Speculated Vote results
Frank Goes home
Tonight on the live feeds
Endurance Baby Catch it on the Live Feeds 3 Day Free Trial
There is no eviction tonight!!
Coaches are back in the game Shane gets to compete in the HOH last week was a WASTE of time the feeds are going to be INSANE Tonight
Which Coaches Enter the Game
Vote results is YES!! Coaches come back.
Britney votes to enter the game
Boogie votes to stay as a coach
Dan votes to enter the game
Janelle votes to enter the game
7:10pm Cam 1-4 endurance competition on the live feeds
Live Feeds Free Trial Watch it on your iPhone or Android Device no extra charge
7:20pm HOH is still going.. If you get the feeds you get to watch the entire competition. Free trial Buy them from us and help out OBB.
Boogie: “Fuck this guys I’m Willieing tonight.. ”
7:31pm everyone still on ..
7:50pm Everyone still on the boat..
8:02pm Boogie out
8:03pm Jenn Out
8:04pm Joe out
8:20pm This may go the distance.. (Am i the only one that feels Shane has been screwed a zillion times this season?)
8:35pm Cam 1-4 Everyone still in it…
8:44pm Ashley Out
8:45pm Dan out…
9:01pm This HOH is a battle HOLY SHIT
9:07pm Frank out.. Only Ian left out of that boogie’s group
9:24pm Shane is in major pain.. he’s digging deep .. Janelle is looking a bit rough to. Wil, Ian, Danielle and Britney looking alright they are definitely fatigued
9:36pm Shane and Wil are out
9:40pm Janelle is out.. Danielle, Brit and Ian left. Brit starts talking to Ian asking him if she’s good. Ian tells he SHE is safe if he wins HOH.
9:43pm Cam 3 Boogie tells Frank about who was going to vote for Frank to leave (Danielle and Wil). Frank asks him if Boogie is going to go with Janelle now that he’s in the game. Boogie says no you are now my Dr Wil. Boogie explains to him that they are going to bring out in the open everything Joe just told them. Boogie: “At the very Least we are going cause fights” Frank
9:46pm Cam 1 Dan is giving Danielle a MEGA Pep Talk. Flash back to it if you missed it pretty awesome.
10:08pm Ian out
10:09pm Danielle WIN HOH Shane run to her and kisses her.. Janelle wastes no time running up to her and sucking up.. (LOL)
10:05pm Cam 3-4 Boogie and Frank
Boogie tells him that Janelle told him that Wil and Danielle were going to vote out FFrank
Boogie: “Me and you rid and die this to the end”
Boogie: “I will do you no wrong in this game”
Boogie: “Danielle, Dan and Wil obviously cannot be trusted”
Boogie is going to try and keep the other coaches fighting the newbies and vice versa
check out the images added to the gallery below.. I’ll Keep adding screencaps there
Last Weeks Results in the table
POV Holder: | Shane | Next POV: | July 28 (Saturday) |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | July 30 (Monday) |
HOH Winner: | SHANE | Next HOH: | Aug 2nd |
Original Nominations: | Ashley And Joe | ||
Current Nominations: | Joe And Frank | ||
Have Nots (Cereal & Salmon) | Joe, Ian | ||
Coach Competition Winner | Janelle (Wil SAFE) | ||
Next Coaches Competition | August 3(Friday) | ||
Last Evicted Houseguest | JOJO |
I is so excited!
Hope Frank stays he keeps everything interesting! should he go hope i hope boogie returns and boots shane right out after him
Endurance comp tonight YO! who do you think is going to win and who out of the coaches are going to enter the game?
Is it 100% that it’s going to be an endurance comp? Or is it just speculation among the houseguests?
I think if all four are given the option then they all four will come in. It’s possible they have to play one another for a position in the game…who knows….I think Dan will do well in the endurance as well as Wil….Joe won’t last long and neither will Boogie….Ian has a great shot at it because of his small size frame but not sure if he can stand still very long with all his nervous ticks. I’m not real sure what Jenn is capable of but I think we will have a good idea after the endurance if she is a keeper …. Ashley won’t last as long as the others due to her low tolerance for pain and need for medication….Brit isn’t really good at endurance and Janelle isn’t as good as she used to be … but she will give it a really good shot…..Danielle may surprise us OR not….Who knows…..Hoping that somehow Dan/Danielle and Shane/Wil/Brit team up for a tad longer than a few day alliance as I think they could do some damage to the others.. … Pacing with Ants in my Pants waiting for it to start!!!!!
Simon, all 4 coaches enter the game and 1. Dan 2. Wil 3. Janelle 4, Boogie. Also the first one to lose between Frank and Joe goes home. That way BB can avoid returning a previously evicted HG with another America’s vote and comp like last year. Just my guess.
Am I the only one who thinks Shane just got Screwed out of an HoH? In my opinion production owes him, because it was FRANK who’s HoH shouldn’t have counted.
@Simon Ian needs to prove himself in this game and win a HoH. If the coaches have to play a comp we can finally get rid of brit i like her but shes gotta go!
i think power will shift to one of janlle players or boogie i think its between will asheley ian
hoh = ian will asheley
drop = jenn , joe
I hope it’s endurance and lasts long enough to be on BBAD
I agree – let it last long enough to be on BBAD!!
Yaaaaawn. Vets vs. Newbies part 2. Why wouldn’t they let the coaches twist play out? Could have gotten interesting, but instead we get a recycled BB13.
I honestly don’t think CBS went into this season planning on the coaches coming into the game. I think when Britney started telling everyone about her key theory, that’s when they decided to do it. Instead of having evicted players coming back, they just let the coaches into the game. I am personally glad they’re playing because I think the whole coaches thing was pretty lame. It does kind of make the last several weeks pretty pointless though.
I’m SO waiting to see Boog’s reaction. It will prolly be a let down from my expectations, but I just KNOW it’ll be at least a bit of surprise to him AND his team.
Frank goes home and all 4 coaches come into the game. I hope BB does a double… double-eviction AND brings back “at least” one evicted player. Let’s really shake it up this season. Make everyone in the house, coaches included, work for it this year….. work REAL HARD.
I so hope production makes it absolutely crazy, insane even. Let’s set the animals let loose in the house and just see what damage they can do.
BOOOOOO Janellle.
GO DAN!!!!
