POV Holder: | Victor | POV Competition | Aug 13th |
POV Used | NO | POV Ceremony | Aug 15th |
HOH | Victor | Next HOH | Aug 11th |
Original Nomi1nations: | Paulie AND Corey | ||
After POV Nominations: | Paulie AND Corey | ||
Have Nots | Michelle AND Nicole |
Watch the next week of the feeds for FREE – 1 week Trial!
Victor did not use the Power of Veto Nominations stay the same Paulie and Corey are on the block
Paulie is the target
9:57am Kitchen Paulie and Paul
Paulie says the pitch he’s given Victor and Paul is win win for them. If he wins they are safe and if he doesn’t win he goes back on the block.
Paul doesn’t think it’s that easy to get Paulie back on the block asks him who will do it.
Paulie says he’ll tell whoever wins the HOH to put him up. (And if it’s Nicole and Corey won’t happen)
Paulie says if they get rid of James the two of them can control Natalie to as far as they want. Paulie says he’s going to bounce back to Jersey if he goes to Jury with 5 weeks left. if there was 4 days in Jury he can handle that, “I really don’t want to f***g go there”
paul – once the number crunch down it’ll be every man for themselves..
paulie – I was saying I’m don just let me do something to help these guys.. it’s all of us against Michelle and Natalie.. the odds are there..
Pauli is saying he’s trying to do the honerable move to the people he “D overed” because he’s been “D overed”
Pauli – my word on my family there’s no going back on that..
10:27am Safari room Paul
Paul- There is some people in this house who are starting to do a little weird stuff. A lot of sympathy cards, sore loser-eque behavior.. It’s getting old to be honest.. Not a fan of
11:55am Nicole and Paulie
Nicole is saying strategically that is a very good deal paulie offered Victor.
Paulie – I swore on my aunt that’s dying of cancers..
Paulie- I want to honour the integrity of the game if I am goign to the jury house with 5 weeks left.. not goign to happen
Paulie doesn’t think Victor and Paul are thinking strategically keeping James.
Paulie – “On my aunt that’s dying of cancer”
Paulie saying that Nicole’s cast was really good this cast he could care less about he’s only goign to hang out with Nuicoel and Corey maybe Paul
Paulie – it is what it is.. they are set..
Paulie is going to tell James the only reason he got America’s favorite was becuase Victor was going to backdoor him so the fans wanted him to be safe.
12:02pm London room Paul, Natalie and James
Talking about pulling Corey and Paulie apart and rattleing Corey before the next HOH competitions.
Paul – no matter what is going on Paulie is going home..
Paul – if he sees us tight with Pauli they will start asking questions..
paul – have conversations with him (Paulie) and when Corey comes in stop..
paul – this way he doesn’t know he’s goign home or now.. we start now until thrusday.. he’s shaken up
james- Nicole is shaken up
Paul – Always say I don’t know I’m not sure.. Corey makes good points Paulie makes good points.. I don’t know what we are doing
natalie is worried that Michelle isn’t coming to them and talking. James says she’s “Hot and Cold”
Paul – if we don’t create that paranoia he’ll win HOH and be like f*** yo f** you …
Natalie – he called Bridgette a sh1t head yesterday.. Corey
James – we need to get Corey campaigning..
Paul explains after what that side did to them they can’t give them the satisfaction of knowing what happened this week.
12:11pm PAul and Bridgette MEECh
Paul is saying they are goign to let 3 days of Paranoia to sink into Nicole, Corey and Paulie. They are all going to pretend that COrey might be the target. Say paulie is doing a lot of campaigning and making some good points, “it’s Big brother” nobody is safe.
Michelle – brilliant.. we can prove Nicole is a snake .. who came up with it
paul – (points at himself see image) .. they will be sacred shitless
Paul – just know Paulie is going 100%
12:20pm Paulie and Paul bathroom
Paulie – I have ideas how I can campaign
Paul – don’t toss anyone under the buss
Paulie – they just want deals
Paul – i’m just played devil’s advocate.. Like you said to Frank don’t roll over and die
Paulie – I won’t roll over and die man..
Paul – Corey hasn’t talked to me about anything.. Corey has talked to me
Paulie – I’m not going to honour my families life and not do a deal like that especially with one dying of cancer… That’s real f***g shit I was playing this game for her.
Paul – Corey hasn’t approached me at all.. I don’t think he’s approached anybody
PAulie – I’ve lost James’ vote has anyone told james (Paulie trying to get james up this week)
PAul – I can’t comment on that
Paulie – I don’t know what’s the best approach with James
Paul – will it hurt to try
Paulie there’s no reason to throw people under the bus all I have left is deals
Paulie – My moral compass says they’re is a way to stay in this game with Pleading and making deals
Paul says he needs to campaign
Paulie – if I do that one of my closest friends go home..
Paul- right..
Paulie – I love the game and I do want to leave with some respect and dignity ..
Paul – Corey might campaign .. Maybe corey will say something that doesn’t make sense.. You can campaign and not throw each other under the bus
Paul – not everyone has made up their minds
Paul says some pros and Cons have been tossed around
Paulie wants to know the pros so he has a shred of hope
Paul – Corey might come to me with someone sweeter.. Theres 3 days
Paulie – between you and I nobody will give you a deal any sweeter
Paul – you don’t need to throw someone under the bus to campaign.
Paul – going out on a good route..
Paulie – I’ve gone rogue.. I thought I was kinda mellow.. I went X amount of days without going through anything until I got screwed over
Paul – I’m just saying what is being said to me..
Paulie – the odds are very very stacked against me, I can’t see natalie will ever vote for me
Paul – to be honest to you there’s nothing I can do it has to be something you do
Paulie – you don’t have to put your neck out there but you can help pros and cons when people ask you
Paulie – back it up man.. Be like that’s a sweet deal
12:57pm London room Paul, Natalie and James
Paul relays his conversation with Paulie. Tells them they have to go to Corey and tell him Paulie is bringing up some sweet deals.
Natalie says she will keep saying how much she feels sorry for Paulie in front of Nicole and Corey.
James – give them a little task of their own medicine.
Paul – lets give them a day.. I’m concerned about my safety in this game
Paule says Victor is going to do nothing this week he’s done enough
James – I’m going to start hanging out with Corey.. Playing pool, I might sleep in his bed with him.
Paul – we don’t want to befriend them we want them to be scared.. We want them to know we are deciding their fate..
Paul – we treat them the same don’t treat one better than the other
Paul – we were all out of their group not just james not just you we were all out of it.. We were all targets.. Even in the bathroom paulie is talking about getting out James.
Praying for a buyback and/or a roundtrip
Paulie – they’re all sitting there being like we’re done ganging up on you.. they’ll still do more and more ..
Paulie says if he tries to Campaign and they all start calling him out again for it he’s goign to crack. He thinks they would try and do it on Wednesday.
Nicole – I would rather go out with my head held high..
Paulie – I’ll lose my sh1t Crack a couple guys in the face.. you want to do that to me and think you’re f***g safe because there’s cameras here..
Nicole – you can’t do that .. if you hit someone in the face i’ll be upset with yo u
Paulie – Nicole you can’t keep doing this to me
Nicole – you can’t punch someone in the face
paulie – I know I can’t.. I’m telling you if they do that I will
Paulie says he will if they try to mess with him again.
2:51pm Chit chat or sleeping .. topic include Bucket lists to when they get out, Texting etiquette, new music, New phones, New watches etc etc…
3:00pm London room James and Natalie
Natalie tells James if Nicole really had his back she would have told him straight up that Paulie was throwing his name out there as a backdoor.
James says h’e putting Corey and Nicole up and telling Nicole “I refuse to believe you have never heard my name brought up and you never came and told me about it once.. in a conversation you betrayed my trust.. Corey. you have said things or whatever.. you are up there because of that..
Natalie – he was going against me.. him and Paulie I heard were ganging up on Bridgette.. that’s not cool
James- I’m going to call them (Nic/Corey) Clay and Shelli .. they were playing all sides of the house
James says Nicole hasn’t been called into the Diary for a long time explains that this means she’s not involved in much. When people get called into the Diary a lot that means they are involved in a lot of stuff in the house.
3:26pm Natalie and Paulie London room (James sleeping)
Paulie says he was plying the middle of two groups and got caught the least he can do is help their side get further before he goes calls himself a free game piece.
Paulie – my Social game was so strong people never payed attention to my to my comp wins
Natalie asks him who is ride or die was
Paulie says it was Paul falls lays down beside Paulie.
Paulie says he’ll go after whoever the majority of the house wants and he’s not going against Natale. Natalie says if he stays and he’s not targeting her or her people that’s good for his game.
Paulie – if my fate is sealed the last thing I would not is Corey to feel the certain way if his time would be up shortly after.
Paulie – the whole mortality between do I make the decision to campaign for myself or sit back and let bygones be bygones.. My whole thing is if my fate is sealed I would rather leave him being cool than Leave and have him be like damn he tried to stay
Natalie – Corey didn’t get you here you did
Paulie – I’m trying to separate Personal with game that’s why I was so hurt I was taking it personal and not game wise.
Paulie the only thing I’m looking to repair is game damage.. I might not have done any game damage
Paulie – Everything is blown up I’m not going to try and salvage things because I do feel bad that from a game perspective I betrayed umm certain people
Paulie – umm so i’m not looking to win which would have been the ultimate way of like honouring my aunt to potentially help her out, if she’s still alive by the time I get out. (damn he won’t stop with this Aunt story)
Paulie – Umm so, I feel like the next closest thing that will make her proud of me will be honouring something in her name so if she did pass before I got out awww.. Like… She would be able to say that she was proud of me one more time.
Paulie starts to tear up..
Paulie asks if it’s about what the house or the HOH wants
Natalie says it’s not up to what the house wants it’s about what individual players want. She’ll be voting for what is good for her game.
Paulie – if I go I kinda don’t want a chance to come back in
After Paulie leaves.. Natalie says Paulie is finally talking to her like a human being..
Paul – it’s for strategy
Natalie – obviously
Paul says they are in lock down it must mean they are preparing for the wall competition. Paul brings up telling Corey and Nicoel if it’s the wall Comp he’s just going to let go and give it to James.
They laugh.
Natalie – I’m goign to give James a run for his money.
4:05pm Victor says he has an announcement from Production.. feeds cut to Jeff.
4:12pm they are preparing for a Ziggy Marley concert
Nicole says she’s not goign to shower becuase it concert is in 40 minutes she won’t have time to get ready
Michelle – I hope theres not game talk allowed
Nicole- there isn’t
Michelle – I totally thought there was a twist
Natalie – I did no .. thought when is this goign to end. (We all were)
4:22pm Corey and Paulie Kitchen
Paulie – I was hoping is was the Diamond power of veto or a rewind
Corey – I know .. I thought it was goign to be something
paulie – I thought it was goign to be something cool like that
Corey – Yeah I thought it was going to be something.. A comp.. I dunno.. something to do with game.
4:50pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the party carnival Big Brother is giving the House Guests with singer Ziggy Marley.
5:40pm The live feeds are still blocked.
6:35pm Still nothing..
7:25pm No feeds for you..
