Big Brother Spoilers: HUGE RACHEL BREAK DOWN!! Rachel goes off and says that when people started talking about how my butt cheeks are flapping and STD’s are flying, that’s not okay

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9:30am All the houseguests are still sleeping. Big Brother switches the live feeds to the control room screen and then to TRIVA… When the live feeds come back from TRIVA, Jordan is laying awake in bed with Jeff. He tells her to get out because she can’t sleep in there. Jordan says don’t tell me to get out! Jordan then leaves and goes to the metal bedroom to lay down. Shelly is in the kitchen making coffee. Kalia comes through the kitchen and they talk about how freezing it was last night. Meanwhile in the bedroom, Brendon tells Rachel it will be okay right?! Brendon asks her to have breakfast with him… she hasn’t had breakfast with him in a while. Brendon says it will be okay I promise you! Brendon says come on please… I am sick of this .. I don’t want to lay all day ..I want to sit and talk with you on my last day. Brendon says come on please. Rachel finally gets up off of him and they leave the havenot room. Shelly asks how they are? Brendon says better days! Hang in there. Shelly tells Brendon that they are on an inside lockdown. Brendon says that Rachel is doing better …but that they are annoyed they can’t trust anyone. Brendon talks about how once Dick left they had no chance …Brendon says that this season will be one about the floaters. Shelly says that it better not. Shelly says that if Brendon walks out …they will protect Rachel. Shelly tells Brendon that she thinks he made a mistake ..he did a great thing ..but he still made a mistake. Rachel says that no one will put nominate Dani. Shelly says that she would. Rachel says I though you said you would backdoor her ..not nominate her? Shelly says yeah I would back door her. Rachel explains how she would nominate her because either way Dani is playing for the veto … its big brother .. I’ve played this game before ..she will be playing . Rachel is pissed and says that she is all alone …she doesn’t care who hears her. Shelly tells her that there are people lined up to have her back …and that they were talking about her last night and everyone cares about her.
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10:50am Rachel has given up … she tells Shelly that she doesn’t care any more… she isn’t going to compete any more.. she will play like everyone else and do nothing. Shelly says thats not you .. you’re not like that .. Rachel says that people go far by doing nothing. Rachel says she guarantees that she will go farther by not doing nothing. Brendon says that Rachel is competing for a honey moon for us. Rachel says no ..not even that I’m not winning anything. Brendon asks when did it every become about manipulation and not about competing. Rachel says that for two years we have been fighting …we fight our hearts out and this is where it gets us. Rachel says that she ruined any chance that Brendon could stay and no she just doesn’t care … Rachel is so defeated and says that she won’t do anything from now out. Shelly explains that not everyone can compete and everyone has a different game… you can’t have everyone be competitors like you … you have to have the balance. Shelly asks Rachel why she is here? Shelly says so the only way you have a chance if Brendon is in here with you? Rachel says no. Shelly asks so why are you giving up .. Rachel says because Dani threw me under the bus when I was trying to do the right thing. Rachel has totally given up. Shelly is getting mad and saying she doesn’t understand! Shelly says that her attitude sucks .. why would I vote for Brendon …when you have given up .. I need you to fight … Rachel says that she talked to the psychiatrist and she knows that she is BLANK in the head. Rachel goes off and says that when people started talking about how my butt cheeks are flapping … and STD’s are flying … that’s not okay have no idea what that does to people. Rachel says that everyone hates her …production hates her …Shelly hates her …everyone hates her. Shelly says I never said that …don’t say that! Rachel says that she hates herself … why shouldn’t everyone else! Brendon keeps telling her to stop. Rachel says that she wants to just go …Brendon says okay then lets go …we can go! Rachel says I don’t know why they wanted us to come back ..they hated us.. Big Brother cuts the feeds..
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11am Rachel says that she only came back because she needed the money ..she has nothing .. no job … nothing .. Rachel says that they have no idea it feels to go to a job interview and have them ask so tell us why you acted like that on national tv. Rachel tells everyone to just leave her alone. Jordan comes in and tells Rachel to fight and to stop. Jordan says just because you aren’t on the top now can’t give up. Rachel to Shelly goes off and says that real people don’t let people act like that and say that they are worthless …I am not going to sit here and validate what you are saying. Brendon and Rachel leave to go into the lounge room.

