Big Brother Spoilers Zach – “We won’t have to fight for our life until week 8“

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9:54pm Kitchen Caleb, Jocasta and
Caleb telling them about his time in Iraq
Victoria asks if the kids still throw the rocks. Caleb says the do the poverty is extreme. She says the kids there are ‘monsters.. they live a very dark life’
Caleb – “I tell you I grew up in that moment”
Caleb – Before i’m 30 years old I will have a beautiful christian wife and a house.. god will be the centre of it.. I will do bible study every night that is the key ingredients”
Jocasta says her husband and her do bible study
Caleb says his mom raised 4 boys 3 in diapers on her own she did it with her strength in god . “he is the strongest when you are the weakest.. she is one of the most strongest women every.. she’s amazing…I love my mommy”
Victoria goes inside..
Caleb and jocasta start talking about Amber, jesus and the game.

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10:03pm backyard S$x educational with rhinestones silvertone
He shows them how to use the dental dams.
looks at Amber says “I’m pretty sure you have pretty bits down the stairs”
(It’s hilarious.. worth a flashback)
Frankie eventually puts the dental d@m on his head tells them you can wear it to the gyum.
10:19pm Caleb tells them he’s going to fast in prayer until Thursday.
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10:22pm Pool Zach, Hayden and Caleb
Caleb says Zach’s a “Gunner” when it comes to pool.

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10:29pm Couch Brittany and Frog
Talking about how annoying Victoria is
Brittany says she’s never met anyone like that she wants you to do everything for them. Brittany adds she’s seen toddlers like that. Brittany says Brittany really irritates her.
Christine really wants to cuddle Hayden. Brittany says she should. Christine will once she gets the frog costume off. Victoria comes up to them says she’s craving something sweet what should she do. Frog says eat.

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10:39pm Brittany and Jocasta in the bathroom Brittany says she cannot believe the girls don’t wrap up their used tampons it kills her.
10:44pm Bedroom Brittany and Victoria in the Rock room getting ready for bed. Brittany tells her she is going to start going to bed early (Hurray)

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10:47pm Kitchen Derrick is trying to make notes on tinfoil so he remembers everyone’s shoutouts in his HOH blog. Production eventually tells him to stop

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10:48pm HOH Devin and Derrick
Devin comes up to use the washroom before bed. Frankie is in there at the moment.
Devin – “I don’t’ think tortillas and slop help you lose weight dude”
Devin – “Dude i’m going to chill on those tortillas.. not that i’m gaining weight i’m bloated dude”
Devin points out that once everyone saw he was coming up to the HOH a bunch of people started saying they had to too and ran up to the HOH.

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11:08pm Pool table Zach, Hayden and Donny
Donny says he hopes one of them three or Cody wins HOH he can trust them.
Hayden says he’s never going to put Donny, Zach and Cody up. Donny can’t wait until he wins the HOH “They” will really start squirming.
Zach asks him why he’s the target
Donny points at his ankles “cause I don’t have hair right there” (LOL apparently that means he’s ex military because the army boots rub the air off. Caleb still brings it up even today)
They start talking about Devin and how he played the game way too fast. Zach says it takes 3 weeks before you can find out who you can trust.
Hayden says Caleb can be controlled
Zach – keep feeding that Ego
Donny – “He said today that Lady Gaga is shooting her next video on the moon.. cmon.. the moon”
Hayden “I like Caleb but that man loves himself”
Zach – It will be his demise
They start talking about Frankie.
Zach doesn’t fully trust him
Hayden – Wicked social game
Zach – It’s too good
Hayden – playing too much with his feelings
Amber joins them says she can’t sleep. Zach plans on staying up for another 7 hours he’ll stay up with her.

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11:27pm Donny and Hayden backyard
Donny is unsure about Zach because Zach is so close to Frankie. Hayden isn’t worried about Zach and Frankie he thinks they are just really close friends and Zach feel the same way that Frankie can’t be trusted.
Donny asks about cody
Hayden says Cody is a good guy guys he’s really close to Derrick. Donny suggests they don’t tell Cody everything he would be very useful for them to have around.
(Hayden+Donny+Nicole+Brittany will they survive?)

