Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel says I hate to be a b!tch but did Adam really earn his spot in the final three.. *Updated*

This Big Brother Spoilers update encompass what happened in the BB house on September 5th from 9:15am PST to 11:00am Rachel, Adam, Porsche, Kalia and Jordan are left in the house.
9:15am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the feeds come back, Adam is in the backyard smoking. Kalia is in the bathroom telling Jordan about a dream she had about walking her dogs and how they fell down a stair case shaft. And says that after they bounced their necks weren’t so good because of the leash. Kalia, Porsche and Jordan are all getting ready for the day in the bathroom. Kalia leaves the bathroom. Porcshe tells Jordan that she loves it when BB gives them a warning about how much time them have till the ceremony it makes it so much better. Jordan agrees. Kalia comes back. Jordan leaves. Kalia starts telling Porsche all about how she was trying again last night to get Adam to consider using he veto. Kalia starts talking to herself saying that it’s veto day … find out your fate day… Kalia starts going over her speech that she will give during the POV ceremony.
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10am – 10:20am Kalia joins Adam in the backyard. Adam gets up and heads inside. Rachel passes Adam and tells him if he needs to hide he can use the HOH room. Adam says thanks …I’m just going to shower now. Rachel and Jordan head up to the HOH room. They talk about how maybe if Adam wins HOH next, he won’t try so hard for the POV. Rachel and Jordan talk about how Adam keeps telling people that they need to earn their spot. Rachel says I hate to be a bitch but did he really earn his spot in the final three. Jordan says that she thinks Adam win take Porsche to the final two. Jordan says that she doesn’t think Porsche care whether she wins second or first place. Rachel says well go home then. Rachel tells Jordan to tell Adam that he has at least three votes in the jury. Rachel says okay listen …dont repeat this.. if we don’t know if we can trust Adam … if we win is it better to pick Adam or Porsche for the final three. Jordan says yeah its better to pick Adam. Rachel says that Adam will beat us in questions, where as Porsche won’t be able to. Rachel and Jordan discuss the jury votes and questions. Rachel is worried that Adam won’t stick with the deal with them next week. Jordan says well throw it in his face that you opened Pandora’s box and gave him Tori Spelling. Rachel and Jordan go through the scenarios of what will happen if whoever wins HOH. Jordan again talks about how she thinks whoever wins HOH they will not get to play in the final POV. Jordan says that she hasn’t told Adam that yet and doesn’t want to because she is worried that he will use the veto to keep one of the girls. Jordan says that it would be better to have Adam win the HOH this week so then it gives us better odds at the POV. Jordan says that she is going to try for the HOH but if I don’t get it… it will give us better odds for me to play in the POV with you.
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10:25am All four cameras switch to Adam and Kalia out in the backyard talking about cars and car accidents.

Rachel, Adam and Jordan are in the bathroom talking. Adam says that he has a really good speech ready. Adam starts to head outside and then asks Jordan to come out with him so that they don’t bombard him with questions again. Rachel says awe poor Adam! Jordan tells Adam that right after the veto she will give him Fara’s necklace back. Adam says right after I don’t use it. Jordan says yeah. Meanwhile out in the backyard, Kalia is talking to Porsche about how she can’t understand why Adam is still confused about whether or not to use the veto. Kalia says that Adam has played the game passively and that this is his chance to make a move. Kalia says how would Adam answer the question of what moves he has made, saying that he would say I teamed up with Jeff… Kalia says well, then Jeff should be in the final two! Adam joins them out in the backyard. Porsche tells him that he will give him a massage if he uses the veto on her. Right then Big Brother calls Adam to the diary room. Adam heads inside. Kalia talks about how she has been hounding Adam and said that he must be getting annoyed with her … She says that he said no .. it shows how bad you want to be here. Porsche says huh…

10:45am Big Brother cuts the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen… POV ceremony is happening now!!