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178 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers: HUGE RACHEL BREAK DOWN!! Rachel goes off and says that when people started talking about how my butt cheeks are flapping and STD’s are flying, that’s not okay”

    1. she is playing the sympathy to keep Brendan there…you know she has to be…and she is crazy. She said last night that she was going to try it.

      1. you people are so pathetic. This is not only a game people, imagine if you are in it. Put yourself in Rachel’s shoes with her character not yours. I can’t believe that I’m living in this world with these type of people. Wacky world I’m living in right now.

        1. She willing went back into the house. She knew what happened last time and went back again. Sorry, no sympathy this time. I felt bad for her last year, not anymore. She came back for more, bottom line.

        2. Like most people I hated Rachel last year…but when her and Brendon returned this season I was actually happy and wanted to root for them. Well that went straight out the windon because of the way they started acting. He turned into a complete asshole and her a bitch. Even now I sometimes feel sorry for her and try to support her but then she acts all bitchy again. It’s hard (for most of us) to like people like that whether its on BB or in real life.

          Anyways, I’m totally team Dani and even if she gets evicet next week she’ll still be my fave for this season. I also hope Dom gets to come back. 🙂

          1. C’mon guys. I hate Rachel as much as anyone but how the heck can you guys not feel bad for her right now? WRONG move for Brendon to save her and leave her in that house. It’s going to be hell for both her and the houseguests.

      2. I agree Rachel is totally different when she is the top dog. She gets knock down one time and it’s time for a freaking pitty party. She can’t always have everything her way. She wants to be able to take everyone out, but how dare anyone come after her to be taken out. She has won a lot of comps, but she has also had a lot of comps given to her. In the very first HOH, she won because she told Dani she was safe if she dropped. If Dani held out, Dani could of easily been HOH. The puzzle POV was also given to them because Porche and Keith threw it. I don’t even think Jordan and Jeff really tried that hard. The only comp she won fair and square was the last quiz one. Brendon and her are the King and Queen of tryihng to get people to throw competitions so they can win.

        It’s so annoying to watch her. Mark my words the next time she wins anything, she’ll be right back to her high squealing voice. I don’t know which is more annoying her high squealing voice, her laugh or her piss poor attitude when she is not winning. She knew exactly what she was getting into since she was in the house last year. She needs to get over it or leave the house.

    2. Omg really he takes u off the block and u give up!!!!!!!!! What a dumb ass. Yall are supose to be a team hold it together and focuse on the game. Thats why ur there not to see brannnon

  1. Part of me feels really sorry for Rachel. I do. Kill me now. Yes, she is a loud mouth, yes she fights too hard and is too emotional, yes she has to take her licks and allow people to pick her a part because she is on tv and yes she is crying now because she isn’t winning BUT she gets kicked in the teeth and takes the brunt of all the crap being spewed. I understand her.

    1. I never saw this coming from you of all ppl, rockstar! Maybe I just see you as ultimately strong & funny, not so much vulnerable or a drama queen like rachel.

    2. I think it’s obvious she has psychological/esteem issues. It’s funny when she flips out to some degree, but at this point I think she really needs help.

      1. If she has been seen by a doctor and this breakdown is for real CBS has to intervene or the liability issues will be huge. Watching a person selfdestruct should not be classified as entertainment. I am no Rachel fan, but this is pretty tough to listen to.

        1. I agree Kathie. I’m all for lying, cheating and backdooring but when someone loses their mental state that isn’t enjoyment for me anymore.

          1. I agree too. I love to hate her, but in the game. If this isn’t just a ploy, CBS needs to remove her and pay for the help she needs. This isn’t entertainment. This is real life and I don’t want to contribute to her breakdown.

            1. It’s too bad Roseanne Barr already has the name “Roseanne’s Nuts “for her show ‘cuz Roachecl could have been the star in that one as a matter of fact maybe they were separated at birth, both crazy as loons

    3. Wanted to see her go but go fighting not in a straight jacket. If it is an act & I dont believe the entire meltdown is an act, it wont work.

    4. I agree. It’s the same situation we saw Jen in during her last couple weeks of season 8. The villain becomes someone we feel for because of the crap they end up getting. But Rachel is way worse.

