Big Brother Spoilers – Week 7 Eviction results

The day is finally here DerekX is getting evicted. Goddammit, BabyD why couldn’t you have played the roulette. Dammit GROD you could have made him..

Now with that out of my system here’s the rundown. Sarah Beff wins the Head of household competition. She starts off wanting to target 4 people 3 in the cookout 1 outside. Kyland spends over 4 hours starting at 2 am melting her brain and anyone unfortunate enough to blog the conversation. She changes to 1 cookout 3 outside. Saying  “I’m actually thinking, As much as it sucks I might do the same noms that happened last week.” Sweet sweet Sarah Beth.. So she decides on the same nominations as Kyland the week prior or was it Kyland decided on the same noms. BIGD and Claire are nominated. The High Roller Roulette is played and Alyssa wins. She spins the wheel saves BIGD and randomly nominates Xavier. Veto players are drawn and DX doesn’t get picked. Veto is won by Xavier who goes ahead and uses it to save himself. Kyland/Sweet Sarah Beth put up BAbyD and the backdoor is complete.

There was a lot of campaigning this week. For a while, I thought the house might flip and vote out Claire. Tiffany does what Tiffany does. She performs for the camera to make us think she’s trying to flip the house but really this is to curry favour with the power voting fans. The large alliance is staying strong there will be nothing new. This is more than just a summertime reality show this is history being made. The house controlling alliance continues its exciting march to the final 6. For me, happiness will be when Kyland gets evicted so I never again have to stay up till 6am listening to him talk.

It’s Fun times..

Results from the show

Eviction Vote

Alyssa Votes to evict BabyD
Hannah Votes to evict Claire
Kyland Votes to evict Claire
DF eVotes to evict BabyD
Tiffany Votes to evict BabyD
Azah Votes to evict BabyD
X Votes to evict BabyD

DerekX is evicted

Head of house

They will each get an envelope that contains up to 100 BBbucks. They don’t open the envelope until they enter the Hig Roller room.

Question 1 – Xavier, Azah, Claire out
Question 2 – Kyland and Derek Out
Question 3 – Nobody out
Question 4 – Alyssa and Hannah out

Tiffany is the head of household.
No have nots this week.

68 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers – Week 7 Eviction results”

    1. It’s all orchestrated BS. Has nothing to do with sympathy or “liking” him. Both Hannah and Kyland’s votes have everything to do with trying to get his jury vote, as if Hannah has a snowball’s chance in Hell of making the final 2. The rest have sold their souls to the Cookout – even Alyssa, who’s too damn stupid to even know about it. So congrats to X and Ky as they fight it out down the stretch, only to have a bunch of numb skulls decide which of the two get the money. Or they could do a complete sellout, turn bitter, and give it to Big D, if he gets dragged to final 2 by one of the two best players.

      1. Thanks for that – some were saying Hannah & some Tiff so I wondered who it was. I remember Tiff saying she was trying to play a Nicole F game but then a tweet said Hannah suggested it. Either way it was GOLD!

    1. OMG and now I’m watching the feeds and Alyssa thinks DX’s comment was about her. She’s got a healthy dose of narcissism, that’s for sure!

      1. It wasn’t about her…. but it is exactly how she’s playing so maybe it isn’t narcissism… maybe it’s self realization slapping her across the face with a million weiners. sideye.

      2. Well Alyssa did sleep with one guy (Christian) and now wants another guy (X), so I can see the similarity to Nicole F’s gameplay.

    2. Nicole won the game and got to finale twice. No matter how much you don’t like her you have to admit she was a great player. She’s arguably the greatest women ever and the results in her placements show it. She deserves a lot of credit To win the game getting first place and to come back and get third place afterwards is an impressive feat that not even Dr. Will was able to do.

      1. I’d win too if people on feeds came out of D/R mad as hell that they’d been told they cannot nominate me (NicF in this case)…. four weeks in a row.
        Four weeks in a row the houseguests discussed how they were told not to nominate her, instead work with her this week.

