Big Brother Spoilers – “I had a vision to, I was on a beach playing with BOOb!e$”

POV: ? Next POV: July 14th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 16th
HOH: Scottie Next HOH: July 19th
Noms: Brett & Winston Have Nots ?

Big Brother Spoilers – Power Of Veto Players Scottie, Brett, Winston, Rachel, Tyler, ROCKSTAR – Haleigh is hosting

8:55am Bayleigh and SCottie
Scottie says Winston was trying to intimidate him last night.
Bayleigh mentions how that’s not a very plan.
Bayleigh says the idea about getting Brett out was floating around yesterday. Everyone thinks he’s the bigger threat.
Scottie – ohh definitely
Bayleigh talks about how awesome it would be if Swaggy would come back.
Bayeligh – we would flip everything upside down..
Bay – it’s so hard to figure out who to trust in this house.
Bay – I actually enjoy the company of a lot of people in here..
Bay – lets say Brett has one of the powers.. it might not be a pwoer to take himself off the block.. it might be a veto power.. or taking himself off slop.. you know what I’m saying..
Bay – it could be anything.. it couldn’t be you take yourself off the block..
Bay – I haven’t talked to angela yet./. she gave me a hug..
Scottie – right now it’s simple just win the veto..
Bay – hopefully the picks are random..
Bayleigh says Haleigh, Kailtyn and Rockstar are worried about fes winning another veto and putting a bigger target on his back.
Bay – I got intel from Rachel saying the things we know are confirmed.. there’s some people that want to lay low..
They assume Angela is one of them.
Bay – if they get picked they won’t go all out.
Scottie says he’s picking Fes because he’ll go all out.
Bay – I’m sorry your HOH room is quiet..
Scottie likes it.

9:00am Angela and Sam
Sam comments that Winston is freaking out. Angela says the bros feel blindsided because Scottie had promised them safety. Brings up Scottie always pontificating about peoples loyalties.
Angela – it’s such a hypocritical thing for him to do
Sam – I think something else happened
Sam says she’s been trying to comfort Winston..
Winston comes back..
Sam says “pure logic.. ”
Angela asks her if Sam would have made the same logical deicsions.
Sam – same thing Kailtyn said.. you aren’t guaranteed this same position again.. and he’s.. I mean.. yeah Brett and Winston are probably the two strongest competitors Male in the house. (LOL no they are not they are pathetic.. Tyler? or comp beast fes?)
Angela thinks Fes went to Scottie and said “we can run this house come to our side we’ll run this.. ”
Angela says they are replacing Swaggy with Scottie..
Winston says Scottie lied to him and blindsided him. Winston would not have been as angry if he had been told the night before.
Winston leaves..
Angela says she told Scottie she’ll leave the noms the same
Sam and Angela agree they want to keep Brett over Winston. “Brett would be easier to live with.. Winston freaks out too easily”
Sam – Brett actually wanted to get to know me.. Winston ignored me forever… I don’t think Winston voted to keep me winston voted against that other side.. he really liked Steve

Sam doesn’t think Winston really likes her.
Sam – also Winston made me cofee in a orange mug and that made me mad.. they laugh

9:44am POV players have been picked..
Brett – has Tyler officially played in all the vetos?
JC – he’s played in all the vetos..
JC – Rachel is following him though.
Brett – it’s could be f**Ing memory who knows…
Brett – I had a vision to I was on a beach playing with BOOb!es..

Witchcraft (to counteract my shrine.. I see what you are doing Rockstar.. hmm.. well played)

9:57am Tyler and JC (JC playing with his balls the entire time.. wtf)
JC – you have to throw that competition
Tyler – I know .. I’m going to
JC tells him to go out after Rockstar.. “don’t go top 3 don’t go 4 or 5th after Rockstar”
Tyler says Scottie is telling everyone not to use the veto and if they do he will put up their best friend.
JC – the four is already too powerful.. who do we vote out
Tyler – I’m not sure yet..
JC says everyone is thinking Winston because he blew up.
Tyler points out how calm Brett is he’s good
JC – if we don’t get BRett out now.. he’ll make it all the way.. lets talk about it..

10:10am Winston and Angela
Winston saying how he was lied to and blindsided by Scottie. goes on about how the night before he was nominated they talked in the HOH and everything seemed fine.

