POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | Aug 16th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 18th |
HOH Winner 1: | FRANKIE | HOH Winner 2: | Frankie |
Battle of the Block Winner | Donny & Christine | Next HOH | Aug 21st |
Original Nominations: | |||
Final Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | ? | ||
POV Players | Cody, Caleb, Frankie, Victoria, Donny, Christine |
9:13pm Living Room Zach, Christine, Derrick and Caleb
Caleb is talking about the odds of Victoria and Donny both getting picked fo the Veto and NOt Derrick/Zach. Derrick isn’t worried about Victoria winning is he’s worried Donny will.
Zach – Beast mode Cowboy won’t let him
Caleb says he’ll trip donny up break his face all up .
THey start talking about hearing the applause after Donny won the BOB. PRoduction comes on the Speakers tells them they are not allowed to talk about production. They warn Zach 3 times before he stops talking about it. Generally Zach doesn’t think is proves they were supporting Donny. Christine thinks it might be.
THey mention as king as POV ic played and it’s not won by Victoria she is going home. Zach points out that Victoria will use the veto on Cody over caleb. Derrick isn’t sure about that.
Zach – Dude Donny is a beast
Caleb – rips his arm off and it’s all machine
9:44pm HOH Frankie and Derrick
Derrick says the draw for POV players could not be worse. Frankie agree.
Frankie – do you want to be a have nots
Derrick says whatever is fair if he doesn’t do it this week he does it next week.
Derrick – Poor girl doesn’t realize she’s going home now
Frankie – hopefully
Derrick – she’s going home..
Derrick says his main focus now is the team America
Victoria joins them.

9:57pm Like a boss
Caleb thinks he can win this POV competition.
Caleb – when I don’t talk to people and I chill and relax my brain I do good at stuff..
10:05pm Caleb, Christine and Zach joking around in the bathroom.. Caleb is really goofy
Caleb – I’ve made out with a girl for hours
Caleb rhyming. does so for a bit..
“U G L Y you’re kinda ugly .. Hold up listen.. I’m rhyming off the brain.. I don’t even know whats going down i’m kinda insane.. like my instagram insane physik.. When you miss with Caleb you mess with more than me. I’m not alone there’s like three of 4 of me.. I’m like kinda Devin with the personalities.. ”
10:16pm Zach jumps in and they have a rap battle.
Caleb – I’m a lyrical genius.

10:41pm Victoria and Cody
Victoria – “I feel like a outsider I don’t know why” (Could it be the 6 person alliance Nicole/Zach and Donny told you about.. But Victoria never believed them. lol ) Victoria thinks if she doesn’t win the Veto shes going up as the replacement nominee this week.
10:44pm Caleb and Zach
Caleb says production knows they are running through the house and they are switching things up with the BOB competitions. It use to be more team based but now you can win it for yourself. Caleb suspect the BOB was slanted to help Donny win mentions something about the correct fitting bones around Donny’s location.
Donny joins them. Zach says Donny goes into every competitions thinking he’s going home that is why he wins theme all.
Caleb – Victoria cannot win the veto
Zach – She’s not winning it
Caleb – It’s big Brother she’s going to wn it
Zach – SHe is NOT winning the veto.
They all think the POV starts at midnight but none of them know for certain.
11:10pm Production tells them the Veto is not tonight it will be tomorrow.
last two girls sharing Cody (see image)
11:37pm Rock Room Donny and Caleb
Caleb saying if he stays on the block he’s doing the same thing that Donny did when he was on the block. Lay low and keep your mouth shut. (Donny and Caleb have been talking a lot lately)
11:47pm HOH Derrick crying
Derrick – I’ve been so focused on the game.. it’s funny how one little thing can throw you off
Victoria wonders if it’s because he had to give back his HOH pictures. (Apparently Nicole got to keep hers last week)
Victoria asks if something happened. Derrick says he can’t say, not his family nothing happened…
She wants to know what it is but he won’t say.,
Derrick – You gotta win that POV
Victoria – I know, or I go up
Derrick doesn’t know for sure could be him, Zach or Victoria.
