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11pm Dani and Kalia are up in the HOH room talking. Dani mentions that she thinks the POV ceremony will be earlier in the morning tomorrow around 11am or 12pm. Dani says that she wants to talk to Porsche about things. Dani talks about how Porche isn’t here mainly to win, just to make friends. Dani says that she is like the Jen from my season …except nicer! Dani says that she wishes PT were here, it’d be so much fun tho and we’d have a really strong competitor, and he would still be here. Kalia says that if she put Porsche up, it would make Jeff and Jordan feel a little bit better. Kalia says that he was like we would talk more if I actually put her up.. are you interested in doing anything with them? I think you said no. Dani says like Jeff said every week changes, and I agree but at the same time, you agree you’re in the same place. he has to go at sometime. I don’t want him in the final four. I don’t know. Kalia says that she doesn’t think Jeff can compete. Dani says that if he doesn’t play the veto next week, backdoor him he’s gone… that’s all you need. Do you know what I mean? There is a chance for every single person in this house to slip up and lose …it’s how you adapt to that. No matter what there are going to be people in this game who are always bigger targets. At the same time, those people are the people that win this game. The people that aren’t doing anything, no one is going to vote for them. You’re sitting next to Lawon. Kalia says I win. Dani says even if he does he’s playing for second place…. true.
Kalia says I would just hate for myself to go out of the game for something stupid I did that I could have corrected. I want to keep it from blowing up in my face. Dani says but the only blow up is Rachel Kalia talks about how everyone keeps telling her to play her own game, make the moves for yourself, make your own decisions.. Kalia says she’s playing for herself, but does a lot for her and Dani together. Dani says she does the same. Kalia says that maybe we’ll both be in jury for your birthday. Dani jokingly says shut up. Porche comes up to the HOH room to talk to Kalia and Dani. Porche tells them that she hid some alcohol, and put it in her drawers. Porche says Rachel is being weird and mopey and that she saw her do her 11:11 shout out to brendon. Kalia tells Porche says that they were just discussing what the twist would be. They talk about how the theme of the season, is about a blessing and a curse. Kalia says that she is going to be super annoyed if this HOH is for nothing, and I pissed a bunch of people off…. I should’ve put up Rachel, and Adam knowing what I know now. Kalia says that she is sincerely worried about Rachel coming back in.
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12:10am Rachel and Jordan are in the HaveNot room talking. They are talking about Pandora’s box an wondering if it will be a part of their season. Jordan says she thinks that Dani might not open it because Rachel might come back in the house. Rachel says that she thinks Dani would open it. Rachel says that Dani’s so arrogant, she thinks she can beat me anyways, she thinks she can win this game. Jordan says she used to talk crap about Porsche. Rachel says and now they’re best friends, she used to talk crap about Kalia, and now they’re best friends. Rachel says that the problem is, that we’re playing this game with a bunch of people who never played the game. Rachel says like Kalia …Julie said be careful who you pick and Kalia goes and picks the two strongest players. Rachel says that was the dumbest move ever, she doesn’t know what she’s doing, and she has Daniele in her ear telling her what to do, because she probably doesn’t care and that was like the worst game move for her. Jordan says that she is very straight foward and honest. Jordan says that Kalia acted like she was just going to get picked off, that’s the only thing that aggravates me. Rachel says that she thinks the vets are at a disadvantage, because the new people have the numbers. Rachel says that she doesn’t know the newbie’s strengths and weaknesses. Rachel says that if we were playing an all-stars season, people wouldn’t be downplaying their game, but because we’ve never seen these people play, we’re in big trouble, we’re at a huge disadvantage… like Adam, almost beating Jeff? Who would have thought that?! Jordan says that she was shocked. Rachel says that we don’t know what to expect from these people, these newbies have all the advantages in the world. Rachel says that if we mess up our game, one step, then we get picked off, like Brendon, me, Jeff on the same week… then it would be you. Rachel says that it’s just like..the game is hard enough.
Kalia, Porche, and Daniele in the HOH room, Lawon joins them. They discuss talk about the different possible outcomes this week. Lawon tells them that he will be the pawn if they need him to be. Kalia says that she doesn’t feel comfortable with this twist anymore. They repeat what Julie said about the twist “Be careful how you play the game this week, because the next houseguest evicted will have a chance to get back in the game.” Kalia says and I’m sending somebody out that could come back, and bite me in the ass.
Dani says just put me up, send me home, and then I’ll come back. Kalia says that’s a BLANKÂ bad idea, what if you don’t come back? Dani says then send Lawon home! Lawon says do what you gotta do… I’ll come back and beat your ass! I will whoop your ass. Dani says oh my god, your attitude blows! They all laugh. Kalia says that she is worried that Rachel will go home, and leave, come back, the whole HOH was a waste. Lawon says that he will be mad if I sit in that damn Jury House for six weeks but if you feel in your gut that i’ll come back, then I don’t mind. Kalia says that she doesn’t think it’s literally going be like you can walk back in the game, I don’t think it’s going be something as easy as literally, she walks back in, turns around, and walks back in the door. There is always got to be some kind of catch, even for Rachel, I don’t think it’s going to be that easy, otherwise it’s pointless. Lawon says that Rachel might have a better chance leaving if Lawon is put up as a pawn. Kalia doesn’t want that, she doesn’t feel comfortable. Dani talks about how when she first met Brendon out in LA. Dani talks about how she met him for like five minutes and he left to move his car and ignored her calls and never came back. Dani says don’t say that you’re going to come back and then just never come back. Dani says that it was just really lame ..they met for five minutes and he was already lying to her. Lawon, Kalia and Dani head downstairs.
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1:30am Kalia heads outside to talk to Shelly. Shelly and Kalia both say that Porsche will be easy to get out if they leave her in the game. Kalia says that Lawon volunteered to go on the block, and Kalia is going to take him up on his offer. Shelly says that no normal human being does that. Kalia says that if Lawon has any piece of brain, I think he is realizing that he doesn’t have much of a chance to win. Kalia says that when Lawon volunteered, Dani and I were sitting there like, did that really just happen? Kalia says that she was like UUMMMmm..OKAY! Kalia then heads inside. In the kitchen Kalia, Lawon, Porsche and Dani are talking. Lawon starts talking about him going up as a pawn, or getting evicted and coming back. Lawon tells them that he and Porche were talking about how if in doubt I was to go up, then I could pull the mad roll, and while I’m doing that, I can find out what the other side is talking about. Dani says that you would obviously come back. Lawon says so I’m just thinking, I think she’s overanalyzing what it will be. I think it would be a bigger gamble, versus her. They talk about what if Lawon is evicted, and then the blessing twist is that he’s automatically HOH. Dani says that she thinks that Big Brother put all of them in the worst spot ever. Lawon says that he thinks he can act mad when he gets nominated and be all like I can’t believe you all did that BLANK! Lawon says that he thinks it would be a great risk, regardless of what the twist would be. Dani says that if Julie did say something last minute, we could do a hand single and switch the votes. Lawon says that he thinks that would be a great move on Kalia. Porsche and Dani agree. Dani says that if Rachel did come back, we would all be on her list, or you, Porsche, she’s not a big fan of you. Lawon says that he would play the role of course. Pissed. Pissed! Dani says or you can act like you went up as a pawn, and last minute we changed our minds or something.
