POV Holder: | Frankie | Next POV | Aug 16th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 18th |
HOH Winner 1: | FRANKIE | HOH Winner 2: | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Donny & Christine | Next HOH | Aug 21st |
Original Nominations: | |||
Final Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | Christine & Victoria | ||
POV Players | Cody, Caleb, Frankie, Victoria, Donny, Christine |
- Nicole was evicted from the House
- Derrick and Frankie won the last dual HOH’s of the season
- Derrick nominates Donny/Christine, Frankie nominates Caleb and Cody
- Christine is set to throw the BOB so they can get Donny out this week
- Donny wins the BOB competition on his own Gets safety for the week. Caleb and Cody are on the block
- The plan is to evict Victoria, POV players picked: Cody, Caleb, Frankie, Victoria, Donny, Christine
- POV started at 5pm
- Winner of the POV is Frankie
Frankie won the POV. Chrsinte’s Zing hurt
Frankie – You guys are secure in your marriage.
Christine – I don’t want my pastor to see that
She adds taht she can explain anything to Tim her parents and Pastor not as easy.
Derrick – I’m married and as a husband YOu have done Nothing offensive and COdy hasn’t done anything offensive
8:15pm Frankie and Zach
Frankie says Derrick is going to have to be the one to tell Victoria she’s going to be nominated.
Sounds like caleb was the right behind frnakie in the comp.
Zach volunteers to do it Frankie says NO
Frankie – You go a great tan I’m surprised you get so much sun living in your sisters shadow.. ZiNG
8:26pm Storage Room Frankie and Caleb
Frankie says he’s going to use the veto to save Caleb.. Caleb says Derrick and Cody are on board with Zach.
Caleb – If we do it it’ll tear the house up.. When you think about it Victoria is harmless..
Frankie – I know I know I want to make sure everyone is on board.
8:34pm FIREROOM Victoria and Cody
Victoria rubbing his back
I’m going to get boos when I walk out.. THey said I wasn’t playing the game..
Cody – I feel bad for her
Victoria – Hey it takes two.. SHe knows what is acceptable she knows.. she wouldn’t cross that line..
Derrick comes in they agree there’s no chance Frankie will use the veto on Cody over Caleb.
Derrick says there’s no way Cody was going to beat Frankie in the competition, Derrick was watching and his execution was flawless.
Derick – Donny was in the lead for a couple minutes.. Caleb finished second”
Caleb joins them.. “One day one of my comps will come up so I can beast mode through it”
Derrick – I’ve never seen more mental comps in a row
8:46pm FIREROOM Caleb, COdy and Derrick
Talking about the options is either Zach or Victoria goes home.
Caleb says after his conversations with Frankie he thinks he wants Zach gone.
Frankie comes in they talk about getting Zach nominated. Frankie says he’ll talk to Donny to prep him. Caleb and Cody mention Donny coming to them asking for alliances. Frankie tells them he’s fully down with getting Zach out it’s been on his mind all day. Frankie is searching for a word to describe what he’s going to do with Zach.. Not kill but…
Caleb and Frankie leave. Derrick says that is the couple they got to beat Frankie and Caleb. Derrick thinks they can do it they just need to win HOH next week.
Frankie comes back “I want to euthanize Zach” give him the slow drip.
Frankie leaves.. Derrick says Cody has Christine on lock. Cody Disagrees says Christine floats to who ever has the power this week she’ll be with Frankie.
They agree Frankie is a Beast in competitions this year he’s won a lot more than Donny.
Derrick – WE need to get DOnny out.. he’s going to go with Frankie.. “
Derrick – YOu have my word as a man you are not going home this week.
Derick says this week is in the bag next week they get Donny out followed by Christine and Victoria.
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8:51pm Bathroom Christine and Victoria
Victoria – Obviously nothing is out of the line you know your husband.
Christine – I’m such a touchy feely person and that is something time HAs had to get use to
Victoria says if Time had a problem he would have hinted it in the letter, “He Said how amazing you are”
Christine – He doesn’t even talk to girls.. I don’t want his to play into his insecurities
Christine – He’s my best friends in here I was just having fun.. Everything I do with Cody I do with Derrick.
Victoria says she can’t get upset Victoria would have said something if she saw something.
Victoria – If there was a little bit of doubt he would have said it in the HOH letter.
Christine – Zing me all you want but don’t bring my husband into it my family”
The new bomb squad – Caleb, Zach, Derrick, Frankie, Cody, Christine
“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
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Good God… is this season over yet?
I was so close to calling it. Hopefully Frankie doesn’t waste his hoh on Victoria.
Looks like they want to get rid of anyone that will potentially work with Donny, which is Zach. So, I hope that really get rid of Victoria. Derrick’s sole purpose to get rid of Donny is because Donny will win if final two. He know’s no one will vote for Cody/Victoria in the end so keep them on his leash. That’s a good strategy.
Team Donny Here
yeah, if he was really smart he would use it to put derrick up.
Victoria may be a waste of an HOH, but if Frankie was smart he would get rid of Victoria, to help cripple Derrick. Why would he keep Victoria in the game along with Cody when both of them are loyal to Derrick. Why would he get rid of Zach who is loyal to him? That is a dumb move on his part, because Derrick has two people in his pocket, Cody and Victoria, and Christine would turn on Frankie in a heart beat. Zach and Caleb are more loyal to Frankie than anyone in the house right now. I understand Vic is a waste of an HOH, but for Frankie’s future in the game it would be wiser for him to get rid of Cody or Vic this week.
Frankie wasted his last HOH if I’m not mistaken. He doesn’t make bold decisions.
Between Derrick’s mist and BMC’s b.o., no wonder Pinky cannot think straight. He should leave Zach alone.
#WildCard #FearTheBeard #ZachAttack
I’m realizing I just don’t care anymore and this is so different than “big brother sucks” 0r Frankie is a troll smurf.
I’m having more fun in my real life. Sorry they have to suck at theirs in the game. Hope they appreciate their life out of the game?
I appreciate all the thoughtful and interesting comments from people here!
And Simon & Dawg, you rock!
BB17…….I LOVE everything you just said.
Ha…my thoughts exactly. These boards are more fun to read then watch the feeds.
If Frankie were to do a HUGE move right now, like backdoor Derrick, this season could get great. Derrick and Cody on the block would be the best week of the season.
best week all season, for sure
come on production make it happen.
I think it’s fair to say, by a vote of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Derrick you have won Big Brother 16!
