HOH: Kyland
Nominations: Claire and DerekF
Power of Veto Players: Kyland, Claire, DF, Alyssa, Azah, Brit
Power of Veto: Alyssa (OTEV winner), Kyland (High Roller winner)
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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Kyland plans to take Claire off and put up Britini. Alyssa plans to not use her veto. As of right now, Britini is the target to go this week..
*** AT the veto ceremony KYLAND will have to decide to use his veto first, then Alyssa will decide to use hers or not. Tiff “Alyssa won the real veto”
5:20pm HOH room – Azah and Big D.
Big D tells Azah about how Britini is going up as the replacement nominee as the target. Big D – if we would have won (veto) we would have been calm and collected because guess what Alyssa would be going up. But Alyssa won, so Britini is not going anywhere.. she’s not going home. She will go to jury and we will have time to spend with her when our time comes. You never know she could go to jury and I could be the next out spending time with her. We never know… but I don’t think that is that case. Azah – my struggle is I am doing this and I am trying to play my part in this.. Big D – I asked myself last night .. do you think you’re a villain? Azah – yeah, I feel like there are two things that I am struggling with .. I honestly empathize with Nicole F.. because Nicole F did that to Da’Vonne and I didn’t agree with it and now I am doing the same exact thing. Same exact sh*t! I used to get on her .. why are you crying about it. I can’t cry about it and then send her home. Big D – but you’re not sending her home. You’re not, you’re voting for her to stay. You’re sending me home.. there is a difference. I have to rely on everyone else to vote for me to stay. Big D – technically I am not doing this to her, you’re not going this to her.. Ky is the one who is in charge. Azah – this is the second time that everyone in the six have put their differences aside and voted objectively for the six. Meanwhile Kyland has done what is best for his game. This is the second week. And we can sit and be quite about it and keep going but we need to hold him accountable. He needs to held accountable. And that accountability will not come from me but he needs to be held accountable.. and it is not right!!! Big D – I think Azah you’re missing it right now SB is his person. If I won and Ky had Brit on the block… I would take Brit off the block.. that is DUMB!
Azah – I am having doubts whether Christian was coming after me because when I think about it Christian had no reason to come after me. Big D – I don’t know if he was or not. The only person that would know the truth is Alyssa. Azah – if Kyland put that in my head because he needed votes for SB to stay.. then that is operating in self interest. Big D – Oh my god! I am getting so frustrated because I don’t know what to think! I don’t know what to do and I don’t know what to think. When Ky comes up here, you me and Ky will talk. I need y’all to be on the same page. What would convince you? Do we need to put SB on the block and send her home!? So that we can get better, because we need to get better. How can we get better?! Azah – I told him that I need Ky to show me that I can trust him. Big D – So SB on the block and going home would be the best case scenario? Azah – no because that would make no sense to anyone in the house… everyone would be like what is going on!? Had Kyland just said to me Azah I had a selfish lapse of judgement I got scared and was only thinking about myself, I am sorry. I would be fine! Big D – because he won HOH? Azah – because he kept picking me (in the HOH comp) repeatedly.
Alyssa joins Azah and Big D in the HOH room.
Big D – talk to him (KY) and figure out what is best for your game (to use the veto or not). Because you’re here by yourself, and playing an individual game. Who is the best shield for you? Alyssa – my whole thing is I have to see what he is wanting because I go second and if I do something he is not wanting.. even though he might not want X out .. he could put him up because I am doing something to ruin his HOH. Big D – Oh of course. Alyssa – I had no idea that Christian was going up and I was wanting to use the veto on SB last week ..and imagine if I won it and did that and Christian went up!? So I have a little fear of using it because of what happened last week. Big D – at the end of the day I still wish SB was going out. I don’t know why she is here. Unless you’re able to make some kind of a deal? Alyssa – but I don’t want to risk making a deal for X to then go up. He was the only one that was on my side with the vote. So if I do something that Ky isn’t a part of and want me doing he could easily go like Okay here you go X! And then the HOH doesn’t trust me either. I am more on the side of not using it but if it is something he wants me to and X won’t go up then I am open to it.
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5:45pm Bedroom. Xavier, Tiffany and Hannah.
They’re talking about jury management and whether or not they expose the cookout to the people going to jury. Tiffany is worried about not revealing it in her goodbye messages but if other people do people will feel betrayed that they didn’t hear it from them.