YAY BB14. Make it NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
agreed! kind of a snooze fest right now
This is how I think things will go!
Frank will get evicted 3-2
Ian/trixie will be the last two left in the endurance comp, and she will make the same deal that Natalie and James made in bb9 during that hoh to protect her/Matt. Instead though, it will be to protect herself/janelle.
But Ian will go back on his word, just like James did, and backdoor janelle :/
I hope frank stays just for the drama.. LOL.. but I kind of also want him to so to see Boogie FLIP out! will be good either way..
U didnt write ur HoH prediction, Simon! U usually are always right!
This is a tough one to call..
Assuming the coaches compete my picks are Wil or Boogie (Maybe Ian)
If the first coach that drops leaves the game my pick is Janelle.. unless there’s cold water than it’s brit
Team Shanielle Yo! I’ll be laughing if Ian wins HoH & put Joe & Wil on the block.
Frank Tha Stank will be let back into the game if any coach enters the game.
Hey Guys, I will recap the stats! Stay tuned!
We dont need you.
we don’t need you and nobody asked
My opinion is everybody opinion….YES,YES,YES,YES,YES,YES you do. Everybody need me. No means Yes, Yes means No!
You’d be lucky to find more than two people on here that agree’s with your opinions. Even less that can understand what you are trying to say.
Ian will def win tonight going for Dan’s team though…….. Boogie gonna flip…….
NO FRANK!! I just want great viewing. I want the best TV (feeds too) possible. AND Dan FTW. Yes, I’m selfish and bias. LoL.
Boogie.. Thanks Lennon’s Ghost
simon you gonna do parodys of all the HG’s 🙂
probably.. still need to get a feel for some of the players.
HA that’s awesome for boogie
Watch the show if you are on the west coast http://videobrother.com/
Ready…. SET…. G O ! ! ! !
GO !!!
I been waiting for the first endurance comp to get the free three day trial on the feeds I hope it’s something mental like the old seasons and not physical where they have to use strength like they get licked in a cage like season 4 this way we see who really wants it most not who’s the strongest but I doubt it takes 36 hours to build a cage or something like that it has to be tall and involve hanging
I thought the same thing…I go sign up, put in my credit card number, go to sign in and it only shows me previous videos. Am I doing something wrong?
Never mind! Figured it out 🙂
Hey what was the problem, I signed up and cant see anything
use this http://junketdrawer.com/b3vviewer/
Thanks Simon!
this is the BB house you can bounce checks a classic
janelles saying wil is just a bitchy guy ha for once i will say this gay guy was not the bitch SHE WAS
joe has a fuckin big assed mouth really wish he goes
janelle is such a good actress that’s why wil says act 2 put on the water works more classic lines
I am starting to really like Wil
we are too! so happy he saw thru that!
I was jumping up and down when I saw that Wil didn’t buy Janelle’s fake tears.
Smart guy.. or maybe he knows a few drama “queens” lol
CBS wants a showmance so bad…
LMFAO a 10 and half bad
yes, they are making it so obvious
I really want them to do the live eviction before the coaches announcement.
frank goes home, Boogie Freaks out of shear embarrassment for all his cocky comments about how wonderful he is, Danielle and Brittany huddle under the covers to spoon each other and cry, Janelle has complete flat affect while checking her makeup in the mirror and telling everyone how fat she is getting, Will takes drama queen to new level, Ian and Ashley hide under the couch together, Dan sits around asking questions about how everyone feels about what just happened and Joe plans the next suck up breakfast (I’ll have mine with extra e coli please). And Jenn??…….Jenn Who????
It’s just what I thought! Awesome!!
so much for individually when only 1 coach decides for all 🙁
very disappointing that Shane loses his HOH.
Obviously BB wanted Frank to stay with the reset. Now BB14 is 3 players too many and we should see double evictions several times this year. There are 6 weeks until the finale and currently 12 players. So could we have 4 double evictions?
Grenades yo!!
This show has officially jumped the shark. If I were Shane, I would be pissed off.
exactly! how is this even fair?
lets see…..
they surprise people who are ready to play big brother with a new game that has coaches involved
then after a few weeks, in which
the coaches have had time to build relationships
the coaches have been appointed by bb as leaders and the voices of authority
other players that the coaches did not like were eliminated
they are given entry into the game????
how is this fair or entertaining in any sense of the word? they have basically had immunity in the game until now.
absolute rigged bullshit if you ask me.
these game shows should be regulated. They definately jumped the shark last night. fkin annoying..
Well then…………….this whole week was pointless
i remember when i was growing up i watched Dallas and a whole season was a waste cause they killed bobby then next season it was a dream same as this past week just a dream
I told you lol. My production birdy comes through again.
So Shane basically had no HOH! That’s bullshit! BB, you suck!!
It wasn’t his HOH anyway. He basically said Britney did everything for him.
It is unbelievable how much production is screwing these guys over. Totally jumped the shark and it will sink this show. I think I will just go watch glass house. I am over this. Usually no matter how mad I get at a show, I watch….but tonight is my last night. Good job, BB, you just couldn’t keep your hands off it, could you. This morning I had hope that things were about to get interesting. This is not interesting…it just feels rigged. Bye all
Wow, production really wants Frank to stay!
damn, frank isn’t going home tonight!!
I was not expecting the fame to restart and every one be safe I hope Shane wins again sticks with Brit Dan and Danielle and take out boogie
Yah, I thought for sure Frank was done. And Boogie voting no…wonder why. Maybe he thought Joe was for sure going home, and Janelle would be weakened losing a player, little does he know this would have been a crushing blideside that would have really embarassed him. But whatever, now the games can begin ,enough of the coach shit.
The Coaches are in the game! Neither Joe or Frank is evicted. The game has been reset.
Frank and Joe were my two least favourite players, I feel disappointed about the eviction cancellation…..
me too….I was so looking forward to one of them no longer being there
Really no choice to make…Frank was going to come back anyway, so the eviction would have been for nothing and would have shown which way the wind was blowing. This way, unless someone talks, Frank and Boogie never have to know that Frank was going home.
yes but do you think that it will come out somehow anyways…all the loose lips in the house….I bet they don’t sleep at all tonight…staying up to plot and plan
joe has a big enough mouth, and too little sense to realize how stupid it would be to tell…my vote says joe is the one to spill how the vote should have gone down…
Dan knows shane has this in the bag. 2 weeks in a row and a 4th POV here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BBAD might actually be worth watching tonight I stopped watching it for the last few nights
Omg the twist was amazing.