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82 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel says I hate to be a b!tch but did Adam really earn his spot in the final three.. *Updated*”

  1. Today on Rigged Brother
    Out in the back yard Porsche is talking with Adam, Porsche says” see what happens when won win a competition that you weren’t supposed to win, fortunately for me all AG and production does is reverse or nullify my nominations” Adam says “yes you got off lucky but that is probably because you chose a side a long time ago, me on the other hand just wanted to feel the power for a few days give Rachel and Jordan a little of their own medicine but that stops now” Porsche asks why? Adam said that AG has already shown him the two possible outcomes with regard to using the veto. “first she showed me that if I don’t use it, then when I get voted out at #3 they will amplify the applause the crowd gives me, that Julie Chen will say that I deserved to win and how masterful my game was, third Jeff has agreed to be my room mate for an entire month and any show JJ go on I will get to carry their bags” Porsche says that the deal doesn’t sound very good. Adam says that the other option is something he don’t want to think about “AG showed me a tv monitor and Farah and my family are suspended by a rope above a cesspool of JJ fans frothing at the mouth chanting Kill Kill Kill’ Porsche tells Adam she is sorry that she tried to warn him and that it couldn’t get any worse. Adam says you have no Idea.
    Meanwhile in the HOH Rachel is talking to Jordan and tells her” I wonder if our fans have figured out that they can enjoy the rest of their summer and just tune in for the final show, this whole acting surprised thing is really hard” Jordan says “I don’t think they could tell the difference any way” Rachel says “this year hasn’t really been fair to the newbs but they knew that when they signed on” Jordan wonders just who these newbs are and Rachel explains “you know the supporting cast” Jordan says you mean “AG and the production crew?’ Rachel gets the crayons and explains it to her Jordan says “I was always good at farts and craps” Rachel says do you mean “arts and crafts” Jordan says “no”.
    Rachel says that ” Last time I was on my fans were so great, they would invite me down to the over pass and always had some wine and roasted rat for her” Jordan says “I know after my season when I went back to school my teacher told all the other students I had done so well” Rachel didn’t know that Jordan was still in school and asks “what school do you go to” Jordan says “the deaf dumb and blind school but they just call it that because she can see and hear” Rachel wonders what time it is because it seems like more than an hour has gone by and the money hasn’t fallen from the ceiling again.
    Out in the back yard Adam asks Kalia why she eats so much Kalia explains “that at first she was trying in the competitions and every time she won AG threw a curve ball so she thought what else can I do, out walked Jordan and it hit me if I don’t try, sleep a lot, talk people down for doing the same thing that I do and eat like there is no tomorrow I can win this…feeds cut

    1. This just made my day.

      I totally respect your creative genius, but I miss the name-calling. I hope AG is able to read this.

      Team squabble for BB14, yo!

        1. Squabble nobody gave a crap when they were calling Dani Skeletor and way worse, and let’s not forget the laundry list of names people had for Shelly! Don’t be a puss just cause a couple of square non-humorous Jordan Rachel fans cried.
          Tell em to KISS IT and keep writing funny stuff :). KthxBye

          1. If BB is completely rigged then Jeff would still be there and he wouldn’t have left so early first time he
            was in the BB cast. I do agree some things are said/done that make it tempting for the HG to do
            production’s bidding, but it always boils down to free will.

            Porsche didn’t have to open Pandora’s box. And Kalia didn’t have to vote with the house,
            yes the same Kalia who is always talking about big movies had to consult JR on who to vote out
            and they gave her the good ‘ole poker face. As Jeff used to say, she got got. Good game move
            on the part of JR; it worked. (She was trying to pretend the 4 girl final was still a possibility; of
            course she also had a deal with Adam which she ignored and now she thinks he’s going to
            believe her? Yeah, right!)

            Adam is not going to do anything to help Kalia out, why should he? He knows she won’t honor
            any deals. Keeping Kalia would only benefit Kalia. I can’t wait to see her go, she is as annoying
            as hell. Meanwhile if Porsche gets in power she might take Adam with her, she can’t say
            much about flipping sides cuz she’s played a similar game to Adam’s.

            1. it was rigged for jeff to win: notice his shoes was near the top.. obviously they wanted him to win. her just wasn’t careful.