2am – 5am In the backyard Shelly is talking to Adam and making sure that whoever Kalia puts up to replace Jeff, that Adam will vote them out, and keep Rachel. Shelly tells Adam and Jeff about how Kalia said that she maybe putting Lawon up. They talk about how they plan to vote out Lawon or Porsche regardless of who is put up besides rachel. Jeff says that he never expected to play the kinda game he’s playing right now. Shelly says that no one in the house suspects that she is with Jeff and Jordan. Jeff says they are all stupid. Jeff says if they can get Dani out of the house next week they will mentally own the newbies, they will tell the newbies to come join them if they want protection and they won’t know what to do without Dani. They head inside.
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In the bedroom they start playing the guessing game. Adam goes out into the backyard by himself and talks to himself. Adam says that if Lawon puts himself on the block I’ll vote him out, you volunteer to go on the block you get voted out. Adam says but if I do that I am in an alliance with the vets, even though they will be the targets and not me, Kalia and Porsche.. Adam says that he is in an alliance with them, and the only people he wanted an alliance with were Dominic and Shelly, but I’ll be in the final five but I’m playing the game like Dan did and staying under the radar. Adam head back inside. They all talk about random things and then eventually go to sleep…
6:15am All the houseguests are still sleeping..
8am Still sleeping..
9am Shelly wakes up and grabs a coffee and heads out into the backyard.
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the other houseguests…
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This is getting so good!
Put Lawon as a pawn is good choice, even Adam is much better pawn than Lawon. Porsche is much better choice. Please put Porsche as a pawn.
It’s great isn’t it! Shelly is playing hard! Even though they all suspect somethings up with her they still fill her in on most things..LOL! She’s becoming a great manipulator and Kalia hasn’t even thought to put her on the block…instead she’s considering putting up someone from her own alliance! Just WOW!
Shelly is best player in game, so far. She chose her “side” very, very early (Jeff/Jordan) and she has been playing most people in that house “like a fiddle'” ever since. She is playing the game 24/7. Everything she says to everyone is for a specific purpose, to manipulate them to do and/or think something. she wants them to. She understands that Big Brother is a HEAD GAME. She has a strategy, she sticks to it, she doesn’t waffle back and forth, and so far it’s working. We’ll see if she can persevere all the way, but… GO Shelly!
OMG you’d think “it WAS rocket science”..LOL. Adam has it absolutely right, volunteer to go up YOU GO HOME. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. Lawon will go home and he won’t even be in the jury OMG. Maybe he’s just tired of sitting around in the background looking ACKWARD while other’s are socializing. Whatever…
Dawg, question – Dani’s discussion about meeting Brendon in LA “Dani talks about how when she first met Brendon out in LA. Dani talks about how she met him for like five minutes and he left to move his car and ignored her calls and never came back. Dani says don’t say that you’re going to come back and then just never come back. Dani says that it was just really lame ..they met for five minutes and he was already lying to her.”
Now I get the vibe between she and Rachel….she’s diggin on Brendon and hating on Rachel cuz he gave her the brush off. LHM.
OMG this is getting go if they can pull off keeping Rachel that would be golden. Then Brendon enters the house that would be priceless.
hahahaha…. That would be awesome! 😀
If Brenden ends up back in the house with Rachel then I will KNOW that this whole thing is rigged and all production wants is more drama instead of actually allowing the game to evolve naturally.
And how would this whole thing be rigged? Doesn’t necessarily mean that… people could be voting for Brendan; myself included. I just would love to see the look on Danielle’s face if he came back, spoiling her reign as HOH the week before!
Even though JJ is with BR, I really don’t think JJ wants Brendon back in the game. They want weak players, not strong competitors. Just saying!!!
who cares what they want
A lot of people likes brendon so I will not be surprised if he did enter the house
Very few people like Brendon with good reason. He’ll get more votes than he otherwise would have after the edit he got Thursday but it won’t be enough. It’s between Dom and Cassi. Pray for Dom.
I’m not so sure about that. You might be very surprised.
I agree with you Sonya – I really hope Brendon comes back and Dani goes to the jury house – the second one in after Lawon. speaking Lawon is acting is going to earn him a Oscar – not. lol
Anonymous, I absolutely agree with you! Which is total bullshit if CBS is manipulating the show to such extremes. However, ya have to think that the BB crew who are working the cameras and handing the diary room chats are just going to want to bloody shoot themselves (or BR) if they have to focus on these two codependent, narcissistic whack jobs if they’re reunited in the BB house again. If they are, I’ll continue with this site but I seriously couldn’t stomach watching any more of these two. I’m feeling nauseous just thinking about it.
There are a lot of us that like Brendon and have voted all ten times for him………. so you truly know nothing concerning Production being involved…. If they are involved then they would have had something to do with ‘Dan-Yell’ winning HOH…….. The game is finally getting interesting…………… It is not meant to be boring………… Wished Evil Dick could have stuck around………….. Was so glad to hear the ‘golden couple’ finally speak up………….. Winning of competitions and lots of drama makes the ‘house’ go round and keeps all of us leaving comment after comment………… Can’t believe that Kalia is going the direction she is…..Is this production’s fault.?????? Don’t think so Watson………..Love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The games a foot…………… =^..^=
I like Rachel so much better without Brendon. I also liked Brendon a lot better without Rachel last year. Maybe in real life they make a great team, but not in the Big Brother house!
i completely agree. i have always thought that they are probably pretty nice people outside the big brother house. i’m sure that house makes you crazy. and I’M VOTING FOR BRENDAN to come back!!! It will be great…
Ok, so, resuming, we have 4 groups:
1. dani, kalia, lawon
2. jeff, jordan, shelly
3. adam, porche (don’t know where they are)
4. rachel
adam is now with group 2 and porche with group 1.
so, if they put anyone of group 1 feat. porche, group 1 is screwed.
yay for rachel! lol.
LOL now it all makes sense. Dani is jealous of Rachel because of Brendon (clearly she held a huge grudge ever since Brendon ignored her and did not call her before the show started).
Brandon ignored the entire group of people (Ragan, Matt, Annie, Sara, etc.)
Dani was with and from her statement it sounds like the ENTIRE GROUP
thought Brandon was a creep for telling them to wait up for him and then he
never called them back or showed up.
no, dani liked rachel at first. they were buddy buddy until dom was sent home. rachel told dani to buddy up with dom and she did. dani had a plan of her own also to backdoor jeff and she told rachel. so rachel felt that dani was on the newbies side because she befriended dom, like she was told. rachel didn’t want to backdoor jeff and dom was sent home, thus angering dani. this mess gets more complicated by the minute.
