Bomb Squad KABOOM “Bomb Squad is over we’re in an alliance of 5 now”

POV Holder: Donny Next POV ?
POV Used YES POV Ceremony June 29th
HOH Winner Team 1: Frankie HOH Winner Team 2: Caleb (current HOH)
Battle of the Block Winner Brittany, Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB ?
Original Nominations: Caleb noms (Donny, Paola) Frankie noms (Brittany, Victoria)
Current Nominations: Joey, Paola
Have Nots Cody, Hayden, Joey, Brittany
POV Players Donny, Paola, Cody, Zach, Caleb, Victoria (HOST = Jocasta)


3:00pm Backyard Caleb taking his HOH pictures..

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3:20pm Storage room Frankie and Zach
Zach saying he had a talk with Derrick and Cody last night “Bomb Squad is over we’re in an alliance of 5”
They both “Hate” one of the guys (Not sure who they are talking about Devin or Caleb could be both) and want to get him out during double eviction. Zach thinks they should try and get them out next week. Frankie thinks it’s too early.
Frankie – “He’s cocky and it’s epic”
Zach – “What the hell is he thinking”
POW POW join them, They tell her she’s safe this week but there’s two days and that is a long time in the Big Brother House.
Zach – “Everyone I’ve talked to say Joey is out”

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3:29pm Caleb and Nicole
Caleb is saying Amber is saying he’s about himself and she doesn’t like him in a relationship way.
Caleb – I don’t think i’m all about myself
Nicole agrees
Caleb – “She’s just hasn’t taken the time to get to know me.
Frankie joins them takes a couple picture with the HOH camera. Nicole takes this chance to get away from Caleb. Caleb starts talking about Amber. “I’m just over it I don’t care anymore if I win again I’ll put her up.. The only reason I brought her in is because I liked her”
Frankie – “Devin brought her in because Devin liked her”
Caleb – “She’s using me”
Caleb – “I don’t get it I just don’t get it last night she was talking all this crap to me and this morning she was talking to Devin telling him she wants to take me to the final 2”
Caleb – “I don’t know if her period jacking her up”
Frankie – “it’s sometimes hard getting information through other people”
Frankie asks him what his gut tells him
Caleb says his gut is telling him to walk into that group of people and confronting AMber asking her why she was using him and asking everyone to give him a show of hands if they think all he cares about is himself.

Caleb – “The sucky thing is now she is in my alliance and I can’t say anything or she’ll blow it up”
Caleb says all he got out of Amber was a date to a fake prom and her running her mouth
“Caleb’s here it play a game and I don’t care about any showmance”
Frankie says he’s cooking in the heat runs for his life

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3:41pm Have Nots Frankie and Cody
Comparing notes about the collapse of the bomb squad and Devin/Caleb going crazy.
Cody wants to know what happened to Amber and Caleb. Frankie explains…Devion told Caleb Amber likes Devin

Cody – “wait What  I’m sorry Amber what.(image above)
Frankie – Amber Told Devin that Devin is Amber’s type not Caleb and Devine told Caleb that AMber told him he’s her type not Caleb
Cody – is she into Devin or his type
Frankie I don’t know.. Caleb is on a rampage
Cody says Caleb’s ego has been a much “I think he’s lost me”
frankie – “He’s been awful for 48 hours”
Frankie – Devin is determined to explode why would he do that
Cody – “Caleb just doesn’t seem ok.. and it worries me a little bit”
Frankie – “Caleb’s not good”

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3:54pm FireRoom Brittany and POWPOW
Brittany tells POWPOW she’s safe
Brittnay – “ I saw a hummingbird when the sun came up I was so excited.. I have hummingbirds near my bathroom window all the time .. I always feel like it’s my grandma and grandpa” (#MOM)

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3:56pm Honeycomb room Caleb and Zach
Talking about Joey going home and how there might be one vote to keep Joey. Caleb seems really worried about this one vote that potentially Brittany will cast. Zach says it really doesn’t really matter Brittany is going home next regardless.
Caleb – “If you go against the house you will be next and that is what I told Brittany”
Caleb – “Everyone in the alliance deserves to know Amber is using me to get her to the end.. that’s why she’s been acting all HAHAHA”
Caleb says him and Devin are both pissed off at Amber
Caleb thinks Amber will be the first one to “Bounce OUt’ of their alliance.., “I’ve come here to win and I have my head wrapped around Amber”
Zach asks if Amber is still in their alliance. Caleb says yes she has to be.
Christine comes in feeds go to fish. When the feeds are back Zach is telling Caleb that none of the girls like Devin. Zach says if he wins HOH he’s putting up Brittany and POW because he wants Brittany gone.
Joey storms in start acting like a “Guy” Starts “Campaigning” saying “I got big b@lls vote for me” (See tweet)

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Joey – “Now I got B@lls YA I want to talk.. I like to work on cars to.. F*** love Cars.. Love Beer love sh!t love Women.. POWPOW you are a sick as shit.. Got big B@lls like weight lifting Amber’s a$$ is so tight..I need a god damn beer or something.. I haven’t lost it I just found it baby.. F*** ya Vote for me”
Joey is at the HOH door bangin on it Devin is hiding.

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Bomb Squad = Frankie, Caleb, Devin, Cody, Derrick, Zach, Amber, Christine
Fragment of bomb squad no name  = Christine, Frankie, Cody, Derrick Zach
Sub alliance of the Bomb Squad = Derrick, Cody, Zach
Double Ds = Devin, Donny
Bed buddies = Nicole, Christine
Final 2 Deal Zankie= Frankie, Zach
Old defunct alliances
TheCrazy8s = Frankie, Donny, Joey, Paola, Devin, Amber, Nicole, Cody
El Cuatro = Paola, Amber, Joey, Nicole

Where the vote is 
As of now Joey is going home..