Xavier thinks they need to acknowledge the cookout because its a big part of their game how they navigated to the end.
6:05pm HOH room. Big D and Kyland.
Big D tells Ky about his talk with Azah making her aware that Brit is going up. Big D – I just wish you hadn’t made that deal. Kyland – OH MY GOD! When I make a deal it is like hey You do this and I’ll do this. Does that work? That is a deal! Saying something in passing and saying this and that… Big D – Ky I know! Ky I know! I wish.. Kyland – I wish she could be a f**king adult! Big D – I think you just need to break it down to her. Why not just say I didn’t want you to f**king win!? Ky – we already said that! This is stupid! Big D – I know, I know.. but.. KY – I am not going to talk like this in front of her. Big D – I know, I get that. We just don’t have communication like in past seasons. Because we’re not communicating it is causing us to.. KY – sorry I just spent 3 hours in the DR and I want to speak more quickly than this and I don’t mean that in a rude way to you. I just want to .. I understand that ..we’re not talking about communication. If Azah is still stuck on that from that competition then she needs to come up here and talk to me. She just needs to be honest and say I am stuck on this. If you’re bringing it up or she is bringing it up then we need to figure it out ..so lets do that and then figure out the other stuff. Ky – she says that she wants to be involved in the decisions but then when I call you up here (Azah) and I ask you five questions and you tell me you don’t have an opinion for all five of them .. then what do you want!?! I gave you the thing that you want and you decided not to participate. That is on you! Big D – Correct. That’s a good point. Ky – so she needs to come up here and figure it out.
6:40pm Havenot room. Azah, Xavier and Tiffany.
Azah is clearing the air with all the issues she has had with Tiffany and their relationship. They rehash the fight where Tiffany wanted to talk to Britini about the Christian vote and Big D and Azah followed her up to the room.
7:20pm – 7:35pm Havenot room. Azah, Xavier and Tiffany.
Azah – I am going to accept my piece in this .. at the end of the day this is what makes it really really hard when you have friends that you really care about. But you all are so much more important and I .. I hate that I am crying. She is someone that is very special to me and I am sorry that she might not have meant it. I am sorry that I believe things from her over you and that is something that I really shouldn’t have done because you’re my sister. I am really sorry about that. Tiffany – Its okay, don’t! Azah – I am sorry that I am crying man.. my god! I might have misgivings with you or stuff like that but that is really foul of me. Tiffany – no we don’t know each other Azah. We are all new and learning each other in this house. Tiff – us just blindly trusting each other is very big of us because that is something that we would not even do in the outside world. But we do need to have trust in this house to move forward. I genuinely care about Claire. I have cried in that place (DR) about her own game and how guilty I feel knowing that if I stand a chance in this game .. she doesn’t. I am with you regarding how you feel about Brit is how I feel about Claire. Azah – I shouldn’t have stepped to you like that and I am sorry. Tiff – I would have handled it differently outside of the house. I love you like my sister. We have to respect each others mind, stick together and talk about what is bothering us. You keep sweeping stuff under the rug and it is only so big. Azah – I agree with you completely on that. Tiff – I am never going to turn my back on you. They both agree that they’re happy to have had the conversation.
7:40pm Big D, Tiffany, Britini, Cliare.
They’re sitting around making fun of Ky talking. Big D – talking to ky is like taking a math class. Ky am I the target?! AH UMMM… AHH Ummm.. I don’t really know, there’s a lot of people. This is an individual game. And Um I got a lot of thinking to do. Brit – the AND UmMMm’s. Big D – I am sitting next to Claire. I’m a little confused, is Claire the target!?
7:50pm Chess room. Alyssa and Kyland agree that as of now they think its best for Alyssa not to know who Ky is putting up as the replacement nominee tomorrow. Alyssa – If I didn’t know its easier to say I didn’t know with out seeming like I am lying.
7:58pm Havenot room. Xavier and Alyssa.
Alyssa tells Christian as home about her winning the veto yesterday and all the stuff she took for him from the comp. Alyssa – what else do we want to tell him? I laid in the hammock today alone. Xavier – In other news I dealt with some black people sh*t so that was fun! Alyssa – yeah you’ve got to update me on that.. Big Brother blocks the feeds.
8:40pm Storage room. Xavier and Tiffany
Xavier and Tiffany talk about their conversation with Azah. Xavier – there was a lot of misunderstandings. Tiffany agrees. Tiffany – you’re a great mediator. Kyland joins them. They fill him in on how Tiffany and Azah cleared things up.