Who really wants Brendum. He is initially attractive but then the personality comes out. Then it’s OMGosh. I have to get out of this.
This is the best thing that could have happened Rachel staying is awesome. Let’s get Dani out next week and run the house. Shelly is working Kalia and she is listening good for Rachel. Let’s go vets team JJR
I see Jeff floating to the final 4 thanks to Team Straight Shooter! Lawon is going to have fun in the jury house–ALONE!
No, because jury starts next week with another houseguest coming back!
This is too much!!!!!!!!
i really don’t want to see CBS favorites get to the top again by the help of production. let these people play.
Somebody just shoot me now, and put me out of my misery!
Don’t worry about it the vets are gonna get exposed if Kalia (shes dumb) puts up Lawon or Porsh and DOM comes back so it’s a win win no matter what, but Kalia is a moron.
lol go team JJ. Vote Brendon!!!
Kalia and Lawon: Match made in Heaven. How dumb are these people? Dani really can pick teammates! I’m about 80% on board Team Straight Shooter!! POW POW
I cannot believe this!! Just when I thought there was no hope for the entertainment factor in this show (Rachel) Shelly the snake comes up with a brilliant plan to convince Kalia to consider joining alliances with JJRSA.. this is great!! the only thing that would make this better if they do pull it off is if Brendon comes back into the BB house.. the look on Dani’s face would be priceless!!! OMG.. I just love drama! lol!
this is not even entertainment, this is pathetic. if brenden comes back in, it will be entertaining. i just know him and the JJ alliance will have a HUGE Blowup before it’s over with
Team JJ Yo!
Dani, you are aligned with a bunch of idiots!!! Team Shelly, Yo!!! Team JJ? Team B/R? your just pawns and Shelly is in control. Dani, Dani, Dani (shaking my head) your game is coming to an end very very soon. Even if Dom comes back your going to have to win every comp to stay in this game. Shelly want you out! and has turned your closets friend against you. Kalia and Porshe will both make deal to turn you over to the dark side if someone on Team shelly win’s HOH next week. I have never seen a more pathetic bunch. Just when I thought Kalia was just about the dumbest player EVER!!! Lawson step’s in an declares “NOT SO FAST KALIA, I’M THE DUMBEST PLAYER EVER!!!!!” hilarious!!!
I love it!
yep, i’m starting to think Shelly’s a mastermind. Even tho people are getting hints of her lies she’s still good because she has earned a place in their heart, acting all Mommy and being a good listener & encourager.
Shelly IS the mastermind…at least so far. She has been winning the head games from the beginning. And I do not understand why people keep calling her a “snake” and saying she is a “liar.” The beauty of her game is she does not have to lie–she is just intelligent and mature enough to know how human nature works and how to play to people’s egos, insecurities, paranoia, emotional needs, etc. She picked her side very early (Jeff/Jordan) and everything she says/does is for the purpose of perserving that alliance. GO Shelly!
DAWG, if I’ve been banned I won’t bother commenting. None of my comments last night or this morning are showing up. They are not offensive, so hoping you just have a site problem.
you’re not banned.. we had a HUGE back log of comments last night to work through.
Thx, Simon, cuz I have donated to you guys every year!
BTW, Simon, the only reason I thought I was banned was because the phrase “your comments are awaiting moderation…” didn’t every show up.
Let’s all have a moment of silence for Dani and Kalia. Their time in the BB house will be ending very soon. So sad.
The kicker is that they’re getting themselves out. Well, I guess Kalia learned this method from Dani when she chose to start getting vets out (when they were apart of her original alliance). Gosh, Dani, being that you had to choose between being on Team Brenchel and Team Lawon/Kalia, maybe you should’ve sucked it up and stuck with Brenchel. So Sad.
Oh well, the straight shooter is killing it. Gotta give her credit for that.
I truly think that if Lawon puts himself up as a pawn he should go home. It is never safe to be put on the block for any reason, pawn or not.
I hope they put up Pinto instead, for some reason she annoys the crap out of me… LOL!!!
Come on Kaila, It’s a genius to figure whose going up. My advice is to out a stronger player, beside Jordan. Like Dani. She been using you.
Dani is using Kalia. No kidding!
All of the players are “using” each other, but at least for now, Dani
is “using” Kalia to keep her in the game.
wow awesome. Finally some light at the end of the evil dani/kalia tunnel!
I have no idea what Kalia is thinking, but if it saved JJ for another week and pisses Dani off then I’m game! This is getting really good! Nice job, Straight Shooter.
Team JJ!
Kalia is a spinless jellyfish. She is stupid to think the vets will protect her. STUPID, STUPID MOVE! what a waste of a HOH!
when Kalia is put on the block next week, then she will realized that shelly played her. at least she gets to go to jury and she had her HOH moment
I have the feeling shelly will weasel her way out of this one as well (when Lawon gets evicted and K realizes she was played). If she can, S will SOOOOO play the, “Dude, I swear I voted R out”, bullshit she always gives. Is it me, or is S looking more butch with every passing day?”
look at the way she walks. just like a dude. i thought nat bb11 acted like a dude at first, but she was raised like a boy by her father
Shelly is playing everyone i’m with Team Shelly too, although i won’t be mad if she gets caught and evicted. She is almost too evil to believe. I believe she is playing JJ as well and would just as easliy turn on them when the time comes.
I am disappointed in Adam though, he has turned into Shelly’s bitch. I’m still not convinced of him yet, unless he makes a move without her directions.
I have never trusted Uncle Fester. I always felt that he would do whatever the vets want him to do. I am not team shelly, but if shelly wins this game, she would truly deserve it.
If Lawon or Pacer got voted out AND Dom is the one voted in, it could be good for Dani. This is if the twist is America’s choice is competing with the evicted person to not ONLY get back in the game but becomes HOH. That way no matter who won Dani would have a friend in the HOH room again.
Hopefully one who has the smarts to break up the only other gaurenteed 2 person alliance, J & J.
Hasn’t that ALWAYS been a goal on this show?… to break up alliances?
Its not going to be Dom it is going to be Cassie!
If it is Cassie I wonder where she fall? She had huge issues with RacHELL but she was loyal to JJS! She doesn’t know Dani was driving the bus that took her out!
CBS will put brendumb back in no matter who wins the vote =(
IAmMe – Brendumb back in??? Well, now you’re just being cruel! Shit, I don’t think America can stomach any more of these two nauseating codependents.
I know I can’t stomach them! Gross!!
please, no more bookie
Kalia is probably having nightmares. Upon awakening I hope she recalls enough of
her nightmarish dreams to realize that SHELLY is the protagonist.
She should keep her mouth shut and then surprise the HGs and
put SHELLY UP!!!
The look on J/J’s and Shelly’s faces would be a Kalia WIN and CONFIRMATION
The aftermath ……. great drama!!!
