Big Brother Spoilers: POV ceremony results: Adam DOES NOT use the VETO!

11:30am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Kalia is in the HaveNot room by herself. Adam and Porsche are in the purple room talking. Adam says that he couldn’t use the veto on her because he told her if she wants it she needs to win it. Adam says that if really hurt him to not use it. Porsche says he knows. Porsche starts talking about how they as newbies all wanted to stick together. Adam says that when two people make a deal and go back on their word the deal is broken. Porsche says that she just really needs his vote now. Adam says that Kalia started making deals and went back on her word. Adam says that just yesterday Kalia was giving me the same speech that Dani gave me before …word for word. About me being a fan of this game and needing to make a big move. Adam says the fact that she said it word for word.. it just showed me Kalia is playing Dani’s game and not her own game. Kalia comes and knocks on the purple room door and Adam tells her to give them a minute. Adam says that the last straw was when she voted to evict me and not Shelly.

11:40am Jordan and Rachel are up in the HOH room talking about how they don’t think Adam will take them to the finals …that he is talking to Porsche right now about a final two deal. Jordan and Rachel are in the bathtub shaving. Both Jordan and Rachel think Adam will take Porsche over one of them. Jordan says all you have to do is ask him and he can’t lie he will just be like uuhhh… Rachel says that she doesn’t think this will be a whole week… Jordan asks you think it will be another double eviction? Rachel says I dunno… maybe..

11:50am Adam comes up to the HOH room to talk to Jordan and Rachel. Jordan says thank you so much. Rachel says that speech was awesome. Adam says that his speech was not supposed to be directed at her …but that when Kalia made a deal with me and then went behind my back and made other deals ..our deal was then null and void. Jordan asks if Porsche is worried. Adam says yeah ..and she will be campaigning to you guys. Jordan says that she told Porsche the other day that she wasn’t going home. Adam says that was his problem with Lawon he didn’t campaign. Rachel tells Adam that she doesn’t think this will be a regular week .. Adam questions whether there will be a live show Wednesday and another one Thursday. Jordan, Adam and Rachel continue to speculate how the final shows will play out. Adam says that he doesn’t want to leave …but he just wants it to end already.

Adam says that he so just wants to go off on Kalia. Jordan says no don’t. Adam says that one part of him that they haven’t seen is his temper …and says his temper is the thing that has gotten him in trouble at work before. Adam says if I do go off …don’t take anything as being against you … Adam starts going off about how Kalia has been playing Dani’s game and not her own game. Jordan tells Adam that if it came down to Adam and Porsche she would 100% take him because he has been with them the entire time. Jordan says that she couldn’t take Porsche. Rachel tells Adam that he has just as much of a chance to win as we do. Adam says that he knows it and that he knows he can’t control the way people vote in the jury. Rachel says that if Porsche is final two she will have Shelly, Dani and Kalia as jury votes. Rachel says the only guaranteed vote for Jordan is Jeff and for me Brendon. Rachel says that no one likes me in the jury house. Jordan says that she has no clue how people will vote. Jordan says that Dani and Shelly hate me. Adam says that before the veto he will give them the necklace again …he is 100% with them. Adam says that he told Porsche that she has to fight for it if she wants it. Adam says that he told Porsche that he can’t make a final two deal with her. Adam says I don’t have a final two deal with either of you because there is still too much game to be played. Adam says that we are in a position to earn our spots in this game. They all say that the worst case is for Porsche to win HOH this week. Adam says that if he wins HOH …it won’t be such a desire for him to win the POV.

12pm – 12:20pm Meanwhile, Porsche joins Kalia are in the HaveNot room. Kalia says that she knows they are all going to vote to evict me. Kalia says that its fine if I leave …I mean it sucks but at least I will only be in the jury house for a week. Kalia says that when she talked to Rachel she said that I wasn’t a target but obviously I was the target. Kalia starts crying. Kalia says that she will not respect Adam at all …he gave us his word last week and now he is going back on it. Kalia says that if Adam is trying to get back at her for voting him out last week …then good job …you took away my shot at half a million because you’re pissed at me. Kalia says that I have no respect for him or his game and I will never vote for him if he’s in final two. Kalia says that he is an idiot. Kalia says that Adam will be shocked when he leaves Big Brother and sees what fans think of him. Kalia says that he is now going to hide up stairs …because he is a coward. Porsche says don’t be mad if I am up there shaving my legs or something.. Kalia says don’t worry you need to campaign just like I do. Kalia says that she is furious with Adam. Kalia and Porsche start talking about the jury house and votes. Kalia says that she will not start kissing butt to stay. Kalia and Porsche head into the kitchen to make something to eat.

12:20pm – 12:30pm Adam says that what really pissed him off is when last night Kalia told him that she guarantees that Rachel will not win HOH this week… Adam says nothing is a guarantee …don’t tell me you know what is going to happen… no one knows. Rachel says that pissed me off. Adam says we have all seen that when Rachel’s back is up against the wall she is able to win. Adam says that this week his vote really doesn’t matter … it is up to what Jordan and Rachel want. They start talking about previous seasons of Big Brother.

263 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers: POV ceremony results: Adam DOES NOT use the VETO!”

        1. IMO, Rachel is most likely a very nice person outside of the BB House.
          When she is inside the House, she is 100% Gamer and at times overly emotional
          and at times, downright nasty. I appreciate her Gamer Mode. She works it!!

          1. I agree even her worst enemy from her season says that they are besties now who’d thunk it LOL they hated each other her and Regan they were down right nasty to each other and now he is to be in their wedding party imagine that .

        2. I agree!! She is different without bren. She is better, stronger, in control and not such a spoiled brat. I like her this way!!

        1. Thank you, love those people who have watched this game and gives a fair assessment on house guest game play and not nasty at all. Thanks.

        2. Agreed, Adam had one last chance to make himself relevant as a player, and he failed. Rachel deserves this season hands down.

          1. I just don’t get Adam, he has no chance with Rachel and Jordan they are just using him and he is so stupid he does not see it.. He deserves to win nothing.

            1. Maybe not, but Adam really have a chance with Porsche or Kalia? Let’s just say he used the veto, Jordan goes up and gets voted out. He’s in the same exact situation he’s in now. All this talk about “big game moves”…where did get Dani, Jeff, & Shelly?

            2. I love all this talk about “big game moves”…isn’t the purpose of Big Brother t outlast everyone in the house? …where did “big game moves”. get Dani, Jeff, & Shelly?

      1. I have to agree with you. Rachel is the only one who has played with some semblance of a strategy to win. The rest of the players this season are just so pathetic. I rooted for the newbies, but I just can’t do it anymore. It’s like they want to give the money to a returning player. Rachel isn’t the best player, but she’s the best in that bunch, so I say more power to her. But you know, I’m so over those clowns at this point that I think I’m going to wait and tune in to the last ten minutes of the finale just to see who wins. I hope next summer will have real competitors, strong personalities, and more drama and fire! This season is a complete dud!

        1. I hear you. I love this show, but last night’s episode barely kept my attention. It was mostly just background noise. What a disappointing bunch of players. Good luck to Rachel, her winning will be the only thing that makes this season mediocre, as opposed to an outright failure.

      1. I agree that I think Rachel deserves to win this game, but I totally agree that the jury is very unpredictable and you just never know. A lot of times Jury holds grudges and their votes reflect that. Go Team Jordan, Rachel and Adam!!! These three have been pretty honest and have not been mean or hateful or evil like Porsche and Kalia!!!!!

