Britt & Johnny talk about making out – “You don’t have to worry about getting poked”

POV Holder: Bruno Next POV April 10
POV Used NO POV Ceremony April 12
HOH Winner Bruno Next HOH April 15th
Nominations: Johnny and Sarah
Have Nots Brittnee, Pilar, Willow (Pickled Eggs & Chicken Feet)
POV Players Bruno, Sarah, Johnny, Bobby, Brittnee and Kevin
Zach is the POV host

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3:50pm Living room – Bruno brings up Brittnee and Johnny making out last night. Johnny says hey I had a lot of fun! Bruno says do what you got to do. Brittnee says we’re friends! It was a friendly exchange of kisses. Don’t have to worry about you getting weird on me! Johnny says NOPE! Johnny says you don’t have to worry about getting poked. No awkward morning afters. Brittnee says I don’t have to text you, you don’t need to text me. They talk about Jordan trying to make out with Brittnee. Brittnee says he was close. Jordan says no if it was close it would have happened.

4:20pm They talk about and remind Godfrey of all the things he said last night. Jordan says you also said that Johnny wanted you really bad. And Johnny said even if he was offered a million dollars he still wouldn’t make out with you and you were like what what!? Willow says You also said since Sarah kissed you, you could be evicted next week. You didn’t care. Godfrey says I take that back, I take it back. Willow says when Sarah and I were kissing Godfrey was so close he was almost with us. You just like watching people kiss. Godfrey says I like seeing people in love. Johnny says Godfrey told me he was evicting me and I still came to check to see if you were still breathing. Godfrey says thank you. Bruno says Godfrey you probably shouldn’t drink in here any more. Godfrey says good thing I wasn’t on the block YO! Jordan says if you’re watching on the feeds right now .. you should go back and watch last night! (Sadly it was all blocked on the live feeds.)

4:40pm Godfrey says I got roofied! You’re the new Talla Godfrey! Godfrey says no man. I got drugged. They tell him no, he just drank too much. Godfrey says I was making final 2 deals with everyone. Godfrey says Willow I was impressed with that kiss yo! Willow says I didn’t kiss you. Godfrey says no, that kiss with Sarah. You took initiative.

4:40pm – 4:55pm Big Brother says “PLEASE WAKE UP OR BE PREPARED TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!” Jordan starts telling them the story of what happened last night. Jordan says Godfrey got white girl wasted even though he’s black. Willow reminds Jordan that she kissed him and Jordan says no you didn’t, I would have remembered that. You’re thinking of the wrong JP. Sarah kissed me and you kissed me the other night. Willow says no I kissed you last night. I did it to get over Sarah kissing everyone else. Jordan talks about how Godfrey was puking in the toilet. They thought he was puking blood but it was just because he had just eaten a strawberry rhubarb pie. Jordan says that while they were sleeping if the stopped dry humping for just a minute they could hear Godfrey puking into the slop bucket. Brittnee says thanks Jordan but your facts are a little off. Jordan says well I was drinking too. Big Brother opens up the backyard. Jordan and Bruno head outside to throw the football with Zack. Bruno asks Jordan if he’s going to crush the HOH? Jordan says he would like to.

Sarah talks to Zach about Johnny saying things about her. Zach says that’s why he needs to go. Sarah says at least make up something believable. And the thing is I wasn’t about to say anything about him. Sarah heads inside and talks to Willow. Sarah says I’ve seen him 3 times stop talking when I come in the room. Willow says don’t worry about it. Sarah says I know. Willow says I talked to Bruno today and he said that he really likes you. He said that he thinks he could trust you. Sarah says I trust him. Sarah says that Bobby asked me if you and I had fun under the covers last night. Sarah says first of all you were too far away to hear anything and second we didn’t do anything. Bruno joins them. Willow tells him that next time the 7 of us will slip away and have an adult party. Willow says I asked Sarah to marry me and she said no.