            2. But you have to admit, the chances of Porsche not opening the box was extremely slim. No one chooses not to open the box. The twist that was unleashed as a result of Pandora’s box blatantly favored the vets. Julie Chen never said anything about Pandora’s box returning, but then it conveniently popped up after Porsche won HOH. Production knows that no one ever decides not to open Pandora’s box, so it is very likely that they used Porsche’s opening it up as a cover-up to save the vets.

              1. i agree i think it was fix not fare its funny when rachel open the box why couldnt be the same no because it was the newbee fixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbigbrother not nice

      1. Rigged Brother update
        HOH room again Rachel and Jordan are happy, the machine that drops the money from the ceiling is stuck in the on position, I have never heard these two this quiet for this long.
        Meanwhile it the Jury house
        Brendon is talking with Jeff and asks ” Please man she is crazy as all hell and don’t shower very much, her hair looks like one of those Treasure Trolls, I can’t get away from her” Jeff says “Dude I have my own problems Dude, if Jordan don’t win this Dude, than this Dude is going to have to get a real job Dude”
        Shelly and Dani overhearing that conversation agree America loves a freak show…feeds cut

    2. Yes Squabble I totally agree and I love this one:Today on Porsche & Kaila Failure Big Brother
      Out in the backyard Porsche is talking with Kaila, Porsche says” see what did happen when we lost a competition that you were supposed to lose again, fortunately for me all Dani’s plans does seems is not working which our nominations is stays the same” Kaila says “No we got off a bad luck start but that is probably because you chose to eat at McDonald’s or we are sleeping together long time ago, me on the other hand just wanted to feel more miserable and we are going to the Jury House together for a few days give Rachel and Jordan a little bit of our farewell party to see us get evicted” Porsche asks why? Kaila said that the producers has already shown me the value meal for me to eat and feel more tired and want to sleep with. “first I show you that if I do want to sleep with you, then when I get voted out at #4 they will be happy the applause the crowd gives me, that Julie Chen will say that I deserved to lose and how dani’s plan messed up my game was, third Dani has agreed to be my second crush for an entire month and any show DKPS go on I will get to sleep in her bed” Porsche says that Dani’s relationship does sound very good but not as me. Kaila says that the other option is something she do want to think about “The Producers showed me a Value Meal with Happy meal toy and Porsche are satified with love in the backyard making out above accesspool of Dani’s fans crying at the moon chanting I love you Porsche, I love you Porsche, I love you Porsche ’ Porsche tells Kaila she is very sorry that she tried to fell in love with you and that it could get any Happier. Kaila says you have no Idea that I love you.
      Meanwhile in the HOH Rachel is talking to Jordan and tells her” I wonder if Dani’s fans have figured out that KP can enjoy the rest of their summer at the Jury House together and see Dani to be pissed and just tune in for the final show, this whole idea surprise things is really cool” Jordan says “I do think Dani would tell KP the difference of messing things up is a good anyway” Rachel says “this year has really been unfair of Kaila & Porsche but they knew that when they told the truth about Kaila & Porsche fell in love each other” Jordan wonders just who these two lovebird are and Rachel explains “you know the birds & the bees” Jordan says you mean “KP and Dani’s backup plan?’ Rachel gets the book and explains it to her Jordan says “I was always good at love and relationship” Rachel says do you mean “chocolates and Roses” Jordan says “yes”.
      Rachel says that ” Last time I was on my fiance Brendon’s bed were so great, I would invite myself up in my bed and you will take care of Jessie from Big Brother 11 ” Jordan says “I know after my season when Kaila still go to school her teacher told all the other students I had done so well” Rachel didn’t know that Kaila was still in school and asks “what school do Kaila go to” Jordan says “the Ronald McDonald and sleeping at school but they just call it that because she can eat and sleep all day” Rachel wonders what time it is because it seems like more than an hour has gone by and Kaila’s Happy meal hasn’t fallen from the backyard again.
      Out in the backyard Porsche asks Kalia why she eats so much Kalia explains “that at first she was trying to give me some Value meal during the competitions and every time she won I got screw up alot so she thought what else can I eat, I was outcold. Jordan didn’t kick me if I do eat more, sleep everyday, kissing porsche more for doing the great thing that I do sleep and eat more coming for tomorrow I can lose this…feeds cut
      Porsche & Kaila failure Big Brother update
      HOH room again Rachel and Jordan are happy that the McDonald’s employee that drops the happy meal from the backyard is drop in this position, I have never heard Kaila & Porsche are still kissing at the backyard for this long.
      Meanwhile it the Jury house
      Brendon is talking with Jeff and asks ” Please man look at my awesome hair as I do shower very much, my hair looks like one of Backstreet Boys or Jonas Brothers, I can myself away from being me” Jeff says “Dude I have your back man, if Jordan do win this Dude, than this Dude is going to have a great wedding Dude”
      Shelly and Dani didn’t hear that conversation don’t agree America loves Jeff & Jordan…feeds cut
      Squabble, Your awesome man. I love that one. I love the part of Brendon took shower and looks like a backstreet boy. Which one Brian, Nick, Howie, or AJ? You probably like Nick. That’s great. That’s is so funny. I know I agree with you. Keep sending more funny stuff. I love the part that Kaila eats Quarter pounder. That’s awesome. I know everyone will laugh at this one. Team Squabble = JJBR. You rock. BTW, I didn’t know you like Jonas Brothers. Which one you like Nick Joe or Kevin? You probably Joe. That’s awesome.
      Great Job for putting up Porsche & Kaila Failure Big Brother. I absolutely agree with you on this one. Thank bro!