Winston – it’s alright it’s a game i’m not worried about it
Winston says Scottie is in 8 different lies right now..
Angela says she wishes he hadn’t blown up on Scottie.
Winston – he came to me like a man I came to him like a man..
Winston says Scottie is making it out to be bigger..

Winston says Scottie has been lying since day one..
Angela reminds him that Scottie is HOH
Winston – you can’t double put me on the block..
Winston – this is my second week for crying out loud..

10:13am Kaycee and Scottie

Scottie tells Kaycee if anyone uses the veto their best friend goes on the block. (Damn more b@lls in these players than all the players last year combined)
Kaycee – I got your back.. and when I say it I mean it.

10:21am KAycee and Angela

Angela bring sup Winston blowing up on Scottie now Scottie is mad at them all
JAycee – ohh yeah yeah
Angela says Winston needs to calm down
Kaycee is scared one of them is going up because of that.
Angela – Scottie promised we would be safe.. do we trust him?
Kaycee – I don’t know
Angela – he said KAiltyn was the replacement.. that was before Winston’s freak out
Kaycee – WINSTON


11:00am Tyler and Kaycee
Tyler says Scottie thinks KAitlyn is his number one.
Tyler says once Rockstar is out of the veto he’s throwing it to the guys.
Kaycee – we might need to convince Sam to use it this week
T – I got to talk to yo about something with Sam.. yesterday.. I was with Scottie and Sam. Sam made Scottie promise that if the veto gets used
T- She thinks she wont go home.
Tyler- I told her you don’t know how many alliances Brett has.. what if you me or Kayce actually need it next week
Tyler says it’s important to save the power for next week.
Kaycee says both her and Angela said they wouldn’t put Scottie up so they can’t be the ones to take him out but if he does put her up she’ll take a shot.
Tyler shares Sam’s worry that next week they won’t have control over who goes up and the power will be automatically used.

Kaycee- I feel like we’ll have a good chance to win HOH next week. If we can save one of our numbers this week with the power
Tyler is worried if the bros stay and Sam stay Scottie will be pissed at her.
Kaycee – yeah.. it is what it is..
Tyler – we have to protect Sam for a long run..
Tyler – who would you target next week
Kaycee – Fes
Tyler – and Rockstar
Kaycee yeah

11:10am Kaycee and Angela.
Kaycee says Tyler is throwing hte Veto to the guys, “Rachel needs to do the same”
Kaycee – If Rachel wins one of us would go up
Angela – you or me
KAycee – yeah probably
Kaycee – we still have Sam’s power
Angels – I need to talk to JC
Kaycee – if we get two people on that are on our side Sam will have to use her power..
Angela – can Sam use her power on someone else
KAycee – this is what I know.. This is the last week to use it if she doesn’t use it it is automatically used next week it give them a chance to come back
Kaycee says if they are evicted she can pull it giving them another chance to come in
Kayce – hopefully one of the guys win.. you would think they put Kaitlyn up.. it would be less blood on their hands.
Kaycee – it was Fes idea to put the bros up
Angela – I know
Kaycee – he (Fes) would put me and Tyler up
KAycee says she’s targeting Fes.

NOON Scottie getting his hair done..

12:46pm Love birds.. (barf)
T – it’ll be ok
K – what do yo mean..
Tyler laughs.. “it’s just a thing I say”
Kailtyn tells him Sam will use the power on her she told her last night, “I didn’t even ask”
Kaitlyn tells him they can send Winston home at any time. Brett, even though she “F*ing loves him” this is their shot.
Tyler – he’s really good.
They agree Winston sucks.
Kaitlyn thinks Brett will be more loyal to her.
Tyler questions that says maybe she just thinks that because Brett is more charismatic.
Kaitlyn – the only way you go on the block is if ROCSKTAR won
Tyler – Or Bayleigh
Kaitlyn – you’ll be safe OK .. you will
Kaitlyn – if you win you’re putting up ROCKSTAR?
Tyler – F**** yeah, who else would I put up
Kaitlyn – and Bayleigh
Kaitlyn – Winston
Tyler- maybe..
Kaitlyn – I really want a girl to win this season
Tyler – I do not

Kailtyn says she’ll put up Angela and Rachel and tell them the plan is to Backdoor SCottie
Tyler – is that your plan
Kaitlyn – no
Kailtyn would want to keep Rachel changes it to Angela and KAycee, “she’s my f**Ing friend,” Kailtyn would see how Rachel does in Veto if she does well then they know she’s a strong player in competitions.
Tyler – Kaycee is someone you can get on your side like a jury vote
Kailtyn asks if it’s her, Tyler and Scottie final 3 who does he take
Tyler – I would never think I would beat Scottie but I don’t think I could beat you either
Kialtyn tells him he would win against Fes

1:45pm Chit chat before POV….