8:54pm Hammock – Alyssa and Sarah.
Alyssa – Even if its a no from people you might as well go through everyone and at least you can say you tried. What pisses me off is people giving him hope for no reason. I don’t know if you’re feeling this way but after last week but no one is wanting to talk game with me. And I don’t know if its because the kiss made people feel more guilty you know .. like oh this is why she wanted him to stay. Sarah – or I wonder if people didn’t know if at first Ky would go after you or not so maybe they didn’t want to be associated with you. Alyssa – I think that. That’s true. People are shocked that people aren’t going after me and X. Sarah – I know even last week that’s not what people wanted.
9:20pm – 10pm Chess room – Alyssa and Derek X
Alyssa – I know I want to make sure you know ..like when you said I am not backdooring Christian why would I do that because then I wouldn’t have your jury vote. I want to make sure you know, last week I do not take personal. I respect the move. I am a huge fan of the game. If you are the better competitor at the end I am voting for you. I don’t want you thinking I take this game personal. I am upset but I am not upset at you. Derek – I feel no type of way if you want to target me. That is your right. And you do that and that is great for your game. Do what you need to do to go far in this game. I just want to explain my reasoning behind it and I don’t know if it was best for my game. Going into the week there was a lot of pressure to put a king up on the block. I did not want to do that. You and X did not cross my mind. I didn’t want to put up Christian. So I was like what if I put up a king that is not the target. (Claire) It was fear that made me make the decision to take the shot before he could take it at me. I think ultimately that is the reason behind my decision. Alyssa – right, I totally understand and at the same time it was your game move. I know he was expecting it. At the end of the day everyone was coming after you and Christian. He could have been on your side. Alyssa – I am willing to move past it and show you that I mean it. Like if I win HOH, you don’t have to worry if it is reciprocated. If we did have like a trust type of thing like us four I probably would still continue that .. because why wouldn’t I go after you. And you could act the same way… so just continue that. Derek agrees. I was surprised that you weren’t targeted this week. Alyssa – that would have been the easiest move to target me. Derek – I felt good with Ky but this week he is literally not telling me anything. Alyssa talks about how she doesn’t want to even know what Ky is doing with the veto this week.
10:09pm Living room. Xavier and Alyssa
Alyssa – We were talking and I meant it but oohhh.. whatever and I looked at Christian and said.. No but I didn’t mean it like that .. I love him but.. I knew you were going to do that. You know I don’t mean that, come on now. I was going to say I love you but he wouldn’t have won that HOH comp. Xavier makes a face. Alyssa – no that wasn’t what I meant. Don’t do that .. I don’t want him thinking that. I said I love you Christian but you know wouldn’t have won that comp. Xavier – oh you know he is definitely proposing to you on finale night. Alyssa – I’ve done that before where I accidently said I love you but I didn’t mean it. And then they said it back and I couldn’t take it back but I didn’t mean it.
10:20pm – 10:40pm HOH room. Kyland and Claire.
Kyland – so my plan is to do one on ones tonight.. and for that same reason I am not going to ask you those questions so you don’t have to feel.. Claire – no good! I will tell you what I have been telling people that I don’t know what he is going. He is keeping his cards close to his chest. Kyland – I am okay with that if you’re okay with that and its not challenging for you. Claire tells Ky that she speech will just be the general vibe.
11pm Xavier and Derek X put on the donkey costumes
HEE haw #BB23 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/SRw3bLf2rn
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 16, 2021
Tiffany – why would you let them do this to me?!
12:10am HOH room – Kyland setting up for his one on ones at 12am…
12:13am Chess room – Derek X and Hannah.
Derek – If I made a deal with Alyssa and X I would keep it. I wouldn’t go back on an explicit deal like that. Hannah – okay. Derek – especially with Jury. Hannah – okay. Derek – and I would want you to keep it too. Hannah – yeah, so I would have to go after SB. So how do we trust that? If they win the following week that they’re not going to take a shot at us. Derek – They fully would, they just wouldn’t have a jury vote. I feel like X is loyal. I feel like X wouldn’t. I want to make a deal with X, I don’t want to make a deal with Alyssa. Hannah – I am not worried about X. Derek – I want to cut a two week deal with them. Hannah – if he puts Brit on the block and she doesn’t go home she would become Brit’s number one targer.