WEEK 4 – August 14th to August 19th
This winner automatically becomes Co-HOH, sharing all HOH perks and responsibilities for the duration of the week, including choosing 1 of the 2 nominees.
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Things that Paulie says/does that make me go, “Whatchyoo talkin’ ’bout Paulie?”
“I don’t get rattled.” You seem to be the most rattled person I have ever seen. Rattled when you were winning (against Tiffany) and rattled now that you are losing.
He didn’t want the veto used on him, he wanted it used on Corey so he wouldn’t have to campaign against him. Yet, Corey apparently had the veto and Paulie took it from him.
He could spend 100 days in a fairly small house with shared bedrooms, frequent lockdowns when you can’t go outside for up to 48 hours at a time and, at least one day a week having several people locked in a room together for a few hours. He can’t spend 35 days in a large house with private bedrooms and the ability to go outside whenever you want because of his claustrophobia. Is that selective claustrophobia? Winning allows him to battle his psychosis but losing triggers his psychosis.
He knows for a fact why certain people are getting the ACPs, yet he is not watching the feeds and he is not voting so, in reality he knows nothing.
I heard him say, “I’m not gonna swear on a family member type thing because I don’t play that type of game.” SEVERAL times since then he has sworn on his family member who is currently dying of cancer.
Last, but not least, “I was bred for this.” What exactly were you bred for? This? What is happening right now? Losing? If that is what you were bred for, maybe instead of swearing ON your family you should be swearing AT your family.
Just to clarify-I am not making light of any family member Paulie has that may actually have cancer. However, I have several family members that did die from cancer. One of them was my father. I didn’t use his illness or his death to set up a go fund me page, beg on the street corner, or otherwise garner sympathy. I sure didn’t go on a reality television show trying to explain to everyone why they were supposed to let me win. In truth, someone could have offered me a 50% chance of winning the money and I would have passed because I never would have traded those last 3 weeks of time with my father. If there truly is a dying aunt then the Calafiore family has my sympathy. However, I find what your son/brother/nephew is doing for the sake of winning a game to be very offensive and more than just a little bit hurtful.
He tried Derricks game and that didn’t work. So now, he’s playing Vanessa’s crying/sympathy game, Dan’s dying family member game and Audrey’s crazy as crap game, all at once.
Classic case of being able to dish it out…but can’t take it.
He was brutally mean to people, especially Natalie. It is scorching his ass that she made it farther than he did.
Paul doing his security checks is pretty entertaining.
i am still waiting for him to come out as the ghost of Audrey with the sunglasses and blanket on from head to toe . softly mumbling PP , friendship , never cared , cody and derrick cody and derrick , clip clip clip
He is so disrespectful. Yank his ass and bring back Bridgette since she was the last one out. Someone else deserves the opportunity. Paulie is an ungrateful little b**ch.
As a two time survivor of this horrible disease I too am so offended that Paulie is throwing this around in the hopes of gaining sympathy from others. Most of us have family or close friends who have gone through the fight and not all have beaten it. Glendon, your post was beautifully written. I’m so sorry that you lost your Dad to cancer.
Let’s just hope that he doesn’t have the round trip ticket…please no.
I hope he don’t have the ticket back. But he just might. That’s why the plan Paul is doing to make Corey think he out us good. Get him a Nic to talk to save him. If Paulie feels betrayed and hurt by Corey he will go after him like a bull if he comes back.
I will say it again, Paulie don’t want to see Zee.
He looks sick on camera. He was playing the camera and her. Now to go to Jury along with her
He is crying like a baby. It was all show. That’s why he keep saying he love the GAME of BB.
But he will not go to Jury for 5 weeks. In the Jury there is no GAME jus Zee waiting , eye shining, smiling, longing for all his attention and affection for 5 long weeks.
Yea he sick they may have to take I him to Jury at gun point. Lol
Paulie… I want to honour the integrity of the game by not going to jury.
No Paulie…honor the integrity of the game BY going to jury.
If he bails, Cody will be pissed
Praying you NEVER have to fight that battle again, Kathie. Grendon, I am truly sorry for the loss of your father, and others in your life and anyone’s life.
F*#k cancer!! I lost my brother last year to that insidious disease. I am extremely grateful for each day of the 6 months we had together after he was diagnosed. We lived 700 miles apart, but I still drove to see him every week. The thought of going on a reality show, or anywhere else, would not have even been a consideration. Shame on Paulie for using that (hopefully) bullshit excuse!!!
Amazing how Paulie continues to expand the envelope of being a cringe-worthy ego-maniacal pig.
yep guys condolences…i lost my brother/best friend
suffer and die from an aggressive cancer in a matter of 4 months..left 3 daughters behind
paulie…u could have won this game…unfortunate you became the joke/idiot of the season!
Would someone please get on the family’s or Derrick’s twitter and find out if there really is the Cancer Auntie? I seriously doubt the whole story, especially when he already slipped and said “my grandmoth…Imean my Aunt” when talking to Paul. He’s spouting a lot of fanciful BS and this is only a part of it.
Don’t believe it and don’t mind saying so.
Cancer is the most horrible disease anyone could have. I lost my father and 3 uncles to it. I really hope Paulie doesn’t have an aunt at home, suffering from it. But, if he’s is lying, which I’m pretty sure he is, (he slipped up in a conversation with Paul and said my grandmother that’s dying…I mean my aunt) he deserves all of the booing and humiliation he will feel, when he gets out of the house.
Great post – I agree 100% with you. Sorry about the loss of your father, and I’d never have given up the time I had at the end with either of my parents for a TV show. I doubt there’s a dying aunt….
Add to that he’ll pay his own airfare to that country Nicole and Corey call Hawaii so he can crash their vacation. NJ flights to Hawaii are not cheap, so what happened to helping his aunt? How come he didn’t have problems with going to and being in the Paris room?
Paulie is a punk. He cannot wrap his head around the fact that he isn’t going to win BB18.
Karma is a big fat bitch…and I think I hear her singing…
Well said Grendon! So very sorry for your loss.
Shame on you, Paulie.
Could it be that Paulie’s aunt is dying of embarrassment?
if this is a sympathy cry or just some strange strategic game play, Paulie using a family member’s cancer sickness is 100% pathetic. Paulie has down spiraled to the deep end of disturbing now. he’s become very uncomfortable to watch and he is showing signs of being unstable. I don’t believe Paulie is mentally ill, I just think he exhausted himself to the point where he his choosing not to play BB any more. Paulie’s downfall in BB has nothing to do in how he played the game, it’s how he is portraying himself now as this pathetic sore loser. all game til now he dictated to people in what he thought was best for his game. the second the HG’s figured him out and made their own decisions, Paulie quits the game to the point where even he defies production several times because of his pie baking punishment. best thing now is for the HG’s to evict him and production to pray he doesn’t have the return ticket. there is absolutely nothing positive going forward with this season having Paulie still involved in it.
BRAVO Grendon!! Well said !
Brendon, I cried when I read your post. I’m sorry for your loss. Cancer is horrific I watch my brother suffer for 6 months before he passed. Shame on Paulie. I can’t even listen to him. Now threatening violence.. to punch people in the face. He’s unhinged and needs to leave.
Superb comment and excellent analysis! Personally, I think Paulie should be given a stern talking to by BB production regarding all these threats, and if he does it again afterwards, he should be sent home immediately. I now think he has become the worst guest ever shown on BBC, and that is saying something! I wonder what his family thinks about his behavior? If that was my son, I would be so ashamed.
Well said Grendon. I lost my father last year (and this site served as a much needed distraction afterwards in getting me through the summer). I would never have given up that time together. Shame on Paulie but glad there are people like you that are pointing out how awful his tactics are.
This time last year I was losing my Dad too. I know exactly what you mean about the distraction. Paul’s behavior is beyond disgusting with these latest “claims” and I totally agree with you guys. He needs to be removed and it needs to be now.
another Paulie lie Derrick spoke to Paulie 1 HOUR coaching boast
Interview/podcast with Derrick: Big Brother 18 Sunday Week 8 | BB18 Episode 24 Recap & Derrick Levasseur Interview | Aug 14, 2016 – Derrick’s view on Paulie’s gameplay.
Hope it is okay to post this Simon, Dawg I just thought your viewers would be interested.
I’m thinking Derrick is the one doing the lying.
I did not think of that you could be so right! Was not a fan of Derrick would rather watch Frankie YIKES!
Thank you for the post Grendon I am in agreement with you and my heart goes out for the loss of your father.
Paulie: “I’ll lose my shit Crack a couple guys in the face.. you want to do that to me and think you’re f***g safe because there’s cameras here”
Where is the BigBrother psychologist?
Someone needs to evaluate/remove Paulie, he is threatening, aggressive and unraveling before America’s eyes.
It’s only a matter of time before something potentially violent happens…his behavior is only going to worsen (if possible).
All his talk about his “sick aunt” is a way for him (in his mind), to justify his recent behavior. He is doing all of this to “honor his aunt”. Its horrific, psychotic and actually quite sad that he is using illness of a family member (if true), to garner sympathy and manipulate.
I would be curious to find out what the Calafiore family thinks of Paulie’s recent behavior.I would hate to assume that this is deemed acceptable, as Cody did not behave anything like this on his season.
Agree 100%. Time to remove him. He’s a danger to others now.
I heard Cody (his brother) claim it is Pauls bad influence lol….I remember Cody on his boring season had a lot of aggressive tendencies as well….It was tapped down by Derrick …..his family are probably a lot like him… sadly.
Well said!
Who are the sick people who thumbed down this comment? Horribly sick people.
Paulie’s phrase of the week “my aunt who’s dying of cancer”.. Previous winners: “Jersey girl”, “my brother Cody” and “Vanessa”
You forgot “feeling a certain type of way”
I give that phrase to Max-Z. She was the one that got that one rolling if I not mistaken. The rest of the misfit toys picked it up from her. My sympathy for Con Corleone is the phrase he picked up from Paul. Never cared. I of course am not talking about a family member of his fighting an illness although as posted above most of us have experienced a loss of a loved one. I find it in his case to be an outright lie. First of all if it was true you would have thought it would have come up before in conversation as people talk about home and missing their families. Not for sympathy but just in passing conversation. 2nd he clearly messed when talking to Paul where he first said grandmother then corrected himself and said aunt. I wish Paul would just tell him like he told Frank. It is what it is stop making a fool of yourself. Oh and go bake a pie. Man to be able to see Bridgette’s face whenever she gets to see the breakdowns and the pie baking!
“Blah blah blah…..type thing”.
Past classic – “I send out information, which may or may not be untrue”
almost miss that paulie
You forgot the one I found most annoying “Derrick”
Don’t forget “Loyalty”
Strength and Honor
Derrick last week: “go team Paulie!!!”
Derrick today: “Paulie. Who the fuck is Paulie?”
The best player in BB history is on the verge of going home for no reason.
This season sucks!
Again…..if that jackass was the greatest player, he would not even be up on the block lol
…but yet everyone is talking about what a great game Victor is playing when he has actually been eliminated! How does that work?
Thank you! He might be playing a great game now, but his overall game is automatically worse than everyone else’s in the house because he’s been eliminated. He shouldn’t win against any of them in F2.