Nothing worse than all of these stupid comments of people saying how boring this season is or how they’re not going to watch the show anymore. Don’t like it, don’t watch. It’s that simple. There’s no need to announce it to people you don’t know. Every year people gripe about how awful the show is and feel the need to make a public statement about it….but truth be told they’re still watching like the rest of us. sigh
This season is 100 times better than last season.
it’s a forum to voice opinion. Why do you want to control what people say?? They could be bored but enjoy reading these and commenting. I, for one, stopped with live feeds because there were boring. I like reading and I’ll watch broadcast just to see what DR sessions… and the live show.
When you have only one person smart in house, controlling things, it is boring. You have to admit it’s nothing like several seasons back when the HG’s were smart and balance of power would constantly shift.
Yeah, sure, we still watch even though it is boring…Three times a week, my friends and I get together on BB nights to watch the show, share stories from the live feeds, and party. The parties this season leave a lot to be desired. There is a lot of “what if…’s”. Zingbot brought some fun and we are really hoping that Derrick “gets to steppin'” really soon. None of us like him although we all thought he started off with a good game. His egotistical attitude and nasty remarks have ruined his game.
These people are going all crazy over Kathy Griffin, Wow!
Do these people have the most understanding spouses in the world? I don’t think mine would be so understanding!
I wonder if Derricks wife would think it’s ‘not offensive’ if Derrick was rubbing on the same girl for weeks as Christine rubs on Cody?
Glad she got zinged…I can’t wait to hear what it was.
Maybe Christine was so against Amber and Britney because they were hotter and she wouldn’t be able to be acting like she does with Cody if they were there. All of these women have been ridiculous in one way or another. BB’s casting this season has kind of been an insult to woman. 🙂
Ratine was so jealous of Amber Brit and Nic. She was so glad to get rid of Amber and Brit and was happy to send Nic out because NoBallsCody was giving Nic more attention to Nic after Hayden left. Ratine doesn’t want her pastor to see Zingbot but I’m sure her whole church knows or has seen what she’s been doing with NoBallsCody. There’s even a YouTube of her…err…pleasuring herself.
If she feels bad now just wait until she gets out of the house.
OMG these house quests are so clueless, Christine has been all over Cody all game!!!! Cody has been all over every girl, it has been sickening to watch. Glad Zing Bot called them out. You get what you sew. And if Zack does go (I hope he doesn’t at this point) because he would go with Donny and whomever come back in and blow this game up. Come on big brother do something, we are running out of time to make this game interesting. Maybe as I have said before, they can bring two back and run a double evict to level the game. We can only hope at this time. Loving all the nervous talking around the table.
Christine said “Everything I do with Cody I do with Derrick.”
Uh…I don’t recall Christine ever cuddling with Derrick and running her fingers through his hair. She is in for a rude awakening when she rejoins reality.
I don’t remember Ratine ever jumping on top of Derprick or laying in bed next to him with her hands moving under the covers, etc etc etc
Even if she’s doing the same with Derrick that’s even worse! The more the merrier. Sorry it doesn’t justify it. Victoria was kind considering she has talked about it with Nicole and even the guys notice.
My husband would drive his hind end to that big brother house, stood near the backyard, and yelled for me to stop rubbing on the dude that sits down to pee!!
Thanks, I really needed a good laugh!
If my husband saw me pawing, hugging, rubbing, petting, and holding on to another man, and espcially if he saw on the feeds, me pleasuring myself even if it was undercover, he would ride to that house and jerk ME out of it completely! I mean, how stupid are these people? Don’t they realize that virtually every move they make is displayed for everyone in the world to SEE? Surely, even if they weren’t familiar with the game, someone should have TOLD THEM THAT! In my opinion, if you don’t know the game, you shouldn’t be chosen to play!
lol Christine is finally getting a wake up call, im happy the bitch is sad and humiliated
Now that christine realizes that she is being portrayed to be all over cody, let’s see if she will stop all her nonsense, and respect her husband and act like a respectful married woman.
They were in the fire room talking about it and Ratine jumps on the bed next to NoBallsCody and starts rubbing on him while she’s saying that was an unfair zing. The Ho has no clue.
Backdoor Derrick!!!
Sending Victoria home is a waste of your HOH,
although it does hurt Derricks game as well…
Yes! if Frankie puts Derrick up I might actually gain some respect for him.
Production won’t allow that to happen, because of someone coming back. I think they want to save Derrick and Frankie to see the looks on their faces when someone come back and hopefully try to get them out. Whoever comes back will be safe for the week, and hopefully Donny wins something next week HOH or POV and force them to take sides, because I don’t think Victoria will go home next week either
Good! I’m glad your Zings from Zingbot hurt you; and now you probably know how Donny feel after all the hurtful things you’ve said about him and other houseguests that were evicted! Do I feel sorry for you? Hell to the no!! That’s what you get for being a hurtful bitch…Bitch!!
BK48 — enjoy all of your posts!!!!!!
Thanks, Taylor, you’re too kind…hugz!
Perfectly said – thank you,
…and cue the “rigged” commentary…
anyways, I feel Derrick is a bigger threat to the game overall than Frankie, and would love for somehow, someway, Zach and Donny to convince Frankie to backdoor him.
Getting rid of Derrick would do more to shake things up than to get rid of Frankie at this point. Cody and Victoria’s lifeline would be gone, and new alliances could be established.
Not to mention the return of a previously evicted HG.
Derrick this week, Cody the next. Then Frankie, Christine, and either Zach or Victoria.
Go Donny!
I just hope Derrick goes before Victoria. It would serve him just right.
Time to take a shot?
Left in the house………. Caleb, Frankie, Zack, Cody, Derrick, Donny, Christine, Victoria
Interesting discussion this. Frankie and 2 noms cannot vote. Cody and who on the block. Lets try Derrick up 1st. He needs 3 to stay over Cody. I put Victoria a solid stay for Derrick. I actually think he gets Christine to. Zack, Caleb and Donny need to vote to evict Derrick. I think Derrick stays based on personal relationships in the house. Backdooring Derrick is only a smart move if you have the votes. Not there IMHO. So it’s as advertised, Zack or Victoria. Victoria never gets the votes if nomed week over. Zack gets 3 how? Never happening if he is up he’s evicted.
Back to backdoor Derrick for a minute. If Christine saves Cody and Donny gets on board they need 1 more vote. Victoria and Caleb would leave Zack deciding. Victoria and Zack leaves Caleb deciding. No Christine and it’s not happening. Christine, Donny and 1 more can’t shot and miss.
Best for Nicole and Hayden is evict Victoria they then battle to see who gets back in. Also very good for Donny as well. Derrick will target Zack. Zack gets back in all H E L L breaks loose after the Frankie betrayal. Might be the start of the end for Frankie’s game. It’s a very big decision for Frankie with a non player and an unstable HG. If he is smart he gets rid of Victoria not Zack!