12:17am – 12:30am Bathroom – Xavier and Azah
Xavier – Like what the f**k were you (Ky) doing all day!? You had plenty of time to do all these one on ones.. Literally ALL DAY! F**k your plan! Azah – I agree with you completely. X – oh now we have a plan?! And you gonna try and get us all on .. what plan?! When you try too hard it just comes off as obvious.
12:40am – 1am HOH room. Kyland and Tiffany.
Kyland – if we were to narrow it down. First I wanted to revisit some of the questions that we talked about before. This is to get a sense of what you see in the house. Who is the most influential person in the house. Tiffany puts hers on Kyland. Kyland – Who would you find to be the most threatening person to your game? Tiffany puts hers on SB. Kyland – If you had this be your HOH, who would you put up? Tiffany – It would depend on who the Cookout saw as a threat. I would probably do SB and you.
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Honestly I find it kind of boring to listen to the “game talk” with players who aren’t in the cookout (no offense to Simon and dawg who do an amazing job!), its hard to listen to them talk about how they want the week or the rest of the game to go, the whole time we already know how this week is going to go. I miss the days of people campaigning and waffling and changing their votes last minute. I was happy with the players this season but the way that only the cookout has allowed only themselves to play the game has taken the fun out of it. I can’t help but feel like whoever wins this season will have an asterisk next to their name as *not a legit winner.
Hmm. but did the other winners of at least, umm the last 10 seasons have asterisk next to their name? I mean didn’t they form a big group ( all young and white) and voted everyone else out that wasn’t in their group? No matter what the outsiders promised they were not allowed to play and voted out 1 by 1. The response then was “hey they should win something if they want it to change it”. If not for those seasons, there would be no cookout, and this game would be different but when you constantly keep a certain group of people.. any group on the outside of your schools, your churches, your spring breaks, your alliances etc.. then the only natural and smart reaction is for that group to form their own, and this includes BB alliances. It never feels any good when the tables get flipped but the cookout didn’t create this. You cant be mad that for the first time the POC have all the advantages that were ALWAYS given to the majority. Now that they do, people says its racist, it’s not fair, blah, blah blah, It the past it was none of this. They are following the regular and unfair BB strategy that has been reinforced year after year after year. Maybe instead of people complaining they should accept the part they played in starting all of this and do better. BECAUSE PAYBACK is a B****!
Oh come on. It’s totally different. Past seasons the white crew did not blatently come out and say hey we going to vote out all the POC!! This year the cookout is taking 100% advantage of the world climate and rubbing it in our faces by saying they going to Carry their fellow poc to the end. O and meanwhile rack one picking a white person and making fake relationships with them to further control the game. They are not doing this in the spirit if the game because the people they are carrying to the end in the cookout are NOT the best players or are even playing the game for that matter. Yes Azahband Big D I mean u. Only reason your moving forward is because of the cookout. This has set POC and there drive to be treated as equal back 20 years. Way to go. Couldn’t just play the game and team up with whoever you worked best with. You had to make it about race card. Nice.
Well said! You sir are a legend
Yes. call it as it is. I do not like any group not including all races.It is just wrong and will be my last year to watch. This is not what we promote to heal this land.
I love The Cookout. And I love that so many white people on this board are triggered. First time in the show that there are more than two black people on the show and they’re all working together to help each other win a show in which minoritize cast members are often targeted or cut early. I think it’s great.
No the last 10 winners didn’t create an all white alliance..you are either ignorant or a liar. And in the last 25 seasons counting OTT, and CBB…there was never a group of white players that created an alliance just because they were white.
The cookout is openly and blatantly playing a racist game and production has orchestrated it and is encouraging it.
They created an alliance based on race, are targeting others for eviction based on race, and will make their jury votes based on race. Their asterisk is going to be huge!
The last BBCan season proved there can be a well deserved black player win, without all the racist BS.
i feel sad for the black players currently in game, and especially for the black players in future seasons.
i previously thought the cookout didnt realize the damage they were doing to future black players, but they do, at least Big D sees it and let Xavier know, then Xavier told Azah
You are so right. I dont even want to watch it anymore. They are totally playing a racist game. Saying that a black person has to win. Its not based on alliances or friendship but the colour of their skin. If a white only alliance formed there would be chaos and they would shut it down.