Derrick wishes he was playing in the Veto.
Derrick says he can’t wait until they talk outside of this house. this is all nothing. seriously it’s nothing.
Victoria says its getting so dirty
Derrick – The game
Victoria – no the people
Victoria doesn’t know where people stand anymore. Derrick explains people are going to do what is best for them and you can’t blame them it’s no personal it’s 500 thousand.
Victoria – I feel like you know something
Derrick – If I knew something I would tell you
Derrick says if Christine wins it she’ll probably use it on Cody, If Frankie wins it he’ll use it on Caleb, Donny is a crap shoot.
Victoria knows if she uses the veto Derrick could go up as the replacement nomination. She’s not prepared to put him in danger.
Victoria – If I go you better f***g win”
Derrick says the social game and competitions aren’t very hard. The hard part is the time away from family “It’s just a game it’s what we signed up for
Victoria was surprised the cast was such young people.
Victoria – Why isn’t Christine being a have nots
Derrick – She is
Zach Attack gets to eat. Donny got called into the Diary room has to wait.
12:38AM Kitchen Donny and Zach
Donny – Everyone that plays in it will use it… that means a replacement nominee.. BUT you never know
Zach – you never know
They are excited to not have to sleep on the have nots “slabs” Zach says he’s going to take a hot shower
Donny mentions that he’s alone and it’s rough. He collects up some objects on the table lays them out says if you have this person and this person and this persona and they are alone. You group them together what do you get .
(Hinting at an alliance)
Donny leaves to the bathroom Zach “Preach it Donny”
Zach – If that Veto is used and I get thrown up there will you vote for me
Donny – ya ya you have my vote
Zach – you’re a beast
Donny – I’m not a beast but i’ll help you if I can
Donny – I’m safe this week.. I want you to be safe.
Donny – I have no one I can’t keep doing it by myself
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12:57AM HOH Zach, Christine, Derrick, Frankie, Cody
Derrick saying if the POV is running laps Cody will win it if it’s find a bone in the dark Donny will win it. Derrick is sure Donny will try to win it like the rest of them. He has no idea what Donny would do with it.
Donny knows Christine threw the BOB. COdy adds that donny asked him what his colour of skittle was, Cody told him orange.
Zach – When we sat down for nominations ceremony he said might as well call this the Skittle ceremony
Derrick – this guys I’ll tell ya..
Zach – He’s going to win it
Derrick – Well I wouldn’t go that far
Zach – if he wins every veto
They agree Donny is a beast in competitions.
Cody thinks the BOB competition was a joke. They talk about how the BOB competitions have changed in the beginning it was team based now it’s individual.
Christine suspects that America hates them.
Derrick says Victoria has no clue about what is going on in the house but outside this house she’s not a bad person. Derrick knows Zach hates her but she’s not a bad girl. Zach – I love her
Frankie – She not a bad person
Derrick – Spoilers, privileged, sheltered.. she’s not the brightest person i’ve ever met .. But I think what she does she’s good at it
Derrick tells them it’s a group of 6 people versus 1 man people are going to root for the 1 person. (They heard applause after Donny won the BOB)
Victoria comes in.
1:26AM Caleb, Derrick and Frankie
Caleb tells them about Donny chatting with him about game. Donny brought up Caleb being born near where Donny lives. Franklie – “He’s trying to get in”
Derrick laughs.
Caleb – “you and me are from the same neck of the woods Caleb” They laugh at Donny making moves now. Caleb asks Derrick if he should talk to Donny see if he would use the veto on him. Derrick tells him to not “say a word to that man”
The new bomb squad – Caleb, Zach, Derrick, Frankie, Cody, Christine
“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
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Victoria leaving would be great. cut the worthless person who brings nothing to the game(no offense Victoria, but….cmon) and this will only hurt Derrick more than anyone else in the game. Zach has one less person to talk to(good for Zach fans in that he can’t open his mouth to her again)
please don’t change your mind and dump Zach. can we just play veto and vote now so that Zach doesn’t inevitably end up in the line of fire?