So now she’s worried about what her family and hubby will think? Just a little slow.
She doesn’t want her pastor to see the Zing. She doesn’t realize that her whole church must know by now that she’s been rubbing and groping NoBallsCody from the moment the other girls were booted.
Dammit was hoping Beast Mode Donny would pull it off. Oh well, expect Derrek to be in Frankie’s ear heavily to backdoor Zach using the well Victoria is weak in competitions and thus making it easier to the finals kind of excuse. Either Frankie backdoors Zach which would only hurt Frankie’s game IMO or he puts up Victoria which is the best case since her leaving would make it much easier for Hayden or Nicole to come back in the game and team up with Donny and Zach. Lets just all hope Frankie sees through Derrek’s BS and put his ass up.
Fakie was counting the jury votes last night and realized that no one who has gone to jury would vote for him. He needs 5 to win and he already lost 3. Maybe he’ll realize if he backdoors Zach that’s 4 that will never vote for him and he’ll have just lost the game.
do you spend each day seeing what they have and haven’t done? she clearly has crossed the line multiple times. its not the hugging, its the rubbing and stroking.
and Frankie, if you backdoor Zach this week, you are hands down my least fav HG ever.
In other words – foreplay.
Frankie’s going to use it right? So Victoria’s gone?
Don’t back door Zach. What a dummy. I’m so sick of what the group wants.
Omg. Thus is one sad cast.
Christine, I’m sure your pastor is already disgusted. I know I have been.
she’s just been excommunicated
Nothing offensive?
…..um I would have all her shit packed ready to go when she got home if I was her husband. Then I would tell Cody that he needs to take his ass up to Auto Parts because I’m about to beat the breaks off his ass!!
Bwaaahaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Lolololol…LOUDLY!!!
It’s none of your concern.. In other words it’s none of your business or any one else for that matter what married couples do with their vows. If Christine’s husband Tim is fine with what he sees and if appearing to make out with another man on Christine’s part will ensure they both have half a million dollars in the bank after the show ends then that’s just fine.. A few moments of being uncomfortable compared to having $500,000 in the bank is not that difficult of a decision to make for most couples. No sexual contact was made between Cody and Christine, so stop making it out to look like it has.
Wow just because you think its okay to Ho your wife out for $500K doesn’t mean most people think its okay.
Is that you Tim?
Yo Frankie! If you want to win, make a move now..
Derrick & Cody
Someone please tell Frankie how much Derrick wanted to backdoor him
Actions speak louder than zings, Christine. I’m sure if your pastor has been watching your gross lovefest with Cody, the zing probably came as no surprise.
Maybe her pastor recommended the zing.
Now we get to watch Frankie dance around the huge game move putting up Victoria!
Wow, power play….nobody will see it coming….he will really show his hand now…
I mean the big moves of this year were getting Jocasta and Victoria out.
I wish they would listen to themselves if they truly believe that Jocasta and Victoria are the big moves. It would certainly sum up how bad this season has been…lol
donny save please vic has to go so ha/nic can come back easy win
Well that was fun while it lasted. About one night.
Christine is smoking crack if she thinks her behavior with Cody is acceptable. You can’t blame Cody….he’s single and “working the vote”, but she would NEVER do that with her husband in the same room so why does she think it’s okay when he’s not? I don’t buy for one second she is working Cody for his vote, or she’d be doing it with all the guys like Cody is doing it with all the girls. She’s just getting attention from someone she considers out of her league and her needy ass self is soaking it up. She probably thinks she has a future with Cody outside the house. Pathetic! It’s like the nerdy girl in high school who thinks the football jock really likes her. NOT!!!
I have to disagree with your thought “can’t blame Cody”. Geesh, he has no morals or he would not be doing that! That’s like saying a girl “asked for it.” Get a life!
Is Victoria curled up in the a ball crying? I’m sure the next update will show us that she is. Can’t wait. She is such a disgrace to this game.
Both Ratine and VapidVic are a waste of estrogen. So sad BB cast such weak women this season.
Well that’s sucks!!
Seriously when will someone from this awful alliance go home!? The Detonators are kind of like the Brigade only they’re all unlikeable (not including Zach). I honestly don’t think Derrick is willing to lose Victoria and will probably push Frankie to use the veto on Cody and then send Caleb home.
They are going to backdoor Zach which is the stupidest move Fakie can make. He knows there are 3 people in the jury that won’t vote for him and now he’s going to send Zach out which would make 4. Five votes wins the game so if Zach goes there is no way Fakie can win.
Frankie will be a coward and put Vic up when he should instead make the big move and put Derrick up against Cody!!
If he doesn’t he’s just thrown away and chance to win.
That’s right, BigKenny! Aw, widdle Christine is hurt by the Big Bad Zingbot? LOL, suck it, bitch!!
If Frankie can avoid being manipulated by Derprick and keeps the noms the same then Cody the Walking Vagina is definitely going home IMO
Lol!!! Poor Christine she just now figures out that she doesn’t want her pastor to see her spooning another man on national tv!!!
I guess we are back to the Frankie show until Thursday. Damn. What are the odds that Derrick can put a big in his ear to back door Zach??? Hope Victoria is for sure going home!!!!
Make that a bug in his ear. Gotta love autocorrect … not
On a less of a good note, I’m sad Frankie won cause that means an easy week with Victoria walking out the door.. So sad. Happy that Victoria leaving though
Nothing offensive? Gee Derrick, I’d love to hear what you’d say if you watched your wife holdinghands or laying in bed with another guy night after night. I have a feeling you wouldn’t be telling her “oh it’s okay, honey, it wasn’t offensive.” Ya big crap weasel.
Let me take the opportunity to also say that I don’t think Production interfers as much as people speculate, but that said, I do think they have dropped hints to certain HGs that they aren’t coming off as well as they seem to think and that viewers have been quite vocal in their opinions of them. Just a thought.
THANK YOU FOR FINALLY CALLING HER OUT… I follow her husband on twitter and he thinks Cody is shitty but doesn’t give a damn about Christine flirting… He thinks it’s fine.
They deserve each other.
What is his twitter name????
HIs twitter handle is “I like to be humiliated on National TV because I have no self-respect”
and my wife is a bony, big -nosed, man -voiced, back stabbing bitch!