Theres no way that the coaches could’ve did separate things because it wouldn’t have made any sense. You can’t have some people being coached while the previous coaches are now players. Too much confusion.
I’m so excited though. Can’t wait to see who wins HoH.
They tooled around with allowing players to come back for the coaches that didnt enter but decided against it.
Did not know Frank was Sid Vicious’ son!
I think it’s bittersweet that the coaches are entering the game. I kind of leaned more towards Boogie’s decision to say no to the offer.
Oh it was a unanimous vote that all coaches are back in the game, I was thinking boogie was going to be the only one as coach
I told you people. they love frank, boogie and frank playing up chilltown saved that guy, if it was some jojo or kara, no one would care, but it was someone attached to a coach. future reference for hg’s
I am so angry that the coaches coming back played out this way. I wanted Frank out and Boogie to go through the roof. What a let down!
can you watch the HOH on live feeds or is it put on Trivia?????????????
I think the feeds might be coming bac up now…I can hear the water instead of the music
I’m officially rooting for Ian now. Nerd Power, you.
Ian has been on slop so long he has titties. Look at him in his goofy yellow suit.
LOL when the camera was on him during the live show, I heard people laughing
I don’t think Shane’s HOH was waste – they learned quite a bit about how some of the houseguests felt about their coaches, caught a bunch of them in lies and good for Dan, Britney, Shane & Danielle for making a final 4 of sorts. I think the newbies are going to try hard to get Janelle & Boodie out, work on the floaters & then worry about Dan & Britney.
this season is already 10 times better then last season, im so pumped after every episode, gonna be a long wait till Sunday, Shane needs to take down this hoh
I wasn’t a huge Shane fan but since BB screwed with him I’m pulling for shane to win HOH
If you have the live feeds do you get to watch the whole endurance comp?
My bet Ian wins HOH…
Haha Boogie looks SO pissed!
I thought that was funny too! Looked like steam was about to come out his ears!
BB seems to be getting cheaper every year.
90% of the bitter predictions on this site are quite funny. Look like Brit might melt!
I heard someone whisper to Britney (perhaps AG), to hit the reset button, on live tv. Should’ve done a better job censoring that CBS.
It was not Brit’s intention to come into the game and she was doing some hard thinking about what to do. Awesome that you heard something in Brit’s DR vote, I didn’t hear it but I don’t doubt something was said, it seemed awkward at the time!
yea i heard the whispering too. but the mic was still on the houseguests. couldn’t tell if it was hg’s or production.
@BB King. I thought I heard some whispering too,but I thought it was the audience and then I thought it was the other house guests.You were able to make out what was said?
I thought I heard the houseguests whispering
Wow – I didn’t see that twist coming! Did anybody call that?
No, production got away without an eviction and screwing Shane. I predicted they might make Frank and Joe fight it out on the endurance but not that everyone is safe. Production needed a way to avoid bringing back a sequestered HG because they weren’t happy with Jojo or Kara. Oh well!
So Shane’s HOH is waste, except for making enemies.
Wow Big Brother the fixed was in
OMG, I had no idea Alison Grodner was going to vote to allow the coaches to enter the game! And no matter what America’s vote actually was, she would like to thank all you suckers who texted your votes in at $1 each!
And now BB has been reset back to season 13.
Rumor has it she’s looking to produce a season of “Legends” players sometime in the future. All these “original” ideas she comes up with year after year surprise to no end.
Bringing the vets back last season was the dumbest twist ever… untill this year with the coaches! It just shows how she is willing to go above and beyond to fuck up this gameshow formerly known as Big Brother!
and boogie said no to returning. not a shock
Chilltown 2.0 Survives! Still Team Shanielle Yo!
Wow Big Brother if you reset where are the 3 original players that got evicted wasnt fair because the deck is still stacked
I had the feeling Brit and Boogie were the only ones who would say no if there was actually an option. Brit seemed like she only agreed because she figured someone else would anyway.
@CJ. “Brit seemed like she only agreed because she figured someone else would anyway.” I viewed the coachs reaction differently than you did.Before Julie announced the twist.Dan,Janelle&Britney were pretty confident that they would be given an option to play the game.All three of them sound like they planned on coming into the game.I think the part that threw them off,was when Julie said if one of the coachs choose to play the game.Then no one will be evicted tonight.Dan,Britney,Janelle and some of the newbies,really worked hard at blind siding Boogie and Frank.They all wanted Frank to be evicted.So,Britney&
Janelle were probably thinking to themselves,what they should do.On one hand they want to play the game and on another hand they want Frank out the house.Dan seemed really excited to come in the game.
They knew they’d be given the option but Britney went in with the enthusiasm of a wet blanket. I got the impression that her arm was twisted with the gun against her head while her husband was being held hostage and was forced into the game rather than actually wanting to participate.
Kinda figured Boogie wouldn’t want to enter the game. I respect that he felt the coach’s prize was enough! Oh well now let’s see who turns on their former coach first….my money’s on Wil
$106,000 ?
What would his uncle (or whomever) in Florida (or wherever) think of his choice?
In case you couldn’t tell, I didn’t pay too much attention to his comments to Chenbot tonight.
So why couldn’t they have cancelled the eviction after Willie was expelled? Team Britney was essentially cheated twice by BB.
Just signed up for the feeds, they finally rooked me in, lol.
Should it just be a blank right now though? Shouldn’t I be seeing trivia at least?
New to this whole feed thing, any help would be appreciated.
Never mind, it’s working now…YAY!
of course the vote results is yes!!!! Who thought it was going to be anything but yes. Even though most people and comments I saw were no. BB just does what they want, who cares what the viewers want. Next season lets give the coaches another couple of free weeks so they can drop in half way through.
Oh yea. Now that I come to think of it, Shane’s HoH was really a waste. All he got out of it was more enemies.
We all saw it coming though, because we can see how much CBS loves Frank, giving him his own mini special and all.
I’m just happy that the twist wasn’t simple.
How lame letting the coaches in. I am never in favor of past players, they had their chance already.
boring. coaches? really? all that weeklong nonsense just to NOT evict someone? stupid.