I don’t care about Victoria. I want one of the guys out, preferably Cody.
I called it last night about
production/Donny and Christine winning the bob, and Victoria getting picked for POV. Production needs to do their thug-thizzle and get Victoria the win in this POV. Then we will get to see the house sqruim. That would make this a dramatastic week on the feeds!!
Who’s playing the game…deserves to stay…. F4… F2
Donny……….. Donny…………… Donny
1) Derrick
2) Frankie
3) Zack
4) Cody
5) Christine
6) Caleb
7) No one
Victoria- a waste of space in every sense of the word
Cody is in a great spot but he is riding Derricks coat tails! Derricks games been close to perfect. Not sure why he is getting rid of Victoria? Don’t be surprised if Caleb is the next evicted and Victoria never makes the block. Frankie wins POV and does not use it. Cody is saved by Derrick.
IF and that’s a big world, the get Donny out Frankie might run the comps. I think Zack will be competitive too. If Caleb could get to F6 he might be a comp beast as well. Still think Derrick will decide its time for Caleb to join the jury. Christine I cannot figure out. Thought she was the ultimate gamer. Far from that and social is lacking.
F4,,, Derrick, Frankie, Zack and Cody. Hayden has a small shot if he returns but I’m betting on Nicole Thursday. I think it’s a 4 person comp to get back in. Something like a balance beam race. Need to get so many things to the other side, fall off your eliminated. Nicole will eat that up. I think they get Caleb so no F4 though he might win back in right away never know. Donny gets F4 I like him to win even over Derrick. But he isn’t gonna get there with the old format back after this HOH.
F2- Zack and Frankie. It’s going to be crazy seeing Zankie over Derrick. Derrick best game but Cody has not done very much accept lay around. Derrick banked on Cody from the start. Comps will let them down IMO if the let Frankie get to 6. Or Donny to 4 there all in trouble.
Seasons been middle of the pack as seasons go. The last month could be good we’ll see.
Zzzzzzzz, is the game on?
Here’s to hoping. Unfortunately, history may repeat itself and these d-bags will come up with an excuse to back door Zach. He’s not even going to be outside for the Veto comp, much less play in it. His only real hope is Donny winning it. Donny will keep it the same and bring Zach on board with him. HOPEFULLY, Hayden with his dexterity and anger can get back in and help them both. It would be smart to realize that the evicted player will probably be able to compete to get back in, so their best bet to evict would be Cody, who can’t win squat.
I don’t think it would be wise to vote out Victoria “to hurt/weaken Derrick.” What would be wise is to backdoor Derrick NOW because he does it to somebody else. Now that should really HURT!
Derrick is singing a different tune throwing Victoria under the bus (he is smart….he knows he is in danger if the POV gets played). Watch it. The minute he sees he is SAFE from being backdoored, he will protect Victoria again, his F2 for his guaranteed 500k.
On another note, so, Zankie’s Lovers’Quarrel is over and the alliance is over as well? What’s this I’m seeing that Zach may be entering into an unspoken allegiance with Donny? That’s TV gold.
Is it going to be Zonny? Zachonny? Whatever it is…even nameless…I like it.
As much as I want a guy to leave this week, it’s almost better if Victoria is evicted because then Nicole or Hayden may have a better shot at getting back in the game if it’s a physical comp..?
Agreed. How awful would it be though if somehow Jocasta came back -.- I think I would literally put my foot through my television if that happened.
Or a mental comp.
As long as its not Zach I don’t care who goes. Victoria is useless, Caleb is an arrogant sob, and Cody is just so spineless.