But seriously its Timstinks
its @timstinks seems liek he doesnt think she has crossed a line but maybe hes hoping the 500 000 will cushion the blow. im sure if the table were turned she wouldnt appreciate a hot chick rubbing up on her husband! and the onus is on Christine she is the one who is married not cody, its not his marraige to be concerned about. #teamdonny
Like no joke-that’s it.
I can’t bring myself to troll the poor guy, but I do enjoying watching him deceive himself so much
Tim might not like Cody as a player or person but if he is fine with the innocent cuddling that is going on, and it is just that.. NO sexual touching has ever occurred between Cody and Christine. You would think that some of you would come to your senses and realize it’s none of your damm business to pass judgment on what a married couple do with their vows. This ganging up on Tim & Christine by disturbed individuals is disgusting. Work on the problems in your own relationships first before you cast judgment on others. My guess is most of you are oblivious to your own problems.
If that were the case then why the hell is she crying from a zing? It obviously touched a nerve and caused her to deny deny deny. If you read her blog it would be obvious that her marriage is of great concern to her and if that were the case she wouldn’t and shouldn’t be that physically demonstrative towards Cody.
Oh sh*t Frankie is already talking to Caleb about backdooring Zach.
There goes one of Donny’s potential allies.
It is interesting to be worried about zings being aired and not worrying about the actual cuddling that aired.
Yeah ok Derrick, like I’ll be fine with my wife rubbing up on another man. Anyway, I’m sick to my stomach that Frankie win but I’ll take it. I believe that he could backdoor Zach if forced to, but I also believe that he won’t do it because he still believes that Zach will take him to the end (which isn’t true). There are a lot of different scenarios on how it’s going to be played this week. I’m hoping that he’ll make his own decision and not being influenced by Derrick. Just backdoor Derrick instead. Lol
So does this means he won’t use the POV, and keep Caleb, or will he use it on Caleb and back door Victoria? I hope he leaves the nominations the same, getting Victoria out is such a waste of an HOH ( no blood).
Let’s hope the BB gods are listening again, and give us real fireworks. Maybe Cody and Derrick on the block will get the house scrambling a little.
I would like this a million times if I could
Jesus Derrick, if that’s really how you see Cody and Christine’s behavior, the you are a horrible husband. Not to mention what that says about your discernment as a cop. No more mister nice Monster!
He’s actually said previously to other HGs that he think the Christine /Cody stuff is very inappropriate. He’d not going to say it to her face though when she’s distressed.. He’s looking for jury votes and is the master of BS. But in no way does he really approve of why the cuddling .
He has also made comments about Brittany and others talking about their personal lives, saying it shouldn’t matter on whether they deserve to be there, only to turn around and make the comments about his daughter. He’s a total hypocrite, which I just find to be a rude behavior.
What did zing bot tell Christina thathas her so worked up…… Got to be good she dosen’t want her pastor to find out LOL Hummmmmm could it be anything to do with being in bed with Cody constantly let me see maybe or that her hands are always under the covers maybe or that her hands are always roaming all over him maybe I think maybe it’s all three does anybody know I would be really grateful for an answer
Per zingbot’s twitter – Hey Christine, I tried using your name as my Twitter password but it said you were too easy. Christine, what does your husband think about you being all over Cody? It’s all over! Ziiiiing. Christine you are like the first slice of bread, everyone touches you, but nobody really wants you. Hey Christine, the only thing less meaningful than your word in this house… is your wedding band. ZINGGGGG. Hey Christine! When you get home, your marriage will be… detonated!
BUT I love the ones about Caleb – Caleb, I’m gonna let you finish but GinaMarie is the greatest stalker of all time! When Caleb saw Amber it created this years biggest showmance… until Frankie saw a mirror. Hey Caleb! Amber called….nope, nevermind. She didn’t. Ziiiing!Hey Caleb, I heard you’ve got a big date waiting outside the house. The court date to receive your restraining order. Ziiinng! Caaaaleb, I hope Amber’s TV is facing a window so you can finally see how creepy you were all summer. Hey Caleb, I asked Amber what you looked like in the house, she told me “a restraining order”.
Loved Frankie’s Zing, can’t wait to read the rest. Why is Derrick lying? Any husband would be upset seen his wife touch another man that way!
Victoria goes home, because its not Donny or Zach, and it gets rid of the last true slug who has never played a second of the game. not one freaking second. I wish she would have self evicted. but getting rid of her now is the last chance imo or else she turns into Danielle for derrick, I am NOT ok with that. Get rid of derrick’s SECOND side piece. as his number one Bi$$$ is cody.
Victoria was never going home like I said its a vote for derrick said he would turn only way see went home is if Zach won and used it and not even sure then think they would have done caleb last minute with derricks help
Omg and Frankies Zing! Cannot wait to hear the rest of them!
Which b!tch a$$ Ariana fan gave me a thumbs down?!?!??!!?!? Put on your big girl panties and keep you opinions to pop culture. This site if for BB fans. Don’t make me be a troll please, cause I will. I will get on twitter and Instagram and post every screenshot and quote and clip of Frankie’s despicable behavior this summer so fast you won’t ever be able to take them down before a new one goes up. Seriously, no more mister nice Monster. I might just have to make a vine of him dry humping the boys, or him talking about how Super Star the bitch is. Guess what, I looked her up. She’s a nickelodeon kid, and we all know what kind of behavior they end up exhibiting before long. Apples don’t fall far from the tree they say.
Rant over…..for now.
Just so we are all clear, I am a Bisexual male, so spare me your homophobic comments. That said, time for another Frankie rant for all my haters.
If I had a child (I do have younger siblings) who where to look upon Frankie as a role model because of his sisters status, I would be mortified. He’s the type of horny touchy feely deviant that even I AM afraid of having to deal with at a club or party. He has behaved like a deviant, and worse, like an entitled little brat. His behavior is that which is giving this country and it’s citizens a bad reputation globally.
Disrespectful, deviant, and hardly humble. When he starts to show some class, I will happily eat my words.
Big Brother might be ‘just a game’, but a lot of his words and actions transcend it, and have little to do with Big Brother itself. I’m using big words so you dumb ass teenagers might actually learn something.
Well said! My exact same thoughts on Frankie. I find he is inappropriately touchy feely. And don’t think he woulda gotten away with it with another cast. And is obviously a self obsessed, fame whore who overrates his own self.
Down votes make you far too emotional….maybe you need to take a break. Like seriously.
Never heard of Ariana but I gave you a thumbs down because you’re acting like an idiot. Cheers.
You know what, maybe you are right. But I feel the way I feel and I can’t help that. I’m sure you are prone to your emotional weaknesses to. But to call me an idiot is hardly accurate. Or are you that perfect? I have the tongue and tact to put you down if you wish to use such simple slurs. I am infallible in my convictions once I have settled on them.