The same thing happened in BB Canada. The final 3 there were 2 black and one white. The winner chosing the person to go with him to final 2 said something like this…hes black…”i want a black person to win BB so i am picking so-and-so because hes black!!!#” Yes he said that. He totally said that on tv that he was choosing someone because of their skin colour. Can you imagine if a white person said that to a black contestant that they were choosing the other person because he was white!!! There would be lawsuits and protests etc. You can totally see the blatant racism this disgusting season. Picking them off one white at a time.
I completely agree with this! Period!
This is purely racist. White players never made a point to vote someone out because of their color. Blacks were outnumbered, which is wrong, but to gang up and play they way they are is wrong and not fun to watch. It shows me (which I already knew) that blacks are more racist than whites.
Exactly! I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. I am an old white lady and am appalled at all of the “reverse racism” whining BS!
To me the cookout alliance is a group of HG who feel they all have something in common, such as being people of colour. The goal is for one of them win. And the rest to dominate the jury decision. So the cookout members think they’ve become a gang running the game. An interesting twist. The problem is only one of them can win the big money. + Three of then are aligned with a white HG and hope to take them to final two.. So hiding in the cookout is going to become a problem for all of them at some point. I”m just not sure who will break away first.
I’m still hoping for a “Jordan winner” moment. Someone like SB or Clair winning only because the CO get too bitter with the remaining CO member.
The chance of this happening is about 1%, and it won’t be because the Cookout splinters. It will be because two or three unlikely people go on an unexpected winning streak, and then put up people their “handlers” totally disagree with them putting up. Those people could only be Claire, Alyssa, SB and DX.
I actually would like to see a black winner this season, but not the way they’re doing it. Bringing racism into the game is wrong, no matter who is doing it. Now all I want to see is adversity for the Cookout, to blow that thing up, and maybe then we could actually have a game of Big Brother with 7 or 8 people still left in the house.
Tiffany is saying to ky i would put you on the block . Big d is doing the same. And that is all still fine. The cookout have no fear going up.
Imagine society/ real life being set up like against someone because of the color of their skin? No matter what you do or think the deck is stacked against you to LOSE! Welcome to a POC world outside of a tv show
Is that foreshadow what will happen in the society if white people give up more control then? Would it be, you better be down there as I was in the past, as opposed to, let’s move forward together from this point on? Look at South Africa today! Zimbabwe, etc.
You’re so right!!!!!! I wonder how President Obama is doing.
Probably about as Good as DX thinks he is doing
How I’m feeling about this week right about now.
What’s going to sting in about a day?
When Azah realizes they are saying Brit has to go because she lied about how many bbbucks she go… and Azah is the one that told her to lie. Be prepared for the tears that come with that realization.
LMFAO — Creative brilliance AN!
The tragedy of people voting for her to get the money because they like her and want her to have an advantage in the game….only to curse her with the 100.00. Sometimes the best help is to leave people alone ?
Of note: I started a bunch of different post today & while I was writing them things were happening — such as Big D suddenly shifting to want a female to win (insert shocked emoji & TPTB arm muscle emoji)
The conversation Azah & X had this morning about SB got me thinking about the dynamics in the house specifically tied to gender bias and how most this season have a definitive preference (whether conscious or not). Another Name pointed to Ky’s demonstrative affinity for the male perspective.
Big D doesn’t even try to hide his bias and preference to work with males (UNTIL TPTB interfered) — aside from Brit & Azah he’s called every other female a b*tch at some point in this game and made disparaging comments about them. Notice when he cuts up DX it’s never what an ass he is – rather it’s b/c he’s too smart, or too competitive (or too close to “those b*tches”). Similarly, Christian was depicted as a comp beast that they had to oust b/c of that AND b/c he was too closely bonded to — yup a female.
For all of DX’s wonderful qualities and openness to working with females it’s no secret his preference has been to form a bromance with Kyland. He even falls prey to calling Hannah naive or stubborn whereas Tiff is too emotional (true on both counts at times) – but notice the verbiage he uses when spouting negatives about Ky they are married with how strategic he is before the complaint. Today he said Ky breaks trust just to earn it back (note he doesn’t use the words manipulative, condescending or arrogant).
Don’t even get me started on the misogynist Brent.
X is arguably the lone male who keeps things more fact based and will recognize issues (like Azah/Tiff emotions) but equally cite Big D’s shortcomings in the same manner.