  2. Vote Dominic back in so some Newbies have a chance to win instead of Jeff and Jordan let someone who wants to fight come back but hahahahahahahaha Rachel needs to just go

  3. Don’t get why everyone is saying Rachel is going nuts – if it was Jeff and Jordan that were put up just how do you think Jeff would be acting right now?? Just as terrible as Rachel is acting, but I doubt anyone would be calling sweet, perfect, America’s favorite Jeff or Jordan “nuts”. Can’t she be upset?? Give the girl a break.

        1. If we don’t know how they would react, then leave definitive statements like this out of your argument: “if it was Jeff and Jordan that were put up just how do you think Jeff would be acting right now?? Just as terrible as Rachel is acting…..”

          I’ve seen Jeff and Jordan during their season and watched Brendan and Rachel last year. Rachel goes ape shit crazy and ruminates until she’s nuts in the head and then doesn’t quit pounding away at Brendan until he’s banging the same drum. And she does the same thing to those around her. I’ve never seen J/J do that. They’re more sane than she is.

          1. I don’t need to “leave definitive statements like this out of your argument” because I wasn’t making an argument – I simply gave my opinion and YOU chose to respond to it.

            I’m not trying to sway anyone to feel the same way I do – you feel your way I will feel my way. Chill out.

          2. Can we please stop comparing JJ to BR. Who cares what their differences are? At this point, I don’t care. I think Rachel should be given a break. And I think everyone should think twice about the ugly comments they put online about someone because you could be a contributor to someone having a mental breakdown. I don’t want any part in it. Just give Rachel a break. I think she is really a good person on the inside, she is just broken up by all the hatred she has received in the past couple of years. She deserves some compassion and I do believe she should get some help.

      1. Never. And the big difference, when Jeff or Jordan get upset, there’s cause to be upset. Rachel gets upset all the time. Usually over nothing. Seriously, to blow up like that over Dani giving a shout out to Shelly’s family? Everyone in the house was againist her then because she was in the WRONG. Yes, Brenchel drones, you read that right. SHE WAS WRONG, and the best part the whole house saw that.

        If these two want to get on a reality show, try amazing race where its all about competing and their lack of any social skills shouldn’t factor in like it does in the BB house.

        1. Please stop comparing JJ to BR. This comparison is pointless, they are different people. There is no reason to continually bash someone when they are already down. Just leave Rachel and Brendon alone. And yes, Big Brother is about competing or else there would be no competitions. I think Big Brother should just remove competitions all together so we can make it an official “social game”. No one competes anyway. So what’s the point.

          1. Yeah, sorry, not going to do something simply because a Brenchel drone tells me too. Hope you can handle disappointment better than your hero can.

    1. No – Jeff would be acting completely different. He would be in the back yard hammock with Jordan doing nothing and saying nothing…

    2. I seem to recall Jeff throwing a temper tantrum about the whole Dumbledore thing – you think he reacted rationally?? And that was over something that doesn’t even affect him personally. Jeff and Jordan getting put up against each other and you seriously think they would be calmly laying in the hammock ——- um, ok.

  4. Every time Rachel or Brendon are called to the Diary room, I shout out: “COUPE DE TOUT! COUPE DE TOUT!” LOOOL.

    Come on Big Brother, bring in some twist to save Brendon (and keep jordan too if possible) ;]

    If theres no twist, then i will come and EAT YOUUU.

  5. OMG< OMFG<WTF….Rachel is really really way far out there! and while Brendon may think that he is helping her, he is doing more harm than good. I don't think Brendon knows how much he contributes, they are so co-dependant. Has there every been anyone who is so suicidal in Reality TV other than Rachel?

  6. How many times is Rachel and Brendon gonna make fun of floaters in front of shelly and shelly says nothing, so funny to see

  7. Well Rachael will be the first house guest to leave on a Stretcher via 911 to the looney bin lol got to love the BRENCHEL SHOW!!! when is the production team gonna step in this B$#%& has lost her mind


    Dani can release Eval Dick back into the game, and when she does, Eval Dick has the “Evil Power of Veto” which saves both players from eviction, and then theres no eviction this week.


    1. ummm I thought Julie said that Dick was a guest for the live show [like maybe host the HOH] not be back in the house
      I don’t think they would let him back in the house, since he has been out in the public, jmo

    2. dick cant come back into the house at all, unless he was sequestered but he wasn’t he has been out in the real world and seen the show. if they let him back in he’ll blow everyone’s secrets and exposes lies. and even if he did come back why would he save brendon?