Janelle will get screw again! Backdoor Janelle will be sweet. Three times still a failure. Team Shanielle/Dan/Chilltown 2.0 Bye Bye Janelle!
Wow, you really don’t like Janelle. ‘Don’t like’ or ‘hate’, I don’t know which is which.
I agree with Simon … CBS wants a showmance so bad… They should bring back Kara to liven things up even more cause Danielle would turn green with envy and cause even more drama!
what a waste of shane HOH. not fair!
in this comp its hard to tell who wins….maybe shane, dan, frank are favs?
in generell i think janelle not made many friends the last week. so maybe she is a target. with boogie of course.
In this game I’ve come to conclude it’s not about fairness or integrity or bullshit like that, it’s about entertainment, so now I’m numb to all these twists and turns that change the game. If anyone wants a more ‘fairer’ game Survivor is the show to watch, but BB…please. , forget it. Anyways I think Shane will take it well especially if Frank wins HOH, he won’t pull a Chima or Willie,and I don’t think his HOH was a total waste, at least now he’s not the number one target there’s several. Frank wants Janelle out so bad, maybe Wil also wants her out, so Janelle better start fighting like she did in her seasons.
Why aren’t my feeds working? They worked all week, what a time to crap out! How can I fix this?
Expect the expected. Seriously, everyone pretty much guessed everything this week from the coaches coming into the game to the comp being endurance.
STANDING OVATION for “Expect the Expected”!!!!!
Truer words have never been spoken!
Hold on Dan.Let’s Go Dan! Does anyone have any ideas why Boogie was the only coach that didn’t want to come in the game?I mean he didn’t just not like the idea of playing the game.He seemed straight up against it.Yet Dan seemed like he couldn’t hit the reset button fast enough.Lol.
Honestly, 500k just isn’t a lot of money for boogie. Belly, geisha House & Dolce are VERY good restaurants
I think booger did not want to come back cause 1. he’s lazy and older now and was enjoying just kicking back and letting his team do all the leg work and 2. he’s a control freak and he loved having a team he could control. that is why i think he did not want to play plus he supposedly is rich so he wouldn’t need 500 grand (even though he took 6g at that last comp)
The reason Boogie didn’t come back into the game is because the odds are better as a coach. He still has all his players and a 1 in 4 chance of winning $100,000. As a player you have a 1 in 12 chance of winning $500,000. He would need to reformulate his enter game mid way and he would be a major target from jump. The first thing someone would do is put him and Frank up. Smart move.
At the time he went into the DR to vote (to stay a coach) he thought Frank was safe and he was gonna be the only coach with all 3 players left. Not to mention of those players being the second strongest player in the house – and on top of that they thought they had a secret alliance with Shane (the strongest player)
when i try to sign in to my superpass it just goes to a straight white screen …
anyone know whats up??
much appreciated!
I think Dan Britney Ian Janelle and Boogie will be really good at this comp. I think Britney Mike or Janelle will be the first to drop out of those five, and i think the new HOH will be Dan or Ian
Dan gonna throw it. Shane or Ian win HOH.
shane better win else if frank ian boogie do he is gona be their target and how much you wanna bet all the newbies are gonna stay with the former coaches and keep alliances (except maybe Wil Janelle left a bad taste in his mouth and it wasn’t her p***y 🙂
Willie’ing??? Sooo he’s gonna rage and throw a pork rind at Jenelle, and punk off Joe???? I wanna see that, but this time aim for a boobie LOL
I just signed up for the Live Feeds bc I’m dying to see this comp and the website is crashed! I can’t get it to load. Is anyone else having this issue?
Who do ya think will win?
what’s the longest endurance comp on BB? they all looked pretty comfortable up there (well maybe save for jenn).
12 hours I think
I think it was 8 1/2 hours during Season 8 with Evel Dick winning the competition against Zach (?).
Zach actually won that one
It was in season 6. It was the glass box HOH comp where they had to keep their hands on a button. It went fourteen hours (I think) and ended with Jennifer defeating Kaysar after promising to keep him (she went on to backdoor him).
Well… I guess Boogie’s gonna quit
How much are the live feeds after the 3 day trial?
After 3 days you can cancel you membership and not charged.
So, is Boogie back in the game as well or does he get to stay as a coach? I see that he voted to stay coach, do the other 3 just go in and he stays as a coach? What gives?
Yup Boogie is back.. he’s the only one that didn’t want to enter as a player but since the other 3 did the coaches twist is over
so with the numbers back that will mean a double eviction eventually I
just hope the newbies start to play to win and not another has been (oops) all star wins
It would of been better had Julie said if 1 coach doesn’t hit the reset button the eviction goes as normal…Love how CBS just screwed Shane..I hope he wins this HOH.
Love this site Simon and Dawg!!
I’m not going to buy the feeds, ever. I would turn into a hermit, I’m already completely addicted to this site. However, I am a huge fan of BBAD and I can’t wait for tonight’s!
So basically Shane gets screwed. He makes 2 enemies by putting Frank and Joe on the block and neither go home. That is messed up and totally unfair to Shane. Poke him with a fork…he’s done.
Can’t believe they’ve been going for about an hour and no one has dropped yet, who do ya’ll think will be the first to drop?
Julie seemed a little upset when Shane said that he wasn’t interested in a showmance during his HOH interview. He had been playing it up for her and CBS earlier (as they wanted) and then tossed them a curve during the interview. I wouldn’t be surprised if CBS played a little payback on him for messing with their “scripting plans” for a BB14 showmance.
Does anyone else have issues with signing in the Live Feeds !?
I’m running 2 windows from the superpass website and 4 running this http://junketdrawer.com/b3vviewer/ they all work.. Try using Chrome as your browser.
This house is pretty out of wack now and I would expect the comp to go on for hours. Not much strategy going to be played while on the ‘boat’.
Chilltown 2.0 Survive! Still team Shanielle Yo! I told you so! Thank you Britney! Janelle will end up going home next week. I’ll be the happiest man ever!
I hope frank wins it all,hes honest adoes what he say and he didnt sugar coat it for jojo he flat told her u fucked up
After Booger said he was “good” they should have said “OK you can leave!” Why should he stay if he doesn’t want to? He doesn’t need the money and we don’t need to see or hear him any longer!