For one to think that social media (which is what reality tv is in essence) does not have an outward impact on society I’ve quite an undeveloped perception.
It is hardly ‘just a tv show’
The Walking Dead is just a tv show. Big Brother is just like every other reality television show that involves REAL PEOPLE and not some fictional characters. Sure some might be persona’s and have levels of fabrication to them. But the reality is that they coexist with us.
So pardon me for finally having reached my breaking point and taking what meager actions I can to voice out against such depravity. This is my generation, Frankie, Christine, Victoria, Zach, Caleb. No one is perfect but I sure as hell try to be the best possible person alive. Not for prestige or pride or any other reason but simply because decency and respect is the ultimate homage to the life and beings that we are. I doubt any houseguest can say the same of themselves. Look at how vapid out poor society has made Victoria. Sure people my be ditzy or simple, but such things do not limit ones potential to be a bright, caring, and compassionate soul. Society limits it.
Speak whatever arguments you will, but calling me an idiot is hardly a suitable sword to take up against a me. I am the SlopMonster b!tche$, hear me roar. I am the King of Trolls, and wisdom is my crown.
Please do better.
Hail SlopMonster! I bow to you, Word Wizard that you are! Beautifully astute comments! How I would love to be your friend. . .
Please do! I would love for those without feeds (or seek out spoilers) to see the real Frankie. I liked him at first based off of the show but after reading this site I find him to be a truly disgusting soul. I hope he realizes this after the show and tries to change for the better.
Come on Frankie, use the power of veto on Caleb and backdoor Derpric.
Frankie is already considering backdooring Zach. Why am I not surprised? I hate him.
Christine is so upset that she starts crying and runs straight into Cody’s arms! Really!! This stupid B***h deserves everything she gets.
who is basically CBS’ puppet, gets rid of Zach
I am done. I have no reason to watch this #### show. I will just give this website clicks. cmon, keep Zach. stop being a freaking idiot.
Whoever leaves this week has a chance to get back in the game.
To me that’s almost irrelevant though. Go back and watch the feeds, Zach was the first, and to my knowledge only houseguest, who cried for Frankie the night his grandfather died. He deserves Frankie’s trust more than anyone, and if Frankie of all people backdoors him, this season will irreversibly go down as one of the worst ever. Beyond cruel behavior from these houseguests the last couple of years…little concept of gameplay as well. Frankie shouldn’t have to think hard before concluding Zach is still his ally, where as several others in the detonators clearly are not. They are doing exactly what zach feared that they would. Is Frankie just an idiot for thinking he’s not out the door next week by derrick or cody’s hand?
Derrick, she’s “done nothing offensive”?! I’m married as well, and if my husband cuddled with another woman, stroked her hair and let her sit on his lap, we’d have serious problems. It’s beyond offensive and not in any way “strategic”. It’s not Cody’s fault either, it’s up to the married person to keep their hands to themselves.
Backdoor Derrick NOW
Can Derrick go an hour without kissing someone’s ass?? Yes, they HAVE done things offensive to her marriage which is why ugly 20 year olds shouldn’t use marriage to overcome their insecurities. Derrick can stfu sometimes! Still rooting for him, but he’s becoming increasingly irritating.
I’ve liked this season up to now, but now it’s getting boring. If Frankie puts up Victoria–that’s it. He’s making it too easy for Derrick to win this season. I would like to see Derrick somewhat work for it during the second half of the season. If I was Frankie, I would form an alliance with Donny, Victoria and Christine. And then I would replace Caleb with Derrick. As much as I am a fan of Derrick, I would like to see Derrick get evicted this week. Frankie would have the votes: Donny, Victoria and Christine (all he needs is 4!). If he doesn’t get rid of Derrick–then at least get rid of the other guys, such as Cody, Caleb or Zach. But….Victoria. What a waste of a HoH.
Make that all he needs is 3!
Well will the pink feathered lil’ pony make a BIG move and put up Derrick? Come on Flankie, do it, do it! I’ll bet (albeit, I don’t have live feeds) Derrick is kissing Flankie’s a$$, telling him don’t put up my wife…..(my bad) Victoria, Derrick, “Don’t backdoor Vicky yet, cuz we can “put her up on the block next week”, and she is a bad player”!, same ol’ crap Derrick has been saying for 5 weeks now to save his little puppy!
Bye Bye Cody, pack your panties, you’re going to jury, cupcakes!
told you derrick would get them to get Zach instead of victoria
BBAU begins on September 8. At least you’ll have a worthy BB to look forward to, considering what a joke BBUS has turned into.
What were the “zings” for each player??? I love the ZingBot!!
Are they backdooring Zach?
Once again, Derrick is going to mess everything up. He’s the one who convinced Caleb that Zach should go, and now Caleb is convincing Frankie. I’m really getting tired of Derrick controlling everyone.
Christine has such a big nose she looks like a modern version of the wicked witch of the west.
Derrick has a pig snout
Commenting on physical attributes has nothing to do with the game. It says a whole lot more about the person who makes the comment then it does about the target of the comment. Purely hate speech and entirely unnecessary. Immature much??
self-appointed chaperone?
Well talk about a twist, If Victoria goes she has a good chance of coming back in the game or will it be Jocasta or Hayden or Nicole. Talk a bout a power move that will turn the house on its ear!!!! I just see a ratings bonanza coming. Biggest most twisted ever. This maybe the last BB ever is more like it! Its silly
There’s little to no chance that lifeless players like Victoria or Jocasta will be returning to the game. They didn’t play in the house, what makes it likely they’ll win any competition or voting by viewers to come back? Mostly likely it’ll be (Zach if he’s BD) or Hayden, with Nicole running a distant third.
What exactly did the zing say about Christine?
I love Donny as much as anyone and think the detonators are pretty douchey although Zach makes me laugh but getting rid of Victoria isn’t terrible. It ensures that Nicole or Hayden will return. Jocasta and Victoria still have no idea what game show they are on and won’t win the challenge to return. I want to see a detonator evicted too but in all my years of watching BB I have never seen a more clueless player than Victoria. Plus she is so clueless she has her head up Derrick’s ass so at least he losses one of his minions. I wouldn’t be surprised if Frankie has bigger plans though (Zach), I hope not, he is pure entertainment.
I like Donny just as much as the next person but if Zach gets BDoored this season has no entertainment left…. also if Frankie flips AGAIN on Zach he come ls across as an even bigger dick head than he already is…
Oh my if Zach leaves this season goes to shittt….