This is for this person named “Me”
Yes, Victor was eliminated because he was BACKDOORED!!!. Paulie wasn’t man enough to put him up on the block so he could play in the POV, because Paulie knew he couldn’t beat him. Victor was man enough to put Paulie up on the block to give him a CHANCE(something that Paulie didn’t do for Victor)to play in the POV and Paulie STILL LOST!!! CASE CLOSED
For starters, Victor had never watched the show before playing this season (just like Paul and Natalie). Paulie, however, watched his brother play BB and had immense coaching from Cody and Derrick. Even with his advantages, Paulie has overplayed his hand and spiraled down into near psychosis. He has played a poor game, especially after being caught in all of his lies and side deals.
Victor, Paul and Nat deserve much more credit than they are given.
Great players can be on the block, it’s how they play when they are on that makes em great. Dan and Dr will are great because of how they played socially when on the block. To a lesser extend Godfrey in bbcan 3 is a great player in that regard as well. great players can be on the block or stay off the block. In Pauline’s case, he tried to comp win his way to the end with poor social playing, and he is now in jury.
…. is that you?
No, you suck. Troll.
This season has rocked lately. Paulie sucks. ‘On my dying Aunt with cancer”. What a low life!
No great player would be in his predicament with the circumstances at hand.
Cody you seriously need to stay off these boards!
best player????? is this the first season you ever watched the show? ever hear of dr will? boogie? dan? derrick?
Best player in BB history? You’re joking right? Paulie is a disgusting human being and this past week has really shown that.
Call in Security!!!!! Paul is hilarious.
Simon/Dawg 316 thumbs down…..that’s gotta be a record!
I was 420! Whew Hoo! Maybe Paulie should have some to lighten the eff up.
To the comment of Paulie is the best player…
Anyways, no…Paulie deserves what he gets.
Get off Pailie D1ck!
This is going to be sweet. Nicole is going to panic thinking Cory is going home so she’ll start campaign for him. She’s going to freak out as she knows she’ll never see that guy again! The snake is going to start making deals. Hope it backfires and she goes next week before Cory. Ha ha ha ha ha
Funny – I really liked Nicole the first go-round & when she flirted with Hayden and they became a ‘thang.’ But, Corey has zilch for personality & Nicole isn’t attempting to play much game or socialize with any others. Maybe she should have been on The Bachelorette if all she’s looking for is a husband?
Her game is : ‘don’t put me on the block’ followed by ‘please don’t put me on the block’. along with ‘don’t put me on the block because i suck at comps’ then proceeds to come in 2nd to COREY in at least one POV, and 2nd to PAULIE in at least one HOH.
ok nicole, you suck, but it isn’t at comps.
i want michelle or natalie to be able to be the one to put her on the block. mostly because she says she is ok with the final 5 boys alliance would be taking her out? great, let’s make sure then that it is a female HOH who does that instead,, see how that feels.
And didn’t she at one point in talking to Michelle I think say “yea Corey didn’t tell me about the all guy thing but I am going to still help him get as far as I can” If that was not only someone I was working with in the game but someone I thought was in love with me with such honor and morals as he put it, I would be another one of this seasons catch phrases…..PISSED!
Nicole has not had the time of day for anyone except Corey and Paulie. Now that the stuff is hitting the fan, she is trying to buddy up with the girls…
Michelle was right. She is a snake.
The last straw for me to completely dislike Nicole was on the feeds when Nicole was in the Tokyo room when Paulie attached Natalie and then laughed during the retelling of it twice thereafter including to James. She thought it was funny but cbs did not air that part to protect Nicole’s image. Us live feeders see that she is definitely not a girls girl and she is a jealous and catty mean girl like a wolf in sheets clothing. I hope she goes to jury and Bridgette really gives her a piece of her mind.
I agree with Paul. Production make it stop. I’m sick of hearing Paulie, this is ridiculous. Does he think saying he refuses to go to jury will make people want him to stay? I think he needs to be reprimanded in some way for refusing to make pies, and saying he’s refusing to go to jury. He needs to lose all his stipend if he does that.
If he doesn’t complete his contract, I’m sure there’s financial consequences. I’m also pretty sure he’s getting at least 1 penalty vote for refusing to do his punishment in a timely manner.
They said on the feeds that Paulie ignored calls to the DR four times in a row.
So freakin’ defiant. Bye dumb ass.
I just don’t understand how Paulie even gets a chance to see if he has the roundtrip or possible buy back from jury. The guy literally says ” Im not going” Hes gonna quit the game. So why does he get a chance to make a choice after everyone finds out if he has a roundtrip or play jury buy back! Doesn’t make sense! You quit or want to quit because you aren’t where you want to be in the game. Then you are done! Too many other players that are there to play!
Actually, if you recall, most everyone left in the house with the exception of maybe Paul and Victor are only there to make it to jury. EVERYONE SINGLE OTHER PERSON there has said at one time or another that they “Just want to make it to jury”. Just so you know.
Not only will he lose his stipend for refusing to go to the jury house, he will probably be sued for breach of contract. I’m sure they have let him know that; it would mess up the game if he went home.
Now that the whining, deal making, sympathy card isn’t getting any traction, Paulie is threatening to crack some faces? (Eye roll) Punk.
I was worried production might pull some strings for Paulie, but he’s being such a baby I bet they can’t wait to get rid of him.
He is a f**kin meat head.
They should threaten him with a law suit for breach of contract if he doesn’t fulfill his obligations in the Jury House. What an entitled little brat.
Great strategy Paul. Im impressed.
Unless Nat, James, and Michelle realize that the “strategy” is really about getting Corey mad at them or at least spread the animosity around, so if Corey/Nicole win HOH maybe they don’t put up Paul and Victor.
What could be very interesting is if there’s even the slightest bit of variance in what Paul and Victor say to Corey, such as we’re 100% against Paulie or we’ll go with the house like they’re outsiders, and that’s shared with Nat, James, Michelle or even better if Corey/Nicole see right through it (especially if Paulie sees Paul using his playbook and decides to blow him up), and not only tell them, but show Paul and Vic are trying to use Nat, James, Michelle as a human shield.
This strategy is a Paulie-style overplay and the question is can Paul make it close enough to the end before there’s Paulie-style blowback
I still think Paul is a POS but that little dance he did on BB last night in the DR was freaking hilarious. Too bad he is a douche bag
Pauls dance last night made my day. I played it over and over today with on demand cable. I disliked Paul the first two weeks but he’s mellowed and become entertaining lol.
Paulie….What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Except DON’T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON YOUR WAY OUT!
I have not laughed so hard watching BBAD ever. Paul was hilarious last night. I had tears in my eyes. He really puts a lot of effort into his secret service role!
Paulie seriously just needs to self evict an go home. He keeps threatening he is not going to jury so just GO HOME NOW! Do not pass GO just GO HOME!
I dont get it! Why does Paulie get a chance to see if he has the rountrip or jury buy back? He’s quiting so that should be it! Production shouldn’t allow him to have the chance to see if he’s not even wanting to play the game. You signed up for it all, and that includes Jury! His ticket should be voided if he is already quiting because he knows he’s going home! Ugh!
PLEASE NO. Please don’t come back here. The Jersey Shore has been very nice without you. Hawaii is really really nice, if you feel that certain type of way.
Umm no! His attitude won’t last in Hawaii. Hawaii is too laid back for his crap. He just needs to go back where he came from with his attitude. Plus he should spend time with his “dying aunt”!
That threatening comment of Paulie’s in bold, really gave me a Deniro Taxidriver vibe. He’s a ticking time bomb.
I hate to say this but I thought he had that round trip ticket all this time. I really think he has it – sorry but I am usually right about these things. It sucks 🙁 – I give you the ok to thumbs down.
Aha! Proof that Paulie is full of shit.
He is playing the game for his dying aunt.
If he is leaving this week he would still earn a stipend for all 100 days but he will walk out of jury, forfeiting that stipend.
His new plan-if they keep him this week he will help Paul and Victor get to the end and he will sacrifice his own game allowing them to send him home in the next week or two. He would still end up with the same amount-a 100 day stipend.
Why is it worth it in a week or two but not worth it now.
He also said that his reason for being here was to play this game for his aunt. He said if he goes to jury there is no purpose for him being there. So the stipend money now gives him no purpose but he expects people to believe if he has one more week the stipend money will give him purpose. I call bullshit. If he stayed he has absolutely no intention of honoring any deal. His eye is only on the 500k. Sad thing is, I don’t think there is anyone he could sit next to in F2 at this point that would even give him a shot at winning.
The stipend is 750.00 a week. The vets get 25,000 if they made it to jury.
omy gosh! Those tears Pauline boo hoo!! Best actor! I just used all my 20 votes for Victor! he deserves it!
I agree 100% give co-HOH to Victor! Paul will do better with next week’s fun care package. Also Victor gives 0 Fs. If Corey or Nicole win HOH Michelle might be swayed by co-HOH status to turn on James, Natalie, Paul or Victor. Victor is blunt. If he is splitting HOH with one of them; he will STILL put up any available part of Nicorey!
Do you think it was Victor’s idea to put up Corey and Crybaby? Vic wanted to put up two girls this week.
Absolutely correct! I don’t trust Michelle with it. Victor or Paul will still do some damage.
Exactly!! Meech is way to risky, out of all the girls Natalie has shown the right mentality 100% and I hope its her Paul and Victor to the final 3 all the way! Nicole is such a undercover shit talker and so totally fake ugh, lets go Victor for next care package!
Vic should be thanking Paulie for being such a huge dick that people have forgot how much of an ahole Vic is. Do you think Michelle and Z will forget the bead episode if Vic makes it to the final? Nat won’t forget his comments either.
Zakiyah might not forget, but the other two will…if they haven’t already. Vic’s redeemed himself well enough with his social game, and Nat and Meech are not vindictive or obsessive sorts.
Me too! All 20 daily going to Victor.
Paulie acts like the biggest brat ever!! Is he really 28 yrs.old? Because I think he needs a sucker in his mouth and quiet time in the corner. Bye bye Paulie!!
WOW, it’s very clear that Paulie is living in his brother’s shadow, given Cody is more handsome, taller and more successful in the game. He keeps comparing this cast to season 16. I think he was expecting to be put in a house with low IQ people who would just trop dead week after week until he got the 500K! I’ve never seen someone so entitled. I’m glad his ego is shatters beyond repair. He is an extreme narcissist*.
*Narcissism = Extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one’s own talents and a craving for admiration. The Narcissist does not deal well with failure. When criticized, narcissists show themselves woefully incapable of retaining any emotional poise or receptivity.
Cant this definition be any more accurate! Wow.
It’s like it never even entered his mind that he might not win. After all he was coached by Derrick and is Cody’s brother.
I feel like Paulie’s game started falling apart once he peed in the hottub
Pee! Yes. And he has no idea we saw it (thanks to its dark yellow color – dude was dehydrated).
Hilarious……then about 45 min. later Paul was the first to slide in the tub with his fellow PP member! No pun intended…..
Spot on! Perfect description of Paulie the f..ktard!