2:04pm Bathroom. Winston – This is the weirdest group of people. Great job on casting ..unbelievable at the amount of personalities in this house. And Rachel is scared of him (Scottie)?! What?!

Bedroom. Kaitlyn – you’re my best friend. Tyler – and you’re mine .. and I don’t say that to just anyone. Kaitlyn – Do you think I would pick him over you one day? Tyler – no.

HOH room. Scottie and Haleigh. Scottie – if you use it your best friend is going up in your place. Haleigh – Damn, Socttie. You’re ruthless. Theoretically who do you want gone? Scottie – it really doesn’t matter. Its better if everyone argues and they campaign against each other. Haleigh – if I were to win HOH. I would put up whoever didn’t go home and I’m not even sure who else. I am more scared of Brett. He needs to go.

2:28pm Big Brother switches the feeds to the BB re-runs for the power of veto competition to take place.

4:10pm Still blocked..

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69 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers – “I had a vision to, I was on a beach playing with BOOb!e$””

  1. I truly am baffled when folks get pissed when people do THE EXACT SAME THING to each other! I mean Winston is mad because Scottie lied to him and promised him safety and Scottie is mad about the bros lying about the Steve vote?? WTF?? ??

    1. Also Winston seems to be under the misunderstanding one can’t go up on the block week after week? Paul was on the block week after week, so have others experienced that challenge. What makes Winston think he is immune from it?

        1. Just proving my point that these players should be vetted better. Or at least provided a set of instructions and rules on how the game is played. Yeah, it makes for funny tv when they seem so dumb, but it really impedes the game play. You wouldn’t put a person with an IQ of 65 on Jeopardy. Right? Dumb job by Production.

  2. OML Angela – “it’s such a hypocritical thing for him to do” what about racist angela mocking people with dark sin and giving a banana to a black guy to show her our racist colors. She is so annoying. I cannot wait til she gets a full reality check outside the BB house for being a racist.

    Right now scottie best move would be evict brett. If he gets to the final everyone everyone would give brett their vote. You need to bring to the final the most hated and annoying player.

    1. Wait…what? She gave Chris a banana? In what context? Did he ask for it or was it like here I know what you want monkey?

      1. The context was they had just competed against each other. As an ATHLETE, she knew the banana would help keep them from cramping after the competition. She ate one too. He was not offended by it. Not sure why the internet trolls are offended.

        People need to grow up.

        1. I noticed that also. Race baiting Trolls now spread over to even these boards. Pretty sad actually

          1. Agreed. The Tom Brady character is annoying on this page. The remarks and responses are redundant.

              1. Oh wow! Thanks Simon. That nonsense and political crap doesn’t belong here. I love the spoilers.

            1. Just because you don’t agree with his statements doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be heard. I personally don’t agree with the banana statement, but he is giving his own opinion.

              1. The Banana comment is a bit over the top.

                Taking Angela to task for her ghetto comment is appropriate and fine. Calling her a racist for that one comment made 2 weeks ago and doing it over and over is tiring.

        2. I have a black friend who explained his mom wouldn’t let him eat watermelon or fried chicken because it was so stereotypical. We both loved fried chicken though and I’m so white I’m nearly transparent.

        3. Because that is the best and only way the internet trolls can hope to get any traction. If they throw everything and the kitchen sink…something will stick, they hope. They clearly don’t realize that people have brains and can decipher for themselves whether someone is a racist or not

    2. scottie has no power in who to evict, just who to nominate. it’s a mistake almost every hoh makes. the bros side of the house will be deciding which one goes home and scottie has no say in the matter beyond ensuring one of them goes (though if the noms change pretty much any replacement nom except for tyler would go).

    3. Oh yes, I’m sure you and your ilk will be foaming at the mouth to make her life a living hell when she gets out.

    4. Tom Brady,
      I agree Scottie’s best move is to evict Brett. Everything else you say just makes me tired.

    5. Reality check? I’m sure they will be just fine after the show after saying one thing. Plus every season, everyone saids “oh wait until they get out of the house” well, all the HG are doing just fine season after season. Not everyone watches BB live and they only watch the show on TV, so they never see any of the feeds. Get over yourself and you’ll never be the Real Tom Brady.

