Big Brother Spoilers – Hayden says if anyone in this house is dramatic, its you Victoria.

POV Holder: Chrsitne Next POV Aug 2nd
POV Used NO POV Ceremony Aug 4th
HOH Winner 1: Donny HOH Winner 2: Nicole
Battle of the Block Winner  Caleb/Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB Aug 7/Aug 8
Original Nominations: Donny’s Noms (Victoria & Caleb) Nicole’s Noms (Zach & Jocasta)
Final Nominations: Zach & Jocasta
Have Nots Frankie, Cody and Hayden
POV Players Nicole, Christine, Jocasta, ZachAttack, Caleb, Victoria,

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9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Out in the backyard Hayden, Cody, Christine head inside after dancing to the wake up music. Hayden says this is the best morning ever. One of the songs they played was: Disturbed – Down With The Sickness. And Korn – Freak on a Leash. They head inside. In the storage room – Frankie comments to Victoria that he liked Miley Cyrus better. Hayden heads out side and Donny joins him. Donny tells Hayden he’s a freak on a leash. Donny says I hope they play Lynyrd Skynyrd – Free Bird. It’s 9 minutes long. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When they come back – Donny asks you don’t think his buddies will let him know before that? Hayden says I don’t know, I don’t want to talk to him because I don’t want Frankie to run to Zach and then blow up. I mean maybe and I guess Caleb because he would automatically assume. Donny says did you get an opportunity to speak to Caleb? Hayden says yeah but his mind is hard to change, I mean he knows he likes fighters but..

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10:45am – 11am Hayden heads up to the HOH room. Nicole tells him that she was just talking about his wake up music to Victoria. Nicole says that she was watching from the top of the stairs. She says she said into her mic “This music sucks!” Nicole says its cool that they play music that each person likes. Nicole asks about writing in her HOH blog. Nicole says so I would talk about how great it is to be in here and about my family but what else. Hayden says then talk about boats and hoes! He laughs. Talk about the things you didn’t expect coming in here. Hayden then says you could talk about how much you hate Victoria and how much Hayden hates Victoria. Victoria in the bathroom says oh my god Hayden. Victoria brings up how guys in the beginning were so dramatic thinking I was demanding. I say can you and that’s demanding!? Everyone else asks for stuff and I’m demanding? Hayden says if anyone in this house is dramatic, its you Victoria. Victoria says never in my life have I heard that I am demanding! Hayden says you haven’t heard a lot of things we’ve told you. Hayden says you’re the princess of the house. Victoria says me a princess!? What just because I like to look good. We’re being filmed 24/7. Victoria says you love me Hayden. Hayden says I do. Victoria says every girl wants to be a princess. Hayden says not every girl.

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11:20am – 11:30am Out on the backyard couch. Victoria comes out and tells Hayden she would like to have a discussion with him later. Hayden says okay. Donny and Hayden laugh about Victoria wanting to have a discussion. Donny says I think Beast Mode Cowboy is ready to go to jury. Hayden agrees and says he keeps saying when I get evicted, when I get evicted. Hayden laughs about how Caleb was outside yesterday wearing the overalls with one side undone and a hat on.. he took off the hat and said he didn’t want to look like a dofus. Donny says these people are characters. Donny says think about how things played out.. they wanted me gone week 1. Hayden says I really do hate .. that Zach seems to be going home. Donny comments on how Zach hugged me every time I’ve been up there. Zach is good tv. Donny says maybe he will have a good speech to convince people to keep him. Hayden talks about Zach speech. Donny says a lot what he does is planned out but not his anger. We’ll just have to see how it plays out. Hayden says I would like to see Frankie go. Donny says he doesn’t like to be around me. Hayden says he doesn’t let people talk. Donny says Derrick is a smart one.. Likeable. Hayden agrees. Donny says he is very persuasive without being head of household. Very persuasive. They talk about Christine. Hayden says it weird’s me out how much Christine touches Cody. She’s married. She touches Derrick too. I get weirded out just thinking about touching a married woman. Hayden says I think its part of her strategy.
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12pm – 12:20pm In the bathroom – Victoria tweezes Haydens nose hairs. Victoria says its going to hurt. Hayden says yeah make me cry. Victoria says oh my gosh Christine he’s crying. Hayden says okay that’s officially the first time I’ve cried in this house. Victoria then plucks his eyebrows. Hayden sings I’m a man, doing manly stuff! Victoria says when you stretch it, it hurts less. Hayden says that’s what she said. Christine joins them. Hayden start using pregancy breathing techniques. Christine says they rarely get you to breath like that, they just tell you to breath normally. Hayden asks if you don’t mind me asking, how far a long was she in her pregnancy? Christine says 8 weeks but I couldn’t even get an appointment until I was 11 weeks along. It was a blessing because.. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