I honestly don’t know. I’m just asking for opinions.
Up – Yes
Down – No
Paulie probably wont get booed. They’ll be cheering that the little A-hole got evicted.
Depends… it there are a few Jersey girls in the audience, then yes 🙂
He should !
Oh hell no. This is Big Brother. The audience will be packed full of CBS employees and family enthusiastically cheering. BB will have him back to host an HOH competition next year and call him a “fan favourite”.
If this was BBUK, the audience would chew off his legs at the knees and stick them up his bum, as it should be.
Given Paulie’s volatile attitude, I imagine CBS will restrict the audience to employees.
Paulie, shut up! “My Aunt with cancer”, “I’ll go nuts in the jury house”, please don’t have the round trip. He is a sore loser. “Everyone was great on your season Nicole, they were like sheep”. GTFO! And please go to Jersey. Frank would be a juror then. He was evicted right before jury started.
Frank can not be a juror once he has been sent home. He has already been influenced by outside forces. That’s just not how it works.
They would ask for America to vote if there was an even number of jurors
I’m sure Paulir’s aunt if he has one is at home fielding sympathy calls and wondering why everyone thinks she is dying of cancer.
It seems like Paulie did a thorough study of past BB winners and is just running through a scripted playbook. And by the way not doing it very well.
Problem is he has misread the room and the people on this season are not mean backstabbers they just are not as dumb as those on previous seasons especially on his brother’s season including his own brother.
I hope he self evicts from jury because if past seasons are an indicator his jury vote will go to America.
All these days Pauline has been in the house he hasn’t cried about his ex girlfriend or talk much about her. Now that he knows he’s leaving he’s crying over her. I bet he treated her really bad when he found out he was going on the show, possibly belittled her because he thought he was going to win and girls will be rushing to him. Now he’s realized that’s not happening, he’s trying to deal with the embarrassment when he gets back to jersey. If I was the girl, I’d be laughing right now. He who laughs last laughs best.
I am only basing this on what was said on twitter so I have no way of knowing if it’s true. Paulie mentioned that his ex-girlfriend couldn’t handle all the attention that Cody and Paulie got after Cody was on BB. According to someone who claims to be a friend of the ex-girlfriend, the reason she broke up with Paulie was because he cheated on her 5 times.
Yeah. I read that on Twitter too, a girl named krista Kimberly who I believe is a friend of the ex and also a friend of Nat. She tweeted about that.
If I were her I would join the Ex-girlfriend Relocation Program. Paulie is deranged.
Rumor on Twitter is she caught him cheating on her with five women. Of coarse he blamed that on Cody being on BB.
Rumor has it that he was actually ENGAGED! But was caught cheating with 5 different women, and was called out on twitter by the ex’s friends…sheknows.com reports that she gave the ring back to the mom just recently. Funny how not once did we hear about this gf, money troubles, dying aunt, mental health, etc…I certainly hope that these yahoos also notice how convenient all this is, & he has absolutely NO INTENTION of honoring anything…as he has stated himself -this is Big brother…where you can bounce Checks whenever you want.
Actually Paul that’s a good idea if executed properly.
Paulie leaving a bad taste in my mouth ( that sounded weird), anyaway you know what I mean; he’s a low integrity individual.
Paul is convincing all the followers to mentally mess with peoples minds…. He is no better than Pauli….. I guess once everyone realizes he is calling the shots, it will be too late for James, Natalie, and Meech…. I hope none of those three win a thing…. James talks about Meech being wishy washy…. he doesn’t have a clue and is easily swayed…. He needs to go. Vic or Corey for the win…..
I can never in a million years feel bad for paulinA. I remember when he confronted Frank about slapping davonns butt, i was like this is am really respectful man. Now am disgusted. Last night’s episode i was laughing so hard. And paulie if you were in zack season he would of made you cry. cough cough devin.????????????
If Nicole wins HOH she will be so happy for about 2minutes, If anyone on the other side gets the Care Package then Corey is gone. It would be funny if Corey left on Nicole’s HOH. Worse case if Nicole wins HOH and Corey gets the Care Package.
That is why I’m voting Victor. Michelle just might sway to Nicole or Corey’s side as co-HOH. They could use the whole, “You only hated Paulie and he is gone now. You’d go final 3 with us” yadda yadda. Paul cares about appearing as the bad guy. He also may have a problem being co-HOH with Corey/Nicole. Victor wont care, He’ll sleep in the bed with those two and send one home.
We’re so proud of you…NOT!
It’s a good time to tell Pauli that, “we are going to do what the house wants”. C ya.
DUMBASSES, You see how Paul is thinking and talking strategically. You see the difference between this type of gameplay that doesn’t really depend on the absolute stupidity/naivety of the other houseguests, and Dan/Derrick’s gameplay that did depend on the stupidity/naivety of the other houseguests. This is not blatant.. It is subtle, yet strategic, and it may very well rattle Nicole/Corey. Even if it doesn’t rattle Nicole/Corey, it is still strategic; whereas Dan could have been laughed at, and not considered by so many DUMBASSES as a great player. As far as Derrick, he would have been called out many times if people in the house did what the average person of average intelligence would have, and his game would have been blown just like Paulie’s. That is the difference between actual good gameplay and so called good gameplay; no matter what the houseguests do or don’t do, it is still good. Think Evil Dick Dumbasses. Remember his gameplay versus Dan/Derrick’s. His gameplay didn’t depend on anyone’s stupidity either. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE. By the way, many people refer back to Dan/Derrick, past houseguests, etc., so don’t nobody talk no SHIT… I’m trying to educate you DUMBASSES…
First off no reason to resort to name calling! Derrick I agree only won because he was in a house with unintelligent people, but Dan came back from being next one out of the house to turning the whole house back in his favor. Dan’s funeral ranks up there as one of the most memorable moments an funniest in BB history! Paulie is just acting like a very pathetic spoiled brat, an when he has nothing intelligent to say he resorts to bullying and name calling other house guests.Paulie please just self evict an go get counseling!
His funeral is memorable. That is a single event that stands out on BB history, but don’t you think it was absolutely naïve of those people to fall for it?, Especially, Frank. Dan had his funeral, telling everyone goodbye, then he had a meeting with Frank, offering an alliance. HELLO!!! You just had your funeral and said goodbye. He was the deciding person, who then told Jenn to use the veto. Absolutely naïve. Now what if those people didn’t so stupidly fall for it? Would Dan still be considered such a great player? NO. People would have been on these boards saying the exact opposite about Dan. “Did he really think people would be so stupid to believe his funeral, blah, blah.”So, why is he so great because they did fall for it? Simply because they fell for it? No he’s not. Those people were just stupid. Good gameplay is not dependent on whether or not someone falls for the manipulation. And I like Frank, but he apparently didn’t learn his lesson, telling Bridgette to drop, which led to him being evicted. He is simply naïve. If you are ever in an endurance comp, and several houseguests are telling you to drop, think back on Big Brother history.. DON’T DROP!!!
Sorry but totally disagree.. Dan had the ability to just come off very sincere, and he just had a personality that made people drawn to him. He made you want to believe him, and he played with some intelligent people, whereas, Derrick did not have the brightest tools in the box on his season. Paulie just comes across as someone with a mental disorder that needs a lot of mental help.
Evel Dick was not a great player. He had Eric who was doing America’s Player. {America felt sorry for Dick because of his relationship with his daughter Daniele.} Eric has said on numerous occasions if he hadn’t been AP Dick would of been out of the house!
Evil Dick was better than Dan and Derrick, because his gameplay did not depend on the stupidity of the other houseguests. It did not matter if the other houseguests fell for anything or not. And America did save him once, but HELL NO, America did not feel sorry for him. America did not vote for ED to stay in the house, because America felt sorry for him. America respected his gameplay, which was the best in the house that season. And the people in the jury did not like him, but they still gave him their vote.
You are the one who need to be educated. Just because people on this board don’t agree with you, doesn’t mean we are dumba$$e$. We are entitled to give our opinions about the BB HGS just like you are. Thank you!!!
Paulie maybe unraveling but Paul is just as big of a liar and manipulator but he is also pure EVIL! Evil on the inside and no in an Evil Dick sort of way. This is going past game play. Not even fun to watch anymore. So disappointed in this season.
Actually… This season is just getting good lmao what are you watching???
Wow, I guess Paulie really doesn’t want to hang with Z in the jury house!! That should tell you something about their potential non-future together!!
I’m reposting my nightmare here. I think it went in wrong post. It was that bad.
I just woke up from pulling an all nighters feed watch and had the WORSE nightmare!!!!!
This Thursday, Paulie had the RT
Friday night, Z won buy back!
They were all laughing, high fiving on the feeds HOW BOUT THAT REWIND, America? I was screaming NO NO NO don’t let it be!!!!!
Oh my gosh, I need to take a break.”
Pauline…..get over it. Go to jury, play the role to elect the BB winner as you said you would in your contract. Good example of narcissism….bully doesn’t get his way….wa.la….poor me. BB please if he has the round trip….pull the plug since he won’t make pies….cmon….punish him for not playing.
Paulie says (multiple multiple times) “I’m never gonna campaign against my boy Corey” …. turns out NEVER was about 6 minutes after the veto wasn’t used!!!
Michelle, you are the snake
So he hasn’t been making pies when he’s supposed to?
Paulie, go directly to jury. Do not pass the cone (Nicole), do not collect half a million dollars. Goooooooood riddance.
Someone (and Paul is the most likely candidate) needs to give Paulie the Frank speech. Give it up! You are embarrassing yourself. Frank campaigned but he did not grovel and cry.
I can’t wait to see Paulie start to campaign against Corey after Veto ceremony and then the rest of the house start feeding into the false premise that maybe Corey will be the one going home. Paul is devious and not someone I would want as an enemy. Where’s the “friendship” now? However I also think it is good strategy to get through til Thurs because if Paulie thinks he has flipped the vote he might just STFU.
Paulie had a good game plan but when it was uncovered he had nothing. Shows how great Dan was. He was in the same position his second go round and flipped the house back in his favor.
Hey Production – just yank him out now. This is tiresome.
They are just going to twist the knife, and Paulie is going to get more and more crazy.
Good fun for the entire family!
They should let Arya “Needle” him.
Now that’s an interesting idea that America can be the extra jury vote.
Here Paulie, Paulie, we’ve been waiting for you. Don’t be afraid, Paulie why are you SO AFRAID (?), we aren’t Jersey Girls so why are you so afraid ?
Not exactly sure how Paulie can just refuse to do a veto punishment. It is in CBS best interest to make an example of him yet they do nothing.
Pulling for Victor at this point. He sucked it up when he was being backdoored and fought to get back in the house.
I still want to give it to Michelle this week just to see what she does with it.
He’ll end up with at least 1 penalty vote and may be fined or forfeit a portion of the stipend money.
I agree production CBS are you listening? If the integrity of the game play is NOT to follow through with repercussion for refusal to take punishment then whats to stop future players from dragging feet and or refusal of game rules while on air and in the house. CMON you have to have rules that are enforced in some manner or it all becomes a SHAM. Furthermore we the AUDIENCE deserve to know what repercussions were levied. and at what price.