      1. Even Raven may be doing pretty well for herself if she hasn’t died, experienced an exploding pacemaker battery, caught another lethal illness, or been kidnapped by ninjas so they could force her mom to build them a giant moon laser.

    6. yeah, cause 1 ignorant comment seems to make you a racist and the world should attack her for it. Come on, are you so perfect that you have never said anything that anyone could misconstrue as racist? I bet you have, it you are being honest with yourself. the people that keep making “they are racist” comments on here are sounding more and more like rocky. Her and her he’s racist, probably has a confederate flag BS that spews from her daily even though he has never said or done anything. Rocky is the one who is gonna need a reality check when she gets out of the house. I have no doubt when the girls see what they said that day will realize their comments were ignorant and I bet they apologize bet ya rocky won’t think she ever said anything wrong. Rocky does nothing but sit on her fat a$$ and talk sh1t about everyones personal lives, when she knows nothing about them. Hardly ever does she say anything about someones game play, ALWAYS personal, as if she is perfect. I just tired of the ole ‘they are racist’ comments, when in reality all they did was make a stupid and ignorant comment that obviously they didn’t think through before saying it.

  3. Kaysee not talking much even when she has a conversation wtf … im starting to coint her put from winning as a dark horse…
    Realy hope bret gets that veto.. if tyler is throwing it..
    And thers no fessy and swagg .. he has a good chance !
    And hope sam will think about using the power..
    It can be used only this week
    Next week its automatic and you dont want it to be used if you can get rockstar or fessy evicted next week…

    1. Its only a chance to get back in, so, I am thinking if its rocky that gets that chance she will blow it. Unless its a question about who is the most racist person in the house and has a confederate flag. Since she says it so much, might be the only question she would get right (in her little head). she just seems so clueless about what is going on around her. Actually looking forward to her, scottie and fessie walking out. I hope Sam uses her power this week just so we wont have to see their side walking back in the door. LOL

  4. I like the way that the Bros have NOM NOM above their heads right beside each other like mmmm they’re about to be a snack!!

  5. Nominations stay the same or your best friend goes up. Now THAT takes some guts !

    While i do not like that side of the House, I have to say it’s been entertaining to say the least

    1. Just name your enemy as your best friend. Scotty doesn’t really know that much about who likes who.

  6. I hope Brett wins veto and Kaitlyn goes up as the re-nom. Imagine her and Winston on the block together? It would be absolute total chaos.

    1. Nah, I’d like to see Winston win veto & Brett to be left on the block. Let’s see how the votes would go with Brett & Cray-Cray on the block….

      Brett to be evicted:
      Fezzie, Bayleigh, Box o Rocks, Haleigh (these for sure)

      Cray-Cray to be evicted:
      Tyler, Sam, JC, Winston, Kaycee (Sam just offered her the chance to come back..not her vote & I don’t think Cray-Cray can win a real – not chance – competition)

      Angela & Rachel are the swing votes. Scottie’s threat (about your friend going up) is useless at this point so………….???? I think Rachel AND Angela would both vote out Cray-Cray.

      Wheeeee…really good season!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Would be intersting to see how tyler will vote in that situaition. Rachel and angela will vote for the bros to stay no question . Tyler will have the deciding vote .. he can sway sam any direction he wants. They will prob want to keep kaitylin but then his alliance with 5 other people will be broke unless just pissing scottie ( and kaitlyin.. but shes gone). She will feel so stupid.. i hope she is not the replecment.

      2. Agreed…even though I like Brett more…I would prefer Winston wins it just cause he doesn’t seem to have loud supporters and defenders in the house. Then, with the way he always has the game and numbers on his mind, he can figure out how to save Brett. P.S. Hayleigh and Cray Cray will secretly vote to keep Brett cause they’re on his balls. Unless, it’s Fuzzball or RockFace as the replacement, then they’ll be torn between logistics and their inner desires lol

  7. So have Kaitlyn and Tyler separated since swags eviction ? I was curious to see how things went with them after. I haven’t seen them together much. And it baffles me how Scottie did not question Sam about having a power. They all know there are powers in play. She says put me up. Trust me. And he doesn’t even question why she keeps saying trust me. It’s common sense with her being the robot and it’s never been done before that she could very possibly have been the most trending. But didn’t even question it. Tyler’s reaction during that conversation was priceless. But. If Sam was the renom and got voted out. Then won her way back. The Bro’s are still both there and she just messed up Scottie’s plan completely. So. Not sure why Sam is so dead set on him nominating her if one comes down. I really don’t know what she’s wanting to happen there. She even said right after she misses home. Is she trying to get voted out so she can control where her power goes since next week she can’t ? I’m confused by that whole thing.