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5:30pm – 6pm Jordan talks to Brittnee out in the hot tub room. Jordan says that Johnny is going around talking sh*t about everybody and that’s why he’s going home. Jordan says just win HOH, put up a couple pawns and then stick to the plan of backdooring Bobby. Brittnee says the thing is pawns are different for everyone because we all have different relationships. Brittnee says she wouldn’t put up Ashleigh. She says she would put up Godfrey and not sure who else. Jordan says one of the girls? Brittnee says the girls are just so emotional. Jordan says that Kevin wouldn’t be mad if you put up Pili because he know the plan is to backdoor Bobby. At some point everyone is going to have to get nominated. Brittnee says putting up Ash isn’t even an option until the end because she gets so bit*hy. Jordan says agrees and says he understands. Jordan tells Britt that he trusts Zach and Kevin. Brittnee says she is more scared of Bobby than Bruno. I feel like these girls are easily persuaded. Kevin joins them and they continue to talk about the backdoor Bobby plan. Kevin says positive energy.. if it doesn’t work out then we focus on that on Thursday.

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6pm In the bedroom – Sarah talks to Zach. I still love him (Johnny) as a person and I get that he is doing what anyone would be doing. He is so kissy kissy with me, ugh just leave me alone. When I talked to him that night I knew he was fishing for me to say something. He is pissed at you guys because you guys didn’t do anything to help. He is really pissed at Kevin. Brittnee says that Pilar is the only option to put up as a pawn.

6:15pm Out in the hot tub – Johnny makes his pitch to Kevin.
Johnny says “Here I am with a knife in my hand ready to gut a pig and smear blood on my face just like Willow did yesterday!”

17 thoughts to “Britt & Johnny talk about making out – “You don’t have to worry about getting poked””

  1. This sucks. Production seems determined to make the feeds as boring as possible. And I was really looking forward to another, “I’m a healthcare PROFESSIONAL!” moment this season…

  2. I think the best case scenario is Godfrey winning HOH and slapping Zach and Jordan’s asses on the block. If one of those two or Kevin doesn’t go home next week it will probably be too late to stop the Diapers.

    1. sad to say imo godfrey will put up sarah and kevin or at leayt brit in order to backdoor kevin if possible. i somhow doubt their desire to put up or get rid of zach versus kevin or a girl any girl

      why kevin is so scary is beyond me. he was on the block and won pov just like other ppl wn veto

  3. This is what happens when you fill the house with 4 people who want to play the game and another 8 who are just there to talk about past seasons and daydream about their celebrity status when they leave the house.

    Brittnee said that she would never put Ashleigh up until the end because she would get too bitchy? Seriously?

  4. Seriously, could Bobby be more of a doofus?

    Everytime Bruno or Godfrey have a plan or the seed to doing something intelligent Bobby is the one to squash it. Sarah and Britt are ready to jump ship and bury Newport but Bobby convinces them if they win to put up Britt and Sarah on the block b/c everyone is voting out Kevin.

    Why would S & B work with anyone who makes an alliance with them and puts them on the block right afterward? What an idiot.

    He is right about one thing… yeah boys wait one more week because once Zach or JP win (which will happen) and he ends up getting backdoored while he’s sitting beside Godfrey and they don’t have the votes he’ll see his wait another week was stupid b/c they could have possibly swayed the girls and then worked on Willow to keep Bobby. As it is if Zach’s plan works there is no way S&B will keep Bobby and Godfrey made the commitment to Sarah to save his own ass which will work to his benefit moving forward.

    However if Naeha (fingers crossed) returns to the house she could align with S&B and Bruno/God to take out the Bromuda Triangle group. and Willow could either be with Bruno to make it 7 to 5 or go to the diapers to make it 6 all.

    I’m hoping above all hope it is Naeha returning and that she automatically gets to be HOH or that Sarah, Britt or even Godfrey win. They can put up Ash and Pelee (aren’t you just dying to see if they actually play the game once they aren’t just painting their nails?) or they can come out blazing and put up Kevin and Zach with JP as the renom to take down one of the big guns.