12:25pm – 1:10pm Nicole gets her HOH camera and they start taking photos. Christine goes to take a photo of Victoira and Nicole. Victoria says she needs to be on the other side. Christine says you look the same from both sides. Victoria says no I have a face defect on one side. I’ll show you when we get out. Christine says no you don’t you wear your hair back all the time. Big Brother calls Derrick to the diary room. Donny and Hayden comment on how much he gets called in. Hayden asks what is he doing? Maybe he’s America’s Player. They continue to take more HOH photos.

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The Rationale = Nicole, Derrick, Hayden and Cody
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
bottomfeeders = Derrick and Nicole

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84 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers – Hayden says if anyone in this house is dramatic, its you Victoria.”

    1. My guess would be they save pandora’s box for a houseguest like Caleb or Derrick that way they know the person will use it. All they have to do is offer Derrick money or a chance to see his wife and he will open it right away. And for Caleb all they need to offer him is a piece of Amber’s hair to get him to open the box.

        1. Caleb blurts out “I had a girlfriend who was a drug addict!” I laughed out loud when he said that.
          Also: “I used to be able to type 110 words per minute”.
          I could listen this kid make up shit all day. He kills me.

          1. Calebs drug addicted girlfriend wouldn’t shock me. I worked within someone who spent alot of time in Pikesville and said their is a huge crystal meth & prescription pill problem in the rural areas of Kentucky. You’re either a coal miner, meth or pill head.

    2. I am hoping that someone drops the news to Zach today that he is being voted out Thursday and then Zach goes on total blast ripping apart all the alliances. Would be the best thing to happen in this boring season,

      Will love to see all the cowards in the house stumbling and fumbling if Zach lets loose

      1. ITA, but it least a massive explosion by Zach would be about the only thing left that will be fun.

        These trolls in the house won’t know to sh*t or go blind if Zach unloads on them all on his way out. Would love to see a few days of that before Thursday’s eviction.

    1. WOW! And at the end of the bridge there is a pool filled with five hundred thousand dollars! ha ha
      What happened to Christine’s baby? She said that she was 8 weeks pregnant, but it was a blessing because she couldn’t even get an appointment to see a Doctor til she was 11 weeks?

  1. I keep thinking something has to happen to save Zach….I can just hear the chatter of Production dreaming up something. LOL I really won’t believe he’s going home until I actually see it.

    1. I don’t want him to leave wither, but I think the people that monitor the HG’s have had enough of him. Every time I watch BBAD they are yelling at him to stop doing whatever he is doing lol

    2. Want Zach to stay also, but I think production has their hands full with him. Every time I watch BBAD they are telling him to stop doing or saying certain things. lol

  2. If Hayden goes during the DE, we should just hand Derrick the 500K to not waste time, they’d be nothing left to stop him at that point.

    1. Agree. Hayden and Donny are the only ones who know Derrick’s game. If either of them are evicted Derrick will win hands down. On another note, at least Hayden sees how disgusting Christine is with her hands all over the guys. It boggles my mind that no one calls her out.