How are all the coaches entering, no eviction, AND a houseguest coming back in?
I don’t care what anybody says they kept Frank to Will it up with Boogie.
House guest isn’t coming back, that was only going to happen if all the coaches declined.
Me n v nasty we be where the cash be
Well…at least Frank got that bath that all in the girls in the house have been waiting for!
I had a bad feeling that Frank was staying somehow b/c CBS put a lot of money into that family Sid Vicious package. They put that together a week ago and needed to save Frank somehow. If it would have been Joe and Ashley, they would have evicted someone tonight.
BB wants a showmance so bad along with the drama, thus they are going to bring back Kara and force her on Shane and then pray she and Danielle kill each other over him! Betcha! For my part, I think he is a closet gay!
if they want a real (forced) shomance put Wil and Jenn together. In somme odd way it could work.
Julie said if the Coaches come into the game that evicted players will not be offered to come back.
Boogie claims he gonna go all Willie, they can just replace him with Kara then. Season saved!
agreed 🙂 .. though I really don’t want to see boogie go yet.
Boogie dropped!!!
Do you think we’ll get to see this on BBAD that’s the only thing I have.
I think Shane is going to win it. Ian is going to get cold from the water.
I think Boogie doesn’t care at this point and that is why he dropped. I would be so happy if Boogie just agreed to go home.
I thik Boogie’s going to wait to see how this HOH comes out. I think if Frank or Ian don’t win then he may do as he says and pull a Willie – LOL!! I’m surprised that Brit & Ashley are still up there. 2 more hours to BBAD!!
so far boober and my guy jenn are out correct? not surprised bout either 🙂
I feel bad for Shane, basically his HOH was a fluke. I don’t get why they couldn’t still have an eviction? Anyway – I’m kind of looking forward to seeing how things play out now though. Finally, things might get a little more exciting!
Hopefully Shane will win this HOH, I wouldn’t normally say that but I also feel bad for him pretty much not having an HoH this week
Been reading this blog for a few years but never posted, Simon and Dawg you guys are awesome, this blog is by far the best. Got the feeds yesterday and glad I did, the endurance comp has been entertaing so far. Boogie and Joe won’t last much longer, and as I wrote that Boogie just came down, minutes after his fart, and now Jenn is down too. Advantage definitely goes to the short people, so I’m thinking brit or ian will take it, brit looks pretty comfy. Shane being a personal trainer will keep him in the running, andddd Joe goes down.
Simon, you mentioned how bad CBS wants a showmance, it’s ridiculous. After hearing about Shane’s cosmo bachelor thing, looked it up and in the answers he gives, he basically said he likes to chase girls and doesn’t like clingy girls, ummm so Danielle never had a shot, hopefully he put a rest to CBS efforts after his HOH interview.
Thought it was BS that the coaches got a pass, but then again now we’re at about the same number that they usually start with. Production clearly favors Frank, he was coming back either way. Anyways, shit will definitely pop off this week, can’t wait!!!
@Desperado Thanks! glad you enjoy our site..
Today BB14 Starts! thanks god these past 2 weeks have been a bit tough.
I’m still rooting for Shane!!!
Me too, been pulling for him from the start. He just needs to align himself with Dan, those two would dominate chilltown v 2.0 and the rest of the house. Hoping Dan can get Janelle and her cronies to go at it with Boogie and his minions.
well, boogie didnt want to play, so frank staying is sort of throwing him a bone
but this comp, i hate. its basically a female comp, and ian, because as we’ve seen in the past men cant handle the 2 hours up there that the women can due to the size of the ledge/body shape
ian better pull this out, or frank and boogie are on the darn block
Boogie is such a sore loser and now add quitter to his list of undesirable traits. Miserable little weasel, I hope he flips out and self evicts.
I absolutely feel Shane was screwed, his HOH was literally worthless :@
how was he screwed he gets to play agian and can win again. no player has ever got to play back to back HOH’s
omg really Jenn are you even trying you are awful just go home already you are a waste
Even though she was a early favorite for me after 3 weeks of feeds I agree with what you say
hey hey simon that’s my guy jenn you are talking about he’ll start winning stuff once he floats to the final 4 🙂
I was keeping my hopes up for her, but when I read that she was contacted through facebook (i mean really). its clear she really doesnt care much. SAD.
Simon and Dawg,
Are you at all surprised Boogie was the first to drop?
I think he’ll be mad and give up, get nominated and go home.
I wasn’t surprised.. I don’t think boogie wanted to play like this. Theres a surplus of players now so Maybe he will go home
Yes, I think Shane is getting screwed big time! Even letting him play in the endurance comp doesn’t make up for it.
Damn Shane must be super pissed hopefully he will win HOH again
Joe is a horrible alliance member look at him throwing people under the bus already to the losers!!!! This guy has no intelligence, he is giving Boogie ammunition that will be used against him!!
Joe is out of the comp? And they didn’t have to carry him out of the house on a strecher like he claimed? Wish I could say I didn’t see that one coming.
Feeds should be fun tonight. Love how they worked this twist. Frank stays and the coaches enter. I still suspect that the 6-7 players that I like will end up on opposite sides of the house, but it’ll be interesting to see who starts to work with whom now that the coaches are in the game.
I initially thought Shane was gay, but I guess he;s just kind of pretty boy from Vermint. anyhow I think I’m rooting for Shane the rest of the season. He actually seems like the most likable house guest to me. I don’t feel right rooting for a “Coach” who has now entered the game like 4 weeks into it.
Oh Shane here you go again, on the wrong side of the fence. Should have kept your “Word”. How are you going to dig your’e self out of this one. “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
Ugh…..I really wanted Frank gone. Would love to see Frank go up against Boogie on the block, though.
Did Joe just blab to Mike about the votes?
Yep, if Boogie couldnt win, he sure as hell was getting information in-case Frank or Ian wins.
Yep, what an idiot.
What did he say? I must have missed it.
And Ashley is out…come on Frank, Come on IAN!
And now Dan is out…getting closer!
If they had to bring the coaches in, at least the evened the field a bit. Glad Frank is still there and that Shane got to compete. Now I want Janelle and Danielle to fall. I think the newbs are going to revolt!
Boogie is mad because he can’t just sit on his ass and drink beer the rest of the summer!