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Odds of Leaving This Week:
Cody: 0%
Caleb: 20%
Victoria: 60%
Derrick: 10%
Zach: 10%
Everyone else: 0%
Couldn’t agree more. Cody is not going anywhere lol. He has played the best game thus far! Based off of who is competing in the POV competition I think Victoria is gone. If Donny pulls it out and leaves noms alone then bye Caleb!
Derrick’s chances of leaving is 0% if he doesn’t mess up royally in the next few days.
No way Derrick sends Victoria Home. He will lose her vote. Watch he will turn the whole house against whoever is on the block with her or he will get Zach put up as replacement.
He’s not so worried about losing her vote, he worried about not being able to take her to the final two with him. He doesn’t want to sit next to any real competition for the jury vote.
Did you notice when Derrick told Frankie, Victoria just doesn’t know that she’s going home. Then Frankie said possibly he did not say definitely, if Frankie had half a brain, he’d back door Derrick. Caleb, Christine, Zach and maybe Donny can send Derrick home to put food in his Daughters mouth!!! I want Derrick and Cody useless on the block together, I’d love to see them turn on each other, and I’d love to see Derrick voted out. The look on his face would be priceless.
I really just do not understand the hate towards Donny from the other houseguests. Has he done something egregious that I missed? Ugh
It’s because he isn’t rolling over and dying for them.
They’re nothing but a bunch of over zealous, over confident, and jealous twats because Donny is alone; and is doing very well at winning comps at the tender age of 42!
No, Donny has done nothing wrong. It is just the total lack of respect that young people have for anyone that is not just like themselves. Every year the oldest person is made fun.of and left out of the conversations. Not a single person in there can hold a candle to Donnie. He is kinder and a better person than all of them put together. Maybe this year a degenerate t##d won’t win, but it will take a lot of work for production to make that happen. Good luck Donny!
Production saved Frankie. Team Donny FTW.
Somehow they all find it SO INCREDIBLY HARD to believe that Donny is capable of winning competitions without production “rigging it” in his favor.
I’m not entirely sure Production didn’t step in and tilt it towards Donny. So what? They did it for Frankie (and will do it again for him). So for once, I’m totally OK with a Production aided win. In an ideal world, Production would be more laissez-faire and let the game take its natural course, but who am I kidding?
Production wants ratings and a signficant amount of viewers are turned off by blow outs. It makes for a more interesting season when power volleys back and forward between opposing sides. This season it has not because the giant blob of an alliance has completely controlled everything.
Please do not bring Nicole back, did you see How she told Julie after listening to the goodbye messages, and everyone was being nice. Nicole said that she loves them all after they said nice things about her. Doesn’t she realize they’re just being nice to get her vote at the end she is so naïve, please don’t bring Nicole back. She would run straight to Derrick, I want Hayden to come back and work with Donny and Zach.
As we know is very manipulative. I have a feeling that Derrick will find a way to convince Caleb the beast mode Cowboy he needs to become the house hero and can also become Americas favorite if he will volunteer to go to jury house and compete against those already in jury so he can return as the beast he is and somehow help sabotage the jury with false information. He would become so popular with the house no one would ever put him up.
That is until Donny the beast monster or the skittle head puts him up.
To bad for Nicole, or Hayden. You know CBC doesn’t want them to come back. That’s what the majority of us all want. It would make things to easy for Donny to actually have someone help him you know. And who is to say they would help Donny. Helping Donny is what got them kicked out the first time. Not that they ever did.
I love it when Donny takes a dump on Derrick’s ego. Now he is trying to backpedal talking about Team America again? What a maroon.
He is back peddling….and it will work…..because he knows how to play the game. Derrick is there to win money, not to make friends. Donny will win 3rd place, aka America’s Fav, so don’t worry your pretty little head. Some contestants were brought into the house to compete, others were brought in to keep people like you interested…
You have a very limited opinion of what it means to “compete”. Donny is the biggest competitor in that house, saving his own rear end time after time with no help from anyone. All Derrick has is the gift of persuasion. There is nothing he knows that Donny does not. Donny has just never had any numbers behind him to do anything because all of these kids decided day one that they didn’t want to work with the old bearded guy. It’s unfortunate that people like yourself try to school others on the game when you clearly can’t recognize who is a competitor and who is not.