        1. Really? Rachel has not been mean or hateful. Have you watched a second of the last two seasons. I can’t stand Rachel and I don’t think I’ve ever wanted somebody out as bad as I want Jordan out. She walks around talking about how she wants to get the floaters out when she’s won less competitions than anybody. EVEN ADAM!!!!!

          1. Rachel has been really very, very nice since Brendon left and has totally kept her word to Jordan. I think Brendon makes her kind of crazy but she has been really sweet and has taken care of Jordan especially when Shelly went after her. She has really shown that she is a nice person since Brendon left and she deserves to win. PORSCHE and KALIA are just vile human beings no way about it.

              1. KALIA threw her ilttle Yorkie into a wall and she is a LIAR so sorry do not want an animal abuser to win; and Porsche put stuff in the muscle milk to make Jordan sick and then she laughed and joked that when Rachel thought she might be pregnant about throwing a medicine ball at her stomach and making her miscarry and save Brendon $400. Sorry, but they are both disgusting individuals and do not deserve to win just because them are evil!!!

                1. Agreed! Porsche should have been kicked out of the BB house for tampering with their food.. Her comments about giving Rachel an abortion with a ball were disgusting and scary. Kalia talks about abusing her dog like its nothing.. Were did BB find these people???

                2. @ team J/R/A. I agree with you 100%. They are digusting people. The both of them make me sick. Porche thinks she gods gift and kalia thinks she deserves to win. I love how kalia thinks getting rod of jeff (a strong competitor) is a big move but now she’s trying to tell Adam a big move would be to keep her. Lmao. Dani said the same exact thing to Adam. Those 2 girls are delusional. Adam made the best game play for himself and dani and kalia would have done the same thing. Oh wait. They did do the same thing when dani got rid of Brendan and kalia got rid of jeff.

                3. And that is why I cannot tolerate those 2 horrible girls either. They deserve nothing. CBS should be taken to court for not IMMEDIATELY evicting Portia when she tainted that milk. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t poison; it would have been poison in there if she had it…she has criminal tendencies and the disgusting Kalia has the same, on top of a huge amount of arrogance.

                4. What I don’t understand is how Big Brother can even let porche stay. Putting stuff in milk to make someone sick, then stealing and putting someone’s toy in a toilet, then saying they should hit someone in a stomach to make them miscarry and yet she is allowed to stay on. She is a threat to people and I bet she is worse in real life. Really Big Brother is she is allowed to win this thing, then don’t be surprised when Rachel and Jordan see the feeds later and realize you did not protect them agains that nut case.

                  Normal people don’t put stuff in others milk to make them sick and that was their first clue she should be gone. She is a get even type of person.

                5. omg I so agree Rachel out of all left deserves to win and actually started to like P a bit but not after reading your comment about the medicine ball and saving Brendon 400$ gross and mean. And K throwing animals into walls ESP a tiny Yorkie is horrid !!!

              2. Really, have you watched how those mean girls gang on Rachel with disgusting, horrible comments and made up lies and stated that is all Rachel. Rachel expresses her thoughts with her emotions so she she is not faking. She is annoying but I have not heard her made very disgusting thoughts or horrible comments about the mean girls. She says Bitch, common term. She deserves to win this game.


            1. Agree and Porche is a snake in a grass, anyone who can threaten an unborn baby (saw the feeds and that was disburbing) when she thought Rachel might be pregnant is a sick individual. She is playing Adam and she would turn on him in a minute, just like she turned on Kalia. I don’t like Kalia but I don’t 100% dislike her either. I think she was swayed by earlier house guest and she made a mistake letting others run her hoh.

              I’ve always like Rachel because she never went around and personally talked crap about anyone. She talks game only and she was so sweet in trying to protect Jordan from Shelly. Brendan, well she loves him and we all do stupid stuff when our guys are around LOL.

              Reason I want Kalia out is that she is very good at the memory games and the next hoh could very well be mental versus physical. By the way, Jordan is not that dumb. Watching the feeds and listening to her reasoning why some need to go have been dead on.

              Maybe if they weren’t so bent on being nasty girls and talking crap about Rachel, they would have seen it was better to be on her side instead of dani’s.

              Reminds me of my all girl high school. Girls would talk crap about some of the nicest girls and then it became true. I hated that crap then and I still hate it. I the one who always defends people who are unjustly hurt. So Go Rachel.

            2. I do agree Rachel has been nicer lately but once they show her in her DR sessions she is back to her normal mean spirited self. IMHO I think shes either bipolar or she has a borderline personality!

          2. Jordan is useless but I don’t think she’s a floater she clearly had a side. P A K have just moved to the side with power. Have not influenced any hoh’s nominations they have been a vote for the entire game.

            1. Jordan only won 1 competition, and that was because brendon and jeff let her win. Jeff and Daniele threw a veto so Adam really only won 1 competition. More reason for Rachel Porsche or Kalia to win

        2. Really Rachel is an honest player yeah right! She has lied alot throughout the game remember when Brendan came back she told him how Dani was being so mean to her and that was not the case. Also told Brendan how Cassi was being mean to her but that was not the case because Cassi was just being honest how Rachel acts like a big Frackin baby! To all the idiots saying Kalia and Porshe are doing it for Dani what about Rachel saying I’m doing this for Brendan? See Rachel fans don’t want to see how she truly acts! What about Jordan she’s dumb Jeff carried her and Adam shifts allicances almost everyday so you have no clue what he’s going to do. If you are trying to say Rachel is meant to be their than yeah because they could of gotten her out the 17 times that she was up on the block! Honesty look for honesty in another life!

          1. LOL you’re definitely watching different feeds then the rest of us. Do us a favor and take off the blinders. Rachel is not a bad person no matter how much you want her to be.

            1. Rachel is a bad person and most people thought so until she teamed up with Saint Jordan. They would rather believe that Rachel is good and that is why Jordan is hanging with her. Than Jordan is bad, and that is why Rachel and Jordan bonded.

    1. I cannot stand Rachel, especially when Brendon is around. But, I will admit, since he has been gone and she hasn’t had a chance to pout and whimper and play the victim, she is tolerable. And, I cannot believe I am going to say this, but if she wins, I would not be upset. Somehow she always manages to survive. Part of the money should be put into a huge savings account for counseling, both individual and couples!!

  1. As this game continues on the best player is turning out to be Rachel. BB is not about who “deserves” to win but who plays the best game for this house at this point in the game. We’ll see what plays out and how the votes ultimately fall…

  2. Adam’s on the fast track for the final 3, and if he makes the final 2 I’m going to be so happy when he loses in a 7 – 0 blowout. He is such an idiot. Does he not realize he stands no chance against Rachel or Jordan in the Final 2? Someone that switched sides every week ended up with a great opportunity to make a big game move, and blew it.

    1. Even if he does, he still gets 50,000. Not bad for a few months work. I do respect him and deserves to win some money.

    2. You have to get there (final 2) before you have any chance of winning. He is simply trying to get there then see what happens. Heck, $50K is a pretty good summer’s worth of work if you can find it…LOL. Don’t forget they get a stipend for each week they remain in the house as well.

      1. $50,000 plus $9,000+ ($750 per week) S.A.G payment. Not too bad.
        (Note: Every player gets $750 per week on the show and/or jury.)