  2. Adam Adam Adam, Sticking to a team that has alread decided not to take you to final 2 and may not even want you in final 3 instead of going for a virtual guarentee at final 3. When he watches the feeds and blogs afterwards he is going to soot himself. Yoy would think a super fan would be a little brighter on game.

    1. If you think that K or p are taking him to the final 3 then you are crazy they will be thinking the same thing that RJ is

      1. KP would take Jordon, and Rachel doesn’t realize her biggest enemy is Jordon too. If Jordon wins, she would take Adam. Hopefully, RA will go to F2.

      2. Jordan does want to take Adam to the final 3; Rachel is the one that is questioning it. Want it to be Jordan/Rachel/Adam final 3. Watching the live feeds it seems as if Porsche is sort of mad at Adam for not using the Veto!

    2. That doesn’t really make a difference. Both sides want to take him to final 3, but neither side wants to take him to final 2. He’s in the exact same spot with either side. Adam’s best bet for making final 2 is to sit in the middle and try to git rid of one person from each side. So if they get rid of Kalia this week he’ll want to get rid of Rachel next week. That way when they get to final 3 with him, Jordan and Porsche, which ever one of them wins will be more likely to pick him to go to final 2 than each other. He’s not “with” either side.

  3. I finally get why Allson Grodner is obsessed with good looking people (Jeff Jordon Jesse)……she ugly…and we all know ugly people always try fit in and be liked lol

  4. I can’t believe Jordan keeps going on and on about HOH not being able to play in the Veto Comp at F4. That only happened in her season because Gnat opened her Pandora’s Box, not because it’s such a regular twist.

  5. i want rachel to win that final POV so bad, i really want her to win this season, come on rachel pls pls win that final pov and hoh, i want u to WIN….

      1. Aimon, this is the first time I have visited this site today. The person who signed on using my name at 11:37 this morning is an imposter.

  6. Adam has to use the veto and get rid of Jordan

    F4: KRAP <—– lol
    Then KAP win HOH
    If A wins HOH and KP wins veto R is gone
    If A wins HOH and R wins veto K/P is gone (probably Kalia)

    If K wins HOH and KP wins veto R is gone
    If K wins HOH and R wins veto K/P is gone (probably Kalia)

    If P wins HOH and PK wins veto R is gone
    If P wins HOH and R wins veto K/P is gone (probably Kalia)

    Adam has to throw the veto if he doesn't win HOH.
    Adam is guranteed final 3 if he uses this veto.