LMFAO!!! Good Point.
They at just haters against Donny!
What does Cody do except fondle, grope or get fondled and groped? If anyone in the house deserves the ‘creepy’ label it’s Cody. It’s abit much. Just plain creepy.
I feel like an outsider, says the girl from the gated community with perfectly paved sidewalks and cats on leashes and friends who tell her she’ll be the hottest girl ever on big brother. Could you just die!
NoB@llsCody is a stripper in real life so groping is all he knows.
Cody is from New Jersey. He strips to 300 LB Snookies
Cody is a life sized version of the My Buddy doll,nothing more. Apparently his only BB purpose is to provide cuddling comfort for all the HGs who are so anxious to be away from family/friends for months. He certainly doesn’t play the game.
I hope Victoria is next out! Team Donny all the way!!!!!
What the hell is Cody doing, cuddling and giggling with 2 girls? He’s like “girl 3” in there. BTW, it would drive me bonkers if a girl played with my hair that way and for so long. He’s Victoria’s poodle. And now he’s barking.
If Donny or Zach win the veto Derrick is going to start handing out undercover citation.
I’m glad Donny is safe this week and I do hope he wins. However, I’m finding it somewhat entertaining that everyone is saying “great job, Donny” and not questioning any interference from production, yet if Caleb/P*ssy had won everyone would have been saying the competition was rigged. Can’t have it both ways, folks…
There was interference from production. They told Ratine that she couldn’t hide the items or give them to CrazedCaleb or NoBallsCody. So Donny won it on his own.
I would gladly love to see Victoria going home, since close to 60 days and she’s still clueless about ANYTHING that is happening in the game, and her existence only serves as a pawn for the Bomb Squad, which is the last thing Big Brother needs right now. It’s bad enough having one dominant alliance picking off the rest, it’s worse that Victoria is not only doing nothing about it, she’s actually helping the Bomb Squad.
He has no game. he has the typical NY cop attitude that this young immature group of people buy because they don’t know any better. They’re all in their early 20’s if the house had an older group around derricks age and up they’d see right through his game Donnie knows… He has his number
Love how Walking Vagina did not want to be paired with Donny Darkorse and now the coward stays on the block because he wasn’t. Love even more how Chief Wiggum thought he had this week in the bag and now he can’t even play in the veto comp. As much as Molden Boy Spankie annoys me…if he won veto, took down Beast Chode and threw up Wiggum next to Snivel Snatch (SS Whino)…he would redeem himself. Nah…not even that would redeem him…but it would be awesome! Also, how long was the cuddle session between the ball-less wonder and The Princess Cried before Cackle-twat wedged herself into the middle of it…making jealous shooting gestures at her competition?
Lastly, I was over the moon when I found out Donny Darkorse won it by himself. It broke my heart to see him alone, tearing up. I am glad they all heard production cheering him on. If they are bothered by that…wait until they hear the reception he gets over them when they all get out. Moldie and Wiggum are going to be in for a rude awakening…
Derrick realized it when Donny won BOB with production cheering him on. That’s why he’s all butthurt and crying. If Donny wins POV, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Frankie pull a weasel move and get Cody out or try and BD Derrick. That BOB turned out to be their worst nightmare.
I LOVE the part of the game where things are starting to wind down and people suddenly remember there is life outside of the BB house and being unpopular would really suck (especially based on last year). So that cheering means something. Suddenly everyone realizes Donny might be America’s sweetheart rather than the pariah they view him as. Christine starts to think about how much hatred she’s going to get. Frankie the fame whore starts to think that maybe he should make a move to dismantle the alliance so that people love him even more. Derrick realizes that his opinion is meaningless when competing against viewer opinion in trying to sway Frankie. It’s funny how it was the little bit of cheering, rather than the POV win, that might actually change the game!