      1. Oh true. But with Pandora’s Box, there’s always a pro, and a con. THe pro could be that Dani gets her dad back in the game, and the Con will be that he has an “EVIL power of veto” which HAS to be used on both players.”

  9. This girl is bonkers.

    On his way out the door Brendon should tell Rachel the engagement is over because she is too crazy for him. That would make great TV.

  10. I say they can both leave. I’m tired of her freaking out. In one hand I feel bad for rachel, because I think she needs some sort of mental help. Being in the house probably is the worst thing for her. Obviously she is a manic depressant and by being in the house it’s only allowing her mental health to get worst and worst. Now, with that said (before I give her too much of a pity party), it’s about time that atleast one of them leaves.

  11. rachel i know it is hard and sometimes people think you are stupid, but we br fans know that you just act that way, but really look how fast you can do any compition and it just the emotions getting to you, dont let anyone in the house get to you. win HOH and kick ass, brandon will be back next week dont worry.

    brandon and rachel fan, ps do love jj too.

      1. She said she even hates herself. The girl has no self esteem. That is why she acts the way she does, to cover all of that up. I am hoping, that the Drs. talking to her won’t let her leave by herself instead, I would worry about what she would or could do to herself. I think the best thing honestly is if they both left the house. And this is not playing anyone’s side, just compassion.

        1. God Bless you Amy.
          You are so right…

          Thanks for renewing my faith in human kindness.

          These events in BB are real events in Rachels’ life.

          I totally agree with you AMY , Thanks for you post

      2. I was thinking the same thing. Whether she walks out voluntarily or the producers “encourage” her to leave she figures that Brendon can stay.

  12. Alo for people saying for some type of twist to save Brendan WHAT REWARD RACHEL for her bad behavior I dont think so

  13. damnn i.m feeling bad for Rachel.. i think last season really damaged her.. because in the beginning she was all nice & loud a little obnoxious but when everyone started talking crap about her is when she started being bitchy but i guess she was just defending herself..

    1. Come on. Brenchel talks crap about everyone. They dish it out but they can’t take it. If they behaved like normal human beings I would defend them, but they don’t. They talk smack about everyone, they brag and bully when they are winning and as soon as they don’t hold all the power they turn on people, get paranoid and whiny. That’s why we don’t like them. That’s why Brit and Ragan and Monet talked shit about them last year. That’s why the fans say the things we do about them. They earned it. They brought it on themselves because of the way they act. If last season messed her up so bad she should have either tried to put on a new game face to redeem herself, or she should have turned it down and stayed home. Neither Brendon or Rachel can ever admit to their mistakes. They are always blaming others, to the point of being delusional and desperate. They both need psychological help. Maybe CBS thinks its good for ratings, but these two are not well. Especially Rachel. I dislike them both, but I can’t help feeling a bit sorry for her because CBS is using her without caring about her mental health. Sadly, I would not be surprised to hear about her attempting suicide on the outside if she doesn’t get out of there soon. I predict that if she wins HOH tonight Rachel the ruthless and annoying queen bitch will be back, but if she doesn’t win she will pull a Chima and walk out. She is a bad winner and a very poor loser.

      1. No one deserves to be talked about they way Brenchel has. I wonder how you would feel if people talked about you that way. I sure hope all the people who make these comments are perfect angels. I hope you have never said a mean thing to someone or have never had an attitude or have never made a mistake. You sure must have a halo to be able to judge Brenchel like this. I think Brittany and Ragan should be ashamed of themselves for being so ugly on TV. If you actually agree with such behavior, then I feel sorry for you.

        1. If they don’t want to be talked about then they shouldn’t go on national TV and behave the way they do. Brenchel talks nasty about everyone else and should not be surprised at the comments they recieve.

      2. Thanks. You are so eloquent. Do you always react like this when people have a different opinion than you, or is all this love special just for me?

  14. the psychiatrist was prob sick of listening to Rachel’s shit

    she cries about the same crap – I must say I am loving it though

    never know when the table will turn again…hopefully not tonight!

    Team Dani!

  15. Am I the only one who thinks that Rachel 2011 is a direct product of a year being with Brendon? Does anyone else remember the video interview last year with Brendon’s former fiancee and her family? They pretty much affirmed what a self centered and controling douche this guy is…..I blame him completely for Rachel’s breakdown…….last year she was a terror….but this season she is just a big crybaby….and that’s all his fault!