This has been the OBVIOUS move for me too…and I don’t get why NO ONE in this house sees it!! They all know that Shelly is playing ‘both sides’ and cannot be trusted; yet STUPID KALIA is telling her everything?!?!? What is up with that?? Dani…please try and get your team back in line and on the same page…OH my…what a TRAIN WRECK.. Where does CBS FIND these people? Do they DELIBERATELY go and find the stupidest people in the world to play Big Brother??
Laura- I’m sharing your pain here girl!! I had moments last night watching BBAD when I wanted to reach in through the TV, and just throttle K! This isn’t a popularity contest for god’s sake!! So stop making moves K, that you “think” (not happen’n) will put you back in good graces with JJ. Put up Jordan and be done with it. JMJ!!!
WOW, I must say Shelly is playing a GREAT MIND GAME
I can’t stand her but you have to give credit where credit is due.
IF a vet becomes the BB Winner then I agree with you and Dani
should be the one.
I’ll be happy with any Newbie winning as long as it isn’t Shelly.
Team JJ wins. Good move, Jeff definitely will win this game.
Team JJ going to final 2. Jeff for the win.
Don’t know about big Jeff but Jordo is definitely going to F2! Nobody will vote her out!! NOBODY!!! EVER!! Look how afraid they were to put her up this week as the replacement nominee!! That is exactly what Big Kalia should have done! Jordo’s social game is beyond off the chain!! This is how she wins! And Lawon, no words can describe how stupid!! What a fool!! Dude have you ever watched this show!! A HG’s number one goal is to do anything and I mean anything to avoid going on the block. This is BB8 re-do with Lawon as Dustin 2.0!! He deserves to go home and so does D/K for this stupid move! Now for shotgun, well she will go far but not beyond F4! She will be beatable in the last few comps sending her to jury! The fact that she cannot win comps especially, when the last few comps are make or break (Enzo), will be her downfall!
Gotta love JJ. Rachel. Well leave it Rachel out. Probably Jordan or Jeff will win.
The only way Team Dani will be fine is to put Adam up. Then what is Shelly going to do? Lawon saying he’ll throw a fit and then try to see what the others say? They wont say anything to him bc Kalia told Shelly the plan. Kalia, you are a dumbass and your downfall will be Shelly. Can’t wait for you to realize that you moron.
oh my gosh lol…………………………………… shelly is so effing annoying~
Shelly is the best game player in the house right now, the last 24 hours has been immense! D and K getting slight distrust of each other and now looks like Lawon will go home and Rachel will stay. Fantastic stuff. I dislike Lawon, he’s a flapping rag of useless and plays up his SHOUTY character in the DR, awful BB player.
Yes!!! Did you notice last night on the feeds how Dani was trying not to get pissed when she was talking to Kalia? Priceless….
Right, I agree! Lawon is a useless, dirty rag, who should have been gone week 2!
I want Shelly to win this game now!! Straight Shooter for the Win!!
Straight should be in quotes.
That’s funny!!! “STRAIGHT” in “quotes”…NOT…..
I hope Kalia does put up Lawon, but I do not think she will….it is too risky. Lawon offering himself up as a pawn is as about as stupid as Marcellus in Season Three not using the veto on himself. If Lawon does get sent out, whomever America has voted for will win against him. I hope it is Brendon so I can see Dani and Kalia’s faces…….because JJBR will for sure be in the jury!
I love these morons in this game! Dani thought she had it in the bag when she picked Oprah Winfrey as her partner! Now she realizes how dumb she really is!
Floater of the decade? She’s one of the few actually playing this season, and doing a damn good job too. No-one has ever floated as much as Lawon. Waste of a place in the house.
@ Anonymous: My comments from the same time Sunday night didn’t get published either. I think Simon and Dawg just get too busy at times and these things happen, I don’t think we are being blocked for bad behaviour! You have interesting comments!
Shout out to BBGrandma, I’m in your beautiful green state of Oregon again all week and the weather is perfect!
we’re taking more time to filter the comments because of spam.. things get approved much more slowly now.
TOO mnay trolls come to the site and i’m trying to get rid of them
BTW-Where is BB Grandma?? Have not heard from her all season? Do you know?
Day Yum Yum, I am around. Not much into this season, yet. I got to get into it, tho, because I miss all of you! Thanks for thinking of me!
Electra, the weather has been great here for several weeks now. Not too hot and not too cold. I hope you are enjoying it. Good to hear from you.
Best move for kalia is to put adam up, you would then have the votes to get rid of rachel,
Then hopefully dom comes back, dom would be the best bet to beat rach.
Then hope dom wins
dom comes back!
Best move for kalia is to put adam up, you would then have the votes to get rid of rachel,
Then hopefully dom comes back, dom would be the best bet to beat rach.
Dom hopefully wins and enters the house again
Then hope dom wins
dom comes back!
The bottom line is this whole plan is the work of production. they told shelly what to say. when kalia was in the HOH on BBAD last night, she was talking to herself and trying to figure things out. she got confused and then she said “I needed to go to the D.R”. It’s a shame the way production manipulates this game. I think that everyone should leave a comment on CBS site telling them that we are tired of their shenanigans. this may not help, but at least they know we are well aware of what’s going on. this situation gets more pathetic by the moment.
I hate DANI, Go JJRS, Kali needs to tell all of them to get out and figure this out for herself. Dani is telling her what is good for her not Kali, Shelly is doing the same. So Kali figure it out, but the only one you would really be stupid of putting up is Lowlan….Dont really want a vet to win.
Kalia should be evicted just for that sham of a nomination speech!! Talking about how she is making her own decisions–what a joke!!
You may be right, but Lawon may have, also, provided the
“Splash of Reality” that Kalia desperately needs right now.
Rachel needs to be evicted…play against Cassi and see how pissed Rachel is when she realizes that Cassi is going back into the house and Rachel is going to jury!!!!
Rachel is such an idiot. She goes on and on about how she hates floaters and how she’s the only one playing the game and then when someone makes a legit game move, they’re stupid because they should have played it safe. Rachel’s just pissed cause she knows she’s done. n her own mind she’s the best player in the house yet no one should ever put her up.
Lawon as proven previously has NO IDEA how to play this game. This entire cast is booty!
The moron is Kahlia – who so desperately wants to be liked and loved by the pretty popular kids (Jeff and Jordan) and wants their validation. Shelly played on her weakness to be liked and her desire to “play her own game” and get out of Dani’s ‘shadow. She doesn’t like being called Dani’s minion, but now she’s Shelly’s minion. Kahlia allowed her insecurities to rule while she was HOH and now it’ll be her and Dani’s downfall.
Vote Dom! Dani needs Dom!!! If Dom doesn’t return, this season will be steamrolled by the vets and it’s a done deal.
Nail in the head!
Oops, meants to say – nail “on” the head! Though the way K is playing this game right now, it feels like a nail “in” the head b
What the hell were you thinking casting these idiots CBS. This is the dumbest cast ever in BB history.