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29 thoughts to “Bomb Squad KABOOM “Bomb Squad is over we’re in an alliance of 5 now””

  1. Come on people how long did you think a group of eight
    would last . Did not even make it a week.

    1. Frankie= Helen, but probably can’t make good rice. Paola probably makes pretty good rice. Nobody makes rice like Julie Chen. Nobody makes slopballs like A. Grodner.

    2. When I watched the episode where they randomly picked members based initially only on being male to join the Bomb Squad, I immediately turned to my friend and said ” Oh yeah, this Time Bomb Squad should last of all ten minutes.

    1. Just wait until Caleb & Devin get put up on the block, then Hell will break lose! They will go from wackadoodles to nut-jobs! That will make for some great TV!

  2. It has not been a week,yet i can officially say that this season is shaping up to be one of the better seasons in a while. #GreatCast

    1. You’re right the cast is great. They put together some genuinely conscientious people. But they are playing too hard too fast. There are still 16 HG’s in the house!

      On a separate note, the one thing that stands out is that they didn’t cast a single smoker. That seems like a deliberate casting choice, considering how many smokers we’ve had in the house over the years.

  3. I’m just following the updates when I get a chance and watch BBAD. I can’t tell if Amber and Caleb talked one-on-one about any of this seems some “in-between” talk. Either way he is going overboard with the Amber infatuation which is an indication that it could maybe go the other way in the extreme if she isn’t into him and put her in a bad spot. I hope not. But he’s acting very immature. He could of naturally got to know her in the house not sure what the intensity is for. He’s being inconsiderate and selfish really. He and Devin sometimes act like they got a hold of come contaminated muscle building protein powder. On that note, I hope Amber initially thought Devin was attractive before starting to get to know him because so far I haven’t seen very many redeemable traits in him in the house, including talking about his daughter.

    1. Yes, Caleb finally got the guts to talk to Amber and she told him she didn’t like him like that. And yes, Amber thought Devin was attractive at first and he is her type, but she’s not interested in Devin. She dates tall, dark guys. I think she said she has only ever dated black and mexican guys.

  4. Can someone explain to me why the guys “hate/dislike” Brittany so much? What has she done to any of them? I only read the spoilers here, so a bit confused. TIA

    1. Its cause she doesn’t like devin, and might be a threat to them if she wins the next HOH cause she’s not afraid to put them up.

  5. just gunna throw it out there that i am in love with nicole…..

    and caleb is just pathetic i swear to god has he talked about anything other than amber in the past 2 days?

      1. I don’t “love” Nicole. She’s alright, but she’s definitely not my favorite. I find it curious that the guys all of the sudden seem to be latching on to her.

        I like Brittany.

        1. I don’t like Nicole either. She said she disliked a few people because they were not funny and did not make her laugh. Who died and made her Queen? People are not there for her amusement. Complete sign of immaturity. I don’t predict that she will last long.

    1. I totally agree. Nicole is by far my favorite girl in the house. She’s super funny too.

      And poor Amber is going to need a restraining order before all this is over.

  6. OH MY GAWD! Could the houseguests PLEASE just vote out Caleb at the next possible moment?! He is completely obsessed with Amber and it’s really not even funny anymore. He doesn’t believe her when she tells him she doesn’t like him because she was “miked up” and didn’t want everyone to know. Now she was using him this whole time and her period is making her act jacked up?! Is he serious? I don’t even care for Amber that much, but that girl has been pretty nice and patient with the whole situation. I don’t even see her “using him” at all. Then again this IS Big Brother and women/men flirting with each other to go farther has been one of the oldest strategies in the book. What show does Caleb think he’s on? The guy clearly doesn’t have the emotional maturity (stability) to handle this game. He’s ready to vote her out just because she rejected him. How fair is that? If Amber knew how he talked about her non-stop from day ONE, I wouldn’t blame her in the least if she felt unsafe. That boy could blow at any minute. I just hope BB brings in the shrink to Caleb’s diary room sessions to help him see reason. Although I’m not sure how much that will help. They did the same thing for GM last season with her Nick obsession.

  7. Breaking News : i just saw Jocasta on the feed !!! (yes she does exist for people who were wondering)

  8. Caleb is nuts…..Nicole rejected Hayden….and Hayden took it like a man…O.K….life goes on…and does not hate Nicole for being honest…..Amber was being nice to everybody in the house; but only Caleb took her being nice as to her liking him….Caleb is the type of guy that buys a girl a drink at a bar and believe’s he owns her…….because he can’t sleep with Amber, Now he wants to send her home…..It’s been like 12 days…the game did not even start yet….. how is she using him….he just can’t handle rejection….

    1. Ahh I am so over everyone saying Nicole’s so great, her personality has not been memorable to me at all. If she left it would have no effect in the game whatsoever. But of course she’s blonde so America will always play the blonde girl up. #sorrybutnotsorry

      Joey has the best personality, then Amber in terms of women.

  9. Caleb wants to send Amber home because he cant have her and also because he is embarrassed about all of his DR sessions being about her… if she isnt in the house anymore… she does not exist in Calebs fantasy anymore. Life goes on… not a doubt Caleb will be “IN LOVE” with someone else in the house soon… haha Joey is cracking me up… Devin hiding from her is funny. I hope they keep her.

  10. I watched every BB Episode of this season and catch up on this site somedays. For a moment, I did not know who derrick was. When everyone was saying “Derrick” this and that, I was like “Who’s derrick?” and I had to go on top and see. Needless to say, I hate working while big brother Is happening.

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