    1. Mike, you called it. Brendon is a child in a grown man’s body who needs constant ego massaging, and he found a girl so self-loathing and desperate that she doesn’t see the emotional abuse he piles on her. She puts up with it because she thinks she deserves it. She does need help.

  16. Wow…. I feel bad for her dont get me wrong, im team dani all the way. But it sucks how a person can feel that way. I know its her fault that she acted that way lsst year but words does destroy a person inside. Like it sucks being hated by everyone. Shes so desperate for peoples approval. I really hope she gets a job when she gets out
    a person doesnt deserve to be that miserable no matter what that person did. I hope things goes well for her outside the house
    anyways GO DANI!!!!

  17. This is perfect Rachel game play. AG is going to fix the ‘A’ Vote to get Brendan back to compete against Dani to stay after Dani gets backdoored.

    Rachel is going for the sympathy BB fix to get Brenda back. She has been tipped off by Production. Rachel knows she is part of the Scheme.

  18. Thinking it maybe time for BB to step in and take her out (after Brendon is gone of course).
    In the mean time the house should HIDE the knives and take away her shoelaces (seriously no kidding). Not trying to be mean this girl needs more help then BB can give her at this point, if its real and not a last minute attempt to get everyone to keep Brendon out of pity for her or fear of her crazy butt.

  19. I am sorry but I am so DONE listening to the boo hoo story and crap Rachel says. I hope she leaves like Dick did because its getting hard for me keep watching. I don’t have an absolute favorite this year so I really don’t care who wins right now. On another note, I love this site!! Kudos to Simon & Dawg!!

  20. Am I missing something? Isn’t Rachel safe? Doesn’t she now have a one in eight chance of taking 500,000 K home to bookie?
    Snap out of it and get your psycho head back in the game woman! You’ve got a way better chance of winning than all of the suckers you voted out in your bouts of self conscious paranoia and I bet any of them would love to be in your shoes right now….

    Oh right… You can’t hear me…geez how embarrassing…

  21. I’m really starting to think this isn’t about the game at all. I think she’s freaking out about leaving him alone for six weeks.

  22. It is a ploy, OH POOR RACHEL SHE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT BRENDON, the game is someone goes home. So take him down and out of the house. She is still there, if she decides to sit on her ass, they will vote her out anyway. Her actions as the King and him the shouting Queen got the other houseguests to this point.

  23. I want Jordan to stay, I dont care if she won last time, she can help Jeff win this time and they can win a trip. I truly think all the old timers will be gone, I am hoping for Shelly and Adam at the end.

  24. I would think that if the therapist really said she was screwed up that she would be asked to leave the house….just a thought…I could be wrong.

  25. In the words of DMX
    “Y’all gon’ make me lose my mind
    up in HERE, up in here
    Y’all gon’ make me go all out
    up in here, up in here
    Y’all gon’ make me act a FOOL
    up in HERE, up in here
    Y’all gon’ make me lose my cool
    up in here, up in here”

    1. I was thinking of the same song yesterday when she went ape shit.

      If she wants leave get her ass out and bring back Dom & Cassi to replace B/R.

      1. crazy women! Yeah who would want to hire you!!! OMG!! I wonder if production and casting crew are getting the runt on this!! I guess ratings is money!!

    1. Thanks loved seeing that again. Rach should review it as well cause in her own words “if this is how you play the game YOU suck at it,” cause right now her game sucks.

    1. LOL – maybe that could be Rachel’s job when she gets out
      use her stipend and b/c a drug dealer like Adam…
      but then again I always thought Rachel was on crack…
      I figured these outbursts were her withdrawals…

  26. Why the hell would Rachal ever want to come back on the show, the public hated her last year ( she cant even get through a job interview without getting criticized) and clearly she hasent changed at all, what was she thinking. I feel sorry for the girl but come on she’s a sucker for punnishment.

  27. When/if Rachel wins HOH again, she will do the complete opposite and become Queen Bitch again and expect people to kiss her ass.

    If this woman is an actress, she deserves an academy award.

  28. Posts like this remind me of the ones on Television Without Pity where people whine that everyone is being so mean about their favorite shows and the people in them. This isn’t puppiesandrainbows (dot)com and we’re not talking about the Smurfs.