I totally agree 100%. This season is up n down but Adam has a chance to make a move in this game. Will he, I doubt it.
I agree!! Kalia is playing with a heart. WTF??? When in BB history does playing with your heart win you anything??
what happened to Adams Beard?
He shaved it for his 40th birthday.
Sweet! Thanks Buddy
Can anyone fill me in on what happened to Adams beard?
It’s like the Star Trek episode where they went to an alternate universe and were replaced by their doubles.
Our Baconator is in the other universe. This guy is a Vegan…
He shaved it off for his birthday!
umm he shaved it?
read past posts – they talked about it earlier
I can’t believe that Dani is not pushing for Shelly to be put up. All the evidence is there that she is JJ’s lapdog and is feeding Kalia everything.
All of them know it. Lawon, Porshe, Dani, even Kalia knows it, but cannot fathom it.
It’s obvious that JJ aren’t intending to help her go to final 2 because they know she’ll win. I don’t like Jeff, but it seems he is in complete control of Shelly. At least that’s what it looks like.
I hope she’s playing JJ too. Otherwise, what a waste of a season.
If Jordan wins again, BB will have a big problem. To have one of the worst BB winners ever become a two time winner would be an epic fail for this season and would cast a shadow of doubt about how much longer this show has got. It’ll be obvious that the fix was in for a vet win, since Brenchel or Jeff would never win without CBS giving them help. Heck, Jeff couldn’t even win when he got help. Nice pink hoodie, wonder if he got a matching purse to go with it.
Wrong. The show is 13 seasons and wins the ratings about every Sunday and thursday no prob. Anyone that comes in can win, love em or hate em its ratings and the number of ppl that won’t watch cuz their fav did not win r minuscule so CBS does not base its decision on sour grappes
So. production must be getting ready to send brenden back in. that’s their whole plan anyway. voting for dom or cassi is a total waste. Brenden will be right back in the house. whoever wina HOH next week, i hope they put up and evict kalia
Every one of my friends is voting for Brendon, myself included because it would be way more exciting/drama if he came back. Dom is BORING. So don’t think if Brendon comes back it’s because production rigged the votes.
I wouldn’t mind brendumb coming back if rachoe were gone. Separately i like them in the house, together I find myself fastforwarding my DVR whenever they are in a scene.
If Shelly and Jeff’s plan works i don’t think rachel is going anywhere! I think that Kalia is going to put up lawson and he is going out to play who ever was voted in and lets face it he not a good player. So that will gaurente that whoever is picked is going to go back into the house. I have to say i give it to shelly i haven’t see anyone munipulate so well since dr.will whether it works or not it is a great move but i am pretty sure lawson is going out but i don’t think cassie will win i think it will either be dom or brendan i am hoping for brendan.
can someone please explain to me how getting rid of Porsche is a bad idea? I would understand if there were no twist, but with the twist, if you get rid fo Rachel, she is coming right back and then Kalia will have JJR gunning for her. If she appeases Rachel she has the chance to make a deal that will keep her safe with Rachel. If you get rid of Porsche, noone will care or be angry, plus if she does come in she is too weak a player to actually get Kalia out and she has no real allys to do it for her.
Someone please explain bc i am not seeing it……what am i missing??
I cannot believe that these people are this stupid and NO ONE has tried to oust Shelly. She is NOT that good. Why hasn’t Dani tried to confront her or warn stupid Kalia to STOP telling Shelly everything. I hate Shellly even more now. She is playing with absolutely NO KINDNESS or LOYALTY toward anyone in the house accept the regarded Jeff & Jordan duo who have already WON!! How pathetic is she..AND from what I understand she makes a darn good salary and doesn’t even need the money..She what is she really? A master manipulator? If any of her business partners are watching her or any clients that she had in the past or potentially will have, they will NOT want to do business with her because of her back stabbing ways. I am in the same field and she would be cut so fast for playing this corrupt of a game… I feel sorry for her daughter..What a loser for a mother! She is always spewing integrity and honor and those are the two qualiities she does NOT possess AT ALL!! When will this lesbo get to go up on the block?
You had a point, but you lost is with the slur at the end!
Ii just had
Are you serious? you do know this is a game right?
Shelly is killing. Her family will enjoy that half a mil if she keeps it up.
At least you can respect shelly’s move porche i don’t respect as a player for one thing she doesn’t play she attaches herself to whoever is in power it wasn’t so long ago she was rachels lapdog. Now kalia is in power and she is her and dani’s bff until one of the vets win and she will be sucking up to them i wish they would put porshe up
BB is in control of this entire season. They know what competitions to hold for certain HOH position and VETO. I know they can’t determine the winner of each competiton but they know each HG’s strong qualities to make it more in their favor. They will also determine who is voted back in to compete when they know who will be voted out. It is all about good TV and they are controlling the outcomes.
Wasn’t a huge fan of Shelley but the fact is anyone who was bitching about her “straight shooting” is ignorant. She’s obviously with J/J so anything she says to anyone else is all game. She got some some heat for that but it’s from Brenchel or Dani fans so who really cares anywhere. Truth is, if Shelley does pull this off and Kalia puts up Lawon or Porsche….WOW…credit where credit is due and she’s completely turned the house.
Having said that I do expect Dom to return now instead of Brendon cos Brendon returning would destroy team Dani/Kalia and you def want to keep all the drama in a polarized house. I fully expect Dom, Kalia & Dani one one side with J/J/Shelley/Adam on the other. Rachel…is more or less playing on her own cos JJS just want her in the game cos she’s a big target.
If America votes Dom back in that will be the only way that I’ll be cool with Lawon going up. Dom should easily beat Lawon. Dom can come back in as a MAJOR upgrade in terms of help for Dani over Lawon. After Rachel or Jordan wins HoH next, they can put Dani and Kalia up, Dani can save herself. Kalia can then feel horrible for making the worse move of the season. She can only blame herself. However she might feel good that despite being 1st to jury, she made Jeff and Jordan happy. Even though they will never talk to her again after all this is over with. I don’t understand I thought everybody came to the house to win 500K. All she is concern about is trying to make amends with JJ (Jeff already said he was going to put you up when he wins HoH and Jeff pretty much speaks for Jordan) You will never put someone up when its clear that you are not in an alliance with that person is by far the dumbest thing I heard fly out of a houseguest mouth all season. If this goes down, forget Shelley, the person that I want to see gone most is Kalia.
Kalia has apparently taken her brain out and decided to play with it, rather than use it.
While I am on the topic of intelligence… I suspect that Jordan’s parents were brother/sister or cousins prior to getting married. That would help to explain why Jordan is so F’in stupid.
really? It’s one thing to have an opinion but I think that’s taken it a little too far.
Not everyone is raised in suburban areas. She is not stupid, she has just not been exposed to as much as high brow people like you 😉
Agree, Jordan isn’t stupid
Jordan isn’t stupid, she’s just DUMB.