FRANKIE I SWEAR IF YOU BDOOR ZACH!!!!! PS he will be shocked to learn how disliked he truly is in our eyes
Well it is happening. Zach is about to get screwed.
I think your right, That screen shot of Frankie and Caleb hugging right next to Zach tells seems to be Frankie’s way of saying to Zach “buh bye… I got a new best buddy.”
Christine isn’t ashamed to practically cheat on her hubby, then she probably does this to Tin all the time. I feel bad for Tim
Did I read they are changing the name of the show to the Frankie J Grande Extravaganza! I smell a pilot in the works!! You cant fool me!
They can put him on the TVGN channel with that irritating ‘ The Sorrentinos Show’ and I’d never know. Although it’s barely a step up from YouTube where I hear he’s the reigning mogul. Once BBAD ends, I don’t watch that channel and would be none the wiser.
As a Donny fan, this veto is a bad result. Victoria is history. Even if Nicole or Hayden comes back, Donny will still have a 6 to 2 disadvantage next week. But hang in there Donny! Win the HOH. If you get a Pandora’s Box with the golden power of veto, you are right back in it. (Hey! It’s possible. Glass half full guys.)
Oh no… What’s going on……I am feeling a little light headed……………………… I am slipping into……….
Hi Guys! Crazy man here, Frankie is about to make a MONSTER game move. He will become a Big Brother legend overnight. He will use the veto to take Caleb down and put Derrick up. When Derrick gets evicted it will be ep….. It would be………. Umm …… Where am I? ………..
Ok, ok… Whew….. I am waking up and getting a grip now…. Whew….. I am back. Wow that was crazy. Who was that? OK, back to reality.
Frankie is (and will always be) a gutless ass. He WILL take Cody down. Victoria WILL go up and WILL to go jury. Maybe someday Frankie will grow a pair. But don’t hold your breath.. What a waste of a HOH. D. Bag!.
Frankie, Cody, Caleb, Derrick already talked in fire room. Frankie is backdooring Zach, using POV on Caleb.
I saw that, but I am not so sure he will follow through. But if he DOES, the change I will make when describing Frankie is simply to add the word MORONIC. Then to recap Frankie will be a gutless, sackless, MORONIC, D. Bag.
They are backdooring Zack. Oooh boy. Now we have to endure another week of watching Cody, Christine and Victoria molest one another. EW! and F**K!
Oops! Typo correction: He will take CALEB down.
He taking Caleb down and putting Zach up. Sad.
If Zingbot was played by Norm MacDonald
Zingbot to Frankie – ” You have been trying to backdoor Zach all summer. And by backdoor I mean um…well um…you know…um ANAL SEX!!!! Zing!
Noticed there are loads of mental comps, n Fr#nkie has been acing them all?
One plus one equals to fricken TWO!!!!
Frankie would be stupid to backdoor Zach this week. Cause odds are Zach will be the one coming right back into the house! Not to mention he will have forever lost Zach’s jury vote.
Don’t even get me started on the rest of them. I miss Big Brother. I got no idea what the f*ck this crap I’ve been watching is, but it’s not Big Brother for sure.
Grow a pair Donny. Now is the time to make your move. Hitch with Zack and get Frankie on board to BACKDOOR Derrick. But make sure you tell him he’s just a pawn and safe:)
Tell Caleb he comes off if he votes for Derrick tell Vic she has to get Derrick out he wanted to put her up and has been lying to her. Christine will vote for it 5 to 0 Derrick goes home.
If Frankie pulls that off, I might have to like him. A little.
Frankie is already going down as one of the worst characters in BB History. His next move will define him.
Take out Derrick? Legendary, hands down, strongest move of the game.
Backdoor Zach? Ultimate loser sheep.
Backdoor Victoria? Average sheep.
Something to ponder: Why are the fringes of society the most sanctimonious?
Idk if anyone notices this but zach is about to get backdoored 🙁 I see it coming cause that’s how Derrick will want it. I hope Vic goes home she’s pathetic and I love zach but I see zach going home this week
I just can’t understand why Derrick takes so much heat on here. He is by far playing the smartest game. At least he isn’t wanting people to feel sorry for the “Ole Man” like Donny! Derrick has played pretty much everyone in the house and made them do everything he wants done. But this is Big Brother and that is what they do…Do what they have to to win 500K. He turned Victoria being mad at him into 3 people apologizing this him…Brilliant!
You mean THE Derrick??? The guy with the daughter who is having food stolen from her mouth by other houseguests who might also want to win? That guy? Give me a break!
Derrick plants the seed and the pawns run with it. They’re his puppets and they don’t even know it. Most of us just don’t like the imbalance of power, but yes he is playing an incredible game. Also we don’t like some of the things he’s said like about the girls being catty, about Nichole lieing through her teeth, which she didn’t. The only things Donny says are the truth. I also never saw the purpose in voting out Brittney and Amber. It made it seem he wanted to crush the girls. Pointless.
Honestly I’d rather see Victoria go, make it easier on Hayden to return
If Frankie actually goes through with backdooring Zach and he doesn’t end up as the buy back, we riot.
I am still waiting for “the most twisted summer in big brother” as Julie Chen promised….Pleeease!
She makes campaign promises every year.
Frankie is really playing a good game. The 2 weeks prior to this, the plan was to backdoor him, now he has this Veto around his neck. A person like him can slide to the end very easily at this point. As long as he doesn’t go back to playing the floating game that got him in trouble prior to this.
Was really hoping Donny can grab his 4th Veto, to be put in the pantheon of Veto winners like Frank Eudy. Maybe next week…
Zach, deserves to go out for being a snitch all the time. I wouldn’t be satisfied if a snitch like Andy- I mean Zach made it to the end.
Please, Please Frankie – don’t backdoor Zach! I wish Frankie would grow a pair & backdoor Derrick – but unfortunately – just don’t see that happening. I’m pretty sure Frankie will use the veto on Caleb because keeping Caleb is the best thing for Frankie’s game. I just hope that he is smart enough to realize that Derrick is pushing for Zach to go up instead of Victoria because that is what is best for DERRICK’S game – NOT Frankie’s. Obviously Derrick wants to keep both Cody & Vic – PLEASE Frankie – open your eyes – DON’T put up Zach! And if you won’t put up Derrick – at least put up his puppet Vic! On a side note – I just found out who Ariana Grande is. People magazine had a very nice feature article on her this week. (The one where Robin Williams is on the cover). Seems like she is pretty legit & very popular. Has 2 top 10 songs already & getting ready to release her 2nd album. The article had pics of her & Frankie & even talked about her rooting him on in Big Brother. Though she did drop out of her European tour to be with their grandfather when he was dying. She sounds like a very nice girl but after reading the article, I’m a little worried now that Frankie will win America’s Fav Player instead of Donny. I really want Donny to win America’s Player – So all of us Donny fans are really gonna have to vote as much as we can!