Paulie.s pitch to stay is that he wants to help these guys because it is them against Nat and Meech? WHAT is up with this? Hey super douche not all men have problems working with a woman. And last I checked Paul and Vic seem more than capable of playing a strategic and civilized GAME alongside the ladies without needing your scorpio tongue to intimidate and degrade them. Boys vs Girls. How juvenile. No wonder when Bridgette uttered the word feminist it sent this misogynistic pig into overdrive,
I so hope a women wins, just to see Paulie’s reaction to being beat by a woman!
Na Na Na Na
Hey Hey Hey
I love Victor. Man Crush Monday.
Victor is muy attractivo!
So Palsy’s stratagem for staying is to lie and make himself the most annoying, pestering HG in BB history? Grteat plan. The guy is a pestilence. He’s a tick.
CBS needs to find a way to make this eviction happen before Thursday because I can’t stand four more days of Paulie. It’s as if his brain will go to any lengths to shield him from the reality that he is not the God of his own imaginings. There is nothing he won’t resort to: sudden onset claustrophobia, a previously unmentioned terminally ill aunt, heartbreak over his ex fiancé even though you just finished bragging about how you “boned” Zahkiya six times. I’m surprised there is enough room in the house for Paulie’s ego and seven other houseguests. Just let him go home so he can continue basking in the non-existent rays of his own importance and we can go back to Big Brother.
If he self evicts then Victor has to put up a re-nom. Thats what happened a few seasons ago. (It might have been a girl that threw her mic in the pool?)
Remove the mirrors Big Brother. Paulie will self evict in a minute if he can’t look at himself.
If his aunt is really dying, I will eat this fuzzy tic tac I found in my sofa ( I think it’s a tic tac).
First he’s hiding his crazy, and ohh it’s coming out. Then he’s claustrophobic and can’t be contained in a fabulous mansion with the hottie whose just waiting to jump him, again. Now, it’s, frankly I don’t really like anyone here, so I’m not gonna hang with you. Ya know because, my brother, Cody, yes that Cody, his season they were really cool. And they just lined up and took a number, then walked happily out the door. And oh, the girls, they didn’t talk. Ya they knew their places. But, maybe I’ll grace Whiney, Crazy Eye, and extra maybe Beardo with the glory that is me. Oh and I’m gonna swear on my dying Aunt that I won’t screw any of you over, ya know, again. And that’s family, and I’m Italian, and we are really kissy close with family. Ya, I literally think you should totally keep me.
On what planet does Paulie think that if they bounce James that they can “control” Nat? Paulie is all over the map. Bottom line to all his Michellesque fake crying: He does not want to be the first guy in jury.
If I was Nicole or Corey I would knock down the couples Paul/Victor and Natilie/James. I would go with the strong team By putting up Paul and Victor first. If Victor wins the veto replace him with Natilie. Natilie is the stronger player strategically wise. Send Paul or Natilie home because both Victor or James can’t think for themselves so weakens their game. Natilie and Paul are playing the social part of the game and James and Victor are not. They rely on their partners. As for Nicole and Corey they can’t win so I would put them up last. Both are oblivious that they are being played by everyone in the house. They act like two teenagers falling in love with their annoying back and forth fighting and flirting. I don’t even think they are playing the game anymore. They are in their own little world thinking about going on vacation together or who made the first move (eye roll). I think Michelle will go with the house and make it to final 3 for sure. She’s in a perfect spot right now and everyone is a bigger threat than she is. Either side will take her to final three because everyone is gunning for each other.
Paulie is all talk no action
He said he wasn’t going to make any pies for his punishment and he made one yesterday
He said he wasn’t going to jury I call that bs i wouldn’t be surprised if I see him on finale night .
And OMG can he stop with the pity party it’s like Paul said it’s getting old all I hear when he talks ” pity me, for I have a aunt who is dying of cancer followed by KEEP ME IN THE GAME LONGER btw if he really does have a aunt dying of cancer all my condolences go out to his aunt that’s how I would feel on a personal level but as far as a game level and entertainment purposes don’t use that for your selling point to say in the house I remember when day left you didn’t care if she went she was disposable to you day has a kid at home and she was here to win once again to win 500k to make a better life for her kid and gameplay was mediocre at best but a least she didn’t always use her kid as an excuse for a selling point to stay longer and you could almost say the same thing for James which you wanted to backdoored and he actually didn’t betray you you betrayed him first face it paulie you got outplayed didn’t you say something to Frank between the lines of stop campaigning you’re going home I think it’s about time you follow your own advise .
…I would agree to keep paulie if and only as long as he shuts the hell up. Seriously anybody taking paulie to final 2 has it in the bag, $500,000 in their pocket.
pulie got to go talking about punch somebody in the face he got to go before it get out of hand he should not be in here to Thursday proudiction should do something now
Paulie previously admitted he would be fine with being evicted by someone actually having better strategy than his own. He is too burned by his alliance with paul to man up and admit he was outplayed.
Paulie is scared to spend 5 weeks with the bunny boiler, Z. That’s why he doesn’t want to go to jury. He has no reason to pretend he likes her in jury but doesn’t dare tell her while they are locked in together.
Paulie’s going home type thing.
Holy Shit! Paulie is now threatening to “crack” someone in the face this week if he thinks he’s getting played? This is turning volatile….hope security is on high alert ( and I don’t mean just Paul in his secret service mode)…. this guy is turning from annoying narcissist to scary sociopath….making Willie Hantz and Russell look like butterflies!
Who are we voting for CoHOH? Victor or Paul? And how do we see who is leading?
I am voting for Victor for co-HOH and Paul next week for bribe. As far as I can tell, Michelle is in the lead this week for the ACP.
Where on CBS.com does it show who is leading for ACP4? Am I correct that the poll on this site is not the official one?
Voting for Victor this week
I don’t know but I went to CBS to vote for Victor and their ad is Paulie’s big ugly face out front of everyone. So maybe Paulie is their favorite.
BB needs to be very careful about the mental state Paulie is displacing.This young man does need help
Paulie IS getting the help,he needs. It’s called a reality check!
If Paulie has such a problem with Claustrophobia, then why didn’t he freak out going through the tunnel to the Paris room?
Or when he got under the bed with Natalie.
…or hide in that tiny space under the mattress. An individual with claustrophobia would never attempt such a feat.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that I wish Andy was back in the house.
3 things:
1. Simon or Dawg: why is the default name in the Reply box “CoughChokeBullShit”?
2. EVERYONE: You have got to see this GIF of Paulie and Corey!!!
Regarding the default name – it has been removed. Not sure what happened, but glad you resolved it!
Computers are magic. The name thing is some computer goof either mislabeling or not clearing the field. I’ve had a variety of names pop up and I’ve seen some people mention they had Simon or Dawg as the name in the field.
I just love how desperate he is coming off. He has the look of Defeat like Frank did when he figured out there was nothing he could do. This fool still thinks he has a chance to stay.
So and so has cancer, I wont stay in the jury house I will go home” From the sympathy card to the threats. Little shithead Bye Bye. Have fun in the jury house with your girlfriend all over you talking about “why why and why” hahahaha.
Step off Paulie.
Paulie has embarrassed himself, his family, his state, his fellow Italian-Americans, his gender, and if that weren’t enough, he’s gotta blame his “sharp tongue” on being a Scorpio???? Dude, you’re an a$$hole, plain and simple. And you’ve only got yourself to blame!
Vic and Paul better poach Corey off and quick! With Vic out of the HOH it’ll be crucial to have another strong ally to help win any comps this week. I’m ready for the Nat & James (fake) love story to end after Paulie’s dramatically explosive exit.
Sorry but Corey is practically useless. Wouldn’t do them any good
So happy to see the tables turn on Paulie, wish it had happened much sooner. I just know that because so many people are happy he’s going that he’s going to have the round trip. But wow this guy completely lost his mind. I wish we could see some commentary from some of the non jury houseguests.
I wish he did have the round ticket and then they told him that was his penalty for not making the pies when he was supposed to. Now he can’t use the ticket. That would be funny!!!
If you want to see something exciting then you should definitely be voting for Victor to win this care package!!
DR call this whacko Paulie in ASAP! Then make him disappear. He should be disqualified immediately. What do they do…..give him a knife for his pie baking. Omg
Just think, if Paulie does have the ticket to get back into the house then he will be right back on the block if he doesn’t win HOH & we give the co-hoh to Victor. But if Paulie wins HOH then Victor can still nominate Corey or Nicole!! VOTE FOR VIC
3 MORE days…..(more if Paulie gets RT or Jury buy back)..and I swear I’ve aged since Thursday!!! Paulie just exhausts a person…that includes me because I have the live feeds. He really is the lowest of the low.
I can’t believe I was surprised (shocked) at paulie cornering Paul during his Secret Service operation..(LOL)
or when someone needs to use the toilet…there’s just no let up.
He’s like the Tasmanian devil cartoon…going cray cray.
He makes Vanessa look as cool as a cucumber…Dan Gheeling a choir boy.
What I can’t fathom is this. Has he NO fekkin idea of what he looks like to the outside world? To his Family?
Has he no pride at all? His begging…to Victor..was so uncomfortable..from the point of view that it was so opposite of the macho strutting bantam cock attitude that we’ve seen.
His cocky * CLIP ‘EM’S every 2 days.
He cannot live with the fact that he’s in this position. He just CAN’T. It’s eating him alive..and there is absolutely no sanity left.
His mindset..from the get go was..*I’ve got this*. I’m the best that ever lived. Derrick will be in awe.*
And..it was easy street for him..( and Nic..Corey) for a (too) long time. Which is making it harder for him to grasp that..ummm..yeah..he IS A LOSER!
Not only that…think about this. On top of everything…after begging..cajoloing…mental issues..dying aunt..or Grandmother..(he’s so gung ho on convincing anyone..he’s forgotten who is ill)..and been thrown over by his ex…making deals..threating physical violence….NONE OF IT HAS WORKED!
Fail lfail..fail…fail….fail…
And..to top it all off…even if he comes back…it will be an uphill battle.
And…you may be sure..production will have the returnee safe for the week ( Jury Buy back AFTER HOH competition)…and then it will be the comp of days..things in the house that Paulie has been saying he has down pat.
I know CBS wants the ratings for the drama…and I do get that…but they are punishing us if that happens.
UNLESS…(praying)..Paulie gets evicted twice. What a divine irony if paulie is evicted twice…loses.
Victor evicted..comes back and wins the whole shebang. Great season in my mind if that happens.
Although I am now Paul’s fan..big time.
I only hope I have some sanity left by the time this saga ends 🙂
1) Paulie gets evicted
2) Paule Has Round Trip Ticket
3) CBS removes Paulie from the game for his behavior ad threatening other players
4) Buy Back on Friday…..Brig wins
One can only hope!
Simon and Dawg,
Thanks for all the you guys do!! Very much appreciated!
Well I would hope you would have aged since last Thursday. LOL
Smile…..True…BUT it has not been a NORMAL ageing. I’m sure I have developed a tic…and my left arm shows gnawing marks where I have been chewing through it:)…not to mention a lockjaw effect everytime The Grandmother’s Aunt..or the Aunt’s grandmother is mentioned. My hope is that paulie developes laryngitis for the next few days. Type thing.