        1. Plus the veterans got a bonus when they agreed to come back. The highest (unconfirmed) was Jeff and Jordan at $25,000 each,

    3. Didn’t really matter whether Adam used the veto or not. JR or KP he is still the 3rd in either group. The only way he makes it to final 2 is he needs to win comps from here on out. He just picked the better two to win with. KP they are both capable of winning comps, with JR he only has to beat R…lol

      1. Wrong when you say Adam now just has to beat K/P. The competitions are over for Kalia. She is OUT the door!

      2. Adam has just committed suicide in the BB game. The best option for him was to use the veto. I can’t believe that he is so blind to the writing on the wall. Rachel and Jordan are without a doubt taking each other to the Final 2 (if they have the power) Kalia and Porsche are not as tight and Adam could have easily convinced either of the two to take him. He is so blind by revenge and being so loyal, that he has just put a nail in his coffin. I do believe Porsche or Kalia would have taken Adam to the final 2, because both don’t know where they stand against each other. With Adam, everyone is banking on Adam to loose because he hasn’t won many comps. If Adam is up against Kalia, he wins. NOONE…except for Dani would vote for Kalia. If Adam is up against Porsche, the only vote that Porsche is guaranteed is Dani’s. Now, against either Rachel or Jordan, he looses. Jordan will have BRJSP minimum. I am okay with that because from what I have seen from Adam, he absolutely doesn’t deserve to win this season. He has been kissing the ass of who ever is in power and once everyone is in the jury, they will see it. Good luck to all the houseguests. I envy them for being able to endure this for more than a week. BB fan for life!!! (even though this year, they clearly rigged the events to help Rachel win)

        1. Rachel and Jordan said that if he is a final three with them, then they promise him a fair fight, which is all anyone can ask for. Kalia and Porche would screw him over in a heart beat, where as both Rachel and Jordan have been very fair to people. Hence why Jordan was pissed off at Shelly for her lies and using her.

          1. Agreed. Some people seem to think that PK would provide him a better alliance / chance / honesty than RJ but I just don’t see it. Adam is simply backing the two that have had his back the most in this game and that certainly isn’t PK. They toss out the “newbie” alliance angle but they would promise him their ovaries if that would get them to next week.

            I like that Adam had the cojones to not cave in and use the veto…

          2. What is the fair fight they are offering in the final 3 that Kalia and Porsche wouldnt offer???? How could it be and unfair fight??? Final 3 is Final 3 period. If he went to Final 3 with Porsche or Kalia Porsche would take him to the final two and Kalia would have. Niether Rachel or Jordan will take him to the final two. I dont know what you are talking about far as fair fight in the final 3.

  3. jordumb HAS to go. she bugs the crap out of me! she complains about everyone not deserving to be there, and how porsche hasn’t done “shit” all summer. really??? because she has done so much? wtf? she is crazy. wake up and realize you are worthless and dumber than a bag of rocks!

    1. i couldn’t agree more with you. by now we’ve all realized Jordan is seriously dumb… but she’s also delusional/crazy. what a combination, no wonder Jeff doesn’t want to be with her in real life.

      Keith made bigger moves in this game than Jordan. Lawon, as stupid as his move was, tried to make a bigger play than Jordan. shit, David Hasselhoff and Tori Spelling both deserve to win this game more than Jordan does.

      she is useless. i wonder if the owner of her hair salon is watching and thinking, “we actually employ this person and trust her to answer our phones!?!”

      1. you are seriously nasty ! you may think that she may not deserve to win this game, fine! attacking her personal life is just cowardly!! love how everyone assumes cause they weren’t all over each other for the cameras to see, the relationship can’t be real! Seriously! Telling ya right now , I would not be all over my hubby either and yessssssssss last time I checked we have been very REAL for the last 24 yrs. Just not really into giving shows for the camera!

        Instead of respecting their decision to not be all mushy you all jump to conclusions. Oh and yes, I know, you are gonna bring up how they talk to each other at times, or how Jeff talks to Jordon. Again, after 24 yrs of marriage I can tell you, while not always proud of it, my hubby and I have said some not so nice things to each other . That does not mean we love each other any less, just were stressed out and took it out on the one person who “loved” us enough to forgive each other. So…… perhaps you all should stop and consider before jumping those huge jumps to conclusions!

        1. I agree with you Maggs….Anonypotomous is an ASSHOLE!…he was talking crap yesterday about Jordan calling her a retard…his upbringing is very questionable…what a LOSER Anonypotomous!

        2. lmao you and your husband havesaid nasty things to each other? after 24 years? how bout on national TV after one year? did you do that? does he disrespect you in public at all? if the answer is yes you very much dont have enough self respect to leave him…disrespecting someone you have an intimate relationship with in front of others is downright sad…makes them and you look bad…Get some self-esteem and demand to be treated better or you leave…I guess you are from a small town…

        3. Jeff and Jordan have not been a couple for 24 years, and they never will be
          if their total lack of affection on BB13 is any indication.
          Good Grief!
          When you are young and in LOVE, you are affectionate with each other and that doesn’t
          mean behaving like B/R.
          Jeff and Jordan appear to be friends and nothing more.

    2. I think it’s great that a person can post their opinions about game play and who should or shouldn’t win, however, just name calling is hardly productive or a worthwhile comment. It amazes me that posters will lower themselves to that level. Having said that, I think that these 5 people are still there because of their game play (or as it is perceived, their lack of it). Although Adam hasn’t made any significant game moves, really…..who has? Rachel has played the comps, but her game strategy has been solely based on the fact that she could win the comps, Jordan is playing based on social game play and staying loyal to her alliance, Kalia is playing all sides against the middle and Porche is playing the silent type and doesn’t talk game play, (I think she feels if she keeps silent Kalia will dig her own grave with her non-stop talking), at the end of the day, these are the final 5.

        1. Really, do you think that getting Jordan out, would improve his chance at F2? I think he has as good a chance with JR as with KP. If Adam gets to final 3, there is a good chance at him going to 2 if the comp is questions, no matter who he is with. I think alot of people underestimate him and his way of thinking. Anyway, I think that if Rachel is in the final 2, she will ultimately win the game, she has played hard and I think the Jury will reward her for that. I think they will consider that Jordan won last year, Kalia has made to many enemies and although she thinks she played the game well, I don’t think that the Jury will see it that way, I think they will consider her association with Dani and will think that she played Dani’s game, Porche, I think they will consider her the all time floater and was just never a target because she really never talked game, Adam, he started playing a little to late to really count for votes but I think the Jury will agree that he is a heck of a nice guy.

          1. So by your logic it would have been best fo Adam to be sitting next or K or P in the final two to win the 500k but you say it was a good movie. Do you people even listen to yourself?

    3. She is VERY sweet, VERY cute, and has (with all bonus and weekly S.A.G. money) almost $600,000 from BB
      Plus she is still alive for this year’s $500,000. Unless I miss my guess, she will not be too concerned that you don’t like her. 🙂

      1. I agree, she is and I imagine that BB loves having her as a HG because she is a great counter balance to all the backstabbing, lying, and drama.

  4. i love finding everything out so far ahead of time. this site ROCKS!
    on another note, i’m not gonna lie, i think adam should have used the veto if he wanted a better chance of winning. he still could if it comes down to him and porsche, BUT i sooo hope they both lose! I cannot stand PAK. rachel use to annoy me, but she’s grown on me this season and no body plays the game with all their heart like she does. and jordan, i like her as a person, but that’s not a good enough reason to let her win, she hasn’t done a whole lot this season. out of everyone left, no one deserves it more than Rachel!