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What about all the private conversations and hugs between Derrick and Victoria and some of the pictures of them looking at each other makes one wonder. She has a major crush on him and may be as bad as Caleb was about Amber when they get out. Just wonder what Derrick’s wife thinks.
I think she looks to Derrick as a father figure. I think she said something about needing the money because of her dad’s situation. Not sure what that meant. Hope she isn’t crushed if she watches it back and sees how he’s been using her and said he couldn’t stand hearing her whining.
If Frankie is already counting jury votes I don’t know if he will backdoor Zach–I’m pretty sure he thinks Zach will vote for him in the final 2. Let’s hope Frankie for once in his BB life does the right thing and get Victoria or Derrick on the block. How do these idiots not see those 2 are the tightest people in the house? Why do they not see how hard Derrick is protecting Victoria.
These dumb broads should’ve listened to Joey way back when they had a chance.
Frankie can’t un-ring that bell (the backdooring of Zach) so the mere mention of it means, he’s serious about it. It’s no surprise either. He finished toying with Zach a week ago, which means he’s now disposable. He’s re-focused his sights on Caleb who was his original choice way back when they were the first HOHs.
I don’t understand Frankie’s game at all. Does he really believe that Zach is a threat to his game? I can’t believe that production who has it’s hands in anything that could hurt ratings will step in just like last time. Maybe Donny will find the DPOV. All they would have to do is it put it on the dining room table before noon and he is guaranteed to win it-Zing!
Donny please win the next hoh
Why does Frankie keep saying “I love the KID,” in reference to Zach, as if he’s older than Zach? It’s driving me nuts. Isn’t Frankie the one who goes by “Frankie,” not “Frank,” dresses like a Tiny Tot, puts glitter on his face, likes to be carried, and shrieks “MOMMY!” when he wins a comp.? And if he “loves” the “kid,” why is trying to backdoor the “kid” every other week?
is talking about euthanizing Zach. really? I am done CBS, DONE. have fun with family grande.
screw that guy, he has officially ruined this season for me. I am done.
It’s funny that the guys in the house really think America loves Frankie. I throw up a little in my mouth every time I see his overreacting theatrics. Ugh!
HOH and POV… good for him! Frankie needs to win either HOH or POV just to survive. If he knows what’s best for him, he’ll backdoor one of his “alliance” members. He’s definitely on the bottom of the totem pole and the next to go. Might as well eliminate one strong opponent while he has the chance.
Does anyone think Victoria looks like a drag queen? She has large, wide hands and sometimes appears like a transgender person.
What was her zing?
I can not believe that Frankie is not using this opportunity to knock out a power pair.
Victoria and Zach is a waste of an HoH (No offense to Zach Fans).
Why has no one ever noticed that Derricks name has never come up at eviction time.
Why can they not see if you get rid of Derrick Cody and Victoria are floating about alone and for Frankie and Christine that is great.
Why can this House Guests not see the big moves… it is the 11th hour. They have already stabbed all of you in the back talked about evicting all of you. DO THE SMART MOVE save Caleb and put up Derrick, then evict Derrick…. BTW Everybody else in that House has talked about how inappropriate Christine has been with Cody…. EVERYBODY in the house, on twitter, Facebook and the boards.
The season of the passive aggressive cowardice backdooring continues I see. It used to be a strategic move to get rid of really good,unstoppable players. This season its done for sport.
Can Zingbot say something about Derrick being a cop so everyone turns on him and he gets nominated please?
On the zingbot’s twitter it has – Derrick, chief Wiggum called and he wanted his face back. ZZIIIINNNNGG.
I dont get why frankie would want to backdoor zack. Bad game move. If this happens i so hope derek wins hoh next week and donny somehow gets off the block and he backdoors frankie to show how bad getting zach out was. And zack will be the one who comes back now.
Since the player that gets evicted this Thursday has a chance to come back to the game it makes more sense to evict Victoria. She has very little chance of coming back playing against Hayden and Nicole. If Derrik is back doored he will be in beast mode during the returning players competition.
Boo hoo poor Christine. Did she really think none of her shenanigans would be on TV? Please Frankie put her on the block. Put her out of her misery! Or better yet, ours.
She can’t be put up, she won immunity with Donny.
Oh shoot. I forgot. I guess Fruit Loop Dingus is going home. I don’t see it happening any other way. Would be nice to see Frankie grow a pair and get Derrick out. It’s now or never.
Frankie and Zach were literally just talking about Derrick and counting jury votes last night. Frankie KNOWS he won’t be getting vote #4 now if he sends Zach packing. If Derrick was HOH, I’d understand the move, but it makes no sense for Frankie, who is probably going on the block next week.
Okay, it looks like we are in need of production stepping in to save Zach! Someone please, tell Frankie that putting Zach up is a huge mistake. Put up Derrick and get him out or his good buddy Cody out. Let’s break this up a little!
I love Zach. He’s my fave along with Donny, but I can’t even with this comment.
Seriously. Asking for production to step in and rig the game just because someone that you (and me) both like has a chance to go out. I want Zach to stay as he’s the most entertaining houseguest and I won’t keep my livefeed subscription if he’s gone, but I also want an honest game.
Let the best person win, not the person who gets the most help from production.
I will also be cancelling my feeds if Zach goes. It’s not worth it to pay to watch the rest of these people.
I thought Frankie said something about he doesn’t mind making friends and slitting throats or something to that effect. And he also said he doesn’t care if he sees any of them after the show. I guess except for Caleb who is is obviously physically attracted to . And I do think he was jealous of how Caleb liked Amber after watching him with him this past week. I didn’t dawn on me until this past week. So I wouldn’t put it pass him to backdoor Zach. Because as much as he says he wants the money (or some of it) to build a school in Africa, he’s an attention whore and that trumps everything. So maybe the jury vote he’s okay risking. If they backdoor Zach I hope he comes right back in since he knows the true inter workings of the alliance. It would be even better if he could come back in in Hayden’s body. lol But hopefully the will just get rid of Victoria. If not I hope one of the boys make it back in as Nicole is way too gullible and fickle.
I did read here he said he used to go after Cody’s type but now he’s more interested in Caleb which is really funny because when he and Caleb were HOH together, his face turned white because he was sure Caleb wouldn’t understand “all this” as he put it pointing to himself. Seeing him play with Caleb’s belly was disgusting. I think I saw it on Youtube. So I think he felt Zach broke up with him which is why he’s moved on to Caleb which will affect his decisions.