Derrick realizes that Donny is not as disliked outside of the BB House as he is within it. Now he’s going to pivot towards accepting Donny in some form and hopefully associate himself with some of that popularity.
Remember Derrick is more keenly aware of the outside game (as evidenced by his not so subtle messages to the viewers that he’s ‘Team America’ therefore he should be loved/rewarded) than the rest of the attention hungry/fame seeking HGs.
Just need Donny or Victoria to win POV so that the same old same old doesn’t happen!! I’m tired of the dominating bloc…let’s see some fresh blood go out the door!! I hate Frankie bu would love him if he were to backdoor Derrik!!
worst case scenario.. Veto not used, Caleb gets evicted, and Caleb wins, and returns.. then we’re back from square one..
now if veto is used, victoria goes up and out, Hayden or Nicole win and returns! I like these odds better
but I think Frankie will bd Zack
I get a little teary when I see Donny cry:(
PS. For the TA thing….someone PLEASE steal that stupid Amber sticker off of BMC’s stupid hat so we can see his stupid pea brain lose it’s last stupid brain cell. Stupid idiot. (I don’t care for him much }-: ) He can keep his stupid hat.
They said they were going to steal the bunny slippers. That will make him lose it.
Me, too, about hating to see Donny cry. Good news…he’ll love America’s reaction to him. It’ll be O.K.
Zack is too calm, that’s why it’s such a boring night. Take him off those meds that are calming him down and let him loose!
haha true true! Anyone heard what type of meds he’s taking?
I was thinking they must have put him on meds too. He’s been pretty low key lately.
I kinda feel bad for wanting a kid off his meds just for my entertainment value. lol
Zach knows that is the veto is used he could be backdoored. Donny told him to lay low and he is.
Look at my boy ZachAttack
When he walks in a room, people go into cardiac
So now he thinks he’s famous
But when he gets out he’ll be back to f****** Jameis.
Haha, thought I’d give anyone who didn’t go through the torture of listening to beast mode rap, a taste of what they missed. Actually his was way worse!
To those of you who think Christine is gross, disgusting, etc. you should see the video of her masturbating on you tube – much like an insect – just weird. She also performs some sign language during her self-pleasuring ritual. National Geographic may be interested to see the ‘Masturbation habits of the female hyena stick-bug’.
Please tell me that Donny realizes that the skittles drawing was rigged by Derrick. He was smart enough to ask one of the players how the drawing went and the houseguest (either Cody or Caleb) gave a different color for Donny than what Derrick had told him earlier. If so, Donny is amazing to even think of questioning the skittle draw. Go Donny. Win veto!
Donny already knew and Derprick and Fakie were mad when he didn’t believe them.
We understand that the BOB twist has turned the majority alliance into a steam locomotive running over everyone in their path. But we can admit our mistakes, and are trying everything possible to level the scales of justice and give the underdog a chance. BUT we are stumped this week!!
We’ve tried our best to come up with a POV comp that Victoria can win, but it’s literally impossible! (Have you seen this girl in HOH’s–she always comes in last!) We’ve tested a check-yourself in the mirror endurance comp, a hair extension combing competition, but in all our test runs the teamsters beat out the interns who were instructed to throw it!!
We apologize in advance…we tried.
If they are any BB gods and I’m assuming they are since Donny won the BOB, hopefully Victoria will win the POV or Donny (considering he knows about the alliance I don’t think he would use it knowing that it would insure 1 of the 6 would be going to jury) hopefully it would be that big v*gina Cody. Then hopefully the HOH will be an endurance comp and the 4 jury members will not only get to compete to come back into the house but will also get to compete for the HOH. With any luck Hayden/Nicole will win it team up with Donny and Zach and take out Derrick. Then next week Frankie and so on and so on.