  5. Now does that really surprise anyone that “balless” decided not to use it? Why did they even have a ceremony? Why not just put it in the box and say ok Rachel and Jordan. I did what you said!!! He has got to be the worst player I have ever seen on BB! Does he not have a mind of his own? Can’t wait for them to turn on him and out the door he goes! What an idiot!!!

    1. He did not do what Rachel and Jordan wanted, he did what he thinks is best for him and also a strategic move that would gain Rachel and Jordan trust. I do respect him for being true to his words.

      1. LMAO adam did exactly what Jordan and R wanted they told him what he wanted to hear to get him to do exactly what they wanted….Adam is too dumb to realize when people are not on the block and influencing your vote…its not to help you but to help them…..I could crush this cast and probably any cast…

      2. I think Adam will be after Kahlia…IMO Rachel or Jordan should evict Adam if he doesnt win HOH or POV….Especially Jordan…cause she can say Im sorry Adam and she will still get hi svote and all she has to tell Adam is she thinks he would win…They are all ready doubting Adam…Hes done…

  6. Good boy Adam you got brains cause Kalia or Porsche wasn’t gonna take you anywhere now kick your ass into high gear and start competing

        1. Ummm – I didn’t state that P/K were going to take him.
          My comment confirms that it seems no one wants to take Adam to the F2 – so far.
          IF anyone of the HGs has any desire to take Adam to the F2, IMO, it
          is Porsche. Adam and Porsche appear to have a real friendship developing, which
          may continue outside of BB.

          1. Adam will want a relationship with Porsche but it wont happen…Porsche has self esteem issues and it appears that she doesnt talk or socialize with other pretty people…Well unless shes drinking…If you look at her dynamic she really never had one from the heart conversation with anyone who has good looks…she felt like she could talk to Adam…but in the real world shes the type when Adam will call he will get voice mail…Due to her peers…He just would not fit it…He wasnt some great personality on the show so hes useless knowing in the real world…

            1. However if Adam wins by it freezing in hell Porsche will be calling him…Guaranteed…Im sure he will at some point loan her 5000 he will never see again

    1. Not a double eviction, but an eviction on Wednesday and one on Thursday, the Hgs don’t know, but their close enough they think maybe it’s a double eviction.

    1. Adam, did make the BIG MOVE. He’s getting rid of Kalia “the GREATEST player to ever PLAY the game” according to Dani fans. See ya, K.

    2. Hey, “K” if you wanted to be safe, then you should have won the POV. If it’s Adam vs. Rachel, then Adam gets all the Newbies votes plus Dani and WINS easy. No way, any of those Newbies vote for Rachel (night talk is how they really feel has been shown) and Dani doesn’t give a crap about who deserves it (she’s all PERSONAL and been pissed every since she lost her lover Dom). Now, Adam has to WIN again or he doesn’t get the $$, but that TRUE for everyone left.

      1. I don’t think Dani will vote for Adam. After all she said about Adam being the worst player ever in BB history, I think she knows she’ll look petty if she doesn’t vote for Rachel, who obviously had better game play. Adam will lose to Rachel, hands down.

      2. Dani won’t vote personal. She’ll give the money to Rach over Adam, she knows Rachel at least wasn’t afraid to make big moves and actually deserves to win. Besides, if Adam wins, he’ll just give the money to Jeff so he can keep holding his balls.

    3. Yes! Only one more Dani (AKA: Ultimate hipocrate) clone to go. Good job Adam.

      Note: The reason I call Dani the “ultimate hypocite” is because she “CLAIMS” she will/would always vote for the best player. Should Rachel win two more comps, she would tie the BB record. However, (even if that happens) Dani would not vote for Rachel. Even if that vote resulted in world peace. Dani is a complete horses a**

  7. Is there anyway that Kalia stays this week? The only thing I can think of is if she can convince Rachel and Jordan that Porsche and Adam have a Final 2 deal and that they need to be split up.

  8. wow awesome screen capture of rachel dawg LOL…vomit. Anyways why are R&J making a big deal about adam wanting to take porsha to final 2? If i dont recall J&R are taking each other over adam. Im hoping for porsha and rachel in final 2. Id rather rachel win than adam or jordan. Ultimately i want porsha to win, but i dont see that happening. I feel like if shes in final 2 with adam he will win. And than yet another shitty winner of BB. Porsha and rachel i believe are the most deserving out of the people left. As much as i cant stand rachel, she played the game well.

    1. Not poor Kalia, she won 5,000 plus stipend of $750.00 a week. Not bad at all compare to what is going on in our economy. Everyone is a winner in this game. They all will get paid no matter what the outcome of the game is.

    1. really?? with everything horrible that goes on in the world… that is what sickens you ?? seriously?? that jordon may beat will record ?? btw love love love dr will but seriously that is what sickens you??

      omg!! sad sad sad…..

  9. So now porsche has to know that he’s choosing them over her and adam has to know he will never win not even 2nd place what a waste of player he is

      1. Yes she can she will have everyones vote except for brendan jeff jordon/rachel

        PR-dani adam kalia shelly
        PJ- dani adam kalia shelly?
        PA- everybody but Jeff and Jordan

        1. no. shelly would vote for Jordan.. she made it pretty clear in interviews that she loves jordan blah blah blah. I feel that shelly will vote personally and it could be a toss up with rachel for shellys vote but she would deffinitly loose against rachel no matter what. but adam is her best shot.

          1. Yeah, but….

            What you forget is she’s watching the episodes now. Jordan has been careful, but not as careful as she should be (her strategy bites this year). And Jeff made it pretty clear he couldn’t wait to go off on her. That, along with wanting to win, is what drove her out last time.

    1. When I read where Kalia said she can’t wait til Adam gets out and sees how he is hated, just wait til Rapid Mouth Kalia gets out and see hows SHE is not so loved. Other than Enzo, I don’t think anyone has annoyed me more than Kalia and her nonstop talking.

  10. Amad goes down as being the worst player in BB history. What an idiot to think he is going win against Rachel and Jordon. This season has had a lot of stupid moves, but this goes down as being the worst move for him to not use the Veto. He could easily have won against Porsche and Kalia. I hope he happy to hand a $500,000 check over to Jordon.

    1. adam is not the worst player, have you forgot about marcellas not using the veto on himself and then getting evicted
      or lawon basically evicting himself

  11. With all the baggering that Kalia did to Adam I am so glad he did not use it especially after what she was saying was word for word that dani said lol so long Kalia good bye so long What makes Kalia think she deserves to be more than anyone else Adam you did me proud now lets get this F3 JRA come one I know you all can do it. Go TEAM JRA

  12. “Adam says that he couldn’t use the veto on her because he told her if she wants it she needs to win it.”

    That comment grates on my nerves every time he says it. I don’t think he should’ve used the veto (I think he’s screwed either way) but it’s just very annoying that he wins one comp and suddenly it’s all about other people needing to earn it.

    Order of people that I would like to see win at this point

    Jeff’s toenail clippings

      1. Rachel
        Rachel’s dog
        Porsche’s sweat pants
        Jeff’s ass (swollen from the amount of time spent attached to Adam’s lips)
        the chess pieces
        the fish
        the fortune teller
        then Jordan
        then Adam

  13. Yea!!! Adam!!! There you go. You are the only one of the newbees who tells the truth!!!! A breath of fresh air. Kalia’s and Porche’s lying was dragging me down. Adam just keeps what he’s doing to himself…rather than lying. Rachel is playing the game all by herself. She should be the winner of BB13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The others just tag along and lie. What’s with that? I sure hope Rachel and Jordan are the final two. Or Rachel and Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be good too since Jordan has already won in her season. At least, this season will be good until the very end.