  3. Last night on BBAD Cody and Frankie were in the HOH whispering. All I heard was Cody saying something to the effect of “he said Frankie has to go”.

    Can someone fill me in on this? And Thanks In Advance!

    1. they were comparing notes on things zach had said to each of them to keep them from fully trusting each other (and attention away from zach) – that was something zach told cody.

      1. Didn’t Frankie say that Zach had to go? Zach says Frankie has to go? Now that’s true love. True Mantis Love.

  4. I dont want Zach to go. He brings flavor to the house. I love his unpredictability. At this point, I think he thinks he’s staying. He is going to be so shocked on Thurs. Hopefully, he will win a comp while in jury to come back into the house.

    1. i love #ZACHATTACK #WILDCARD i hope there is a competition in jury where a jury member can come back in that would b awesome and the house would fucking flip or they could do like they did in season 6 and let the viewers vote a houseguest back in person with the highest number of votes gets back in the game

    2. According to Julie on The Talk, its going to be a 7 person jury so even with the double eviction, neither will be in jury. Sadly, ZackAttack is Bye-Bye and now coming back.

  5. The only thing sadder than Zach’s impending eviction is that Donny has an extremely high chance of walking out right after him. That’s about to be the worst eviction night ever.

    1. At least Donny gets to play for HOH. I’m trying to stay positive about this one. If it goes the way it should, Derrick is beyond screwed.

  6. I’d like to see someone visit the house. Or a luxury comp where they watch a movie or have a fancy dinner or whatever it is that they usually do. I think they aren’t doing that because of the double HOH and BoBs, they don’;t have the time to be able to also do that, plus needing the backyard for set ups.

    I also think the game setups are far too elaborate considering no one can watch the entire competition, and it gets like 2 minutes of airtime on any of the shows. What’s the point. Why not at least rerun the entire comp on After Dark, if it is something like the dominoes. Not the one where they go out one at a time, just the fast paced ones. It’s a waste to not be able to see the whole competition, imo.

    1. BB tells them “You’re the reason we can’t have nice things” That place is a pig sty! And of course CrazedCaleb has appointed himself kitchen cop because he spent one night watching Amber clean. He bitched that the girls clean up after themselves but not the community stuff.

    1. Reality Check!
      Unless the jury expands from 7 to 9 Zack is going back to playing golf with his bubby not the jury. I’d like to see him stay but it’s unlikely at this point.
      So Hayden and Donny have the house a lot better figured out than the rest……….. What the F are they gonna do about it? knowledge without a plan and action will make these 2 the smartest players not F4 only. Thing is Derrick and Cody have the HG’s triangulated which gives them a lot of power beyond the 2 of them. Cody talks about an easy ride, sure is, but Derrick isn’t letting you get to the end dofus!
      A Caleb HOH right after a Zack eviction is just what the doctor ordered. Then again he’ll likely listen to Cody and Derrick.
      Thought the Kasting pretty good but the results are pretty mediocre. BBAD is a snooze fest. 2 HOH a FAILED experiment! This game sucks when there is little competition. Turning into a very bad season IMHO. Maybe BBCAN 3 will be better. Cheering for Donny but it’s not going to happen. Wonder what Derrick is going to do with 500K?

  7. so how is it when Frankie is mentoned he comes out of the DR asking if he is getting the backdoor the rest of the people have no clue whatsoever?

    Frankie gets some amazing advantages.

  8. I can’t stand Victoria. I hate the fake ass bitch. She looks like a clown when she has make up on and her face is lighter than the rest of her body. She needs some make up advice fr fr!

    1. Nice, feel good about yourself bashing on someones appearances you’re no better than the people in the house right now.

  9. So have a Pandora’s Box that for Nicole’s eyes only is a BB great to offer her some advice on the game and showmanship. Like Evel Dick, Danielle Donato, Will Kirby, Dan Gheesling or even Rachel Reilly!