11:37pm HOH Derrick and Zach
Zach brings up his conversation with Donny downstairs, Donny knows everything that is going on in the house but he hasn’t figured where Zach fits.
Derrick “He doesn’t talk shit about me but he doesn’t talk to me so i’m in the middle “
Zach mention Donny won’t put up Cody, Hayden or him. Donny also outed his alliance with Jocasta. Derrick says that is obvious he used the veto on her.
Caleb come sin “dude did I loo big walking in”
Zach – dude you looked like a monster walk outside and come back in “ (LOL )
Derrick – “ dude don’t do it “
Caleb says if she fasts now it’ll be beast mode game over on Thursday
Caleb thinks if he’s strong in prayer god will give him the strength he never knew he had.
Zach – “Beast mode”
THey all respect Devin at least trying to stay even though he knows he’s going home. They mention how Devin was going back on his word to everyone.
Derrick says Jeff played the game and didn’t look like a putz, “He’s a prime example of being who you are as a person”
Frankie joins them. They go through Devin’s game and come to the conclusion he’s the worst player in Big Brother History.

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11:52pm Hayden giving Nicole a massage. (I predict this gets upgraded to a showmance)
Hayden says he’s never given a girl a massage never laid in a bed and massaged a girl.
He tells her he likes her legs a lot he could stare at her legs all day.
Nicole – I have nice legs
Hayden- you have really nice legs
Nicole – Legs your thing though
Hayden – ya

Hayden wants a kiss on the cheek. Nicole – “I don’t kiss good on the cheek”
Hayden lands one (See image)

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12:20AM Victoria tells Zach she’s engaged she was keeping it a secret because she had to get in good with the guys. He teases her about this secret and Victoria teases him about the AManda cousin secret. Nicole says she’s stuck between two secrets.
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12:28am HOH Amber and Caleb
They regret sleeping earlier because now they are wide awake. Caleb tells him about his first time eating sushi. He likes the simple things the rice and lobster. Once he had a roll with roe in it and he spit it all out, was the texture and the idea of “Little fish” in his mouth.
Caleb – “I like Hooters shrimp the buffalo shrimp “
Amber – “I don’t go there much”
Caleb – “I don’t.. I use to go there in my army days.. I thought the girls were hot.. they’re standards have lowered theirs sometimes one or two hot ones.”
Caleb tells her about his brother and his plan to open a restaurant calle donks it’s like hooters but girls with big butts. Caleb says he’ll make the craziest deals in the world so they can make i to jury.
Caleb says if you are the first person to make it to Jury you get 6 hours alone before the next person comes in. He wouldn’t like that unless it was him and her alone in the jury.
Amber – “I do not want that”
Amber wants to build an army with Frankie, Christine, Derrick, and Caleb
When they get to jury Caleb wants to take out Zach and Cody.
Caleb says he has Hayden for sure Nicole he doesn’t think so.
Ambers wants the jury to be Hayden, Nicole, Brittany, Derrick, Cody, Frankie, CHristine, Zach, Jocasta. with her and caleb in the final 2.
Amber doesn’t want Donny in the jury thinks he’s playing a dirty game.
Caleb says if he wins HOH he’ll put up Victoria and someone he hasn’t decided.
Caleb practices his speech on THursday. Amber tell him to not be so cocky.
12:51AM HOH
Caleb – Backd**ring is going to happen when we get to the jury
Amber – “mmh hmmm”
Caleb think Cody is going try and take him out
Caleb “at the end of the day I want you to know I will never do that again” (volunteer to go up to protect her)
Amber “I told you I think you just wanted to go up agissant Devin.
Caleb explains he wanted her to be safe.. all amer knows what kinda guyh I am and I do crazy stuff”
She asks him DOnny oir Brittany who is the biggest target in teh house.
Caleb – “I would say Donny on thatone”



Alliances (Some of these only a few of the members actually think the alliance is real the bombsquad is done but some people still think it’s real)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
Feed watchers = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and hayden (still being built)

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51 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers Zach – “We won’t have to fight for our life until week 8“”

  1. I like Derrick but why does he have to be such an ass and say that Donny should be evicted before jury… I’m pretty sure Donny needs that money more than half of the people in that house (most of them have or come from money) At least let him get his jury money if he’s not gonna win, why go out of your way to ruin that. That’s messed up! Now I’m hoping Donny wins HOH and sends one of his minions home preferably Christine.

