11:35pm Nciole gets her HOH wine. Devin opens it up for her. He struggles “It’s like sword in the stone”

12:05am Nicole can’t wait until she can take this thing off
12:20am Hammock Brittany and Victoria
Brittany saying Caleb is trained to mentally not give up he’s playing for two people, himself and Amber. Brittany wants Caleb out he’s going to be impossible to beat in competitions.
Brittany adds Caleb wants Victoria out he’ll use her like “pow”. Victoria doesn’t think Derrick will take out Caleb.
Brittany say she hasn’t been sleeping she’s mentally not ‘in it’ anymore.
Brittany brings up Caleb again explains to her they are not going to get many chances to take out Caleb they all know he’s coming after them if he wins HOH, “So why not get him out first”
Victoria doesn’t think they are Caleb targets over the guys.
Brittnay – “The guys.. who is he going to put up”
Victoria -“Cody becuase cody flirts with Amber
Brittany yells out to the frog “Don’t Run with the wine”
The frog joins them. Brittany says at least you don’t have to sleep on a lily pad.
Brittnay wonders why they can’t be given more alcohol, “that would get people arguing”
Brittany whispers says maybe they are afraid of the beast (Devin)
Victoria – the beast
Brittany – he’s smiling again
Victoria adds he’ll start talking to himself again.
They start talking about Amber being pissed at Nicole for nominating her. They think it’s funny because Amber nominated Nicole the week before.
Brittany goes on and on about Derrick being her “Boy” and ‘Adoring’ him being his biggest fan and all.
12:44am The girls have noticed that the 8 person alliance is getting together in the HOH.
Victoria – “I do not trust Derrick now”
Nicole thinks there’s a chance Devin will stay she wouldn’t be surprised if he did
Nicole says Donny is right he thinks that those 8 are going strong.
Victoria – I don’t trust Donny’
Hayden rolls in..
Nicole – “Hayden I don’t know why but I am so attracted to you”
Hayden says that’s the best thing he’s heard all day.
[polldaddy poll=8179403]
Im enjoying the crush between Hayden and Nicole…its cute
Why is Zach always bringing up Victoria name?
There are bigger fish to fry!
Not sure what all this hatred is from. Maybe because she lives in a high class area and could be jealous of that.
No her personality makes it easy for people not to like her. I bet in Miami she has alot of people who treat her just like Zach. Im not condoning it but the proofs in the pudding. Zach’s first assessment of her was dead on regardless how mean it was, its still true.
Just remember what type of players have made it to the end the last couple of seasons.. exactly Victoria’s type, so i would say she’s someone they would want to get rid of for sure.. strong players going after strong players this early is dumb, because others will do the same to them
I guess he cannot stand how she acts. Rude & entitled. Plus she acts like the victim and badmouths Devin every chance she gets and he doesn’t even give her the time of day. Well, that’s my take on it.
Victoria=Zach’s kryptonite
I thought they made up did I miss something?
For someone who says he can’t stand her he sure talks about her a lot
Rude and entitled is the norm in this great country.
Nicole is cute!
Cute as in gerbils are ‘cute’? I don’t think she’s attractive at all and her mean girl personality makes her look worse. She has bad skin, a weak chin and a horribly shaped nose. Her best feature is her hair but it’s always a mess.
Lol. After reading that comment, Nicole will want to get a chin implant and have her nose done.
What medical condition does Frankie have? I see Christine has been quiet since Derrick has been HOH. LOL Normally she would be all in Nicole’s ear. If Zach thinks Nicole would work without Hayden he has really lost his mind. Just because he was saved doesn’t mean everyone is ok with him with the exception of Cody.
I heard some of the other HG’s last week saying that Frankie has poor circulation, and that his hands turn blue in the cold. But I only heard Frankie talking about his skin condition before. Either way, production shouldn’t give him a pass on being a have-not…that would be an unfair advantage. If he really can’t sleep in the cold room, they can give a sleeping bag, but still require that he has to be on slop and cold showers.
Really starting to hate how Brittany keeps bad mouthing Devin who did put her up but had the heart to take her down completely crippling his game, and she still has the audacity to bad mouth him. Her, Victoria, and Christine are playing the I’m scared/He’s mean card and its getting annoying. Thats why this group of girls look so weak because they kinda are. Its so funny how one week I love a HG then next week I literally cant stand that same HG’s. Devin is showing mad class tho, if its strategy he picked the best week to tone it down. Rooting for the underdog for this week, but im sure by next week that will change.
Devin taking Brittny down didn’t “completely” cripple his game. Devin being Devin “completely crippled” his game. Power hungry and egotistical attitude everyone saw. I don’t blame Brittney for not trusting him.
Wow, you just described Derrick and Zach to a T. Devin crippled his game by being too honest. Don’t know why Hayden and Nicole hate him, he told them they were safe and convinced Pow to throw the comp. The only one who should be mad is Pow. Zach challenged him, got his wish and got put on the block and wonders why? I had high hopes for Derrick but he turned out to be a big hairy 1970’s pussy. He talks big but has to backdoor Devin? Weasel. Sound game play but still a weasel move. This guy was busting high school stoners. It’s gonna be great when Zach hands him his ass.