Jessica Simpson watches BB to see Jordan, so that she can feel smarter than someone.
BBXPOSED …funny how yesterday your team was so awesome and you bragged about them running this game etc…one dumb move and now Jordan is an inbread country hick.,man how fast you fall under pressure,but always have your OP. on how the game should be played.Can’t wait to hear what words you call Kahlia or Lawon when they get evicted,bet we can guess though!!!!!!!!!!!!
actually Team Dani here on the site has never said they she was running the game. Jeff and jordon lovers did and accused us of saying it. don’t get it twisted.
Totally agreed with you Rockstar, Dani is more like bragging to get of Jeff. Well Eval Dick probably watching right now. Dani, what are you thinking? I told you so. Save the break up couple in Final 8. Did you listen, No. so you end up in the jury house. H8ters, I also agreed with you as well. Kaila did screw it up. thanks to Dani, She will get her next week on the Chopping block. I’m glad of both you guys on Team JJ. Love ya. Team JJ yo!
I wasn’t bragging about my team, nor am I simple. I know that power in this game shifts, can change from week to week or even as quick as the snap of a finger. You can be a target one week, and in control the next, and realigned the following. To come on here and brag about your favs running the house is a fools folly, you will be eating crow in a week or two.
I’m just ready for the time where Brenchel isn’t even discussed and this season has me feeling the exact same way about JJ. One season of watching these losers was enough for me.
Wow, BBX, you sound like an ex-boyfriend of Jordan’s, it seems like every other post is a vicious hate on Jordan, but like I said in an earlier post Shelly is playing a great game, by manipulating so many people. Even Adam, is falling for this, only one to seem to have smarts about Shelly is Porsche.
Intelligent people do not ask “do you eat or drink coconuts?’ and ‘Is Canada a third world country?”
Wow, BBXposed, Porsche is like Jessica Simpson. Nice, It’s take her to skit by and Jordan is really smart and intelligent. Next week Dani vs Kaila. Jeff (HOH). POV (Twice).
” Jordan is really smart and intelligent”
Not in any universe.
I think he is a guy from her past,dude hates Jordan with a passion…Jordan was smart enough to get herself in final 2 in her season and WIN,laughing as she counted her money reading all her H8ters comments!!!!!!!!!!
so AA is now ACA, correct? new name
Being a mom and not being as mean as the other’s sure will get you to influence a lot of people. Shelly is playing well but after this week she needs to slow her role and stay under the radar for a week so it doesn’t blow up in her face!!!
The game was won by the newbies but it shouldn’t surprise anybody the way kalia acts she already turned on the newbies by voting against them for keith
so she’s trying to work overtime to get back in JJ graces. that will never work, because JJ hold grudges
Wowww how could you be so dumb. Put up Jordan! Kalia, she straight up told you there will be a target on your back next week, so eff it.
I agree. Kalia deserves whatever she gets. And, if Lawon is so excited about being a pawn, then he should leave. He says that he’ll just act mad, and get information from the other side, but what is that going to do? It’ll be way too late for that, and he’ll be out the door. Dani should have stayed with the vets, and screwed all them newbies. I respect her trying to rally them, and get them to want to fight for themselves in this game, but these newbies are complete idiots, from day 1.
I’ll give Shelly credit for being so slick, but she can’t really believe that JJ would take her to the end with them.
i beginning to think that lawon knows anything about this game. once he’s put up, that’s it. obviously he doesn’t know this
it’s not that shelly is so slick, they are too dumb. everyone knows she’s playing both side; so why not get rid of her
I suppose if Dom comes back production did not have a hand in it the only one is Brendon. Give me a break if you look at all the polls which only is a quarter of the votes they are all close.
I don’t see Shelly as a floater. Seems tome she’s playing the mind game and if those idiots are dumb enough to fall for it then they reap what the sow!
“Floater” overkill! Shelly hasn’t been doing a great job playing both sides. You have to give leatherface that! However, she sucks at competitions and hasn’t won jack-shit! I’m am just waiting for the moment when she gets called out for being the most immoral mom on BB history.
In my opinion, you are totally off base about Shelly. She is running that house–at least so far! She may not have won a competition, but that is only one aspect of the game, and not even the most important one. And I certainly don’t know where the “immoral” nonsense is coming from. Shelly does nothing more than understand human nature and Socialogy 101. Egos, insecurities, paranoia, emotional needs–that’s what this game is all about and Shelly understands that. And those who keep sayng she is playing both sides and lying all the time are not watching and following the game. Shelly is definitely not playing both sides (i.e. as does Porsche, for example). Shelly is 100% sure of her “side” and everything she does is for the purpose of propelling her alliance forward. GO Shelly.
Thank you! I agree with you and you said it better than I could. Shelly is playing an excellent social game. I really think she has a chance to win it all.
I agree she’s the manipulator, The puppeteer stringing them along. GENIUS!!
Chessie_K R-E-L-A-X, you are dreaming and thinking to much
as long as i don’t get like kalia, i’m fine. lol
most of of yall on this site are sore losers / yall are no different from the players in the bbh one mintue yall love kailia the next yall will stop watching big brother please stop watching because brendon will be back ,
yall whine
complain about rachel jj whining
i never like kailia and never will the best move her putting up lawon lol . i will bet america vote back in brendon and for u people who thinks he wont be coming back think again
brendon = what america loves someone putting themselves on the line for love he sacrafice himself and with that and that alone he will return
when dani on top yall happy when the vets on top its rigged u people are unbelievable
I agree Spicy except Brendon wont be back! Everybody has a conspiracy theories!
I would like to see Brendon back and Rachel stay to see the look on Dani’s face that would be priceless
I agreewith eveything you said. It’s also funny how many sss fans in the last 24hrs. I’ve been riding with JJ and Triple S since wk 2.
Kalia needs to put Shelly on the block “as a pawn”. Now that’s a great fantasy. That would take canoli’s.
I would LOVE to have Shelly go up on the block.
There’s nothing good happening in the DKLP camp as of right now. Kalia and Lawon are making a straight up dumb move but losing Lawon is better than Porsche.
Good News ? yes there is some good news for team dani,
if Brendon comes back i’ll bet a bottle of Vancouver Island herminator that production has filled his head with enough JJ hate that he’ll go against them (essentially The house will reorganize) this will either happend the first week or the second week.
If Dom comes back DKLP has basically traded up Lawon and gotten Dom in return which is a good trade IMOO.
If Cassi comes back she’ll give even more power to Shelly and from watching Shelly these last couple days I know one thing SHELLY doesn’t need anymore help she’s doing awesome already.
All in all its great fun, a bit depressing at how stupid Kalia has turned out to be but theres light at the end of the tunnel. If Thursday doesn’t reveal Shelly’s lies to the house I don’t think they ever will be and shelly will go down as one of the best liars/manipulators in recent BB history.