    1. I don’t know why but it really bugs me when people say someone should win Big Brother, Survivor, Amazing Race and so on because “they need the money.” If one really needs money stay home and find a job or find a better paying job, going on a game show should not be the answer to your problems.

      Instead, I think the prize money should go to whomever plays the best game, regardless of what their financial situation may be at home. Just my opinion, sure many will disagree.

    2. I hope he sends Derrick home. After all, Derrick is “fucking with his money.” HYPOCRIT!!

    3. Donny is fake and gotta go.

      Well if the person that should win is the one that needs the money the most. Then Devin, Britanny or Derrick should win because they have children.
      Donny is single, that means he does not need to money.

      You have no clue what you are talking about, everybody needs the money and that`s why they are on the show.

      And yeah I dont like Derrick but Donny gotta go before jury

  2. hey everybody i just like to say im a huge huge fan of donny i think he should win the whole think hes funny respecful honest in a good person to me i will love to be on big brother with donny we have a great time i be lol so hard they ask me to stop donny not only playing the game hes having a great time this is what i call big brother having a great time but sill playing the game donny all the way

  3. Why are they not allowed to sing? On non strategic big brother editions, all the houseguests do is sing.

    1. I think it was explained in earlier years of BB that houseguests can’t sing because of copyright laws. I assume that means that BB might owe royalties??

      1. it’s due to FCC regulations on national broadcast TV. they can’t air any of the footage of them singing without paying BMI & ASCAP for the royalties to the songs they’re singing.

  4. I know Devin has played a bad game and burned bridges with people but I feel sorry him, seeing him by himself all the time. No one deserves that, not even crazy Devin! He’s the only reason the 1st two weeks of the game were so exciting for the viewers.

  5. No I don’t think any of the house guest are ever allowed to sing or whistle. No singing because of copy rights and what not. I cant remember if they were allowed to sing “Happy Birthday” even when it was someones B-Day.

  6. I also think its funny how Devin is “okay with everything Bro” and ready to go home, Yet he starts asking how many votes he could get? So are you done or are you still playing the game? I hope he goes for real.

  7. I swear these house guests are like sheep, they follow whoever can provide for them, blindly, while the wolves slowly pick them off while no one notices.

    1. It’s the females. They’re basically just hanging out at the house with the ‘hot guys’. I think Amber and Britt are the only two who might want to play the game and not get involved in this cutesy stuff, but they’re too weak and too few. Victoria, Nicole, Christine… just, why are they even there. I may as well include Pow and Jocasta in there. This female group needed an ass-kicker or two.

      The 3 guys (derrick, zack, cody) will kill anything in its tracks if they pick the right order of people to take out, unless something changes or some bad luck strikes.

      1. Are we watching the same game? I think Amber is one of the biggest sheep in the game. She literally has no idea what to do. Nicole and Christine probably have the most information about where people stand and who’s aligned with who in the entire house.

  8. I just can’t with Caleb anymore. Lord knows I’ve tried. He’ll have a perfect Christian wife and home by 30….bible study every night. Is that in between hocking your physique for heaven knows what during the day? He’s going to fast in prayer until Thursday in between trying to play grab ass with his queen while she’s unconscious. I really think this guy lives in a complete fantasy world in his mind ( or in his Levi’s ). He is amazing, tho. Never saw anyone not get the picture AT ALL. Myself? I hope he stays around. The junk that’s going to go down between he, Amber and Cody is going to be worth the price of admission.