  29. straight shooooooooootttter ask rachel why she is giving up rachel rachel says; because dani threw her under the bus when she was doing the right thing.

    rachel’s problem is the people who wont give her a job
    rachel’s problem is dani

    rachel’s problem is production

    rachel’s problem is america

    rachels problem is not rachel its everyone’s fault not rachel ,everyone makes her act the way she does

    lmao still team rachel

  30. I hated that bitch last year and not much has changed this year. Too bad she isn’t going home instead of “her man.” With our luck she will end up on the jury and we will have to see her more even after she is gone. 🙁

  31. I actually feel bad for Rachel. Everyone does hates her and even tho she’s annoying and sore loser, people need to realize its a game. She’s gotten a lot of hate. I don’t think she’s crazy, the game is tough

    1. I thought she was in a good position when Brendon used the veto on her. She still had JJ to support her and a few others. When she went insane on Dani for the shout-out thing, I believe that caused many to re-evaluate their allegiance with her.

      I also think her behaviour speaks for itself. I do feel sorry for her because she seems to have some some deep-rooted psychological and esteem problems…as many individuals here have mentioned. IMO, she acts the way she does for attention and for Brendon to keep her in confirmation that he loves her. Can you imagine what she’d be like if Brendon were to leave her?!?!

  32. If she can’t live without Brenda , there’s a simple solution for that…WALK OUT WITH HIM

    If she was sane I would be team Rachel, but the bitch is not sane, she’s crazier than a dog chasing it’s tail

  33. I hope Rachel snaps out of this and pulls herself together, it’s sad to watch her fall apart like that and I can understand why she feels the way she feels. I’m sure when she left BB last season she read every single thing people wrote about her and I don’t care who you are, that’s gotta hurt like hell….so many low blows about her looks, her laugh, her past, her hair, etc. I’d be in a mental institution too if everybody was saying all the negative stuff about me and nothing about the good things. She’s great in the competitions, she just has a hard time finding people to play on her side because of her attitude, which comes from lack of self esteem and her co dependence on Brendon. Anyways, I hope she’s going to be okay, it’s just a game.

  34. The BEST thing that could happen is that they send Brendon home which will call Rachael’s bluff. If she’s still acting crazy after this, then wheel the b*tch outta the game and lock her up in the looney bin with pictures of bookie all over the wall. If not . . . Then kick the b*tch out for the poorest sportsmanship in television history. I was going somewhere completely different with this post, but I must face it: I have had ENOUGH of these two.

    1. I’ll have to see how CBS edits tonights show. If BRendon is butchered on it then I’ll say DOM will have the votes however if Brendon is seen as the white knight then brendon will have the votes

  35. Was Rachel not given enough attention as a child so she has to compensate by being the centre of attention now ? She is nuts!

  36. So Rachel says that the fact that she’s never won BB means competitors don’t win. Circular logic much?

  37. OMG Im so tired of hearing people say they feel bad for Rachel and Brendon. Your all as nuts as she is, if you feel bad for that whiny cocktail waitress, and her douche bad of a fiance. Its so funny that she acts like its the end of the world if Brandon won HOH Dani would be up and she would’nt act like that. If BR are not in Power all they do is sit around and Boo Hoo, and say they play the game fair and dont backstab. THATS BULLSH*T. I know everyone likes good tv, but wake up CBS this girl belongs in a padded room with no sharp objects. She is going nuts she cant handle the game anymore.

    1. You need help! Its a game and you’re bashing someone that you don’t even nnow in real life. Calm the fuc down and watch the show

  38. Confirmation……Wasn’t that statement about her flapping checks and STD’s said on a talk show with several women, and one of these women host a Realtiy show with initial JC?

    1. Last point for me in these crazy br nuts. If Brenda stayed n Rachill went home she truly would of offer herself. He knew it. I can’t take these two I’m done discussing them. Come back cassie

    2. That convo was last year. Brit and Monet were making fun of Rachel after Rachel put Monet on the block to separate the 2 pretty girls. Monet said Rachel dressed like a stripper/prostitute and Brit said that everytime Rachel wore on of those shirt dresses with no underwear, Brit feared the STD’s would go airborne. These comments were aired on the show so the only way Rachel knew about them is by watching last season but now she’s acting like all of it was said to her face (everyone was mean to her and against her). It was also last year that Rachel told stories of her cocktail waitress job with her clients paying her with booze, being a party girl and waking up half naked in an alley with a death grip on hundred dollar bills). When Rachel herself tells stories like that and dresses like that, how can you not expect people to make comments about her inappropriate behavior? If Rachel’s intentions were to change her image this year, she failed miserably and completely because she is still bringing up drunken stories, still talking about clients paying her with booze, still plays the victim when she loses, still is a bitch when she wins, still blows up at people without justifiction and is still wearing the same shirt dresses without underwear. WTF does she expect? Go home and cry Brenchel, America is tired of seeing it.