    Final 3 of: AKP or ARP most likely
    If it is AKP
    Adam has to win HOH and takes Kalia.

    If it is ARP
    I think R and P would both take Adam to final2 (not sure because they used to be friends RP).

    R vs A
    R: BJJ
    A: DKPS
    Adam wins vs Rachel

    K vs A
    K: DP
    A: BRJJ
    I don't know how Shelly would vote
    Adam wins vs Kalia

    P vs A
    P: DK
    A: JJ
    BRS I don't know
    This all comes down to if R likes P enough to convince Brendon that P should win.
    Adam would probably lose against Kalia.

        1. It’s kinda bizarre that everyone thinks Rachel is such a great player….almost every farewell speech had something bad to say to the person leaving…..if they will be the jury…than that is not too bright….good thing Brendon and Jeff are in the Jury so far….I think they had the agreement from the beginning to vote Vets down the line from the jury box….only now they can’t depend on Danni…I admit she’s better than the others in comps….but I do not think she deserves to win..unfortunately ….no one else there deserves it either…out of all of them I hope Porshe wins…but because the newbies are stuck with Adam, it is not likely any will make it except Adam possibly since the winner will want to sit next to him…he couldn’t possibly win…

  7. Neither Adam nor Jordan deserve to be in the final 3, yet that’s the way it’s going to be….
    They will get rid of Adam, and Rachel ad Jordan will be the final 2, and sadly Jordan will win again…. Without deserving it…..

    1. Why would she not deserve it? Because her strengths don’t lay in compititions? This game is not “Win the competitions!” It is Big Brother. It is as much of a social game as physical/questions game. Some one could go all the way by winning every HOH and POV comps all season and have the shittiest social game and not get the $50,000. (Never been done, but is concievable.) Some one could loose/throw every competition and have a great social game and still win (we pretty much saw that with Dr. Will season 2. Masterful!). Just because you do not like Jordan, you think she’s dumb, etc. does not mean she does not deserve to win. She has mad social game. There are 3 reasons she does not get voted out:

      1) She is not much of a threat.
      2) She is loyal to her alliance.
      3) She is sweet and people don’t want to hurt her.

      1. why do people insist on pretending Jordan has a “great social game?!” Jordan’s social game consisted of doing whatever Jeff told her to do and now riding on Rachel’s back. other than that, she’s spent all season sleeping, twirling her hair and walking around the backyard speaking nonsense to her alliance (if we don’t stick together they’ll pick us of one by one, blah blah blah).

        she’s a complete idiot. she keeps parroting the line that “Porsche doesn’t even care if she wins.” really? so you don’t think Porsche cares if she wins $500,000 or not?

        the only thing you can give Jordan is that she was loyal to her alliance. but come on, was she going to flip on Jeff? she’s still in to him and hasn’t yet realized that he’s banging other chicks. and the other reason she’s remained loyal is that she’s too dumb to really make any big game moves.

        it seems the other “great” defense JJ fans now come up with is… if you make it to the end, you must have a played a great game. if only that were true. but the reality is that the good players often pick each other off which leaves the weak and the dumb to win.

        i don’t much care for Rachel, but if she wins she deserves it. but of these 5, Jordan is the least deserving to win.

        1. I disagree. If you watch closely you will see that Jordan was giving Jeff and now Rachael stratgy advice. When Jordan would come up with a move that she claimed her gut told her, she was usually right on the money. Also in the luxury competition she came up with David Hasselhoff long before anyone else was even getting close. Jordan is smarter than a lot of people give her credit for. She also has a great social game. The two combined is how she won her first season and has made it as far as she has this season.

      2. No need to compare the awesomeness of Dr. Will to Jordan. They are two very different players. Dr. Will manipulates, Jordan is sweet and therefore is just not seen as a threat.