Frankie if you backdoor Zach, you are the stupidest BB player in history! Put Derrick on the block with Cody!!!
production we want derrick gone now he want Donny and Frankie out he got to go we big brother fans hope Donny win hoh in golden power of veto derrick has to go Donny hoh please for us big brother fan please
You know Anonymous, I would love to “thumbs up” one of your comments, if only I could understand what the hell you’re trying to say!
That’s because they have marbles in their mouth…lol
Poor Zackattack, if placed together with Cody, but for more twist and excitement it is better to have Cody and Derrick on the chopping block this week, what do you think guys?
Seriously just waiting for Derrick to be put up because he’s the only one who hasn’t been yet. Seeming more and more like that’s the only way it’ll happen, so GET TO IT.
If Frankie puts up Zach there will be fireworks!!! Zack will explode.
I can’t believe Frankie is going to do this to Zach again this week and put him up as the replacement. I love Zach and is the only reason I am still watching this season. I really want him to go further and they would rather keep Victoria over Zach seriously that is a joke. The Zach is asleep and I tune in when he is awake I can’t imagine them with him gone. We still got over a month to go and I just hope that Frankie rethinks this plan. Save #Zachattack
Yah HellNo, that’s why it’s better to put derrick now on the block together with cody.Save #Zachattack
I love #ZachAttack and Zankie.. But if Frankie does away with his only strong ally in the house with Zach then I will lose all respect for him. I am still trying to get over how Frankie betrayed Zach and hurt him. It was more of a case of feeling betrayed by a good friend that caused Zach to lose it and cry in the DR and say he doesn’t know who Frankie is anymore. If Zach is blindsided again and is evicted then I hope his parting words for Frankie is that this final betrayal cost him a vote and that Zach will vote for anyone else but Frankie. If Zach is evicted I hope he is the one to return and goes after Frankie big time. I can just imagine the look of utter shock on Frankie’s face when Zach walks back into the house on Thursday after winning what ever the competition will be that will ensure one evicted house guest from the jury goes back into the house. I am still clinging to the hope that Frankie decides to blindside Derrick instead and is going along with the plan to evict Zach in front of Caleb and Cody, but will take Donnie, Christine, Zach, Victoria aside and tell them he wants Derrick out but wants it to be a blindside. Frankie could have Zack and Donnie’s support, tell Victoria she will be safe this week, and Christine she will be safe next week if they agree to it.
100% agree on what you said Branded.
“Why is your guys’s fish so bony today?”
(Asks Christine while they are eating.)
Maybe because you were rubbing and stroking it like you do Cody?
Should read >>The feeds are boring when Zach is asleep and I tune in when he is awake I can’t imagine the feeds with him gone.
If Zach goes then he goes. Hopefully, he wins the buyback and wreaks HAVOC AND CHAOS on them when he returns.
If not, then I’m definitely cancelling my live feed subscription though. Without Zach it’ll literally be like watching paint dry and will confirm this as another failure of a season like the last one.
I know Frankie was whispering to Donny that he wanted to have a private convo with donny and Zach alone though so all may not be as it seems………..
Maybe Frankie can redeem himself yet……………….
If Frankie puts up Zach he isnt winning anything. I dont see the benefits of putting Zach for him at all. Frankie if was smart would put up Derrick and take control of the house. He already kinda has Zach and Caleb. He can easily convince Donny to join him. Christine will join his group cause they have power. That would only leave Cody and Victoria against them. Btw y listen to a group that tried to take u out the week b4???
Use me please!! I’m begging you!!!
Frankie is a complete moron if he kicks out Zach. I honestly don’t understand why he would constantly grope, hump, cuddle, hug, and repeatedly tell someone he loves them and that he would never betray him again and then try to back door him instead of just leaving the nominations the same and getting out someone who could very easily take him out later on in the game. On a game level it’s a very stupid mood and it just makes him look like a horrible person. Poor Zach is already very sensitive and confused about his feelings for Frankie and for him to betray him and talk about him like he is a sick puppy is disgusting.
I think Caleb’s Zing was with all the make-up you wear they should call you Beast Mode Cowgirl!
Does anyone else think this has been the Frankie show? Not BB16 I am
So over him
And if he wins I’m
Gonna throw something at my tv.
I’m actually anticipating a new update! Anxious
no bob, no pov, yeah lets totally screw Zach like that. WTF is wrong with you Frankie. Biggest POS ever in BB
im honestly hoping to see get evicted because i know he will be the one to come back. i wanna see frankie’s face when zach re-enters that house. zach will fucking go ape shit and that will be epic tv. hopefully donny wins the hog during zachs legendary return.
if just in case Zach will be evicted, this guy will go f***g wild, but on the second though, he can come back and face the challenge.
tyrese the problem is I don’t see Zach winning an endurance hoh. Could be wrong though.
He is talking to Christine now alone in HOH. Telling her he is putting up Zach and might tell Zach in a group setting.
Zach is going to go ape sh*t.
Donny needs to talk to Derrick and Victoria non-stop until the veto ceremony. He does not need to talk game, but just let the others see him talking to them. This is all it will take to get one of the two on the block.
We complain because the season is boring, but also complain because production messes with the game.
Perfect games aren’t fun to watch. The season of survivor when Boston Rob ran the show was awful. Derrick is having a game like that. So either we watch as he steam rolls over everyone, or we accept that production needs to step in.
To be honest, the problem with this season isn’t Derrick’s gameplay…. it’s just the extremely boring cast and overload of twists.
Christine is living her fantasy! She was never the popular girl in High School, never homecoming queen,(like Frankie? LOL), never the pretty girl all the boys wanted to date, nor was she the center of every girls jealousy. She sees herself as all of the above now. Cody, the cute guy is wanting to cuddle all the time, the other girls are jealous because she’s the popular girl with the boys, she thinks all the boys want her because they asked her to join their alliance. She thinks she can do no wrong because the guys like her, she doesn’t know they are just using her. She left her husband and family behind, Zingbot just reminded her that they exist, Cody is cuddling someone else, her BB life is crashing, she is just to stupid to know that yet. Tim and she will be divorced before the next BB, her pastor will forgive her, and her family is stuck with her.
the only good thing about zach going is he can come back and knowing production is interferring with this season then u know zach will b back and i want that i want Zankie to b the F2
Most boring season/cast ever, it’s official. Even last season was better!
This is the first season that I stopped watching after 3 weeks. God, it is absolutely dreadful.
How is it not over yet.