
Big Brother Winner Rachel Reilly on BEARPAW TV


Just when I thought we were going to have a break from Rachel Reilly posts she’s in the news again. This time with Simon Rawley-Wells of BEARPAWstyle.com (bearpaw shoes rule BTW). In this interview Rachel talks about being the most “Winningest champion ever” on Big Brother. She goes on to mention her fight with Ragan on Big Brother 12 and how they are now best friends. Rachel “I think any Big Brother fan would agree I Definitely spiced up the house a little bit”

She briefly talks about how Brendon is back to finishing his PhD and they are still engaged. She plugs her new website adventures4pets.com (not live yet) The premise of the website is her travelling around America with her pets finding out where to stay and eat. (something tells me she didn’t win The Amazing Race.. still the website looks like a cool idea and if Rachel is in it it’ll be a lot of fun)

Just a heads up if you do not like the sound of Rachel’s laugh skip the first half of this video clip.

8 thoughts to “Big Brother Winner Rachel Reilly on BEARPAW TV”

  1. Can’t believe that Rachel from being a villian to Sharing with Janelle’s HOH record to Big Brother winner to TAR. What’s next chapter for Rachel? She probably publish her book about her life.

  2. I am so glad that Colton got karma b*tch slapped on survivor tonight. Who says bad things don’t happen to bad people? After being a bigot and a jerk throughout his time on Survivor some mysterious force took retribution on his frail and wimpy body by causing Appendicitis. Since I am an atheist I hesistate to call this force “God,” but it sure does seem like divine judgment to me.

    And good riddance to bad rubbish.

    1. People like Colton are why I would never last long on one of theses shows, after hearing the trash coming out of his mouth I’d probably plug it with the coal side of a fire log.
      What amazes me is that people don’t say anything when they see someone being verbally abused for no reason, I could not sit through one of his diatribes without speaking up or making him swallow his chicklets. It is very disheartening that people won’t stick up for someone in situations like this especially when it is a man berating a woman who has done nothing to deserve it.
      He sure don’t like black people (poor people is his words) unless they are his house keeper, doesn’t like Leaf who is a midget (called him an oompa loompa) and was being horribly nasty to Christine who was Asian woman.
      Karma is a fickle b*tch and I hope when he gets home he gets a taste of what he so readily dishes out.

      1. kind of similar how Colton and a poster on this board have the same intentions.

        Editors note * no names were mention of posters who post on this board, therefore I see no reason to not have this posted or posted and then removed. (I’ll get off my soap box now)

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