      1. Would be funny if Skankie evicted during DE on Thurs and he will be thinking he will have one week in jury house with Zach. As Skankie leaves, prod puts Zach back in house. Can’t help but think that one way or another, prod will return Zach or Donnie to BB house.

  10. Hayden better watch himself talking like that, Derek might threaten to break his jaw. nobody talks that way about his princess!

  11. Donny is basically telling Hayden who the head of the snake is and it seems to have gone over his head.

    Funny that Hayden comment on Christine being married and all over the guys. I’m glad we aren’t the only ones disturbed by this!

    1. If Hayden sees it and fills that way about her un-becoming actions how do you think her “husband” is filling, how does he explain that to friends and family (Verizon). No, spouse wants to see his/her better half acting whorish. First thing your mama going to say, I told you he/she was nasty. I can’t speak for anyone else all I know is I wouldn’t do it. You win 500K, end up in divorce court and he/she gets the other half and your next partner know you can’t be trusted because you’d do anything for money.

      1. Unless you a filling up a cup or getting a filling in your tooth. Her husband might be filling something but I can only go so far as imagining what he is feeling. But, yeah other than that I’m with you pal.

        1. My bag ooopps (bad) You must be really busy correcting everyone on this sight (site) keep the good work up God and the rest of us appreciate Ya (YOU) helping us with spelling and grammar!!!! We preciate (appreciate) you. Thanks pal

  12. Hey Simon & Dawg, out of 16 houseguest who is America Favorite Houseguest so far? Either Donny or Derrick. If Derrick wins 500k or Donny 500k, Derrick or Donny win 25k.

    1. I hope Donny gets America’s Favourite whether he makes it to the end or not, just for America to rub Derrick and Frankie’s nose in the fact that Donny is the main reason behind TA, and that their attempts and constant picking away to get everyone to put him on the block is actually working against their own chances to win it.

      i wish they’d put up the options for the next TA challenge sooner than they do. It is more interesting knowing what the challenge options are.

  13. Frankie is a dumbass if he votes out his closest ally. What does alliance mean to these people?!! They make them more often than they take a sh!t. Can’t wait for Derrick and Cody to turn on each other. I’ll just bet Derrick will try to drag Victoria to final two. A slam dunk for him to win. With Cody (who seriously trusts Derrick too much) the odds could go either way since Cody is more appealing to the girls in the house.

    1. Cody is no more than hot air. Derrick knows this and has made Cody his bitch. Derrick will get found output it won’t be Cody who guts him. Hayden would and is made of sterner stuff than is thought… I hope.

  14. Hayden won’t say anything about Derrick because he’s in an “alliance” with him, just like everybody else, so nobody is mentioning his name as a target. I sure hope Donny wins HOH at double eviction so we can see the rats scramble!

  15. Derrick’s in trouble. Donny, Hayden and Jocasta have his number. Yeah I said Jo because she said two weeks ago that Derrick was running the house. Dummy Derrick got rid of Amber, a solid vote for him and she proved it when she walked out the door, and now more than likely Zach. Dumb de dumb de dumb. It looks like Hayden and Donny are teaming up, but Derrick’s saving grace is Nicole, another dummy. She still trusts him. Donny told her to shut around him last week and what does she do? She pretty much spills her guts to him. So with those two solid votes gone, he puts his trust in Frankie and Christine, who were pretty much exposed when Amber left. Yeah he says he doesn’t trust them, but he really doesn’t have a choice now does he? If Frankie is so willing to get rid of his boy toy Zach so easily, what do you think he’ll do when Derrick’s name finally starts poppin up? Christine’s into Cody so that leaves him odd man out. I’ll be surprised if Zach doesn’t blow people up if he leaves, but it’s highly unlikely, and Donny and Hayden will run with that at that point. Derrick’s name start poppin up and people start trading stories, then it all comes out that everyone is in a alliance with him. Who’s his back up then? Lee Harvey? That guy’s working on his Michael Myers stare(which is quite good). Or maybe his new bestest friend Vic. People in this house keep quiet for only so long. Notice I left Cody out, yeah that’s how important he is in this game. Dumb de dumb de dumb. Bye bye Jumpstreet, you ain’t getting anywhere close to that 500k.