      1. That’s because Tyler got what he wanted from her and she has no more value to him unless she gets HOH again. Tyler is playing the game and so far it appears only Rockstar is on to him?

    1. sigh… it wouldn’t be the first time sam talked herself onto the block. i would hope scottie won’t listen though.

      i do think sam has concerns about using her power on someone she wouldn’t choose to use it on. i think she’s worried people may misconstrue such a situation as her working with that person which may put her on the wrong side of the house. the solution isn’t to put herself in a situation where she uses it on herself though. instead she should find a way to be upfront about the power with the next hoh (while again being careful to stay out of the crosshairs which hasn’t seemed the easiest for her) so they adjust their target to someone less likely to win a competition if that’s what’s meant by “chance.” so targeting rockstar probably makes more sense than targeting faysal for example (if the other side of the house is in power she should probably stay quiet).

      1. I thought the same. They have a good chance of winning next HOH and they could nominate based on knowing sams power. I would have thought Tyler would have had that conversation with her already. Every time she talks Tyler must cringe I know I do. Not knowing what is coming out of her mouth. I love her. But seriously.

    2. Sam’s power will allow her the chance to return and she’s more willing to chance herself than someone else. Although she and Scottie are somewhat close so it may just be words out of her mouth because I don’t see him putting her up. She may be looking for a reason to justify using this week so she wouldn’t have to use it next week.

    3. Sam is playing the game and trying to keep what she believes is her side safe. They saved her so maybe she feels obligated or maybe it is more sinister? Sam is no dummy in spite of her robot voice.

    4. im so tired of the fake weirdo sam. she is clueless about this game. she better not use the power and mess up scottie. fake smiles and lillies and butterflies. shit’s annoying and phony. one of the bros needs to leave. if he puts up kaitlyn or sam she will go home. it says a chance to come back. smh. sam will vote herself right out the game. idiot

    5. Ty told her that it isn’t good for their game to see that much of each other. With Sam, I think she is just playing the best social game maybe even to her demise. She is a firecracker competitor too.

  8. wondering what happens with veto. scottie and rockstar obviously keep noms the same. tyler may try to throw this comp as he’ll have people campaigning to use it on brett, use it on winston, and not use it and doing any one of those three will anger those who wanted one of the other two options (with one of those people guaranteed to stay). brett and winston obviously use it on themselves, and i’m not sure what rachel does. i think any renom goes (except tyler who is an unlikely renom) and things will get crazy if that renom is kaitlyn who may very quickly regret everything she’s done in the game so far.

  9. Win the damn Veto. Take Brett off. Scottie will put up Kaitlyn. Send Kaitlyn packing. Even if Sam uses the Power on her Kaitlyn is not getting back in. She has no skills whatsoever to do whatever is needed to get back in. All the chick does well is have future bunny boiler tendencies.



    1. Huge week for Scottie! Sends one of the Bros out this week! Next week Hayleigh or Bayleigh wins HOH and sends Angela packing! Finally trimming the fat of non contenders , I LOVE IT!

      #Happy Saturday

      1. Yeah we get it. You are obsessed with Free and stalking him here. Simon/Dawg will soon grow tired of you and realize they don’t want a site that encourages internet harrassment and stalking which is all you do here.

        1. The only way you would know it’s a “Him” is if you “Hayleigh Mole” are the same person LMAO. Stop harassing me sir! Have a great weekend

  10. I’m questioning Tyler’s strategy in throwing the veto, especially since he knows the details of Sam’s power. This week is the best week to use it, since two of her allies are on the block. If Tyler wins the veto, he can keep the nominations the same, which will put him in favor with Swaggy’s side (for lack of a better name at this point). But Sam’s power will allow whoever leaves a chance to get back in the game, so it will be no harm/no foul for Level 6. I think Level 6 wants one of their own to leave this week, because they think it’s going to be a battle back, and they’re more likely to get one of their own back in the game if more of them are out of it. But I honestly think it’ll be America’s vote.