    1. In order to be the ultimate floater adam has been he had to lie he’s lied to everybody anybody who had power so all that you wrote is bs just like adam

        1. I don’t recall much Porsche lying. More that she doesn’t talk game enough. She didn’t even have to float she was such a non-entity.

          Rachel deserves to win, but if she keeps Jordan to the end she’s not as much of a games as she seems.

        2. It was Shelly that did a lot of lying not Rachel. Shelly made up lies and told everyone that Rachel did this and Rachel said that but it was Shelly.

  14. I wish they would take these same house guests from this season and let them all do it again but on survivor. See how they act eating beans and rice and bug bites all over… Brandon would probably kick ass, but Adam, Jordan and Rachel wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. It would be awesome!

    1. Hey ANON jordon said she would never do that she doesnt even like camping. hiking ok remember 2nd show oh well

      First off Congrats RJAP happy K gone pitiful hope dani wants her ears talked off on who to vote for.. ha ha

      Dani will vote Rachel otherwise her whole exit speech was worthless

      Jordon is not dumb she just focuses on one thing at a time AND only one But love her shes genuinely sweet although she has shown she is getting more fire cat this year. good for her she nbeeds it to survive good chance at second.

      Unlike Rachel who stays distracted but muy competitive lol Did you hear how many accidents she has had? SHE does deserve to WIN did biggest transformation and won most comps improved player this year. SERIOUSLY credit due.

      Next up Porshe dont get her what is her point she did get better after Jeff left but not committed. just a beach girl and dont see her as running anything or EMCEE either doesnt seem to realize she presented herself in only sweats! really.

      Last Man of the hour ADAM like him could shoot shit or hang he’s genuine and weird but real and honorable something this world could use more of.
      Not the best player but hung in there deserves credit too be ok if he comes in second .

      1. I think Jordan or Rachel should win. Jordan is a good person. She even said if it wasn’t for Rachel she wouldn’t have gotten to were she is, and she even said she should be the one to leave not Rachel. She is truly a good person. She should be proud of the way she plays an honest game.

  15. It is going to be so funny when porsche and RJ make a final three deal and vote adam out next. The only ones deserving to win are rachel or porsche. Man I hope adam goes next if will be GREAT:):);)

    1. I was looking at the BB13 Wiki yesterday and it had the whole game played out. It will be a SHOCKER if it actually plays out that way.

      F4: AJRP
      F3: AJR
      F2: AR (rachel kicks out jordan)
      Rachel wins BB13

  16. Just letting it be known that … that those people screaming “shocker” drive me absolutely insane! For the record Rachel used that phrase before Dani adopted it!!

    1. True Rachel invited “Shocker” but Dani ran with it because she was imitating Rachel on how crazy she gets!
      So now it’s Dani’s catchprase but Rachel still uses shocker expect it’s I’m so shocked!

  17. I don’t care how many unflattering pictures of Rachel you post. The woman is fierce and proved over and over she deserves to win!

  18. i have no problem with adam not using the veto because that’s hi prerogative, however, i have a problem with him being self righteous saying that you should earn yours and he begged jeff to throw the pov to him. i think he forgot how he floated from whomever was in control and kissed JJ azz to get this far in the game. It”s just this this one POV that he has actually earned on his own is going to his head. We will see how long he’s going to last in this game with his funky attitude.

    1. lol, all twists are told to the audience. Its a big conspiracy, producers trying to get some drama out of fairly boring group, but hey they are probably watching you through your tv anyways.

  19. Now can anyone tell me here that they were surprised that “no balls” chose not to use the veto??? And telling Porche that she has to work for the win? Like he did??? This season is so predicable and unbelievable. Why not just give the money to Rachel and Jordan and call it a day??? I was so hoping that he would grow some balls and actually go against those two. I can’t wait until this game is finished and he sees it all back from start to finish and see just what an idiot he was. I would so love it if it backfired and he went home somehow on double eviction and leave the final 3 to JJP. What a low life!

  20. J really wants P gone. So if Jordan votes to get rid of Porscha and Adam votes to get rid of Kelia, than Rachel might stick with Jordan and vote out Porscha. He is such an a dummy trying to prove he is so loyal and they still don’t trust him. Way to go Adam I don’t think they have any intentions on taking him to final three. Out of the two I rather see Kelia gone, but I got a feeling it is going to be Porscha UGH!!!

    1. The point on not using the veto was to split up the pair. Breaks the alliance and forces one of them to work with him againts RJ. It doesn’t matter which one. Good game move as he now has a deal with everyone for final 3.

  21. I am disappointed with the results of this game..i won’t watch it anymore. i’ll wait for next season. please for the love of God dont let Jordan win..

  22. THANKS ADAM.. Both Kalia & Shelly bullied you. I don’t know how you kept your cool. I would have flipped on both of them. .Both felt so entitled. Neither respected you. Go team Rachel. Evit Kalia . Please, pretty please, evit Kalia. And let the best Rajoadpoel win..

    1. Actually, Jeff was the one going around bullying the women in the house. And Jordan’s been acted like she is entitled to win, like she’s so deserving for riding coattails the whole game.

  23. Now , as I see it there are these options

    1. Jordan and Rachel vote out Porsche
    2. then it’s down too 4 they win hoh then they put kaliha and adam on the block
    3. kahlia goes home
    4. then theres Adam , rachel and jordan
    5. rachel and jordan make the final 2 Rachel wins

    1. they take out Kahlia
    2. then porshe then they dont win the hoh adam wins
    3. then he puts up Porsche and Rachel
    4. Porsche goes home or he puts up Rachel and Jordan
    5. Rachel goes home
    6. Porsche and Adam its a 50/50 tie
    7. someone picks who gets to say then Adam and Porsche stay
    8. Adam and Porsche it becomes a 50/50 split

    See if Rachel and Jordan don’t throw Porsche out there could be
    a chance that Adam and Porsche go to the final 2

    I’m just saying its a possibility

  24. the best part about this season was watching dumbass moves by dani kalia porshe shelly and blameing adam for them going to jury

  25. who cares what yall think ur not in the house if yall aint got anything nice to say dont friggin say it at all it just makes u look pathetic thay all came their to win who cares if its not the person u wish it was geesh yah i want jordan and rachel final two but my world wont end if it doesnt happen

  26. Adam should want Jordan with him at final 2. There is no way they will give her another 500 grand for being so stupid and hungry for cookie dough. Team Adam!

  27. “Adam: it just showed me Kalia is playing Dani’s game and not her own game.”

    And Adam hasn’t been playing the veterns game up until now? Right.

  28. I’m happy that Adam chose not use the Veto. It shows that Adam made a choice & stuck by it – no matter how many speeches Dani – I mean Kalia – made to him. Dani’s – I mean Kalia’s speeches – were not impressive – Kalia tells everyone that she is a strong competitor and strong competitors should not be sent home it’s unfair. If this is Kalia’s belief system – she should have not evicted Jeff or Brendan for that matter. Kalia would have been better off to at least try to stay awake & get into the game by showing that she is a strong player & not overcome to become the lap dog of anyone who is HOH. Kalia’s behavior has been disgusting – especially when she became Dani’s lapdog & decided to help steal Rachel’s belongings. I really do think that Kalia, Dani, Shelly and Porshe should be penalized for poor sportsmanship for stealing, holding captive & delighting in destroying Rachel’s property – It’s disgusting & people in any type of competition should not get away with stealing another person’s property. Shelly, Dani, Porshe and Kalia are not competitors: they are mean spirited and are void of any sportsmanship qualities.