        1. I agree, Dr. Will is the best player to ever play BB. Please don’t compare Jordan to him. Jordan may be nice and all but she doesn’t play the game, she rides Jeff’s and now Rachel’s back. Dr. Will purely manipulated each and every houseguest. Everyone saw Dr. Will as a threat but he managed to convince all not to vote him out. Jordan’s pleas are more I’m sweet and innocent: Don’t evict me.This game is social game, manipulation, competitions, and big game moves. The player who is the best at all four of them should win and right now that’s Rachel, and maybe P a little bit. Therefore neither Adam nor Jordan deserve the final two seats. In BB 11, Natalie and Kevin were very similar to Jordan just they were the villains and Jordan was not.

          1. No direct comparison was intended. Dr. Will was pheonominal. I like Jordan and think she is better than most of you will admit, but Dr. Will would eat ANY of these participants for lunch. The only point being made was that there are ways of winning the game and still not win a single compitition.

      3. Honestly, Jordan has niether a social gane or a good comp game. Can she make it to the end? sure….she could also win. But not because she had a good social game. Is hanginf on the coat tails of your boyfreind a good social game? Or Riding Rachel? She has said on occasion that she hasnt really spoke to some of the house guest. Besides Adam, Shelly and Rachel she really hasnt interacted with anybody.

        If you want to say that she simply layed low and didnt put a target on herself….OK but is that a social game? A social game is working the HG’s. Making freinds…not enemy’s she hasnt did that. She just rode two people to where she is. I also am not on the side of people who say her HOH was thrown to her….who cares. It was so long ago it has no effect on the game. All that said she has an excellent chance of winning. Does she “deserve it” nope. But this isnt a game of who deserves to win. I think the biggest mistake of this game is Rachel taking her to the final two….IMHO its the biggest mistake in the game….Why? because if it is J/R in the final two….Jordan wins. Will cost Rachel….$450 G’s

    2. I think the important word to remember here is “deserves”….how do you define what is deserving??? Certainly some people have played harder, meaning they bust their butts in comps, but maybe Adam is just really smart about it all??? Maybe he is not as dumb as he acts and look…its worked so far….maybe dumb like a fox? Maybe he is physically challenged, but maybe he has played to his strengths….either way….he is still there….and is NOT anyones target right now!! Maybe based on that, he does deserve to get to final 2??

    3. If Jordan or Adam end up in the final two I am going to throw up. I have watched Big Brother since the beginning and I have never seen two more underserving people of being in the top 2. I am surprised to see Jordumb having so many people rooting for her …only cause ‘she and Jeff are like SO cute!!!’ Please… If this was about who deserves to be in the final 2 (out of the people who are left) it is going to be Porsche and Rachel. (hate admitting the latter) Jordumb and Rachel will not be in the final 2… sorry. Or production will do something to avoid it. I mean – who would watch the boring ass finale with two vets? Or even Kalia and Porsche? The only way to make it interesting is if a vet and a newbie are both in the F2. Just PLEASE don’t let Jordumb or Adumb get to the F2!!!!!!! Can’t stand either at all… no matter how much their airhead fans defend them.

    4. If Jordan or Adam end up in the final two I am going to throw up. I have watched Big Brother since the beginning and I have never seen two more underserving people of being in the top 2. I am surprised to see Jordumb having so many people rooting for her …only cause ‘she and Jeff are like SO cute!!!’ Please… If this was about who deserves to be in the final 2 (out of the people who are left) it is going to be Porsche and Rachel. (hate admitting the latter) Jordumb and Rachel will not be in the final 2… sorry. Or production will do something to avoid it. I mean – who would watch the boring ass finale with two vets? Or even Kalia and Porsche? The only way to make it interesting is if a vet and a newbie are both in the F2. Just PLEASE don’t let Jordumb or Adumb get to the F2!!!!!!! Can’t stand either at all… no matter how much their airhead fans defend them.

