Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia asks Dani who she is going to pick for the veto? Me or Shelly? Dani says that she doesn’t know!

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8am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Adam gets up and has a shower. Adam comes into the kitchen where Dani and Lawon are looking at the memory wall. Dani points out that Dicks photo is different and says that Dominic hi it the other day with the ball. Adam says that he saw the photo was different and that it bugged him. Adam then hits the screen and it comes back on. Dani says that Adam has magic fingers. Shelly asks Brendon if he is sore today. Brendon says that he is good ..he is going to destroy people today. Adam repeats him in his deep voice.. DESTROY!

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8:40am Dani and Kalia are in the HOH room talking. Dani says that Lawon is so annoying… he is so clueless about everything! Kalia says yeah .. but we have to make sure we don’t alienate him or anything. Dani says that she told him about the Dicks photo on the memory wall and all he did was look and laugh … then said that he didn’t notice that. Kalia says that he is still doing things that he did in week one… but the house has changed. Dani says how about we call him out and tell him what Porsche said…and see if he goes and confronts Porsche. Kalia wonders if they will lose him if they do that. Dani says maybe we shouldn’t tell him. Kalia says that Shelly is really bothering her ..she says that they talked for awhile …telling her about how uncomfortable he feels in the house and how people don’t want to be around me. Dani says that you should just start feeding her information. Kalia says that Shelly brought up the wine incident ..and that they got into it because Shelly didnt seem to believe her life story. Kalia says she said I am a writer ..I write about sex, relationships and life! Kalia says that Shelly brought up how she doesn’t was dishes and asks for other people food all the time. Kalia says that Shelly just acts like she is entitled and spoiled. Kalia says that then they started talking about how its harder to be black. Kalia says that Shelly said that she would be surprised that you have more people on your side than you think you do. Kalia says that when I was upset and crying …no one cared …even just on a personal level … and no one cheered for me during the HOH competition. Kalia says that Shelly said that Kalia didn’t even give Dominic a vote .. and that makes you look like you can’t stand up for yourself. Dani says didn’t you tell her that Dominic told her not too. Kalia says that Shelly told her that people think she is just riding on Dani’s coat tails. Kalia says that Shelly said that it looks like she has picked a side. Kalia says that she wishes she had asked her if she has picked a side.

9am Porsche, Brendon and Rachel are in the lounge room talking. Porsche says that she saw Shelly talking to Kalia and Lawon last night. Porsche says that she is pretty sure that Dani would put up Jordan if one of them won the POV. Porsche says that she has really good intuition about Shelly and that she sees her talking to them a lot. Porsche says that they could offer like a two week deal with Lawon. They talk about whos votes they have. Porsche says that if Brendon leaves Rachel and her are screwed .. it is going to be us against them. Porsche and Rachel say that Jeff won’t protect them like how Brendon would protect Jordan. Rachel says that she can beat Jordan in a quiz. Brendon says let’s just wait until after the POV …because all of this depends on the outcome. Rachel says that we will win the veto! Porsche talks about how Jeff was talking to Kalia last night getting her to tell stories ..even though he knows how much you hate her. Rachel and Porsche both think they will be the ones going up on the block next week.

9:10am All four cameras switch to the HOH room where Kalia and Dani are still talking. Big Brother calls Dani to the diary room. Kalia says oh ..its happening. Kalia asks Dani who she is going to pick for the veto? Me or Shelly? Dani says that she doesn’t know!

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9:15am All four camera’s are now on Kalia and Jordan talking about dogs in the candy bed room. They talk about how Adam wearing the elf costume is perfect and that he is a good sport about it. They say that even though there is a lot of tension in the house.. seeing him it helps break the tension.

9:25am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen … looks like the houseguests are picking the Power of Veto Players!

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20 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia asks Dani who she is going to pick for the veto? Me or Shelly? Dani says that she doesn’t know!”

  1. Dani has got to be getting annoyed with Kalia constantly in the HOH room yapping as if she’s some expert in the game (and other dumb shit).

    Anyone notice how Porsche carries herself differently on the live show? She walks and talks a little more ditzy as if she’s trying to act like Janelle. (trying is the key word there.)

    Adam is perfect in the elf costume…even better than Casey in the banana costume for sure. lol

    Oh and my boy Jeff is playing the game!

    1. I am so sick of Kalia’s crying and constantly using the race card. Get over yourself nobody cares that you are BLACK. Grrrrrrrr!

  2. She might be better off picking Shelly because Shelly will not risk JJ going up on the block and that will ensure that B or R goes home!!

  3. POV players Dani/Rach/Brendon/Porsche/Adam/Jeff

    Jeff and Adam won;t use the POV if they win, but Pacer is BR’s pet so she might.

      1. Why Kalia, so she could maybe win some prizes? The HG’s do not think it is prize veto. Whoever wins can only pull one player off.

  4. PERFECT! I hope the paranoia begins to spread! With Brendon gone, Rachel is Rachel and if Porsche keeps feeding her info that J/J and shelly are targeting her and being paranoid about their relationships with lawon and khalia, who knows what the hell could happen.

  5. Shelly is playing the game…Would love to see Rachel, Dani & Shelly in the final 3. They would rip each other apart.

  6. I predict that the fix is in for Danielle, Dick will come back and the producers will have their ” good tv”. My hope is that Jeff and Jordan can either be in the house or the jury house together for the rest of the summer. I hope Kalea gets voted out along with Danielle and Porsche then I don’t care who wins.

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