Simon, i read Dom’s exit interview from another site, and he said that he doesn’t truly trust dani. so, i don’t know if dom will work for dani. but, i know for a fact with brenden in the house, there will be a huge blowup between JJ and BR just like JJ and Russell in season 11. Can’t wait for that.
If Shelly’s lies are successful, you’re right about her making her mark in the
BB History Book of BEST LIARS.
Her daughter will be “so proud” of her mother.
“My Mom – One of BB’s Best Liars, Ever!”
Re Shelly: She is BB’s Mother Teresa. She’s so concerned with everyone’s well-being. At least, we learn something this season: a lot of people are convinced that a mother never lies.
Re Kalia: I’ve decided to bury my head in the sand and hope she has a seizure or something which gonna fix her neurons.
Definitely lets bring Brendon back because if Rachel stays in the house that would be priceless. This season is getting good and having rachel stay and Brendon coming back into the house would just make it a Perfect Season. VOTE BRENDON BACK IN and lets watch the FIREWORKS BEGIN!!!!!
This is all interesting.
J and R on the block
J takes himself off
K replaces J with L
Votes that take place
Jeff, Jordan, Adam, Shelly vote Lawon out
Dani, Porsche vote Rachel out
That’s messed!
This would be better
J and R on the block
J takes himself off
K replaces J with P
Votes that take place
Jeff, Jordan, Shelly vote out Porsche
Dani, Lawon, Adam vote out Rachel (Adam is getting close to Porsche now a days so he will stick with her)
Kalia has tie breaker and votes out Rachel
Rachel and Dom battle it out Dom comes back in play!
If Lawon thinks he can get pissed and try and get info from JJSR, he has another thing coming they will not believe him and will not feed him any info. But if Dom comes back there alliance will get a player back on there side. Heck even Cassie probably would be with them to. But if it’s Brendan Dani is going to be the target from here on out.
I like how Shelly is on both sides, now that’s a true spy, but I got to thinking what if in the next couple of days that she is talking game with JJ and one of Lawon, Porsche over hear game play and she gets busted?
But from just watching I think it’s best for Porsche to go up, Lawon goes up he is being booted and most likely lose vs whatever evicted house guest he competes against. If Rachel has to compete she may get flustered and lose and if that person is Dom she was against DDKPL is going pretty fair and will most likely vote for the winner.
But CBS loves drama tho so I dunno, sorry for long post haha
Soooo….Lawon goes up….then Jeff, Jordan, Shelly, and Adam will vote him out while only Dani and Posche will vote for Rachel to leave. Thus Lawon leaves. He’ll then compete against Dom to come back.
Dom returns and Adam teams back up with the newbies meaning the house will be Dani, Kalia, Adam, Porsche & Dom vs Rachel, Jeff, Jordan, and Shelly. Thus the newbies have the numbers and better competitors
Lawon comes back. Everything remains as is. The house is Dani, Kalia, Porsche vs Rachel, Jeff, Jordan, Shelly, and Adam. So the vets have the numbers and stronger competitors.
So for the vets, voting out Lawon and hoping he comes back is the best scenario in order for them to remain in control. Because if Dom comes back, the newbies will be re-energized, Adam will rejoin them, and they’ll pick the vets off one by one. That would be incredibly boring to watch….
There is a #3 senerio brendon is america’s vote which is a possiblity also because even if some don’t like branchel if they like jejo then they are voting for brendon.
I really like scenario #1. While I don’t necessarily want a vet to win, it is clear that the newbies need Dani in the house if they are going to stand a chance. After this debacle with Kalia it’s pretty apparent that they don’t know how to play this game. I also think that Dom has had enough time outside of the house to put 2 and 2 together and realize that blabbing to SSS resulted in his demise. He may have even figured out that is was KS that voted him out. I really hope he returns and exposes CSL for the coniving manipulator that she is and outs Kalia for the traitor that she is. Now that’s the kind of drama I want to see… Game drama not all this personal attack crap!!
**Sorry meant to say KS voted Keith out
this show has to be balance the vets have not won hoh for a mintue so brendon walks back through the door with hoh because he’s amercia’s vote and in dani’s voice just like that the vets are back in the game lol
i cant stand dani but she made me lol when she said she has to wear bullet proof vest for a year after the big brother house (rachel ) lol
i would love that,,, straight shooter
Evel Dick is a little P.O. at Dani right now for not giving him credit for anything in season 8. he helped her win and she acts like everything she did was on her own. He also said that this is all Dani’s fault because she turned on her alliance too early in the game. He is constantly on Twitter
I agree with Evil Dick……….. ‘Dan-Yell’ did make her moves too early and I believe it was her hormones…….She wouldn’t admit her feeling for Dom but I felt it came through the screen hot and heavy………… She turned on her alliance first,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if you taped the prior shows you will see that this is true…….. Everyone has to flip at some time in the show……just thought she could have used Evil Dick’s advice about then…. Watching the show with Dan-yell and her father Evil Dick I always felt that she got to the end due to his clever playing……. She does down play him……. He came in telling everyone what he thought and still he won in the end………… Really wished Evil Dick could have stayed in the game……………. Kalia running scared……….seems that she can’t think clear at this point but sure makes fun watching…………………………………. =^..^=
This is with a lot of hate
why doesnt cbs just give jeff the half million i really get annoyed seeing him on tv
agree. give them the money and give us a new season
It is obvious CBS loves Jeff/Jordan. They’ve been a great PR tool for BB/CBS.
I wonder if CBS, also, figured out that J/J would never survive playing on
a BB All-Star Show and that is why they came up with this lame idea of
pairing Vets with Newbies?
I am on the fence as to who will come back i still think it will be dom or brendan. We all knew shelly was on jejo side her allience has never changed so i don’t get why all the backlash she only voted for br because they were with jejo. As for dom i think it is true if it wasn’t for dani he wouldn’t have gotten voted out but if comes back in i think dani’s plan might change. She only teamed up with kalia because she had no one if dom is back she doesn’t need her anymore so i would look for her to back stab her at some point assuming that dom comes back in and plays the game the same way he might go a different way he really didn’t get much of a chance for us to see him play
I wonder if when screening they asked certain ppl or thought they were impressionable. They must have. Luv it. Kalia is so desparate and jj has a huge opportunity with Cassi or brendon coming back cuz who comes back may b safe for week
Lawon and Kalia were both cut from the same Moron cloth.
what is Dani talking about when she met Brendon and he ditched her?!???!! Am I the only one that is like WTF??? Why, when where, WHY…… I need answers LOL
Brendan ditched Dani and the entire group she was with.
It wasn’t only Dani.
Brandon told them he would be back and join them.
They waited and attempted to call him to find out what was holding him up.
Brandon never called them back and never showed up.
The entire group thought he was a creep.
And you were there waiting…………………… ??????
Your comment makes no sense, at all.