  39. Sure I feel bad for her, she need some mental help, but she really really did bring on this on herself….her OWN actions from last year are going to follow her forever….she made a fool of herself and her family, she had SEX with a guy on national tv that she just met…she flopped around in clothes that didn’t cover ANYTHING, and bragged about waking up neked clutching a fist full of $100 bills…(she can’t blame anyone but HERSELF for ANY OF THAT) and then going apeshit over Dani’s HOH blog that was meant as a nice gesture -normal people DONT do that…

    1. Production didn’t force her up and down on Brendans dick. Nor were they holding a gun to her head telling her to talk about waking up naked clutching hundred dollar bills in her hand. She talked like a tramp and acted like a tramp, who’s fault is that?

      If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its a duck.

  40. Why does Brenchel make such a big deal about people being “floaters?” The point of the game is to do whatever you have to in order to make it the end, no? So if that means playing a social game and being on good terms with everyone why is that a bad thing? They are playing the same loud, abnoxious game they played last year and are going to get the same result, no money and a bad rap. They need to stop showing all their cards and letting people know (in a loud way) who they are targeting……”floaters garb a life vest!!” ….so stupid.

  41. Rachel really have some mental issues. She need to seek help. Brendon would be crazy to marry her, she is going to ruin his career. I think he see it too that’s why he leaving.

  42. ok. A) i do feel bad for rachel. Its a tough scenario and she came back in the house knowing all that happened last year and hoping to undo some of it. but…B) she should never have returned cause she has a hard time handling the social game. which makes her a horrid game player. She’s good at competitions but thats only about 30% of the game. She knew she wouldn’t be able to handle a similar social setting as last year, so i dont know why she opted to return…and C) She’s blowing this year out of proportion. I watched her complain to shelley about it and talk about all the mean things people said last year and i was screaming at my laptop saying “that was last year! this is a new year, new people and none of them are treating you that way!” The insults in the house about her this year are tame and equal to the insults the other house guests are getting. Suck it up…and if she can’t suck it up she should not come back for an all stars or in any other capacity. I like her and feel bad for her this year, but i don’t want her to win cause shes just such a bad player…and this was hard to watch on the feeds. its not the same as seeing a big blow out exciting fight…its just depressing to see someone losing it and all i can do is watch and listen to shelley try to explain.

  43. Rachel says that she only came back because she needed the money ..she has nothing .. no job … nothing

    Translation: she couldn’t get no celebrity work handed to her like Jeff and Jordon did, so she gave up on getting a regular job and whined and pouted, til BB called she and Brendon came running to get that stipend.

    JJ are not going to be given opportunities to get on TV shows for too long eventually America’s Sweethearts popularity will become stale and they will be looking for a New couple, hopefully one that are actually sweethearts.

    Regular/Career Job >>>>> Temporary Celebrity Job

  44. Brendon and Rachel should not be on Big Brother.. They wanted to come back on the show so change their image instead they played the exact same game as last year with one exception. This year only 1/2 the house hated them not the entire house.

    Put them out of their misery send them both home let Brendon Cure cancer and get Rachel away from BB it’s not for her.

  45. Last night after BB I had the tv on mute and there was a commercial and it showed Brendumb and then Dani and the writing on the screen said America’s Player.
    Since I didn’t have the sound on and it wasn’t on my tv with the dvr, I don’t know the context but it appeared that you could vote for Brendumb and Dani.

  46. Nobody’s feeling sorry for this pazza. Like I’ve said everyday for the last week she needs to be sedated and institutionalized…

  47. Rachel says she will do better in the game as a slacker than a competitor. Given that it’s a game, and what matters in a game is winning, why have Brenchel been so down on floaters all this time? If what she says is true, floating is a better strategy.