    Rachel never terrorized any of the house guests by taking their property – the same for Jordan & Adam & other evicted house guests.

    Once Dani was evicted both Kalia and Porshe were still playing for Dani. Kalia’s and Porshe have shown themselves on more than one occasion that they are weak & do not have independent minds.

    Kalia is delusional believing that she is a strong competitor. Perhaps Kalia thinks that there have been sleeping competitions – or comps that include stealing the property of others. I would like to see Porshe at least give Kalia a talk about what is true and what is not true – Porshe should speak up telling Kalia that they are both equally strong competitors according to Kalia’s definition of this word.

    I think that Rachel deserves to win BB – I think Jordan should be happy to see Rachel win with Jordan coming into second place.

    Watching BBAD – it’s much better when Kalia is not around.

    On a side note – Shelly must have left some of her narcotic pain medication for her back in the house after her eviction. Several times since Shelly’s eviction on BBAD the HG’s have seemed, well, a little high. Last night on BBAD Kalia started making the oddest sounds for no reason.

    Kalia, Shelly, Porshe & Dani have the worst sportsmanship – for this reason I don’t think they realize what it mean to be a true competitor. Kalia talking about Michael Phelps shows that Kalia does not know how much hard work, time and dedication it takes to be a champion (Read Champion Are Raised Not Born). Kalia simply has not done what it takes to be the best – if anything she has shown how to be the worst competitor.

    I’m very upset that the ones who delighted in taking Rachel’s property have not been punished – perhaps bringing back the duo aspect during Porshe’s HOH was her punishment – still Porshe doesn’t see the error of her game play.

    BB would be better to watch sans Kalia & Porshe.

  29. Now, it is official. Adam is the stupidest BB player in all history.

    It will be fun to watch him ousted. Hopefully, he’s next.


  31. Cat People still whining about what others post on here, and you got the nerve to call someone else pathetic? Such little brains these cat people have,so sad.

  32. Last season production did not interfere much at all but BB13 was ruined by the manipulation. Can’t stand to watch idiots without any game.
    It so bad that Rachel makes me sick yet she is the only one worthy of winning. Next year, get 14 newbies and have production let them play a real game.

  33. i hope jordan and rachel are in the final 2. that would be awesome because i think if jordan or rachel goes there won’t be nearly as many fans because i know i am done with big brother if jordan gets voted out because ppl underestimate her because i guarantee she will win when she needs to because last year she won all the competitions when she needed to and made it to the final 2. I also think if she wins big brother that it’s the jury that decideds who wins so if you’re blaming jordan or rachel if they win you need to blame the jury cause they decide!!

  34. Regardless of the outcome, I am sure gonna miss BB. I do enjoy watching the program (even if its rigged). I truly wish that CBS would consider, during the winter months, to have a kinda Silver BB where older people (50 years plus) are the house guests. BB doesnt always have to be about young people showing their bodies in skimpy clothes. Those who enjoy BB would watch it and it most probably would draw a whole new fan base as well. It doesnt have to be every year either; maybe once every 3 years. At least try it once and see what happens. CBS just might be surprised.

    Also, please can someone tell me why BB keeps bringing Jesse back? Does anyone know why? Thank you. A safe and joyful Labor Day to all. 🙂

    1. dude young hot chicks in skimpy attire is part of what makes the show for me. sheesh if i want to see something tanned & starting to wrinkle i’ll just stare in the mirror. i vote nay on your idea. now join me on the park bench with an ice cold snapple a checkerboard & we’ll watch hot young ladies frolic…& show some pride & polish up that walker

      1. gheez Brown, ya made me chuckle. I hope you know what ‘Ms’ means. With that being said, entertainment for me means much more than ‘sex’ and watching anything sexual. Also, as a female, I would much prefer to watch glamor than hot and nasty. I suppose you are a fan of ‘Girls Gone Wild’. If I were the mother of one of those young ladies, I would be shamed. None of the females on BB come close to being considered glamorous. I am a fan of the program to watch people interact with other people and to watch how far they will go, with compromising their principles, to win money. I suppose everyone watches for different reasons. Be well. 🙂

      1. Yeah, 55 are older would be great. It would be somewhat different than the present BB. The competitions would be different, yet still challenging. I would even enjoy watching a Celebrity BB. The celebrities would play for their favorite charity. If I would select celebrities for BB, one would definitely be Charlie Sheen. LOLOLOLOL I think I would also petition Faith Hill and Tim McGraw as well. Sooooo interesting it would be.

  35. porche doesn’t deserve to be there at all. The girl won 1 HOH and 1 pov after the strong competitors were KOd and rachael was a mess crying with Jordan. After rachael pulled herself together porche hasn’t been able to do anything. Kalia is a cow and even she held on longer then porche during the pov that would have kept there alliance together last week. Jordan won an HOH (and you can’t say it was handed to her because the odds of the guys getting that put in the 1 or 2 were not good). Atleast Jordan stays on 1 side and that’s it. She doesn’t flip flop and doesn’t throw challenges. The fact is unless producers make some changes then this is what we have to look forward too from now on. The competitors will KO each other out and the boring floaters will be left in the end. It’s almost a curse to win competitions in this game. The last 2 season have been been people throwing comps in the beginning then float through while the people that try KO each other. Then win when there’s only 5 people left. There has to be bigger rewards for players who win comps and bigger punishments for those who throw or lose comps. One thing I would do when it comes to endurance comps is make the person who comes in 2nd a have-not for the week so this way they won’t be so inclined to make a deal and jump off. Or change it so the winner of HOH can NOT be put on the block the following week. This will then give people a reason to want to win so they not only are safe for there week but there safe for the following week as well. I just know something needs to be done or the people who don’t deserve to be there will win from now on.

    1. If Porsche doesn’t deserve to be there than neither does Jordan with that clearly bias logic, Jordan has done no more and no less than Porsche.

      and FYI Jordan in here season also didn’t win shit until all the competitors were gone, and she won only because of Natalie’s shenanigans and Jesse being pissed for being taken advantage of, just to think If Natalie was attracted Jesse, Jordan would’ve lost in her season.


    2. I want Rachel a competitor who also has a pretty good social game tin win, no floaters and nobody who was carried the entire season. Time for a competitor to win this one..

    3. I agree 100% people who throw competitions deserves to be punished, but also those who suck or intentionally not try hard to win in competitions and expect to be carried by their alliance..

      Not fair that all the biggest competitors are in the Jury house(excluding Shelly of course)

  36. People can whatever they want but Rachel has earned her spot in this game. She is a good player. Newbies have made some really dumb mistakes.

  37. OFF TOPIC, BUT REMEMBER….Newbie here.

    I’m in the middle of watching BB2 episodes on YouTube, and it’s amazing the difference between then and now. People actually made their own decisions without (apparent and blatant) tampering of Production. At least not apparent to me. I didn’t watch BB1, but am LOVING BB2. Makes this season look terribly pathetic in comparison.