BOO-HOO, screw you Boogie!
Janelle should call Ashlee….Mini Me
Gonna be a long night.
Dan’s out!!!!!!!
Ugh. I’m surprised Danielle is still in it. I hope they hold out so I can see it on BBAD.
So now it’s Danielle, Britney, Shane, Janelle, Wil, Frank, and Ian.
At least they let Shane compete after screwing him over so Frank could stay in the game. Maybe they’ll get Joe out (crosses fingers)
This is without a doubt not only the dumbest but the ugliest cast to date.
ashley and dan out huh guess they figure they are safe but this is anyone’s game now so I figure no one is safe shit if I was playing I’d hang on til i bled.
do i have to pay to get the 3 day trial ? or what happens after the 3 day trial do they charge me for that because i only want the trial thingy lol
You won’t be charged if you cancel before the 3 days are up.
You can cancel at anytime before the 3 days are up, after 3 days you’ll automatically be charged $14.99 if you don’t cancel
Shane and WIl are hurtin pretty bad. Ian still looks like the guy to beat, kid is about a 100lbs soakin wet, literally.
Joe may be the worst player in BB history…
He truly is aiming for that title. This is why you don’t let paranoid people into a game like this…
I really hope Shane separates himself from Brit, she can’t win anything, her paranoia is ridiculous, and she changes her mind on who she wants out once or twice a day. Shane needs to get with Frank, commit to getting people out, and just steamroll through the house.
Oops, that was supposed to be a standalone comment, not sure why it posted it as a reply to someone.
looks like ian can to this forever. seems to be a “weight only ” thing.
Ian is proving his prowess tonight. Its like what he said to Julie, he kept on slop to get his weight down for this, he has waited for it. As long as he doesn’t slip like Ashley and Frank did.
awww dan!!! i was rooting for you!
I hope Shane, Danielle or Britney hang in there to win. Ashley would be ok. Please not Ian or Frank, UGH
Duh, Ashley was already out when posted.
Come on Team BDDS, You guys are one down but still have 3 up!
hell of a job simon!!! i cant say it enuff….thanks for all you dawg do!!!!
Did Joe give the names of the people who were behind trying to vote out Frank?Please. Someone tell me what did the idiot Joe say to Boogie.
well boogie is screwed, ian is not mentally strong enough to take this
Did Ashley just say think of rainbows and butterflies?
Wow… CBS has done the same endurance comp for like, 4 seasons. They did this in B10,12,13 and now…
Shane has got this. Dan threw it and Boogie decided he didnt care.
hang in there Shane.. You got screwed again. Team shane!!
Did janelle Mouth something to Ian saying he’d be safe if he dropped??
Lies….allegations…understandings~~ I say it’ll be a battle between Brit, Ian and Danielle at the end…maybe Wil too….
Shane needs to win this… his HOH was totally stolen from him!
Pattie, That is exactly the way I feel. So not only was Shane’s HOH a waste, but the coaches have been safe all this time and also know the newbies hands. Definitely set up for Frank to stay. Such a disappointing season so far. There was finally going to be a blindside and start to get interesting and then the stupid producers go and ruin it. Only thing that will salvage this season for me is if Boogie goes home next week. If not, I probably won’t watch the rest of the season, just like I stopped watching last season when “miraculously” Brendon got to reenter the game.
I haven’t seen an HOH like this in a while

Well, he may be sore as hell later, but you know Danielle will be there to tend to him.
The Beast is going to hurt tomorrow. Shane HOH FTW
And beauty and the beast go down, final 4
omg i cant watch shane hes in so much pain!
i hope shane brittney and janelle stay up but i hope shane stay up there because he’ll be there target
simon who looking good who look like they can do this a longer
yeah production screwed shane over big time because he’s not interested in a showmance with danielle so they said ok we’ll just keep frank and screw u over again like when we kicked willie out and instead of letting that be the eviction for the week got rid of jojo too, i guess production has something against shane and britney and they love the big hair, stinky no deodorant wearing, i couldn’t win a real competition if my life depended on it douchebag, once again way to go production for thinking u actually know what you’re doing.
Ashley, Dan, Jenn, Joe, and Mike all have dropped.
It’s looking like either Ian, Britney or Danielle are in the best shape to win this HOH. Shane is laboring badly, so are Wil and Janelle.
Feel bad for Shane, wish he at least got a week of immunity or something because his HOH was useless.
For the “is Shane gay?” crowd, him and Wil just whispered to each other and jumped off at the same time. Have fun with turning that into a gaydar moment.
Shane and Wil both dropped together!
If BBAD comes on do we get to see the HOH game being played if it’s still going on!?
oh shit, they cant let Janelle win, Britney pull your evil together and hold on
Janelle just dropped!!!!!!!!!!!! Danielle said, “I’m too fat, yall” LOL
Fall Janelle Fall! Your in Pain. Thanks to Britney brillant move! Janelle will cry to her husband. Your alliances Sovereign 6 can’t help you this one.
20 min left untill us BBAD people get back in on the action! Hope there’s still some competitors left for us to enjoy!
joe has got to be the biggest idiot to ever play the game, he knew he had the votes to stay and now he tells boogie that frank was going home, what does he think that boogie is going to do protect him now, everybody not on boogie’s team is coming after him (boogie) did anybody see or hear joe tell him that.
I think there is seriously something wrong with him…he could have flown under the radar for another couple weeks while the coaches got picked off. I hope he goes next week now, just for being such an idiot!
britney and danielle, gooooooooo!!!!
Gotta give Danielle her props didn’t know she’d last this long
Was Jenn even in this episode? ahahaha
well if ian wins i guess production oops i mean boogie and frank will get what they wanted and backdoor shane next week unless he wins pov, production just might as well come out and say they want frank tol win. i mean come on ian gets the blame for frank going on the block now he’s the only one left from that team still in it, frank should have been evicted but wasn’t, the hoh was tailored made for ian, could they be anymore obvious.
Booger is pissed
go ian!!! dude needs this! he is kinda goofy but aint we all in our little ways!
Danielle must reallllllllly want to impress Shane, I’m not buyin the family picture stuff
C’mon Ian!! Man I really want him to win.
