Brett – “If you get HOH, Rockstar will give you a handj*b.”

POV: Faysal Next POV: July 7th
POV Used NO POV Ceremony July 1st
HOH: Tyler Next HOH: July 5th
Noms: Sam, Steve Have Nots Brett, Kaitlyn, Scottie, Winston

7:45pm Hammock time with Brett and Winston. Brett – Rachel is like one of the only people that I like hanging out with. And I am like oh god you are making this more difficult than it needs to be. Winston – then explain to her that. Make the time during the day but make it public that you’re not sleeping together at night. Brett – but if I win HOH.. dude!! Winston – you’re in trouble. Brett – That’s why I will just invite multiple girls up there. Brett – if you get HOH, Rockstar will give you a handj*b. Its just what you’re looking for. Winston – she actually said that. A grown 35 year old woman. She told her partner that she was just going to give out hammies. Brett – ask her to come up and then lock the door. Winston – I will, people will go back down stairs and say Winston’s a jerk he won’t share… oh go win a competition then! Its a risk and reward situation. Brett – that’s actually good though .. you’re basically forcing more people into a common shared area that will force arguments and issues. You spread it out and share the love .. its all happy go lucky. Sam joins them.

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8:20pm – 8:30pm HOH room – Tyler, Rachel, Angela and Kaycee. They talk about Swaggy. Tyler – there’s a dude named Swaggy P and he plays basketball and I literally thought it was him. Kaycee – I have this theory where I think he is Bi. I see him so flamboyant sometimes its not even f**king funny. Angela – I’ve noticed it and the hand motions. The floppy wrists. Kaycee – I have good gaydar .. I don’t know I could be wrong. Someone called him queen too and he loved it.

8:30pm Angela – do you know what my idea is for whoever wins HOH .. put up Bayleigh and Fez. Tyler – the two closest people. Angela – and then backdoor him (Swaggy). Right, he will be up with one of his closest friends. Tyler gets up and asks Angela – will you marry me?! Rachel – if Swaggy wins and he pulls Bayleigh off who do you put up? Angela – Rockstar. And then we have the votes.

8:50pm HOH room Haleigh and Tyler chatting about her e-boyfriends, her instagram account. Haleigh – I am so nervous about Thursday. Tyler – are you going to try and win? Haleigh – I don’t want to win it .. if its endurance I will stay up until its just us. Tyler – is Fez and JC going to try and win? Haleigh – yeah, I think so.

9:10pm – 9:30pm Lounge room. Brett and Winston. Brett – its going to get hard. Its only like day .. what? Winston – I don’t even know, I can’t add it up. Brett adds up the days and says its day 12. Brett tries pulling out a jenga block .. then turns to Winston and asks what you do think of this doctor?

10:10pm – 10:30pm Bedroom. Winston and Brett. Winston – I feel like Rockstar is an easy target. Brett – she snaps at bullsh*t. Winston – it would be easy to say I haven’t seen you compete yet. Brett – Not only, she came at me about the steak thing. I don’t give a f**k if she thinks she’s the target.. she’s not a competitor. Winston – any day I would beat you any day. I would beat you blindfolded. Brett – I don’t really care if you know you’re my target. Winston – hundo P! Brett – we’re just using her as a pawn to get out who we want but if she goes home .. great! Winston – who else would you do? Brett – I would do Rockstar and Sam. Winston – I guess I would too. And I would tell Swaggy and Fez to stay away from me. Tell them that to sit back and relax as we get out Rockstar .. they we backdoor Chris (Swaggy). Winston – Fez is a good competitor but he has no idea what he is doing. If he put me up he wouldn’t have the votes. Chris would be able to manipulate people to get the votes. Chris is the mastermind. Fez doesn’t know a damn thing. Winston – if we don’t need to it would be better if Angela wins this one. We let her do the dirty work. Brett – we have to think of the long term. There is so much game to be played. Brett – we need them to be havenots.