    Dr. Will: OMG, Liar, cheat, gorgeous eye candy….AWESOME PLAYER!!! (I never knew what all the fuss about Dr. Will was until now. LOL)

    Any recommendations on which season to watch next? Thinking about the first All Stars. FUN STUFF!!

  38. And with that, Adam has lost both Kalia and Danielle’s jury votes. Danielle already doesn’t respect his gameplay, and after not taking the chance to knock Jordan out, it just further proves to Danielle that Adam is just there to write Jeff and Jordan another check for 500k. Top that off with the automatic vote that Rachel or Jordan will get from their significant others, and he’s down 3 jury votes if he sit nexts to either of them in the final two. Good job, Adam.

  39. I’m really starting to hate the “cat people” on here, hope they al choke on a hairball, and end up sounding like Shelly for the rest of their lives…

    1. please BB ALL new cast next season Did think Jesse was funnier than ever this time but enough please not again. great when he shut RaRa mouth and kept talking

      NEW CAST ONLY NEXT YEAR maybe elders maybe sucessful peeps not so many young ones

  40. This season is about social game play (unfortunately). The reason why jordan says that certain people don’t deserve to be here it’s because she is comparing their gameplay to hers. Jordan has played the game MORE than Adam and Porsche. She has chosen a side since day one, knowing it puts an immediate target on her back. She also campaigned for players she wanted to stay In the game knowing that was going to put a target on her back. She wasn’t afraid to voice her opinion. I have a hard time having respect for a player that cowards away and votes with the house every week, too afraid to choose a
    Side and take a stand. Jordan has atleast proven to not be that type of player.

    1. It’s not by Jordan’s social game that she’s gotten this far. It’s because everyone considers her a non-threat that would be easy to beat in the final two. No one saw her worthy enough to waste an HOH on eliminating her, so no one worked to get her out. Jordan didn’t have a target on her back while competitors like Jeff, Daniele, Brendon, and Rachel were in the house. And like Evel Dick side, they all came into the house on different sides. Jordan didn’t *choose* her side, because from the beginning it was vets vs. newbies.

  41. Jordan plays a stunning game. She is very loyal to the right people and has the ability to be on a different side, but still remain in good favor with opponents.

  42. Let’s be honest, Rachel is a different person now. I say give her a second chance. I was not a Rachel fan until she won the HOH. Rachel has been kind to everyone. She just wants to play cards and tries to include all, even Jordan. Rachel did not just stay in the HOH room and spy on the rest. Rachel mingled with the group, made snacks, made drinks and even brought them to the rest. Rachel has a lot of common sense, which none of the others have….okay, maybe they do have a little bit. I did not care for Rachel until last week. Now, I think she is the only person who deserves to win. There is still only one thing that bugs me about Rachel (she doesn’t know when to say me instead of I. Grammar rules are not my thing either. However, that I versus me thing is very irritating to me.

    kalia – she just got what she gave. She is mad at Adam for turning on the newbies. I guess she doesn’t realize that she and Shelly are the reason why the newbies didn’t stand a chance. She didn’t vote for Keith to stay when she should have. She put Lawon on the block (just to keep her hands clean), and didn’t bother campaigning for him to stay. If Kalia wanted the newbies to rock, she should have gotten rid of Rachel when she had a chance.Kalia has always done what was best for her ONLY.

  43. Dani will never vote for Jordan no matter who she up against. Even though dani hates Adam and rachael she will never vote for Jordan even if she wins every comp from here on because then Jordan would be the first 2 time winner of big brother and dani is such a b1tch she would never alllow that to happen.

  44. WAAAAAWAAAAA Cat People don;t want their little clueless princess to lose, TOO BAD Big Red who deserves to win a little more will win, because Jury House is voting for competitors

  45. I was reading another spoiler blog page and Kalia said that since she is going home at least she will win America’s Player! This woman is amazingly arrogant!! I can’t believe she thinks after the way she has acted towards people in this house that America would like her. Big brother isnt just a game of winning comps and making alliances. There is another aspect to it where you must be likable not only to the house guests but to the fans watching it too. This season seems to be harsh regarding a lot of fan posts. So many of you are haters this year, but that is okay, you love the game and CBS loves you for it!! Go Big Brother fans!! Hey, where is our $500,000???

  46. Adam is such an idiot. Does he really thing he has a chance to win against Jordan or Rachel? He just handed the game to them. Smart move Adam. I guess you still have you head up Jeffs butt.

  47. Well,

    If Jordan and Rachel really want to win, now is the time to turn on Adam. They should now make a deal with Kalia and vote for Kalia to stay. Kalia is furious with Adam and PROBABLY will never trust him again. I think Jordan first then Porsche have Adam’s vote. Rachel might regret keeping Porsche or Adam.

  48. I think it’s funny that anyone thinks that Adam would have had a chance against Kalia or Porshe in the final two. Just think! Dani, Shelly, and either K or P (whoever got evicted) would have voted for the other if up against Adam. At least if Adam goes up against Jordan or Rachel, he gets the chance to pick up Dani, Shelly, Kalia and Porsche’s votes. It’s just like Rachel said, all she really has guaranteed is Brendan’s vote, and all Jordan really has is Jeff’s….I think Adam is playing smart.

    1. He has NO chance against Rachel and Jordan…I wish people would see that. Rachel – great game player ; Jordan – most likable person on BB. He has not chance. Kalia and Porsche would not get JJBR period if Adam was up against them.

  49. yea no shit Adam isnt making any final two deals with anyone cause he doesnt know whose ass hes gonna kiss after the next HOH. he makes me sick!

    1. I agree adam floats to where the power is and it makes me sick, then have the nerve to talk shit about kalia….F**king idiot. He just handed jordan and rachel the game by not using the veto

  50. Adam is the biggest idiot that ever played BB. He’s a ballzless fool. Neither rachel nor Jordan will take him to the final two. His best chance at winning was to keep kalia and porche in the game bcuz he could have the jury votes if he was up against either of them. Rachel is good at endurance and will for sure win the the final HOH and she aint taking his ass anywhere

  51. Kalia is a disturbing person — her subject matter, her arrogance, her nonstop talking and her nonstop eating. I will be very glad to see her gone from the house . This game brings out the worst in people. But, lately, the more I see of Rachel, the more I like that girl. She has her flaws and her weaknesses, as does everyone, but she has a very nice, appealing side, as well. I am rapidly becoming a Rachel fan and am rooting for her to win.

    1. They really all have an appealing side. i suppose that was why these particular individuals were selected. Their entire personality was taken into consideration. Obviously, Kalia is spoiled. She doesnt appear to be the type of person that dealt with too many struggles in life and more than likely was able to ‘talk’ her way through pretty much anything. Her laid back attitude indicates that. Porsche looks like she lives from day to day. Life thus far for her is average and she will walk through life relying completely on her looks. Looks fad. I hope she realizes this before its too late. Adam, well, is more into intimidating people (without really trying) lacking any type of a spine to hurt anyone intentionally. Rachel just press her button and watch her go. She is impulsive and rarely thinks before she speaks or acts. She does appear to have a split personality. Personality one surfaces when she is in the presence of Brendon. Personality two is the one we are seeing now. Very different. Jordan seems to have lived a very simple and sheltered life. I think she has grown quite a bit with Jeff. Jordan would much prefer to play a game of checkers than play a game of Trivia Pursuit. When Jordan thinks, it drains her. Nothing wrong with that. Its just her. Each one of these individuals, as well as the evicted HG, are completely different which makes for good entertainment.