And there are at least two females in the house who clearly prefer working with males — Alyssa even stated that fact from the jump. She hasn’t developed a bond with any of the females like she has with the males. Whit was probably her closest female ally, with SB a Kings teammate and they were the first two she betrayed.
Then there’s the lovely Azah — who started the game “saying” she wanted to work with females but her actions speak otherwise. Aside from Britini who she is extremely protective of every single other female has either faced Azah’s wrath, been her target or the object of negative commentary from her.
The obvious conflict between Tiff & Azah is present but consider her treatment of Hannah. Azah never recognized her as a true member of the Cookout. ONE person told her that Hannah mentioned her name & that was enough for Azah to cite her as untrustworthy. I’ve noted repeated instances this season where Xavier or DX or Big D have made comments that she easily forgives or gets are just subtle social game nuances but those same courtesies (often for smaller infractions) aren’t afforded to Tiff, Hannah, SB or Ally.
When she’s NOT playing the game I find Azah hilarious and kind. But, she is the biggest hypocrite in the house and IMHO acts like a jealous schoolgirl when she doesn’t get her way. She told us the reason she wanted Whit gone was b/c she had a crush on X. But – doesn’t it seem like that’s a common excuse for the other females — Ally was too close to Chris/X, SB to Ky, Hannah to DX. Is it a coincidence that we’ve never heard her say a bad word about Claire? Is that b/c Claire is closer to the females? Hmmmmmmmm
I also wonder if the Tiff-Azah dynamic and struggle doesn’t really have more to do with Azah’s jealousy with regards to Tiff’s better overall bonds with the males (minus Big D) in the house.
Claire gets along with everyone but it’s clear her preference is to work with females as her trust issues are typically tied to the males. We’ve heard her say that in reference to Kyland, Big D & Xavier -with only DX seemingly having her full trust on the same level as the females. In fact, outside of Azah/Big D (who are her teammates) Claire is the one person who wanted to work with Brit and pushed for her to stay in the game longer. Though she acquiesces to Tiff, Claire has been open to keeping SB, Ally or Brit and works closely with Hannah, Brit and Azah.
Of the group, X is the most open to working with either gender (on the male side) while Tiff and Hannah are most open to both genders from the females. That’s not to say neither recognizes the complexities of trying to beat the males in comps but if the Cookout didn’t exist they would bring DX to F3. Yesterday they agreed X is the best of TC to take to F3 if they get to choose. It’s very interesting that the two males they’d prefer to go to the end with have the most complete games. It’s a gutsy move b/c Azah & DF would be far easier to beat.
Of note, I wrote this prior to Azah/Tiff clearing the air so take it for what it’s worth (but I’m happy – for now– they seem to have resolved their differences).
Big D: I need everyone to start working together.
Azah: I would love for that to happen but the tone has been set. You and me have been team players this whole time (insert laugh track here!). Not everyone else has. The biggest team player has been X. He has been willing to let people go.
THIS is precisely the issue many of us have touched on when it comes to Azah. It’s admirable that she’s so protective of Britini & kindly offered to go OTB for her. BUT- she did that with the knowledge she’d be safe. AND – Azah is doing all this extra without having the full picture while some of the people she’s pissed at (Tiff/Ky) do have that knowledge about Brit.
(Edited to add: or the example of how she automatically believed Brit about the WCC despite there being a genuine reason for Tiff to win that comp – as X confirmed)
Like she was in on the Christian back door. WHY hasn’t anyone pointed out to Azah that Brit was acting last week with pretend tears? How would Azah feel if she knew that or that Brit created a F2 with Christian & THAT was the real reason she couldn’t tell him she was voting him out? How would she feel if any other female played the victim with her (knowing they really weren’t in danger?)
As for X being the best teammate of TC while I’d agree I’d also point to him not wanting to let ANY Kings go if possible even trying to ensure all of their safety on DX’s HOH. And HELLO the attempt to flip the vote last week is never even a thing unless X puts his stamp on it first. And, this week he lobbied Ky HARD CORE not to target Ally.
In comparison, Tiff lost Travis the first week – making a minor attempt to save him. And although Claire isn’t the most logical target at this point, Tiff knew they could both go OTB but wasn’t in Ky’s HOH acting in the same manner Azah did or going off on wild tangents that her & Claire were being targeted. Sure she would try to stop it if possible or get Claire off the block.
If we’re honest who do you think has the better influence over their ally Tiff with Claire vs. Azah with Brit? The answer is obvious. And HELLO — they ARE playing BB!