Paulie is showing the same type of personality as someone running for President. A lot of similar characteristics.
Yes, he does lie a lot and I would imagine he takes bribes from foreign governments through his charitable foundation and has his own private email server at home. And he looks amazing in a pastel pants suit!
Vote for Vic please. You get 20 votes every day I believe. I voted yesterday and it let me vote again today. Michelle can easily be swayed if Corey or Nicole maybe even Paulie wins hoh. Then Vic Paul and nat are screwed. Vote victor !
I almost wanted to vote for Michelle just to piss Nicole off since she’s hanging out with her & then saying to Corey how she doesn’t want Michelle to get the cp. But I think you are right, Vic can be trusted with the power & he can’t play in HOH so he got my votes!
OMG now he is going to punch people! I find his delusional antics funny but come on big brother time to take this fool out of the house if he is threatening violence.
Well, now CBS is on notice. If he does, they are triple liable.
Real nice Pauline. You feel like a real man now that you talked about punching people in the face. Thanks goodness your ex woke up and left you.
Nicole and Corey’s conversation are so bland and they never talk about future plans together. They don’t have chemistry and they don’t have anything in common. Her conversations with Vic are more depth and intriguing because they are both smart. Victor ask questions and really wants to know more about her on personal level. There is always awkward silence between Nicole and Corey because Corey can’t carry a conversation that doesn’t involve baseball, his bros and partying. Nicole wants to settle down and Corey wants to have his fun. There friendship is not going to end well.
Simon or Dawg
Should the photo of Paul and Bridgette not read Paul and Meech?
Worst case scenario, Paulie stays. His side wins hoh. Michelle gets care package and flips to their side!!! Vote for Vic he can put up someone from their side and they have the numbers.
I would love to see Paulina try to fight any of the other guys left in the house on the opposite side. He would get his ass kicked by any one of them.
Biggest pu**y there has ever been on BB.
If Paulie is stupid enough to take a swing at someone, I can say that between Paul and Victor, they would take his ass down so fast, he wouldn’t know what hit him. Plus James worked in a prison and I am sure he has some experience with idiots trying to take out someone. And Meech would pile on for good measure, just because she can.
Corey would wave his arms around yelling Honestly, this isn’t what I signed up for!
Would someone please make Paulie sit on the “naughty step” and do not allow him to move or speak until he goes out the door on Thurs.
pulie thought they do what he say then at the end give him the money in hang out in be friends
I whould of hate that I be like will somebody fight to win the game too don’t just hand over the game to him
like that im glad with victor nom this show me that victor is playing to win he not playing to hand the money over
but in my opionion im voting for michell to get the next care packages to see the look on Nicole face when she gets its I hope natille wins hoh in michell wins America care packages 4 men that be great
Paulie, a Pro athlete who’s threatening to physically injure someone because they will make fun of him or call him out on his bullcrap. Says he will “crack”, I mean, all this time I thought he was on it or beyond “cracked”. You mean to tell me there is more psychosis in Paulie than what he’s shown already? Dis gon be gud.
Im sending all votes for vic for co-hoh! Michelle is a loose cannon and buddy buddy with nicole again…I want vic to go far if not win it all! Paulie’s game is over and his pumpas a** deserves to go right to jury but Im pretty sure there will be a jury buy back or reset of week due to no rt ticket being played! I wld rather see brig come back and her and vic go final 2!!! We all know its more likely this fool paulie will come back in and annoy us all with his arrogant, entitled, narsasistic attitude of ohhh me i deserve 500k cuz derrick coached my sorry a** and I was breed for big brother! I love how he can dish it out but cant take it… saying if he tries to stay and they come at him and attack him with his words hes going to punch a guy in the face cuz he dont care!!! Plz do paulie so we can see you bypass jury and any money and go straight back to mommy n daddys house in keep living in their basement…
I almost want to see Meech get the care package just to send Nicole over the deep end
On BBAD Paul was chasing Paulie around the house for a Red Alert. Paulie ran into a room and then gave up so he could plead with Paulie. He said , ” It’s on my Grandma’s, I mean it’s on my Aunt whose dying of cancer, on her life….. ” He’s having a little trouble keeping the lies straight. He’s never mentioned this aunt or the ex until a few days ago. He’s been bragging about how much money he has, homes and businesses he owns. I thought he was a rich guy.
Cody claims people that speak the truth about Paulie are “haters” Umm no douche nozzle brother #2 we just are commenting on your epic failure brother who claims “you can’t beat me I was bred for this” dudes getting his ass kicked in the game and people are commenting. Nothing to “hate” Laugh at yes. “Hate” no.
Cody says he has no doubt Paulie has the RoundTrip Ticket. Ok. So if he does..you don’t know that douche bag but let’s say he does and walks right back in. He still has whole house against him and will be sent packing for good shortly after.
Be careful what you wish for Douche Nozzle Cody. Be best Paulie stays out Thursday. He has exposed you and your family enough as total morons.
Tell your moron father we all said hello.
are they still using the one way/round trip cards?
Paulie keeps saying he can not take being confined in the jury house for five weeks because he is claustrophobic. But isn’t the jury house more open, yes you can not leave the property, but there is no giant wall surrounding the house. At least that is how I remember the jury houses in the past what 17 season’s.
I think he is just a coward who does not want to have to face Da or Z. He knows they are going to rip him a new one and he does not to have to deal with it.
And to use his Aunt, and use cancer, that is just plain low. He know full well cancer is a hot button for most, we all have had it touch our lives in one way or another. It is just sickening when I think how in the beginning I wanted this punk ass to win.
Oh Thursday is going to be so much fun..they better show the jury house the following week.
Where’s all the hundreds of people that were saying the show was rigged for Paulie to win just a couple of weeks ago?
I don’t buy into the whole rigging thing, although it has appeared on occasion that CBS has smiled on various houseguests. But even if the network wanted a particular someone to win, if that HG goes rogue, all bets are off. And Paulie has definitely gone rogue. Dude is halfway up the yellow brick road without his ruby slippers.
I’m right here, “Me”
Paulie is still in the house after acting like he’s “CRAZY AS HELL”. I still say BB is favoring him to win. How many pies have he baked as his punishment?( I’ll wait) The votes are still to be determined and if he have the return ticket, it’s rigged. He has got away with too much. I will not be convinced until he is evicted on Thursday, don’t have the return ticket, and can’t come back no more, no more , no more, no more!!!!
Did Paulie stop making the pies?
James will be DELETED!!! DELETE!! DELETE!!
(Sorry to the non-wrestling fans.)
Wow, All of this Nonsense spewing from Paulie’s crazy ass lips is just too much for him to keep track of now.
I would love it if they all told him they were voting to keep him and then they blindsided him and sent him home just to be even more cruel to him for all the lies that he has been spinning this week.
Do I believe his aunt has Cancer – NO !
Do I believe his Ex left him for coming on this show – NO !
Do I believe he is seeing a psychiatrist – NO !
What I do believe is, that he can’t handle losing to a girl – any girl !!!
I think when Nat called him out in the HoH the other night in front of everyone, on all his BS, he has never had another woman do that to him before in a group setting. He couldn’t BULLY someone ONE on ONE and tell a story to others with out it being a lie. The truth was finally out. The rage is eating him up and his boys are not there to back him up. It’s him all alone. – So he now has to go to a JURY HOUSE full of WOMEN – STRONG WOMEN !!! Who hate him. No wonder he is scared. Bridgette put the plan in motion with Nat, so naturally she will be happy to see him walk through that door. I am sure Bridgette has already filled Da and Z in on what has happened. When Paulie walks through those doors those 3 will have a field day with him for a first few hours until they need to say what needs to to be said then it will be the usual Jury House.
But Paulie Is a wimp we have all seen it these last 3-4 days. Can’t take the heat. He thinks he will have to defend himself for 5 weeks in the Jury House. LMAO He is so wrong with that. Maybe he will have to defend himself for a few hours with Bridgette and Da and maybe Zak but usually Jury House is a Vacation compared to playing the game.
I just hope he gets booed back to Jersey.
P.S. – Tell me – What pro athlete needs money?? ~~~~ Not Paulie !!!!
Yes! So well said!
Don’t have feeds but I recorded last night’s BBAD and watching it now- not gonna lie it made me lol. Paul doing his security thing is hilarious. Then when he’s already winded, they start running from him. He pulled a “bag of dope” off Nicole. Vic hiding from him. Even Paulie joining in – then as I’m typing this it gets to the point where during the “arrest” and Paul still trying to clear all security breaches, Paulie starts making his pitch AGAIN & begging – I’m like wth!! Right in the middle of a good laugh he ruins it lol
Had Paulie brought up this ain’t before he went on the block this week?
That’s what no one seems to be bringing up. He spent this ENTIRE game not mentioning that his Aunt or Grandmother, he can’t seem to remember which, is dying of cancer.
He NEVER breathed a word of this throughout the whole game to anyone despite having such a close relationship with Paul or Corey? That is very odd. #Sketch Another thing that I noticed is how the feeds were being cut by production anytime anything came up about Paulie’s rants about giving up his stipend, refusing to do his punishment, not going to jury etc. This, and the fact that Michelle was trying to piece together his stories about having a one night stand with some girl in February in Vegas and trying to establish a timeline about his ex. She knows, that the stories are fishy and the dates aren’t lining up. He isn’t telling the truth.
Whenever a house guest talks about the stipend or other production things they tend to cut and tell them knock it off. They also tend to cut when talking about people and mention names.
Has anybody ever not gone to jury in the past? If so, what did they do since they would have an even number voting? Thanks
America is the other vote.
When Paulie was called out on his game plays, he went from being a raging bull, to playing victim, to playing crazy, to playing for his dying Aunt( I hope that not true), to now wanting to hit one of the guys in the face, if they come at him wrong. His weak a$$ is not going to do anything, because he would have done it when Victor first put him up. Now he want to act like MR. BAD A$$, but before then was crying lIke a BIG A$$ BABY. Soon he probably going to say he’s bipolar(nothing to joke about). I guess 500k is worth more to him than having class, dignity, respect, and being humble.
P.S. If Paulie has the round trip ticket, Julie Chen should rip it up in his face and tell him he can take his a$$ home now, he’s dismiss from BB. I know that’s not going to happen, but I really hope he’s not allow back in the house, if he does have it.
What happened to making apple pies? Did Paulie get Papal dispensation from Otev?
I mean I get that Paulie is upset but his recent actions of shedding light on his Dexter like mental illness, his claustrophobia, and now him threatening to punch people. Let’s be real, if there’s even remotely a chance that he truly is out of his F*CKING MIND… production needs to start stepping in or calling him to the diary room for some Xanax. (Wait, that won’t work because his body is just a natural fighter… brooooo) Anyway, at the very least someone needs to be chatting with him about how he’s acting because he won’t be welcome back and chances are none of Califiores will all because he’s a fucking head case.
Does anybody think maybe he’s trying for the producer’s to toss him……….remember Chima or whatever her name was?! Paulie throw your microphone in the pool and you’ll be out of there!