      1. good thoughtful comments that consider the positives are rare and welcomed by many. I’m not sure what Simon and Ill Will mean by the cat people — in my mind they are lonely old people with only one friend in the world, their cat. Is it possible to be a cat person if you have dogs? Does this refer to some type of insanity for liking Jeff & Jordon? If 60% of those on this site (according to Simon’s own poll) favor Jeff/Jordon then they are the majority, not some weird cat person. I don’t get their context.

  52. hmmm did he mean pov becasue rachel can’t play hoh so i am guessing now it comes down to porche or rachel in final 3

  53. I should know this but when is the last episode? I think Adam is going to win HOH because i think its questions and Jordan isn’t that great and Porche doesn’t study as much!

  54. To keep the remainder of the season interesting, hopefully Porsche wins HOH. The course it is on now, its very predictable as to who will be the final two and who will win the big bucks.

  55. I have always been a Jeff and Jordan fan! And still am! But I have gained alot of respect for Rachael and her gameplay. She can be annoying but deep down inside I think she is a good person. She has really stuck by Jordan and I respect her for that…even though she could lose to her in the final. It could go a few ways…Jordan is so well liked she will win. Let’s face it Rachael is not well liked…but if the votes are based on gameplay then hands down Rachael wins! But you never know…depends on personal feelings from the voters. Maybe the jury will say well Jordan you already won so my votes for Rachael. Or they could say well Jordan you did it twice(no matter how you did it your here) so here’s my vote. Now this is assuming Rachael and Jordan make it to the final. Either way I would’nt mind either one of them winning. And lastly….GOODBYE KALIA YOUR OUTTA HERE YOU SUCK!!!lol

  56. I like Adam much better later in the game. I actually think he’d be better off not promising his anything to Jordan or Rachel. He’s got a shot at winning it all against Jordan or Porsche.

    He’s played a better social game than Porsche, and he needs to win one more comp to have more comps than jordan.

    He’s unattractive and older, that’s why I’m pulling for him. He survived the only way he could have which is not the same as game long domination. But look where the best competitors are.

  57. Okay, when is that darn fortune teller going to make her grand appearance? Also, please explain the timeline of the next two evictions. When is the first eviction….Tuesday or Wednesday? When is the next HOH comp, veto and eviction……will these take place live on Thursday?

  58. Also, people should stop talking about how much Porsche and Kalia eats. Hell, if you were in a house with lots of food and very little to do, you would eat, too. If you were in a house with a bunch of strangers (and some are idiots), wouldn’t sleeping be your favorite past time, as well?

  59. Adam is such an idiot player. Nice guy, but he is wasting his time in this house by trying to kiss Jordan’s butt and not playing to win $550K. What is he thinking? Since this is a double eviction week, Kalia will go and I HOPE that Adam or Jordan are next. Rachel vs Porsche for final 2 and Rachel to win.

  60. I wouldn’t be surprised that if Rachel gets the chance, she may just turn on Jordan.

    However, the problem is, she’s an emotional player and she hates “floaters” yet, she fails to see that Jordan is at this point the biggest floater in the house. Obviously, she wants rid of Porsche for personal reasons. However, her best shot at winning the $500K is to drop Jordan, if she can and go to f2 with Adam.

  61. ^^^I didn’t mean floater, I meant competitor. Rachel wants competitors to be in the game, Jordan is the least competitive in the house, even next to Adam.

  62. I hope like hell Porsche wins HOH & put Adam’s ass on the block & hope he doesn’t win pov i can’t understand for the life of me why he’s so loyal to the vets!! He is such a dummy none of them will take his butt kissing ass to the final 3…i guess his lips are still glued to Jeff’s ass via Jordan!!!! He thinks he’s going to be popular bcuz he was alligned with Jeff the jerk!! Adam is a freakn bozo just like Jeff said, & who the hell does Jordan think she is talkn about Porsche doesn’t deserve to win well ….neither does she all she does is twirl her hair & look like a deer in headlights & say uuuummmm which will be her answer to all the questions the jury asks her if she’s in the final 2!!! I’m not a fan of Rachael’s but I would prefer her to win over any of the other’s that’s left!! I hope Jordan or Adam’s hit the door after Kalia is evicted!!

    1. If you watched during Jordan’s season,, Jordan did a good job answering jurors’ questions and that is why she won.

  63. Rachel, if in the final HOH wins it, will have to choose whether she wants to take the biggest “floater” which she hates, Adam, or the biggest non-competitor which she hates, Jordan. Rachel already said she doesn’t even think Adam deserves to be in F3, so I’m presuming she would have to have a big awakening to take him to f2 and realize that’s her best chance of winning the big money. However, Jordan, may earn her f2 with Rachel if she can win this week’s HOH or Veto and save Rachel from the block if Rachel is on it.

    Rachel is by far in the worst position this week, because she can’t compete in HOH. She has to rely on Jordan to win HOH. Even then, either she or Jordan has to win POV for her to be completely safe. I’m not sure Adam would keep his word, he likes Porsche and Jordan. Rachel’s back is against the wall again.

  64. Adumb is by far the dumbest piece of shit player BB has ever had. he just signed a 500k check to Rachel and Jordumb. dumbest move ever on BB.

  65. Here’s a thought big brother. Let every HG even the last HOH play in every HOH competition. It would deffinatly make things more interesting and then you can truly say that the best man or woman has won.

  66. I have liked Rachel since the beginning. Her game has been a solid one. She deserves to win. Jordan has a different game, but it has been good too. What was the reason Adam gave, ultimately, for getting rid of Kalia – voting him out last week. It was Jordan who first put the bug in Kalia’s ear that they were voting Adam out. As a result, Kalia voted him out. Rachel confirmed it, but Jordan was the one who thought to tell him that right before the vote. They are a good team! That vote (against Kalia) was the proverbial straw that definitely decided Adams loyalty to Jordan and Rachel. As for Adam, there’s a reason he’s still there….

  67. Rachel made a lot of sense in her recent discussion with Adam. If Adam is lucky enough to have a spot in the final two, does he really want to be sitting next to “America’s Sweetheart” (Jordan) who almost everyone in the house liked or someone who, unfortunately, the housemates (and some viewers) have tended to dislike (Rachel). Rachel is right that the only vote in the jury house she could count on would be from Brendon. However, if Jordan was evicted by someone other than Rachel, Rachel probably could also count on Jordan’s and Jeff’s votes since Rachel has been the one to keep Jordan safe these last couple of weeks. If Adam was sitting next to Portia in the final two, he would lose because Portia was a far better competitor. Adam basically floated throughout the entire game, switching sides as it suited him.

  68. You kidding – Rachel dont deserve to win at all (unless crying and back stabbing is a catagory – and Adam just handed it to Jordan or Rachel – much like CBS and the show is trying to do – by the Pandora Veto match up to the Veto competition that is exactly like the one Rachel had won already on a corn cobb – Funny then Rachel gets the Pandora box and what “awe” she cant go shopping – heh heh heh heh – yeah that was a game changer Big Brother. What was Adam thinking ! Oh well he will be back in 90210 land soon- Still dont understand why Danielle didnt tell Jeff and Jordan about Rachel and her child wanting make a deal with her and put them on the block – she would probably still be there if she had. Anyway – Best players are gone now anyway and the show has hit bottom in alot of ways

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