Of the targets SB is the one who wants to target 2 from TC (Azah/Big D) & Brit says Ky/SB but wouldn’t hesitate to put up Ky/Tiff or Ky/X or Tiff/Hannah. If Azah played this game with a view to looking at anyone’s else’s perspective besides her own she’d see that.
Outside of the game part of things I find Azah hilarious & kind and was drawn to her early in the season. Tiff isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I love her strategic mind, ability to influence, kindness (yes – I believe she cared about Christian & does for Claire/DX) and sense of humor. That said, I’m not found of Buella-Tiff or the fact she recognizes specifically what she’s doing wrong but seldom makes the moves to adjust (at least quickly enough).
Ultimately, I’m not sure Azah was meant to play BB given her emotions plus how difficult she finds it to adapt & as for Tiff I’d love to see how she’d play in a non Cookout season.
Here is the projected drama of the week.
the noms are locked and it’s Couch and Gollum.
Couch has already told Azah to vote to save Brit.
That means currently, he only has 3 Cookout votes to stay.
Dx and Claire have secretly considered voting out Couch (they haven’t told Tiff).
That means the drama becomes a test of whether or not Ky and X have as much control as they say they do over SB and Al, who have just been discussing how full of shit Couch is on feeds.
Would SB and Alyssa EVER vote out Couch? Because that would be a 5-3.
Another Name WHY did you tell us that lol. As it is the two people I want out the most will be OTB (assuming he sticks with putting up Brit). She’s brings excitement bless her heart but she’s just not my cup of tea. I don’t like all the drama that’s been created via her fake victim noises. The irony is she’s never been in jeopardy ANY of the times she was on the block. Frenchie & Brent were targets that were slam dunks to leave & she was in on the Christian back door. And yet, out of all the nominees who’ve hit the block she’s been the most EXTRA.
I wonder how she’ll react to this time – will she just assume the target is Big D or will she know it’s her? And if she does are we in for a reaction commensurate with the danger she’s in this time?
UGH – even though I want Big D gone – I’d rather Brit leave.
As for Ky pulling a fast one that would be so low of him & after a TERRIBLE week it would result in Tiff, Claire & Hannah probably never believing anything else he says again.
I feel at this point, after all that D/R time, he is trying to be “mastermind” again.
I would not be surprised if he takes Claire off with his veto, and tells Alyssa to take Couch off whit hers to end up with Brit and Dx on the block.
Don’t quote me. It’s a bizarre thought I had from his Tiff interview.
But I think Grod’s monkeys did the same hypothetical math as I did.
He’ll think he is keeping Couch and Azah happy. At the expense of making Hannah and Tiff show their hand.
By the way, he’s REALLY ticking me off with his “if she’s got nothing to offer she should sit down and not speak” take on Azah after praising the Couch for his valuable insight. Added to his “she’s emotional (or was it irrational) because she was raised in Africa” crap a couple of days ago, and i’m thinking even without the donkey costume he’s still a horse’s ass.
His one on ones are a trip (not in a good way). His fall from HOHITIS is gong to be severe.
You know what would make KY interviews better/ If it were BBCan and they kept calling Goodnight Houseguests to make them go to sleep.
Spot on
It’s bizarre what’s going on with him. Sure the signs were always there but remember how easy going he was in his first HOH? This time he’s bordering on a version of Tiff’s Buella personality but 10 times worse (more Frenchie actually). Xavier is literally the chillest, calmest person in the house and he was pissed about last night’s meetings (and rightfully so). Everyone in the Cookout is either laughing at him or mad at him.
This new round of late night questions came across as someone desperate to milk every bit of power he could out of his HOH to expose people’s games. Claire nailed it when she said “so you’ve heard of HOHitis — well THIS is what they meant”.
Each layer he adds takes him further down the rabbit hole. NO ONE in the Cookout believes for one second he’s doing this to help them moving forward (especially when it’s like pulling teeth to get him to share what he learned).
After putting Big D on the block for him to turn around and say no Cookout member should go OTB next week reeks of desperation (to save himself going up) And every time he says he knows SB has to go next it sounds less and less genuine.
I agree his comments about Azah are rude, unnecessary and an excuse. He was so condescending to her in the way he refused to own up to what he did in HOH & trying to use fancy vernacular with her that I don’t blame her for the way she answered his questions. He KNEW she wanted SB gone & wasn’t about to spill her game for him to dissect just b/c he’s HOH.