  8. I really could care less who wins BB but the only interesting outcome is a kpa final three. Adam is a idiot if he doesnt use the veto he cant win a final 2 against either vet. The vote will the three vets and shelly against him. You got to remember shelly wants to be friends with JJ after BB so she probably care less about voting on gameplay. Jeff is probably telling shelly right now if she wants to make up for turning on them, if R or J are in the final two she has to vote for the vet with the other three vets. If kalia does go this week hope she gets booed for her horrible gameplay especially that lawon hoh and when adam goes next after porsche makes a final three deal with R and J I hope he gets booed for being a dumbass. He says he doenst play the game personally but he keeps going on about kalia voting for him and how he has to return the favor.

  9. Why would Adam believe anything that Kahlia and porsche tell him, why would he trust them?????? The newb alliance was a sham, Dom. Lawon, Keith, and Cassie were in a alliance, Shelly and Kahlia went over toi the vets side, actually so did Porsche, she wanted to be on the block to get Keith out. Adam was all by himself and he figured it out after the first vote. The vets have kept him safe the entire game, {whether it was for his vote or not he was still safe} Now he is in final 5, and he is going to dance with the ones that brought him, and take his chances that he can knock one of them out.

    1. I have a feeling Rachelle may just hang herself if Adam gets much farther since she was always saying that her game was about getting out floaters….now she is in danger of being screwed by one!

      1. the one that doesn’t “deserve” to be there is Jordan……..I have yet to see her have any game, let alone “thought” of her own. Notice how every idea she “had” was someone elses this season???? She just hopes she is likable enough….

      1. No, I read that, but her and Jordan are always throwing “what ifs” about, and until I see more of that, I won’t comment. Rachel as far as I am concerned should be in the final 2, she is the only one that has played the entire game {yes, I know she was an emotional wreck, and even she is embarrassed by it on reflection”} but I am concerned she is going to get screwed this Thursday, she has to win the veto to be safe. Actually getting rid of Adam would be a smarter move on her part, between Rachel and Jordan I think porsche leans more towards Rachel and I don’t think Porsche is as good at questions. Adam will take Jordan with him which is a stupid move, he is not going to get Jeff’s vote if he knocks Jordan out or if he keeps Jordan, and by keeping Jordan he will be giving her a lot of votes. rachel and Adam would be a close vote.

    2. why should he believe rachel or jordon they are no better and his chances of winning is better against the a newbie because all the vets like him

    3. Exactly. I said it before but I truly do believe that there are way too many Dani fans out there that could never accept anybody but Dani or a protege winning. As if that would vindicate Dani in some way, making making her early eviction not seem quite so bad.

      Dani is gone folks so get over it. So is Jeff, Brendon, Shelly and the rest – all for making the wrong moves at the time for THIS game. What works in one game doesn’t always work in another. In fact what works one week may not work next week, in the very same game. That is just BB.

      Adam has figured out a way to stay in this game week to week and after all, that is was always works – just getting to next week. Like it or not, he is still here and whatever game he is playing it has proven to be a better plan than those followed by experienced vets who now sit in the jury house.

      We all have favorites and others we detest but to make it so personal as some of you do is rather disturbing. I read one comment that Adam’s girlfriend should reconsider ever having kids with him based on BB – some of you really need to get a life…

      1. Agree with your sentiments, BB Baja. As with any addiction, these BB super fans are upping the ante, wanting more … *blood & gore.* As the games become more predictable year after year the super fans want a higher level of excitement, ‘as do I.’ I enjoy this show, and checking in on Simon’s great recaps but I sure as hell don’t get too excited so it alters my day or my mood. I mean, in all SERIOSITY!

      2. I just don’t get the obsession with Dani. She wasn’t a god. If she was still there, Kalia would be hanging on her ankle while Dani drug her around. Simon, your fingers will get a rest once Kalia is gone. lol. And Kalia’s high opinion of herself is laughable. I can’t wait until she gets out and discovers no one, not even people who root for the newbie, liked her and how ridiculous she acted and sounded. At least Rachel realizes that she was over the top the first time Brendon was evicted. Unfortunately, people like Kalia have blinders on and will always think she is better that she is and no one will ever convice her otherwise.