10:35pm Bedroom – Brett and Winston. Winston – if Tyler gets to pick he has to do it in a way that emasculates the other men. If you don’t mind I would like for the guys to step up first because this is pretty tough and we saw what it did to Kaitlyn last week. If you don’t mind I would like for some of the bigger guys in the house to step up. So you know good and well that JC will step up, Steve is gone at this point… no he is still here. Steve would probably raise his hand. But I don’t know if we can go to every other guy and tell them not to raise their hand. Brett – what other guys? Winston – who’s left? Brett – its me and you, Scottie, .. its only them .. the only eligible guys left. Winston – there are only 4 guys left? Brett – Steve, Fez, Chris (Swaggy), me, you, JC, .. Winston – oh this could work perfect. Its flawless. We need to go talk to Tyler. His speech has to be perfect. Brett – its the easiest thing that no one is going to protest. Be a man and step up for the girls man. And if they don’t .. give them a bit of a jab right there. Winston – what are you and Rachel going to name your first kid?

11:05pm HOH room – Kaitlyn, Haleigh, Rockstar, Scottie, Tyler. Kaitlyn talks about who if she wins HOH she will call Winston out on how she thinks he’s a doctor.

11:25pm Winston and Brett.
Winston – I am not letting you cross that line. You can cross this line all day long. (make out) Brett – I’ll be home by 11. Brett – she (Rachel) looked me in the eyes and said I want to “S your D!” Winston – Shut up! You’re in trouble! Brett – she said when you and me get HOH and that music turns on in the morning.. Winston – She thinks just because the music comes on .. they’re not filming.. They are definitely filming! And they can use whatever they find. I’m speechless right now. Maybe you just should.

11:35pm – 12am Hammock – Haleigh and Faysal. Faysal – I feel yesterday I was straight up with you, can you be straight up with me. Faysal – when you said Swaggy checked you with the Brett, Tyler, Faysal thing.. What did you say? Haleigh – what does my response matter. First of all I am not the only one that he needs to be checking. There are several girls that act the exact same way that I do. And for that to be something that is singled out .. for what .. because its me? Because I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t even want to talk about it because it is just going to piss me off. I haven’t said or done anything that is inappropriate. I haven’t been straddling one guy and making out with another. Faysal – tell me how you really feel. This is real life. This isn’t a video game. Haleigh – I know this isn’t a video game. Faysal – I think the reason he said that is because he wants to keep our core strong. Haleigh – that’s a lot different than what he said. Faysal – I see you all day long and I want to spend all day with you. If I feel this way at 12 days .. how am I going to feel at 40 days. Haleigh – you’re probably not going to even like me. Faysal – you believe me, when I tell you how I feel? Haliegh – yeah. Faysal – I can’t wait to talk you out. Are you going to come to Orlando? Faysal – how long will you come for? Haleigh – a couple days. Faysal – a couple days? I was thinking a week or two! Haleigh – I’m going to bed. Faysal – give me a kiss. Haliegh – no, I’ll give you a hug.

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10 thoughts to “Brett – “If you get HOH, Rockstar will give you a handj*b.””

  1. So the reward for Sam (after watching the show tonight) isn’t exactly like I understood it from prior posts — she wins the CHANCE to come back in the game. It sounded like she could negate her eviction.

  2. Angela running sht. How sexy of my girl.

    I saw her sweeping the kitchen and realized she has it all. Ha.

    Now we just have to get Angela and Sam closer after this week. No worries. Scottie comes until the fold later. Long summer.

  3. Haleigh and Tyler chillin’ in HoH bed right now. So obvious Haleigh is more into Tyler than Fess. And it is hilarious that Fess 100% thinks he is in a showmance with Haleigh. Lol.

  4. My typos are out of control on here. Ha

    I still hate Winston, but I do like that he is always playing. It is going to bite him, but I do like that he plays the game. More than I can say for a couple others.

  5. Thanks always to Simon and dawg for doing this for us!!!!! Love and appreciate you guys.

  6. Take back what I said, I do not feel sorry for Faysal for having to eat ham/ham substitute.
    It clearly showed a ham and he chose it.

  7. Kaycee & Angela calling Swaggy gay is out of line. I’m really not liking them at all after those disgusting comments

  8. When will Fez get a clue that Haleigh isn’t into him? This is getting Sad to watch at this point .

    1. I think its funny as hell to watch. He is just to conceited (almost as bad as scaggy) to realize not everyone is falling for their crap. He actually thinks whenever his pathetic subby a$$ walks into a classroom everyone stops what they are doing and says oh look at him. rolls eyes. I don’t know how fessy or scaggy get their fat heads through the doors.

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