    1. I might be reading what’s going on in the house wrong, but at this point, it’s all about pairs. There really aren’t any well-formed three-person or more alliances in the house.

      As for the pairs:

      Derrick and Cody
      Derrick and Victoria
      Derrick and Frankie (?)
      Derrick and Nicole (?)
      Donny and Jocasta
      Donny and Hayden (?)
      Donny and Nicole (?)
      Hayden and Nicole
      Nicole and Christine (?)
      Frankie and Christine
      Frankie and Caleb

      It’s an overall numbers game, but the pairs are most important right now. Taking away Zach removes one of Frankie’s three solid pairs — the other two with Caleb and Christine.

      The house is amorphous. Although there are big alliances, they aren’t loyal to each other.

      Jocasta and Victoria are the expendables because they are deemed weak, with Donny and Caleb on the next tier because fewer people have their backs. Derrick and Cody are in a good position because they are floating between an alliance of Nicole/Hayden on one side and Frankie/Christine on the other (with Caleb hanging on). Donny really wants to be with Nicole/Hayden (or at least Hayden), but nothing has been solidified. All he really has is Jocasta.

      In essence, it’s Hayden/Nicole/Donny/Jocasta vs. Frankie/Caleb/Christine with Derrick/Cody in the middle and Victoria hanging on.

      Although you say it’s bad for Derrick, who’s targeting him? Only Jocasta right now.

      That will change, but only if he’s caught playing both sides. His talks with Victoria and Frankie last night, convincing both to evict Zach, are why he’ll be so slippery.

      As Donny points out, he’s very persuasive without being HOH. But unlike Helen from BB15, he’s persuasive without overt threats and a condescending tone.

  16. I like Donny & Hayden’s talks. They’re both really perceptive. Hopefully they can use that to shake things up.

    1. Even after they, Donny and Hayden, are finished with their talks nobody, including Hayden, knows what game Donny is playing. That’s a smart groundskeeper. I don’t think Donny even said whether he ‘spit’ or ‘swallowed.’

  17. I wonder if after this week’s eviction they go back to one HOH with the first person out going to jury. I don’t see them pulling off an eviction, 3 competitions, nominations, veto meeting and another eviction all in one hour all in the backyard.

  18. I have to agree with the whole Married people flirting/bieng flirted with thing. Christine is very obvious in her touching and cuddling with Cody. But at the same time, So is Derrick with Victoria! It gives me the heeby-jeebies to see their body language change with those two in comparison to the rest of the houseguests… I guess their propriety was left at the door too…?

  19. I like Zach, I do but…I hope they don’t tell him before he gets evicted. He always took such pleasure in watching the blindsides. I can’t wait to see his reaction when the table has turned.

  20. What a surprise teenage wannabe Frankie prefers Miley Cyrus (oh & don’t forget Justin Bieber). I ALMOST feel sad for how pathetic he is about his age (but I don’t).

    1. All Francie does is try to seduce and convert young straight guys. He is in his 30’s and acts younger than Bieber. Poor ole Francie is pathetic aging queen.

      1. I believe the term is chicken hawk although it tends to refer to someone much older going after quite young. Perhaps he is practicing.

      2. Frankie’s 31. That’s not old. Caleb told Amber he was turning 27. Derricks late 20s as well. I don’t understand this logic here. I don’t understand all the hate on Frankie…?

