interview with the Chenbot was a whole lot less cornpone in accent and lingo than in any DR. Hmmmmm could she have been faking it ALL? To quote her “just a little bit?” Stunned.

    1. Well, she stomped off in a huff during balloongate. So we knew she could walk fine then. But a week before that she was almost caught eavesdropping and hot stepped it away to the bathroom with no limp (she was in the boot).
      She’s been pulling a con for a couple of weeks (since they took the scooter, you KNOW they love that scooter squeaky wheel sound effect).

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