Nicole has played more of a game than Michele or Natalie. Super fan Michele hid behind an alliance all season- what has she contributed???and The only game Natalie has had is flirting with the guys and then whining about them after. She does whatever Jamesy tells her- even if it is against a so-called friend. She needs to go
What has Nicole done
She and corey have taken turns playing finger puppet
Palsy needs to get to the Jury house pronto so Mama Da can give him some much needed medicine. Like a smack upside the head.
Pathetic sore loser. No respect for others. No respect for women. Is he related to the orange man? Is he too scared to be with his girlfriend all day all night?
Paulie tells so many lies he should be wearing a pants suit.
Paulie reminds me of the guy who starts stalking is girl after she breaks up with him and then kills her when she begins to trust him again just to get even with her.
Paulie reminds me of the guy who starts stalking his xgirlfriend after she breaks up with him and then kills her when she still refuses to get back with him.
Pathetic sore loser. No respect for others. No respect for women. Is he related to the orange man? Is he worried of suffocating from Z all day all night for 5 huuuuuge looooooong weeks?
Maybe he can delete all these posts when he gets out of the house. Does anyone have experience erasing computer files?
I am not sure if Paulie has a aunt dying of cancer or not, but I AM sure she problem is fighting it with more grace and class than her nephew is fighting in this game! My opinion is Punk ass Paulie is using a page out of Dan’s playbook. It was classless then and it is classless know! Man this is a tv reality show, no ones life is on the line. For you to make such a spectacle of yourself and sell your self respect for the chance of winning 500,000 is just about the saddest thing I have ever seen. The Evil Dicks and Dan G.’s had one thing going for them that Paulie does not, like ability! Paulie has been an over bearing douche bag from day one! This guy went from saying he was built for this game ( which is sad in itself) to he has been having to wear masks! In closing I just want to say that Paulie needs to turn in his man card! Momma C. and the rest of Calafiore clan should be hiding in shame.
Wow Paulie is out of control….I am starting to feel like the guy has mental issues maybe he’s bipolar out of all the people in there I thought he had a big ego but wasn’t crazy! Of course these people are nasty this season…leave the guy alone(esp Paul) he’s leaving on Thursday no need to be jerks to him esp if he can’t handle it which is what it seems lately….I am appalled at how mean these people are and this is putting the game aside!
Paulie is prob scared that the PG test is poz and he cant face his new baby mama Z and her evil step sister Da’vonne in that jury house . That or he misses making out with his dad and needs to rush home for some good ole family lovin’ the Jersey way . Paulie if Jersey girls are so awful what about you mama isn’t she a Jersey girl ?plus that sister of yours too !
PAULIE … you have tried the Cody/Derrick game, tried the crying Vanessa game, tried the dying relative Dan game …. now it is time for your Audrey game imitation …. drape yourself in the blanket of shame, hide out alone in a dark room, and shut the hell up until you are evicted.
Paulie’s sociopathy causes him to see people as object for his pleasure/use (thus the programmed comments – they are toys for him to program to his liking).
He wants them to worship him.
He bragged about stuff that I just couldn’t completely believe, and he has no moral compass to tell him that using a dying Aunt as an excuse for his behavior and a reason to give him the money is unacceptable (if true or evern if it is not).
He wants them to do exactly what he says and he turns into a fit throwing little child when that doesn’t happen.
He gets angry if women (who he believes are not toys but trash to discard) speak.
He is a messed up human being and I have to wonder, did he learn that behavior? Does he always throw fits at home to get his way and has always been cattered to from his parents?
Was he just born a sociopath?
I feel for him because he will always have a messy life. He can’t sympathize with others because they are not human to him so he will never have successful relationships except with shallow people who just use him to party. But they too will get tired of his sociopathic tendencies and move on.
And sadly, there is no drug or cure for a sociopath.
With him escalating to the threats of violence, I do fear for the girls in the house (especially Nat).
His family needs to quit pampering and coddling him and show some love and concern and try to get him some help.
I for one can not stand to hear him. I love to watch the BB game, but watching him stresses me out. I can understand how Nat is feeling by being by herself and trying to decompress, but she did sort of blow things out of porportion to get James to make a move (and that was the only reason she started it in the first place). Regardless, no normal person would have reacted so over the top barely under control the way he did. But he had been crossing the line with comments about the women for a while. No matter what anyone thought about Tiff, she didn’t deserve to be treated the way she was. No one does. I don’t want to hate on him, it’s his behavior that is unacceptable and children don’t just come up with such a hate for women for no reason. He definately needs some help. Having recently lost a son,I know that Paulie is still someones child and they love him. If he really does have mental issues and not just a spoiled little brat, I know as a parent, it would hurt to hear so much hate on him even though you know he has problems.
With that being said, Paulie needs to go and he needs to go before Thursday.
I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I cant imagine that pain you must feel. Just know you have a little old lady in Texas whose thoughts and prayers go out to you.
I whole heartedly agree with your assessment. I know I cringe when I think about Paulies degrading, strong tone and verbal abuse conversation with Z in the safari room AND Paris room. Neither made the show. His convo with Natalie in HOH sort of did make the show, but even how he stared down and tried to intimidate Bridgette was left out. He is probably the difficult child of the family who throws fits to get what he wants. Did you see Victor have none of it yesterday under the awning. Good job Victor. I just hope Paulies dad gets his Tony Soprano wannabe son an appointment with Dr. Malfi when he gets home.
I just can’t feel sorry for Paulie. Those of us who have suffered ACTUALLY seeing a loved one (my dad last year) succumb to cancer would NEVER dream of exploiting it for personal gain.
You left out the one early on where Paulie went off on Tiffany so bad that BB went to fish until it was over.
I think Paulie doesn’t want to go to jury because it’s full of women who are mad at him. Da, Brittany and Z. They’ve had a week to talk and I bet he was/is their #1 topic.
how does it feel? y’all come in here every day beating up on a man you don’t really know playing a game for $500k while crying about him being a bully. does it make you feel good?
ummmmmm let me think. YES, Yes it does. He put himself in the spotlight, can’t complain the light is to bright or to hot.
What people are saying is Paulie is a sore loser. The HG’s have been tame than the taunts Paulie gave to his prey. People will not sit back and dismiss his mistreatment abusive behaviour against women, especially love sick Z. I feel sorry for her! When you sign up for a reality show you have to be prepared for criticism like an actor, journalist, politician. If he would have played without the egomania/hypocrisy the fans would be singing his praise. Unfortunately Paulie will go down infamously in the BB history.
I suspect Paulie is more concerned with walking into the jury house with three women. One he disrespected in the worst possible way and one he gloated about getting her out while telling her how if she would have just kept her mouth shut he would have protected her. Well, he told both that he was in charge and determined who went and who stayed.
Now he will be walking in evicted and they will know he was just full of hot air and will look down on him. I can see that being his biggest issue.
How does Paulie get away with openly defying Production? That chick Chima got thrown off the show when she threw her microphone in the pool. Paulie didn’t make all the pies when told so his ass should be out the door.
so now we see what friday’s special episode is going to be about, this concert.
so big sighs of relief, not a jury back episode.
now just fingers crossed about the round trip ticket.
Paulie to each person: I’m not going to campaign against Corey, but keeping me is good for you game, I won’t come after you. I just can’t campaign against my bro! I’m the only one who can beat Vic and I’ll do whatever you want me to, but I can’t campaign against my bestest buddy Corey. I’m a game piece you can do anything with though. I just can’t stand the thought of campaigning against my soul mate Corey…
Everyone in the house: He’s so full of crap it’s oozing out his ears.
I have no clue if it has anything to do with the Friday episode, but Victor just came out commenting something about Carnival, prizes, and a Marley Concert. No clue if its Bob or a sibling. didn’t catch it all. Doesn’t really make sense they would air a special music episode. The concert may be real, but seems it would at least be edited for TV. Even if its true.
So, there may not be a Jury Buy back. no idea.
Unfortunately, Paulie’s second HOH letter on the CBS site, posted in July, mentions his aunt.????
It’s weird reading that post given his current situation and erratic behavior. He sounded so normal before.
(Somebody might have to eat that fuzzy tic tac they mentioned …)
I thought he said he had a Scorpio tongue? He must have said he has a speedo tongue. Something to catch the stupid shit that comes out of his ass-mouth. Dude seriously said he is just trying to honor his dying aunt if she has not already passed. If she is still alive she can say she is proud of him one more time??? Dude must watch daytime soaps if he thinks that sounds believable. The whole family gathered around holding her hand and comforting her, she squeezes Cody’s hand (beep, beep, beep beep) “Cody, Cody is that you Cody?” “I can’t see you” (beep, beep, beep, beep, beep) “Yes auntie Em it is I” “Cody how is Paulie doing on……..on BB?” (beep, beep, beep, beep) “He made it Auntie Em he convinced them to keep him another week!” ” Thank goodness” (cough, cough cough) “Tell him……………..Tell him how proud I am of him Cody pro…..promi…..promise me” “I will Auntie Em, I will. (BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP) Pauile’s dad ” Hey do we get WiFi here? I am not getting a signal”
Threatening others by bodily harm should be an automatic disqualification. Paulie shouldn’t be in jury at all or even in the house for that matter. This guy has gone way, way, way off the deep end with NO possible way of redeeming himself! Send Frank to the jury instead. At least he wanted to play the game.
Hey their going to the Orange County fair in Costa Mesa California. Concert is sold out and I couldn’t get tickets!! Everybody lights up at the concert and even if your not smoking your inhaling. So paulie’s aunt us dying but he’s gonna go party at the concert and get high. If she’s close to dying why doesn’t he hit the button and self evict. I’m sure they will show him singing and dancing at the concert this week on the show. F ing loser!!
I really cannot believe some of the comments on here. People are supporting “the 5” like they are these amazing people. They aren’t. Natalie and Michelle are mean. They say things about Nicole when they are even cattier. James was one of my favorites but not anymore. Paul is a vicious snake. I can’t wait for people to look back at this season. They are antagonizing Paulie. He clearly is not stable right now.
Have we ever seen any likable people on this show?? In all the seasons of BB?? Not really (except maybe Donny and a couple more). You have to be a snake to get on the show. And to win the show, you have to be a sneaky snake.
He sure was stable when he was running the house and when Michelle was crying after being nominated while he laughed.
Paulie antagonized quite a few folks when he was in charge. Yes, Michelle was a mean spirited girl but Natalie is responding to Nicole’s duplicity and talking about her. Paul has been around the bend and is celebrating a bit as is Victor. We’ll see how arrogant he gets in the next couple weeks. James like always is just occupying space.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Paulie could torture Natalie & he certainly humiliated & used Z. He can give it but can’t take it.
And I don’t believe there is an Aunt cancer. Why did he wait until now to mention her? Hmmmmmmm
I don’t think any of these HGS are amazing players. I gave all of them credit when credit was due for their game plays, even Paulie. I just think Paulie took things too far. Now he’s saying that his Aunt may die before he leaves the BB house and jury. How can anyone respect that kind of game play? Not me….SMH
I youtubed some of the Derrick’s interviews and he seems to think that Paulie’s game went wrong by winning to many comps and mentioning his name too much. My first thought was really? No, Paulie’s bad game had nothing to do with winning too many comps or mentioning derricks name.