        1. It doesn’t matter Nicole was there in the house and not nominated for the first 90 days of the season and was able to play both sides of the house by never being in the minority for vote but just one time! lol

          The sixth evictions with 7 people left where Nicole was able to play both sides and get no blood on her hands. Paul’s meat shield Victor got eliminated three times by final 5 and Victor didn’t come back for a third time Paul would’ve been gone by the final five bc Nicole won veto that week with Corey winning HOH.
          Not to mention was only a tiebreaker question away for not being on the block the whole season! And what’s crazy about all three of Paul’s HOH WINS is that in same way it was a great benefit to Nicole game when Paul was in power!
          I mean evicting James in the final three lol was insane for one the fact that she NICF convinced Paul to do that. Also the fact that Davonne was obviously coming after Nicole however Nicole was able to convince Paul by keeping herself Nicole off the block so he didn’t use her as a pawn when he was about to and as well Paul was the one who ended up backdooring Davonne who wasn’t coming after him at all and in just lied about it the whole time even in his eviction interview while Nicole admitted in the eviction interview.
          But the point is there Nicole got no blood on your hands getting Davonne out!
          And Paul did all of her dirty work and get hands bloody! Which is why she got Davonne’s vote haha

          I mean Come on Nicole F won BB 18 for a reason give it up lol

          And guess what that’s not a valid point
          Because previous seasons production has told houseguest who they can or cannot put up on the block And houseguest have gone against it. In Season 14 people wanted Frank to be America’s favorite When Frank had all the stops in the crap twist go his way even with production working in his pocket in yet Shane Meaney was told he couldn’t put up Mike boogie or Frank and guess what happened Shane went ahead and put them both up anyways as HOH lol and Shane outlasted them both and still almost won the game.
          Even with Frank getting his BullSH!t
          game reset during Shanes HOH’s three rounds prior where he tried to backdoor.
          Shane didnt care went right at them both defying production even when it was obvious Julie and the staff didn’t like Shane while Frank unjustly became America’s favorite.
          Point being Players can do what they want even with production influence I don’t wanna hear that argument because it been defied!

          1. Posters here may change their names, but they do NOT change their writing style, and it’s obvious who “Edgar” really is. The poster previously known as “BB Fan”, and the biggest Nicole F. supporter on this site for sure!

            Come on BB Fan, you don’t have to hide and pretend you’re somebody else, just so you can voice your support for good ol’ Nicole F. It’s okay man! Maybe somebody else will come out of the woodwork and acknowledge that she’s a decent player too. Hell, I’ll even admit she plays a great “meat shield” game, especially when she gets help from production.

            So don’t try to hide and be all CIA on us. You can’t do it when you write like you do. It’s a dead give away. lol

            1. Stop with the conspiracies theories there are other people out there that like Nicole F. In spite of her criticism you can’t deny how well she played and that she won big brother.

  1. I think Derek’s interview with Julie is the only one that I will be watching online. I haven’t watched the other extended interviews

  2. Dx did have one of the best campaigns I’ve ever seen on BB. Too bad there cannot be a rewind where Dx does not backdoor Christian and everyone plays to win instead of throwing comps. That makes for a good season. It will be interesting yet boring to see how the Cookout handles getting rid of Sb, Alyssa and Claire.

  3. Same ole junk just different week. It’s sad when you know on Tuesday the vote will be 5 to 2. Tiffany can stop acting now, no one is stupid enough to buy her act each week about flipping the vote! We all are fully aware that if you aren’t black, you have no value in this game now.

    1. Claire Azah and ally hopefully Claire gets enough bb bucks wind coin and blows it up, but prob won’t happen

    2. BB Bucks Balances:
      250 – Derek F
      150 – Hannah
      100 – Azah, Claire
       75 – Tiffany
       50 – Kyland, SarahB
        0 – Alyssa, Xavier
      Assume everyone got an envelope with 50. Vote according to your desire.
      The enveloppes if done correctly by prodo could mean that everyone except for Alyssa and Xavier and likely SB could conceivably play (no way SB gets 100) idiots that buy pandering for fan votes might be stupid enough to give Ky 100 and Prodo might be blatant enough to give him a 100 envelope.
      Hanna doesn’t need the votes. with envelope and lowest votes she now qualifies.