    Their goal should be to get out Zach because of how much influence he has. That will force JP and Kevin to make the fortress real but they’ll have Pilar and Ash as their back-ups (good luck with that) whereas S & B’s side will have Britt, Sarah, Naeha, as the female competitors.

    Then they should target Kevin/JP with Kevin as the target.

    The game would be so much more interesting and I actually think if JP survived he could reformulate the group of Naeha, Sarah and Britt to work with him to flip back and take out Bruno/Godfrey/Willow then Pilar and Ash.

    Much depends on who wins HOH and who returns. If I were Sarah/Britt though I’d have a really hard time EVER trusting Johnny again if he returned. I get he is fighting to stay in the game but his approach bombed b/c he needed to chose just one group to go after. Instead he outed a supposed girls alliance to the boys, the couples alliance to Bruno and S & B to the Bromuda Triangle. It looks way too desperate and he’s so smart they might just believe he made the whole gummy bear strategy thing up himself.

  5. Can we all agree this season is a total shit show?
    This cast is beyond dull & the guys are all trying so hard.
    There is no one to root for at all really. Sigh

    1. As it stands now this season is very boring and the shenanigans that global is pulling makes it even worse. No a total lose It just needs a little push in the right direction to get the ball rolling.

      1. Totally agree Simon! The twists have been total busts and productions attempts to generate entertainment with things like BBTV have been total duds as well.
        Lets have a look at the failures of twists:
        1) Canada votes out the first player: A cougar with fake cannons gets voted out by catty Canadian women over a complete flop of a houseguest, who is very hard to even understand much of the time. What was Robyn Kass thinking??
        2) Instant eviction: The twist in itself isn’t so bad, but the fact that Kevin had to make his picks before Naeha convinced him to go after Greig and Bobby basically ruined it.
        3) Double Veto: Great chance to cause some drama and shake things up, but ya, why don’t we have a POV competition that ensures that the underdogs/nominees have no chance to get their hands on it. A comp that favours men and the majority in the house. Makes for a snoozefest of a week. Production tries to compensate with BBTV which was a total flop as well. Sarah’s comedy routine wasn’t bad tho. The rest was cringe worthy.

  6. WOW Kevin is a big time DOUCHEBAG doing that to Johnny when Johnny used a veto on him last week. There is really NO ONE on this cast to root for, they are all greedy and fake.

    1. Kevin is dumb too, Johnny is a vote for him to stay in the house… I can’t believe how he’s perfectly fine with the idea of sending home, it’s quite embarrassing that he’s getting played by newport

  7. I think I’m in the minority here but honestly I think the house guests are actually good quality. They are annoying at times being overly dramatic and cocky but I actually like how almost all of them are aware of how the game is (well apart from the Pili who hopefully gets booted next week). Each of them are playing differently and it is amazing how they make their moves, granted there is yet to have a “star” among them but this season still has an unpredictability factor which is why I’m still getting excited and have my hopes up for this show.

    On contrary, the production SUCKS SO BAD this time, it’s very disastrous how they block the feeds over alcohol drinking, warn the houseguests about talking sex, and give scripted lines while in confessional. And the unfairness of the past two competitions really turned me off. Seriously, I wouldn’t mind watching the same old type of competitions but putting a new one which allows people to work together is a big BS. The HOH and Veto competitions are fantastic because it changes how the dynamics of the house works but if production is reinforcing competitions to which houseguests themselves can choose who will win and lose, then might as well not have them. They can just have them sit down on the diary room and secretly vote on who will win the next HOH and next Veto.

  8. i can’t watch the feed no more because it is so cringey watching that juvenile cast. I don’t mind young players but there need to be a mix. And there are mature young people to cast as well…but ideally more older people. Bruno have no one to talk real to. He needs to lower himself down constantly and i really feel for him in the interactions with the others in conversation. He is doing a good job though, but he must feel lonely in there.
    i’m rooting for him.

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