    She’s acting like a petulant child losing something she thought she was entitled to. She also thinks she is entitled to come back to the real world unscathed after voluntarily going on a national TV show knowing the exposure will be as unflattering as production can make it so long as it amps up the drama.

    She’s not nuts but she is childish and self-deluded.

  48. Once a psychologist get called in to check on Rachel… there is something obviously wrong! Give her a break guys! Some of you guys act like you’re better, but you are actually worse. Rachel has a very hard time to even find a job and BB is all she has! How would you guys react if no one would hire you? People make mistakes and Rachel redeemed it this season without going all crazy!

  49. Was she the first to ever see a psychiatrist on this show? I knew she would be an emotional wreck but never to this degree…!

  50. This whole Rachel breakdown has gone from being mildly entertaining to disturbing. CBS needs to do an intervention and get her out of the house. It’s not good TV to watch an obviously mentally disturbed person self-destruct. I know she likes attention and wants the world to revolve around her, but she is crossing the line. I know I wouldn’t want to be around a trainwreck like that.

  51. Pretty sure she has borderline personality disorder (BPD). Most of what she says she doesn’t actually believe.

    1. Agreed!

      Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a personality disorder described as a prolonged disturbance of personality function in a person characterized by depth and variability of moods. The disorder typically involves unusual levels of instability in mood; black and white thinking, or splitting; the disorder often manifests itself in idealization and devaluation episodes, as well as chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, identity, and behavior; as well as a disturbance in the individual’s sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation.
      BPD splitting includes a switch between idealizing and demonizing others. This, combined with mood disturbances, can undermine relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. BPD disturbances also may include self-harm. Without treatment, symptoms may worsen, leading (in extreme cases) to suicide attempts.

  52. She has personal problems just like everyone else does. The only difference is her problems are just being showcased in front of millions of viewers.
    We all know that we’re not perfect beings, but give the girl a break… no need to diagnose medical problems just because she will miss her fiance.
    That’s just proof that she has a heart and emotions. Big deal, some people are more emotional than others and some people can handle it better than others.
    She’s obviously not perfect, I’m not team BR, but reading all these nasty comments makes me realize that no one is really that better off.

  53. I’ve been waiting for BR go all Charlie Sheen on everyone. I didn’t have to wait long. WINNING!

  54. Nobody likes her because how SHE acts! Nobody is doing this to her BUT Her. When she’s on top she’s in a great mood and everything is fine and dandy. When she doesn’t get her way she acts like a spoiled baby.

    Is Brendon a Ph.D Student and is he Rachel’s Fiance? He never brings it up so I’m not sure :/ haha

  55. I love how britney isnt even in this seaon and she is adding to Rachels craziness. Rachel that was last season get over it!

  56. Rachel…… butt cheeks are flapping … and STD’s are flying …

    OMG I cant quit laughing……. teeeee heeeee!!!!!

    Oh geeesh that just cracked me up!!!!!!

    BTW ADAM 4 the win!!! hahahahahah

  57. Rachel is a BLANK but everyone making comments about how she needs help and has a mental disorder is an ignorant person. Rachel has confidence self esteem issues but she’s not mentally challenged. Everyone get off their pedestals because non of the people here have been in a situation like this. Everyone is so confident sitting on their computer typing out mean comments that are low blows. Hope everyone feels good by breaking someone else down to build themselves up.

  58. I’m not crazy about Brenchel, but if it’s not an act this is getting sad. I know this show is on for entertainment, but I think too many of us have taken a vicious turn towards schadenfreude.

  59. I don’t know what to say. It’s like a never ending pity party with Rachel.
    When she’s on top she goes on the biggest power trips and walks all over everyone.
    When she loses she’s all tears and putting herself done.
    I agree I do signs of serious mental illness and self esteem issues.
    Remember when Cassie was evicted, or Keith or just last week Dom?
    In their last few days they never went this low. Rachel and Brendon
    just blow everything out of proportion and the reason everyone hates Rachel
    and she has all these issues is because she brings them on herself. The stuff
    she complains about like “vengeful gameplay”, “cattiness”, “jealousy” , that’s exactly how
    she plays the game. She lies, manipulates and brings people down but god forbid it happens
    to her or all hell breaks lose. Give her break? GIVE ME A BREAK. Rachel doesn’t deserve
    anyone’s sympathy.

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