    3. I’d say Claire. I think she trust Tiffanie, but if she won she may put up X and Ky. Would love to see the chaos if that happened.

  4. Tiffany Hoh. Please DF play that coin of destiny overthrow and have her evicted. F@^&# the cookout and her.

    1. Pretty sure she will be going on the block. However, I did wish for an HoH that would boot Kyland from the room if it got too late; if anyone is going to be doing it , it is Tiff

      1. Do you really think the Cookout will vote against Ky, when he’s on the block against SB, a non-Cookout member? Even if it’s in their best interest to do so?

        I just don’t think any of them can pull that trigger and face being called a traitor to their cause. Clearly, it would be best for ALL of them to get Ky out, with the possible exception of X, who would then be exposed as the only true competition person left. But for Hannah, Azah, and Big D, it would be better to get rid of him now, vs. having him around to go on a winning streak with X, and dominate the end of the game. Claire would gladly go along with it. Alyssa would do what X told her to do (shocker). SB on the block would have no say in it.

        But it’ll never happen, as they are totally sold on the agenda, despite the fact X and Ky are in control of the game, and those two will determine who gets to the final 2.

  5. Opening up the floor to naming the mood swing that matches Tiff with HOHITIS.
    Keep in mind… Muffy, Candi and Buella are already taken.

    Chance that Ky, X and Couch just decided Tiff is the first cookout member they have to cut? 100000%

      1. hmmm. Not sure if that fits with the absolute mania and ego that’s going to hit. Oh, we know it’s going to be mania and ego, right? Plus… I was sorta saving VampQueen for Couch’s HOH. totally joking.

          1. If I’m correct “Another Name” is from the days when the site wouldn’t save people’s usernames via a cookie so unless you typed it in every time it would come up as Name.. back then we had easily 4 times the comments 1/2 were authored by “name”

            Classic OBB

  6. Please when does this season end? Can we just cut to finale night? Couch wins because Ky and X both take him to the end. And CBS wonders why they dropped a million viewers? This is my last season. Im not interested in watching race wars. Congratulations on losing all your die hard viewers that had never missed a season.

    1. Not to worry,.many are with you. They’ve really jumped the shark for real, BBCAN and BBUS are just plain retarded. BBUS will be on the BET channel within 2 years.

      Only decent English BB left is Australia and there is a celebrity version airing in another month or so.

  7. Analyzing the twilight zone of week 7.
    What made Dx’s campaign unsuccessful.

    • He relied on showing everyone HIS perspective on the game given his knowledge of house dynamics as he knows them. A better use of his chessboard strategy: have the person he is campaigning to show him how they see the house from their perspective, and show how he benefits that.
    • Parroting the campaigns of people that have been evicted is not a great move. Both Christian and Brit used shield theory to no avail. It’s no longer an option moving into mid game, shield theory works better pre-jury, but even then isn’t optimal if the shield is too much stronger than the shielded.
    • He refused to acknowledge what he knew. His analysis last week with Claire was far better than the analysis he used in his campaign when picturing house dynamics.
    • He spent too much time trying to change the mind of the HOH. In a week where the HOH doesn’t get a tie split vote, they have no power. Given he acknowledges that SB has no sway in the house because so many want her out…. why bother campaigning to her when nobody is going to listen to her opinion?

    Should it have been successful? Debatable. Could have been successful easily without the understanding and the mission for the season.

    Did I think he was leaving? NO. I was sure they’d throw Invisi-Claire out to play with Britoria given the way prodo plays 9 out of 10 times.

      1. You guys are slow learners, this was obvious on day 2, when they were tribing out in the lounge room laughing at “Aryan sh!t”.

    1. Yes.
      The CO is rolling to F6. Then the 3 males will do everything they can to get to F3. Then Big D wins $50k for sleeping half the summer away.

  8. I think it knda sucks that the other house guests were implying the other day on how they would want Big D to stick around due to his inabilty to win HOH or Veto competitons partly because of his size. I sure hope that he can prove them all wrong an win something and really do some shaking up in the house as this season has been a bit of a bore. I would die laughing if Big D wins when it counts and takes home the 750 k.

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