  11. Hey Simon or Dawg, I have a quick question? When it comes to Sam’s powers I know that if she doesn’t use it this week then whoever gets evicted next week will get it in the form of a chance to compete to get back in (not necessarily a guarantee that he/she will get back into the BB house, right?). But my question is if she use it this week to save herself she just come back into the BB house automatically no competition for the right to come back, right?

    1. I think if she’s evicted and uses it she’ll have to compete in some competition to come back in. It’ll be basic weaving or something.

    2. Its still a chance to return if she uses it this week… we still don’t know what that means. It might be a competition or it could be something else. It doesn’t sound like a guarantee.

  12. I like this season. I don’t really care who goes home this week but it’s refreshing that there is so much back and forth and none of us is completely sure who would vote for who each week. I was a little shocked with Scottie and his vote.

    Only person I’d rather not be in the house is Angie. I’d watch if they rewound and replayed everything.

  13. Simon, you should take a pic of your Bro Shrine and post it here! 😉
    I’d love to get a feeling if it’ll do the trick!
    I hope Brett wins the veto, since ‘alliance partner’ Tyler seems fine with letting him go, instead of trying to convince Sam to use her power. I’d be ok with Winston leaving, but Brett has more game left to play, which is why he’d probably get evicted if they both stay on the block.
    Winston’s blowup was such a stupid move, it just made it even more obvious that he’s no threat compared to Brett. It was highly unlikely that, if Scottie was to win the POV, anyone could have influenced him in changing his mind and backdooring somebody else, but at least the theoretical chance was there until Winston had his ‘moment’. smh.
    Fingers crossed, though with that Super Mega Anonymous Coup d’État Diamond Power of Veto Tyrannosaurus Rex with Whipped Cream on Top and Extra Extended Expiration Date, Brett would probably go out next week, regardless who wins HOH.
    This power is so ridiculous, it’s pathetic. Wasn’t it kinda the consensus among BB fans and players alike that the Coup d’État was over the top powerful? So… Now we just add anonymity and a much longer expiration date, and everybody will love it?
    Oh, well. These are the times we live in now, I guess. T-T

    1. And it seems it was “gifted” to her by production…’s too good a power makes the game terribly unfair and the fact no one knows if she uses it….give me a break.

  14. my thoughts on each player so far:
    katlyn: this woman is crazy, she’s a horrible player, but its so good watch her delusional. she just wants to show up on edit and got it.

    tyler: hello paul. it is frustrating to see a person with such a strong game and still gain power. if this turns out a bb16 it’s your fault america

    winston: wtf. his social game is a big mess and i see he blowing up soon against everybody. and i’ll laugh,

    scott: I find it very annoying to have a new type of Ian and Steve in the house, but at least he’s taken a stand and does not have much control in alliances.

    bay: bland one. but at least she will have a time to shine and make a move. I see a flame on her.

    brett: the only good thing is him bang winston’s ass

    angela: this bitch made a good job from ottn4 in premiere to inv. nic way to get out from her target.

    hailegh: she looks like a snake and her game will blow up in a few weeks. watch this.

    rockstar: when someone nickname herself rockstar something is wrong. this woman don’t have any social skils. but at least she was the only one who see tyler game.

    rachel: idk what say about this one when i see her on cast release i think good bring me jessica and rachel bb12 in one bitch. the true color is a raven racist type.

    jc: The type of person that I hate most: floater, attwhore and a horrible personality. disgusting.

    faysal: send katlin home.

    sam: ok, this woman has a horrible gameplay and its not funny like katlin. she does not know what she’s doing and she’s like a doll in Tyler’s hands. terrible.

    Did I forget anyone? I think not, those were all players.

  15. So I was wondering what everyone thought about Season 19?
    Who was your favorite and least favorite?
    Do you follow anyone out of the house as of now?
    Who is your favorite this year?

  16. Ok, Thank you Simon. Thank you Dawg. Also I wanna say I love this site and I appreciate both of your hard work and dedication. I have been a fan of BB since the exes season or the battle of the sexes season I think that was the season Jun won. I discovered this site a couple of seasons after that. So I’ve followed y’all work for awhile now. Keep up the excellent job.

    1. You’re welcome! I’m so glad you love our site and thank you for coming back each season!! You’ve been following us since pretty much the beginning 🙂

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