It really would be better for Victoria to leave. She would be less likely to return. Although Nicole is a viable option to return, she was powerless when she she left with Donny and felt intimidated, I am uncertain if she could be easily manipulated again and yet another wasted effort. The best option would be Hayden…..as for Cody, his strategy has just been the pretty boy, whose motto is on to the next one and Derrick’s sidekick. I wonder how Amber feels realizing watching him work on Christine, no luck with Nicole and now Victoria
I don’t think anyone hates Donny in the house. I think he is looked at as a threat because he is likable and can obviously win stuff. I mean I didn’t get that vibe but I could be wrong…..
So the big game plan this week is to get out Victoria? Good grief, they can use her for a vote the next 2 times and then axe her lol. They shoudnt have put up Christine and just replace her (shes not really worth a backd**r) with who ever wins the veto. If noms stay the same, I think they should get rid of Cody, ,hes nice to look at but his game play……Meh.
I do like Derricks game because I am a huge BB fan and can totally appreciate the things he is doing/saying to get further while trying to save face with everyone (what gamer wouldn’t) and trying to not be too brutal about it. Even the past players we all love to like and hate have had their moments of “shadiness” to get further in the game. Its sucks but this is how sometimes this game is or has to be played to get where you need to be.
Think about what was so likable about Dr Wil? Even though I like him, what was it I liked. *wink*
They hate Donny because he is the only one who they’ve tried time and time again to get out and he keeps himself safe.
I agree with you about 90%. I believe Cody is actually playing a smarter game than Derrick. If he can ride it to the final 3-4 and stab Derrick in the back, I would call it the perfect game. As far as the shadiness, of course that is part of the game. This is a COMPETITION to win 500K! If you wanted to make friends, go on MTV’s “Real World.” In Big Brother, if you are not lying then you are not playing. You can never depend on winning competitions, because they often depend on luck. Anyone who comes on this show and plans to be 100% honest, should not have been selected in my opinion. However, I believe they select a number of people that they know will play honestly just to give particular viewers someone to root for. (And of course one of those people wins America’s Favorite, so everyone wins)
Christine said she has never hated anyone as much as she hates Donnie. She is sick.
Best thing that could happen is Beast Mode Cowboy wins POV and Victoria goes up, then one of Derrick’s goats will be gone.
No, the “best” thing that can happen is that the veto is used and Derrick is backdoored. To hell with his goat, get him out when you have the chance. I’m sure Frankie would do it if he knew it wouldn’t piss off all of his boyfriends making him the next target.
How did Caleb know the Instagram account name his brothers have going for him? 1st pic was only posted 6 weeks ago. I’m sure they been in the house longer than that.
Finally Zach and Donny have the conversation I’ve been waiting weeks to hear. Now my fave Zach needs to keep his mouth shut. I just watched BBAD from Thursday night and I have to say Zach completely called this whole situation. Shame he didn’t just volunteer to go on the block with Donny and save the drama of a possible backdoor. The only way either of them have a shot at making it further is if Hayden is the returning houseguest. The season might finally get interesting.
Donny has played a terrible game. Period. Nothing against the guy, but he was brought on to this show to manipulate you people in the same way Derrick is manipulating the entire house. He is someone to root for, if you do not like the REAL GAME!!!! You are supposed to manipulate and lie your way through this game! That is what makes it fun to watch. Otherwise, lets just skip the social part of each week and have everyone compete in a competition every Thursday. Whoever comes in last is evicted….. Sound like an awful idea? Thats because it is!!!! Donny is a great guy, but he SUCKS at BB. But that is why they created the consolation prize (America’s Favorite) so people like you have a reason to watch!!! So go ahead and vote him in, and let the big boys play for the real money lol But you people keep commenting, it is so cute 🙂
When Donny realized that no alliance was possible, he did the next best thing. he won enough comps to be considered a solid player…like he told Zach…he is the single player with no alliance he is the one the other players should be using to pick off their friends without getting blood on their hands…he asked “haven’t they ever watched BB?”