Sure he doesn’t have to throw the comp – but that’s not the point — the Cookout AGREED he/X would so SB/Ally would be options to put up. Not sure if you saw the episode but I’ve literally never seen someone buzz in that quickly in a comp of this nature & it was also clear he was pissed that he & SB were picked first by Brit. It felt like in that precise moment he decided to punish Azah for Brit’s choice which is a joke b/c SB’s recent comments suggest she WOULD put up two Cookout members.
Things can shift quickly in the house but I’m not sure how he ever rebounds from this week to the stature he held prior.
I have to say, that would be hilarious if that happened, after all their planning and Big D volunteering to be the pawn. Can you imagine how pissed off he would be, especially since he’s the one that told Azah to vote for Brit to stay, since he’s oh so sure he’s safe?
You talk about a wake up call for TC members – and this right before two more weeks of special power play that also could impact their ability to control the voting? What we would need after that is a major upset in the HOH comp, with either Brit, Claire or SB taking the win, and then totally ignoring their “handlers” instructions as to who is best to put up.
I’m up for the chaos, drama and yes maybe a little hurdle for the Cookout to overcome. They’ve had it way too easy so far.
I wonder if BB knew what 4 weeks of team work would do to everyone. People are still thinking in teams. I’m really BigD has brayed women most this season and yet he was trying to save his team members. Claire is upset Ky her x-teammate put her on the block. X is upset his teammate was evicted last week and tried to prevent another from leaving. Tiff was protecting her teammate. I thought everyone was supposed to protect the CO. This week is a mess but as a viewer it’s sort of fun. Just not fun listening to Ky. Goodnight everyone. Veto Ceremony tomorrow and see how many will be crying ? help us all.
I noticed Ky refused to throw the HOH comp to Azah, But then tried hard to throw it to Tiffany. Both cookout members.Makes no sense.
Makes a lot of sence. They are different people and he doesn’t trust aza
It’s ok to be blatantly racist if your black? I find the whole show kind of hypocritical. We all have some bias for our own kind, walk in to any lunch area at school or work. Even if there’s 23 years of a black not winning , who cares Daniel was a great player, Kaiser was Iraqi during a gulf war and won America’s favorite player. It has nothing to do with color or Nationality or sex. If you lose its cause you weren’t good enough. America is not RACIST. I don’t know of anyone who is not allowed go to school or decide what you want to pursue in life. What will be the excuse be if a black person doesn’t win, even with a stacked deck, does it mean anything to your life?
You know that 3 hours Ky spent in the D/R?
Ky telling Couch he’s trying to decide between Brit or Dx as replacement nom?
Don’t mind me, I’m not looking behind the curtain. I’m just saying that’s odd.
He’s trying to make Couch think it was a group decision, sorry Couch.
He’s decided I don’t need that jury vote.
And yes, he’s JUST starting the one on ones that he planned to start HOURS ago.
That gif of Baby D & X coming up on either side of Hannah in the jackass costumes is EVERYTHING lol
Kinda gross watching Big D on the bed constantly pulling up the cover and sticking his down his pants to mess with himself. He does it all the time.
I found it so weird for big d to say he wants aza to vote to keep britini meaning to evict him.. yeah he would still stay , but i would never let my friend and alliance member to vote against me
Are the houseguests there to make friends or win $750K ???
Did I miss anything, do we know what the “black people shit” is that X is talking abuot?
Soothing the friction between Asah an Tiff. They have been angry “black people”.
So I guess as long as you dont say it out loud its ok to have an all-whatever alliance. Its ok to discriminate as long as you keep it secret. So would the haters of the cookout be ok with the all blk alliance if they never voiced it as such? I spent the last 22 years plus hearing non-POC HGs make various discussions about why they cnt align with a certain non-white HGs. Why is it ok to have a all-women alliance? I never hear people beetching about it being sexist when their strategy is to eliminate all male HGs. So does that mean they hate men? Hell no. Its called game play whether it’s successful or not. Maybe, if the world wasnt judged by their skin color and their sex. These groups wouldn’t feel like they have targets on there back. I wonder how many non-poc would play a game were they were always the Minority and the underdog and not feel like something wrong here. GET THE F out of HERE. I will admit that not all members of the cookout deserve to win but not all members of previous alliance have deserve to win either.