Its amazing how people change their alliances from week to week. It seems jj are the only loyal ones there (to rachoe)
The only thing that makes me not watch the episodes is brendumb and rachoe together in the house. I like them both as players when their worse half is not with them.
I do not like Shelly but she is proving she has game and I hope she continues to stay under the radar and makes some more crazy moves!
Go team JJ!! I’m voting Brendan back in!!!
Didn’t Dr. Will “float” his way to win. He didnt win any comps but was a genius manipulator. So is a floater someone who never wins a comp? I think Dr. Will is the greatest player in the history of BB. I would never call him a floater. If Shelly can manipulate the game (she is no Will Kirby) she is playing the game, smart enough to keep the target off herself.
but Dr. Will was adorably evil. Shelly, nightmares, no so much.
Shelly must be given credit. THAT’s the GAME. It doesn’t reflect who she is outside of the house. Ease up folks!!
Then Shelly needs to stop playing her Worry Card about how she doesn’t want
her daughter to get the idea that she is a liar.
Shelly signed up for the game and if she didn’t explain the game to her daughter early on
then she failed her.
At school, her daughter is going to hear all kinds of things about how her mother
is playing BB and the word, “Liar” is going to be at the top of the list.
I am so cracking up right now… LOL… Come on, Kalia! lmao! Didn’t expect Shelly to shake this house like this! LOL!
cracking up! LMAO
I’s so cracking up! lmao! Really, Kalia? lol!
This is getting too funny! Get RID of Dani, Porche, Adam, Lawon, and Kahlia (Dani’s puppet) — get the friggin’ floaters out of this game and let the others duke it out. I’d reather see the strongest players stay and fight it out than fall asleep watching Dani try to impress her daddy, and Porche, Kahlia, Adam, and Lawon trying to convince themselves they are actually playing the game. It is so funny watching Kahlia as HOH. She hasn’t a friggin’ idea what to do on her own — like a fish out of water — it is hilarious.
I love it JJ Fan, I will behind you on that one. Can you count on Rockstar as well? I’m Down with that. Dani must leave.
Good idea, Let get rid of Dani next week and Kaila goes next and then Porsche. So forth. Team JJ all the way. Can Rockstar be part of Team JJ?
I agree same goes for Porsh
the votes will not be rigged for brendon these online votes dont mean anything when they show you the results its americas and brendon still has alot of fans and america is gonna vote between everybody liking cassie and dom brendons gonna slide right in there cant wait to see danis face when her biggest ally comes back cause i feel theres no way lawon would beat brendon in any comp plus i think lawons so stupid it shows why none of these newbies deserve to be here but i didnt do casting cant dont blame me but i will say shelly has game and im proud of her vote brendon and watch the drama unfold when it is brendon that comes back then we can watch dani cry lol and suck up to the vets and then she can act like rachel and cry about how it just hurt her feelings when they took dominic out lol hello dani doms a virgin that girl dana was hotter and you got dom evicted not rachel plus your mad because brendon wouldnt hook up with you plus lets not forget you drove the bus to take cassie out ;and i really cant wait for kalia to go nuts when she finds out she helped reunite brenchel the looks on their faces the drama and kalia might even flip out like chima and she will prolly even say they did this to my hoh week cause im an african american its gonna get good some poeople might not like brenchel but they will help jeff and jordan
Nice, long sentence of nonsense you got going on there.
They missed their period.
Just put up Jordan
It would be absolutely hilarious to see lawson walk out and brendon come in….the look on dani’s face would be priceless
BB isn’t rigged, but it does appear that some of the competitions are geared to favor certain players. For example, it can’t be an accident that all of the women beat all of the men in the endurance comp last week. That comp sure looked like, from a physics standpoint, the taller and heavier players (i.e., men) were at a tremendous disadvantage. It didn’t look very equitable to me. Have you guys discussed this?
Lawon= Dustin from Season 8
This has just been to worse HOH reign yet on of Big Brother. It shows once again how people can get derailed in this game. If you sit in the HOH room and say you are going to go by a game plan, then do it. Game plan is to get Rach out, then put up Jordan as the replacement nom. That way, she leaves. If she comes back in, the deal with it. Its a game, play it to win, not to get by. Risk is what BB is all about.
Frustrated, sorry, had to rant.
Actually Shelly’s plan will backfire in her face. Dom will have a better chance of coming back if lawon goes up against him in the comp. Dom walks back thru the door and watch shelly melt into the carpet, PERFECT!! VOTE DOM!
Kalia is so wishy washy. Grow a backbone.
Go JJ! I’m voting Brendan!!
Vote brendon. In. Or dani will win because of her puppets
I’ve been watching BB since season 1 and I remember the days when the term “floater” refered to someone that wasn’t really in an alliance with anyone. These players generally “floated” between 2 major alliances and typically became the swing votes. It wasn’t until the Brenchel show that the term suddenly incorporated players that couldn’t win competitions.
So for all you JJ fans out there here’s the way I see it… Lawon gets evicted and CBS brings back Brendon and you get the drama you are craving for what? a week? They’ll get rid of Dani and then what? You guessed it… the drama disappears! One by one they will pick off PKSA in that order and then we are left with the two love bird couples swooning over each other until the end. Sorry but that’s not my idea of entertainment. Can someone please hand me the Pepto??
I am a jj fan, but I really don’t think that would be a good thing for them. And I really don’t think that will happen.
It is a win win for team Dani.
Put Lawon up, then Rachel has a chance of going.
If Lawon gets voted out, Dom will crush him in competition to get back into the house.
Then Dani’s biggest alliance member is back in the house.
Has anything new happened????? There’s been no updates since last night.
updates are coming
rigged? Im definitely voting brendon back in now to shake the house up it would be so good come’on. These newbies are just to stupid, why would you seriously pawn yourself? Brendon officially has my vote.
Not bad… Trade Lawon for PT. Her stupidity could turn out to be the best plan in the long run.
Now I usually am the one calling people out for being floaters in the house, but Shelly is no floater. We must be careful in how we define a floater. Lawon, Porsche, and Kalia are floaters. Kalia would not be labeled a floater had she not been trying to get back in good graces with Jeff/Jordan. Now she is a floater.
A floater is not necessarily someone that doesn’t win comps. A lot of them don’t, but some of them do win. Basically, a floater is someone that back pedals a lot (like Kalia is doing right now) and genuinely tries to be in every alliance in the house. This person goes with power, and has no one true alliance. If they do win a comp, they try to please everyone in the house, rather than do what is best for their game. If they don’t win comps, they suck up to everyone in the house, especially when they have power. This is Porsche and Lawon, bigtime.
So, Shelly is not a floater, because she is totally with Jeff/Jordan, at least for now. She is playing the other side of the house, but not JJ. Some would even call Adam a floater, but I don’t feel he is because he never sucks up to HOH. He never tries to be best friends with whoever is in power, therefore Adam is not a floater as well.
The BigTime floaters: Lawon, Kalia, and Porsche.