I don’t get this “fear” of Devin from the girls. I get that he’s big and intimidating, but what do they think he’ll do? Hit them? I dunno. I’m a girl, but I’ve never been hit by a guy before. I just don’t see why they keep talking about how afraid they are of him and that he’s so scary. I’m not a tough girl, Devin could probably make me cry, but I don’t see myself being “afraid” of him. *shrugs*
I couldn’t agree more. In fact, Zach is the only who cursed a female, and threatened bodily harm. BUT, they are afraid of Devin. If they had a game strategy it would be to try and SAVE Devin, and use his loyalty to try and keep them safe. Make a short term alliance 3 weeks. HE tries and wins comps, and keeps them off the block and vice versa.
Nicole will be whining hard about her smelly, hot toad suit all week.
Wouldn’t you? You know that has to smell bad after constant wear for a week! P-U!!!!!
OMG next HOH winners have to be Donny and Victoria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone else and this season will be blah
They are the only two that could shake things up with nominees
Hopefully Jocasta is removed this week and its a battle between Devin and Calib on who gets interviewed by Julie
I think Victoria is someone Zach would have liked but she has shown no interest in him so he has to constantly put her down because of it. He keeps saying “shes a snob” and he said shes more snobby than any of the girls back home and he knows snobs” (something like that). I don’t know I am just assuming because it doesn’t make sense why he still hates her. I thought they hugged it out. *shrugs*
It looks like Nicole is acting a little different with Christine then the other way around, she seems different. Could be because of the blow up of the BS, since then Nicole hasn’t really been herself with Christine.
Things change so quickly in there.
I don’t get the Nicole/Hayden vs. Nicole/Cody Romance
shes kinda playing with both of them it seems like
Heres my take on everyone:
Donny- THE MAN, how do you not love this guy!
Nicole- Clueless and at times annoying but shes not too bad to look at
Brittany- Thick-headed even when Devin spoon fed her but she still prefers Derricks koolaid
Derrick- Snake, lying sack of $hit and his game’s gonna blow up soon
Christine- Another snake but at least she’s keeping a low profile
Zach- Crazy but somewhat entertaining
Hayden- NEEDS TO PUT ON A SHIRT, I HATE HAVING TO SEE HIS PEPPERONI NIPPLES and him and nicole are very annoying together *shudder*
Jacosta- Part of BB Furniture
Amber- Wants someone to carry her to the end
Caleb- Psychotic stalker with little man syndrome, I can guarantee you that this idiot will not win another comp
Victoria- Desperate for attention and vile for creating lies about Devin scaring her physically
Cody- He’s tolerable to some extent
Frankie- I called it day 1 that this guy will be a weasel and lo and behold
Devin- My man Devin lol, bipolar but definitely not the villain they are making him out to be in the house or through the CBS edit. He’s at least got some class and I am rooting for him being the underdog
I’ll be really upset if Devin goes, I’m a huge Devin fan he’s entertaining! He forces everyone to scramble, it’s entertaining.
Devin when he’s not trying to play the game, seems like a really genuinely good guy. I never got the feeling that his game or him in general was malicious in anyway. I hope Devin stays this week and at least creates one more week of entertainment, Devin is a big part of why BB16 has been amazing so far! Like him or hate him, he’s good TV and he forces everyone to scramble and play. Devin is definitely my favourite this season, I love him for what he brings to the show.
I am also on ?the Devin bandwagon. Not a bad guy just doesn’t know ?the game and came in too fast and too strong. Go Devin
You can’t love this season, and hate Devin it’s so illogical it’s not funny how moronic it is. The entertainment from this season can be attributed to Devin, sorry but it’s true. So you butthurt morons with your generic “DEVIN GO HOME” comments are in actuality idiotic morons. Once Devin goes, the season won’t be the same it will get boring then you guys will regret wanting him gone. Instead of ignorantly hating him, how about thanking him for giving us one of the craziest weeks in Big Brother history that kept players and fans awake for days to see this drama which is something unheard of. My boys Simon and Dawg barely slept, ask Britney and some of the other players too. Devin’s the entertainment and he set the pace for the season. If you want drama, you want Devin to stay. Thank Devin for the entertainment he has given us and thank Devin for one of the greatest weeks in Big Brother history in week 2 last week.
AGrod, rig this season for my boy Devin! #TeamDevin #DevinLovesHisDaughter #Integral
there goes any hope of a counter-alliance against the BS. the girls in the house just can’t agree on anything.
Brittney: I adore Derrick! Victoria: I don’t trust Derrick now. Nicole: Donny was right about the 8 going strong.. Victoria: I don’t trust Donny.
Or maybe it’s just Victoria..
I am surprised that HG’s don’t consider keeping Devin till the end. He would be perfect to take to the final two. That would almost guarantee a win due to the fact that everyone “hates” Devin!
Whats funny is I know exactly where Zach is from. He says Victoria is stuck-up, spoiled, rich etc. but he is from Palm Beach, the home of the extravagantly wealthy. Palm Beach is full of “charity benefits” and society groups and beautiful mansions on the beach. The smallest house on the whole island in the worst area would be on a beautiful street, 2,000 sq. ft and on the market for 1.5 million. Zach, if you live in Palm Beach you have no right to call Victoria spoiled and entitled. You probably went to University of Florida paid by your mommy and daddy, didn’t show up to half your classes, and graduated with a degree in an area you’ll never use. *Sigh*