Awesome, they’re actually showing it on BBAD. They switched away to the storage room though…Hopefully they’ll keep cutting back.
i just wanna say i almost 100% predicted what the “twist” was tonight, but jasonvorhies was quick to shut me down. suck it!!!!!!!
Danielle wins HOH
Dammit, i hate Danielle!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO
Man, Ian needed that.
this is too good, mike and frank know about the plan to backdoor frank and their trying to figure out how to move forward, boogie is pretty rattled. Apparently Wil also came to them, fuck I hate Wil, him and Joe just completely threw shane under the bus. Go team Dan & Shane, the Brain and the Beast!
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! danielle hoh baby wooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
Go Danielle!
Danielle wins HOH!!!
Danielle wins HOH!!
ian or a vet winning hoh was best case
now with danielle, its basically a dan controlled hoh, but he will just use her to take out boogie, which kind of sucks, but at the same time I dont think boogie is that into it right now anyway.
I really like Danielle that was badass
Janell is such an idiot…clapping for Danielle’s victory like they are the best of friends…I hope Janell is the first to go
Team Mt. St. Shanielle for the win baby!!!!!!!!!!!
Mad ups to Danielle, Britney, and Ian tonight for being warriors in a great endurance comp!
UPDATE 10:13PST!!! Danielle wins HOH! Reset alliances???
Allison will have to rig that vote first. But then it can happen!
OMG That was frikkin awesome! I didn’t think I wanted Danielle to win, but that was frikkin great!
hahaha so NOW shane wants a kiss??? just like a guy! congrats Danielle! this is Shane’s HOH round 2.
I swear we are watching The Hunger Games showmance now
Just goes to show that Danielle will do anything for a Shane-mance! LOL!! I really hope that they go for Janelle or Joe! 🙂 Thanks so much Simon & Dawg for the wonderful updates!!
hummmm daniele wins hoh wow be the noms are janelle and booger (hoping)
i agree with you simon .. they are giving Shane the shaft… total BS … do they actually think we are happy not being able to see Boogers chin hit the floor when frank left … BB shame on you .. this is the worse ditch effort to keep your viewers .. . not at all impressed ..
so funny boogie and frank talking about what they’re gonna do not knowing that ian dropped and danielle won hoh priceless!!!!!!!!!!
LOL ya
Shane gonna get some pussy this week????
I think that’s his plan now that dan won’t c-block him! hehe!
So when Shane is hoh, he wants no type of relationship/shomance/flirtmance, but when she gets hoh, he comes in to kiss her? Come on, that’s just low. Shane is playing her like no other. By the way, for the people saying its not fair that Shane made two enemies by putting up Frank. It was his dumb move, who tries to make one of the biggest moves in Big Brother on Week 3 of the season? Even if Frank would have got evicted, Shane would have been screwed. Sorry to tell you guys, but Shane won’t win every competition, he will lose and be evicted the first chance the houseguests can.
Team Shanielle (Next Jeff & Jordan):Danielle wins Big Brother 14 & Shane wins America’s Favorite Houseguest.
You’re wrong
no matter what, Janelle will win the America’s Choice
I doubt it. CBS isn’t even trying to make her look good via edits.
This might be just me but…Is anyone else pumped to see the way Dan and Boogie go head to head and see who can one up the other?
Wow, love the last pic! What a sexy kiss.
I rarely post on here but want to thank the guys that run this site. With that being said, Danielle needs to put up Boogie and Janelle. Get Boogie out of the game! If he or Janelle wins POV, Frank your back on the block!
Yes I know, you’re means you are and your means your!
Danielle won!
Honestly, I officially like her as a competitor but, hate her as a person…lol.
I loved the way Dan grabbed her (Shane not so much. I like him but, hate them together). But, of course CBS will edit Dan’s part out.
Anyways, if Dan was smart he’d tell Danielle to evict Frank to get out a newbie/make sure Boogie would join with him so the vets can have the numbers.
The vets need to team up but, the person who needs convincing is Britney.
I’m so proud of Danielle.So many people in that house and even on this site, talked so much trash about her.Now it’s time to get Boogie out this house.Dan needs to come up with a plan.
It’s going to be great watching him with this HOH
@Simon. I know,right. Lol.
I missed the pep talk! Could someone recap it for me? I am however seeing lots of whiners in the “coach” room. Why didn’t the coaches decide as a group to not go back?
It happened when it was down to Danielle, Ian, and Britney. Paraphrased: “C’mon Danielle. You’ve outlasted two Big Brother winners and Janelle, who’s a bad ass. You’re hanging with Britney, who’s a bad ass in her own right and Ian, who isn’t right in the head. You could drop and still get mad respect but I don’t think you’re ready to do that yet. At this point, YOU MAKE THE DEALS, YOU DON’T TAKE THEM. YOU MAKE THE DEALS, DANIELLE. I am no longer your coach but I will help you as much as I can.”
Thank you!
This is best case scenario for Dan, he gets to pretty much control who goes up and doesn’t get any blood on his hands. It’s BB10 all over again
Reminds me of last year when Kalia’s HOH was a waste and the next week Danielle won HOH.
chomp, chomp, chomp, “You talkin ’bout me?” chomp, chomp, belch
Man i hope Janelle goes far in the game. Are nominations on friday?
Boogie is obviously gonna be nominated. Ian will b a pawn if boogie does not win pov he will go home. Remember this post America.
Yes. That was awesome Danielle!!!!! SO glad Shane is safe.
Joe is an idiot. It’s not like it was a fast forward and Joe had to hurry and spill the beans!!!!
SO much for Boogie and Frank’s smack talk that Danielle wouldn’t win tonight.
boogie sucs and should never been asked on the show. Really this seasons people suc
Dan is an IDIOT for telling Boogie complete IDIOT
Happy for Dan. Think Shane’s kiss was simply spontaneous joy (pic is sexy though), like when Brit jumped on him when he won.
I think her best move is to try to take out Janelle. Either she needs to put her her on the block right away, or put up Ashley and Jen and try to back door her. The players need to realize that they can’t play too hard too fast. Janelle isnt well liked in the house, everyone is seeing past her lies.
it’s amazing how different this has game just become… crazy grenades going to go off
Simon and Dawg, Your website is the best! It shows the true measure of how the season is progressing. Tonights comments are some of the most I’ve seen in a couple of years following you. Tonight was the best twist in any season. This is good because AG and CBS needs to envigorate BB. Thanks again to both of you for your excellent work!