Derrick’s done. If Vic goes to jury, she’ll start spilling. If anyone else goes, they’ll be butthurt and start spilling. He painted himself into a corner. He wins 50k at best. Donny winning pov destroyed his chances at 500k. He’s made bad decisions since Amber left and it’s biting him on his dumbass now.
Sorry, I meant BOB. The real fireworks go off after the POV. But Donny winning broke Derrick’s BB back.
DONNY HAS NO CHANCE LOL!!!! I love watching people scramble for reasons why he will. I guess CBS knew what they were doing when they picked people like Donny, Nicole, and Zach!!! They are great for morons to blog about, but they will never win a strategic game!!! Sorry to be captain obvious…..
Whoa Victoria is just full of wisdom. Every insight she has – wait she has no insight. Every statement she makes is like she is entering the house on the first night. I feel like you know something, is her new little gem. Whoa – did she just figure out that people are withholding information from her?
Well at least that statement could never be made to her – Victoria, I feel like you know something.
It’s painful listening to her try to spit out a sentence. I can’t tell if she’s trying to remember the nudging Production has given her that reminds her she’s in a game and should be doing SOMETHING to acknowledge that, or if she really has just that hard of a time articulating her thoughts.
Frankie and cody look like two wussycat in the bed together.
They look like 2 people who are about to win 500k or 50k lol. But do t worry, Donny will get the consolation prize 🙂
” WAKE – UP ” !!!
Caleb is talking about how he is going to break Donny up if he try to win it over Derrick. Derrick is telling people do not talk to Donny at all. Both of them is scum!! That goes to show Caleb is a mental he has no brain at ALL!!
Please production help Donny pull through this game, shake it so most of them now run to him! I will be glad when these misfits start turning on each other and I hope Donny finds out what Derrick has been saying and if he does go to jury mess up Derrick’s game!!
Cody and Derrick are probably both sporting fake tattoos, fake nipple piercings or some other trend along with their twin fake glasses. THERE ARE NO LENSES IN THE FUKKING GLASSES! They both look like douchebags wearing them.
Dr./PHD/Professor/Super Soldier Donny is playing the game!
He has all these moronic idiots figured out and is playing them.
His moves are extremely limited since he is all by himself.
It’s simply that he has to lay low because not a single one of these
wimps have a clue.
Caleb threatening to break Donnys face in the comp is so low.
What a peice of $h!t Caleb is. As usual the biggest braggers
are the worst producers.
Stankie and Wacked are disgusting.
DerICK typical hypocrite scum cop preys on the weak.
Cody is a wimp floater who uses women and hasn’t won anything.
Crustine we all know… what a fool.the rest is between her and her husband
Donny n Victoria for F2
I hope people realize that the best bet for the “new bomb squad” to be broken up is if Victoria goes up. Let’s be honest the buy back will probably be an endurance comp like last year. If nominations stay the same Caleb will probably go home and could possibly beat Nicole or Hayden to come back in it. That’s not a good thing. Maybe by some mericle Frankie realizes he can’t win with Derrick and puts him up.
So funny reading Frankie and Derrick complain about people getting advantages from production…
BB: Would you like to watch BB16 for free? Or better yet we will pay “YOU” to watch. Tomcat: No thanks, I’m watching paint dry.
Maybe next season BB will mix it up and give people of any color an advantage. Tired of seeing the same colorless faces every year.
Fuck u Derrick , team America my ass….. its to late now to hitch your ass on the Donny train… u messed that up, you and Frankie are not popular but Donny is well loved by everyone sorry for you and Frankie…
Caleb is good at taking orders. His team hate Donny, so therefore, he must hate him too. No questions asked. He’s more pliable than Play Doh. If his team told him it was OK to like Donny (which may be happening soon if Daddy Derrick meant what he said) then you’ll suddenly see Caleb extolling the virtues of Donny BB existence.
why would you go after Victoria when you need to get Donny out of this game?