        People keep saying Jordan is so dumb. Dumb like a fox to get Kalia to vote against Adam. Why Kalia expected them to help her at all is beyond me since she has been against them for a long time and got Jeff evicted. Jordan is definely still young and naive but that doesn’t make her dumb. People on here have put her down for working as a receptionist at a hair salon, but she is also still in school. I wonder what kind of great, career enhancing jobs they had in college, CEO?

    1. hun the soicial game she had was watching as Jeff and Rachel made decisions….shes loyal but thats about as far as her game play goes….shes a walking vote that’s kinda of if

      1. Actaully Jordan has had a lot of input in the decisions Jeff made and now Rachel is making. Her intuition is usually right on the mark.

    2. After Kalia is evicted this week the last worthy player leaves as well. At this point as much as it pains me I would want Rachel to win it, seeing as she is the only person left in the house who actually played…..this season is horrible…

  10. I could never stand Rachel and as obnoxious as she is, she is the only one who desreves to win. She competes her ass off day in and day out… Adam should be called The Booey of Big Brother, he floats so much…Porsche should be called The Boobs of Big Brother, she’s only looking to get a call from Cinemax for a late night role….Kalia, where to begin…she really thinks she is a good player in the game but all she does is eat, talk 90 miles per hour about literally nothing, sleep, eat, talk, sleep, eat…blah blah blah..shes gotta go…And Jordan, nothing bad to say about her, she is just a good soul and a beautiful person inside and out..shes great at the social game and i hate to say it but she floats Almost as much as Adam ………………ZIIIIIIING!

  11. adam aka “The Nutless Wonder” will strike again today when he sinks his chances of winning by not using the veto on porsche. if he did they could vote jordan out, rachel can’t play in the hoh & it’s 3 or 2 on 1 in the veto. he talked about how they couldn’t get rachel out before, well they could hav if they would hav voted her out the first time because then brendon would hav thrown the comp to her so she could hav come back he would hav stayed gone & dani would hav got her out the next week instead of having to kill the zombie brendon again, & then production stepped in & saved her & jordan last week with the duo twist & then geared the veto & then following hoh comp to something that rachel was good at hanging onto brendon, even though it was a dummy & crawling thru what looked like his (well u know), & then oh what a shock adam finally wins something legitimately right when he’s back on JR side Shocker! he has no chance against jordan or rachel in final 2 but he would against porsche or kalia so i don’t understand his way of thinking, is he really too stupid to know that obviously JR set kalia up to vote against him, i guess his head is too far up jordan’s ass to see anything, also if he doesn’t use the veto here’s a likely scenario porsche wins hoh puts JR up rachel win pov pulls herself off adam goes up she votes him out & “The Nutless Wonder” goes to jury. What a dumbass!!

  12. for everyone who thinks adam and jordan don’t deserve to win bb
    season 2 dr will deserved to win
    season 3 lisa did not danielle did
    season 4 I was not a fan of allison but she deserved to win over jun
    season 5 I believe maggie deserved to win but many people didn’t
    season 6 drew deserved to win but diane should have been in final 2
    season 7 mike deserved to win
    season 8 dick and daniele did not deserve to be in final 2 they were there because of eric and america(I know everyone disagrees with this)
    season 9 no one deserved to win
    season 10 dan deserved to win but I was rooting for keesha
    season 11 jeff or michelle deserved to win
    season 12 no one deserved to win
    season 13 rachel deserves to win

    I have no doubt everyone will disagree with me, but thats the point of bb, everyone has their favorites some are good at comps, some are good at the social game, and some are floaters, as long as you get to the end thats all that matters

  13. Why is rachel talking about the final 3. after kalia is evicted it will be 4 then 3. rachel herself might not make it to the final3

  14. I’m the biggest loser with all the wasted time invested in this pathetic season.
    It’s like watching a rerun and hoping for a different outcome.

    This site has made it bearable, especially the posts by Squabble. More, more, more! Please Squabble?

  15. I will lmao if Adam makes it further than Jordan. He deserves it as much as she does, lol. Porsche and Rachel-final 2.

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