Regarding Paulie telling other houseguests about consulting with Derrick before the season, Derrick said the following.
“I don’t know why he did this… I’ll ask him when he gets out… It doesn’t make any sense. I think he was doing it as a way of kind of bragging and validating himself as far as being a game player … but it was a wrong approach because he mentioned it so often, it actually made him a bigger threat.”
Derrick said he didn’t watch too much of the show. He watched the DE, but he is working and out of town right now so he doesn’t have time to watch. I don’t think he knows everything Paulie is doing. He did say out of respect for Cody and his family he wasn’t going to comment too much.
Concert means no feeds until late and no after dark tonight.
I hope to god that Paulie gets voted out this week and does NOT have the return ticket.
A lot of people are complaining about how Paulie is getting away with not baking pies. He’s not. He will get a penalty vote on Thursday. That’s the rule.
start of fish….prediction
nat flirts with victor or paul tonite!
games to upset james more….
she is not serious about him at all…it all a play for us!
Paulie we were ride or die but when I asked for some water to swim in to play my game. All you would do was piss in my kiddie pool. Well quack you man you are on your on now. So don’t be squawking things up talking about loyalty and fake promises when we all know you want to roast me like a sitting duck.
Natilie wants to turn Nicole against Corey and plant a seed he’s flirting with her and using her. Just like she did with Z. That girl is a piece of work. She is fake just like Paulie said. The only reason she spilled the bean to James about Paulie flirting with her was because Zakiyah was going home and James was turning his back against her. I bet she’s is faking her neck injury just so she can create a riff between Nicole and Corey. Corey is always cracking people’s backs and necks. She’s going to pretend she’s hurt so Corey can crack her neck. Then she’s going use it as if he was flirting with her. Just so she can turn Nicole against Corey. She’s very manipulative. I’m calling it, I see right through that girl. I dont even like Nicole but that girl is playing dirty. Nicole is annoying as fuck. I just hate how everyone thinks Natilie is real and genuinely nice but in reality she’s always aware the camera is on unlike the rest who aren’t filtered. Of so course she’s going to be pretend she’s a nice person. Everything out of her mouth is comtrived.
Nat the rat or Ratalie lmfao!!!!!!!!!! I think Nicole got the bug spray for a reason to protect herself from Nat Nat. She’s so conniving and nobody sees it. She’s manipulated James and got him under a spell. I don’t blame him but come on this a guy is being used. She only shows affection when she needs something or when James gets sketched by and pulls away. She’s going to drop him a couple months after the show just so she looks good.
and I’m loving every minute of it
Men have been way worst crap on every season of bb and really what is said is, “stupid girl”. But when a women does this it’s so horrible. If it’s her game than go nat go!!! If the girls left she is my pick to win.
Thank you for seeing exactly what I see about Natalie. I hate that she is always talking to America and it makes her look so inauthentic and contrived. She is always getting her feelings hurt over stuff that has nothing to do with her. One night they were talking about a man who they know who throws a big brother after party and spends like $10,000 throwing money into the crowd. Natalie started whining saying that that talking about that doesn’t make her feel good about herself. She whined to Vic to let her win the HOH and then she whined when she was knocked out of the veto competition. on my feeds recently she got upset with James just for talking to Cory about going to party with him in Texas. I really think any future guy in her life is in for a lot of work to help her feel better about herself.
I meant contrived lol
please please Paulie do NOT self evict I want, no need to watch you get you stupid butt voted out of the house and I need to hear you try to explain to Julie what the hell you were thinking.
Here’s how I think Thursday will go…
Julie- by a vote of 5-0 Paulie you have been evicted.
Paulie- no it can’t be. I was bred for this!!
He refuses to go out the door and security come in having to carry him out kicking and screaming like a 5 year old!
My thoughts. .. I think CBS is treading lightly with this deehay. Notice how they made the 1st half of last nights show about his fall from Grace?? Now they are sending them to a concert?? Hmmm could be the perfect opportunity to change out his RT ticket since they now see there could be a liability here…idk if any of you have seen the show “Unreal” on lifetime, but right now, the bigger the train wreck, the higher the ratings…I mean look at us, not a single post is anyone BUT Pauline! I think they are milking this for all they can, but at the same time keeping their hands on the eject button just in case. That’s why he keeps getting called to DR to try & placate him enough to make it to Thursday. ..
I love when we get upset w people for talking shit on the show to.their closest friend as if that’s new to society ot something. In a house full.of of insecurity and crazy people who r u suppose to vent to?
I think its best to give the care package to corey, so it will eliminate a vote from that side since hoh cannot vote. Put nicole up and its bye bye…..
I think its best to give the care package to corey, so it will eliminate a vote from that side since hoh cannot vote. Put nicole up and its bye bye…..
Am I the only one finding James completely annoying this season?! He can’t think for himself and is totally being played by Natalie!! “In Texas we stick by our women…” like really?! Why don’t you just hand your balls to her? Gosh, neither of them better not win AFP because they don’t deserve it. Natalie is fake like the things on her chest and James is just pathetic!
It’s really hard to watch James eat. He eats like a fucking cave man!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees through Natilie’s fakeness. I don’t want her to win Americas favorite player, she doesn’t deserve it. I would give it to Dayvone or someone else who doesn’t rely on her looks to get things in life. She’s always saying I’m a nice girl but there is no reason to say it unless you trying prove something you are not. It’s almost like she’s taunting the viewers with a bunch crap. She’s doesn’t deserve all the love she’s getting from viewers because she’s used her looks and flirting and whinnying to get where’s she’s at by attaching herself to James who had a lot of strong alliance. Another thing that irritates me is she could’ve told Zaykiah a long time ago about Paulie Flirting but she didn’t because she liked the attention. Every guy in the house she flirted with and sometimes she crossed the line. She jumped into Corey’s bed and tried flirting with him when she knew very well he was with Nicole James already had feeling for her at the time. Natilie rubbed Paulies leg and knew he was with Zakiyah and the only reason she used the uncomfortable flirting was because James told her he was talking crap about her. She got even like she did with Victor. Paulie was in the wrong about the ft comments but her sole purpose was to destroy his reputation because he so easy to piss off. She’s a very jealous driven person and hates Nicole because the guys give her a lot of attention. She doesn’t talk shit about the boys as much as she does about Nicole. The boys were calling Fts right in front of her and James even knew about it but Nicole is way worse in her eyes. She’s attaching Nicole she’s jealous of her and Corey. I don’t why, he’s not even cute. Girls can be so petty. Instead of destroying the girls they should working together since there on three left.
i agree with you 100%! she waited on purpose to tell James to cause a rift in his alliance. She knew James was in one and she totally used Paulie flirting with her on purpose. I saw what Paulie said to her and it seemed like an innocent joke but of course its OK for her to flirt with other guys and its OK for her not to confront Paulie that his flirting was making her uncomfortable. Complete double standard with her. She is the HG that annoys me the most (next to James). I’d rather give Meech the AFP vote than either her and James. James will go home and watch how Nat played him but it’s OK because he’s going to stick by his girl while she’s out partying with some other guys.
I reasonably sure Paulie doesn’t have the Round Trip Ticket. And I think he knows it too. OTherwise he wouldn’t be putting on this show. He would be trying to strategize and make deals but not flipping out like this.
I also think that since they have the extra episode this Friday and as the HGs pointed hout, they haven’t swapped out the table yet, that someone is coming back either way. Pretty sure there will be one more Double eviction before the finale as well, so they need another body for that.
At this point Paulie is Dead Man Walking. I would be amazed if CBS would even want him to come back in. Between his behavior with the other HGs, not making his pies (although he and Zakiyah may have a bun in the oven) etc., he’s bad for the BB brand and sponsors.
I’m torn on whether I want Paul or Victor to win. Paul has definitely played an amazing strategic and social game, and can win comps when needed. He can be silly and ridiculous, but knows when to tone it down.
Vic is a comp beast.. and it would be fun to have someone who was evicted and came back in win.
I’m voting Vic for the co-HOH care package. I want Nicole out next week. Once that happens, don’t even worry about Corey. That’s when you “clip” Jamesy.
Until Paulie starts singing “Is this Real…”
Bridge should get afp, she took one for the team!
Earlier, after finding out he was not coming off the block, Paulie wanted everyone to open their envelopes with him. They should have done it. This was the last week for it anyway, and if he did have the round ticket it would have been VOIDED. Come on people, think!! Now we have to sit and wait with baited breath to find out if this asshole is coming right back in the game.
Why does everyone think there is gonna be a jury buy back? It’s not gonna happen.
Where does the term “buy back” come from?
Bridge for afp, she took one for the team!
Bridgette sucks!
Paulie and his T-Rex arms can’t slug anything.
can someone explain to me how someone who claims to have claustrophobia could survive in the BB house esp. with all those people? It would certainly be a bigger issue than being in the jury house.
Paul biggest problem is he’s the fakest thing in that house and doesn’t even know it.
Hey, if the feeds are still down maybe…..wait for it…..Paulie finally went “round the bend” and started swinging and they’re removing him from the house? Nah, no such luck.
The feeds are prolly out cause it the concert… No? I saw a tweet about a Ziggy Marley concert. Can anybody confirm?
Typical Nicole, she get’s buzzed and she clings to Corey saying can we cuddle tonight……. Time for some finget action once again…… #GROSSMANCE
Ziggy Marley tonight at Pacific amphitheatre in Costa mesa, California. That’s where they might be. And why there’s no feeds.
I agree I wont make light of someone who is ill and what not. That being said, does anyone know if Paulie has talked about being in the house for his aunt to his best buddy at the time Paul? Or is this an aunt who happens to have cancer that now Paulie says hes playing the game for.
If there is no strategy left, use any strategy you can think of.
I’m sorry but I think he is lying his ass off about the dying aunt. One minute he is bragging like he doesn’t need the money. And now that the tables have been turned, he is trying to lie his way out of it. He hasn’t said one thing about this aunt until now. Each day he has a different story. Now he is saying she might not be alive when he gets out. He is a disgusting piece of shit if he is lying about this! The majority of us have family members who are fighting cancer right this moment and have died from cancer. This is disgusting. BB should send him home empty handed. He is garbage! I also think he is lying about the ex girlfriend he is so-say crying about. He is trying to save face because he knows he looks like an ass for treating Z the way he was treating her.
Paulie is the most selfish, hateful and evil spoiled person i have ever seen! I cringe every time he talks about his supposed aunt having cancer. Prayers going up for the family if it’s true because it’s not cool to lie about something like. I just found out today my mom has liver cancer, and she’s the first ever in my family to get it. I pray to God he will learn to be a much better person because that kid is wicked like Rhoda
Thumbs up if you’re JUST OVER Nat’s “Hurt Feelings”
Does anyone remember – didn’t there used to be food comps in older seasons? I don’t remember how many seasons but I thought I remembered teams having to play for their food for the week.
Not sure why Paulie keeps complaining that he was “screwed over”. He played with fire and got burned. He put himself in the position and got caught.