Thanks! i’m pretty excited about this twist to.. kinda feel bad for Shane though oh well he’s safe this week
soo willie wanted frank out but by self evicting he not only screwed jojo…he set it up so bb had to null and void tonights eviction to have the number of house guests they originally planned for. so willie kept frank in the game….lol
i just hope danielle is smart enough not to listed to dan if he tells her not to put boogie and frank up especially now that boogie told britney that dan told him that she was voting frank out so he basically threw her under the bus and i hope britney calls dan out on it in front of her so she won’t listed to him and puts up who she wants to.
this is insane now!
some newbies want the coaches out first, boogie and frank know that frank was out. janelle lies so much, its out of this world.
Agreed about Janelle, they’d be stupid not to vote her out this week
if she doesn’t put up boogie and frank they r coming after shane because wil told him that they were going to backdoor him next week.
If Boogie and Frank leave this soon the show will go right back to being boring as all hell, I know I’ll probably stop watching when they leave. I find Brit, Janelle, Danielle, Joe and Jenn insufferable, I have to switch cams if i hear Brittany’s voice for too long, can’t stand her.
well if u don’t like them then stop watching, i can’t stand frank and boogie i find them insufferable they walked around all week acting so cocky thinking frank was safe all week everytime i see them it makes me wanna puke, i can’t stand people like that in real life much less on reality tv show, just makes me wanna see them get evicted even more that’s why i still watch.
We should all be excited about the new problem…how are they going to get rid of these players to reach 2 in 6 weeks. It is going to be a bunch of double eviction weeks and Big Brother fast forwards. Nothing shakes up the game like those…and there will be plenty of them to come!
Thank sweet baby Jesus the game has finally started. BBAD is kickass tonight, mad game going to happen tonight.
Looks like pig face janelle will be on the block shortly. I would put her and Joe Dirt up.
I just figured something out, a theory, but it could wind up coming true. They’re going through talking about double evictions, originally it was one person wins 500k, and the coach gets 100k. What if the winner now gets 500k, second place gets 100k, and dun dun dun, THIRD gets the 50k the runner up was supposed to get. Which means that 3 players this season are guaranteed a pay out.
Also, Shane deserves a power, BB flat out ROBBED, Shane when it should have been Frank who’s eviction shouldn’t have counted. If they don’t do something to make up for Shane’s HoH not counting, this show is bullshit.
Well Danielle did win…which is arguably better for him than winning HoH, she gets all the blood on her hands and he will for sure have a say in who goes up.
Allison is way too cheap for that she will pocket that 100k and give the finger to everyone. BB is still paying out a measly 500k when it should be a million easily. I dont even want to imagine the margin they make. Look at those cheap ass steaks Joe is cooking right now.
I do have to say, the season is more interesting now, than it was the past four weeks. Now people are going to be playing Big Brother, which means that these alliances made this week, will eventually be broken and the animosity will begin! 🙂
I don’t trust Dan….
Cannot wait for Danielle’s “Who wants to see my HOH room?” That shit is going to be AWKWARD!
basicly daniele has to put up at least wil or joe now. because they are telling frank and boogie that frank was voted out….
looks like dan, daniele, brit, shane against team boogie. janelles team floating where the power is. like the first 3 weeks too.
Or she could put up Frank, hope he goes out, then she won’t have to worry about him anymore.
Even Dr. Spock would agree, that sounds logical.
so is there a showmance between shane and danielle or is he just screwing around with her? (sorry i haven’t been keeping up with anything)
He said to Julie tonight that he had no interest in a showmance, he’s probably just securing his safety and his ability to manipulate who puts up.
LOL frank is so darn lucky! …. 2 time nominee….. and never got evicted? wow. lucky!!!
I think he was excited for her and pecked her thats it. Hooking up will hurt his game and he knows it. He has got to be getting tired if spanking the monkey though so you never know.
When Janelle and Wil or Joe go up this week its going to get crazy. They are going to hammer Boogie and Frank on the backdoor plan and the pot will be stirred nicely.
Favorite thing tonight was the Shane/Danielle Titanic-esque kiss LOL and Brit giving the win to Danielle saying “Love ya” hahaha
Ah man I’m kinda coming around on Ian kid just wants to be liked by everyone
He really is a nice guy, some of the stuff he says though…just so awkward.
Britney needs to stop coaching and telling everyone what to say and do! Im so tired of hearing from her and Janelle! Leave them alone and let them play their own game!
The twist screwed Shane and the back door attempt on Frank, now he is safe and now this is going to be awhile to take him out I think. Plus Britney wanted him out so badly but she must have wanted the 500K more to keep him.
Surprised Boogie said no thanks to it I for sure thought he would to keep Frank safe.
Would have been cool to have the other house guests come back. Probably Kara and Jojo would have returned.
oh well, just gotta see who lines up with who now.
What a night of Big Brother, and it just happens to be the first time I get to attend a Big Brother Live Eviction taping! It was quite a shocker for the audience to discover there would be no eviction, we all gasped. Some were disappointed by this, and the fact that we would not get to see a new HoH crowned, but I loved the twists, and welcome the unexpected. Personally, the endurance comps are always my favorite nights of every season, so to be there when one begins, and then run home to watch it on the feeds, was just too much fun. I could even see the top section of the leaning wall through an opening in the fence. Won a Big Brother audience T-shirt for proving I was the biggest superfan in attendance. And to top it off, the alliance I’m rooting for takes HoH. Only disappointed that I didn’t get to see my least favorite player Frank in person tonight.
Good Evening & Welcome to Big Brother 14 Highlights: It’s official, the coaches are no longer coaching. But we still have PoV record chase:
1.Janelle (BB6,7 &14) 7 PoV
2.Brendon (BB12 &13) 6 PoV
3.Daniele (BB8 &13)/James (BB6 &7) 5 PoV
5.Jeff (BB11 &13):4 PoV
6.James(BB9),Britney (BB12 &14),Michele (BB11) & Shane (BB14) 3 PoV
Can Shane will pick up a pace? Tuned in 1 week from today plus fourth member inductee into the Big Brother Hall of Fame Class of 2012.
I really hope that Danielle nominates Frank and Boogie this week!
What happened?