  21. I bet Zach thinking that he may leaving of a door as a jury but may come back and evicted again.

  22. Don’t get me wrong, I am entertained by Zach as much as the next person and hope he makes it back into the house (but with a vengeance against those who wronged him i.e. detonators). But I DO NOT want TA to save him this week. It would keep Frankie and Derrick from shooting themselves in the foot and put Donny in a position where he must do something bad for his game (either way, vote to keep Zach and screw things up with hayden/Nicole… or turn down another mission and have Frankie/Derrick scream even louder for his head).

    The big alliance keeps devouring themselves, let it continue! And please Donny or Hayden win HOH on Thursday so that Donny stays!

    Go Donny!

    1. Donny I don’t mind, but Hayden is boring and annoying. If rather see him Nicole, Derrick, Cody, Victoria, Jocasta leave before Zach. Donny should team up with Zach to get rid of the people I listed. Starting with Derrick lol.

  23. hayden, donny, jaco, victoria and nicole have to be the most boring houseguests ever. no personality whatsoever. please production, save the detonators!

    1. If whiney and mousey behaviour is a personality trait, tho, Victoria and Nicole win hands down. I expected better from Nicole, but her cowardice and determination to tell the wrong people the wrong things is phenomenally bad play for a super fan.
      Instead of allowing people to assume you are working with Donny, you should be up front about it being an HOH agreement. Instead all she ever did was say ‘i’m not putting donny up’, with no reason whatsoever, no excuse. It wouldn’t have taken 3 seconds to come up with the extremely valid reason: it is an agreement until the next HOH.

      not telling everyone that is making it easy for everyone to run around talking how they are working together, which is actually yet again hurting her game.

  24. I would like a TA mission to save Zach! I’d also like these idiots to start putting two and two together. Derrick is playing a much better version of Brian from season ten. Both made alliances with practically the entire house. The difference was that the house in season 10 was much smarter and willing to go bat shit. I can’t believe how gullible the people in this season are, Nicole and Victoria being the sole exceptions. If Frankie and lapdog Cody realized Derrick had final 2 deals with both of them, and Nicole and Victoria did the same (unlikely I know) then the whole house would target him. But the only smart people this season are Donny and surprisingly Jocasta. Both have seen how much power Derrick has without even being HOH. I pray Jocasta goes home because honestly she is the worst at comps and just boring. If Jocasta left and Donny became HOH and he told Zach how Derrick wanted to get rid of him, then the season would get really interesting and Derrick would hopefully follow Jocasta out the door followed by whiny Cody, clueless Nicole, annoying Victoria, and non-surfing Hayden. I’d like final 5 to be Caleb, Christine, Donny, Frankie, and Zach. If Zach and Donny made final two, I’d be probably be okay with either ending. Besides some of his outdated comments, I wouldn’t mind Caleb winning either. If Frankie is seriously planning on building schools in Africa then I wouldn’t mind him winning. Christine… Eh.

  25. Frankie and Jocco has got to go. Frankie does not need the money. His family is rich and they attended Prep school. Jocco is not ordained only a self appointed motivational speaker…..LOL

        1. Yep, there is something fishey with her. She is so uncomfortable in her skin. Way to private for this type of show. Strange “gal”. Not making a very good impression on TV or with the other contestants.

  26. I think this would be a great time to have zingbot visit the house. I can’t wait for the houseguest to realize what America thinks of them courtesy Zingbot. Victoria will cry, Caleb will be offended, Frankie won’t believe it and Christine will say it’s just my strategy.
    Come on BB bring on the zingbot zings!

  27. This is 2014 – no one tweezes their nose hair. There are thousands of battery-operated gadgets that do it without pain.
    Victoria has a face defect, personality defect, hair defect, shall I go on?
    I guess it’s OK for Derrick to hate her but being a pig, others aren’t allowed to?
    I can’t wait til his eviction; it can’t come too soon for that cocky swine and his little buddy ‘dickless’ Cody.

  28. Do Derrick & Cody have Hayden/Nicole completely snowed with this Rationale alliance? I hope they are very wary of it but they don’t seem to be. I really don’t like them together.

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