    1. Yeah, I listened to that. Creepy. He’s the kind of guy that might snap and do something really crazy in a few years. I do think that Amber’s family are rightly worried. (if you go to Amber’s website, there is an interview with her family — google “Caleb’s Obsession: Amber’s Family Speaks”

  9. I cant defend Devin anymore if hes gonna go out like this….id be talking so much shit and calling every body out id become the monster they all want me to be id make all their nightmares a reality not an hour would go by without me talking about the bomb squad and making sheep noises and telling the outsiders how their going to be taken out one by one…if i still go home oh well im gonna leave with my head held high and i wouldnt give a damn about being booed

  10. Dear God, Derrick does not shut up. Frankie is the only one to realize How huge Zach’s meltdown on Devin was.I thought the last season were a bunch of dummies, but these guys are staring to amaze me with their stupidity. It’s getting Jim Jones level here.

      1. Oh. I never even realized there wasn’t one in the kitchen until I saw Hayden get milk for his cereal from the storage room and Caleb get ice out of a cooler on the counter. I thought it was dumb to have the only fridge in the in the house in the storage room on the other side of the house.

  11. They said he’s the worst player in Big brother history, No I would rank David BB15 or rather Joey this season. And to be honest, none of the guys in the house has awesome game play. What big power moves have they made? Nothing…
    Back-dooring a person that majority of the house dislike isn’t a power play its a DUH play. Sorry Derrick you don’t get the role of being a power player for that. Any one who became HOH would have done it. Its not rocket science to do what you did Derrick.

  12. How old did Frankie tell the house guests he was? He is 31 right? On after dark tonight Brittany and Caleb were talking about how mature some of the guys were for their ages and they thought Frankie was older than he was. I see him as immature for a 31 year old so I’m confused.

  13. We’ll see if Caleb keeps his fast pledge and if he does how crazy will it make him? Obviously he doesn’t watch BB. Never Ever do anything extreme when you’re on the block. Give it another day as HN and no food and they Cody flirts with Amber. Now that should be fun to watch.

  14. Derrick says Jeff played the game and didn’t look like a putz, “He’s a prime example of being who you are as a person”

    Well, Derrick obviously didn’t watch the feeds because Jeff was a complete and utter a$$hole. The only reason he made it far was because he was production’s pet 2.0 (right after Jordumb of course!) sorry, but I was soooo over those 2 by BB13

  15. Zack so should have gone. He is so boring, stupid and imature

    And things keep going and if we have Zack, Cody, Derrick, in the final 3… will be the wrost season ever

    1. First off, Zach is great. There are several people in the house who are far more boring and way dumber than him. As frankie pointed out, Zach’s speech against Devin last week turned out to be a great game move for him. It was not only entertaining, but puts him in a strong position for building a case for himself should he make it to final 2.

      Secondly, I’m not sure how many seasons of Big Brother you watched…but season 9’s cast was beyond trashy and will in all likelihood always be the worst season ever. The winner went on to be thrown in prison for using his winnings to finance a drug ring.

      1. I think Frankie is lying to him, pumping him up. He wants him to take their final two seriously. It was a dumbass move that could’ve been avoided by just saying “you’re right devin”, even once, or just shutting his mouth.
        It was very entertaining but not smart or strategic. It was some sort of pouty little fit he had, and he’s lucky Devin is so untrustworthy or he would’ve been gone. I think Zach gets bored easily and loses his patience. Like this week, he was the one on the get Caleb out quest until Derrick talked him down. He lost interest in his one target Devin quickly, didn’t he?

  16. Funniest points:
    “Amber tells them she’s 5 feet 9 inches whichs is the minimum for runway. Camera zooms in on Victoria’s glare.”
    “Victoria comes up to them says she’s craving something sweet what should she do. Frog says eat”

    Thanks Simon & Dawg for the constant laughs! Will remind husband to use your Amazon link

  17. What is Caleb wearing around his head? They look like giant scarves. Did he bring them, or is he using the girls clothes?

  18. I guess Derrick the fortune teller i think Devin going to get a lot of boo’s haha!!! I hope Donny and Jocasta win HOH

  19. I guess Derrick the fortune teller i think Devin is going to get a lot of boo’s .I hope Donny and Jocasta win HOH

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